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The View: Week of 9/12/2022


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Monday, Sept. 12 – Jennette McCurdy (author, “I’m Glad My Mom Died”)

Tuesday, Sept. 13 – Kevin Smith (“Clerks 3”)

Wednesday, Sept. 14 – Your Voice, Your Vote: The Political View with Stacey Abrams, Democratic candidate for the governor of Georgia; Jameela Jamil (“She-Hulk: Attorney at Law”)

Thursday, Sept. 15 – Viola Davis joined by Thuso Mbedu, Lashana Lynch and Sheila Atim (“The Woman King”)

Friday, Sept. 16 – Day of Hot Topics

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54 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I really hate the way these women interview people, how they frame their questions. They make declarative statements (you did this or you said that) as if the guests are unaware of what they said and did, then they say “how do you feel about that?”  I wish they’d let the guests tell their own story. 

It is very rare a guest on this show is asked a question they haven't already been asked  hundreds of times before.  Joy every once in awhile will ask something that is interesting.  The interviews don't flow naturally.  Too many people asking questions.  

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

I really hate the way these women interview people, how they frame their questions. They make declarative statements (you did this or you said that) as if the guests are unaware of what they said and did, then they say “how do you feel about that?”  I wish they’d let the guests tell their own story. 

I've noticed this on other interview shows as well. I think it is supposed to "inform" the audience, but it ends up wasting time, especially if the interviewer goes into deep "biography" mode before asking their question. Unfortunately, the "biography" part rarely includes anything that the audience doesn't know or is truly interesting. 

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Instead of saying that Roberts would be transparent "when pigs fly", Whoopi chose "when I'm a natural blonde".  I wonder if having "natural" blonde Sunny in her sight line made her think of that.

Whoopi looked nice and rested today.  The eyebrow discussion was interesting. I've always noticed her lack of brow hairs, but could see her brow bones and I always notice when people draw higher brows on themselves but you can still see where her their brows should be.

Edited by deirdra
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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

I really hate the way these women interview people, how they frame their questions. They make declarative statements (you did this or you said that) as if the guests are unaware of what they said and did, then they say “how do you feel about that?”  I wish they’d let the guests tell their own story. 

Yea thats always bugged me too.  They take so much time 'prefacing' the question that there's no time for the answer.

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Way to try and divert from admitting that yes, White Supremacists/Domestic Terrorism is the reason why the country remains divided, Allyssa, by saying "foreigners" are responsible for the current polarization.

Sunny was on point with that--and even stated both the FBI Director and Attorney General have stated those are the two biggest threats to the U.S.

And then Allysa's sucking up to Whoopi, telling her she's "perfect" and doesn't need to do anything about her lack of eyebrows. 

What? I don't recall Whoopi saying that was something she wished she could "fix" or that she was unhappy at not having any. 

I remember 9/11; I know where I was, what happened, and how the nation did, indeed, come together in unity. EVERYONE. It's just like Ana and Sunny said-because the threat was from the outside, and not within our own country.

But yeah, I'm not liking NOT having Joy on Mondays. Hey, give Allyssa Mondays off!

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6 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

It is very rare a guest on this show is asked a question they haven't already been asked  hundreds of times before.  Joy every once in awhile will ask something that is interesting.  The interviews don't flow naturally.  Too many people asking questions.  

Yes and there’s no natural flow because everyone wants to ask the question on their card. Very little follow up to the responses. 

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I did fast forward to watch the second segment since the Supreme Court topic was introduced in the opening. I thought it was sad that Sara didn't get a chance to speak... I would've much rather heard her thoughts than Alyssa or Whoopi. But the segment was pretty dull and lifeless overall, tbh. If Joy had been there, there would've been fire on that topic.

I don't get why they don't rotate the day off anyway. Especially since Whoopi talked on the first day last week about how much they all "needed" that break, lol, maybe a day off for everyone once a month would be good for them.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
1 minute ago, StaceyNotStacie said:

I don’t see Alyssa, Sunny or Sara getting any regular days off unless they’re on vacation. I’m guessing they’ll be there every day with Joy, Whoopi and Ana rotating. 

Oh, I know. I was just whining. I’m already sick and tired of Alyssa pivoting and trying to change the subject like she did today-that the polarization in the country had more to do with Russian bots on social media-because she didn’t have a counterpoint or defense to Sunny-who quoted the FBI director and Attorney General saying we have a very credible threat and danger from domestic terrorism and White Supremacists. I guess she never heard of the Unibomber or Tim McVeigh. She may not be screeching and palpitating-but she’s not an improvement.

And when Sunny said that what Alyssa was saying was a different issue, she back pedals and said, oh no! No! I agree with you; I’m just adding on to your statement and saying that the bots are also responsible!


