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Sounds like Cameron is still talking in “fucking riddles!” (insert image of an angry Blue flapping her arms here) which does give me hope that he’s planning something big. But even if he puts up 2 (3 with veto used) power players, I expect it will end up with someone like Felicia going home. The status quo won’t change, but it will be fun to watch them squirm! 

My best hope is that Jared is the one who goes. At least feeds will be 90% less icky.

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I would really like for Cameron to make a big move.

I do worry that his big move is through a backdoor when we all know that'll immediately fail, so I hope he knows to nominate his targets outright (which I think he does; he's talked about no backdoors today).

But, like, I'm still worried that this was all of us reading into something that may just be Creepy Cameron being his weirdo self.

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3 minutes ago, pennben said:

He seems to want Izzie gone. 

Definitely wants Izzy gone. 

But hey, that's still SOMEthing. As I said before, I knew Cameron knew enough to know who he SHOULD be targeting, he just seemed like he wanted to achieve it through a moronic backdoor. Now it sounds like he not THAT stupid, which is great news for us!

We just need Cirie or Jared to be the replacement nom if either Felicia or Izzy win POV (or if Cirie or Jared wins POV and takes Felicia or Izzy off), because if it is not Jared/Cirie as the replacement nom, whoever else is put there WILL go home over Felicia/Izzy.

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Yeah, Cameron and Izzy have kind of hated each other since about day 1. At least Izzy has hated him and he doesn’t like her. Felicia is going to unload! She already is to Cameron. Oh man, Felicia vs Izzy is better for team feeds than Cirie vs Izzy. Good times ahead!

Edited by Katesus7
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5 minutes ago, blixie said:

Jared is bro'ing down with Cam I hate him so much. SO MUCH.

I flipped on the feeds to watch the fun, but couldn't take the Cam/Jared convo.  As much as I love the fact that the noms are the first shot at Cirie's direct crew, I can't stand watching Cam gloat about what a genius he is--especially to Jared of all people.  

I hope Cam remembers this moment when Julile inevitably spills the beans to Cam about the Cirie/Jared connection.  Knowing Cam though, he will probably say that he knew that from Day One due to his special ops training.

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Cam talking to Izzy and she compliments him on a great nomination ceremony.  Cam tells her "I wasn't going for that"

Such BS, he was just crowing to Jared about the steps of his "plan."  I think most of Cam's interactions are thought-out and planned to have a specific effect, it just doesn't come across anywhere near as "awesome" as he thinks.

I should be ecstatic that Izzy is on the block and Cam is ruining it for me with all his Cam-ness.  He reminds me of a know-it-all co-worker so I think that's affecting my reaction to him.

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1 minute ago, leocadia said:

Cam talking to Izzy and she compliments him on a great nomination ceremony.  Cam tells her "I wasn't going for that"

Such BS, he was just crowing to Jared about the steps of his "plan."  I think most of Cam's interactions are thought-out and planned to have a specific effect, it just doesn't come across anywhere near as "awesome" as he thinks.

I should be ecstatic that Izzy is on the block and Cam is ruining it for me with all his Cam-ness.  He reminds me of a know-it-all co-worker so I think that's affecting my reaction to him.

Agreed. Dude, you've been blindsided the last TWO weeks (both the power wiping away your noms, and then your closest ally being eliminated at the last minute, even if your closest ally was being a whiny little douche towards you at the end, he was obviously still your best ally), so this whole, "I know everything that is going on" attitude is so fucking dumb.

As others have noted, he's totally going to lie through his teeth about the Cirie/Jared reveal when it comes. "Oh, yeah, I knew that. I just spilled damaging things to Jared that I never would have had I actually known his connection to Cirie because I...knew...somehow this makes sense, trust me."

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you've been blindsided the last TWO weeks 

I mean yeah, but I think he does have a better bead than say...JAG and Blue. And I have to say he's not talking to anyone in good faith, which might be the single smartest thing anyone in this house has decided to do. He's not even telling the camera's what he's doing. But yes he's scary and I hope America doesn't have to do a one on one with, the prospects for that are super gross.

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Jared is still bitching about not being able to take a nap.  Here's an idea.  Go Home.   He's also not happy being a Have Not.  Huge Surprise.  

I was just catching up on what I'd missed over at Jokers and apparently Izzy told Cirie she will refuse to use the veto if she wins, to protect Cirie.  I assume she will not seek nor accept her party's nomination for the Presidency of the United States since that is about as likely, but whatever.  It is still extreme levels of stupid what these people will do for Mama Fields.  

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I'm having a hard time focusing on the feeds (mostly because these people annoy me) but some snippets I picked up in the last half hour or so:

Jag/America talking with Jag telling her that he has a hard time trusting her because when they've talked and said "don't tell anyone else" and then Cirie came back at him with info that he only gave America.  I have no idea about the situation, but she couldn't remember anything she'd said that would upset Cirie.

