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S19.E18: Ready to Run

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Wingsuit guy is annoying me. Jo's a doctor with patients to attend to, not your personal itch scratcher. And Jo, you're his doctor (even though you shouldn't be, since supposedly you're working OB). Stop encouraging him.

Aw, just as I was cheering for Lucas getting a win with the aneurism guy. But it probably would have ruptured either way and he'd have been alone then without even a chance at someone helping him.


Edited by ams1001
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I guess the Catherine Fox award is less prestigious and a lot easier to get a nomination for than the Harper Avery (I know it's the same thing, just renamed 🙄) because there have been doctors on this show that have done far better and more innovative surgeries and research, but Nick and Winston get nominations for…I don't even remember what. 

This show has become a joke. 

Edited by funnygirl
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The Harper Avery and Catherine Fox awards have always been a joke because the show just nominates whoever is the current pet.  Same with the write ups for the medical journals. I appreciated Nick saying that the awards are a joke. Too bad then he backtracked.

I'm glad that they are keeping Nick mentoring Lucas and about the ADHD.  And all the stuff around it like rumination. creativity and rejection sensitive dysphoria.  I do think that it's too soon for Lucas to be that into Simone yet.

Linc acting like he's in kindergarten around Jo is not attractive. Neither is Winston being that rude to Amelia. Okay, you're angry that Maggie left you but don't take it out on Amelia, that's as bad as her taking it out on you.

Glad that Helm will be back in the hospital. I appreciated her telling Yasuda that they can't date when she's her boss. Yay ethics.

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34 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The Harper Avery and Catherine Fox awards have always been a joke because the show just nominates whoever is the current pet.  

Except, prior to Cristina being nominated in season 10 and Meredith winning I forget when, none of the doctors on the show were nominated or won. Burke won when he was already off the show and Cristina saw it posted on the hospital bulletin board. At no point during the show's great run (emphasis on great) did any of the doctors who could have deserved it, got it. Not even Derek. Not Callie with her artificial cartilage. Not Addison or Mark or anyone else who was a medical titan. For a long time, the Harper Avery was treated as coveted and something for the doctors to strive for. Cristina being nominated was deserved, her being penalized because Catherine owned part of the hospital was bullshit, and now the award and its nominations are handed out like a participation trophy. 


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7 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Linc acting like he's in kindergarten around Jo is not attractive. Neither is Winston being that rude to Amelia. Okay, you're angry that Maggie left you but don't take it out on Amelia, that's as bad as her taking it out on you.

I agree about Link, his behaviour is so childish and also just a rehash of the arc where Jo was dating the patient's brother Todd (Skylar Astin had great chemistry with Camilla but was sorely underused). 

But Winston has every right to be pissed at Amelia. She basically called him a crap doctor and blamed him for Maggie leaving and said all kinds of nasty stuff. Even though she apologized, the words she said to him cut deep and I don't blame him for taking time; I think it solidified a solid crack in their relationship. I like that he didn't forgive her because it shows that Amelia lashing out still hurts people, and they're not obligated to forgive her just because she apologizes. It's why she gets to keep doing it over and over and over again. He probably will forgive her over time, but I like that he didn't accept her apology right away and that she'll need to put even more work in. 

I'm very glad for Nick still being around; I did hate that Richard decided to push Nick to go to the ceremony just because it's his wife's award. Nick is not obligated to go just out of respect for your damn wife, Richard. No matter the reason, he doesn't need to go confront the woman who broke his heart and was incredibly nasty to him. Meredith showed her colours by not informing Nick of her decision to move until she was already packing up, and she intentionally ignored his declaration of love. He never got any closure with her because she blatantly ignored him. He has every right to not want to run into her. 

Richard completely pissed me off because we know if this had been someone he respects and likes, AND if the award wasn't the Catherine Fox award, he wouldn't have pushed, even for the residency program.

Nick/Lucas' mentorship is very much needed. I hope we see Scott Speedman stick around next season, because Nick is such a breath of fresh air. 

