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Fashion Police - General Discussion

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I think she may have gotten some feedback, from her mother or a mentor, reminding her of her trials at that age.  She is smart, she probably came up with that herself.  They are not friends and she has been critical in the past.  

I think they need to go back to red carpet roundup with real fashion people for at least an entire season of award shows,  maybe ending it with Spring Fashion week.  Then bring back and entire new cast.  Osbourne merely plays word jumble with various blogs to come up with her ever brilliant "the look was perfect if she had only raised the hem, lowered the bustline, had it done in a different color and asked another designer to re do the entire outfit"/,  Rancic most of the time should be on the worst dress of the week with what she drapes over her walking dead form.  And George is too invested in his little miffs over celebrities that don't use his professional services.


Not to mention him trying to learn a new sycophantic groveling laugh of "please let me keep this job" could pop a lung.  It's for his own good that blood vessel bursting guffaw needs to be put to rest.

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I dunno.  I think at this point the only cache the show has is being associated with Joan.  While there's certainly been plenty of "I watched it despite" Joan commentary here, I have to wonder if that notion is matched by the general viewing public overall. The ratings were pretty good, right?  Seems to me that they may try and grab on to what was common with the previous few years and cross their fingers that it reminds people enough of Joan being there that they stick with the show.  So I'd still guess same panel, new main moderator/host who's one of Joan's comedy disciples.  Which as I said way upthread, seems to limit the list to two or three people at most.  If the network can't negotiate those people, then yeah.  They'll be forced to try something new with some vain hope that the idea itself of bitching about celebrity's clothes is strong enough without any common elements to the old show.


That's the root of it to me. The name of the show has no inherent power or draw.  The concept of snarking on celeb clothes can be picked up by a thousand YouTubers and bloggers picking through press photos.  E! does have the big advantage of direct access to all of the industry events, but then again so do a hundred other media outlets and networks, who could jump into the vacuum and create their own version of Fashion Police in a snap. E! only holds onto this if they press hard with the familiar and run with it (comparatively) fast.  Or it's gone elsewhere.

Then again, the idea of Kathy Griffin taking it may already be sunk.  Cindy Adams already started a rumor that makes Kathy sound like a ghoul.  Honestly, I doubt it's true--Kathy genuinely seemed to respect Joan and I doubt would stoop to what she's being accused of.  But the very fact that the accusation is out there already kind of blocks Kathy being offered/taking it now.  



Edited by Kromm

I guess another thing in favor of them starting from scratch is that Kelly apparently has already come out against them replacing Joan--saying it's doomed to failure. While I bet Guiliana and George aren't as high minded (and need the work more than Kelly), this is again another case of "the idea is out there and you can't take it back".  The second highest profile person on the show saying the show shouldn't continue will sit there in the back of people's minds and create a self-fulfilling prophecy no matter what. probably.



Thanks for this link.  Barbara is megalomaniac and has less respect from her peers than she thinks.  I have always found her intolerable.  She just cannot praise another for fear of putting them ahead of herself.  

I belong to E!'s research panel (they send out surveys and ask the members about certain potential new shows on E!, or changes to old shows, to get feedback).


And...guess what my survey from E! was about today?  Yep... Fashion Police's potential new host.


These seem to be the names that E! is considering to fill Joan's shoes:


Demi Lovato

Brad Goreski

Lisa Lampanelli

Tim Gunn

Tyra Banks

Nene Leakes

Amy Schumer

Kathy Griffin

Alexa Chung

Mel B


To be honest, I kind of love the idea of Lisa Lampanelli because I think she would just take the show in an entirely different, raunchy direction, causing the censors to constantly work overtime, saying completely inappropriate things, going on tirades, etc.


But I know I should not want a host of FP to do that.  I should want the show to be more about fashion and less about in-your-face humor. 


