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S25.E07: Eviction #2

Message added by Dustbunny,


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Julie should go back and watch the tape tomorrow and see how ridiculous she looked trying to sell a Reilly flip with Rieilly in the background, looking like a death row inmate who lost their last appeal. It was crystal clear she was done, and an entire episode trying to sell her salvation was a waste just by her expression, knowing it was game over.

Cirie once again takes center stage, driving the entire episode.

Well, one juicy tidbit...Jared crushing on Blue. Let's see that on screen.

MeMe....exactly how old is she to be lumped in with the oldies? She looks to me like she belongs with the young ones.

See that last-second shot of the HOH contest "Snot" something with giant noses? This show had become so f'ing juvenile you'd think its target audience was 5th graders.

Anyway, somewhere in the multiverse, there is a universe where Reilly did not target Kirstin and someone else went home, and Kirstin was the one to rally the votes to save Reilly...in our universe, somewhere in America, Kirstin is laughing.

Edited by North of Eden
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12 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

See that last-second shot of the HOH contest "Snot" something with giant noses? This show had become so f'ing juvenile you'd think its target audience was 5th graders.

When I saw the nose, I flashed on that kids comp show (Double Dare?) where they used to slide through goop and pick “boogers” out of big plastic noses. This is what we’ve come to: getting comp ideas from Nickelodeon. 

I don’t even understand the point of going through the eviction vote by vote. Once a few have been cast, it’s obvious how the rest are going. I don’t need to see the fake sadness and the endless shout-outs. Just show one or two votes, give us the final tally, and get on with it.

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So much for the big blindsight.  Riley didn't even get a sympathy vote.  Everyone, including Cirie - went lock step with Hasim's HOH.

Cirie winning would be Boring.  She's a professional reality TV show contestant.  I want to see someone else given a chance.

The "big twist" of she and her son in the house is Boring.  BB has had other family members in the same season before.

Edited by inandout
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16 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I don’t even understand the point of going through the eviction vote by vote.

Yeah, honestly once Jag voted for Reilly it was obvious it was gonna be unanimous so I just FF’d til Julie announced the votes. And shocker it was unanimous.

Hisam is just pissed he didn’t get picked to be in the group with the bros and babes. He thinks he’s too good to be with all those other people.

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It really made no sense to evict Reilly.  It seems one person, Hisam, wanted her out because it benefits him.

The reasons I see to keep Reilly over Cameron:

1. Reilly would target Hisam, a comp beast, and not any of them (i.e. Cirie, Izzy, Felicia).  A plus here is that she has proven to be good at comps.  Hisam would also target Reilly again and, if the vote to save Reilly were basically unanimous, he can't target everyone for not acceding to his HOH will.  And, Hisam can't compete in HOH, so his threat is temporarily diminished.   

2. Hisam put Jared's name in his mouth as someone to eliminate right in front of Cirie.  How can she allow this?

3. Reilly already saved Jared.  Cirie should like that.

4. Reilly promised to save Cirie and Felicia long term.  Maybe not true, but did Cameron ever make such a promise?  Felicia was not Reilly's target but on the block because people would not vote her out and would vote out house target Kirsten.

6. Hisam is bossy and has a big ego and didn't care to even acknowledge what anyone else had to say.

7. If it was genuine, Hisam's conversation with America about being aligned with people he doesn't want to be aligned with, does not bode well for his continued loyalty.  He might have been playing America, but his harping on how Reilly split the house (I don't see it-she took two younger people down and left one older person and one younger person on the block; the younger person everyone in the house united in wanting out.  What divided the house is that the handful alliance were in the same room and likes each other.  They then added three more people, including Jared and not Cirie.  Jared reported this to Cirie and they formed a counter alliance against the handful alliance even though Cirie already had the bye, bye bitches alliance.), indicates he believes her actions caused him to be aligned with people he doesn't want to be aligned with.

8. Hisam's veto speech was nasty and undeserved.  Reilly might have planned on targeting Hisam but she is not the great evil to warrant such a speech.  Do you want that vindictiveness turned against you at some point?

9. Reilly is a better, more interesting player.  Cameron has done nothing and throws comps.  At least Reilly is trying to compete and not using laying low as a strategy.

10. A personal one.  Reilly is cute, seems nice and is likeable.  Cameron is a big haired doofus who adds nothing to the show.  I want to look at Reilly, not Cameron!

