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16 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

So where do I begin!  Two episodes tonight but I've only watched one so far!

Tyler and Cate moved into a big, expensive home!  I bet those 6 movers were impressed!  Get a girl pregnant and you get all this!

Those two have to be so bored with each other spending 24 hours each day doing...nothing.  And the checks just keep on a coming!

I can't believe Brianna is all twitchy for her baby daddy.  She really does scrape the bottom of the barrell. 

Maci is having her implants removed and her storylines will mirror POCO! She'll talk about it all season long!

The sick little baby boy is Cheyannes first baby daddy baby.  Pretty clever how they brought his wife/girlfriend back on the show after they locked her out!  Brought her back to talk about their sick baby so nobody can complain about her.

Money, money, money!

I think Amber is still on the show.  I think last week they said she's going through something!  Sigh....


The two people on this show that piss me off the most are Catelynn and Tyler. The fact that they don't work and just hang out at their house all day makes me crazy. What happened to Cate doing that microblading eyebrows thing? Guess that was just a storyline a few seasons ago. My daughter and son in law work their butts off and can't afford a starter home with the interest rates being what they are and these two lardasses are on their third home and are having work done on it also? And let's not even get started with the bougie McMansion that Cheyenne just had built! Another couple that don't work and just hang out at home. Her storyline line is really about Corey and his sick little girl...there's nothing going on with Cheyenne and her loser husband. 

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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OK I am just watching this but the misinformation Maci is spewing about PCOS pisses me off. I feel like she is using it just to get on her soapbox about the SCOTUS decision. 

- signed, 25+ years dxed “cyster”


And now deeper into the series I see Maci is so desperate for a story that she drags politics into it again with the Uvalde school shooting. Listen, Maci. Every parent in the U.S. thinks about school shootings but I have never met one who felt the need to personally meet with Moms Demand Action. 🙄


These people are gonna ruin Ryder. She is an adorable child but absolutely spoiled. You can dote on children without making them think they are the center of the universe. 



Edited by lilmarysunshine
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Question: How did Ryan and his parents get back on the show? Weren't they fired? Also...Ryan was high as a kite at this parents house. 

Anyone know how Brittany's brother died? Sad.

And what's up with Bar not doing his community service? He did it once and quit? Seems like he's wanting to go to jail...great role modeling for his daughter.

Caitlyn pushing the tank top on her eight year old daughter...OMG! A majority of the girls there were wearing loose t shirts not form fitting belly exposing tank tops. Your kid was uncomfortable...leave her alone and quit worrying that she is developing a body image issue. She was fine wearing a T shirt Cate. Just stop. You and Tyler are nuts.

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What is with these people constantly  patting themselves on the backs about what good jobs they do parenting? Except for the truly awful ones like Farrah and Jenelle, I think most of them that do parent are decent enough at it in terms of the kids are housed, clean, supervised, fed. (Amber does not parent the child we see so I am not counting her in here.) 

I have been a parent for 24 years and I am not sure my husband and I have ever sat around talking about how well we do this gig. Cheyenne waxing eloquent about how she co-parents, Maci and Taylor and their *very purposeful* (for the camera!) family talks, etc. Just blech. 

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On 12/28/2022 at 5:46 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

It depends on what education she has already had.  She has said that her ultimate goal is to become a physician's assistant or nurse practitioner.  Either of those is a lot more than just a basic assoicates degree in nursing and will take years to achieve. The lowest level of nursing is very labor intensive and nurses get hurt and wear out. Going for a higher degree can get you promoted into management levels when the day to day becomes too strenuous. Good for her for thinking ahead to her entire future and not just whatever will get her a job sooner. As long as she can afford to do so she should get as far toward her goals as she can. Life has a way of interfering anyway but if you don't have goals and a plan it is much easier to get lost in the lifenow trees and completely lose track of the forest. I would hate for Ashley to wind up like these other Teen Mom slackers and simply rely on her Instagram and Cameos etc (or god forbid OnlyFans) for income to support herself once Teen Mom bites the dust.

The thing about Ashley is it seems she has a terrible temper. She is going into a profession where she has to take some shit sometimes. It is not a career for weak people and I consider someone with a hair-trigger temper “weak.” She might find it difficult to keep a job. 

