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On 7/7/2017 at 11:38 PM, sinycalone said:

The police had been suspicious of Barr pretty much from the start....but the link was tenuous:  the word of a more or less career criminal who said he got the jewelry from Barr.  With very little to use as evidence, the prosecutor was right not to try to bring a case against him.  However, if they had spoken to the friend of the neighbor way back at the start -- they would have learned that Barr and his pal had backed the pick-up up to the door.  On the other hand, why didn't the friend go to the police with her story on her own?

My hand is raised..  While I'm always hesitant about letting service people into my home who don't really need to be there, this story now convinced me:  never allow any workman or service person into your home if you are alone!

I just rewatched the episode, and it seems that Keith Morrison walks off the distance from where the friend was sitting, and it was only about 12 feet to the front door where the truck was backed up to.  Yikes!!  I wonder if she was afraid to say anything?

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I've always been leery of repair people in my home, and crime shows have only made me more careful. Years ago the poor AC repair guy had to work on our thermostat, turning his back on our long, dark hall in the process. Every once in awhile our giant black wolfhound mix, who was lurking in that dark hall, would emerge, growling menacingly. I'd calmly tell him to go back and he'd vanish back into the dark depths. Five minutes later he'd be back, walking low, head down, growling, and making direct eye contact with the guy. That was the fastest repair job that guy had ever done, especially considering he spent half his time craning his head around watching for the dog. Dogs...the best protection and no background checks! 

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On 7/10/2017 at 2:36 PM, bubbls said:

Dogs...the best protection and no background checks! 

It depends on the dog. My beagle would only hurt someone by licking them to death.

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I have a small dog, a Mountain Feist, but his bark is so scary that the mail carrier will not get out of her Jeep unless I am there. He stays inside the fenced-in yard or on the porch, which is enclosed.... but yes, he's good for scaring people off. If only that poor girl had had a dog.

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I have a large dog, but she's no good locked up when a repairman is in the home.  If she's looking out the glass in the front door, and sees someone, she goes nuts.  I've seen UPS literally throw packages on my porch---even though the door is bolted shut.  LOL

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On 7/10/2017 at 2:36 PM, bubbls said:

I've always been leery of repair people in my home, and crime shows have only made me more careful. Years ago the poor AC repair guy had to work on our thermostat, turning his back on our long, dark hall in the process. Every once in awhile our giant black wolfhound mix, who was lurking in that dark hall, would emerge, growling menacingly. I'd calmly tell him to go back and he'd vanish back into the dark depths. Five minutes later he'd be back, walking low, head down, growling, and making direct eye contact with the guy. That was the fastest repair job that guy had ever done, especially considering he spent half his time craning his head around watching for the dog. Dogs...the best protection and no background checks! 

What was so bizarre about this was that Dateline said, which seems crazy, that the guy only had the business as a front to steal from his customers. Would it not become apparent after a few robberies, when the homeowners made a report to the police, that this business owner/employees were in the home that day? This show really did make me make me wary of having strangers in my home for repair work. And no dog here to supervise/protect!

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Tonight's show bugged me. I don't think Tony did it. I don't know why, I think it was the way he answered all of Andrea's questions, looking her in the eye. And his car was home all night. 

I dunno, it just bugs me. 

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But he could have gotten to Teaneck another way. Why try to "erase" crap on your computer 2 hours after the crime? I thought he was guilty & stupid.

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I thought he was guilty, but I was surprised that he was found guilty. It didn't seem to me like the jury had enough evidence connecting him to Rob Cantor's death. That's the way it seems to go though. When it seems like there's tons of evidence linking the accused to a crime, I always think that the jury will find that person guilty, and then that person gets off for some reason. Then, the opposite happens like in tonight's episode where I thought the accused would be found not guilty due to lack of evidence. 