In short, Reilly should have stayed. 

I also hate that votes have to be unanimous.  Stop worrying about pissing off the HOH and vote for your friend, even if the vote will be meaningless.  That is what real friends do.  I know Reilly, knowing the outcome, told them to vote against her, but what harm would it have been if Jag and Matt acknowledged the already known fact that they are Reilly's friends and show her some love?

PTB, find a way to send Reilly back into that house!


Felicia whispered that she would be coming back to Reilly while saying goodbye.


I also heard this in the outro: "it depends when we merge with the other house."

That would truly be the unexpected that we are supposed to expect.  I am putting the idea out into the multiverse.  The multiverse wants it, so make it so!


Edited by Bazinga
  • Like 6
2 hours ago, Bazinga said:

PTB, find a way to send Reilly back into that house!

No way no how will she come back.  Julie told her about Cirie and Jared's relationship.  That seals the deal that she can't return having been given that secret information.

And I don't care that she was voted out.  She started the house split immediately by founding that silly "Handful + 3" alliance right off the bat thus immediately creating the boring two sides of the house scenario.  She basically did herself in with her need for over playing just like Hisam is doing too.  Two peas in a pod.

Reilly did know how to "present" herself during her exit interview so the TV viewers would think well of her.  I'll give her that.  It was almost like an audition to any other reality show out there that said "I'm available, cast me."

Now that she is gone hopefully her old alliance will split up and the other side as well and maybe we can have some interesting new alignments.  And given that both sides seemed pissed off at Hisam he may well be gone sooner than later.  This makes the game more wide open and a free for all which is better entertainment from my pov.

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54 minutes ago, Skooma said:

She started the house split immediately by founding that silly "Handful + 3" alliance right off the bat thus immediately creating the boring two sides of the house scenario. 

I am not sure, but wasn't the 'bye, bye bitches' alliance first or pretty simultaneous and then 'the professors' was a response to 'the handful' not including Cirie, who already had the 'bbb' alliance?  I don't get why Reilly is wrong for forming an alliance when everyone was forming alliances.  I think there was one even before 'the handful' that fizzled that included or was initiated by Kirsten.


No way no how will she come back.  Julie told her about Cirie and Jared's relationship.  That seals the deal that she can't return having been given that secret information.

I realized that.  I still want Reilly back.  Perhaps everyone will be let in on the Cirie/Jared secret before she reenters.  The pressure cooker was the competition Kasar came back for, I believe.  Maybe this will be the same situation.

Julie couldn't wait to tell Reilly and Kirsten about C/J.  It is such a great twist.<sarcasm>. 

Edited by Bazinga
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2 minutes ago, Bazinga said:

I am not sure, but wasn't the 'bye, bye bitches' alliance first or pretty simultaneous and then 'the professors' was a response to 'the handful' not including Cirie, who already had the 'bbb' alliance?  I don't get why Reilly is wrong for forming an alliance when everyone was forming alliances.  I think there was one even before 'the handful' that fizzled that included or was initiated by Kirsten.

No, the Handful was the very first alliance.  Her forming it almost immediately started the scramble of the "leftovers" houseguests to band together first with the BBB then bringing in the other leftovers when it was clear Reilly had half the house in her pocket.

56 minutes ago, Skooma said:

Her forming it almost immediately started the scramble of the "leftovers" houseguests to band together first with the BBB then bringing in the other leftovers when it was clear Reilly had half the house in her pocket.

OK, thank you for the correction.  I still don't see it as her fault for splitting the house by forming an alliance or formalizing friendships into an alliance.  The problem, as I see it, is her alliance got outed by Jared to Cirie and Cirie didn't like that she was not included, so formed 'the professors' to counter 'the handful'.  If Cirie had happened to be included in 'the handful', she would not have had a problem and would not have formed counter alliances.  I recall others were making alliances, too, at or about the same time, some shown and some probably not shown on the episodes.  People know they need to be in an alliance on Big Brother.  I don't like the whole, "it's wrong if you do it but OK that I do it."  So hypocritical.  I really don't think Cirie Fields, of all people, was sitting back and not making or entering into alliances and just waited until an alliance formed without her in order to put together a counter alliance of those excluded by the first alliance.  That doesn't make sense to me.  I seem to recall there being a main alliance early on with Cirie, before 'the handful', 'bye, bye, bitches', and 'the professors'.  Am I just imagining that?

