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S03.E04: Too Close To Home

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Hee, Jordan fell when he landed but the kid still needs a mask if he's going to be out Superboying.

It's sad she has cancer but I love Lois applying her killer research skills to the illness.

Clark in Dad Mode is so sexy. 

Yep Sarah's staying with Kyle. They really didn't need Lana slapping her. Just Sarah's line about Kyle cheating should have been enough for a "you're staying with your father!" reaction and we'd have the same result.

Kyle in Dad Mode isn't bad either but Clark has the edge.

"I'm forcing Lois to relax today" Snicker.

Jon, sweetie, please be careful. I want you to have healing powers but we don't actually have any proof of this so don't antagonize guys like Candace's dad.

Irons keeps saying "the other me" and "my sister" and show we've talked about this. Doppelgängers aren't the same people and I will make this point until the end of the Arrowverse. 

Get a haircut Jordan! If you refuse to wear a mask you should at least remove recognizable physical features.

I love Lois telling Clark off for how he went about keeping her stress free. His heart's in the right place but she's correct. And, HA!, at Lois wanting to make sure Jon hasn't joined a Fight Club.

I'm laughing at Jordan coming in as outraged about possible haircuts as Lois and Clark are about the stolen truck. And now both twins are in trouble. I love Kent Family Time and especially when the twins are in trouble.

So the Ally story is how the DOD got Superman's blood and somehow it ended up with Bruno.

I hope all the Cushings, including Sophie!, end up in family therapy. I don't mean that in a bad way.

Ok I know the Arrowverse is big on characters saying "my [family member]" but it's just as annoying hearing "my brother" as it was when Oliver said "my son" incessantly.

I'm still salty that Sara and JJ Diggle will never be the Wonder Twins so the show referencing them is just mean.

Irons got what he wanted and is on his way to Bruno.

I both love and am terrified by the Revenge Glint that came into Lois' eyes when Jon told her the truth.

I'm begrudgingly impressed at Candace's dad not cowering in fear upon being confronted by Lois Lane but he's going to regret punching Jon and threatening all of them. She doesn't need Superman for this one.

"This is not a job for Superman." "He's not going." Fierce Clark is so sexy and it's unfair I don't have my own. 

Niiiiice Irons pulling an Iron Man with the suit.

I don't condone violence but Clark kicking Papa Candace's ass is soooooo hot. I love him including a threat for Lois to expose him. 

Ok if Lane was going to give Jordan a suit and mask why even drive back to the barber shop? On the other hand, FINALLY he has a mask!

Lois will be getting her treatment at Bruno's hospital so my theory she'll die and be resurrected by the Frankenstein serum is looking more plausible.

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You know what? I'm now convinced that Candace is the one who stole Jon's truck. It would explain him being so offended he just hit Jon. And her being the one to show up with the watch. 

"This isn't a job for Superman!" "He's not going." Yes, so much yes, so badass. So tough and scary and reasonable. Tyler Hoechlin does protective dad mode so well. 

Kyle, you've been my favorite member of the Cushing family lately. Totally reasonable and fair to both Lana and Sarah, ready to back Clark up. Very nice. 

I like that Jordan's going to be doing hero work with his Kryptonian powers and his human great-grandfather's goggles. Representing both sides of his heritage. I love it. And while I was amused at them talking about cutting Jordan's curly mop, I'm glad he didn't actually get forced to get a haircut. 

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That was the angriest Clark has been since the DoD opened fire on Tag.  It's like the saying goes, fear the wrath of a gentle man.

And there's Clark trying everything with Lois's cancer.  He lost his mom and dad to health problems that he couldn't stop.  He knows there are things he can't stop, but that doesn't make it easier, so he wants to make everything as comfortable as possible in the hope she'll get better, or he and the boys will get some more time with her.

You don't want to go to war with Lois, even a cancer stricken Lois.

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Lois is nuts for getting her chemo treatments at Manheim's hospital.  No, he won't kill her on the spot, but a stage 3 cancer patient getting sicker and dying in a short amount of time isn't exactly a black eye for the place. 

Nice that Clark was more subtle in the diner than some of the other versions we've seen when they've had to confront bullies at diners. 

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Another very good episode, especially given how bad season 2 was. I like how we're really getting the family moments. I felt like we missed out on that last season because they were more focused on the villains and the action. So getting back to family moments is really nice.

I liked Jordan Elsass as an actor, but Michael Bishop fits in even better with the cast. I really feel like Jon and Jordan are twins now; their moment in the bedroom at the start was hilarious and very sibling-like. Great job to Bishop, who had to jump in super last minute and just have to adjust to acting like he's been part of the cast for years. He really fits as Jon, but I might be discovering that I like him better than Elsass' version (and I liked Elsass' version a lot). 