Teddy's a fantastic Chief. By giving her purpose outside of Owen, she has fully redeemed herself from the disastrous love triangle/cheating plot that they forced two seasons ago. That ruined her character, but being Chief has saved her character completely for me. 

I'm glad Helm is coming back as co-Chief Resident. As long as they actually give her something to do, I'm happy for her return. Plus, she negotiated 8 weeks of vacation time! And she gets a potential girlfriend in Mika. Don't worry, Helm, there's two things Grey-Sloan is known for: death and inappropriate relationships. Trust me, you're good, nobody will care if you start dating Mika. 

Sam/Jo have more chemistry than Link/Jo, I will say. But we also know exactly where this is going so this arc BETTER finally just toss Link/Jo together so we can stop this carousel of "Link/Jo can't tell each other their feelings". I'm also very sick of Link's "bitch face".

I'm sad for Lucas losing his patient, but glad Jules' roommate is still alive (for now). I'm pretty sure Maxine will still die (though maybe at home, in her sleep) but glad she wasn't the obvious death this episode. 

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I tuned in late and was wondering what was wrong with the patient they lost on the MRI table?  What were they pulling out of him?  

He had an (aortic?) aneurism and he was supposed to have surgery to fix it before it ruptured but kept changing his mind and cancelling because he was afraid of dying in surgery (he told Lucas that he had a dream as a kid that his dead grandfather told him they'd be together by the time he was 30, or something like that, and he was turning 30 soon and was afraid he'd die before then; he had a sedentary job and felt like it was less risk than surgery because he wasn't doing anything particularly strenuous). As for what they were actually supposed to be pulling out of him, I don't know. 

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Was I supposed to feel bad for the guy with the aortic aneurysm? Because I didn't. Maybe it's my post-pandemic compassion fatigue but I'm not interested in people who have to be begged to get treatment. And apparently Teddy had gone through this foolishness with him several times before. He played stupid games and won the ultimate in stupid prizes.

Richard yelling at Nick to go to Boston was stupid. Both Winston and Nick are still recovering from having made the mistake of falling in love with one of Ellis Grey's daughters and here comes Richard with his emotional blackmail.

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The guy dying of an abdominal aortic aneurysm freaked me out a little because a friend of mine told me earlier this week that she has one and is waiting for surgery.

8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

But Winston has every right to be pissed at Amelia.

I agree and he doesn't need to forgive her. But turning around and walking away every time she says something to him as if she doesn't exist seems very immature.

9 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Sam/Jo have more chemistry than Link/Jo

And Jo seems happier flirting with him than her many misunderstandings with Linc. Maybe things get better when Linc and Jo finally get to where the writing decided they should be but meanwhile it's been 2 years of cringe romantic relationships for Linc and Amelia.

  • Hugs 1
26 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

Sam/Jo is never going to work because Sam is not a surgeon. Surgeons can only have relationships with other surgeons, doncha know? 😆

True. Out of all the doctor/patient relationships on this show, 100% have died.

So, lesson to be learned: don't date doctors on Grey's if you're ever a patient. They will sign your death warrant. 

  • LOL 3

Miranda dumped Nurse Eli for anesthesiologist Ben. Of course Bailey probably got credit for Nurse Eli's fistula cure because she was the surgeon. This was when Teddy was married to that patient, Henry so he could have health insurance.

Good for Lucas for deciding not to attend the wedding. Even though I was hoping that grandma remembered Lucas and not Trey. Or remembers them both and made it clear to Simone that Lucas was the better choice.

What's Simone's plan if she marries this Trey guy? He looks down on Grey Sloan. So surely he isn't going to transfer. Will they have a long distance marriage?

Even when apologizing Amelia was inconsiderate. Winston was outside the hospital and suggested that they talk "tomorrow." Probably he was ready to go home and wasn't up for listening to the woman who told him that she would never forgive his smallness. Of course, Amelia decided/insisted that she had to complete that stop on the Amelia Shepherd apology tour right then. He stopped, listened, and then left. During last night's episode he listened to her when she said congratulations. Even though he didn't speak to her either time, he looked at her and let her finish saying what she had to say before he left. 

