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S03.E05: Festival Wear


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Synopsis: Coming off of the strongest runway of the season, the remaining designers are assigned to create a two-look fesitival wear collection, leading many of them to face their biggest challenge yet and ending with a shocking result.

Good riddance to bad garbage. I was rooting for Sienna to go home and my wish was granted. 

I thought it was HILARIOUS that Curtis said he didn't want to make anything that was stereotypically gay and then went out and pretty much made the gayest thing ever lol :) I'm not sure how many straight guys are going to rock those big puffy sleeves. 

Edited by Mahfouz
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6 hours ago, Mahfouz said:

I thought it was HILARIOUS that Curtis said he didn't want to make anything that was stereotypically gay and then went out and pretty much made the gayest thing ever lol :)

I get what you're saying, but I think he was just avoiding chaps and rainbows. He didn't say it wouldn't be gay. I kinda liked his runway look, for a gay guy anyway. Oh well, I really liked Curtis. Not particularly sorry to see Siena go. I was tired of her.

4 hours ago, Hanya2 said:

It was inexusable for the male judge to throw his book down

I agree. He was pitching such a hissy fit. I think Yannick was trying to hide a smirk at what he thought of that performance.

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Tim Gunn wearing jeans in the workroom is one of my favorite things EVER!  Beautifully tailored dark denims, with a turtleneck & classic tweed jacket.  Uncle Tim never disappoints me in his fashion choices.  Those jeans were probably custom made for him. 

I'm really happy we don't have to waste time with the "Forever 21" accessory wall and they're minimizing the hair & makeup deal.  We never needed that crap.  I am happy they've kept "Mood" in the family for fabrics.  

I have to say I really hate EDM.  It just screws with my ears. 

I agreed with Jeremy during his little snit.  It was all crap compared to previous garments.  But he could have reigned it in and not been so common about it.  I've seen more mature hissy fits from the girls on "Toddlers & Tiaras". 

Curtis was classy in his goodbye.  But I think he should have stayed over MarkAntoine.

I'm really not thrilled about any of the others except for Georgia.

Edited by SnapHappy
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I think the Jeremy Scott tirade was totally scripted - he still came off like a spoiled asshole.

I really liked the museum they visited for inspiration.  

There WAS a lot of crap on the runway; however, if they had even one extra day, I think there would have been some good things.  Jeanette's winning look was good but not really runway; I agree with Heidi that it could have been the accessible look.  Her accessible look - all I could see was the Statue of Liberty.   I liked half of each of Yannik's outfits.  I liked the pants Curtis made but not the tops.  Etc.   Sorry to see Curtis go :(

Sienna had good ideas but completely failed in the execution so her going home was an easy choice.

It was nice to see Jonny and Esther.   They both made good points that being on the show can do a lot for their established businesses. 

I think the budget for this show has been greatly reduced.  I can't remember if they had more time in the first season so maybe I'm off base.   I know there are Covid restrictions; however they didn't look like they were actually in the desert; Tim and Heidi looked like they were projected onto a background.

14 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

Tim Gunn wearing jeans in the workroom is one of my favorite things EVER! 

Tim was at Woodstock wearing a navy blue blazer!  Of course he was :D

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8 hours ago, GaT said:

I hate festival wear, it just looks stupid & over the top. I wish one of them had made a pair of shorts & a crop top.

I attend a big music festival in Atlanta every year, and my accessible look is a graphic tee and shorts or jeans.  

And as a short person, if someone was in front of me blocking my view wearing Jeanette's crown, I'd be so annoyed.  (Yes, I know that "festival" was defined loosely.  Still, I bet the woman who was eliminated first was especially annoyed that she missed this challenge.)

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29 minutes ago, Tony said:

Sienna's male outfit has got to be one of the ugliest and unflattering outfits ever designed on this show. She was rightfully sent home.

She did exactly the same thing she did for every other challenge.  Floaty, pretty, pastel and girly prom dress.  She could have put a chipmunk in there instead of a guy and it would have been the same reaction.  

Lame, same, and repetitive.   If her parents are the stereotypical, traditional Chinese parents, they were thinking "Finally, now she can quit this fashion nonsense and go to medical school!"  There actually are some parents around that still have those reactions. 