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I was waiting for the tie-in about the other murdered people covered by arson in their homes in the town, but it didn't come.  Why mention them at all?  Was it to distract us in the beginning before they came up with the affairs?  I guess they let Tony Tung wear a sweater for his prison interview with Andrea Canning.  I had seen this episode when it first aired and remembered some of it, but couldn't remember if Tony had been convicted.

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The other arsons and murders made me think he didn't do it also. They never followed up on the older man with the red cap. Erasing his computer could be something he does all the time on a regular basis, I do it once a month. Get rid of old files and emails, etc. Guess I better be careful when I do that from now on.

If he had an accomplice....where is that person? 

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I missed the ending so I am surprised to read here that nothing more was shown about the other two burned victims. Who killed them? Or were they even murdered first like Rob? The show made it clear Tony got to NJ via a different vehicle when he was shown putting something in/taking something from his parked car. He could have been in disguise and taken a train or bus or taxi and gotten off/on at a distance and walked the rest of the way. He could have been wearing a red cap, too. I figured Tony was in prison since his white t was showing under the sweater, and the camera never went lower than his collarbones. Dateline has taught me to not be faked out by these interviews! Tony also seemed to be focused on Rob having sex with his wife in the basement, like that wasn't good enough for her. But did Rob sleep in the basement all the time? If that was just his "love nest," then Rob being killed and set on fire there is pretty telling. So yeah, I'm voting Tony was guilty. He was just a pretty cool head in that interview. He's had lots of practice time to get his lines down. He actually showed no emotion and was a cool head. But what husband goes to his cheating wife's lover and sits around chewing the fat, then asks to see where they had sex? That's too freaky for me. And those creeper emails ... yeah, Tony deserves to be where he is.

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16 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Tonight's show bugged me. I don't think Tony did it. I don't know why, I think it was the way he answered all of Andrea's questions, looking her in the eye. And his car was home all night. 

I dunno, it just bugs me. 

I kept waiting for something else to happen...new suspect or a different direction.  New piece of evidence.  Something.  Could Tony have done it?  Sure.  However, I wasn't convinced that he did do it based on what was presented.  The prosecution seemed lethargic to me...like they were checking off boxes on  a"the lover's husband did it" form.  I know that often happens, but I didn't find the prosecution convincing in proving it.  The year gap also gave me pause.  Why wait, and why then if it were Tony?  It wasn't a significant date of any kind.

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I came in here to see if I'd missed what the connection to the other 2 murders/fires was, and I guess I didn't.  Dateline needed to tie that thread up at the end, or not mention it at all.  While the circumstances point to Tony being the murderer, I have a really tough time with DAs blaming missing pieces of the story on unidentified, unknown, mysterious 3rd parties, for example, with the Central Park Five and the unmatching DNA. 

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I  thought that Tony was guilty. And yes, though the evidence was circumstantial, there was just way too much of it. The stalking of Rob, sending him anonymous emails regarding Sophie, going to see Rob in person multiple times, trying to buy a gun of the caliber that killed Rob, and then actually having a gun, leaving his apartment, wiping his computer clean at 2 in the morning right after the murder. And even though Sophie had been seeing Rob for awhile, it seemed that one daughter announcing only a couple of hours before the murder that she had met Rob that day pushed Tony over the edge. Maybe until that time he held out hope that Sophie would come back to him. The fact that he was annoyed that Rob took her to the basement to have sex seemed to point to him still having her on a pedestal. He seemed more mad at Rob for having sex in his basement bedroom with Sophie, than the fact that his wife was cheating on him. 

I don't think many of his answers to Andrea were believable. He said that he just happened to ask this stranger in Texas about buying a gun because, well, he lived in Texas where guns are cheap. Why did he want a gun in the first place? I have friends in Texas, and I have never once thought to ask them to send me a gun. Also when Andrea asked him about having the gun in a bag and showing it to Sophie, he said that he was holding it for "someone".  Why didn't his attorney produce this "someone" who owned the gun, to testify to that? Because it was a lie, that's why.  