As I mentioned in a previous post, Kathy Griffin did host whatever E! was calling its post-awards show fashion recap shows in between Joan's stints on the network (maybe when Joan was over at TVGN?), and she did all right -- but she wasn't as good as Joan because I don't think she was as interested in fashion.  I think Kathy wanted celebrities to look bad (for the comedy of it all) more than she wanted them to look good.  I always got the feeling that Joan really wanted the celebrities to look their best -- but if they happened to look bad, she was going to have fun with it.


I can understand the credibility that Tyra Banks would bring to the show (as a model and TV host), but she wouldn't be honest if she disliked an outfit, I suspect.  

I belong to E!'s research panel (they send out surveys and ask the members about certain potential new shows on E!, or changes to old shows, to get feedback).


And...guess what my survey from E! was about today?  Yep... Fashion Police's potential new host.


These seem to be the names that E! is considering to fill Joan's shoes:


Demi Lovato

Brad Goreski

Lisa Lampanelli

Tim Gunn

Tyra Banks

Nene Leakes

Amy Schumer

Kathy Griffin

Alexa Chung

Mel B


To be honest, I kind of love the idea of Lisa Lampanelli because I think she would just take the show in an entirely different, raunchy direction, causing the censors to constantly work overtime, saying completely inappropriate things, going on tirades, etc.


But I know I should not want a host of FP to do that.  I should want the show to be more about fashion and less about in-your-face humor. 


As I mentioned in a previous post, Kathy Griffin did host whatever E! was calling its post-awards show fashion recap shows in between Joan's stints on the network (maybe when Joan was over at TVGN?), and she did all right -- but she wasn't as good as Joan because I don't think she was as interested in fashion.  I think Kathy wanted celebrities to look bad (for the comedy of it all) more than she wanted them to look good.  I always got the feeling that Joan really wanted the celebrities to look their best -- but if they happened to look bad, she was going to have fun with it.


I can understand the credibility that Tyra Banks would bring to the show (as a model and TV host), but she wouldn't be honest if she disliked an outfit, I suspect.

Some of those are REALLY wacked out.


The only person who matches Joan's comedic vibe at all is Lisa Lampanelli, but personally I find her fashion sense/taste pretty ridiculous, and I wonder if the rest of the viewers might not too (EDIT - although in the next post, after some searching it turns out that I may have been wrong about that anyway). Then again, Joan's taste was pretty questionable as well. so there is that.


Mel B. is from left field a bit too. I love me some Mel B., but the amusement value from her is spontaneous, not scripted, so it would have to be a hugely different show.


Demi Lovato is a seriously effed up idea.  I suppose she's not horribly dressed, and in fact may bring a less stereotypical eye to the process if she follows her path of "not all girls have to be thin" on the show, but given how shallow the bulk of the industry is I don't see how long that might resonate with viewers.  Plus, again, she's another where any comedy I've seen from her is spontaneous.  Other than that, she's not even a particularly good speaker.


Tyra Banks is such a joke, I'd flick my middle finger at the set every time I saw her on so much as an E! promo if they hired her.  I suppose she can be funny, in a stupid making up her own Tyra-isms way, but can she base it around criticizing other models and celebs?  I wonder.  I wouldn't watch even if she could.  If and when I watch Top Model its to mock Tyra--Fashion Police where the point is her mocking others I don't know if I could stomach.


Tim Gunn would certainly be a totally different show.  They've never be able to hire him away from Lifetime, but even if they did it would mean a show totally redone with an actual critical analysis of outfits and little to no humor.  Maybe that's the only way to go with Joan gone, but seriously, it would simply be Tim Gunn's current fans following.  The classic F.P. fans wouldn't really have any reason to stay, unless they also were Gunn fans aside from that.


Kathy Griffin won't get it now.  She might have (no, would have) been great to continue exactly what Joan did, and she loved Joan and wouldn't have acted like that wasn't EXACTLY what she was doing, but Cindy Adams totally scuttled any chances of that happening by printing gossip that Kathy was out for the job even before Joan died (which I don't believe for a second).  The mere rumor is bad enough that Griffin can't afford to take it now, and even her being in a questionnaire like this means they might just be testing the waters to see how badly that might come off (then again the people being questioned may not know or care who Cindy Adams is--but the press and bloggers reporting on the show will).  I agree that Kathy is potentially slightly meaner than Joan, it's true, but think about her compared to Lampanelli (who makes Griffin look like Jay Leno in comparison).  