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There was little enjoyment for me in this episode.  Two looks in one day (yes, I know they had seamstresses to help them-but it takes time to instruct/clarify, etc.) is waaaay too much.  I was hoping someone would respond to Heidi's question about what happened with the fact that the instructions made it almost impossible to accomplish; the closest was Georgia stating that everyone worked really hard.  I wonder what it would have taken for one of the contestants to walk away after that tirade of Jeremy's.  There is a point at which one's dignity has to be more important that being subjected to Heidi and Jeremy's demeaning "disappointed" speeches.  

I liked Curtis and was glad he was able to have a gracious exit.  This would have been a much better runway had each designer been able to choose one of their two garments to send down the runway.  

I want a fun fashion show, not an episode of judges having tantrums.  

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I loved last week's episode, hated this one. I kept screaming "THEY HAD NO FUCKING TIME YOU ASSHOLES" at the screen. Heidi saying she loves when a designer thinks it through....no words. When you're going shopping, the clothes your stylist chooses are finished, and the designers have had time to think it through! They've had months! Please. 

Jeremy Scott is a drama queening manbaby and I am so over him. Put him in a room with 10 other people, away from his family and friends,  minimal sleep, and impossible time restraints, and lets see what pile of steaming, reeking garbage he produces. 

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20 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

When I gave an assignment that was an epic fail, I had to acknowledge my own part in my students’ disasters.  I think the judges need to check themselves.  Oh, yes, and berating people doesn’t inspire creativity.  

This! I was thinking the same thing. The "anything goes" festival brief didn't provide enough guidance obviously. Plus they must not have enough time to do a good job.

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On 9/2/2022 at 4:43 AM, Mahfouz said:

I thought it was HILARIOUS that Curtis said he didn't want to make anything that was stereotypically gay and then went out and pretty much made the gayest thing ever lol :) I'm not sure how many straight guys are going to rock those big puffy sleeves.

No, Curtis said he was making an outfit for a gay pride festival, so he appropriately didn't have straight/narrow men in mind. I don't think high fashion should be held back by the standards of American toxic masculinity. He never used those words "stereotypically gay," he just said he wasn't going for pride flag-themed ensembles.


Heidi was incorrect, they have definitely chosen a winner before and then said they were putting their runway look on Amazon instead of the accessible look.

I felt bad for Yannick, who was tearing up a bit after Jeremy Scott's narcissistic tantrum.  I hate that "I'm a rich, successful white guy so I don't have to do invest in basic emotional regulation."  I'm sure he screams and throws things in his personal assistant's face too and then never owns up to it. It's not passion.  Maybe if they used the shows budget to give the designers two days instead of blowing it on building a runway in the desert, there would have been more complete looks. 

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The most important thing I've learned from this series is that it's not REAL.    Yeah, the fabric & the money and the stress are real to the contestants.  In the moment.   

But the overall concept is just TV.  None of these people will be global "brands", just as the last winners haven't.  The previous "winners", Jonny Cota and Andrea Pitter are not widely known.  Except the few people that buy their clothing, their "success" is marginal at best.

There has only been ONE individual that has ever emerged from the Heidi/Tim Fun Fashion Fair of Project Runway and whatever this is this, to ever become a global name. 

Christian Siriano. Out of hundreds, he alone is known world-wide. 

The rest of these folks are just momentarily entertaining, or cringe inducing.  Just cheap TV.   I've set the bar super-low for these shows, so I'm not disappointed.  

Edited by SnapHappy
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I agree with the judges that the looks were pretty drab and uninspired. Depending on the festival, looks can be pretty wild. Having said that, how the judging was conducted was abusive and unnecessary. 

During Jeremy's tantrum, Tim looked so disturbed, like he wanted to step in on behalf of the designers. I hated how beaten down and shamed they looked, especially Jeanette. They looked like chastened children.  

And, like several have mentioned, they are EXHAUSTED from the last assignment! 

The assignment was way too broad and lacked clarity. I think they should have had them design for a just a single festival. That would have helped the designers to better hone in on more perhaps more interesting and cohesive ideas.

