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S18.E11: Airing the Dirty Laundry

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And if it's hard to arrange Zoom calls with 20+ people, do they not have facetime? Why isn't Kody facetiming his different kids? A normal person would just facetime or send a text to confirm a time when they'd be available. Ari doesn't remember his siblings? Call them and let her look at Aspyn's face or whatever. Send Gabriel a birthday gift in the mail and call him to have him open it. That would of course mean knowing when Gabriel's birthday is but we have calendars so they could pull it off if they cared.

It didn't happen because it was all a sham anyhow. Robyn doesn't care to be involved with the rest of the family in any real or close way. I do think she wants to be head wife and see the rest of them a couple of times a year as the queen of the family. I think her dream is to be sitting on a dais surrounded by her chicken tenders while the other wives and children pay homage to her before she feeds them Kody's favourite turkey.

And Kody doesn't think its his responsibility to maintain family relationships. He's number one on the call sheet and they should all be coming to him. It doesn't even sound like Kody even texts his kids which is wild. He's just too important to put in any effort and since he's such a fucking delight they should all be eager to impress him and get a smidge of his attention. 

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Speaking of the not party I imagine that Robyn is too much of a princess to cook and her older daughter are princesses in waiting. So why not take Truely and Ysabel out to dinner or is Kody still afraid of Covid in the spring of 2022? Or maybe TLC wanted to film the not party and no local restaurant would let them. I would never in a million years have put together that sad meal and told a 12 year old child that was her birthday party. Didn't they film an extravagant birthday party for Ari last year? 

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I wonder if Kootie and Sobbyn get those meal kit deliveries instead of going to the store on a regular basis. That would seem right up their alley. Minimal effort. 

The meal looked pretty sad compared to what those kits usually offer but many have a low calorie or lean option. It would be just like them to use a meal kit delivery to make boring old chicken, baked potatoes and broccoli that they probably could have bought themselves for less. 

And no way Kootie and Sobbyn each had half a piece of chicken. The kids had to split the other four breasts among the 7 of them. Maybe Dayton got his own.

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In the middle of this interview,  Kody is bragging about how he was so honored to have Sobbyn want to become a part of his family, being that she was a "Diesel jeans model" and she had hundreds of marriage proposals from other men that she turned down. 

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Bingo!! They have no clue how terrible that. "Birthday Party" looked. Guess they. figured it was only for Truely so no need to spend any extra for food or a gift... It's Christine's fault they have to treat Truely this way!

I'm sure when Truely visits, Kody and Robyn expect her food to come from Christine's grocery budget. I guess Christine forgot to Venmo or pack food for Truely on that trip.

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For the love of god. A decent bday celebration is SO EASY. Birthday person picks their favorite type of take out. Get a cake at the market, which are readily available and usually delicious. Ice cream also there.  Swing by target for some really cute paper decorations. VIOLA. 

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6 minutes ago, RazzleberryPie said:

This was a birthday. Make a small effort. 

Why?  They have made it plain that the non-Sobbyn spawn are second class citizens and should go away.  Don't encourage them with any display of affection.  They might want to hang around and get, you know, a dirt bike or something.

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Why is Robyn so stingy with food? Because Truely and Ysabel are not her children. She would never have treated her children they way she treated Ysable and Truely. Basically she and Kody told them we weren't prepared to feed them dinner so my children have to split a chicken breast because you are here. They could have not done anything more hateful and hurtful unless they told Ysabel and Truely to go sit in the the other room while we eat dinner. 

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7 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Basically she and Kody told them we weren't prepared to feed them dinner so my children have to split a chicken breast because you are here.

And when caught short, take the chicken off the bone and make a chicken salad to stretch what you have. It's not rocket science. But then they don't have half a brain between them and don't care what their kids think, either.

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14 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Regarding the saddest birthday party ever, did I hear Kody mention something to Robyn about how the chicken was burning on the grill?  For the love, how is it even possible that this man can't put a piece of meat on a grill without delivering it either charred or raw?  Rhetorical question - I know why.  Because if he's good at it, he'll be asked to do it more often.  And he already has soooo many demands on his pwecious time as it is.  I'd be willing to wager Robyn's monthly eyebrow pencil budget that when he's grilling for his rill family, he can produce something edible.  Anyone else - enjoy your blackened chicken tartare.  