Jared came in at one point and they asked what kind of pie* he had and he replied it was a "None ya business pie."  (Eyeroll) Jag laughed and said it would have been funnier if he had said it was a "None ya" pie and Jared (of course) had to come back with "I said what I said because I'm me and if I'd have said that, I'd be you and no one wants to be you."  This was done somewhat lightheartedly, but Jared still sucks.

Jared then went to Cory and complained about a "she"  (probably America) who has been saying that Jared is closer to Cam than what people think and demanding that Cory be careful about what he says to other people.  I never actually heard him say "Control your woman" but that seemed to be the subtext to me.

Izzy told Cirie that Jared thinks that Cam's real target is Cirie, which seemed to take her by surprise.  She rationalized that if that's what Cam wanted, he could have put her up outright, but Izzy intelligently noted that he went for dramatics with the nom ceremony and what could be more dramatic than backdooring Cirie?  

*It seems like the nomination ceremony had something to do with pies in the face for humiliverse week.  It sounds like they maybe did it old school with the safe people being revealed until it was down to the nominees because Cameron was bragging that he made sure America was last.

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Cirie/Izzy talking and Cirie says "worst case scenario, I go home"  (Izzy, the person actually on the block of course agrees) and then solicits a promise from Izzy that should Cirie go, Izzy will do her best to protect the ELDONG child.  

I seriously hope that Izzy is playing Cirie, because that is some nonsense!!

ETA:  In news of other stupidity, the convo above took place in the have not room.  Cirie decided to leave, spun a 10 on the wheel of butt-kicking and then "realized" that she forgot something and wasn't going to leave just yet.  Izzy stepped up and spun a 25, did it and they both walked out.  So true to their gameplay!

Edited by leocadia
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I think Izzy means it now when she doesn't have Veto but this is the same logic Red has could never use the Veto on himself but had he won it, c'mon. Same with Izzy, like girl I'm sure Paige loves to hear that from you, that leaving her for three - four months to bask in the warm familial embrace of Cirie Fields was it's own reward. I think if she wins Veto or someone else wins Veto (even better) and they take her down what can she do Cirie?!

IDK about that America/Jag convo it's the third time she has tried to get something going with Dory and she and Dory always rat each other out. Maybe just maybe hold onto some cards people.


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Cirie and Izzy also discussed the veto and how awesome it would be if Felicia picked Jared for HG choice because they could make sure that he didn't use it.  Cirie said that she hoped Felicia picked her because she would throw it.  Izzy told her she should want to win because then she would be safe and she could take Izzy down.  Cirie did not say no, but she also didn't agree.  Cirie isn't about to do something that might put her baby boy in jeopardy.

Izzy is now talking to Felicia about who she would pick for veto.  These people are so far ahead of themselves.  What even are the odds of pulling HG choice?

For her part, Felicia doesn't want to "go out that way".  Be serious Mama Felicia, what way do you want to go out?  She also speculates that everyone else threw the HOH so Cam would target them.  The paranoia is high.  That would have been an awesome plan, but far too intelligent for this group to put together.

If Felicia survives this week, she's going to "do" Cam the same way she did Hisam.

Edited by leocadia
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Felicia is super paranoid and completely un-self aware.  She has convinced herself that the whole house set this up, not because it was a smart decision but because people thought that Jared was influenced too much last week by Cirie/Izzy/Felicia. She specifically refers to Jag/America/Cory and possibly Matt. She also thinks everyone is lying (which they are) but she is playing honestly.  She admits to not always telling everyone everything, but claims she never lied to anyone's face.  I'm not willing to collect the receipts, but I'm 99% sure that is BS.  Izzy listened to her, but clearly checked out of the convo a good 10 minutes before she was done.  I think I'm out too.  I can't take this anymore!

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Jared just derided Red because he "only won one comp."  You mean the one where you took fifteen minutes to spell "Golden" and Red did it in under a minute?   

He went on to opine (I think to Jag and Blue) that if Cameron gets to pick someone for the veto he would pick America or Cory because he would know he could beat them.  Cameron would not pick Jared because he would be REAL competition.  

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Jared, the challenge monster for answering exactly ONE question faster than someone else. He is and always will be the absolute worst.

I just can’t with Jag and Blue. They’re still speculating over the various people who could come back to the house. As if it’s an actual thing. I can see random speculation because there’s nothing else to do, but they seem to be taking it seriously, and no. You need to figure out the people actually IN the house. Which you are currently terrible at!

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1 hour ago, blixie said:


Cam said his HoH music is punk from the early 2000's. I will die if Cam's punk from the early 2000's is Anti-Flag. 👀


I read a tweet earlier that listed the HOH music, it wasn’t Anti-Flag. I can’t remember what his selection for this week was, his first HOH was apparently the Eagles Greatest Hits IIRC.

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4 hours ago, pennben said:

America is happy with what Cam has done.  

Yes, we are!! Oh, you probably meant the Principality of Liechtenstein. But still… yes, we are!!

I’m still holding out hope for a Jared backdoor. (Although Cirie will fight tooth and nailgun to keep that from happening.) I suspect Felicia and Izzy are not the main targets, that he’s really aiming for Cirie (or Jared! Make it Jared!) but wants to make sure SOMEONE in power goes home, and good for him. Something I never thought I’d say.