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Why are Ryan and his parents back again?  He was higher than a kite.  Eyes glassy and slurring his words.

No wonder Maci's's husband is disgusted.  He even had to drive the boy to daddy's dinner.  They don't trust him to drive!

Taylor eased her way back in the show!  She was suspended for a couple of seasons due to remarks she made!  Humble pie for the $$$!

Bar is perfect for this show.  Another loser.  He talks a good game but nothing there!


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On 7/28/2023 at 10:47 AM, Hedgehog2022 said:

True...but the others pay their taxes. Cate and Tyler owe thousands in unpaid taxes. Maybe they've finally paid them off but the fact that they do zero and don't pay their taxes is really galling,.

According to Cate's brother, they had to take funds from their kids' accounts to pay off their tax debt:

“They had to pay a million dollars in taxes last year. They had to pay 20 grand every month… they eventually got so broke that they had to start taking from Nova’s bank account, Vaeda’s bank account, Rya’s bank account.”


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Some of the teen mom's got a free trip to Florida!  I swear you'd think these non working, lazy people were royalty.

Cars picking them up, airline tickets, b & b with chef's coming in to feed and entertain them along with all the booze they can handle!

Most of the women are huge from sitting on their butts!

Ryan appeared coherent or maybe I had a dream!

Cody's back with more appearances by his so who had been banned by the show!

Ashley, mom and sis enjoyed a spa day and for that all she had to do was talk s... About Cheyenne!

Still no Amber.  Could she be in rehab????

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Honestly? I hate all of these nasty people. Except Ashley. I have a spot in my heart for Ashley and feel like she is the only honest one among them. She has many faults, but I still like her.

Tonight's episode kind of showed why I feel this way. The group with Brianna tonight I would cross the street to avoid. They are all ridiculous and puke-inducing for me. Brianna is nasty all the time. I could have lived forever without watching her give Devoin a lap dance or Jade suck Sean's toe. I wish I could unsee it.

Ashley? I could be friends with her. It'd be a ride, but it would be a real ride and not the fake shit the others display all the damn time. 

Amber is still in the credits but I assume her custody issues and personal problems may be making it difficult for her to film. 

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Ashley has potential but she is her own worst enemy. She does seem to be the ONLY one who works towards having a career that does not depend on TM notoriety.  

But then she insists on acting like Bar’s choices are not super dysfunctional. Like yeah they are bad but not CRAZY bad.  She needs to get away from him but I think they genuinely love each other. He has such a screwed up family and background. 

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17 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

According to Cate's brother, they had to take funds from their kids' accounts to pay off their tax debt:

“They had to pay a million dollars in taxes last year. They had to pay 20 grand every month… they eventually got so broke that they had to start taking from Nova’s bank account, Vaeda’s bank account, Rya’s bank account.”


Must be why Tyler is now on Only Fans now.

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On 7/31/2023 at 2:02 AM, lilmarysunshine said:

The thing about Ashley is it seems she has a terrible temper. She is going into a profession where she has to take some shit sometimes. It is not a career for weak people and I consider someone with a hair-trigger temper “weak.” She might find it difficult to keep a job. 

Her profanity laden outburst was pretty over the top. She seems a little envious of Cheyenne. I hate to see young women take each other down like this. I do see that this particular group of TM's are cliquey...Ashley might be feeling like an outsider and not a part of the group much the same way Mackenzie did. One thing all of these young women have in common is being with weak, unmotivated, lazy young men. None of them have jobs...Devoin had a job but appears he is not working now...maybe that's why he is pursuing a relationship with Brianna. 

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12 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Ashley has potential but she is her own worst enemy. She does seem to be the ONLY one who works towards having a career that does not depend on TM notoriety.  

But then she insists on acting like Bar’s choices are not super dysfunctional. Like yeah they are bad but not CRAZY bad.  She needs to get away from him but I think they genuinely love each other. He has such a screwed up family and background. 

Ashley does not seem to care if Bar does not stay on task and complete his community service...even though she knows (and he knows) that not completing it will result in jail time. As a mother, Ashley should want the father of her daughter to make good decisions that will benefit his future and that of his family.  He seems to be in a rut...going from one mistake to another mistake. In the meantime, he cannot provide for his daughter and he does not seem to care.