I think that Tony is exactly where he should be. I guess the only positive is that Tony didn't kill Sophie, so that the three daughters still have their mother. Too bad though that Rob's daughters don't have their father. I liked that Sophie and Rob's ex hugged. Obviously they both loved him and were grieving his loss. 

Edited to add - like others I was annoyed that Dateline did not bring up the other two murders, even if only a sentence or two to say if either case has been solved. Sloppy reporting, Dateline! 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Last night's rerun was a new one for me, and it reminded me of a high school friend. He was such a sweet guy....with a mean streak a mile long. And I think Roxie may have had something to do with the aftermath. He kills the woman, calls Roxie and asks for help. She may have suggested he go to police and pretend she fell out of the car.

OK, I'm reaching, I know.... but she was such a staunch supporter of the guy who admitted to having her in his car and being the last one to see her alive.

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Last night's show was familiar to me, I remember the woman "falling out of the car" storyline. The court proceedings were new to me. If the guy's story changed so much -- first he just saw her on the side of the road; second, she fell out of his car; third, her head hit a mailbox (that wasn't there) -- why didn't he ever mention once that his car had crummy doors and the passenger side didn't work? Roxy made that point several times, but the car owner never mentioned it once ... that we saw, anyway. I've been in cars that had doors that wouldn't open, and it's quite memorable. The owner of the car didn't bring it up? And I found Roxie to be on the shady side. Yeah, they were BEST FRIENDS, but why wouldn't she let Dateline record her testimony during the trial? And her saying over and over that was her best friend. Yeah, just like those three girls in Indiana were best friends and the two stabbed the third and left her for dead to honor the mythical "Thin Man." Best friends doesn't mean a whole lot, it's just words. And where was Roxy 30 years ago, she just shows up now? Oh yeah ... and finding that pool cue in the field was a tip off for me, too, that the guy was guilty. Defense said that evidence was no longer around so why trust the cop who said he found it. Well, why trust some hippie druggie dude who said a chick fell out of his car?

And another thing. I found it really weird that the man and woman left the bar, then went to Roxy's house so the woman could use the bathroom? The heck? There's no toilet in the bar? No gas station or McDonald's? Yeah, I think Roxy knew a lot more than she was saying, just like the cop/prosecutor said. I'm almost thinking Roxy was in on the murder and helped dump the body out of the car.

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Regarding the case of Tony killing Rob, I googled the case as often I find Dateline leaves out important information as to why someone ends up being convicted. Tony was served with divorce papers three days before he killed Rob. I don't think Dateline said this in the show, though it is on their website. Maybe up until then Tony was hoping Sophie would come back to him?

Tony installed spyware on Sophie's computer, which is how he found out about the relationship in the first place. One Valentines Day he gave Sophie a card with the same phrasing as an email she had sent to Rob. Creepy. Also though Dateline said that Tony had shown Sophie a bag containing a gun, Sophie testified at the trial that when Tony showed her the gun, he also said that she and Rob were "in danger". I don't think Dateline reported this, though it seems like rather an important comment that Tony made directly to Sophie. Sounds like a threat to me. 

Several sites reported that Tony felt that Rob had "ruined his life". Since those words were in quotation marks, Tony must have actually said that Rob ruined his life. I would have had no problem if I was on the jury, convicting Tony. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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20 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

That's a lot that Dateline left out, which certainly does make Tony appear guilty.

I find Dateline very frustrating as they often leave out what I would think would be important info, even when it is a 2 hour episode. On their website they also stated that neither of the other cases that they brought up at the first of the show have been solved. So even though they spent time reporting on the two other cases at the first of the show they could not be bothered to give this piece of info at the end of the episode. 

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Thanks, UsernameFatigue, for that extra info about Tony. Maybe Dateline leaves stuff out because ... well, I can't figure out a because. They spend a lot of time repeating things over and over that could be exchanged for new info. But then maybe the jury's verdict wouldn't be such a suspenseful part of the show. Evidence left out so the show has more ... DRAH-mah? What you posted makes me positive Tony is guilty. Dateline does like to make viewers waffle between verdicts.