Jon going to confront Candice's dad like that was risky. It sucks that he got a black eye just for standing up for himself, but I'm glad that Lois and Clark both got pissed off and went to confront the guy themselves. 

The best exchange so far is now:

"This is not a job for Superman."

"He's not going." There is now nothing officially scarier than a pissed off and protective Clark Kent. 

I'm not thrilled with Candice moving in, because keeping the secret just became so much harder, and I really don't want Candice finding out (but I just kind of want Candice to go away; either the character doesn't work for me or the character doesn't work with Jon after the events of last season). I understand her better and it sucks she has such a shitty, abusive father, but I don't necessarily want more of her, as a result. 

Kyle mediating Sarah and Lana's fight was smart and I really like how he handled it. I also like how Lana and Sarah apologized to each other about what happened. It was a very well done subplot that was also needed. Sarah has every right to be wary of her mother after the slap, but she also had to apologize for what she said and know that it wasn't true. And I'm glad Kyle got rightfully pissed both ways, but had to handle each differently. 

So, John Henry meets up with Bruno Manheim. It's good to see John Henry off doing his own thing now, and he's now more involved with Manheim. And Lois going undercover is going to be a terrible idea. He may not be able to kill you outright, Lois, but he can certainly dose your treatments to make you more sick. And he could also slowly poison you to have you die faster. There ARE things he can do subtly to you, Lois! 

So, we have had three kids somewhat disrespecting adults in the last two episodes (Jon was a bit more questionable, but he did mouth off to Candice's dad and called him a crap dad) and only Sam resorted to words, not violence. And then Clark and Lois handled it perfectly. Just something interesting that the show decided to do this season.

I'm glad Lois told her husband off about treating her fragile. 

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The worst part of this episode is that I got teased into thinking that they were finally going to cut Jordan's hair.  I've been wanting this kid shaved bald like Connor Kent on "Titans" so badly, and we almost at least got to see him get a haircut.

I don't care for Candice at all, it's too bad she has a crappy dad, but why does she have to live with the Kents?  Sounds like her dad skipped down and just abandoned her, but surely she has a female friend she could stay with.  It's weird that she's living at her boyfriend's house.  Never mind the fact that Clark can no longer just suddenly whoosh out of the house.

Still not liking Sarah but I'm glad she apologised.  I noticed that the show doesn't even try to explain where Sophie is or who is taking care of her.  So both of her parents and her sister will just meet at the coffee shop, don't mind Sophie, she must be fine.

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By far the best part of this episode was Clark beating Candice's dad's ass in the diner. That was awesome! I love seeing him threaten people as Clark, it reminded me of the end of Superman II. Although he's so buff that you would at least think someone might think twice before throwing a punch at this guy, lol

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1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

By far the best part of this episode was Clark beating Candice's dad's ass in the diner. That was awesome! I love seeing him threaten people as Clark, it reminded me of the end of Superman II. Although he's so buff that you would at least think someone might think twice before throwing a punch at this guy, lol

That scene was curiously satisfying.  I suppose because it's such a perfect stereotypical moment of a masculine male protector gender role.  It doesn't even seem to matter that the game is rigged for Clark - his act really takes no courage because he knows the guy can do nothing to hurt him, and Clark knows he can supermanhandle the guy at will.  So he can go into it with complete and unshakeable confidence.  It's the kind of act that will make women's hearts flutter, and the kind of fantasy act that guys would like to pull off.

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9 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

It was nice that Kyle wanted to jump in and help Clark. And Lana was really subtle in stopping him. It was a good episode for Kyle. 

I liked that scene too. Lana was like "No, no, Clark's got this" while probably worried that he might lose his temper and give away his true identity.

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10 hours ago, rmontro said:

That scene was curiously satisfying.  I suppose because it's such a perfect stereotypical moment of a masculine male protector gender role.  It doesn't even seem to matter that the game is rigged for Clark - his act really takes no courage because he knows the guy can do nothing to hurt him, and Clark knows he can supermanhandle the guy at will.

But he also knows that he can't handle asshole dad like he would a Zod.  It takes courage for Clark to know that he can confront the guy, and not lose control even for a second.

10 hours ago, MissLucas said:

It was nice that Kyle wanted to jump in and help Clark. And Lana was really subtle in stopping him. It was a good episode for Kyle. 

