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Just an FYI for future reference:

Ever since that fateful day a dozen or so years ago when some NYC jackalope decided Nashville had done something bad enough to deserve the sobriquet “ ‘It’ City”, we’ve been deluged with an influx of transplants who (a) visit Nashville, (b) exclaim loudly how much better it is than wherever they’re from, (c) move here, then (d) immediately set about trying to make over Nashville to be just like the place they just left.  They’re like the epitome of a bad girlfriend - but there’s so frikkin many of them that they are, in effect, taking over; current estimates are now that native Nashvillians only comprise something like 10% of the city’s population at present.

I say this just so y’all can know when Riley (or anyone else, for that matter) says they’re “from Nashville”, take it with a grain of salt.  I don’t know Riley’s bio well enough to say for certain, but it’s entirely possible her statement carries just as much weight as me saying “I’m from Las Vegas” because I went through that airport once for a flight connection.  :P

And Red - jeez, dude, play up the stereotypes much?  Save it for the tourists.

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

Just an FYI for future reference:

Ever since that fateful day a dozen or so years ago when some NYC jackalope decided Nashville had done something bad enough to deserve the sobriquet “ ‘It’ City”, we’ve been deluged with an influx of transplants who (a) visit Nashville, (b) exclaim loudly how much better it is than wherever they’re from, (c) move here, then (d) immediately set about trying to make over Nashville to be just like the place they just left.  They’re like the epitome of a bad girlfriend - but there’s so frikkin many of them that they are, in effect, taking over; current estimates are now that native Nashvillians only comprise something like 10% of the city’s population at present.

I say this just so y’all can know when Riley (or anyone else, for that matter) says they’re “from Nashville”, take it with a grain of salt.  I don’t know Riley’s bio well enough to say for certain, but it’s entirely possible her statement carries just as much weight as me saying “I’m from Las Vegas” because I went through that airport once for a flight connection.  :P

And Red - jeez, dude, play up the stereotypes much?  Save it for the tourists.

She's originally from Portland, ME, where I lived briefly one summer.  Never claim to be from there, but I thought it was a nice place with a lot of character.  It's not as well known as Nashville, but I don't know why she wouldn't tell people she was from Portland.  It's like all the former contestants that claim to be from LA or SoCal.  They aren't - they just want to be famous models or actors.  

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About that lol: (feeds talk)


The feeds were down for 18 hours for that veto comp because apparently the comp was not accessible for Matt; so much so that he apparently was crying over it. Production kept the feeds down so that we would not hear any talk about how badly they handled the competition.


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2 hours ago, DEL901 said:


How they made the show accessible for Matt. 

What I do have to say about this is, although it seems like they've put in some thought, I think they put thought into the wrong areas.

It sounds like they worked Matt around their plans, rather than working their plans around Matt, if that makes sense. 

They made all these little adjustments for Matt, which ok, but in a way that works for how the show usually works. Instead of perhaps making some permanent changes that could add accessibility to any future houseguest, they've made changes only for Matt so they can easily to back to being non-accessible for future seasons. That's something that I've noted in this article; these changes are not really applicable for future seasons, so the show is STILL going to be non-accessible. 

Also, just because Matt has some hearing, it doesn't mean he has enough where having audio-based comps is right. He's still legally deaf, which means they should have scrapped ANY comp that requires heavy listening.

This part also bugs me:


The Diary Room was extra tricky because unlike with his interactions with the other contestants, Matt could not simply read lips since producers are heard but not seen. Nor could producers just turn the volume way up for Matt's hearing aids to pick up. "The Diary Room is a place where you tell your inner secrets, right?" says Big Brother's chief engineer David Crivelli, who has been with the show since season 1 and coordinated all the audio technology for Matt. "So we need to make sure that no sound leaves the Diary Room and goes out to the living room because we have turned the amplifier speaker up to where Matt can hear better a producer asking him a question. Then we are doing a disservice to Matt because we're releasing secrets to the houseguests."

So, instead of making accommodations that would allow a producer to come in for Matt to ask him questions, or having them type out questions as they did for BBOTT, they make it extra complicated with speech-to-text and they're....hoping that there's no issues where the app accidentally picks up on production talking during his DR sessions? 

It's kind of disappointing to read this because the show thinks they're being super accommodating when, in reality, they might be making it a little bit harder for Matt. He can't hear well, but with their accommodations, it sounds like they're forcing him to concentrate harder on listening with all the audio-based adjustments. Instead of providing more ways for him to have visual cues, such as a video feed or closed captioning, they're adjusting the audio so Matt, who again is not hard of hearing but legally deaf, has to focus even more on using his hearing aids to pick up on a lot of things. 