Again and again Ashley just lets him walk away from opportunities to make his life better without making him accountable...it's bad enough that Ashley is role modeling angry profanity laden diatribes at other women that Holly will probably see or hear about eventually, but not having some sort of expectation from her husband to do something that will help him reach his full potential, is doing a disservice to him as well as herself and her daughter.

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16 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Ashley does not seem to care if Bar does not stay on task and complete his community service...even though she knows (and he knows) that not completing it will result in jail time. As a mother, Ashley should want the father of her daughter to make good decisions that will benefit his future and that of his family.  He seems to be in a rut...going from one mistake to another mistake. In the meantime, he cannot provide for his daughter and he does not seem to care.

Again and again Ashley just lets him walk away from opportunities to make his life better without making him accountable...it's bad enough that Ashley is role modeling angry profanity laden diatribes at other women that Holly will probably see or hear about eventually, but not having some sort of expectation from her husband to do something that will help him reach his full potential, is doing a disservice to him as well as herself and her daughter.

She used to prompt him more forcefully and give him ultimatums and toss him out and chide him etc and decided not to do that anymore. She knows, as do we all, that only Bar can save himself and do what he is supposed to do because he wants to change. He cannot do it for someone else, as has been proven to Ashley time and again. So she talks to him carefully, prompting him a little, and then leaves it up to him to decide to do the right thing or not. I think that shows a great maturity and wisdom. Bar will either step up or he won't. She has already made it known that she is going to improve her life with or without him. She is supporting him right now but time's a ticking. She loves him and wants him to change his life and be there for her and for Holly but he simply does not do even the slightest thing to help himself.  I don't see this changing and Ashley will do what she told him she would do - move on. Ball's in his court.

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On 8/2/2023 at 11:51 PM, Jeanne222 said:

Some of the teen mom's got a free trip to Florida!  I swear you'd think these non working, lazy people were royalty.

Cars picking them up, airline tickets, b & b with chef's coming in to feed and entertain them along with all the booze they can handle!

Most of the women are huge from sitting on their butts!

Ryan appeared coherent or maybe I had a dream!

Cody's back with more appearances by his so who had been banned by the show!

Ashley, mom and sis enjoyed a spa day and for that all she had to do was talk s... About Cheyenne!

Still no Amber.  Could she be in rehab????

Amber had to go to court again over visitation with James. Her baby daddy  Andrew, wants her visitation rights revoked as he believes that James is in danger  when he's with her among other things that he believes are problematic.

Ryan is pitiful. He has a major substance abuse problem. He needs months of rehab and then out patient treatment as well. It was interesting to see that he has some sort of awareness of how awful his now ex was and how she wasn't nice to Bentley. Bentley is such a sweet kid I don't understand how anyone could be nasty to him...but Mackenzie was a bitch...she wanted to be on Teen Mom for years and from what I read she found out the gym Ryan belonged to and joined it...then she happened to "bump" into him there and the rest is history. He will have a very tough time getting visitation with his kids as she will  use the drug issues (and rightly so) to prevent it. If they visit with Ryan's parents that might work but she will probably not allow that either. What a generational mess Ryan has made.

12 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

She used to prompt him more forcefully and give him ultimatums and toss him out and chide him etc and decided not to do that anymore. She knows, as do we all, that only Bar can save himself and do what he is supposed to do because he wants to change. He cannot do it for someone else, as has been proven to Ashley time and again. So she talks to him carefully, prompting him a little, and then leaves it up to him to decide to do the right thing or not. I think that shows a great maturity and wisdom. Bar will either step up or he won't. She has already made it known that she is going to improve her life with or without him. She is supporting him right now but time's a ticking. She loves him and wants him to change his life and be there for her and for Holly but he simply does not do even the slightest thing to help himself.  I don't see this changing and Ashley will do what she told him she would do - move on. Ball's in his court.

I see that...but he needs more consequences for his behaviors. I don't see a healthy future for them as a couple.

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Last night's episode...

Cate and Tyler: Enough with the tatoos. Really. The two of them are covered with them. They must be spending a pretty penny on these. Not a good look on Cate...and Tyler looks like a walking billboard for his kids names.