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13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Way to try and divert from admitting that yes, White Supremacists/Domestic Terrorism is the reason why the country remains divided, Allyssa, by saying "foreigners" are responsible for the current polarization.

And of course no one challenged her by asking why it is that so many extremists in the US are ready to believe the propaganda put on social media by foreign entities.  The racist and anti-democratic crap from foreign bots would be meaningless if it was ignored, instead of being made a rallying cry by extremist groups.  You can't blame that on foreigners, Alyssa.

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I obviously missed something here. Why doesn't Whoopi have eyebrows?!! It does look freakishly odd and why doesn't she draw/fill them in like the rest of us do?

Meghan Markle's division of the royal bros is a permanent one, IMHO. Her self-centeredness and selfishness caused this and besides, Kate can't stand her and her word stands for a lot more than Markle's so you two can just get yourselves back to America and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Kevin Smith can go fuck himself with all the references to The View viewers being geriatric. Has he looked at himself or his co-star who looks easily to be 70 years old? ( I know he can't be but bruh...) He better watch insulting the getriatrics as we were the ones who watched his crappy juvenile Clerks movies. He seemed manic and desperate-bragging that he smoked a joint in the morning before his appearance on The View? Wow. So hip and so cool. This geriatric already smoked two before watching the show and I still find him annoying and unfunny.

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During the things to do before turning 40 segment, the only smug out of touch panelist during that discussion was Sunny.  And I notice that Sunny kept interrupting Sara during her turn to speak, me thinks she's becoming the new Meghan.

Owning a house before 40 is a good goal.. but sometimes that isn't feasible, and traveling abroad isn't something everyone can do especially during this inflation (which doesn't seem to faze any of the panelists).  

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1 minute ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

During the things to do before turning 40 segment, the only smug out of touch panelist during that discussion was Sunny.  And I notice that Sunny kept interrupting Sara during her turn to speak, me thinks she's becoming the new Meghan.

Owning a house before 40 is a good goal.. but sometimes that isn't feasible, and traveling abroad isn't something everyone can do especially during this inflation (which doesn't seem to faze any of the panelists).  

I found that whole segment to be somewhat stupid and out of touch. It seems to be a theme of the show now.

I have a theory about Sunny...did anyone see that movie Bad Hair? I think one of Meghan's possessed hair pieces has crept onto Sunny's head. 

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30 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

During the things to do before turning 40 segment, the only smug out of touch panelist during that discussion was Sunny.  And I notice that Sunny kept interrupting Sara during her turn to speak, me thinks she's becoming the new Meghan.

Owning a house before 40 is a good goal.. but sometimes that isn't feasible, and traveling abroad isn't something everyone can do especially during this inflation (which doesn't seem to faze any of the panelists).  

I haven't seen this yet, so I am just responding to the comments I see here. I am looking forward to seeing the whole thing.

I think that the problem with having these arbitrary age-related goals (house before 40, marriage/partnership before X, high salary job by Y) is that they kind of seep into a person's consciousness and can make them feel like a failure if they've somehow missed one of these milestones or never gets to it. Not everyone needs to own a house, for a variety of reasons, but that doesn't make them losers or keep them from doing other things in their lives. 

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1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Kevin Smith can go fuck himself with all the references to The View viewers being geriatric.

When people say shit like this, it just serves to shine a huge spotlight on how truly ignorant they are. If Smith even tried for one moment, to think of something other than how cool he is, he would realize -  as most advertisers don't either -  is that people with the grey and the people who can pay! A lot of geriatrics have no debt, no huge mortgage payments and they have a healthy bank balance. 

And thanks for Deirdra for clearing up the mystery of the missing eyebrows. I still say fill them in but look at how this woman presents herself to the viewers, every single day. She is obviously not into even the slightest effort to look anywhere near good!

1 hour ago, Tammy12 said:

Sunny really is becoming more and more unlikeable and unrelatable. 

Has she become the new Megan?!!!! She is quite

1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I found that whole segment to be somewhat stupid and out of touch. It seems to be a theme of the show now.

And I thought it was just me!!! 

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21 hours ago, js9548 said:

I do not know if the newest cohost has her own topic listing yet so I will post here. My eyes are drawn to how short her skirts are when seated. If the skirt slides up much more, we will see everything. I remember EH wore short skirts too but were the skirts of EH as revealing as Alyssa's?  Just my 2 cents worth. 

I had to laugh, cuz mr. rollacoaster noticed how short her dress was as well! 

Edited by rollacoaster
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21 hours ago, js9548 said:

I do not know if the newest cohost has her own topic listing yet so I will post here. My eyes are drawn to how short her skirts are when seated. If the skirt slides up much more, we will see everything. I remember EH wore short skirts too but were the skirts of EH as revealing as Alyssa's?  Just my 2 cents worth. 