Also, why text to speech and not just having closed captioning? Text to speech, I find, can be a lot more unreliable than having someone physically type everything into a system and feed it to a screen. They already have a script of rules and Julie's script. Text to speech can misinterpret what someone is saying, which means Matt is more likely to get some wrong words or phrases if the person saying it into the app is not clear enough.

I mean, sure, it's a start, they did put more effort in than I thought, but I'm seeing more issues with what they're doing with Matt, but especially still having competitions that are audio-centric.


While the prospect of that happening is kind of hilariously delicious, Grodner is quick to point out that has not transpired.

Yes, Grodner, it's hilariously delicious that Matt, a deaf houseguest, may accidentally receive information he should not have because of an error with the text-to-speech app picking up something it shouldn't have. Yes, accessibility going wrong is SUPER funny.

The show could have made REAL accessibility changes that are permanent. Instead, they made accessibility changes only pertaining to Matt.

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In the run-up to this season, S24's Daniel Durston decided the time was right to look back and assess his behavior last season.  (In his eviction interview last year, he promised Julie that he would do so.)

Behold the result.


  • LOL 1
52 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It sounds like they worked Matt around their plans, rather than working their plans around Matt, if that makes sense. 

Yes. All I could think when reading about that


turntable comp

was, why not just do something else? There are unlimited possibilities for comps, they could easily have designed ones that are not audio based. 

It really did come off like they were more interested in their shiny new tech toys than in meeting Matt’s actual needs. And what is he supposed to do, complain when it’s not working? Of course he’s going to just muddle through and do the best he can. This should not be on him.

ETA: I was responding to a post that seems to have vanished. It was in reference to this article on how the show is accommodating Matt’s needs. https://ew.com/tv/big-brother-deaf-contestant-matt-klotz/ (Minor spoilers inside about tonight’s comp.)

ETATA: And now that post is back, but everything has jumped threads, from the Media thread to the Contestant thread. I’m so confused.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Once they cast Matt, all they had to do was scrap that comp. Or if they're too lazy to do that (they are), they could have just not put Matt's chip in the veto bag. But they thought they did something special and they wanted that article published, no matter whether Matt was actually accommodated or not.

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4 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

In the run-up to this season, S24's Daniel Durston decided the time was right to look back and assess his behavior last season.  (In his eviction interview last year, he promised Julie that he would do so.)

Behold the result.


Translation: still an assh*le.

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On 8/15/2023 at 4:53 PM, Joan of Argh said:

Oh ugh… started watching this and who pops up as an “Expert” “highly decorated police detective now a private investigator”… 🤢🤮



I can't believe this clowns 15 minutes aren't up yet! 🤡

I watched this report, he had absolutely NOTHING to add, he's the king of the freaking obvious, he said the killer used camo colored burlap to wrap his victims and then explained it's because he was a duck hunter, REALLY oh wow what NEWS, STOP THE PRESSES!!! ,,, uummm.. that information has been on every report since the story broke but this asshole sat there like he just figured it out and was cracking the case with his superior detective skills.

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Other Contestant Threads I Won't Make:

Hisam Goueli: Doctor, Stripper, Comp Beast, "King".  (And also, Toast.)

Cory Wurtenberger: A Better Survivor Than His Big Brother

Jared Fields:  Totally Not Cirie's Son! Honest!

Cirie Fields:  Record-Setting Survivor Legend!

(With a snarky post inside reminding people that Cirie's record is for "Most Times Played Without Ever Reaching Final Tribal", since I dislike Cirie but want to keep the thread title civil.

Except there is no thread.  My dreams, they are crushed.  Ah, well.)

  • LOL 2

I just watched a few episodes and man was I sorry to see Hisam go. He was, by far, the best worst player the game has ever seen! Danielle Murphree levels of delusion! Frank levels of incompetence! The dramatics! The thousand yard stares in the very small rooms. The lecturing somehow strangely combined with the guilt tripping! We were robbed. 

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7 hours ago, Jel said:

I just watched a few episodes and man was I sorry to see Hisam go. He was, by far, the best worst player the game has ever seen! Danielle Murphree levels of delusion! Frank levels of incompetence! The dramatics! The thousand yard stares in the very small rooms. The lecturing somehow strangely combined with the guilt tripping! We were robbed. 

Not to mention, the best Hilary Swank impersonation we’ve seen in YEARS!!!