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I never thought I’d say this but I’m glad Helm is coming back.

Also glad to see: 20-something Jules was the one teaching the old ladies to crochet; and it actually looked like it was crochet. I get so sick of shows showing a piece of knitting and calling it crochet and vice versa. (Like the “knitting her own death shroud” scene in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina when the character was plainly holding a crochet hook.)

I was also pleasantly surprised that the doctors weren’t haranguing the aneurysm guy about his weight.

Don’t care if Simone and Lucas ever get together, but I hope she doesn’t marry Trey because he’s such a jerk. Don’t even get me started on the name “Trey”.

The Linc/Jo thing is getting dragged out waaaaaaay too long. USE YOUR WORDS, PEOPLE!

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13 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

Don’t care if Simone and Lucas ever get together, but I hope she doesn’t marry Trey because he’s such a jerk. Don’t even get me started on the name “Trey”.

Does anyone really care if Simone is with Lucas or if she marries Trey? I don't really care about any of these characters. The show needs to do a better job of making me care about them if they expect me to care who they're sleeping with.

It pains me to praise her but Shonda Rhimes did such a much better job establishing characters like Meredith, Christina, Izzy, George, Alex, etc. than whoever is writing this show now. I can't remember the last new character they introduced that I gave a crap about, honestly. The interns just sort of feel generic and 2-dimensional. They're just sort of there.

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13 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

The Linc/Jo thing is getting dragged out waaaaaaay too long. USE YOUR WORDS, PEOPLE!

It's been going on so long, I don't even remember what happened with them. They were sleeping together and Jo stopped cause she was in love with him and didn't want to do casual, right? But then didn't she tell him she loved him? I don't get what happened after that because they are clearly not together, but Linc seems to want to be. So why aren't they?

Jo is actually fun with that patient, once he leaves the hospital I guess it wouldn't be unethical for Jo to date him.

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25 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

It pains me to praise her but Shonda Rhimes did such a much better job establishing characters like Meredith, Christina, Izzy, George, Alex, etc. than whoever is writing this show now. I can't remember the last new character they introduced that I gave a crap about, honestly. The interns just sort of feel generic and 2-dimensional. They're just sort of there.

I think these interns are better than the last few batches of interns, so they've stepped up (not saying that much, though). Yes, they won't ever recapture the magic that was, well, MAGIC, but it's been a long time since this show actively put effort into all their interns, and I do feel like they're doing that here. When's the last time we've seen the interns actually interact? Besides whichever two the show is playing favourites with, of course. 

I personally like Jules and Mika, and Blue and Lucas have been growing on me, but Simone's taken a step back since Trey was introduced. Which is why I don't care about Simone/Lucas; this wedding plot makes Simone look terrible, and Lucas look desperate.

9 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

It's been going on so long, I don't even remember what happened with them. They were sleeping together and Jo stopped cause she was in love with him and didn't want to do casual, right? But then didn't she tell him she loved him? I don't get what happened after that because they are clearly not together, but Linc seems to want to be. So why aren't they?

Jo is actually fun with that patient, once he leaves the hospital I guess it wouldn't be unethical for Jo to date him.

I can't quite remember, but I thought Link turned her down or Jo told him her feelings well after she moved on from him; either way, Link knows how she felt at least at one point and has never told her how he feels about her.

It's such an annoying arc. I don't like Jo/Link together but it seems inevitable, so put us all out of our misery and put them together, already!

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14 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

Don’t care if Simone and Lucas ever get together, but I hope she doesn’t marry Trey because he’s such a jerk. Don’t even get me started on the name “Trey”.


Not that the writers probably put any thought into it, but I wonder if Trey is merely a nickname.

A real-life example from my own life:  50 (!) years ago, my mother was in graduate school at a major university in the Midwest.  One of her classmates, who she remains friends with to this day, had two children.  The oldest was a boy who was a few years younger than me (I was 14).  His name was Melville _______ III (i.e., his father and grandfather apparently were also named Melville).  But I guess to avoid confusion when all three generations were together, his nickname was Trey.  Fun fact, this Trey now is also a doctor (but an anesthesiologist rather than a surgeon).  His father was/is also a doctor, but I don't know what speciality (I never met him as his parents were divorced at that time).