They're dressing her like she's on Fox News

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1 hour ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Kevin Smith can go fuck himself with all the references to The View viewers being geriatric. Has he looked at himself or his co-star who looks easily to be 70 years old? ( I know he can't be but bruh...) He better watch insulting the getriatrics as we were the ones who watched his crappy juvenile Clerks movies. He seemed manic and desperate-bragging that he smoked a joint in the morning before his appearance on The View? Wow. So hip and so cool. This geriatric already smoked two before watching the show and I still find him annoying and unfunny.

Hah! Maybe he should have skipped that joint and he would have been a better, more coherent guest! :-)

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3 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

I found that whole segment to be somewhat stupid and out of touch. It seems to be a theme of the show now.

I have a theory about Sunny...did anyone see that movie Bad Hair? I think one of Meghan's possessed hair pieces has crept onto Sunny's head. 

These first couple of weeks have been a bit rocky.   I'm wondering if they have new producers picking lame topics, or if the ladies or just slow getting back in the groove.  

I love Sunny's hair.  The texture is her nature beautiful texture.  The color is not 🙂.   I do wish she'd cut it a little shorter though.   

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WRT Harry & Meghan, Sunny seems a bit gullible - she believes everything they say, even what seems most dubious to me, which is that somehow no one in the Royal Family could or would help her find some help when she was feeling depressed and suicidal. For Heaven's sake, Harry worked with William and Kate on a very publicized effort to destigmatize help for mental health issues - he could have given her the name of whoever he went to for therapy. Yet Sunny thinks that it made more sense that she'd ask for help from "the institution" (whatever that means - did she go to Prince Charles or to random admins?) than from her husband or friends.

True Crime - It was strange that Whoopi said she didn't like true crime stories since, as someone here said she narrates a show about it. Maybe she is ok with the non-violent true crime, like the con artists on her show, but dislikes the murder true crime stories, which can be gruesome and very disturbing.

Things to do before 40

Buying a house: Sunny says that buying a house if the way to build wealth - I've heard this a lot lately, mainly from people who feel that they've missed the boat because their parents didn't own a house. My personal experience is that owning a house didn't keep my father from dying in an amount of debt that selling his house at a bit of a loss (because it needed work) barely covered. So, owning a house is not a magic key to "generational wealth" for everyone. Managing your income and debts properly is more important to be able to leave something to your heirs. 

Having a fling / one night stand: Really? Isn't that kind of thing more in the "things you shouldn't be doing any longer as you near 40" category? Those seem like things in your 20s and early 30s.

Kevin Smith: As I noted before, probably should have skipped smoking that joint, because he wasn't that funny and made kind of obnoxious comments characterizing View watchers as "geriatric". 

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6 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Kevin Smith can go fuck himself with all the references to The View viewers being geriatric. Has he looked at himself or his co-star who looks easily to be 70 years old? ( I know he can't be but bruh...) He better watch insulting the getriatrics as we were the ones who watched his crappy juvenile Clerks movies. He seemed manic and desperate-bragging that he smoked a joint in the morning before his appearance on The View? Wow. So hip and so cool. This geriatric already smoked two before watching the show and I still find him annoying and unfunny.

Get off my lawn, Kevin Smith.

BTW, I'm younger than he is and I've been watching The View for decades 🤪

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Sort of a nothing show today, but I liked that Sara made sure she got to speak. Not that Sunny trying to interrupt and shut her down helped matters--and I agreed with Sara, personally. No way Sunny will ever be like McCain, but you would think she more than anybody else there wouldn't do that to others since I'm sure she doesn't enjoy it when Whoopi does it to her.

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Oh, Tell me! Tell meeeee!!!!!

Yes, what Haleth said, she tried to divert the conversation away. And then at the end when Alyssa was trying to justify why the states should be in charge of what happens even despite what Sunny had said about it being naive to expect people to simply do the right thing for other people's welfare, Whoopi pointed out how things were fine before Alyssa's side decided to insert themselves in everybody's business.

Joy is right to warn that they'll enact a federal ban next if they win. Unfortunately, I think many people in younger generations have viewed this issue with blinders on for a long time because they didn't live pre-Roe as people like Whoopi and Joy have. I think that's where most of the shock came from when it was overturned, that group didn't believe the warnings were based in reality before it started to happen. The veil has been lifted.

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24 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Whoopi pointed out how things were fine before Alyssa's side decided to insert themselves in everybody's business.

To be fair, though, I'm pretty sure that not everyone thought things were just "fine" before, only that they were "fine" from Whoopi's POV. I'm certain there are lots of things that a number of people think are just "fine" as is now, which Whoopi would love to see changed. You're never going to make everyone happy or satisfied no matter how hard you try. It's almost impossible even in very small groups, so imagine how much more complicated it is with a whole country of people with diverging interests and concerns.

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