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S07.E22: Tell All Part 4

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What a nonsensical and disjointed first look.

Yara wants to move, Jovi is thinking about Florida, but oopsie, Gwen is building a new home closer to them. We also get a few seconds of Yara’s friend Symphoni or whatever she is called and some stuff about Yara being too good for Jovi. The Prague apartment comes up and Yara wants it for her and Mylah. Oh, Yara, you can’t just take your kid to Europe without your husband’s permission. The courts don’t like that. I think Usman also went off on Yara. Jovi is okay with additional property but it has to involve him and Yara.

Jenny is yelling at Ed and telling him off. He remains his nasty self and tells her she had her say yesterday. She didn’t like that. She says even more nasty things to him.

Shaun ends the tell all and folks change and head back to their hotel. Angela is in a red sequin jumpsuit.


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Interesting that the only functional relationships are:


Jovi/Yara (i bet the apartment storyline is all bs. Maybe she wants a place to go to Europe for extended trips and stay with mom).

Jenny/Summit (i'm shocked).

TLC needs to stop giving Pred air time and money.  They cut Geoffery and the Russian girl in the wheelchair (her name escapes me).  

Angela trying to pick up men at the bar later was laughable. 

Shocked we didn't see Billy at all. (maybe in the full episode?)

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13 hours ago, JeanJean said:

Gwen or Yara should host the next tell-all. Shaun seems like she's a lovely person in real life, but she sucks at hosting.

Gwen would be good as well as John from Patrick & Theis. IMHO Yara would not be a candidate. I liked her early on, but she has become only focused on herself. I don't think she'd stick with any line of questioning (or shall we say interrogation - LOL) for long. To me she seems very disinterested in the other cast member's stories. She can deal in short spurts for the show, but that's it. I had that feeling and then she solidified that when out in the patio, someone (was it Liz?) - wanted to talk about their issue and she more or less said she'd had enough and walked off. 

4 hours ago, greekmom said:

Angela trying to pick up men at the bar later was laughable. 

Absolutely no one in their right mind would give the time of day to Angela. A young, vibrant man with this old, incredibly angry woman? Nah . . .

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29 minutes ago, Breedom said:

Absolutely no one in their right mind would give the time of day to Angela. A young, vibrant man with this old, incredibly angry woman? Nah . . .

Well, maybe if the guy is thirsty for camera time. 

I thought it was hilarious when Ed tried to shut Jenny down with "You had your turn yesterday..." Yes, My Little Pony, SO DID YOU! In fact, he got more airtime in the whole four parts of the Tell All than anyone else because he inserted himself into every conversation both on the set and behind the scenes and tried to turn it into the Big Ed Show. 

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I realize we haven't seen the whole episode yet, but I noticed that last week and this, so far, Angela is pretty subdued and not vying for camera time as much as she usually does. Ed seems to have taken over that obnoxious role like it's his job. 

maybe they slipped her a valium in her food or water.

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

In fact, he got more airtime in the whole four parts of the Tell All than anyone else because he inserted himself into every conversation both on the set and behind the scenes and tried to turn it into the Big Ed Show. 

Agree, except that Ed could never carry a whole show by himself. Ed is the new Jibri in the fess-all, who attacked every other cast mate with his baseless predictions on their relationship status. In the case of 'lil Ed, he just attacked anyone for any or no reason. Going after Jovi showed his incredible insecurities and character issues. Personally, if I had a guy that behaved like a little attack dog for no reason, I would literally kick him to the curb. That's a red flag and someone who proves they are not worth my time. 

Poor Liz, who is so entrenched in this relationship - it runs her world - with someone like this. Girl, you deserve so much better. Kills me how much time she has wasted on this broken guy.

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Gwen or Yara should host the next tell-all. Shaun seems like she's a lovely person in real life, but she sucks at hosting. It took Gwen to shut Ed up.

God, I hope Ed's run is over.

Who on earth pays Ed to speak? About what? 

Kim has been/looked so cute in this. Right after I typed that, Kim referred to another woman as "bitch" and I really hate that in the context that Kim and Angela use it. 