So maybe GA Trey is in a similar situation.  That would be a weird given name, but you never know...

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On 5/11/2023 at 11:32 PM, statsgirl said:

I appreciated Nick saying that the awards are a joke. Too bad then he backtracked.

I thought he said he didn't believe in ranking medical achievements, which I kind of see his point on. Like all the medical breakthroughs from previous GSMF doctors that @funnygirl listed - Nick's achievement may not rank higher than those in the overall list, but maybe this year it was the type of project that stuck with the judges most. I do like that he recognized the impact it could have on someone he was mentoring and chose to go. I also just really like Nick now that Meredith isn't here so I'm glad he's making connections to other people and I'm hoping he sticks around next year.

On 5/12/2023 at 7:07 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I'm glad Helm is coming back as co-Chief Resident. As long as they actually give her something to do, I'm happy for her return. Plus, she negotiated 8 weeks of vacation time! And she gets a potential girlfriend in Mika. Don't worry, Helm, there's two things Grey-Sloan is known for: death and inappropriate relationships. Trust me, you're good, nobody will care if you start dating Mika.

I like new, confident Helm. I don't mind her sticking around. She's another character that is apparently now allowed to exist and make connections now that Meredith is gone. I just wish there wasn't this trend of pairing up the only two queer women on the show BECAUSE they're the only two queer women on the show. Would love for this to be a platonic friendship, we're lacking in those.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

The show needs to do a better job of making me care about them if they expect me to care who they're sleeping with.

This show is like SNL to me - people seem to love whatever cast they grew up watching (which for a lot of us was the original cast), find other casts they don't mind, and have casts they really hate. For me, I hated the years with people like Riggs and DeLuca. I'm actually enjoying this new cast. Dropping Meredith and Maggie I'm hoping will continue to allow this group some room to breathe on their own. If only we could get rid of Owen now!

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Trey is not uncommon as an alternative name for men who are X Y the third. One of my friends calls her son that.

21 minutes ago, shantown said:

I just wish there wasn't this trend of pairing up the only two queer women on the show BECAUSE they're the only two queer women on the show.

At least you know that neither will die this way.  (I think that ER did a better job with Kerry's various love interests though)

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I'm sorry but Helm and Mika make an odd couple. Amelia and Mika having an Attending-Resident fling would be more interesting (though now is the time to reunite Amelia with her best partner, Link, instead of forcing and dragging out Jo and Link because the writers don't know what else to do with them). 

Also, it's so lame to have "co-Chief Residents". It's a copout, and it diminishes yet another coveted position that was. This really is the participation trophy generation. 

We all know Simone isn't going to get married, but why are we supposed to care about Simone and Lucas being some great love? They've barely been developed. The writers are being lazy and telling us that we should care, but they haven't done much to really show the potential of the pairing. Didn't they only hook up like once? They didn't even date before the ex-fiance came back. 

Watch Nick stay in Boston with Meredith because that's really the only reason why he's been bonding with her nephew Lucas (to embed him more with the family), and the nomination is a reason for him to go to Boston. And if he wins, it makes his male ego more "even" with the Sun and her many accomplishments. 

By the way, this episode was a series low in ratings. 

Edited by funnygirl
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12 hours ago, shantown said:

I also just really like Nick now that Meredith isn't here so I'm glad he's making connections to other people and I'm hoping he sticks around next year.

Nick is one of the best new characters that they’ve had in a while. He acts like an adult, and they actually bothered to develop the character. I appreciate that. I also hope that he sticks around next year. 

12 hours ago, shantown said:

For me, I hated the years with people like Riggs and DeLuca. I'm actually enjoying this new cast. Dropping Meredith and Maggie I'm hoping will continue to allow this group some room to breathe on their own. If only we could get rid of Owen now!