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6 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Last night's show was familiar to me, I remember the woman "falling out of the car" storyline. The court proceedings were new to me. If the guy's story changed so much -- first he just saw her on the side of the road; second, she fell out of his car; third, her head hit a mailbox (that wasn't there) -- why didn't he ever mention once that his car had crummy doors and the passenger side didn't work? Roxy made that point several times, but the car owner never mentioned it once ... that we saw, anyway. I've been in cars that had doors that wouldn't open, and it's quite memorable. The owner of the car didn't bring it up? And I found Roxie to be on the shady side. Yeah, they were BEST FRIENDS, but why wouldn't she let Dateline record her testimony during the trial? And her saying over and over that was her best friend. Yeah, just like those three girls in Indiana were best friends and the two stabbed the third and left her for dead to honor the mythical "Thin Man." Best friends doesn't mean a whole lot, it's just words. And where was Roxy 30 years ago, she just shows up now? Oh yeah ... and finding that pool cue in the field was a tip off for me, too, that the guy was guilty. Defense said that evidence was no longer around so why trust the cop who said he found it. Well, why trust some hippie druggie dude who said a chick fell out of his car?

And another thing. I found it really weird that the man and woman left the bar, then went to Roxy's house so the woman could use the bathroom? The heck? There's no toilet in the bar? No gas station or McDonald's? Yeah, I think Roxy knew a lot more than she was saying, just like the cop/prosecutor said. I'm almost thinking Roxy was in on the murder and helped dump the body out of the car.

I believe this show was a repeat from last October....but I don't recall seeing it.  

Roxy just set off all kinds of alarms for me, too.  If she was such a devoted friend of Dana's -- why wasn't she close to that friend's daughter?  My answer:  she knew that Dana had been murdered from the start.  However, when Adkins wasn't charged at the beginning...they both figured he'd gotten away with it.  Plus, there have been many criminals who thought that since 30 years have passed since they committed the murder -- the original crime shouldn't count against them.  And there are people like Roxy who feel the same way...and will lie to continue the cover up.

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Sinycalone, your statement that this guy figured he'd gotten away with murder after 30 years made me remember how he gave the finger to someone or else the entire courtroom after he was pronounced guilty and led away. I just assume it was the bird since it got the big blur by censors. I thought that wouldn't bode well for any judge going easy on his sentence. And he got life. So, yeay. And good point about why wasn't Roxy all besties with Dana's daughter. Although I think the daughter is WAY better off with no Roxy in her life. She's way creepy and the daughter appeared quite normal, nice and articulate.

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On 7/16/2017 at 0:35 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

Regarding the case of Tony killing Rob, I googled the case as often I find Dateline leaves out important information as to why someone ends up being convicted. Tony was served with divorce papers three days before he killed Rob. I don't think Dateline said this in the show, though it is on their website. Maybe up until then Tony was hoping Sophie would come back to him?

Tony installed spyware on Sophie's computer, which is how he found out about the relationship in the first place. One Valentines Day he gave Sophie a card with the same phrasing as an email she had sent to Rob. Creepy. Also though Dateline said that Tony had shown Sophie a bag containing a gun, Sophie testified at the trial that when Tony showed her the gun, he also said that she and Rob were "in danger". I don't think Dateline reported this, though it seems like rather an important comment that Tony made directly to Sophie. Sounds like a threat to me. 

Several sites reported that Tony felt that Rob had "ruined his life". Since those words were in quotation marks, Tony must have actually said that Rob ruined his life. I would have had no problem if I was on the jury, convicting Tony. 

Nice work!

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On 7/10/2017 at 3:36 PM, bubbls said:

I've always been leery of repair people in my home, and crime shows have only made me more careful. Years ago the poor AC repair guy had to work on our thermostat, turning his back on our long, dark hall in the process. Every once in awhile our giant black wolfhound mix, who was lurking in that dark hall, would emerge, growling menacingly. I'd calmly tell him to go back and he'd vanish back into the dark depths. Five minutes later he'd be back, walking low, head down, growling, and making direct eye contact with the guy. That was the fastest repair job that guy had ever done, especially considering he spent half his time craning his head around watching for the dog. Dogs...the best protection and no background checks! 