And I can speculate as to why the party sucked - both Robyn and Kody vaguely knew to expect Truely for her birthday, but maybe not Ysabel.  But that's not the reason.  I think Robyn and Kody both knew the date of the party but both of them pretended to forget...so it went somethin' like this:

Robyn: Kodeeeeee?  Why are Ysabel and Truely walking up our driveway?

Kody: Oh, CRAP!  I think tonight's the night we were going to have Truely's party!  You forget to remind me!  You know how busy I am, I can't possibly be counted on to remember stupid crap like this! 

Robyn: Oh no, Kodeeeee.....I'm pretty sure the party was next week, that's what you told me the other day when I was scrunching your hair.

Kody: Well, &^%%&& - get the doorbell.  Where do you keep the Rubbermaid tub of Dollar Tree birthday decorations?   

Robyn: But Kodeeee, I only have enough chicken to feed us!  What are we gonna doooooo, I wasn't expecting Truely, let alone Lizzy Bizzy Izzy!

Kody: This is CRAP!  I'm not emotionally prepared to face either of them.  It's not safe!  Don't dry-cry, sweetheart - this is 100% Christine's fault.  Day'un, get off Aurora's fainting couch and blow up some balloons while I go throw this frozen chicken on the grill.  %$*& Christine. 

And that, dear readers, is why the decorations sucked and there wasn't enough food for those assembled.

TL;DR - Kody sucks, but I was feeling creative.


Aurora's fainting couch!! Lol

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Weren't those helium balloons? Unless they have a tank of helium in their house and maybe they do, someone went out and bought the balloons most likely from the $ Tree. So while out shopping at the $ store why not swing by a take out restaurant and pick up Truely's favorite pizza or chicken fingers anything other than a 1/2 of a piece of nasty  half cooked and burned chicken. I am sure that both Truely and Ysabel left that house feeling  hurt. Kody as much as said to Truely you know Ari got a real party with lots of food and presents and a great cake but because your mother disrespected me this is all you get. I don't see how he can ever make up for this treatment of Truely.

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19 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I don't see how he can ever make up for this treatment of Truely.

First of all, he can't.  Second of all, he doesn't want to - he probably thinks everything was peachy and if anyone complains, it's Christine's fault.

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58 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

I don't see how he can ever make up for this treatment of Truely.


37 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

First of all, he can't.  Second of all, he doesn't want to - he probably thinks everything was peachy and if anyone complains, it's Christine's fault.

Agreed to both.  My thoughts also are that his actions reflect his and Robyn’s feelings: the 5 kids with Robyn are his.  The other 13 kids belong to their mothers and he’s some distant family member( 2nd cousin, etc).  That’s why he doesn’t feel the need to throw decent birthday parties, sit in the front row at their wedding, (Logan), show up on time at their wedding (Gwen), call them on their birthday( Gabe), speak to them at Christmas ( Savannah).   I could go on, but that’s enough. 

His attitude is why certain polygamous sects can get away with reassigning wives and kids to another man on a whim.   The men don’t see a problem with it 

Edited by mythoughtis
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3 hours ago, magemaud said:

If he’s so godly, why didn’t Kody perform the miracle of the “loaves and fishes”? 

Even if he could, in his mind he would think "Why waste a miracle on Christine's kids?"

He is Loathsome!

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On 10/31/2023 at 12:48 PM, Granny58 said:

I wonder if Truely would benefit from a tandem bike

No, since she can’t ride a regular bike. It takes teamwork. It would probably terrify her to just sit in back and have Mitch do all the pedaling. 

On 10/31/2023 at 12:48 PM, Granny58 said:

I wonder if Truely would benefit from a tandem bike

No, since she can’t ride a regular bike. It takes teamwork. It would probably terrify her to just sit in back and have Mitch do all the pedaling. 