Or, the designers should have chosen a specific festival and character to design for. I don't think the reference images they were shown were very inspiring. I mean, in the one for Coachella, one of the biggest pics was of a young woman in a beige shift and a sun hat? 🤔🙄

"We abuse you cuz we LOOOOOVE you! Can't you understand that?"

The whiplash from castigation to cooing encouragement was sickening. And, from the looks of the designers, triggering. 

Edited by rollacoaster
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2 hours ago, rollacoaster said:

The assignment was way too broad and lacked clarity. I think they should have had them design for a just a single festival. That would have helped the designers to better hone in on more perhaps more interesting and cohesive ideas.

Or, the designers should have chosen a specific festival and character to design for. I don't think the reference images they were shown were very inspiring. I mean, in the one for Coachella, one of the biggest pics was of a young woman in a beige shift and a sun hat? 🤔🙄

Some designed for a festival they already knew about and had experienced.  Thus Curtis creating for Pride, Jeannette for the Independence festival she saw as a child. Sienna referenced the Chinese Lantern Festival and Markantoine talked about Igloofest in Montreal in January.  Rafael didn't mention any particular festival nor did Yannick or Georgia.  

I just assumed they were told to have a festival in mind for their designs, but obviously some didn't.  

1 hour ago, Kenz said:

I know nothing about fashion and who Jeremy Scott is, but I have to laugh every time he gives out critical advice to these designers while he wears clown outfits, and this time a big leopard skin suit over his portly body, accompanied by pearls. Can't they find a better judge than this jerk?

The judges are horrible.  They will be the reason I stop watching.  Didn't finish last seasons show and may not finish this one. 

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I sew, so I watch for the actual designs, color choices, textiles and fabrications.  I usually just mute my TV during the contestant personal stuff & back stories, judging discussions and other random crap.  Too much blah, bah, blah.  I do like to hear what Tim says, though I sometimes disagree.  

The actual people involved in this show, specifically the judges & guests are the LEAST interesting part to me. 

I do get amusement from the weekly Heidi Hideous parade though.  

Edited by SnapHappy
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22 hours ago, rollacoaster said:

I agree with the judges that the looks were pretty drab and uninspired. Depending on the festival, looks can be pretty wild. Having said that, how the judging was conducted was abusive and unnecessary. 

During Jeremy's tantrum, Tim looked so disturbed, like he wanted to step in on behalf of the designers. I hated how beaten down and shamed they looked, especially Jeanette. They looked like chastened children.  

And, like several have mentioned, they are EXHAUSTED from the last assignment! 

The assignment was way too broad and lacked clarity. I think they should have had them design for a just a single festival. That would have helped the designers to better hone in on more perhaps more interesting and cohesive ideas.

Or, the designers should have chosen a specific festival and character to design for. I don't think the reference images they were shown were very inspiring. I mean, in the one for Coachella, one of the biggest pics was of a young woman in a beige shift and a sun hat? 🤔🙄

"We abuse you cuz we LOOOOOVE you! Can't you understand that?"

The whiplash from castigation to cooing encouragement was sickening. And, from the looks of the designers, triggering. 

I wholeheartedly agree with your points.  The judging went way beyond necessary and into shaming the designers.  Jeremy's tantrum just made him look unhinged, but to be there at the receiving end of it must have been brutal.  

I feel that the problem with the broad label "festival wear" is that the judges seemed to have a narrow definition of it in their minds.  Of course, they referenced Coachella and probably had some memories of festivals they have attended as they were judging the designs.  The designers were rightly referencing any type of festival and their takes were not jiving with the judges narrow vision.  

I'm over the 1 day time limits (or even shorter).  The results speak for themselves.  Everyone was capable of so much more, but ran out of time.  This may increase drama for the show, but it's not an accurate summary of what the designers can do, even with just a few more hours of time.  

I hated the ending, when the judges were trying to justify themselves.  Too little, too late.

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Well, that was not pleasant. It was almost like they all did too well last week so they decided to give them an impossible task in the hopes that some of them would fail and make for some drama. I mean, those are talented people and not one of them was able to deliver two good looks.