OOF. Why did you remind me of Riggs?!?! I agree that I am also enjoying the new cast. However, this still needs to end soon. 

7 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Also, it's so lame to have "co-Chief Residents". It's a copout, and it diminishes yet another coveted position that was. This really is the participation trophy generation. 

From working in a hospital, I can say — at least in my department — it is normal to have two chief residents. It’s mostly administrative. They were actually being accurate, for once.

On 5/12/2023 at 12:42 PM, marceline said:

Was I supposed to feel bad for the guy with the aortic aneurysm? Because I didn't.


12 hours ago, shantown said:

I like new, confident Helm. I don't mind her sticking around.



Link/Jo — shit or get off the pot

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On 5/13/2023 at 10:17 AM, transitfan said:

Not that the writers probably put any thought into it, but I wonder if Trey is merely a nickname.

A real-life example from my own life:  50 (!) years ago, my mother was in graduate school at a major university in the Midwest.  One of her classmates, who she remains friends with to this day, had two children.  The oldest was a boy who was a few years younger than me (I was 14).  His name was Melville _______ III (i.e., his father and grandfather apparently were also named Melville).  But I guess to avoid confusion when all three generations were together, his nickname was Trey.  Fun fact, this Trey now is also a doctor (but an anesthesiologist rather than a surgeon).  His father was/is also a doctor, but I don't know what speciality (I never met him as his parents were divorced at that time).


So maybe GA Trey is in a similar situation.  That would be a weird given name, but you never know...

Oh, I was assuming it was a nickname for “III” — it just comes across as a snobbish old-money thing, which is what bugs me about it. Like Charlotte’s first husband Trey in Sex and the City.

Edited by CarpeFelis
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1 hour ago, CarpeFelis said:

Oh, I was assuming it was a nickname for “III” — it just comes across as a snobbish old-money thing, which is what bugs me about it. Like Charlotte’s first husband Trey in Sex and the City.

I thought of that Trey, too! Never encountered a Trey IRL. I am also not from old money or in any circles with anyone who is.

I was going to make a comment about that SATC wedding/marriage, but unsure whether we can include spoilers about long-ago-concluded series.

This Trey seems more snobbish striver than old money snob. Maybe they'll get far enough into the wedding ceremony for us to hear the officiant refer to him by his legal first name. 

As a fan of Hallmark movies, terrible romance novels, and ridiculous fluff I appreciate the Lucas and Simone of it all. He takes a skateboard and soccer ball to work. She was a figure skater. Her sister resents her because their mother died giving birth to her. His family is disappointed in him. He makes great breakfast sandwiches. She notices and gets excited when he succeeds at work. But, seriously, if Jules and Lucas were better person of honor options for Simone than everyone Simone met growing up in Seattle, everyone she met in college and medical school, every roommate, everyone from her residency, and all of her extended family, then of course she'd meet her great love at Grey Sloan. Just like Meredith, Miranda, Callie, and April before her! 

Hopefully, Schmidt gets eight weeks of vacation, too.  

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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

He should make his own case for it and they better not have him pouting and holding it against her if he doesn't even ask.

I mean, it seems like he would have a pretty good case if he went to Webber or Teddy or whoever and requested it. But he's not super assertive, so maybe he won't ask and just be annoying about it.

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14 hours ago, chitowngirl said:

Helm gets eight weeks because that’s what she negotiated. Schmidt should not automatically get it also. 

It would be pretty hard to justify that Helm gets the eight weeks of vacation but Schmidt does not. 

On 5/13/2023 at 12:58 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Which is why I don't care about Simone/Lucas; this wedding plot makes Simone look terrible, and Lucas look desperate.

This.  How long did Simone and Lucas even know each other before she got engaged?  Not to mention, the show already did this storyline with Jackson and April.

Also, has Lucas actually been diagnosed with ADHD?  Is he medicated?  Seeing a specialist to help him?  Or are he and Nick in some kind of grey zone where they both treat the diagnosis as real without actually confirming it?    