Edited by JeanJean
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On 1/20/2023 at 11:47 PM, Frozendiva said:

What a nonsensical and disjointed first look.

Yara wants to move, Jovi is thinking about Florida, but oopsie, Gwen is building a new home closer to them. We also get a few seconds of Yara’s friend Symphoni or whatever she is called and some stuff about Yara being too good for Jovi. The Prague apartment comes up and Yara wants it for her and Mylah. Oh, Yara, you can’t just take your kid to Europe without your husband’s permission. The courts don’t like that. I think Usman also went off on Yara. Jovi is okay with additional property but it has to involve him and Yara.


They couldn't get the "out of your league" girl because she's in prison now, I believe.  As much of a jerk as Andreeei is, he's not wrong that they're not a good influence.  Yara's going to be just as unhappy in Florida.

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Yara would probably find the typical suburban mom as too boring and not as Bougie as her. Even her relationship with her Ukrainian BFF seemed pretty shallow. Mylah is growing out of being a cute little accessory. Yara should actually interact with real single moms who don’t just get a month’s break from their spouse and have to do 24/7 care, plus most likely work a full time job. Reselling cheap Chinese stuff to folks who see you as an influencer is not really a business and won’t last forever.

Mrs. Gwen has no obligation to care for Mylah while Yara goes out to have fun. Any child care should have been discussed with with Jovi’s mom before Mylah arrived. Maybe it is in Yara’s culture that Baba looks after the baby; but not here in North America. Gwen could have helped interview day care centers and possible babysitters.  None would be free. Yara seems to want free babysitting. Daycare costs here, be it the US or Canada.

Yara would like the child free life in Miami and going to clubs and events. For a while.

Having baby 2 would be an inconvenience, at least right now.

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I had to laugh when Andrei said Jovi wasn't good looking, and everyone's response was, "That's not nice" vs. "That's not true."

Andrei is hot for Yara. Big time. He's soooooooo jealous of Jovi. 

Ed, shut up. You are such a bitch.

Liz, you are cute but you look like a potato.

I thought Gwen wanted to see Mylah more. That said, they can't get a nanny? Gwen seems pissed

Jovi and his stripper thing is so skeevy. Jovi is a moron. Yara needs to leave his pervy ass.


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On 1/21/2023 at 6:27 AM, greekmom said:

Angela trying to pick up men at the bar later was laughable. 

Shocked we didn't see Billy at all. (maybe in the full episode?)

Billy's appearance was just a load of nonsense, orchestrated by Angela. Why would anyone be jealous of, or hateful towards, a man who requires hours of dialysis every day? I don't know if Angela saw Debbie with a nice Canadian man, and opted for the same? Either way, Billy is just having fun, while Angela tries (unsuccessfully) to pretend men are lusting after her.

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54 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Jovi and his stripper thing is so skeevy. Jovi is a moron. Yara needs to leave his pervy ass.


I struggle with this storyline because I remember Yara initially going with Jovi (in Europe) to strip clubs etc. while they were dating, and she was not bothered. Once she was in the US and pregnant, she was over it, which everyone understands. Still, Yara is not the one constantly bringing this up, or making judgements. It's the Andreis and Eds, and the others, because they hope to deflect attention from themselves.

Jovi has made an effort not to be at strip clubs as much, but I'm sure he goes whenever he has the chance. And I won't fault him for wanting to continue with something he enjoys.

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So 1/3 of the show is on the official set, 1/8 is leaving the set, another 1/8 in the car going to the after party, and the rest in the after party.

I think Ed is a sociopath and emotionally stunted. He does not talk or act like a 50 year old man. 

Michael is a dullard. When Usman said, "Listen, I'm much smarter than you, that is why Angela is jealous we are talking" or something like that, was pretty telling of how universally stupid he perceived.

Angela wants Andrei hard.



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On 1/21/2023 at 11:43 AM, magemaud said:

Ed seems to have taken over that obnoxious role like it's his job. 

Ed and Angela pretend they are there to support the others, but it's clear Ed is so thirsty for attention, he throws an idiot bomb into conversations, hoping for the resulting airtime. I want him gone!