Nene Leakes is another "please boycott E! if they do this" thing--for me at least.  Yuck.


Alexa Chung?  Would they actually hire someone qualified (then again so is Tim Gunn)?  Again, different show from the classic though. And unlike Gunn she wouldn't bring her own Godzilla sized fanbase along to balance people leaving simply because it's not an insult comedy heavy show anymore.


Brad Goreski?  Who?  Should I care about some random stylist?  If this was the route they wanted to go, they might as well hire George as the main host (no!).


Of all the list, Amy Schumer is one I didn't expect.  I never thought of her.  I've never thought of her as especially stylish, but she's at base a fairly attractive young-ish (if not young) somewhat cutting comic.  She's not as straight-line to insult comedy from her previous gigs as Kathy Griffin (and certainly not Lampenelli).  Even Sarah Silverman, or to a lesser extent Whitney Cummings are slightly closer to that if not precisely in that direction, but I think Schumer perhaps could skew that way if the job required it (she's both filthy mouthed and self-effacing, so she's "out there" in other ways).  Mind you I don't think it would WORK, but at least it shows some interesting thinking about the casting process.

Edited by Kromm
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Actually, looking at Google Image search, it looks like Lisa Lampenelli has been getting slightly better styling than what I remember of her.


My long-time impression of her is stuff like this (ick):





But some other more recent looks seem much better...






And actually those last two pics are before and after pics related to her losing weight, and even the before ones on the left are much better than the significantly older pics of her in that purple thing and the faux-tux thing.  So she's clearly been working on this for a few years, I guess.

Edited by Kromm
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Kromm --


You made some great points!


I was trying to put a lot of thought into it when I did the survey, and think about each name on that list.  (Quite frankly, I wasn't expecting a survey about a show I actually watch, as most of the surveys from E! seem to be Kardashian-related or related to some other type of show that I have no interest in.)  I was weighing the pros and cons, as well as thinking about who I would personally like to see vs. who might actually fit into Fashion Police and make it work.


I was not 100% sold on any of those names for various reasons, and I even wondered if some of them were just red herring names (people who may not even be considered at all), but I ultimately chose Kathy Griffin (even though it is unlikely that she will be chosen).  I considered the fact that she had done that kind of show before, that she was close with Joan, and that she would not be afraid to say it if she didn't like something. 


You are absolutely correct -- bringing Tim Gunn on would change the whole show. 


If they just needed someone to host, Giuliana could do that, and they could bring on another panel member/co-host to comment on the fashion.  If they need a comic of some kind -- who doesn't mind analyzing red carpet fashion and doling out some insults -- that's an entirely different story. If they need an actual serious stylist or designer in the fashion industry, that's a whole different thing too.


I wonder if whoever is chosen will be hired in time to sit in for the Golden Globes, Grammy Awards and Oscars (this year there was no FP show for the SAG Awards, for some reason), but not on a weekly basis.


Nene Leakes is another "please boycott E! if they do this" thing--for me at least.  Yuck.


Krom, I agree with the points you made and particularly like this. 


Lisa has better style now that she is thinner and her weight was probably the reason.  


They have to steer clear on anyone who has a conflict of interest.  George walks a fine line so as not to bite the hand that feeds him and 2 stylists on the panel would not work. From this list Lisa is the only choice I can see working.  I don't know much about Amy. .  

Edited by wings707

Was there no write-in option on the survey? I'm still loving the idea of Simon Doonan.


Kathy might be okay but she can be too damned frenetic and camera-hoggish, always shoe-horning in her bits. Her history of being on the worst-dressed lists could work for her (comedy) or against her (credibility). She has been much better in the last few years since she's been using stylists.

