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S08.E02: October 3, 2022

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Genevieve, this is the first 24 hours!! The best thing this girl can do for herself is go home. She would never survive however many weeks this show is, with new girls constantly coming in. Did she understand what show she came on? This is the whole purpose to talk to multiple people. You don’t just get engaged to the first person you made eye contact with. She’s like a baby duck hatching and imprinting on the first person she sees.

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2 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Genevieve, this is the first 24 hours!! The best thing this girl can do for herself is go home. She would never survive however many weeks this show is, with new girls constantly coming in. Did she understand what show she came on? This is the whole purpose to talk to multiple people. You don’t just get engaged to the first person you made eye contact with. She’s like a baby duck hatching and imprinting on the first person she sees.

But she called dibs!

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17 minutes ago, rlc said:

When did bikini tops not covering the bottom of your breast become a thing? Damn I’m old.

12 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

If you look closely, she is wearing it upside down.   The string that is meant to go around her rib cage is around her neck and vice herds.  

They’ve been doing this upside-down string bikini, underboob thing for about 3-4 years, as seen on all the other beachside dating shows (Love Island, Temptation Island, FBoy Island). Bachelor Nation has apparently been behind the times with this look. I have never seen anyone do this in real life, but it’s a prerequisite on TV, just like the too short and tight pants on the men.

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15 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Hailey looks kinda witchy. That must be so awkward when none of the guys will even look at her. Yikes! She’ll go home next week. Did she last very long in Clayton’s season? I don’t even remember her. 

She lasted at LEAST 6 hours. BUt then Clayton kept talking to other women and she freaked out.

Edited by phlebas
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Are we supposed to be all warm and fuzzy over Shenae and Logan? Because I don’t trust either one of them. It just seems like the two “villains” teamed up to rehab their images, and I’m not buying it. I don’t know who that blonde girl is (not sure whether her name is Hailey or Suzanne or something else), but it seems like she wandered in off the streets just to play the part to show us that Logan can be decisive for the right woman. 

Oh, no, Justin went to Stagecoach?!?! Red flag!! Red flag!! I don’t think there has ever been a Sally on this show, and if there were it wouldn’t be spelled Salley. Oh, this was the girl who didn’t even make it to night 1 because she was recently engaged!! Production made up this suitcase just to fuck with Genevieve—but how would she know about all of this pre-show Stagecoach stuff? (I guess Justin could have told her who he was looking forward to seeing.)

Edited by JenE4
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Way too much Hailey and Genevieve.  Hailey seems like she may be a sweet girl but she has no connection with Logan and there is no need to show her talking head for an hour.  And I have no recollection of her on Clayton’s season at all.  

I still can’t believe they cannot get more well known contestants for this show.  It seems like most of these people would sell they soul for more Instagram followers. 

Going through Salley’s luggage was just rude and immature. 

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Just now, JenE4 said:

“It’s only been you—from the beginning!” Gurl, “the beginning” was 30 hours ago tops. Justin, any random attendee of Stagecoach would be a better choice than Genevieve. This is too much drama, too fast. I think she just made your decision a lot easier. 

I repeat, she called dibs!   LOL.  Has anyone gotten that clingy that fast before?   This may be a new record.   

And glad Justin told wouldn’t let her steam roller him…of course, the men have the roses this week, so he is in control.  

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Where did this Brittany person come from?!?! Has she been here all along?   Oh, this is new—a reverse dibs! Sorry, Romeo, Jill has dibs on you! This is kind of funny, though, that suddenly all of the guys are like how did I end up “engaged” to the first woman who talked to me? It really seems like none of these women have seen this show before. No wonder why they never heard of Lace.

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Jill threw away the olive branch rose Romeo was offering her so that she could get more time in paradise where she might find someone else who does want to get married the same day. Thats what he was saying,, right? He knew she didn’t want him anymore but was offering her a second chance with someone else that hasn’t arrived yet. I would have taken his crummy rose 🌹 and waited for the newbies.