On 1/21/2023 at 10:53 AM, Breedom said:

John... As a host


Yes, he has some humorous comebacks, and observations but the Boston (?) accent and grammar...? No bueno.

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My take:  Jenny was the star of episode 4.    I would rather have more time with the cast at the bar/aftershow then hear about Yara's boob job for so long. Shaun sucks as a host.  

The men:  Miyuuukl is even more of a dullard than I realized. Thirsty Usman- go away now.    Was Summit even there?   Andrei was the voice of reason and who woulda thunk it.     I think Jovi's nasty strip club habit is made up for drama because they seem like a solid couple to me.  I never want to see Liz or Big Ed again.   There is something terribly wrong with her that she stays with him.I think it's called I Desperately Want to be Famous-itis.   She caught it from Ed, who is the male Angela 2.0 .    I had to think about who I was missing and then I finally realized it was Bilal.  zzzzzzz

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My randoms:

Out of the two Nigerian scammers, I have come to the new conclusion that Michael is the bigger scammer, not Usman.  There is 'no there there' with Michael.  He is just a one note scam artist who found an easy mark.    He literally has one hand to play and it's 3 or 4 variations of this over & over -- "Baby, baby, Angie, please calm down."  He's the Angela Whisperer.  That's literally all he's got.  You know when you are on facebook and you see those scammer posts from fake accounts replying under middle aged women's posts with "I love your photo.  I want to be your friend.  Please send me a friend request.  You are so all kinds of beautiful!"  That's Michael.  Found one of the dumbest, most ignorant American women he could find through his trolling and here we are.  I used to like you, Michael.  But go away now.  You bore me. 

Kim has revealed herself to be one of the nicest people ever to appear on this show.  Who saw that coming?  She is just so nurturing and kind to all of the other people on this show.  I don't feel bad for her though with regards to Usman because unlike Angela, who is dumb as a box of rocks, Kim is smart enough to know that she actively participated in this.  She pursued Usman online knowing full well what she was getting into.  But at least in her case, she got  a bit more out of it than just "Angie, Angie, please calm down baby."  But now she needs to put the phone down, take her head out of her ass and come to her senses.  She seems to be halfway there.  Go meet some nice man at the local bowling alley.  But then again, I am sure she will backslide just in time for next season.  Stay tuned!

I am now moving Yara into scammer territory.  This is a new revelation for me since watching the whole Tell All.  The only difference between her and Michael & Usman is that she is playing the long game with Jovi.  While those two guys are more short term 'hit 'em and quit 'em' scammers, she is taking her time to set things up and taking full advantage of her time with Jovi and this show.  But a scammer none the less. 

Liz has some major emotional problems that have come to the surface during the filming of this.  She is a troubled person beneath that pretty exterior.  There is a masochistic vibe going on between her and Ed where she seems to feel as though she deserves being treated like shit and keeps going back for more.  It is starting to get too sick and twisty for me to watch and I am no longer  deriving any entertainment value from watching them.  Unlike the other 95% of these people who come on this show as complete bullshit artists who are "in on the joke,"  I honestly don't think that Liz is one of them, she is genuinely this person and that is too sad for me to watch.  Girlfriend needs to get herself off of the tv and into some deep therapy and concentrate on fixing what is broken in her and get her kid back.

Lastly, I think Andrei is completely over this show.  Is he probably going to keep sticking around for the pay cheque?  Oh, probably.  But he is so over it all. 

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10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

None would be free. Yara seems to want free babysitting. Daycare costs here, be it the US or Canada.

She acts like dropping $15,000 on a ring is totally feasible for her with her own money, but yet they have not found a daycare or nanny to come to their house and help her out while she "works." The idea that her job is equivalent in any sense of an actual career or job outside the home is a joke. IS she truly that delusional and full of herself? These two are doomed, it is just a matter of how long they hang in there before they call it quits. He hadn't seen his friends or hung out in forever, ok, fine, got it---so he booked a fucking SAFARI??? I do agree with him that Yara was the one who set that conflict up by scheduling her surgery. She said that was the date and MeeMaw jumped in with  a "yeah she had no choice." Um, this was ELECTIVE surgery. There was no medical emergency for her to get her perky tits back that couldn't have waited a few weeks or months. But then, no conflict. These two have not joined their lives together, they are still fuck buddies just now with a marriage cert and a baby. That poor baby. 