For all the shit that Kyle's done, I don't think we've ever gotten a hint that he'd hit a kid.  Of course he's gonna back up Clark, not just because they're friends, but asshole dad beat up a kid and pulled a gun on Lois.  And notice, he put his arm in front of Sarah and moves her away, he didn't just stand up, he was making a move to get Sarah away from a possible fight.

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Lois using her cancer as a way to chase a story and take down a bad guy is classic Lois, even the fact that its inevitably going to go poorly before it works out. I really did feel for both Clark and Lois in this one, I can understand Clark desperately wanting to look after Lois and keep her from overexerting herself, but I can also understand Lois being frustrated at her family treating her like she's fragile, that's not going to help her. Clark clearly feels so frustrated at not being able to help Lois heal, especially after he lost both of his parents to illness, he is trying to help as much as he can even if he's smothering Lois. Lois is right that she's still herself, a mom, a wife, and a reporter, and that she isn't "just" a cancer patient now. 

Clark going in the diner to put that asshole dad in his place was...*fans self*. Oh yeah, I love some badass protective dad Clark, and I love that he ended on threatening him with much worse than an ass kicking, Lois digging into him! It must have taken a lot of control to not actually hurt the guy with his powers, even by accident. 

Kyle had a really good episode, he handled the situation with Sara and Lana really well. He was rightfully upset about what both of them did and made it clear that it wasn't alright, but helped them see the other person perspective. He was also very upfront about his own part in starting some of this tension with the affair and called Sara out hard on blaming her mother for his mistakes. He even looked like he was going to jump in to back Clark up and then looked pretty impressed when Clark sent that asshole dad packing. 

Oh Jonathan, he means so well but he has his moms tendency to run in hot when there's injustice afoot. I feel bad that Candice's dad is such a scumbag, she clearly has a very crappy situation at home, but I don't love her moving in with the Kent's, I just don't like her very much. Jonathan desperately needs better love interests. 

Lots of great Kent family scenes, I especially loved when the twins were on the couch and looked at each other, realizing that they were in trouble. 

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One thing I'm happy about is that Michael Bishop, although he is embodying the character of Jon, isn't the hurt comfort 'snugglebunny', because I get really tired of that, really quickly. Trope wise I would also prefer to avert protective men, and protective, as opposed to supportive, in general. I would have preferred that the kent family had found a way to support Jon in standing up to the father himself, in some way. Perhaps, now that Candice has moved in, that is what will happen. Kyle was great, although he didn't show a lot of that potential in the earlier seasons. I am getting bothered by Sophie's absence, too, not that I think they need two children, but we are spending so m uch time on their family dynamic to have her absent.

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Heh, Clark all "Sorry for disturbing y'alls dinner" at the diner, when I suspect most of the patrons were like "Dude, watching you kick that asshole's ass was the best entertainment we could ever get!"  You just know all of Smallville is gossiping about how Clark when all Liam Neeson on that guy's ass.  Tyler Hoechlin doesn't need to be wearing the suit to look menacing! 

That said, I do wonder about Candice living with them (for now?) and how that effects things.  The idea that she might have been the one who actually stole the truck wasn't something I thought of, but I could see that happening.  And, if not, just keeping all of the secrets around her will be tough.  And, well... I know she's just staying in Jonathan's room while Jonathan stays with Jordan, but I hope the Kent parents are prepared for the possibility that Jordan will still be sleeping alone quite a bit unless they find new ways to make sure nothing TV-MA will be going down when they are asleep!

Darlene certainly had a day by not only meeting her brother's doppelgänger but then getting a bomb strapped to her chest by her actual brother's killer.  Being related to heroes in any form is tough!  Glad John Henry was able to save her, but it looks like retaliation against Bruno will be put on hold.  Continued credit for getting Chad Coleman for this role because he really is believable as a guy who doesn't sweat it when someone who can physically overpower him is in his face and always has ways to protect himself.

Kyle was stealth MVP for the way he handled the Lana/Sarah drama, by not fully picking sides, pointing how both were right to feel certain ways but wrong about others, and seems to be nudging them in a direction of reconciliation.  Plus, him wanting to come to Clark's aid before Lana stopped him.  Crazy to think he was such a dick back in season one.

Cool that Jordan got a suit and all, but I'm kind of with Sam that just getting a haircut would be a lot easier for everyone involved.

Lois's going to get her treatment at Bruno's hospital in order to find dirt?!  Classic Lois!

It always amazes me how much drama that normally would drag on in various other shows (even good ones) are solved with a quickness here thanks to characters actually communicating with one another, apologizing when necessary, and actually taking steps to address things going further.  So refreshing!