To me, the whole thing seems so anti Reilly and pro, righteous, Cirie (and Hisam).  I don't think Reilly did anything wrong here or at least not anything that they all don't do, too, to make her the villain. 


This makes the game more wide open and a free for all which is better entertainment from my pov.

But, it always ends up being a core group (here Cirie, Jared, Izzy, Felicia, maybe Hisam) that picks off the enemy and is helped by those who are scared to go against this group out of fear of being targeted, or they think they are part of the core group, but are not really, or they wait until the proverbial "right time" but never make their move, though they threaten to do so in the diary room, until it is too late and they have no one left to counter the core group.  I actually prefer power shifting between two sides of the house and not one group holding sway.  JMO.

Edited by Bazinga
  • Like 4
4 hours ago, Skooma said:

And I don't care that [Reilly] was voted out.  She started the house split immediately by founding that silly "Handful + 3" alliance right off the bat thus immediately creating the boring two sides of the house scenario.  She basically did herself in with her need for over playing just like Hisam is doing too.  Two peas in a pod.

Ok - so here’s what Reilly did Week 1:

  • Established her F2 ride-or-die partner (Matt).
  • Got wired in on an initial alliance (Handful).

So, which of these moves isn’t straight out of the BB 101 playbook?

Reilly did not do anything which wasn’t straightforward BB boilerplate play - and the fact she was able to so quickly form a 2-layer alliance right out of the gate with sufficient personnel to (conceivably) drive the House votes is IMHO a point to her credit, not her detriment.

Reilly’s strategy was surprisingly good (and this coming from someone who wasn’t particularly a Reilly fan in the first place) but she encountered one wrinkle which totally futzed up her game and sent her out the FD: Jared - or, more specifically, the Production machinations which redirected Jared’s gameplay away from simple self-interest (which would’ve pushed Jared towards being all-in on Handful+3 for at least the first 2 or 3 votes) and towards a course designed to protect both him AND his mother (which forced him into his double agent role).


4 hours ago, Skooma said:

No, the Handful was the very first alliance. 

Yeah; if I’m not mistaken, there’s one alliance which is the “very first alliance” every single season.  And some (most? all?) of those HGs not in that first alliance are generally pretty quick to form the second alliance (usually right behind #1).

None of this was especially egregious gameplay - or, at least, certainly not as heinous as Hisam would have everybody believe*.

* Or as Hisam would tell everybody to believe, take your pick.

Edited by Nashville
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Welcome back to "The Cirie Show!" Starring: Cirie! Also featuring: some other people I guess! Let's see what Cirie has to say about the two nominees! Who does Cirie think should be evicted? Which would be better for Cirie's game? Stay tuned, there's more Cirie on the way!

Honestly . . . I think it's a huge mistake to frame this entire season around Cirie. Aside from hard-core Cirie fans who are all in for 24/7 Cirie, there have to be BB fans who don't watch Survivor and are either baffled why the whole show seems to revolve around her or are pissed off like me that it is. I totally forgot there was even someone named Mecole and someone named Red.

There are 15 freaking people in this house (now 14). I don't care if Cirie really is driving the decisions and manipulating everyone else, she's not even on the block or HoH so the whole show shouldn't be about what she thinks about what's going on. Unless, of course . . . the season is blatantly and deliberately set up to revolve around Cirie and give her that big win her fans have been waiting for. And it's more and more obvious, that's what it is.

This is why I'm having such a hard time getting into this season. I don't really have anyone to root for because there doesn't seem to be any point. 

P.S. Julie? Top knots are for Shih Tzus and I Dream of Jeannie.

Edited by iMonrey
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7 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Welcome back to "The Cirie Show!" Starring: Cirie! Also featuring: some other people I guess! Let's see what Cirie has to say about the two nominees! Who does Cirie think should be evicted? Which would be better for Cirie's game? Stay tuned, there's more Cirie on the way!

Honestly . . . I think it's a huge mistake to frame this entire season around Cirie. Aside from hard-core Cirie fans who are all in for 24/7 Cirie, there have to be BB fans who don't watch Survivor and are either baffled why the whole show seems to revolve around her or are pissed off like me that it is. I totally forgot there was even someone named Mecole and someone named Red.