Just had the AC guy in my house.  My dog is a large black German Shepard/German Shorthair mix and he HATES other people.  I put him upstairs but behind a baby gate so he could still see someone was in the house and get past it easily if he heard me scream or anything.  The repair guy heard him growl and was like "You have a dog?"

"Yep."  I told Finn to go lay down that it was alright.  Finn did so but not without a good long look at the guy.

He got my repair done and took payment in ten minutes.

Saw Finn peeking out from the baby gate and just about ran off my property.

Dogs....yep.  Better than any gun.

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Wow.  Just watched the episode from last night about the car chase in San Antonio.  Really hard to sympathize with anyone.  The husband sounded like a jerk, the wife put up with the husband, and everything the mistress said sounded sketchy.  Hard to "pick" a side!  

Edited by MooCat Pretzel
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I agree, the mistress was just a bitch. How could you hit someone on a motorcycle and not know? Then there was the evidence the motorcycle was hit from the front-how could that happen? If my husband had a mistress he would be out in the street.

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Once again our host left a lot of holes.

I tried the experiment with two shoe boxes (scientific, I know, LOL) placing a small toy on top. When mimicking the movement of slamming on brakes, the toy flew forward. And my purse has also flown into the floorboard when I have had to slam on the brakes, so I knew the mistress was lying about that. When I bumped the back box into the front box, the toy fell backwards. Every time, 7 times I tried it. It never flew forward.

Therefore, the mistress was slamming on her brakes. Also....where was the damage to the front of the Escalade and rear of the Range Rover if any of the bumping story was true? Andrea left that part out. The wife never said she hit the other car....where is the evidence she did?

Andrea also left out a lot regarding the texts. There were paper printouts of every word, every photo. Why not confront the mistress with the photos she sent? Andrea said the texts were graphic in nature....and we saw something blurred out. Everybody and their brother knows all texts and photos sent are stored up in the cloud somewhere, the authorities had all of it. The mistress said she sent three butt shots and they went on to discuss something else. If she actually sent graphic photos, why not show her??

How did the wife hit the husband on the bike and have her rear side window broken out? NOBODY showed us that!  If she swerved to the right when he was beside her, OK....but I want to see a little more than a cop saying that's how it happened. After all the graphic recreations they did with the vehicles and motorcycle, why not show us that?  Bill slows down....the mistress passes him....now he's slowing down to get on the wife's passenger side. Why? Was he in on it too, harassing the wife on the road?

This should have been a 2-hr show with Keith as the host, as the one digging for answers. Andrea is a constant let-down.

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I've seen the car chase episode before on 48 Hours or Dateline.   JMPO they all were crazy.  I felt for the wife being tormented be both her husband and mistress but in reality, she could have walked away and taken the husband for everything.  Yeah, I know it was a cultural thing that she stayed because I know other Hispanic women who have stayed with cheating, scumbag husbands for the sake of the family.  

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I remember this case previously as well, so googled it and it was covered on 48 Hours last fall. Pretty much an identical show with still lots of holes in the reporting (unusual for 48 Hours). 

Like cooksdelight I wondered why they could not prove who was lying about what with regards to the texts. The wife claimed that the mistress sent her texts of she and Bill having sex, mistress said she did not. Since wife didn't have them to show I assume she is lying. With regards to the experiment that the expert did with the two cars and a coin to represent the purse? I did it as well, and the coin went backwards. However since in an actual car there would be a barrier (ie the back of the passenger car seat) I did it again with a barrier dividing the box, and the coin did indeed fly forward. So I give a bit if a side eye to the expert, who should have been able to come up with a more realistic experiment. Of course though that might not have fit the outcome he wanted. However if I were Bonnie I would have been putting the brakes on too (if she indeed did, and I wouldn not have felt the need to lie about it). Why would you continue to go faster while this out of control woman chases you? Heck, if I have someone tailgating me I touch the brakes so my brake lights come on and they know to back off. Trick taught to me by my dad when I was a teenager - works every time. 