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So I am halfway re-watching this episode and Kody asks about how it would be if they lived apart and the kids were more like cousins.  
well, Robyn never lived with the other families. But the 3 originals and their kids lived together in Lehi which probably worked fairly well. Then they move to Vegas where they lived together for a full month in that big rental before scattering to various rentals where they lived separately and then to the houses they all build next to each other. 
Maybe they could have added another unit to the Lehi house for Robyn and the Robynettes, but adding a wife a decade younger than the others and adding 2 caboose kids was unlikely to produce unity. 
I always think of Savannah being so excited about Breanna being close to her in age, but it seems no closeness between them ever developed.  Sad 

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1 hour ago, Twopper said:

but adding a wife a decade younger than the others

Not only that, but adding her 17-20 years after the others.  The first 3 marriages had settled into the long term.  Passion ( if it ever existed, which is questionable) had morphed into companionship and a possibly loving relationship but definitely not being giddy in love.   Here came Robyn and Kody just giggled  like a schoolgirl having her first crush.   Of course everyone else felt neglected because they were..  

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58 minutes ago, mythoughtis said:

Not only that, but adding her 17-20 years after the others.  The first 3 marriages had settled into the long term.  Passion ( if it ever existed, which is questionable) had morphed into companionship and a possibly loving relationship but definitely not being giddy in love.   Here came Robyn and Kody just giggled  like a schoolgirl having her first crush.   Of course everyone else felt neglected because they were..  

I think it was 20 years after the marriage to Meri.  I figure 3 wives times the “7 year itch” would be around 20 years. 🤣

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On 11/5/2023 at 5:51 PM, Twopper said:

I think it was 20 years after the marriage to Meri.  I figure 3 wives times the “7 year itch” would be around 20 years. 🤣

Yes- Kody and Meri had been together 20yrs when Robyn joined the family, 17 for Janelle and 16 for Christine. 

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On 10/31/2023 at 9:41 AM, ginger90 said:

I disagree. For some, balance bikes work very well, which is essentially what Mitch was attempting to mimic. There are balance bikes for kids Truely’s age.

Are adult trikes available? Why not just get her one of those. Truly has enough confidence to tell others she isn't comfortable with her balancing. Is it trikes, or trykes?

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On 11/5/2023 at 12:49 PM, Twopper said:

well, Robyn never lived with the other families. But the 3 originals and their kids lived together in Lehi which probably worked fairly well. Then they move to Vegas where they lived together for a full month in that big rental before scattering to various rentals where they lived separately and then to the houses they all build next to each other. 

I thought the Vegas setup seemed the best, overall for the kids. Even if they were there during COVID they could have isolated as a cul-de-sac. But who know, maybe Christine and Janelle wouldn't have developed their tight bond? 

I will never understand why they thought Vegas was so damaging to the family. Flagstaff seemed to isolate the wives.

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52 minutes ago, Chalby said:

I thought the Vegas setup seemed the best, overall for the kids. Even if they were there during COVID they could have isolated as a cul-de-sac. But who know, maybe Christine and Janelle wouldn't have developed their tight bond? 

I will never understand why they thought Vegas was so damaging to the family. Flagstaff seemed to isolate the wives.

Robyn wanted to move to Flagstaff so they moved. No one was thinking about what was best for the entire family. 

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9 hours ago, Chalby said:

Are adult trikes available? Why not just get her one of those. Truly has enough confidence to tell others she isn't comfortable with her balancing. Is it trikes, or trykes?

I had thought about a larger 3 wheeler/tricycle too but I think she would get teased about it too much for it to really help her. 

Don't they use training wheels any more? When my kids were learning, that is what we used to help them learn balance. Once comfortable with the 2 little wheels, we removed one and they learned how to compensate and then took off the second one.  I also think she should have a smaller/low rider type bike to start with not such a tall one. 

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Is Robyn stingy with food because she’s afraid her kids will be fat? She fat shames the OG wives, and seemed to think that being younger and thinner were her trump cards. Or is she afraid she’ll get bigger herself and kody will reject her for a new baby maker diesel jeans model?

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9 hours ago, Chalby said:

Are adult trikes available? Why not just get her one of those. Truly has enough confidence to tell others she isn't comfortable with her balancing. Is it trikes, or trykes?

They do and in some areas they're called granny bikes.  I agree with @Gramto6 that she'd be teased.  The training wheels are an excellent idea and my husband used to slowly raise the training wheels so they helped less and less as the child balanced better.  That way doesn't require an adult to be running with the bike and to catch the bike before it topples.  The kid just gradually grows into it.  I think that would be less embarrassing than a full sized tricycle.  