There are 15 freaking people in this house (now 14). I don't care if Cirie really is driving the decisions and manipulating everyone else, she's not even on the block or HoH so the whole show shouldn't be about what she thinks about what's going on. Unless, of course . . . the season is blatantly and deliberately set up to revolve around Cirie and give her that big win her fans have been waiting for. And it's more and more obvious, that's what it is.

This is why I'm having such a hard time getting into this season. I don't really have anyone to root for because there doesn't seem to be any point. 

P.S. Julie? Top knots are for Shih Tzus and I Dream of Jeannie.

Agreed on all of this and I'm saying this as someone who rooted for her on SURVIVOR. It's apparent what they are doing....they believe she is their meal ticket and that's the way they are playing it and you better believe the first time she's in danger well golly here comes the Scrambleverse to save her!

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Ok - so here’s what Reilly did Week 1:

  • Established her F2 ride-or-die partner (Matt).
  • Got wired in on an initial alliance (Handful).

So, which of these moves isn’t straight out of the BB 101 playbook?

None.  And Hisam's reaction to being her target is also boilerplate.  That's what I've been saying.  She did the "play too hard out of the gate and set up a big alliance" thing so of course anybody with any sense especially if they know they are one of her targets would try and take here out.

Poor play on Reilly's part and poor execution (rubbing everybody the wrong way with arrogance) by Hisam.  Two people playing too hard from the get go.  One is gone and one is disliked by most of the remaining houseguests. 

Hisam should be out next except the "bigger fish to fry" stuff will probably kick in and then he won't be. These houseguests after all have the attention spans of squirrels.

7 hours ago, Bazinga said:

Me:  Somehow this got in here and I don't know how to get it out or post below it.   🤪

Edited by Skooma
19 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Julie should go back and watch the tape tomorrow and see how ridiculous she looked trying to sell a Reilly flip with Rieilly in the background, looking like a death row inmate who lost their last appeal. It was crystal clear she was done, and an entire episode trying to sell her salvation was a waste just by her expression, knowing it was game over.

Cirie once again takes center stage, driving the entire episode.

Well, one juicy tidbit...Jared crushing on Blue. Let's see that on screen.

MeMe....exactly how old is she to be lumped in with the oldies? She looks to me like she belongs with the young ones.

See that last-second shot of the HOH contest "Snot" something with giant noses? This show had become so f'ing juvenile you'd think its target audience was 5th graders.

Anyway, somewhere in the multiverse, there is a universe where Reilly did not target Kirstin and someone else went home, and Kirstin was the one to rally the votes to save Reilly...in our universe, somewhere in America, Kirstin is laughing.

Yes ! After all these years I'm really tired of so much time spent teasing that someone may be safe, when it's quite obvious that person is being evicted ! It's get really boring. And also, I know they all had their reasons "for their game " or whatever lame reason they use for voting like they do, but every single person falling in line and voting to evict Reilly just sits wrong with me. And yeah, I know if 1 or 2 or even 3 people threw a sympathy vote would cause the others to side-eye them, but still. 

Also, I missed a couple shows last week and am not going back to watch, so I've had limited exposure to Hisam, but I really can't stand that dude ! End of rant.

Edited by willco
Silly spelling mistake
  • Like 7
40 minutes ago, willco said:

And also, I know they all had their reasons "for they're game " or whatever lame reason they use for voting like they do, but every single person falling in line and voting to evict Reilly just sits wrong with me. And yeah, I know if 1 or 2 or even 3 people threw a sympathy vote would cause the others to side-eye them, but still.

It doesn't even make sense to me as a strategy. So what if five people vote to evict Cameron while seven vote Reilly? Hisam isn't eligible to play for HoH and even if they are suspected of voting "wrong" they can just spin it and plant the idea that someone on his side was against. Chaos ensues. Everyone voting in lockstep if they don't have the numbers to change things just seems like really lazy gameplay.

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I seem to be in the minority here but I completely agree with this vote. Reilly appeared to me to be a better player than Cameron and therefore a bigger threat and needed to be eliminated. The unanimous vote while not necessary, kept Hisam completely clueless as to what they plan for him this week. They want to keep his pompous ass completely happy and secure till veto ceremony so they don’t have to deal with him for half the week and he won’t have time to prevent being on the block. 

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Skooma said:

None.  And Hisam's reaction to being her target is also boilerplate.  That's what I've been saying.  