Edited by lordonia

Was there no write-in option on the survey? I'm still loving the idea of Simon Doonan.

The problem is that I honestly don't think this show will survive with any host where 95% of the audience goes "Who?" when they first hear about the casting. Someone like Doonan might be great if they build a whole new panel, but as a main focal point/host?  They need a reasonably familiar name.  Even Lisa Lampanelli is pushing it on the familiarity front, but she probably squeaks by due to how many roasts and talk show appearances she has under her belt (not to mention The Celebrity Apprentice). 

Was there no write-in option on the survey? I'm still loving the idea of Simon Doonan.


Kathy might be okay but she can be too damned frenetic and camera-hoggish, always shoe-horning in her bits. Her history of being on the worst-dressed lists could work for her (comedy) or against her (credibility). She has been much better in the last few years since she's been using stylists.


There was no write-in option on the survey at all -- and I was looking for it!  I was hoping there would be one because I wanted to suggest a couple of other names.  Alas, I only had the names presented to me to deal with, so I was trying to look at each one individually and decide how well they would fit into the show.  As I mentioned last night, I wasn't 100% sold on any of them, for different reasons, and in some cases I wondered if the people on the list were actually being considered at all or if E! just threw them on there to see what would happen, or also possibly because they may choose to make someone a panelist instead of a host.  For example, is Brad Goreski really host-worthy?  He would be more panelist-worthy, I think.


I was really surprised to not see Mario Cantone's name on the list -- I thought he would have been an obvious contender in many ways.

Edited by Sherry67

I was really surprised to not see Mario Cantone's name on the list -- I thought he would have been an obvious contender in many ways.

Yeah, I brought him up a few weeks ago because my thought process at the time was that of all possible male comedians, he was the clear obvious choice.  I mean I can't think of a single other male comedian who'd fit.  And I still think that there's that big choice here: do they go comedian host or not (the second being a total retooling of the show, abandoning a lot of their audience along the way).

Edited by Kromm

Giuliana announced on E! News tonight that Fashion Police -- with Melissa's blessing -- will, indeed, continue, starting with the Golden Globes in January.  She did not specify if it would go back to a weekly schedule from there (I am guessing that it will not be weekly, at least not yet), or simply be in place to cover the award show season and then end.  So, it should be interesting to see who gets the job!

Edited by Sherry67

Giuliana announced on E! News tonight that Fashion Police -- with Melissa's blessing -- will, indeed, continue, starting with the Golden Globes in January.  She did not specify if it would go back to a weekly schedule from there (I am guessing that it will not be weekly, at least not yet), or simply be in place to cover the award show season and then end.  So, it should be interesting to see who gets the job!

The phrase "Melissa's blessing" is an interesting one.  It more than slightly implies that Melissa won't be producing (or if she is may not be in studio the way she used to be, but instead will only be an Executive Producer).


Ross Mathews would be fun on the panel.

This was my first thought - his talk show was on after Fashion Police for a while and I really enjoyed it. Plus he's a little catty and is totally invested in celeb culture. 


Some people have mentioned Ru Paul - he might be able to give it a bit of that snarky fashion edge. 


Some of the people mentioned would be great for the comedic edge, some for the fashion edge, but it's finding the right person who can do both. 

I hope if he is not given the spot, he tells them he will take all his husband's ceramics and go home!


BTW, perhaps Tziporah could be having a required 15-minutes now that the film is coming out! 

Heartheartheart! So excited to see this!  http://advancedstylefilm.com/


Or - on second thought - dump FP altogether,and develop a show from Advanced Stle!

Edited by Gumby
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Just read that Kathy Griffin is confirmed for the new host.  While no one can replace Joan, I think she's a good choice - no one will be able to be as subversive as Joan was, but Kathy is pretty politically incorrect.


Typically celebrity deaths don't phase me, but I really really miss Joan and it's going to be hard to watch Fashion Police without her!  Best of luck to Kathy!

