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S25: Misti & Jim

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The first thing TudorPrince said about them was "God, he's scary looking," which he is. And I didn't like that last prominently featured dental team (Dentist and ex or almost ex wife). But I have to admit that they are competent, and moved through the tasks efficiently and without a lot of drama.

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Their teeth are beyond white. That said, I need to make an appointment with the dentist for a clean & some whitener solution. Call me shallow. I'm all about white teeth. Just not as scary white as Jim's. At least, he doesn't have to put on a mask for Halloween. LOL!!

BTW! Up to what part of the leg is the save good for? Is it like when there are 5 Teams or around there? Exactly, what leg would that be, too? Thanks.

Edited by ByaNose
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There are probably restrictions on how long the Save is good for, ByaNose, at least, I hope there is.

If they have spray-on tans, which is what it looks like, what happens if they are somewhere in the sun all day and get a burn? I guess I'll yell for someone to put a fork in them, they're done!

If it's tanning bed tans... they are sort-of doctors (think Seinfeld) so wouldn't they know about the dangers of skin cancer?

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I didn't see them as that cocky. They didn't say anything outrageous that I couldn't see as something prompted by production. They seem like good racers (even if I am a little miffed about him using the compass in his watch) so I'm hoping they won't be another Max and Katie. If they're going to stick around for a while, I'm hoping they just happen to look a little creepy but are actually nice or at least competent and quiet.

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Jim's appearance and cockiness rub me the wrong way, but I have to give him credit.  Yeah, he used the compass on his watch but he also noted where the sun was when figuring out the compass.  I thought for sure when Misti said he's the smartest guy she knows (or something along those lines) that they would completely flail at the compass task, instead he figured it out, did his measurements right and won the leg.  Good job.  Now if he could only tone down the creepy glow of his skin and maybe not claim to be unstoppable quite so much I might be able to get behind them.

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Phil said Leg 9 was the last leg the Save could be used.


That dentist seems too huge to be working in the small area around the dentist chair.  There's all those trays and counters, plus the cubicles aren't that big.  He would fill up the whole space.  Can't you imagine him leaning over your face??

Edited by Lamb18
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Jim is too scary, too tan & looks like his head is full of steroids. They seem like a competent couple but he is so scary looking that I wouldn't to be stuck in his dentist chair for a cleaning.


I came here to say that!  Plus he has major creepy bug eyes.  I'd need a double dose of nitrous oxide if he was my dentist!


Yeah, it looks like Misti & Jim suffer fron tan anorexia. They are a strong team but hard to look at. They probably even got more tan while doing that road block in the Virgin Islands.


Tanorexia?  :-)


The editors adding the fake sparkle effect to their too-white teeth creeped me out even more.


The last dentists I remember on TAR are Lake and Michelle, who I wouldn't let work on me either.

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They still aren't majorly obnoxious yet. This week we learned she's a former pageant girl. He knocked someone off her boat. And he uttered the phrase "second's just the first loser." I'm not going to hold their looks against them unless they actually act awful.

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This week we learned she's a former pageant girl.


They love casting pageant girls and models, don't they.


I am glad they didn't get first.  It made them more likeable to me.  The "second's just the first loser" line was probably the only thing that annoyed me this week, which is so much better than last week, when he was just so obnoxious.

Edited by Camera One
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The editors adding the fake sparkle effect to their too-white teeth creeped me out even more.

I suspect that's the editors' way of saying "look at these massive douche bags. You are going to hate them by the end of this season", which is my story and I'm sticking to it.


Seriously. can the casting team stop it with the casting of That Guy And His Equally That Girlfriend/Wife/Partner?

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Well, at least Jim looking so jacked is explained.  He did some competitive bodybuilding!


This team's still not hateful, but Jim's starting to lose me.  Please stop the bloviating.  Just let your racing performance speak for itself.  That's why Meghan & Cheyne's TAR15 domination and Rachel & Dave's TAR20 domination were a lot less irritating.  They let their performances speak for themselves.  That said, nice racing, even in spite of the ornery Shetland pony and the sheep.


But I'm still waiting for Misti to do a Roadblock and show that she can be more than Jim's pretty sidekick.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I give him credit that he's studied the previous games, thinks the physical tasks are easier than the mental detours.


Of course, that might work to the advantage of teams with two males though.


But he's set a big goal, to set all time TAR records and thinks the other teams will be targeting him.


How much of it is ego and how much bravado?

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Yeah, I still don't hate them, especially as much as other people seem to. There are no real villains this season which is a big relief and makes the show much more watchable. That said, unless he's trying to be a motivational speaker, he needs to cool it. I did like that he told Misti to keep back so she wouldn't get kicked by the Shetland pony. Unless he gets injured, I can see them making it far on his physical strength though I'd like to see her take on a few tasks. We could get anything in Copenhagen so hopefully it'll happen sooner rather than later. Maybe puzzles or dancing or something.

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The mother/daughter team said in a bonus clip that Jim does everything and Misti just follows.  So this team's true ability will show when Misti does more Roadblocks by herself, as Donny said above.  That will allow us to see how supportive Jim really is as well.  Since telling his wife that second is the first loser will definitely not be supportive.  

Edited by Camera One
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I give him credit that he's studied the previous games, thinks the physical tasks are easier than the mental detours.


Of course, that might work to the advantage of teams with two males though.


But he's set a big goal, to set all time TAR records and thinks the other teams will be targeting him.


How much of it is ego and how much bravado?

I wonder why setting all time records matters.  The important thing is to win.