But that’s kinda the point: Hisam’s reaction was not boilerplate - far from it, in fact.  Boilerplate HoH-winning-but-not-using-PoV speeches (which we’ve heard dozens of times before) go something like this:


Reilly and Cameron have been targeted for eviction, but I have the power to veto one of the nominations.  Because Jag went to the Nether Region, he is not eligible as a replacement nominee.

After careful consideration, I have decided… NOT to use the Power of Veto.

I love both of you and want you to know there is nothing personal in this decision; it’s purely strategic.  I already have enough blood on my hands, and didn’t want to add to it by using the PoV and having to put yet another houseguest on the Block.

I wish both of you the best of luck in your campaigning to stay in the House.


Strictly a strategic decision, nothing personal, just no more BOMH please, best of luck to you both, etc.  Generic, one-size-fits-all: that’s what “boilerplate” means.

Hisam’s speech, on the other hand, was… not:


Reilly and Cameron have been targeted for eviction, but I have the power to veto one of the nominations.  Because Jag went to the Nether Region, he is not eligible as a replacement nominee.

I have decided… NOT to use the Power of Veto.

Reilly, I love you, but unfortunately you’re my target. You mentioned my name, and your HoH reign caused the House to split prematurely. I’m hoping that my houseguests will help me vote Reilly OUT - and give us all an opportunity to re-establish relationships and figure out who we want to be aligned with.


Frankly, the generic short-form PoV speech would’ve probably served Hisam better - because boil his speech down to bullet points, and what do you have?  Hisam telling every HG in the House - ally and enemy alike - to evict Reilly because:

  1. Reilly mentioned his name as a potential target - an absolutely fair point.
  2. Reilly caused the House to be split “prematurely” - and what defines whether the split was premature?  Purely personal perspective - so this point will only be perceived as valid by those HGs who already agreed with Hisam in the first place, and rejected by those HGs who don’t.  Not garnering much in the way of new/additional support with that’un, dude.
  3. Hisam’s third point here is the… well, the weirdest, and potentially the most damaging to Hisam: evict Reilly, and everybody gets the chance at an… alliance redux.  This one is really worth thinking about, because Hisam is basically saying to his alliance members’ faces that they aren’t who he wants to be in an alliance with; he was simply forced to align with them after Reilly “prematurely” forced his hand.  And Hisam wants a do-over.

I don’t know about anybody else, but this SURE ain’t what I’d want to be saying leading up to a week where I can’t compete for HoH - and not exactly boilerplate.  😉

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7 hours ago, MsMalin said:

And what do we have to do to stop the shout outs?!

Make anyone doing  a shout out be banned from participating in the next HOH completion and be put on slop for the rest of the entire game maybe. 

Yeah I too really really hate all these stupid shout outs


And regards below, I misunderstood you, Nashville.  By Hisam's reaction I thought you meant going after her and putting her on the block.  That's what I meant that he was doing what others do in that situation. 

I also noted in that post "Poor play on Reilly's part and poor execution (rubbing everybody the wrong way with arrogance) by Hisam."  So we agree that the POV speech was not Hisam's finest moment.

I was just doing a bit of "Cool Hand Luke" here and failing to communicate so you understood what I meant.  Sorry.

7 hours ago, Nashville said:

But that’s kinda the point: Hisam’s reaction was not boilerplate - far from it, in fact.  Boilerplate HoH-winning-but-not-using-PoV speeches (which we’ve heard dozens of times before) go something like this:



Edited by Skooma
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I seem to be in the minority here but I completely agree with this vote. Reilly appeared to me to be a better player than Cameron and therefore a bigger threat and needed to be eliminated.

I think most people agree that, logically and strategically, Reilly was the right choice to evict. It's just that Hisam has made everyone hate him so the audience doesn't want to him get what he wants. People were hoping for a "fuck you Hisam" vote.

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I actually liked Hisam. He reminds me so much of my favorite brother- in-law, I just felt fond of him. Up until the point where he called a meeting of his alliance, asked people what they thought and the wouldn't let them answer. It was directed at one of the women primarily  and seemed misogynistic to me.

Now I see him for who he is. He believes himself to be the smartest person in the room and expects others to follow his lead because he knows best. He doesn't collaborate with others, he manipulates them.

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Message added by Dustbunny,


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