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S38.E01: Don't Die for Me Argentina

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54 minutes ago, bunnyface said:

Anybody know why Kaycee and her brother had to leave so quickly?

Yeah they didn't even make a deal out of it other than just announce it out of the blue.

Why even introduce them, might as well edit them out since they never competed.

So it's a mix of real couples, supposed buddies and seems like random pairings, like they wanted certain people on the show so they just paired them and conjured up some connection.

I am not so sure Tori would have picked Devin and I would think Fessy and Kaycee might have chosen to be partners as well, even if their last partnership didn't work out.

The Daily Challenge, anyone could have won it I suppose.  I forget which team where the woman lost one of her bolas just as they were running towards the goal.

But this whole rookies vs. vets thing seem engineered by the producers.  They would have dominated with the numbers but with the 3 vet pairs coming, it probably gives the vets greater numbers.  I don't know about Johnny thinking so strategically, throwing in a rookie team in there to try to throw off the scent.  When it came down to the interrogations, they were pretty basic, like will you save us if we save you.

It may all be moot and there isn't a rookie vs. vets thing.  Some of the rookies are on their third season so who knows how the numbers will fall out.

The elimination was great.  I would love to play that real-life marble madness.  Actually I think it's a table puzzle of some kind but not sure what they call it.  Damn they had to pay someone to build those things.

The twists were fun, with the daggers.  The vets thought they were safe and then they had to beg the rookies to spare them.

Glad to see Kailah go so we don't have to hear her annoying voice and witness some more of her unearned narcissism.

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I did not see the first hour and ten minutes of the show because I was watching Survivor and then a little bit of the baseball game and I don't have  a DVR.  But damn I get up to get a drink, I reenter the room and see one of the funniest things I have witnessed on television recently.  Devin making a decent joke only to have Turbo get mad and call him a Pussy Chicken.

Now I know Turbo has used this phrase before in the past, but to then see him do a talking head about the levels of being a Pussy Chicken...well that was just gold.  I couldn't stop laughing.

In regards to Kaycee and her brother being pulled, I just read an interview with her where she said they were pulled because they both had the thing that caused the pandemic for the last couple of years. I am phrasing the word that way because I know that certain sites do not allow you to say the name and I am not sure if you can say it on here.

I love how when Nany and Johnny showed, they were all like, "Oh no it's Nany."  Meanwhile I am thinking to myself, "You mean the woman who has been on like fifty seasons and has won fuck all?"

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5 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I did not see the first hour and ten minutes of the show because I was watching Survivor and then a little bit of the baseball game and I don't have  a DVR.

I did the opposite 😂

I missed Survivor entirely because I was watching The Challenge.

5 hours ago, BK1978 said:

But damn I get up to get a drink, I reenter the room and see one of the funniest things I have witnessed on television recently.  Devin making a decent joke only to have Turbo get mad and call him a Pussy Chicken.

LMAO! That was great.

I thought it was a funny joke too 🤣

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On 10/13/2022 at 2:57 AM, BK1978 said:

I love how when Nany and Johnny showed, they were all like, "Oh no it's Nany."  Meanwhile I am thinking to myself, "You mean the woman who has been on like fifty seasons and has won fuck all?"

I loved how they kept throwing Nelson’s losing streak in his face and his record for having the most daily challenge losses 😂

I recall that we talked about Nelson's 50+ straight loses on this very forum 😂

Edited by AntFTW
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1) I'm not sure how I feel about the elimination dagger twist. It's similar to the double-cross from Dirty 30 and the 'The Draw' from Free Agents except winners didn't pick the people that went down. Since the winners get to pick who goes down into this 'dagger pull', this shakes up the dynamic a little. That really enhances the benefit of an alliance because if someone in your alliance wins, they can throw only people from an opposing alliance into elimination, and know with certainty that only a team from an opposing alliance goes home.

2) I remember Nurys from AYTO and Ex on the Beach. On AYTO, Nurys was in a love triangle with a guy named Malcolm and another girl named Diandra (unsure if I am misspelling her name), and Malcolm was going back and forth between the two girls. This same love triangle appeared on Ex on the Beach. Nelson came on Ex on the Beach as Nurys' ex.