I feel really bad for the designers. It would take a lot to endure a public shaming like that, knowing it is going to be broadcast to the world. But they are there in the hopes of winning a life-changing prize and I'm sure they are desperate to further their careers and feel they have to stay quiet and suck it up and apologize and grovel. Heidi does not give a crap about these designers; this is all just fun for her. And Jeremy Scott is a buffoon who somehow convinced people his absurd clown clothes were fashion. Even so, human to human, I just don't get how you treat people that way.  

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That was painful to watch. I don't watch this show to see people humiliated. Asking the contestants to perform an impossible task in an impossible timeframe, and then shouting at them when they cannot accomplish it, is abuse. And no, it doesn't make for good TV.

Last week left me all warm and happy, but this week left a bitter taste in my mouth.

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And then the judges try to save face by claiming they are tough on the designers because they care so much about them.  No.  The judges have seen the designers during the runway shows and then don't even interact with all of them-just the top and bottom unless, of course, one of the judges changes his/her mind...

The only person who does interact with them is Tim.  He looked like he was really uncomfortable during the tirade, but he didn't do anything to stop it.

So, Jeremy, when you tell us you just care so very, very much for each one of the designers, we know.  We see you.  Try selling that line to someone else.

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22 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

And then the judges try to save face by claiming they are tough on the designers because they care so much about them.  No.  The judges have seen the designers during the runway shows and then don't even interact with all of them-just the top and bottom unless, of course, one of the judges changes his/her mind...

The only person who does interact with them is Tim.  He looked like he was really uncomfortable during the tirade, but he didn't do anything to stop it.

So, Jeremy, when you tell us you just care so very, very much for each one of the designers, we know.  We see you.  Try selling that line to someone else.

"Baby, why do you make me hit you?"

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Pepper Mostly, you are 100% right (as you usually are...) in that only an abuser would go on a tirade like that and then tell their victim(s) that they brought in on themselves as the abuser just...cares...so...very...much that the victim gave the abuser no choice but to go off on the victim (it's your fault-you made me so angry because I love you so much!).  Nobody should ever be torn into like that-especially by someone who professes to care so much about that person.

If there is another season of this show, they need to replace Jeremy Scott if not all of the judges.  

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Jeremy Scott fought passionately for the true winner of season 2, Gary Graham. I enjoy him as a judge, although that outburst was not his finest hour. Still, he was not wrong. Even with the short time frame, it was a failure of ideas and conception from all the contestants bar one nice red skirt and top from Jeanette. The timeframe was tight, but it was the ideas that sucked.

Nicole Ritchie is a good addition to the judging panel, also.

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On 9/7/2022 at 7:09 PM, violet and green said:

Jeremy Scott fought passionately for the true winner of season 2, Gary Graham. I enjoy him as a judge, although that outburst was not his finest hour. Still, he was not wrong. Even with the short time frame, it was a failure of ideas and conception from all the contestants bar one nice red skirt and top from Jeanette. The timeframe was tight, but it was the ideas that sucked.

The thing about "Festival Wear" is that it's usually VERY revealing, VERY colorful and has a lot of movement.   Seriously, a shredded halter & booty shorts with scarves attached everywhere and crazy sunglasses is the standard.  And combat boots. 

The designers could have stapled some random crap to pieces of fabric, taped them to a model and made it a lot easier on themselves.  They set their own bars too high trying to make actual "fashion" when the challenge was basically a throw-away.  

Edited by SnapHappy
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SHAME ON YOU JEREMY SCOTT!!! You embarrassed yourself by acting like a child and by showing yourself to be someone who obviously feels that getting angry and yelling at someone is the way to get results. 
Who in their right mind would want to work for a tyrant like you? I certainly wouldn’t and cannot believe anyone else would. I seriously could care less that you later apologized and said you did it because you have passion. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! Passion??? Everyone else on that panel of judges has passion. Did they have a tantrum like you? NO. 
If I had been Curtis, who didn’t make the cut, I would’ve said my thanks and then very clearly have stated that no one and I mean NO ONE deserves to be yelled at the way you yelled at everybody. Everyone definitely got their disappointment across regarding what came down the runway, without having a literal melt down.

You sir, need to CHECK YOURSELF! I sincerely doubt you’ll read this because you feel you’re above these kinds of comments because you don’t care how someone like me feels about your behavior. Another reason you need to CHECK YOURSELF. 
Shame shame shame on you Jeremy Scott.

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