In this epi the cousin alluded to Bill having lots of women. In the write up on the 48 hours site he said that Bill had lots of women over the years, and that Francis looked the other way. So I also give a side eye to her claim that she had no idea that Bill had been cheating on her for 3 years, and had tears in his eyes when he told her, since he had cheated on her for years with other women. I do think she was threatened that this one was such a long affair though.

In another article it reported that the 911 caller said that an Escalade side swiped a motorcycle, and that the rider was in need of medical attention. I don't believe that Frances did not know that her back window was blown out. In any case she put many people in danger by deciding to chase after Bonnie, and is just lucky that she did not kill an innocent person. IMO had she she would be serving a lot more than two years.

A side note when I googled this case: the two adult children are embroiled in a fight over the father's business which has been languishing since he died. The daughter has apparently transferred assets and money to her own company, as well as to her boyfriend. And also sold property to her boyfriend way below assessed value. The brother is suing her. Looks like the mother's actions have had far reaching consequences. 

12 minutes ago, Mama No Life said:

The mistress was a lying bitch.  I don't believe anything she said.


Alas, the wife was a sobbing disillusioned idiot.  Can't believe her either.


Hard to feel sorry for any of them.  Even Bill.

Especially Bill, IMO. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I thought this was a repeat I didn't realize 48 hours was the one that covered it before.  I didn't like the wife or the mistress.   While I can empathize with the wife being cheated on, she's the one who made the decision to turn around and chase after the mistress so I  think nk she belongs in jail.  Hated the way she tried to claim her marriage was so perfect.   

Edited by partofme
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I think Dateline showed Bill's tombstone but not close up? I guess they did on the 48 Hours show, and according to poster RedheadZombie it has  Frances and Bill's wedding picture and the date of their marriage on it. Who does that? RHZ made a hilarious comment that all it lacked was "Here lies Bill, killed when his selfless wife ran him down". The posters on PTV never fail to crack me up. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

In any case she put many people in danger by deciding to chase after Bonnie, and is just lucky that she did not kill an innocent person. IMO had she she would be serving a lot more than two years.

As much as I despised Bonnie, Frances's behavior was just horrible.  Her excuse of "I wanted to talk to her," made me want to shake her.  She could have gone to Bonnie's house anytime for a "talk."  Frances was in full on road rage, going 95 on a two lane road, calling her daughter at the same time, and side swiping her husband.  Didn't want to get a divorce for the family?  Those kids were being drawn into the middle of it all so that  Frances could complain and cry to them about their father. 

That said, Bonnie was such a sleazy, lying piece of work.  When she stared telling  Andrea about her implants and all the details about how, "I wasn't very big, just a little more than a "B" cup,"  I thought Andrea was going  to put her hands over her ears and say TMI!  How can you decide that someone is your soulmate, the love of your life, your romantic destiny -- when he's married to someone else and clearly not going to get a divorce? Explain how that works, La Gorda?

I think, to some extent, Bill, Frances and Bonnie all three loved the drama until it all ran off the road on them.

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I would agree JudyObscure that all three loved the drama. And as people on the 48 Hours site pointed out, Frances could have easily blocked Bonnie from sending texts to her. And whoever started the texting had to get the others number from Bill. Same with Bill's daughter who called Bonnie. She either got the number from her father or mother, but my money is on her mother. 

I did laugh when the daughter complained that Bonnie had made up a fake Facebook account and then friended all kinds of people in family, including aunts and uncles from what I remember, in order to stalk the family.  Why did all these people accept a friend request from someone they do not know (and clearly does not even exist - lol). Stupid, stupid people. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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6 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I've seen the car chase episode before on 48 Hours or Dateline.   JMPO they all were crazy.  I felt for the wife being tormented be both her husband and mistress but in reality, she could have walked away and taken the husband for everything.  Yeah, I know it was a cultural thing that she stayed because I know other Hispanic women who have stayed with cheating, scumbag husbands for the sake of the family.  