I never thought Nurys would come to The Challenge, but here she is about to find herself in another love triangle with New Johnny, because Ravyn clearly still has feelings for New Johnny. The way she looks at him says she wants more, and she grooms him. You only groom the people you love. Ravyn says they decided to just be friends but she still clearly has feelings for New Johnny so that is going to get messy.

3) New Johnny says he didn't want to nominate straight vet teams and I'm thinking "why not?" Nominate all vet teams and make a deal with three of them and then throw Sam and Kailah down because they seem like the most useless team to be aligned with. However, the dynamic of this 'dagger draw' really throws a wrench into that because the winning team can't even promise the nominated teams absolute safety.

4) I wonder if that 'sexual favors' 2-week contract between Kailah and Sam was conditional on if they actually lasted for 2 weeks. 🤣

5) Once you know that Tori and Devin are going into elimination, you know they were going to win if you had watched the trailer.

6) I didn't care for the daily challenge but I liked the elimination game. However, I liked it because it seems like something I would play and enjoy but it seems like a bore for the others cast members to watch. I imagine it's like watching golf (and I'm not a fan of golf) where you're just waiting on people to get a ball in a hole, and it's a pretty quiet, and you do a silent clap when someone gets a ball in.

12 minutes ago, Unclejosh said:

Kaycee and bro will be back. Quarantine for testing positive but the trailer clearly shows them competing in multiple challenges. They just missed like a week I think.

Yes. I saw in the trailer that Kaycee competes in a heights-over-water challenge.

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A few thoughts I had:

1. I think Turbo is a jackass.

2. Was not sad at all that Kaycee was gone, sad to know she might be back.

3.  Was a little sus Kaycee saying she wished Nani was there. There's no way she didn't know that Nani would be coming.

4.  Rayven is trying too hard with her partner.  He don't want you friend.  Move on.  I thought the vets were a little harsh for judging them for celebrating their win.  Its their first challenge, let them enjoy!

5. lol at Laurel and Kailah for getting mad about being thrown in and it being a dumb move.  Yall just mad.  I though it was a great move.  We see season after season the vets steam roll and the rookies let them.

6. Did Fessy change his name?

7. Not sad to see Kailah go not a huge fan.  Her and her husband were kind of weird to me.  They don't seem like they know each other very well.  Seemed more like new friends than a married couple.

8. Controversial opinion BUT I love Tori.  Idk why she is funny to me!

Long post.  Sorry.  I really do love this show and I don't have anyone in my life who does!

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The ads showed Tori reacting to Jordan eleventy-billion times so way to ruin the suspense, show.

It would have been funny if Jonny and Ravyn’s scheme had backfired and Colleen and Kim were Not Safe because either of the other two would have tossed their asses in elimination.  Not that it would have mattered, Kailah and Sam were not winning that maze.

Also funny was Kim’s expression in the background on the boat while Turbo was shrieking about champagne.  It does not seem like Mrs. Turbo is really all that interested in his shenanigans.

Toastmasters International heard Nelson’s speech and were all ready to send a cease and desist letter, until they realized Nelson doesn’t know how old he is, and said forget it.

Why can I not remember a single solitary thing about Analyse from BB?  Tommy, yes.  He was memorable.  Analyse?  Big old blank spot.

  • LOL 3

Thank god for the incoming vets, because otherwise this would be the weakest cast ever.

It’s unfortunate how all of the top players seem to be saddled with poor partners. If the pairs stay together, Jay and Michelle seem like they could be favorites. 

Too bad Kaycee gets to come back. Most boring prominent player ever. Fessy isn’t far behind, but at least it’s funny to watch him fail. 

Turbo is so annoying. What a baby. My hope for this season is for Jordan to eliminate both Turbo and Fessy. 

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5 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

I read that the whole cast knew about the vet ride or dies that are coming so all those reactions are fake.

