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NCIS: Meet the Female Fed Who Will Join Gibbs' Team for Season 14


This is all casting call information, but TPTB are seeking a "name" actress.

I'm down with adding another female agent to the mix, but not sure if I love them looking for a "name actress"-- too many shades of original recipe CSI (though in this case Gibbs is still around so it's not quite the same). This almost makes me wish Salli Richardson hadn't already been a recurring guest star, because I could totally see her in this role. Ah well. Someone who isn't white would also be a big plus.

Count me in as one of those who don't want Tony to leave for Ziva or Jeanne, especially Ziva. At best that relationship was unhealthy.

I'd love to see Salli Richardson-Whitfield come back.

where did she go anyway? I think I asked this on another thread - I know she just guested a few times, but do we know she's still out there doing her lawyer thing? I full admit I can't keep all the years straight and when what happened happened, but did i is a hook up w Gibbs? Or is that just wishful thinking on my part.

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This is the part that kills me the most:




Shane comes and asks if I've read the Cover Story script which was a tricky ? because at the time you weren't supposed to read other scripts

Seriously. the writers weren't supposed to read other writers' scripts.

The writers weren't supposed to talk to each other about their episodes

If two writers were caught talking, usually one got fired. Seriously. That happened. The office hallways felt like trenches.


How can anyone run a writers' room like that?? Where the writers don't know what the other writers are writing? How is there any sort of continuity of story or character that way? That seems ridiculous and foolish (not to mention a bit moronic) to me.  *headdesk headdesk*


Well, at least that explains a lot about this show.  *sigh*

  • Love 2

This is the part that kills me the most:



How can anyone run a writers' room like that?? Where the writers don't know what the other writers are writing? How is there any sort of continuity of story or character that way? That seems ridiculous and foolish (not to mention a bit moronic) to me.  *headdesk headdesk*


Well, at least that explains a lot about this show.  *sigh*


I don't know. I mean, I love Jesse Stern, and I know I wanted him to take over as show runner when Shane left. But aside from the changes between the pilot and the rest of changes in the first season, I think the show was pretty good with continuity, until after DPB was gone.  Remember the retcons with why Ziva killed Ari? That wasn't under DPB's watch. Or the other stuff that was changed in just the past two or three years.


Want an example of writers not reading each other's scripts and fucking up continuity? Just check out General Hospital, where they retcon shit on a daily/weekly basis!

  • Love 1

I totally understand what you're saying. (And I actually think some of the strongest episodes were in the early seasons, and then faltered, and then got strong again after Ziva left, and now I just don't know what's going to happen after Michael Weatherly leaves.)


I think for me it's also a matter of character development. I just can't imagine how any characters' stories could be properly developed if no one in the writers' room was allowed to talk with one another or make a solid plan or direction for these characters. If (as Jesse said on Twitter) the actors were the only ones trying to keep a handle on who their characters are and what they would and wouldn't do, and the showrunners didn't care or want a conversation to even be had about it, it's a small wonder we got even the development we did. It just amazes me.

Edited by sinkwriter
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I'm seeing a lot of questions about continuity and how that worked. Simple answer -- the #NCIS actors kept their own continuity. Insane!!!!!

For the actors -- they had to take real ownership over their characters. It was the only way the thing would work.

If an actor told a writer -- "I wouldn't do that" or "This doesn't make sense." The actors were usually right. Cuz they were keeping track.

First time I sat down next to Mark Harmon, he turns to me and says, "You know the deal with Don, right?"

It was a big change when Don left and Shane took over. John Kelley also left. He was the unsung hero of that era. Cleaned up a ton.

I think I've mentioned before, the second half of season 5, post surgery, I was high on percocet most of the time. More madness.

Internal Affairs, About Face, whatever I contributed to Judgement Day, and Heartland (shot at end of 5 for season 6) all percocet.


This is like reading a tell-all 140 characters at a time.  Fascinating.  It's too bad he stopped because he had to go back to working on a pilot he's writing.

If an actor told a writer -- "I wouldn't do that" or "This doesn't make sense." The actors were usually right. Cuz they were keeping track.


I'm not saying I don't believe him, but if this was the case, I find it difficult to believe that Michael Weatherly went along with Tony turning into a buffoon after his great Season 4 arc. Because, really? Tony would do/act like that?

I'm not saying I don't believe him, but if this was the case, I find it difficult to believe that Michael Weatherly went along with Tony turning into a buffoon after his great Season 4 arc. Because, really? Tony would do/act like that?



Jesse Stern was referring to the DPB era which was seasons 1-4.  Shane Brennan took over from 5 forward and he seemed to have a real thing for making Tony the OTT comic relief of the team to serve as a contrast to the OTT melodramas of Gibbs, Ziva, and Vance.  Glasberg has moved away from that is the last few years (especially since Ziva left).  The downside is that Glasberg is taken all of the Vance, Ziva, and Gibbs focus and turned it into just Gibbs focus making the rest of the team very much competent but secondary.  Still that is more forgivable to me than because NCIS has always been a Mark Harmon vehicle first and foremost.  