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I think Jill must take his rose because she is still there in the previews.  As is Brittany which makes no sense as she had no connection with anyone as well as Lace.  Who would have given Lace a rose?  Trying to figure out who left.  Maybe the doctor and Hailey?  Don’t know why Hailey got so much screen time if she got sent home the first week.  And it looks like Genevieve got a rose by default as Victoria moved onto Johnny. 

Edited by Katie111
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These people are so fucking boring that I started fast forwarding like crazy.

But, I'm excited to see what happens with



tomorrow.  I like the idea of the women going crazy over him.

Victoria's body is sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Genevieve, I  can't stand her.  She's so sour and boring.  

There's something I love about Jill.  She's so 'naturally human' or something.  LOL.  She shouldn't be on this show.  I find her really likeable, even when she's acting like a nutbar.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Romeo is this season's Ivan - got a good edit on his Bachelorette season, but is acting like a complete idiot on BIP. He can barely string a coherent sentence together, and even Kira doesn't want his rose anymore.

The Salley bit was fake from start to finish (including the suitcase), just stupid filler so that TPTB can drag out the rose ceremony until tomorrow. 

Finally, on a shallow note, the swimwear this season is hideous and ill-fitting. Not just the too-small tops with underboob, but also the weirdly bunched-up bottoms that remind me of the surgical underwear I had to put on when I had my appendix removed.

Edited by chocolatine
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10 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Hailey looks kinda witchy. That must be so awkward when none of the guys will even look at her. Yikes! She’ll go home next week. Did she last very long in Clayton’s season? I don’t even remember her. 

The constant Hailey talking heads made me very uncomfortable.  She seems like an awkward girl who is used to being passed over by the guys.  The thing about her is that she's not unattractive. But the odd facial expressions and mouth contortions, coupled with her insecurity, make her so unattractive.  She's basically there to be the weird girl who can't get a date.  It is painful to watch if you've ever been friends with that type of person.

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11 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Genevieve is such a child. She was a pouty bitch on the Bachelor too. 

I know it's hot and sweaty where they are, but she does not look good with her hair up. It makes her face look much different.

Also, on the bachelor.. wasn't her story that she had no emotions and Clayton couldn't get anything out of her? And now she's non stop whining and crying about a guy she had a couple of conversations with. Plus, I thought she had a thing with Aaron outside the show.

10 hours ago, DEL901 said:

And Jill grew a spine….although we’ll see how long that lasts.

Jill scares the shit out of me. Why is she so animated over everything?

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When the padding starts in Episode 2, you know it may be a long, relatively boring season even if the previews show us a success (?) story or two.

-Yes, crabs on the loose are padding too. You’re on the beach. There are no doors. They were here first and are just doing what nature does. If you’re going to try to evict them, have a plan and a bucket so you can capture them and release them outside.

-Fair play to the crab-fighters and other girls who, perhaps cognizant of the ‘camera adds 10 pounds’ have lost at least 10 of those pounds before heading to Mexico. If you appear slim on-screen you must be stick-thin in person.

-Hailey’s baby talk - a refusal to bite off the end of her consonants is cute for about 2 min, maddening for 20. One can only imagine being stuck behind her on a flight as she witters away, talking through her nose. She’s enthusiastic about exposition but a) we know the drill and b) the producers know the drill already.

-Genevieve has apparently never ridden a roller coaster in which going up means eventually going down. 11 on a 10 scale? 2nd day? Wind your neck in, love.

-Edits in which the sound doesn’t match the jaw movements of the person facing away from the camera are maddening. It’s old b&w film stuff.

-Speaking of edits, it seems that all the people lining up to greet Victoria first were male. But that probably isn’t editing as most of the women stayed resolutely seated. Eat your heart out, Shenae. If you have one.

-Justin’s sales pitch for the date to Genevieve is an unconvincing as the rest of his dialogue going forward. Full marks to him for resisting the urge to sprint towards Victoria and the date.