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1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

Also, has Lucas actually been diagnosed with ADHD?  Is he medicated?  Seeing a specialist to help him?  Or are he and Nick in some kind of grey zone where they both treat the diagnosis as real without actually confirming it?    

Nick was diagnosed in college and presumably has been seeing someone since who adjusts his meds. He identified behaviours in Lucas which made him think that Lucas has ADHD and needed his meds adjusted. It had never occurred to Lucas that it was ADHD that was causing his behaviours and he was stunned. He's still at the googling stage, trying to accept it. (I prefer handing people a copy of Driven to Distraction and asking "Does this feel familiar?")

Presumably he'll see a specialist soon for treatment. but then, this is GA and its never met a psychiatrist who was competent.

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55 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

He's still at the googling stage, trying to accept it. (I prefer handing people a copy of Driven to Distraction and asking "Does this feel familiar?")

He's accepted it.  He's already blaming his parents for not seeing anything and having him diagnosed sooner.  That's why I wondered if he had actually been diagnosed.  From where they are right now, it just sounds like Lucas and Nick started from a conclusion and worked backwards, rather than Lucas seeing a specialist and being diagnosed. 

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My daughter usually can spot a fellow ADHD person...she teacher elementary school and sees it in her kids a lot, which kind of makes me laugh because I struggled with her accepting her diagnosis for a long time.  Hopefully they move beyond the talking points and to the medication points sooner rather than later.

I have relatives who are not "old money" but most times the third male child who is named after his father and his grandfather is a Trey.  It just seems to be the thing to do.  I wonder what they call #4?  Quat?  Not sure I've ever had one go that far...LOL!

Aortic aneurysm guy was at least given a fighting chance by still being in the hospital when his AA burst...otherwise he would have probably died on his way home (after all, he didn't even drive so he would have either been walking, on public transportation or Uber or something).  

I agree - Teddy is much better utilized at present that she has been in the last few seasons.

I don't see a future for Amelia and Linc - I think that ship has sailed and Linc would be a fool to go back with Amelia...after all...she left him without a backward glance to take up with (Kai?).  I've already erased them from my brain apparently.

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16 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

From where they are right now, it just sounds like Lucas and Nick started from a conclusion and worked backwards, rather than Lucas seeing a specialist and being diagnosed. 

In my experience  (I used to work at an ADHD assessment clinic), ADHD as an adult is usually discovered either when a child is diagnosed and the parent makes the connection, or an adult recognizes ADHD patterns in themselves and goes to see a therapist to confirm. Sometimes they are already seeing a therapist who is familiar with ADHD (many are not) and makes the diagnosis.  So diagnosing backwards is not unusual.

It's hard to see it in oneself because all the ADHD behaviours seem normal. It really is a "It takes one to know one" condition.

There are no blood tests for ADHD and computer tests are are not always accurate. It's best diagnosed through the client's personal history.  Technically any MD even Nick can make the diagnosis, I trust Nick not to prescribe drugs so if Lucas wants medication, he's going to have to go to an ADHD therapist.

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I'll never forget taking my daughter to a therapist to get her diagnosed and after about 5 minutes of my daughter rolling around under the clear glass coffee table the lady looked at me and laughed and said "Is there any question?"  The funny thing was that I did not recognize my daughter's symptoms because I was an older parent and quite frankly wasn't around that many other children but one Christmas I realized she could not sit through commercials when she was watching television and kept coming into where I was and talking frenectically while I was doing something else and it was like a light bulb when off.  When I took her back to school after break was over I asked her teacher if she thought it was possible that she might have ADHD and she almost wept in gratitude...LOL!

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On 5/14/2023 at 6:42 PM, CarpeFelis said:

Oh, I was assuming it was a nickname for “III” — it just comes across as a snobbish old-money thing, which is what bugs me about it. Like Charlotte’s first husband Trey in Sex and the City.

My brother in law is a third and nick named trey but trust..... definitely much much much closer to no money than old money 😂.

His dad doesn't go by his given name either though.

But IDK Trey was on the signs at the wedding 🤔

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