That shit is not cultural. We see stupid women of all backgrounds staying with lying, cheating men, and fighting with mistresses. We see it on court shows, news shows, reality shows, etc. I'll never understand it. If my spouse cheated on me, I'd be gone from the relationship so fast and wouldn't engage at all with the other woman. 

They all sucked, and it was hard to find even an ounce of sympathy. Someone is texting you mean things? Block them. What are you, 12 years old? 

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I had to turn this one off about 2/3's of the way through because I couldn't stand the cat fights for another minute. Totally agree that there wasn't one person in the whole scenario who was even remotely tolerable. This mistress (oh, sorry, she doesn't like that term--step off, lady) was killing me with her "building a life together" illusion, when the guy was very clearly married. It was like she was offended that the wife wasn't just rolling over. And the wife was just as bad with her sobbing, excuses, and fallacies about her "wonderful" marriage. But the part that pissed me off the most was that Bill, who was the cause of all of this and seemed pretty unapologetic, largely escaped both of these women's ire. 

Francis, it was Bill who openly shat on his commitment to you. As horrible as Bonnie was, she wasn't the one who broke your marriage vows so how about directing some of that hatred toward your philandering husband.

Bonnie, shut up with your delusional attachment to a man who's married and has a family. Take those huge fake boobs and find another schmuck who isn't in a relationship.

Bill, alas, sometimes we reap what we sow.

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Why did all these people accept a friend request from someone they do not know

All she had to do was get one person...then the next one sees they are friends with #1 and so they must be OK. And it goes from there.

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3 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

All she had to do was get one person...then the next one sees they are friends with #1 and so they must be OK. And it goes from there.

Some people do that. I never have. I once had a friend request from someone who was friends with my husband's three nephews, and from his hometown. I asked one nephew who she was as I thought I may know her under a different last name and had forgotten. He said he had no idea who she was. I told him "Well you and your brothers are friends with her on FB". I have never understood why someone is friends with someone they do not know, even if they have friends in common. What is the point? I know, I know, the point is to have as many 'friends' as possible for some people. Apparently Bonnie knew these people would be just that vain. I get friend requests from people I don't know (some are friends of friends, some not) and they stay just that - people I don't know. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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8 hours ago, ElleBee said:

This mistress (oh, sorry, she doesn't like that term--step off, lady) was killing me with her "building a life together" illusion, when the guy was very clearly married. It was like she was offended that the wife wasn't just rolling over. And the wife was just as bad with her sobbing, excuses, and fallacies about her "wonderful" marriage. But the part that pissed me off the most was that Bill, who was the cause of all of this and seemed pretty unapologetic, largely escaped both of these women's ire. 

That's right, Bonnie doesn't like the term "mistress," because it makes her sound like a side piece, and she's not a side piece.  I haven't led a particularly sheltered life but I think this woman was cruder than anyone I've ever met. It was obvious she had memorized a line to say whenever her stripper past comes up, something like "I-was-a-stripper-it-was-a-mistake-I'm-so-ashamed."  Yeah, Bonnie, we know you quit stripping after you got too gorda.

You know, I'll bet Frances would probably have continued to play her passive role of the ill-treated, tragic wife if two things hadn't happened.  (1) Bill laughed at her anger instead of his usual crying and apologizing, and (2)  Bonnie got to drive the new Range Rover.

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20 hours ago, LGGirl said:

I've seen the car chase episode before on 48 Hours or Dateline.   JMPO they all were crazy.  I felt for the wife being tormented be both her husband and mistress but in reality, she could have walked away and taken the husband for everything.  Yeah, I know it was a cultural thing that she stayed because I know other Hispanic women who have stayed with cheating, scumbag husbands for the sake of the family.  