-It may be unfair that Victoria’s magical green bikini stolen from the land of Oz isn’t covered by the censor’s rectangle but life isn’t fair. In this case life is generous though. Perhaps the video editor’s jaw hit the desk and covered up his control panel. Lord knows the camera crew suddenly didn’t mind clambering over rocks to get into, er, position. It’s rumored that Victoria has had some work done but if so she got the Goldilocks just-right outcome.

-Day Kira & Night Kira are two different entities.

-Michael is sailing close to the wind with the deceased-spouse stories. It’s a sad tale to be sure but there is risk in demonstrating that he really isn’t emotionally available. Sierra doesn’t seem to mind and I must admit if you lined up the men & women and ranked them on mutual compatibility or likelihood of a ‘connection’ I would have put these two at the bottom.

-Don’t know how Sierra’s missing finger wasn’t spotted in her Bachelor season but it’s a bit of a distraction now trying to spot it.

-Someone’s going to have explain the appeal of lank-haired, droopy-eyed Logan to me. The gum-chomping and the cookie duster mustache only add to his demerits. He resembles that tall muscle car-driving bro-dude in school who always sat in the back corner of the classroom and stuck his hiking boots out into the aisle. Still, he’s been lumbered with Shenae and vice versa. As the kids say, it’s the trash taking itself out.

-‘I never had a love story on Clayton’s season’ says the girl with two left feet. Well, Shenae, it was probably because you were busy chucking trophies and drinks around and throwing tantrums.

-The Agonies Of Genevieve are getting far too much screen time along with her nervous tic of reaching up for her hair.

-As others have noted, the Myth of Salley appears to be just that but the producers seem obsessed with her despite five whole minutes of footage. Maybe Wells has been attending acting classes in the off-season but the tale he spun was on a par with a lame ghost story told around a campfire. No sane person is getting in a trunk with or without a phone or a light when they can walk around the corner or hide behind a bush or tree. No sane person is going to stay in there for 10 minutes let alone 4 hours. The departures board prop with Paradise listed as a destination was clever at least.

-Night Kira is slurring her words and the makeup is running. Past her bedtime? Drink? Heat & humidity?

-So the odd derriere gets censored but the green sex toy gets scads of screen time? And Kira is happy to suggest she’s borrowing it? Is that why her eyes are now drooping in the afterglow? I’m not familiar with vibrator etiquette or hygiene but isn’t that a bit like using someone’s toothbrush?

-Furiously advancing through the interminable ad breaks, there are still a couple of conclusions to be drawn from brief glimpses: network prime time ‘comedy’ looks agonizingly unfunny and junk food looks even more artificial and revolting, especially when they digitally ‘paint’ the images – it merely makes it look plastic.

-We’re trying to be sympathetic to Genevieve but reading the riot act to Justin – after a day with Victoria’s Full Bikini – is absolutely the wrong way to go about things. She’s running out of strikes.

-Brittany always looks like she should have a flower tucked behind the ear. Jog on, Romeo, you inarticulate clod and go back to Neurotic Jill. Kira’s skepticism kicks in and not before time. Brittany – keep your powder dry for the new arrivals – three of them no less. Approach him silently, locking in eye contact. Greet him silently, then walk away. He will be eating out of your hand in five minutes. No charge for the advice.

Edited by Rainsong
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16 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Hailey looks kinda witchy. That must be so awkward when none of the guys will even look at her. Yikes! She’ll go home next week. Did she last very long in Clayton’s season? I don’t even remember her. 

I don't remember her either. I was sort of feeling bad for her when Shenae swooped in and spent all day with Logan. But then Hailey in her talking heads started to annoy me. She, like so many other women on this show, have a really inflated ego. I guess one would have to in order to even apply for this franchise.

Don't get the appeal of Logan. He's 26 and I don't think he's interested in anything long term. Sha nay nay is 30...this isn't a love match.

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