I wouldn't be surprised. Aneesa is apart of the "twist" and on The Challenge podcast, it seems that she flew over with the rest of the cast sitting next to Tori. Apparently Aneesa told Ravyn about New Johnny kissing Nurys on the plane. I wouldn't be surprised if Johnny, Nany, Jordan, Darrell and Veronica flew over with the rest of the cast also.

4 minutes ago, aghst said:

Why would they be on the same plane though, since they all come from different places.

Maybe they had them come to some studios to shoot the talking heads and then had some charter to Buenos Aires?

I always thought that production flew them all to one airport, at least all the cast members in the USA. In this case, it seems the cast caught a flight from Miami to Argentina. Then, they all catch a connecting flight to whatever city in whatever country that they're filming in. This is largely a guess.

19 hours ago, Unclejosh said:

I read that the whole cast knew about the vet ride or dies that are coming so all those reactions are fake.

I'm sure they didn't all know. Engineering a rookie steamroll when you know you won't have the numbers wouldn't have happened. They would have least tried to get a few vet teams on their side first. They are fucked now.

19 hours ago, mojoween said:

Why can I not remember a single solitary thing about Analyse from BB?  Tommy, yes.  He was memorable.  Analyse?  Big old blank spot.

She fucked Jack a lot on a stool in the shower. Pretty much the only memorable thing about her or Jack.

Mostly enjoyable ep, but the first half of a season usually is pretty fun to watch and then it gets rapidly stale and tedious. I feel like there's 500 people this season so I fear more eps, which is not needed at all. There should be less eps!

I was so pleased when Kaycee was out but then I saw her in the promo so ugh.

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18 minutes ago, AntFTW said:
Sam says they must have been a threat, and asks why were they put into elimination. I laughed and I'm like "it's obvious why. You are a useless, useless team. Why else? You offer nothing, no benefit to anyone." 🤣

Too harsh? 😂

No, never too harsh where Kailah is concerned.  I don't know, I might be tempted to think he was okay except for his whole association with her, whom I passionately and whole-heartedly dislike.  He's obviously got a screw loose somewhere.

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Yeah can't stand Kailah either so not sad to see her and Sam go. 

@erikaelvis I love Tori too! I'm actually rooting for her and Devin.

So far everyone is "I love my ride or die, they would never betray me, I only trust them" and I'm wondering how long that's going to last. Because you know at some point there is going to be some fights and backstabbing between the partners. 

Can Turbo not take a single joke? What a buzzkill. 

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Sheesh, don’t take a shot everytime they say ride or die. You will die. I don’t know half of these people, I didn’t do any research or know anything about the season. I don't even remember the trailer. The love triangle between the Johnny and Rayvn and Nurys, they look just alike, one with straight hair and one with curly hair so this guy has a type. I’m glad that Nam was able to play. Kaycee can’t catch a break, but she did win last season so it’s cool. For some reason I thought that Tori and Devin were going to win this first challenge. First I thought Nelson was into Rayvn, now there’s Emily? They have to get better with the ADR for TJ. It is downright bad in some places. Thank goodness Kailah’s team lost, I cannot stand her. Love when the vets say that the rookies make dumb moves when they refuse to be pawns in the beginning of the game, that just means they made smart moves. I'm rooting for Devin and Tori as a team for the time being.

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5 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

LOL!! I have NO IDEA where I got the name Emily. Yes, Olivia. Thanks for correcting me. I won't remember any of these rookies. 

I only know of two rookies, which is Nurys and Olivia. There just might be an Emily. I watched Nurys on AYTO and Ex on the Beach. I only ever watched one season of Love Island, and Olivia happened to be the winner of that one season.

Laurel says she met her partner on Ex on the Beach, but I do not recall him at all. I know I watched that season because I remember Laurel and Nicole on that season. I am drawing a giant blank on the partner.

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Always happy to see Laurel, especially since she plays it smartly by taking a couple of years off in between her appearances (ever since Rivals I).

I do like Michele, but I feel like she’s over-enunciating in her confessionals (I think she did this in SLA as well), when she didn’t really do that in Survivor.

Ugh, I did NOT need to see Bananas on another season.