  • Love 1

The downside is that Glasberg is taken all of the Vance, Ziva, and Gibbs focus and turned it into just Gibbs focus making the rest of the team very much competent but secondary. Still that is more forgivable to me than because NCIS has always been a Mark Harmon vehicle first and foremost.

You know, people keep saying that, and I usually accept that without thinking about it. But off the top of my head, I don't think that's necessarily true for this season and the last. (Fuzzy about the one before that, so I won't mention it.) We had McGee/Delilah relationship/ cohabitation/ long distance drama/ wheelchair stuff (and can I just say that I appreciate that NCIS and NCIS NOLA have integrated characters with disabilities into their storylines), all sorts of Bishop relationship crap and the visit to her family (I like Bishop ok, but those marriage SLs did her no favors), the horrible Abby family stuff (she was my favorite in season 1, I will never understand what they did with her. I liked her brother, improbably, even less that her, and after the ep I liked her even less than before just for coddling his stupidity), some Ducky stuff with his secret mystery club and family / flashback stuff, and even Jimmy the autopsy gremlin became a father. Heck, even Dorny and Fornell had some stuff. Tony's SLs are more diffuse in my memory. I guess the Jeanne stuff and his ex from the NSA. Oh, his dad! How could I forget his dad? That's a lot of stories for other, non-Gibbs people. I may have conflated some older seasons' events there, but for a show about solving the crime of the week, that's a fair amount of SLs for their characters, and I like that. Some shows skip that entirely, and their characters feel so interchangeable as a result.

But I will say the Gibbs stories carry more weight for me. (Which is why I generally take the "Mark Harmon vehicle" comments at face value.) I think that's mostly because I like him more that the others. Or I guess I might even like Tony more than Gibbs, but am frequently frustrated by his writer induced buffoon-iness, which Gibbs doesn't suffer from. Ultimately that reduces my enjoyment of Tony, plus Gibbs' character frustrates me the least.


There's no slowing this juggernaut down. NCIS has been renewed for seasons 14 and 15.



This is me armchair quarterbacking.  I don't know diddley about anything of consequence.


From the tVLine article


“It’s extraordinary that in its 13th season and with over 300 episodes to its credit, NCIS continues to excel at such a high level on a global scale,” said Glenn Geller, President, CBS Entertainment, in a statement.


I think the operative words here are global scale.  CBS must be doing land-office business with the global syndication and airing rights.  It's got to be revenue-driven.  The stream must be plentiful for CBS to OK a 2-year deal.  Plus, by that time, NOLA will be ending its fourth year   It would be established enough to stand with LA, and who knows, there could be another spin-off a la CSI.


This helps explain why they want a name actress for one of the roles.  CBS is likely to tell whomever it is that the gig comes with a two-year deal built in.


Gotta say, I'm happy.  NCIS may be a predictable procedural at times, but it's also like your favorite sweats and a pint of chocolate ice cream.  It doesn't have to be flashy.  All it has to do is make you feel comfy when you need it.  Works for me.

Edited by Ohmo
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New male agent will be named Clayton...and it seems he will be another "liason"


To be introduced in time for the Season 13 finale, “Clayton” is an MI-6 intel agent in his late 20s/early 30s who’s described in the official casting breakdown as “loud, opinionated, often disrespectful, sarcastic, short-tempered and chauvinistic.” He’s also “offbeat and fun with a physical confidence and swagger that’s impossible to disregard.”


yahoo tv

I'm a little surprised that they're getting a second British character, and it makes me wonder if Ducky is leaving soon as well. I mean, it wouldn't be surprising, but I hope it's not immediate.

It would make sense, if he were planning on leaving, as having that British perspective has been part of the show since the beginning. Not that there can only be one, but it's strange to have a quarter of the team in a U.S. government agency be from the UK.

Anyway, it's great that they're finally getting a person of color (ok, there's Vance, but he's not on the team, as such) but a shame that the character sounds like a complete and utter pain in the arse.

Edited by Lebanna

I'm a little surprised that they're getting a second British character, and it makes me wonder if Ducky is leaving soon as well. I mean, it wouldn't be surprising, but I hope it's not immediate.

It would make sense, if he were planning on leaving, as having that British perspective has been part of the show since the beginning. Not that there can only be one, but it's strange to have a quarter of the team in a U.S. government agency be from the UK.

Anyway, it's great that they're finally getting a person of color, but a shame that the character sounds like a complete and utter pain in the arse.

Not as strange as the renamed NIS letting a Mossad agent carry its credentials and have access to its confidential info.

I wonder if any of the writers remember that Tony's mother was English. Clayton could be a relative!

  • Love 1

Well, since Clayton is supposed to be MI-6, it's equally unlikely that he would be entrusted with sensitive US government secrets. If he's an actual NCIS agent, not another liaison, it's also equally impossible as with Ziva and for the same reason - to be eligible you can't have worked for a secret foreign government agency. The writers must have been missing the 'good old days'.