Ed is disgusting. 

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10 hours ago, anoninrva said:

They couldn't get the "out of your league" girl because she's in prison now, I believe.  As much of a jerk as Andreeei is, he's not wrong that they're not a good influence.  Yara's going to be just as unhappy in Florida.

Oh spill the tea please! 

I had to laugh about Weeble Wobble Ed going to a speaking engagement, who the heck would hire this a-hole gaslighting abuser?

I actually enjoyed the format of this reunion with the "behind the scenes" look. Jovi was right, Ed is going to get his ass handed to him one day.

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1 hour ago, Cementhead said:

Liz has some major emotional problems that have come to the surface during the filming of this.  She is a troubled person beneath that pretty exterior.  There is a masochistic vibe going on between her and Ed where she seems to feel as though she deserves being treated like shit and keeps going back for more.  It is starting to get too sick and twisty for me to watch and I am no longer  deriving any entertainment value from watching them.  Unlike the other 95% of these people who come on this show as complete bullshit artists who are "in on the joke,"  I honestly don't think that Liz is one of them, she is genuinely this person and that is too sad for me to watch.  Girlfriend needs to get herself off of the tv and into some deep therapy and concentrate on fixing what is broken in her and get her kid back.

I found it kind of hard to follow the "I'm just going to go straight home to San Diego and forget about Ed", and the subsequent, "What do you mean, you're going to Boston without me!" threads.  Mrs. Anon thought she was just talking tough to the girls, but still wanted to go with him to his speaking engagement (which is its own thread - who in their right minds would pay for Ed's words of wisdom?), but I was a little less clear on whether Ed was actually breaking up via group text.  I suspect that was the plan all along, since they didn't even stay in the same hotel room.

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23 minutes ago, Chalby said:

And please let there be someone present to film it. I would pay $$ to see Ed get his comeuppance.

I turned to the wife when Jovi was telling Ed he was gonna get his ass whooped one day & said "that would be the first PPV actually worth shelling out for".

10 hours ago, Chalby said:

Ed and Angela pretend they are there to support the others, but it's clear Ed is so thirsty for attention, he throws an idiot bomb into conversations, hoping for the resulting airtime. I want him gone!

Yes, he has some humorous comebacks, and observations but the Boston (?) accent and grammar...? No bueno.

John also said on pillow talk that "Liz & John sounds good". Go for it I say, would love to see small Eds head explode at John and the fireworks that would ensue.

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

As much of a jerk as Andreeei is, he's not wrong that they're not a good influence.  Yara's going to be just as unhappy in Florida.

Absolutely. Andrei may be a blowhard, hothead and possibly an alcoholic....but he does seem to genuinely love his wife and daughter (and now son) and value family. Yara's beeyotch friends were so phony and disgusting and as someone (maybe Andrei?) pointed out, she laughed and played right along. I said before I was positive none of them had a boyfriend or husband and if they had one with the job/income that Jovi has, they would be kissing his ass and wouldn't give the other women the time of day. Surprise, surprise, Symphony (WTF names a kid that? is that her stripper name?) admitted that she is a single mom and had to move across a state when things didnt' work out with her fiance (why? he was footing the bill. I mean if she had a job of her own she would have just moved into her own place, not relocated). Has anyone ever asked WHY she is so miserable in Louisiana? They seem to have a lovely home. Her free babysitter who she says is her American Mom is even moving to be closer to her and the baby. She allegedly is running a wildly successful business from the comfort of her own home. What will she get in Florida that she doesn't have? She is a sad, empty person who is traumatized by what was probably a very hard scrabble upbringing after her father left her mom. She had tons of plastic surgery with the whole purpose of trapping a man with money to maintain her in a certain lifestyle. She just doesn't like her life and is an empty shell. No matter where, no matter with who, Yara will NEVER be "happy." 