Cultural thing???  I don't think so. 

I know plenty of non Hispanic woman who stay with lying cheating assholes! 

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I agree with most, everyone involved acted terribly. 

I understand being  cheated on is hard, and after all those years of marriage  it was probably hard to wrap your mind around it. However the disrespect bill showed his wife was beyond disgusting he clearly didn't care about her or her feelings.  And after all those years of marriage,  Francis had to know her husband.  So this disrespect didn't start with Bonnie. The wife's real issue was with her husband not his side piece. I never would have given  that bitch the satisfaction of seeing me crazed! 

From what his cousin said I don't think Bonnie (?) was the first time he cheated. He was clearly a scumbag. 

I haven't even finished the episode, it was all very annoying, tbh. 

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Bill thinks with his little head, not his big one, and whatever the little guy wants, the little guy gets. And guys like him don't care what their wife thinks, they know they can cheat whenever they like because the wife isn't going anywhere. The wife is financially dependent on the guy, and doesn't have the backbone to hire an attorney and take him to the cleaners.  Because she loves him in spite of himself.

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5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Yeah, Bonnie, we know you quit stripping after you got too gorda.

Doubtful. A lot of us prefer gorda women, despite the media insisting that overweight equals ugly (for women; men always seem to get a pass.) Skinny ladies do nothing for me, and if she weren't such a vile human being I would find her attractive.  Her weight would not have prevented her from stripping. I wouldn't be surprised if she still were stripping, truth be told. She has to find another married man whose wife she can torture.

14 hours ago, ElleBee said:

Francis, it was Bill who openly shat on his commitment to you. As horrible as Bonnie was, she wasn't the one who broke your marriage vows so how about directing some of that hatred toward your philandering husband.

This is the part I never understand. I would say the same to Francis that I have to all my female friends who've been in this situation. Is the other woman trash for staying once they know the person is married? Of course. However, she isn't the one cheating on you, you freaking idiot. Some people just thrive on drama, and I've never understood it. Women will key cars, slash tires, text incessantly, fist fight, etc., and not do a damn thing to the person actually cheating on them. Francis even brought her daughter into that shit. It's ridiculous.

I don't know how I made it through this episode. It must have only been an hour, because I would not have listened to any of it for much longer.

1 hour ago, imjagain said:

Cultural thing???  I don't think so. 

I know plenty of non Hispanic woman who stay with lying cheating assholes! 

Not to generalize too much, but I find it more with straight women than gay ones. I'm not sure why that is, but most lesbians I know would not accept someone back who cheated. Nor would I.

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2 hours ago, teebax said:

 Her weight would not have prevented her from stripping.

Okay then, the only stripper I know was fired for weight gain, but she's just one person.  Mainly, I just wanted to say la gorda, my new Spanish word.  I myself would love to be  la gorda again, since I have moved on to la gargantua.

2 hours ago, teebax said:

However, she isn't the one cheating on you, you freaking idiot.


No, but she is the one sleeping with your husband and driving your Range Rover.  I think in Frances's mind Bill was cheating on her and Bonnie was stealing from her.

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1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

Okay then, the only stripper I know was fired for weight gain, but she's just one person.  Mainly, I just wanted to say la gorda, my new Spanish word.  I myself would love to be  la gorda again, since I have moved on to la gargantua.

No, but she is the one sleeping with your husband and driving your Range Rover.  I think in Frances's mind Bill was cheating on her and Bonnie was stealing from her.

Yeah, I get that. But he was a rich dude. She'd have been better off leaving and suing in divorce court.

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8 minutes ago, teebax said:

Yeah, I get that. But he was a rich dude. She'd have been better off leaving and suing in divorce court.

That's what I said, she was dumb to go chasing after the girlfriend, who I am sure did flip her the bird. She could easily have gotten the house, the cars, and lots of money every month. Plus make sure the business goes to the kids. Now the kids are fighting over it all.

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