I love the idea of him being Tony's cousin, though. Who knows, he could be Ducky's nephew!

Edited by Lebanna
  • Love 1

Being Black British or British with African heritage doesn't mean you don't have any white (or anything else for that matter) relatives. In fact, it's pretty common.


Given the amount of international viewership they get, I would actually really appreciate them introducing a character from an interracial background. Hell, given the amount of elderly americans who watch them, I would appreciate it even more.

  • Love 2

I wouldn't mind some sort of agent exchange as a reason for Tony leaving.  Just hope they don't kill him off.


Also I have few trepidations about how they are describing the character that is taking his place.  What I liked about the series now is that Tony has matured and is less of a clown than he was in previous seasons.  I hope they don't bring someone in who is essentially a young Tony with a British accent.


I don't remember the title of the episode, but remember that British agent who locked horns with Gibbs/DiNozzo over the British vessel forced to stay in port while they investigated a murder?  I kinda liked that guy.  I suppose he's not the one being considered as the replacement agent on NCIS, is he?

I'm on vacation from work this week and this afternoon caught part of an episode of The Talk on TV, paying homage to tonight's 300th NCIS episode and featuring Michael Weatherly, Sean Murray, and Emily Wickersham.  It was kind of cool seeing the three of them as themselves and MW is just as funny and charming as I expected him to be.

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Sarah Clarke will join “NCIS” as a guest star in the final two episodes of the current thirteenth season, Variety has learned. Sources say there is an option for her to become a series regular next season.

Clarke, who stars in Amazon’s “Bosch,” will play Tess Monroe, an FBI Special Agent who has recently transferred to D.C. from New York City. The multiple divorcée character is described as being quick-witted, tough, shrewd and as sexy as she is strong.



yahoo tv

Hmm, that doesn't sound like exactly the casting they were advertising - they had said a name movie actress looking to transition to TV.

Of course, upon seeing Sarah Clarke's name I immediately thought of Nina from 24, so I can see myself having a hard time trusting her. Of course, NCIS is a very different show from 24, but still.

I'm glad they went this way.  I was concerned that a named movie actress would over shadow the rest of the cast.  Sarah Clarke is known to many TV viewers and used to working with an ensemble where she isn't the star.  I also like that she is older so the character's age makes sense.  It looks like they are doing what they did with Bishop...have her in a couple of episodes and then have the summer to retool the character based on viewer feedback.

I'm glad they went this way.  I was concerned that a named movie actress would over shadow the rest of the cast.  Sarah Clarke is known to many TV viewers and used to working with an ensemble where she isn't the star.  I also like that she is older so the character's age makes sense.  It looks like they are doing what they did with Bishop...have her in a couple of episodes and then have the summer to retool the character based on viewer feedback.


I don't know Sarah Clarke at all, so she'll be a completely blank slate to me.  In regard to her character's introduction, I think this has become the "NCIS franchise" model.  This is how the whole concept of the RED team was introduced on LA,  When the feedback wasn't terrific, the whole idea for a spinoff was scrapped

Michael Weatherly Leaving NCIS: Did We Just Find Out How Tony Will Exit?


From the article:

All of which would seem to suggest a restless DiNozzo, someone poised to transform his “Jason Boring” “charade” of a life into something meaningful. Possibly by way of a new job, or… something more? After all, he did note that (his goldfish) Ziva “gained a little weight” — which surely at least a few out there will read as a planted seed of a whole other kind.


A million times...NO, NO, NO!  Hopefully, this is just Matt Webb Mitovich being funny.

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56 minutes ago, pally said:

Interview with Michael Weatherly about leaving and future



And don’t for a minute think this is the last you’ve seen of Anthony DiNozzo. Weatherly promises he’d be willing to return if the story needed it, and he’d especially like to turn up in other parts of the NCIS franchise.

Well, that seems to confirm that Tony will not be killed off.  Now if they can just keep from killing off any other regulars or semi-regulars I might go back to watching the show again.

  • Love 2

I am in mourning over Tony leaving. Seriously, it's kind of embarrassing. That video. Seriously. I don't think I've ever cried at a character's departure, or at really anything on a procedural except when they have child abductions and the kid is returned to their parents (this has gotten significantly worse as I've gone from 1 to 4 kids), or whenever a military person returns to his/her family - but I am probably going to be noticeably teary at this one.

1 hour ago, JessDVD said:

I am in mourning over Tony leaving. Seriously, it's kind of embarrassing. That video. Seriously. I don't think I've ever cried at a character's departure, or at really anything on a procedural except when they have child abductions and the kid is returned to their parents (this has gotten significantly worse as I've gone from 1 to 4 kids), or whenever a military person returns to his/her family - but I am probably going to be noticeably teary at this one.

I basically cry at everything and this will be no exception. I SOBBED when Finn died on Glee, altho that was obviously a very different circumstance (as was my weeping due to John Spencer's real life death on the West Wing). I bawled when Derek died on GA. I cried at the end of 24 (season 8) for cripes sakes - Chloe and Jack's goodbye broke me. So this? This will not be good.

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