Ashley and Bar: So Zac flew out to Vegas to meet up in a fast food joint for a sit down with Bar about their wives? It was obvious the "customers" sitting in the booths in front and behind them were MTV security. Nothing was said that couldn't have been done in a Zoom call...dumbest sit down ever. Ashley is just an angry young woman. Her animous towards Cheyenne is over the top. Cheyenne is  adulting but Ashley is acting like an emotionally challenged 16 year old. 

Maci: So Taylor bops in and says he stopped in at the "office"...ha ha...as he sits there wearing a TTM t-shirt. Are people still buying those??? Maci needs to stop making Ryan's mess of a life the focus of her life. Despite her outreach to him and telling him to think before doing something stupid, he went and did something stupid and ended up in jail. Bentley deserves better than this...Ryan is a spoiled self centered brat who's been coddled by his mommy and still behaves like a 12 year old. If he truly cared about Bentley and feels sorry for him he would have shown some restraint and not acted out in such a violent way by trashing the home his kids live in and bringing more shame to them and Bentley. 

Jade: Ugh...her mother is awful. Jade needs to set boundaries and cut her mother off. No contact at all until she's clean and sober. Period. It was nice of her friend to fly out to Indiana from Vegas to surprise her and spend time with her. Too bad the long weekend turned out to be a downer for her.

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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Speaking of downers, the entire White Flags episode was nothing but gloom and doom.  Catelyn is all broken up about her kid brother's shit talking.  Jade can't live her life without her mother inserting her pathetic self into every aspect of it.  Ashley hates pretty much everyone.  Ryan destroys his own house, gets arrested, and Bently has zero fucks left to give about any of it.  No wonder there are only abut three viewers watching this show live when it airs.  I need to go watch a Dateline murder mystery just to cheer myself up before bedtime.


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On 8/10/2023 at 4:29 PM, Snarky McSnarky said:

Speaking of downers, the entire White Flags episode was nothing but gloom and doom.  Catelyn is all broken up about her kid brother's shit talking.  Jade can't live her life without her mother inserting her pathetic self into every aspect of it.  Ashley hates pretty much everyone.  Ryan destroys his own house, gets arrested, and Bently has zero fucks left to give about any of it.  No wonder there are only abut three viewers watching this show live when it airs.  I need to go watch a Dateline murder mystery just to cheer myself up before bedtime.


Right? You are so on point! The only reason I can think of as to why MTV is still investing money and other resources into this show is that they don't have anything else to replace it with. Just like Jersey Shore...the cast of this show are pushing 40 at this point. Their drunken shenanigans aren't funny anymore...it's just pathetic. MTV seems dated at this point in time...they had their hey day back in the 80's and 90's but now it just seems sort of sad.

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Zac flew in for a meeting with Bar...is the best MTV can do?  Limousine drivers and first class accommodations for Zac and all the MTV group that accompanied him!  

Those two hardly know proper grammar!  They more or less grunt and honestly I think Ashley is right. Cheyenne did settle for second best when she married Zac.  He brings nothing to the party.

I guess a budget is a budget and they might as well spend it!

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On 8/11/2023 at 4:25 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

MTV seems dated at this point in time...they had their hey day back in the 80's and 90's but now it just seems sort of sad.

It really is. And they just keep doubling down on the trashiness of their content instead of considering that maybe it's time to move into a different direction.


I wish MTV would track down whoever has the rights to all their old shows- Road Rules, Singled Out, The Blame Game, Say What Karaoke, the early seasons of True Life, Made, Sorority Life, Fraternity Life, Rich Girls, etc and play those instead.

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15 minutes ago, edie3 said:

There was a game show my husband and I watched every night.  It had Jenny McCarthy on it and a guy named Colin. I can't remember the name of it.

Huh, I don't know what that could have been if it was not Singled Out, which is all that pops up when I search MTV game shows and Jenny McCarthy.


The late 90s/early 2000s was so unbelievably random what they come up with. I just did a search of all MTV shows and remembered Boiling Points, starring a prefamous Lady Gaga (think she went by Stephanie back then). That show was hilarious and such a different concept- put people in ludicrous situations while secretly filming them and see how long it took them to lose their tempers. I think everyone on that show was an improv actor.