I think Felicia will be the one to go, because her alliance is ready to dump her anyway, so in a way it’s kind of a waste. For game purposes, better to put up Cirie and Izzy, or Cirie and Jared. But for feed purposes, Felicia is perfect. The paranoia will be extreme, the spiraling will be epic. I’m just sorry I will be going out of town on Tuesday and will miss frenetic Felicia at her peak. But until then, I will savor what I can. It should be quite a ride.

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Izzy and Cirie: Izzy is practically contorting herself for the opportunity to fall on Cirie’s sword.  They are each other’s favorite person in the house. (Cirie qualifies: “except for the one I gave birth to.”) Cirie says that, surprisingly, her second favorite person is “Skeezy”. (I think that’s Cory?) Izzy agrees. Cirie cannot connect with Jag at all. Izzy cannot connect with Matt. Neither can STAND Bowie Jane.

They agree that Felicia brought this on herself, and that she will be the one to go. Izzy’s biggest fear is that she will end up on the block with Jared. Cirie will not even contemplate this. 


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I mean, obviously, Izzy kowtows to Cirie so much that Cirie would be a fool NOT to choose her over Felicia, but man, at the same time, it makes a little sad to see just HOW quick she has turned on Felicia. And the absurd "She brought this on herself?" Say whaaaaaaaaaaa? She "brought it on herself" by being close to YOU, Cirie. What a weird thing to say. 

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Cirie and Izzy are now having a deep conversation about feelings of inadequacy. Izzy just wants to be better. She doesn’t think she’s doing well at the game. It’s like at home, she knows she’s great at the flute, everyone who ever plays with her wants to play with her again, but she crumbles at auditions.

Cirie understands. Even after 25 years of playing games like this, she feels insecure about it. She doesn’t like to talk in meetings because she thinks she will sound stupid. She thinks she and Izzy are just the same. Her husband doesn’t even understand how she can not feel like she’s awesome, after what she’s accomplished. But Izzy gets it. Cirie tells Izzy not to put too much emphasis on the game, because real life is what matters. And in real life, Izzy is a warrior.

Tears and hugs. Izzy feels so lucky to know Cirie. People say, don’t meet your heroes because you’ll be disappointed. But she is not. She told Casting that her Survivor hero was Cirie. And now that they’ve met, she doesn’t want to leave. Cirie says with all the cool people she’s met, she’s never connected with anyone like Izzy. They will be family for life.

Cirie: If it comes down to you or me… (Izzy: “Don’t say it!”) Cirie says she doesn’t love the game like Izzy does, and if it comes down to the two of them, she will make sure Izzy stays. She insists on that. Izzy says she will look after Jared, because she loves Jared, too. And now all the warm fuzzy feelings I just had have evaporated.

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I did start off yesterday after noms feeling so excited for a change in targets, even though I loathe Cameron. I love the idea of a shake-up and this fits that bill.

But I woke up this morning, feeling a bit sad, to my surprise. I actually do think I still like Felicia, Izzy and Cirie enough to not want them gone pre-jury. Anyone else from that side I can leave, but I'm sad one of those three are just missing out on jury. I'd be fine if jury has started already. But one of them isn't making jury and that does suck for me. Even if I don't love the Cirie advantage, I still like her more than I like her douchebag of a son, Misogynistic Tate Fan Matt, and Creepy Cameron (who, surprise surprise, likes the two misogynists the best in this house, who could have guessed?).

So, the Cirie advantage was always a downer but we have it now, and now a fucking man might win, and all of them suck, let's face it. If this change turns out that the women start getting picked off, that's worse than if Cirie wins for me. If Jared or Matt or, heaven forbid, Cameron won this season, I don't think it would be a positive thing. 

It would be like if Monte won last season. Sure, fine game player, shitty human being. 

And it's not like Jared/Matt are great game players, and Cameron isn't really either. Jared gets carried to jury by his Mommy, Matt became a Cirie minion because his nomance Reilly told him to, and everyone just hates Cameron for good reason.

So, yeah, I'm fine with a power shift, but I'm genuinely sad that we lose out on someone like Izzy or Felicia while misogynistic men get to thrive off of this week and get further. And especially if Cirie goes, I fully see a scenario where Jared/Matt/Cameron become the new power alliance and I might actually need to jump off a cliff, if that happens.

It's been nice to have a mostly all female alliance. Unfortunately for us, it's not a full female alliance because of Jared; just another reason to hate him, he gets in the way of what would have been a great all female alliance.


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I totally appreciate that position, but I truly hate rigging more than I hate douchebag winners. For instance, Josh was a terrible piece of shit, too, but I was happy to watch him beat Paul because of that season's rigging. 

I think Cirie will be fine, by the way, even if she loses Felicia this week. Izzy will be a bigger blow, but Felicia, I think she will roll with losing pretty easily. Cameron will not be HoH next week, so his game is in trouble. I'm not too worried about him taking over the game. This is likely just a detour on Cirie's road to victory (well, Jared's road, that is).

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