Just read that Kathy Griffin is confirmed for the new host.  While no one can replace Joan, I think she's a good choice - no one will be able to be as subversive as Joan was, but Kathy is pretty politically incorrect.


Typically celebrity deaths don't phase me, but I really really miss Joan and it's going to be hard to watch Fashion Police without her!  Best of luck to Kathy!

This is kind of a "holy shit"!  Because Griffin was always the obvious choice, but then there were all those viscous rumors about her lobbying for the job even before Joan's death that seemed to eliminate her once that accusation was printed by Joan's "dear friend" Cindy Adams.





I suppose Adams if asked now might claim she it was Sarah Silverman she was printing that stuff about (a colleague of hers in the second article is the first to name Griffin, whereas Adams was dodgy and said "another comedienne".

  • Love 1

This is kind of a "holy shit"!  Because Griffin was always the obvious choice, but then there were all those viscous rumors about her lobbying for the job even before Joan's death that seemed to eliminate her once that accusation was printed by Joan's "dear friend" Cindy Adams.





I suppose Adams if asked now might claim she it was Sarah Silverman she was printing that stuff about (a colleague of hers in the second article is the first to name Griffin, whereas Adams was dodgy and said "another comedienne".

Ooh, interesting.  I was surprised, but only because I thought Kathy had put the kibosh on the idea.  And the idea that Nene Leakes would take over was gaining traction (yuck).  I certainly hope that story isn't true about Kathy, she can go too far in her jokes sometimes but she always seemed like a decent person.  Who the hell knows in Hollywood though, look at Bill Cosby and Stephen Collins, two 'nice' celebrities that shocked me by being repugnant behind the scenes (I do not mean to compare Kathy to a rapist or child molestor, apologies if it comes off that way!)

Ooh, interesting.  I was surprised, but only because I thought Kathy had put the kibosh on the idea.  And the idea that Nene Leakes would take over was gaining traction (yuck).  I certainly hope that story isn't true about Kathy, she can go too far in her jokes sometimes but she always seemed like a decent person.  Who the hell knows in Hollywood though, look at Bill Cosby and Stephen Collins, two 'nice' celebrities that shocked me by being repugnant behind the scenes (I do not mean to compare Kathy to a rapist or child molestor, apologies if it comes off that way!)

Cindy Adams is something of an evil witch, so it's possible she just plain made this up.

Or it could have been as simple as Griffin phoning to say she'd be happy to fill in for Joan while she recovered.  Remember, the timeline on this was supposedly BEFORE Joan died.

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Wow, I always figured Kathy Griffin was so obviously the expected choice that there was no way she would actually get the job. I thought that they would go the opposite of Joan to avoid direct comparisons rather than pick someone with such a similar style of comedy. Don't get me wrong, I think that Kathy is actually the best choice if they want to continue having the same type of vibe on fashion police as when Joan was involved, and I will probably enjoy watching her, but hiring Kathy surprises me by not really being very surprising.

  • Love 2

I heard on Wendy Williams yesterday that Fashion Police will go back to being a 'special' show and only come on after big events.  That kind of bums me out.  I didn't realize how much I enjoyed my Friday nights with Joan and the gang until it was suddenly gone.  And apparently George is gone too.  Not sure if any of that is confirmed.

I think George was offered a position on E! News.  Since FP is only doing award shows there is room for him to do commentary on the daily dress of celebs.  If not this, something else.  You never walk away from a TV show, there is just too much exposure to be had and the money is good and dependable. There would be plenty of time between the new limited schedule to do whatever he wanted.  He was offered something from someone.  

Kathy Griffin is replacing Joan. I don't know. A little of Kathy goes a long way. The really bad news to me is that that little twerp Brad Goreski is replacing George. I can't handle Brad.


I feel the same about Kathy.  I googled Brad and he looks familiar but cannot place where I know him.  I know if I like him or not.  Kathy's  self aggrandizing is tiring.  If she can drop the "look at me" I may be able to tolerate her.  