Teen Mom was a cool idea, and the viewership agreed- but they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.

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5 hours ago, Tatum said:

Huh, I don't know what that could have been if it was not Singled Out, which is all that pops up when I search MTV game shows and Jenny McCarthy.


The late 90s/early 2000s was so unbelievably random what they come up with. I just did a search of all MTV shows and remembered Boiling Points, starring a prefamous Lady Gaga (think she went by Stephanie back then). That show was hilarious and such a different concept- put people in ludicrous situations while secretly filming them and see how long it took them to lose their tempers. I think everyone on that show was an improv actor.


Teen Mom was a cool idea, and the viewership agreed- but they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.

I read that MTV is working on a new TM show that would focus on the TM's that are married and dealing with marriage/family issues. MTV just can't pull the plug on these people...at this point they're just enabling these people and keeping them from pursuing actual careers/jobs or furthering their education.

And ugh...talk about slugs...Amber is back. Leah is helluva a kid...she's smart, savvy, sweet and a very well adjusted teen. I give a lot of credit to Gary and Christina keeping her grounded and focused on being a well rounded kid.

Briana is not too bright...Devoin is a bullshitter and user. And now she is giving him money to pay for his driver license after spending years hounding him to pony up child support for Nova??? OMG!



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Brianna is just a mystery to me.  She seems to love and care for her children but her choices of baby daddies so bad!

After they treat her and their daughters so bad she giggles and sleeps with them!

Also why does she rent a small apartment for herself and her daughters while her mother and most teen moms live in McMansion?

Amber lives in a rental because of child support.   Jade owns a small home.  Maybe the older gals make a lot more????

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OMG. Another Cheyenne very special ultra over the top stupid party. I wanted to throw up at her list of reasons why it is so important for Cory to be on the Challenge again. After all it is the very central theme of his very existence!  There is no Cory without the Challenge! It gives him something to do! It supports his family!  I could not loathe these people more. And although Ryder is intelligent, beautiful, sweet, and adorable and as far as I can tell loving I am thoroughly sick of her. It's not her fault but the entitled pretty pretty princess theme is written all over her just like it is Cheyenne. The whole thing just bugs me. Cheyenne was not a teen mom. There is nothing teen mom about anything in her life and her segments just act like a televised Instagram-perfect-life-envy-us post in video.  They could just as well have some trust fund heiress get pregnant at twenty four and then slip her into Teen Mom and ask us all to pretend that it is even remotely relevant to the show. She shouldn't be here and her segments are ridiculous.

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
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Yes!  This episode really scraped the bottom of the barrel for content.  Briana’s baby daddy following her to LA.  Briana bringing an entourage to a CHILD’S birthday party.  

Why were Kiaya and Kayla there?   And this timeline is so suspect!  Kayla was there with her ex, Luke??

So many questions!

That party was ridiculous and so was the idea of sticking all non-original Teen Moms in one place for most of the episode. Not like having the others there would have been any better.


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On 8/28/2023 at 12:23 PM, Jeanne222 said:

Brianna is just a mystery to me.  She seems to love and care for her children but her choices of baby daddies so bad!

After they treat her and their daughters so bad she giggles and sleeps with them!

Also why does she rent a small apartment for herself and her daughters while her mother and most teen moms live in McMansion?

Amber lives in a rental because of child support.   Jade owns a small home.  Maybe the older gals make a lot more????

She spends all her money on very bad plastic surgery and partying. Like every good mom does. 

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It just kills me that Devoin, who last time we saw him needed Bri to give him money to register his car so he can drive and help with Nova, flew in to LA for a Lakers game. Because of course he did. The Ashley calls this #ThingsYouCanDoWhenYouDontHaveJobs.  And it applies to everyone on this show. All these so called perfectly normal people just fly from all over the country for Ryder's birthday party because they have nothing else to do, right?  Brianna had no problem attending but had to leave her actual children behind because they have school. The children can't attend a child' birthday party because they can't miss school. But the adults have no encumbrances whatsoever.  Of course.

This entire episode was exhibit one of why these people have no reason to be on our tvs in the first place. They live a parasitic existence. Filming for Teen Mom is not a real job no matter what they try to tell us. Going on The Challenge again and again and losing again and again is not a job. They just found a parasitic sweet spot and pump it for all it's worth. Regardless of their finances they are all just losers. 