Bike shops will adjust a bike for a person's height and also help in selection so they could get help with fitting the bike to Truely.


Edited by Absolom
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2 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I had thought about a larger 3 wheeler/tricycle too but I think she would get teased about it too much for it to really help her. 

Don't they use training wheels any more? When my kids were learning, that is what we used to help them learn balance. Once comfortable with the 2 little wheels, we removed one and they learned how to compensate and then took off the second one.  I also think she should have a smaller/low rider type bike to start with not such a tall one. 

I think getting training wheels is a better idea than an adult trike bike. 
she won’t learn much from a tryke.  The steering is different and the seated position is also different. It is wider and might not fit well on bike paths.  Plus if you try to go fast on it, it can tend to tip on turns. I learned this from watching Mr TWoPper ride one that his sister in law got one Christmas. 

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On 10/31/2023 at 10:57 AM, laurakaye said:

I need a fade-out scene at the very end of this entire show, showing us Kody picking Robyn up from her first shift manning the french fryer at McDonald's, dejectedly getting into the car with her eyebrow stencils melted down her cheeks and her hair full of fry grease splatter.

OMG, this is the greatest imagery ever!!!!

On 11/2/2023 at 11:38 AM, xwordfanatik said:

Those two toxic shitheads have no shame.  How sad for Truely and Ysabel to know they'll never be valued like DABSA.  

That's my first time seeing DABSA...love it!

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Regarding Truely and her bike- I learned to ride a bike at 22 (I wasn’t allowed as a child, and a law school classmate taught me). Teaching an adult or an older child to ride a bike is best on a hill, as they will have the momentum to allow them to learn how to balance. 

It was an enriching experience for me but I am sure it was harder learning at 22 than it would’ve been at 5 or 6. I was also a lot further from the ground when I fell off! But Truely has to WANT to learn, if she never learns to ride a bike I don’t think she will be any worse off for it. 

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59 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Regarding Truely and her bike- I learned to ride a bike at 22 (I wasn’t allowed as a child, and a law school classmate taught me). Teaching an adult or an older child to ride a bike is best on a hill, as they will have the momentum to allow them to learn how to balance. 

It was an enriching experience for me but I am sure it was harder learning at 22 than it would’ve been at 5 or 6. I was also a lot further from the ground when I fell off! But Truely has to WANT to learn, if she never learns to ride a bike I don’t think she will be any worse off for it. 

My husband and I learned to ski in our 20s. It was humiliating to watch tiny children zipping down the slopes, with no poles, while we were snowplowing, and wobbling, and whatnot. But yeah, we had a lot further to fall, and our bones were no longer made of rubber. It's harder to learn stuff as an adult.

And it's harder to learn as an older kid. I can't remember how old Truely would have been in the ep where Kody tried to bully her into riding the bike, but I think she as 12 in the most recent attempt, with Christine's kids and Mitch. It's harder to learn at ages 10-to-12 than at age five. 

Our ski instructor might have been blowing smoke up our butts, but he told us kids learn more easily than adults (which feels right, because it is true of all kinds of things) and that smart people have a harder time, because they're nervous about the consequences.

In this latest attempt, Truely voiced her fears of falling, so she's definitely thinking about the possible consequences. I think Christine said Truely asked for a bike and to learn how to ride it. I would keep offering, because I think overcoming fears is empowering, but I would never force it, because that's humiliating.


Edited by General Days
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2 hours ago, General Days said:

In this latest attempt, Truely voiced her fears of falling, so she's definitely thinking about the possible consequences. I think Christine said Truely asked for a bike and to learn how to ride it. I would keep offering, because I think overcoming fears is empowering, but I would never force it, because that's humiliating.

Yes. I can certainly understand how Truley feels, during my bike riding lessons I saw small children cheering me on across the park “you can do it”, but if my heart hadn’t been in it, I wouldn’t have mastered it. 

It may take Truely several tries to learn but when she wants to I know she will. 

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8 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

It may take Truely several tries to learn but when she wants to I know she will. 

And if she doesn't, that's OK as well.  We are often expected to do certain things but not everything is for everybody. 

She might give it a good try and give up and that's fine.  Nobody is good at everything.

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