I had a feeling they were going to go back to a post-award show/special sort of format again, instead of the weekly deal.  What I wonder is if they will revert back to just covering 4 major award shows in the year (only the Golden Globes, Grammy Awards, Academy Awards and Emmy Awards) -- which is what used to happen in the distant past -- or if they will do an 'extended' schedule, including the Screen Actors Guild Awards, the MTV Awards, the American Music Awards, the CMAs and other random awards too.  For a while the SAG Awards were on the agenda, but FP did not cover the SAG Awards this year.   For a long time they totally skipped covering the MTV Awards (VMAs) -- but this year, because the VMAs were so close to the Emmy Awards, the VMAs got lumped in with the Emmys, together in one FP show.


I had mixed feelings about the weekly Fashion Police when it was happening.   On the one hand, I could see that there was a "need" (for lack of a better word) to critique and comment on celebrity fashion for the rest of the year instead of only after award shows.   On the other hand, I think that running the show weekly (for an hour) took a lot of the steam and novelty out of the whole concept of critiquing fashion, and made it less exciting and fun.  It would have been nice to have a happy medium between only 4 one-hour shows a year and a year-round, weekly one-hour show.


I wouldn't have a problem with FP covering only 4 major award shows, except that there is usually a 7-month gap in between the Oscars and the Emmys (assuming the Oscars air in February and the Emmys air in September, though sometimes they will air in March and August, respectively), and if FP only covers those "major" award shows there are a lot of fashion disasters and successes that will be overlooked in that lengthy 7-month time frame.  They can lose a lot of momentum.  There is at least a 4-month gap in between the Emmys and the Golden Globes.  There should be a couple of extra shows thrown in the mix -- during those extended breaks -- just to keep some continuity.


Earlier in this thread I mentioned that I remember Kathy Griffin's previous fashion recap-hosting job on E!.  I can't remember if the show was actually called Fashion Police at that time, but I remember that Debbie Matenopoulos was also a host at one point, and a couple of the guys from America's Top Model were on the panel for a while.  This was during a time when Joan Rivers was not on E! -- I am guessing it must have been when she went to the TV Guide Network, though, for some reason, I thought Kathy Griffin was hosting the E! fashion recap shows before Joan went to TVGN (but maybe not). 


In any case, Kathy hosted the fashion recap shows somewhere between Joan's stints on E! and Kathy was okay.  I mean, I watched the show because I like award show fashion recaps but Kathy was amusing enough at first.  After a while, I wasn't feeling it.  It began to get old -- and not long after that, Kathy was gone from the show and someone else stepped in.  I just don't think that Kathy has the same love of fashion and glamour that Joan seemed to have.  What Kathy does well is goof on celebrities for their personality quirks, bad habits and scandals -- not so much for their fashion.  I think she does better with stand-up than with hosting TV shows.   So, although I'm glad that someone who was close to Joan is once again stepping in and taking the reins for a while, I don't expect Kathy to last beyond this next round of award shows (including next year's Emmy Awards).  I just get the feeling that analyzing fashion -- or hosting a show in which fashion is analyzed -- is not what Kathy really wants to be doing.


One other element to this is that, love her or hate her, everyone should be able to agree that Joan Rivers was a legend.  She had earned her stripes and she was fairly well-respected in the comedy community.  After years of her fashion criticism, celebrities who were the focus of her jokes started to get in on the act.   Some of them began to enjoy being mocked -- almost like it was a badge of honor if Joan Rivers made fun of what they were wearing.  They may not have liked it, but many of them accepted it and were good sports about it because Joan was.... Joan Rivers.   I don't think that Kathy Griffin is on that same level, nor has she earned that kind of respect, so if she criticizes people it will probably not be received in quite the same way.

  • Love 1
I just get the feeling that analyzing fashion -- or hosting a show in which fashion is analyzed -- is not what Kathy really wants to be doing.