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14 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

It just kills me that Devoin, who last time we saw him needed Bri to give him money to register his car so he can drive and help with Nova, flew in to LA for a Lakers game. Because of course he did. The Ashley calls this #ThingsYouCanDoWhenYouDontHaveJobs.  And it applies to everyone on this show. All these so called perfectly normal people just fly from all over the country for Ryder's birthday party because they have nothing else to do, right?  Brianna had no problem attending but had to leave her actual children behind because they have school. The children can't attend a child' birthday party because they can't miss school. But the adults have no encumbrances whatsoever.  Of course.

This entire episode was exhibit one of why these people have no reason to be on our tvs in the first place. They live a parasitic existence. Filming for Teen Mom is not a real job no matter what they try to tell us. Going on The Challenge again and again and losing again and again is not a job. They just found a parasitic sweet spot and pump it for all it's worth. Regardless of their finances they are all just losers. 

Here here👏👏👏 Couldn't have said it better myself. Devoin is pathetic. He's just weird. How is it these people are celebrities for having kids as teenagers? Worse, they are still milking this while some their kids are in high school or middle school. Corey is another loser...all he does go on these MTV shows. That isn't going to be a career move when he's in his 40's. The other men on this show are no better. None of them have jobs. They just sit around the house. That party for a six year old was way over the top. So many gifts...they should donate some of them to a family shelter. It would be good for Ryder to get a lesson in charity instead of conspicuous consumption.

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17 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

The children can't attend a child' birthday party because they can't miss school. But the adults have no encumbrances whatsoever.  Of course.

This entire episode was exhibit one of why these people have no reason to be on our tvs in the first place.

Thank you for making this point, it was just the push I needed to delete this B.S. off my dvr.  These people are NOT worth my time!  They are nothing but wannabe celebs and no matter how much they spend on their ridiculous parties, it's not gonna impress me one bit.  In fact, it has the opposite effect, showing how stupid they are. 

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On 8/24/2023 at 11:33 AM, Tatum said:

It really is. And they just keep doubling down on the trashiness of their content instead of considering that maybe it's time to move into a different direction.


I wish MTV would track down whoever has the rights to all their old shows- Road Rules, Singled Out, The Blame Game, Say What Karaoke, the early seasons of True Life, Made, Sorority Life, Fraternity Life, Rich Girls, etc and play those instead.

I would love an update to True Life: I'm getting married (sadly both the gay couple and Charlie and Sabrina got divorced, and Charlie died a few years ago) and the True Life I'm a Staten Island Girl.  

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On 9/2/2023 at 12:47 AM, kitkat343 said:

I would love an update to True Life: I'm getting married (sadly both the gay couple and Charlie and Sabrina got divorced, and Charlie died a few years ago) and the True Life I'm a Staten Island Girl.  

I love the "where are they now" updates they were doing, but they generally pick the most boring people or episodes, and I haven't watched the show in over 10 years since the subjects are so over the top now, so I wouldn't be interested in anything that aired after 2010.


Purely out of pettiness, I would love to know how the two girls who were "too beautiful" for their own good are both faring, as well as the 26 year old "model" who was dating an older guy (I know this is catty, but she was entered in a hometown hottie contest through Maxim Magazine and did appear in the picture collage, and she acted like she was Christy Turlington or something).


I do believe one of the Staten Island Girls did make it to one of the where are they now episodes, I want to say she was married with a kid. I think it was the one who wanted to be an actress and was trying really hard to lose her accent.

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6 hours ago, Tatum said:


I do believe one of the Staten Island Girls did make it to one of the where are they now episodes, I want to say she was married with a kid. I think it was the one who wanted to be an actress and was trying really hard to lose her accent.

Is one of them the new Danielle from RHONJ ???

Edited by teapot
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On 9/2/2023 at 1:47 AM, kitkat343 said:

I would love an update to True Life: I'm getting married (sadly both the gay couple and Charlie and Sabrina got divorced, and Charlie died a few years ago) and the True Life I'm a Staten Island Girl.  

Yes! ...and Tommy Cheeseballs.