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5 hours ago, greekmom said:

Yeah, I got the same feeling.  Or at the very least any man under 40 that is available. 

She'd even do "gorgeous" Jovi if given the chance. I wonder if she'd draw the line at Ed. 

But why was Michael cheating brought up over and over but HER online fling with Billy was pretty much ignored? Her only excuse was she did it to get Michael's attention and make him jealous, but Michael couldn't do the same thing? 

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12 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I had to laugh when Andrei said Jovi wasn't good looking, and everyone's response was, "That's not nice" vs. "That's not true."

When several people attacked Jovi for his looks, I genuinely felt bad for him. I used to hate Jovi but I now see him in a whole different light. First, Andrei, who I always liked, now has become annoying to me - commenting negatively on Jovi's looks was just rude and totally unnecessary. I'm glad several of the women spoke up for him, including Angela at the end saying something like "don't worry, Yara, Jovi is gorgeous." Jovi actually totally held his own during the fess-all, keeping his composure and being reasonable and fair in his responses. Trying to hold mini-Ed accountable for his outbursts towards women (Yara and Jenny) showed his character.

And why shouldn't he go on safari? Man, everyone attacked him on that and he had every right to go. For all we know, he might have begged Yara to go and she didn't want to, and said that he should go ahead and go anyway. The trip was probably scheduled for some time and then Yara wanted her surgery and couldn't wait. Not Jovi's fault. He was with her for ten days, then he went on the trip. So what? It was Yara who could have scheduled her elective surgery another time, and it was Yara who chose not to. 

Jovi is not a bad looking guy and I think he and Yara fit together looks-wise.

2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I had to laugh about Weeble Wobble Ed going to a speaking engagement, who the heck would hire this a-hole gaslighting abuser?

Speaking on what exactly? I have no idea why anyone, anywhere would pay to hear this stupid person talk. The guy has absolutely no redeeming qualities. 

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4 hours ago, Midwestern Lady said:

I had to think about who I was missing and then I finally realized it was Bilal.  zzzzzzz

Me, too! I was thinking about the four guys who were there in person, and whether or not Angela would "hit" on them, and I absolutely couldn't think of Bilal. And the answer to my question is "yes," she would. Ed is the only one I'm not sure could get her juices flowin' 

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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

You know when you are on facebook and you see those scammer posts from fake accounts replying under middle aged women's posts with "I love your photo.  I want to be your friend.  Please send me a friend request.  You are so all kinds of beautiful!" 

I tend to see those kind of posts the most on RECIPE sites!  

3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Kim has revealed herself to be one of the nicest people ever to appear on this show.

I admired how she wasn't afraid of Angela, due to her military training. 

3 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

She acts like dropping $15,000 on a ring is totally feasible for her

Ed has one he'll sell her for only $ 13,000! 

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23 minutes ago, Breedom said:

So what? It was Yara who could have scheduled her elective surgery another time, and it was Yara who chose not to. 

If Angela's surgeon, Dr. Obeng performed Yara's "breast aug" (probably comped for a mention on the show) she had to go to California to have it done! So I guess Miss Gwen had to take care of Myla while both parents were out of town (both for elective reasons?) 

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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

I am now moving Yara into scammer territory.  This is a new revelation for me since watching the whole Tell All.  The only difference between her and Michael & Usman is that she is playing the long game with Jovi.  While those two guys are more short term 'hit 'em and quit 'em' scammers, she is taking her time to set things up and taking full advantage of her time with Jovi and this show.  But a scammer none the less. 

I with you there.  Always thought that she just went on 90 day to get exposure.  Once she got pregnant, her game plan changed to the long con.  Jovi isn’t husband of the year but he’s not a bad guy.  She is playing him for all he’s worth. 

3 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

She acts like dropping $15,000 on a ring is totally feasible for her with her own money, but yet they have not found a daycare or nanny to come to their house and help her out while she "works." The idea that her job is equivalent in any sense of an actual career or job outside the home is a joke. IS she truly that delusional and full of herself?