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On 10/13/2022 at 1:38 PM, Unclejosh said:

I read that the whole cast knew about the vet ride or dies that are coming so all those reactions are fake.

Everything seems fake.  Everything.   Overly produced ... slick photography ... artificial "spontaneity" ... too much music ... cringey fake club night ...  perfect hair, perfect make-up, perfect clothes ... space-age lighting ... arranged "ride-or-dies" ... Nelson's annoying overreactions at the "mind-blowing" twists ...  If not for Bananas, Jordan, Nany, etc., I wouldn't be watching at all.

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11 hours ago, AntFTW said:

Laurel says she met her partner on Ex on the Beach, but I do not recall him at all. I know I watched that season because I remember Laurel and Nicole on that season. I am drawing a giant blank on the partner.

This! I for sure watched that season and I have no recollection of him at all lol.

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I just caught Bananas' latest podcast, with guest Bill Simmons.   Both agreed this was a bad episode.  Simmons, described as a "super fan," said that based on this episode alone he felt no inclination to watch the rest of the season, and that his daughter, with whom he watched the episode, was bored.    I felt kinda validated that they echoed some of my own complaints (also some more general complaints I've had about the show these past three seasons).   Bananas claims the show vastly improves once the vets get into the house.  Guess we'll see.

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53 minutes ago, millennium said:

Bananas claims the show vastly improves once the vets get into the house.  Guess we'll see.

I hope so. Everyone knows new people are boring.

I want shenanigans, drama, fuckery, and bullshit.

I thought last season had a decent class of rookies. They had an above average amount of entertainment value. I'm not getting that vibe with this group of rookies on this season.

2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I hope so. Everyone knows new people are boring.

I want shenanigans, drama, fuckery, and bullshit.

I thought last season had a decent class of rookies. They had an above average amount of entertainment value. I'm not getting that vibe with this group of rookies on this season.

I agree about last season’s rookies. Too bad I have little to no faith we’ll see most of them, except for obviously Michele and maybe Emy (who I found borderline insufferable) or Emmanuel. I’d love to see Michaela, Corey L or Priscilla back, but I doubt it will happen. 

1 minute ago, jsm1125 said:

Too bad I have little to no faith we’ll see most of them, except for obviously Michele and maybe Emy (who I found borderline insufferable) or Emmanuel.

Yup, and they weren't even the fun ones, but I still love Michele so I don't mind her.

1 minute ago, jsm1125 said:

I’d love to see Michaela, Corey L or Priscilla back, but I doubt it will happen. 


Good first episode. Sure we lose Kailah and Mr. Kailah, but it looks like the newcomers will try and run the show. That's the way with most of tehse seasons . . . it starts well, and then it turns to crap.

Elimination process is dodgy with the introduction of the daggers. Isn't it true that any time something like that is brought into play, the Challengers wind up figuring out how to game the system?

And then there's Turbo. I want to like the guy. He's supposed to be the anti-Bear . . . the guy that came in with no fanfare, dominated WOTW, and looked to be a competitor with no visible ceiling. Now he's just another jerk. From his exchange with Laurel, I will admit that I'd want those two to fight in (eyeroll) the Zone. Why alternate genders? These are the two apex predators of the cast. Let them figure for five hours playing Hall Brawl or Pole Wrestle. Sure, the resulting shockwave would wipe out the other players, Teege, the crew and a good chunk of Argentina . . . but it would be worth it. It would also help Turbo because he's never been to elimination. I read people talking shit about that, which mystifies me. He's only done the two seasons, and he played well enough the first time to avoid it altogether. He's never ducked elimination. Maybe he'd lay out Devin. How would that be a bad thing?

Sucks that Kaycee and her brother are apparently gone. Also sucks for Nam to enter the game. I like the guy, I really do . . . but this show has a way of bending him over and going to town. And that sucks because he looks like a chill guy.

3 hours ago, AntFTW said:

I thought last season had a decent class of rookies. They had an above average amount of entertainment value.

"I'm an alien! I'm an alien!!!" "Blah! I vant to suck your blood! Blah Blah!!" You really miss that?