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7 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

It always amazes me how much drama that normally would drag on in various other shows (even good ones) are solved with a quickness here thanks to characters actually communicating with one another, apologizing when necessary, and actually taking steps to address things going further.  So refreshing!

This is a good point. People do communicate in other shows, and people apologise, even in the shows where fans go on and on and on about how they don't communicate, usually because they aren't responding the way the fans want them to respond. I believe that and see it all the time. But, in this show, the communication misses are addressed, they aren't used as cheap plot devices. It is refreshing. I think it is because the show is about healthy communication, though.

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On 4/6/2023 at 7:50 AM, Jediknight said:

For all the shit that Kyle's done, I don't think we've ever gotten a hint that he'd hit a kid.  Of course he's gonna back up Clark, not just because they're friends, but asshole dad beat up a kid and pulled a gun on Lois.

And if we hadn't been sure before, his feelings on not hitting kids was made clear in his conversations with Lana. 

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Thought of another title for the series: Boys, Upstairs, NOW.

See, you don't need Clark to overturn a truck (Man of Steel) or go sickhouse on diner goons (Superman II) to deal with human-sized problems. Except for not getting shoved one inch, he didn't have to resort to his many, many, MANY super powers. And because the guy smacked Jon and threatened the family with a gun, you know Clark probably had to taken time to lower his temperature to a much lower boil.

Nice bit with Jonathan and the hair. The hood might be a liability in a fight, but the googles remind me of Jack Knight in the comic series Starman. Next step: James Robinson joining the writers, leading to Jon get many tattoos.

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On 4/9/2023 at 12:43 AM, Lantern7 said:

Nice bit with Jonathan and the hair. The hood might be a liability in a fight, but the googles remind me of Jack Knight in the comic series Starman. Next step: James Robinson joining the writers, leading to Jon get many tattoos.

You mean Jordan.  I think the hood is unique to this series to accomodate his terrible Frodo Baggins hair.  But the googles seem to me to be a nod to the look that the Superboy (Connor Kent) who emerged after the Death of Superman has. 

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On 4/4/2023 at 6:18 PM, bettername2come said:

And while I was amused at them talking about cutting Jordan's curly mop, I'm glad he didn't actually get forced to get a haircut. 

The CW is the former WB, right?  Maybe they didn’t want Felicity-gate part two!  😜  Hopefully, I’m not the only one here who remembers the brouhaha over Felicity’s haircut.

On 4/5/2023 at 4:47 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I liked Jordan Elsass as an actor, but Michael Bishop fits in even better with the cast. I really feel like Jon and Jordan are twins now; their moment in the bedroom at the start was hilarious and very sibling-like. Great job to Bishop, who had to jump in super last minute and just have to adjust to acting like he's been part of the cast for years. He really fits as Jon, but I might be discovering that I like him better than Elsass' version (and I liked Elsass' version a lot). 

Chiming in with how amazed I am that new Jonathan has fit in so seamlessly into the show! One would never know he didn’t originate the role, if someone just started watching this year.

On 4/7/2023 at 2:02 AM, thuganomics85 said:

It always amazes me how much drama that normally would drag on in various other shows (even good ones) are solved with a quickness here thanks to characters actually communicating with one another, apologizing when necessary, and actually taking steps to address things going further.  So refreshing!

Add me to the chorus. Refreshing indeed!

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On 4/4/2023 at 9:18 PM, bettername2come said:

"This isn't a job for Superman!" "He's not going." Yes, so much yes, so badass.

I'm not feeling the badassery.   Clark is Superman.   There is no chance, none whatsoever, that Candice's father can hurt him.   He can't so much as lay a finger on him.   The risk factor for Clark in confronting that deadbeat is ZERO.  And clearly Clark used his superpowers in that confrontation against a puny human.   Where's the honor in that? 

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Why did Pa Laine think it was a good idea to give Jordan a haircut? He might not like his grandson's bouffant style, but it's hardly unique. In fact, Superboy changing his hairstyle would be more of a tell since it would happen at the same time as Jordan's change. The suit makes a lot more sense. Then again, we are in a world where a pair of glasses provide an impenetrable disguise, so who knows!?

It was so in character for Clark to Super-Snoop on his wife - and for Lois to be pissed that he did. And was it my imagination or did Clark look more stubbly than usual? Shaving is exactly the sort of thing you might neglect when you're concerned about somebody else.

Loved Lois admitting that inviting Jonathan's girlfriend to stay with them was a terrible idea! (Given the "Conservation of Characters", I expect she'll end up staying with John Henry and Natalie - or, like Sarah's little sister, in that sort of Quantum state when she only exists when she's actually onscreen).

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