Flipped over to this last night. Always surprised with therapists allow cameras in, makes me question their motives.

Glad to see Macy & the Edwards repaired their relationship. Wonder if they finally realize that she's not the issue?  Still sad to the recent events with Ryan.

Did Bri move out of the townhouse into her own apartment? 

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8 hours ago, snarts said:

Yes! ...and Tommy Cheeseballs.

Flipped over to this last night. Always surprised with therapists allow cameras in, makes me question their motives.

Glad to see Macy & the Edwards repaired their relationship. Wonder if they finally realize that she's not the issue?  Still sad to the recent events with Ryan.

Did Bri move out of the townhouse into her own apartment? 

Brianna moved out last season. 

Speaking of Brianna...OMG...when is she is going to understand that "Devoid" is a loser and a dead beat. Does she really think he will be helping her seven days a week? Really? He's incapable of "adulting". He's immature and self centered. And he is looking for woman who will support him and his various addictions. He might do this set up of "co-parenting" for a few months but then he'll just disappear for while and worm his way back in after he's gambled away his money. I read he was just evicted from his apartment recently for non payment of rent for several months. She needs to move on and accept that he is what he is and that the two baby daddies are not reliable, functioning adults that can't financially support their kids and never will. 

As for Tyler and his "therapist", I was shocked that this was filmed. Seems unethical and an invasion of privacy for this highly personal session was on tape for mass consumption. Good grief...does Tyler really think this is riveting stuff that is actually going to help others? And really...give me a break...he had to fly all the way out to California for this??? If he didn't have MTV footing the bill for his air flight, hotel, meals and the therapy itself he would be going to someone locally who  probably wouldn't want cameras in. Also...Tyler was talking about  his problem with "hyper sexuality"...I guess that explains him being on "Only Fans". 

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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This episode was such a slog. 

I think Tyler has to go out of state to get ketamine therapy. I am not sure it is legal in every state. I had to ff through the session as it was too much and too personal. I have no idea why MTV thinks airing all of their various addictions, rehabs, and therapies is riveting television. I think it just proves that starting these relatively normal people on a path of dependent parasitic existence with no actual real life goals and achievements at an early age has done them no favors. Continuing to support them this way for the amusement (yes, I said it) of others is horrible and soulless. They can say they are giving exposure to therapy and rehab etc all they want but it's just exploitative. This entire episode was a poor man's version of an afterschool special.

So let's count:

Amber - addict, bipolar, jail, rehab, therapy.

Maci - ex is a heroin addict, fails at rehab, arrests, she herself is now trying Alanon. (the theme of the episode apparently)

Tyler and Cate - childhood abuse, multiple therapies, depression, family of addicts and their rehabs. Even though Tyler is struggling with the effects of childhood sexual abuse Cate thought it was a good idea to post his private sexy pics to her on OnlyFans without asking him, for money. Cate is pimping him out. They think it's funny. It is not.

Jade - family and husband addicts, lots of rehab, trying Alanon now. Jade still feels authentic and I like her segments but I fear that is going to change soon.

Leah - addict, father addict, rehab, apparently and inexplicably taking on the pride movement as her 'thing' since her dad is a bigot?  Seriously I have never seen a serious subject handled as unauthentically as Leah does gay rights etc. She is soooo weird.  The spokesperson nobody asked for.

Ashley - husband is a habitual arrestee and is now stuck in California for two years probation while she is in school in Nevada. They'll probably get him transferred to Vegas but still, he's like a weight around her neck.  She could use anger management but otherwise she is the only one whose segments seem authentic and natural.  A real person trying to rise above and make something of her life in spite of difficult circumstances and serious anger problems. I like her. I can watch her, she doesn't bug me. Just don't wanna get her pissed off at me. 

Cheyenne - don't get me started. Moving on.

Brianna - baby daddies are useless users and Devoin is a gambling addict who sticks around only for MTV camera/money time and to see what he can talk her into or out of.  But she is so awful I could not care less. Like her kids though. Too bad their mom is such an unlikable idiot and a terrible man-picker.

Everyone has a very special serious life problem with an attached therapy or rehab to exploit for tv.  Except for Cheyenne who is simply an advertisement for party planning and The Challenge. Somehow that is even worse.




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