My first thought is that Yara needs to hire a nanny.   But that is part of her manipulation.  She is playing Gwen, saying she isn’t doing enough for her, so one more reason she needs a place in Prague.  Yara’s mom will be the nanny.  Making Jovi move away from his family is a way of isolating him from his family and blaming them for not being there — so she needs to move to Prague. 

On another note …. Hope this the last time I see Angela on my TV.  Cannot. Stand. Her. Low. Rent. Abusive. A$$

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1 minute ago, LGGirl said:

On another note …. Hope this the last time I see Angela on my TV.  Cannot. Stand. Her. Low. Rent. Abusive. A$$

I'm afraid she's not gone for good. My theory is one of two things will happen:

She will bring Michael to the US and be on the next original premise "90DF" or

They will split up and she will be on "The Single Life." She wouldn't even have to divorce him to be on SL, Tania, Tiffany and Natalie were all married when they were on last season. In fact, sometimes the story focuses on the estranged couples possibly reconciling. 

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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

There is a masochistic vibe going on between her and Ed where she seems to feel as though she deserves being treated like shit and keeps going back for more. 

Agree. She knows full well that Ed is a problematic, self-centered, childish, immature, egotistical liar who is ugly both inside and out. What is there to love about this oaf? Liz, ask yourself why has he never had a successful relationship with a woman for his entire life? There is a reason and there are multiple reasons you need to realize that this guy is someone that everyone else rejected.  He's not going to save you, you have to do the work and save yourself. Run and don't ever, ever, contact him again. 

Ed's behavior was over the top in the fess-all. Attacking everyone like a little bull-dog. His need for attacking Jenny was despicable. Like Gwen said, "how old are you?" No wonder is mom and daughter have distanced themselves from this nut. 

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22 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

Surprise, surprise, Symphony (WTF names a kid that? is that her stripper name?)

Actually, it's Cymphony.  I'm pretty sure nobody named their kid that.

32 minutes ago, magemaud said:

If Angela's surgeon, Dr. Obeng performed Yara's "breast aug" (probably comped for a mention on the show)

Thank you for the bolded.  I was having trouble wrapping my head around Yara wanting anything in common with Angela's waist-level bags. 

I loved it when Mrs. Gwen was telling Jovi he shouldn't have another baby.  When Grandma is telling you not to give her any more grandbabies, there's an issue.

Which...that whole situation is weird.  Gwen said she was trying to be there as much as she was needed, but didn't seem to know how much that was.  Seems to me someone could have told her.  And then when she told Jovi she was buying property to be closer to him, why didn't he immediately say, "Don't.  We're probably moving"?

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40 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Which...that whole situation is weird.  Gwen said she was trying to be there as much as she was needed, but didn't seem to know how much that was.  Seems to me someone could have told her.  And then when she told Jovi she was buying property to be closer to him, why didn't he immediately say, "Don't.  We're probably moving"?

 I took the first part to mean that to Gwen, she was driving up there and back 2 hrs each way, 3x a week which to her seemed to be plenty and no one ever opened their mouth to say otherwise. Then they completely blindsided her with the "why aren't you doing more for Yara you know she is alone in this country." Notice in that clip when Jovi is going off on his mom, Yara is silent in her glasses. This is a long con to her...her DREAM was to be a rich divorcee. I don't think she likes ANY man all that much----she wants to be financially secure to take care of herself and her mama. I don't doubt for a second that she would give up custody of that baby. THe last part, no idea----I am sure he mentioned they would move, but maybe not that it was DEFINITE. and his mom thought well, if we are closer to help more, Yara will be happy. The truth is, Yara will never be happy while married to Jovi. 

Edited by Stuckathome
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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

I'm afraid she's not gone for good. My theory is one of two things will happen:

She will bring Michael to the US and be on the next original premise "90DF" or

They will split up and she will be on "The Single Life."

Thank you to the magical man in the sky that she doesn't have a son or else she'd probably end up on Season 2 of MILF Manor.

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