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Assuming The Mole:Germany is like all other versions of the show, Colleen didn’t lie her way to the end and win and also be the mole. The mole doesn’t win the game and the mole always makes it to the end. So stop saying that Jakk.

However Colleen, none of these idiots, especially Fessy, have any idea what The Mole is, so you’re probably safe to talk about it.

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6 hours ago, hjmugillecuty said:

Assuming The Mole:Germany is like all other versions of the show, Colleen didn’t lie her way to the end and win and also be the mole. The mole doesn’t win the game and the mole always makes it to the end. So stop saying that Jakk.

However Colleen, none of these idiots, especially Fessy, have any idea what The Mole is, so you’re probably safe to talk about it.

I don’t have Netflix, so I haven’t seen the reboot. Sometimes, I wonder which players from the ABC version would have done any iteration of The Challenge. The only ones I think of are Jim (S1) and Bribs (S2). And maybe Elavia. I’d like to know if anyone else here remembers those days.

I had to go online . . . and yeah, Moles don’t win. They just Mole. Jakk didn’t know what he was talking about . . . but when you are partnered with Laurel, you get to not care if you’re right.

Edited by Lantern7

I’m one of the sickos that thought Hughie and his fake ass were hilarious, especially when he was paired with Smashley. It’s unfortunate that he is probably banned for stupid comments made on Twitter. 

This is the first challenge without Kyle since he debuted, and I miss him already. 

I hope Georgia and Theo are eventually let back on the show. I know Georgia posed in blackface once, but she seems more like an Emily than Camilla. She’s been contrite and it seems more like ignorance and stupidity than hate. And Theo wants to come back. Is his eye really that big of a liability? That group of Brits that debuted on WOTW was the best group of rookies in ages. Obviously Bear is a no go and is in Kenny levels of banned. But I’d like to see the rest come back. 

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On 10/14/2022 at 9:39 AM, peachmangosteen said:

She fucked Jack a lot on a stool in the shower. Pretty much the only memorable thing about her or Jack.

Mostly enjoyable ep, but the first half of a season usually is pretty fun to watch and then it gets rapidly stale and tedious. I feel like there's 500 people this season so I fear more eps, which is not needed at all. There should be less eps!

I was so pleased when Kaycee was out but then I saw her in the promo so ugh.

Now now, don't you remember Analyse spelling Julie Chen's name "Juilyie" or something like that?  ;-)

I'm with you on the Kaycee "ugh." I think I'm going to like Tommy a lot better on here.  

I think that Nam's partner is an Emi/Emmy/Emma/something like that?  When I first heard the name I thought he was going to be partnered with Emi the Blue-Haired Alien, whom I don't find quite as insufferable as most of you but I don't really like either.  

Michele and...Jay?  He's a lot different from Survivor Wendell (whom she was with post their seasons but was split up from by the all-winners season they were both on), Emmanuel, and I think she liked someone else on her recent Challenge season too?  I guess she does not have a "type."  But her emoting with tears streaming down her face in the previews about if you can't trust your ride or die...is Jay going to screw her over?

Finally, the plural "ride or dies" really irks me, but I can't find a better one.  It also irks me that they have obviously been coached to discourse at length on the meaning of "ride or die" in their talking heads.  Yes, yes, we get it.  Don't need the concept explained by every single one of the apparently unending stream of you coming into this season. 

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On 10/23/2022 at 10:03 AM, Jobiska said:

Finally, the plural "ride or dies" really irks me, but I can't find a better one.  It also irks me that they have obviously been coached to discourse at length on the meaning of "ride or die" in their talking heads.  Yes, yes, we get it.  Don't need the concept explained by every single one of the apparently unending stream of you coming into this season. 

I watched a few episodes of the first season and gave up on it.  I couldn't remember why, so thought I'd give it another chance.  I gave up again about halfway through the first episode, mainly because I like to see the challenges, not the endless chit chat and bitchiness.

Also the title drove me crazy - please, pick a tense.  Either Ride or Die, or Rides or Dies.  (And what does it even mean, anyway?)

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