  • LOL 3

Was watching “Secrets of Penthouse” last night and there’s good old Sheila from Season 9 telling how Bob Guccione wanted her to give him a “Golden Shower” but she wouldn’t do it in the bed because she used to be a bed wetter, so he got naked and sat in his solid gold bathtub and she got busy!  
She has a bunch of crazy stories and tears, tears, tears… 🥲


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36 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I had no problem with it. I am always begging for people to not play fake nice when they're voted out lol. She didn't want to hug Cam, perfectly legitimate imo. And Cory burned her. I thought her comment to him was funny.

What was her comment to Cory? I hate the hugs so I ff that

50 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I had no problem with it. I am always begging for people to not play fake nice when they're voted out lol. She didn't want to hug Cam, perfectly legitimate imo. And Cory burned her. I thought her comment to him was funny.

I have no problem with it as long as everyone who voted you out is treated the same way but to single out two people (Cam & Cory) the way she did just shows that she is a mean spirited vindictive person. 

I still want to know why she has hated Cam since the beginning, did he say something to her at the start?

Edited by Shrek
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Good morning - not sure where to take this comment, since we don't have individual cast member threads this season, so I'll just put it here:

I just read Izzy's EW interview and damn, how delusional can one person be? Did you know she was running the house? Well, she was! 

And while I don't much like Cameron, my understanding of their punishment was that he could have done absolutely nothing and let her fail, but instead he bucked up and gave it his all. Izzy of course gives him absolutely no credit for this.

So it turns out she's a pretty unpleasant person, and clueless to boot. What a combination.

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She singled them out because they are the two responsible for getting her out.  One nominated her and the other flipped the house at the last minute against her.  So I totally approve of her signaling myself.

But hey maybe she would have gotten more support for her exit if she walked over the coffee table.

Edited by Skooma
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43 minutes ago, Skooma said:

She singled them out because they are the two responsible for getting her out.  One nominated her and the other flipped the house at the last minute against her.  So I totally approve of her signaling myself.

But hey maybe she would have gotten more support for her exit if she walked over the coffee table.

Doesn't mean the rest had to vote her out and as I've already said, she should have treated everyone who voted her out the way she treated those two or nobody at all.

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2 hours ago, Skooma said:

She singled them out because they are the two responsible for getting her out.  One nominated her and the other flipped the house at the last minute against her.  So I totally approve of her signaling myself.

But hey maybe she would have gotten more support for her exit if she walked over the coffee table.

That would explain her bitterness towards them at her eviction, but she has gone on and on about hating Cam for a couple weeks. What did he do BEFORE this week that would make her hate him so much.  As for the hugs, I hate those too because everyone just voted you out. Why do you want to hug them? That being said, had the situation been reversed and Cam been voted out, Izzy would've been a hypocrite and hugged him.

Now Izzy is saying she wants a "rematch" between her and Cam on The Challenge. First, rematch indicates that she actually competed against Cam when in reality she did nothing but Mama Cirie's bidding. Second, she couldn't handle BB's baby challenges. She thinks she'd be able to handle the major challenges on The Challenge? In denial much?

All these houseguests make me laugh when they get angry about being on the block or having their friends be put on the block. What game do they think they're playing? Did they think the HOH would put their friends up?  I just want someone to make the connection between Cirie and Jared and call them out. THAT would be worth 2 bowls of popcorn.

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A new season of The Traitors has been announced, and shockingly, the cast does not include Jared! It does, however, include Dan Gheesling and Janelle, along with Survivor’s Parvati and Sandra. 

Coming some time next year. 

ETA: I see Callaphera already posted this yesterday. I didn’t see it because I wrote my post in the BB in the Media thread, but somehow my post wound up here. That happened once before, too. Weird.

Edited by 30 Helens
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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

A new season of The Traitors has been announced, and shockingly, the cast does not include Jared! It does, however, include Dan Gheesling and Janelle, along with Survivor’s Parvati and Sandra. 

Coming some time next year. 

Thanks for the info.  Sandra is the only person I like.  I know of Parvati and Janelle the later only from TAR where she wasn't too good an had a feud with somebody else from BB maybe as well.  Don't know any of the others so will root for "not me" Sandra.  Well once I get access that doesn't involve a streaming service and that is pretty easy to do.

I've seen a few of Jared's exit interviews.  He's still gaslighting, along with a few word salads.  He has his talking points, so he's been well coached.  Most of the interviewers lobbed the usual softball questions, but Kat Dunn asked some good questions, i.e. the R word incident, his statement that he just recently started seeing females as people, and his shoutout to his girlfriend on the feeds.  Regarding the last one, he claims in all the interviews that they broke up before he went into the house.  Is that true? 


Edited by Gemma Violet
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