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I give him credit that he's studied the previous games, thinks the physical tasks are easier than the mental detours.


Of course, in this case the physical task also involved an animal.  Any student of TAR knows animals are a wildly uncontrollable variable.


Jim's bragging gets on my nerves, plus he looks like he's just short of a 'roid rage outburst all the time.  But they are racing well.  I wonder if he's noticed that Bethany and Adam are right there with them so far?

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After a leg that was really harsh to the teams, we end with some leniency that, frankly, leaves me cold.  After losing the fuel challenge, biffing both Detours, and Misti needing nine tries (more than any other person!) to complete that Roadblock, they should've had to give that Save up.  That Phil gave it back just because it was an NEL was B.S.  They should've given it up and lost it after finding out they'd wasted it.


That said, let's hope this gives Jim some humble pie.  If they win another leg, though, we'll see if it does.

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Misti has grown on me, but Jim... he's just scary. Good at most tasks, a good strategist for the most part, but gosh the bloviating, and the lamps of intensity!


I did want them to burn the Save this week, but the NEL gave it right back to them. I guess we're stuck with them for quite awhile now.

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I go back and forth on how much I dislike this team. Their intro was arrogant, but Jim was pretty gracious to the other teams as he blew past them in the compass challenge. This week they handled coming in last reasonably well, and I didn't see Jim berating Misti for taking so long at the roadblock, but on the other hand when he said he "let" her do the roadblock it took me aback.

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Despite my negative feelings about some aspects of Jim, I have to admit he did hug Misti lustily and tell her he was proud of her. I'm afraid, though, that their relationship may consist of his praising her when she does what he wants, and lecturing her when she doesn't, and she tries to always please him

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Despite my negative feelings about some aspects of Jim, I have to admit he did hug Misti lustily and tell her he was proud of her. I'm afraid, though, that their relationship may consist of his praising her when she does what he wants, and lecturing her when she doesn't, and she tries to always please him

Honestly, just looking at his face in their confessional when Misti said that Jim was supporting her, I have to think you're right, TudorQueen.

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Misti had a smile throughout the time she was struggling.  Maybe it was nerves or she's more prone to smiling a lot.


It may have been bravado, about being the best team ever.  He did seem more chastened after the poor showing.


When he was doing the parking space one, he said he can't see another team passing them up at it but that may have been more to buoy themselves up rather than boasting.

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Despite Jim being so arrogant, I don't hate them.  He was pretty nice to the other teams, saying Adam was smart for example at the restaurant.  Misti did grow on me this episode, since she kept up her positive attitude even while failing and had a good reaction to finding out she read the clue wrong.  I really hope Jim was supportive off-camera.  He did let Misti decide on which parklet to build, so he doesn't get to decide everything.

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Misti needing nine tries (more than any other person!) to complete that Roadblock

In her last try, she had a card with some printing on it, and it wasn't a clue card. Did anyone see what it was?

[T]hey should've had to give that Save up.  That Phil gave it back just because it was an NEL was B.S.  They should've given it up and lost it after finding out they'd wasted it.

Totally agree. Once you hand over the Save, it's gone. It's too powerful as it is; they don't need to make it more so.

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In her last try, she had a card with some printing on it, and it wasn't a clue card. Did anyone see what it was?

It was extra info about the Roadblock.  Sometimes, tasks come with extra info the audience isn't usually shown.  In this case, it was.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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This is one of the reasons Misti is slowly winning me over. During the sandwich Roadblock, despite the trouble she had with it (some was of her own making, granted, in Not Reading The Clue closely enough) and with Jim skulking in the doorway training the Headlamps of Intensity (Insanity?) on her, she never gave up, never threatened to, and never lost her cheerfulness and sense of humor.

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I go back and forth on how much I dislike this team. Their intro was arrogant, but Jim was pretty gracious to the other teams as he blew past them in the compass challenge. This week they handled coming in last reasonably well, and I didn't see Jim berating Misti for taking so long at the roadblock, but on the other hand when he said he "let" her do the roadblock it took me aback.


This is why I don't like them. It's mostly Jim, but also she lets him treat her this way. In the first episode, he said something about how the roadblock was very important, so he was doing it. Now, he's letting her do something.


Also, he reminds me of Colin. I'm waiting for his ox.

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Misti had a smile throughout the time she was struggling.  Maybe it was nerves or she's more prone to smiling a lot.

I'm inclined to chalk this up to her being a former pageant girl. 


Maybe I'm being nicer to Jim that I would have been if I hadn't seen so many seasons of this show but I think the worst we saw from him was just him shutting down. He looked really intense when I think Shelley was like "tell me about it" and in the interview with Misti. But after the day they had, I'm not going to start hating him because he couldn't muster up a smile for the camera. It seemed like he was supportive of Misti the whole time she was failing to get that part of the clue and throughout the day and their little frustrations he didn't yell at her or blame her for their failures. Oh, and kudos to her for going with a song to help her remember the ingredients. It's what I would have done if I couldn't come up with a pneumonic. 

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In the extended mat talk bonus clip, they also mentioned they forget their clue somewhere and had to go back to get it.  On top of having to find someone to sell the expensive guide book to.  Phil sort of made fun of him for saying being second was bad, and he sort of laughed.  So far, I'm willing to give Jim the benefit of the doubt, since he hasn't been ugly to his teammate, or to other teams.  


The "tell me about it" was kinda funny considering Shelley didn't have a Save to fall back on.  I wonder if Jim recognized that.

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