As she always says, she'll do anything if they meet her quote! Deadline.com reported that there will be "17 episodes throughout the year, focused on the biggest red carpet and fashion events of 2015 including the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys and New York Fashion Week. Its first installment will air on Monday, January 12, dedicated to Golden Globes coverage."


I'm not optimistic. The woman had her own talk show and couldn't even manage to let the guests talk.

  • Love 3

As she always says, she'll do anything if they meet her quote! Deadline.com reported that there will be "17 episodes throughout the year, focused on the biggest red carpet and fashion events of 2015 including the Oscars, Grammys, Emmys and New York Fashion Week. Its first installment will air on Monday, January 12, dedicated to Golden Globes coverage."


I'm not optimistic. The woman had her own talk show and couldn't even manage to let the guests talk.


Oh wow -- 17 shows?  Even if they did what I thought would be an extended schedule (including award shows like SAG and other random ones that usually don't get a lot of fashion attention), 17 episodes is more than I pictured -- but it's better than a show every single week, all year long, I think.


So they're doing:


Golden Globes (actual award show is on Jan. 11, 2015)

Oscars (award show is on Feb. 22nd)

Grammys (award show is on Sun., Feb. 8th)

Emmys (sometime in mid-September, most likely)

Probably 2 episodes from New York Fashion week (early September)



And then the 'maybes' would be:


The SAG Awards (hopefully this year was just a fluke when they skipped it -- it airs on Sun., Jan. 25, 2015, two weeks after the Golden Globes)?

The MTV VMAs (airing on August 30th)?

Maybe the Met Gala/ball in New York, which will be in early May??



What else would they cover?


The MTV Movie Awards (which air in April)?

American Music Awards (probably on in November)?

CMA Awards (probably also on in early November)??

Billboard Music Awards (in May)??


Cannes or Sundance film festivals??


Maybe a pointless Superbowl show (I always hated the FP Superbowl shows)??



Fashion Police has never covered the Tony Awards in the entire history of the show, from what I can recall, so that's probably not in the line-up.

I feel the same about Kathy.  I googled Brad and he looks familiar but cannot place where I know him.  I know if I like him or not.  Kathy's  self aggrandizing is tiring.  If she can drop the "look at me" I may be able to tolerate her.  

I can't say I quite see what she does as "look at me" any more than anyone else filling the same kind of role.  I mean she hasn't really worked in an ensemble situation in the past, so typically we've only seen her in situations where it's her job to be the sole focus.  Now it won't be, and we'll see how she adjusts.  


And it's not like Joan didn't always take the attention back to herself.  It's just that we forgave her for it.  With Kathy what we probably have to see are the others reacting to her.  Why did we forgive Joan for endlessly interrupting her co-stars, taking all the punchlines, etc.?  Because we saw the co-stars cracking up over her lines.  Frequently.  That's the gap Kathy has to fill.  If we see the others reacting as if they enjoy being next to her... then most of us will start to take that attitude too and "look at me" will play more like "look BACK to me just in time for the punchline".

  • Love 1

I feel the same about Kathy. I googled Brad and he looks familiar but cannot place where I know him. I know if I like him or not. Kathy's self aggrandizing is tiring. If she can drop the "look at me" I may be able to tolerate her.

Brad used to be Rachel Zoe's assistant and was regularly featured on her Bravo show, The Rachel Zoe Project. Once he ventured on his own, he had his own show.

I like this new iteration quite a bit!  I don't miss George's annoying cackle, and Brad is a worthy replacement. I also thought Kathy was spot-on and well suited to the task.  She was able to dial down the crazy and manic - which drives me nuts when she interacts with Anderson Cooper on New Years Eve - yet make the witty and snarky comments so necessary for this show. I also appreciate that the background noises - the constant thumping huffs, puffs and pops on the Joan-led show - are less prominent.  (Between George's cackle and those sounds, I had to watch with the sound turned way down or off -- now I can actually listen to the humor and comments.)

Joan will always be dearly missed but this show is a worthy successor.            

Edited by realityplease
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