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Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood - General Discussion

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You are so wrong for this, but thanks for giving me a hearty laugh this morning!


Hazel, Hazel, Hazel.  How does the conversation always come back to Berg??  It's like she doesn't hear anything else except his name.  Teairra's yelling, "I'm not fucking him!" at the top of her lungs, and Hazel's response is "But you his boo, though, right?"?  Open your ears bitch, or were you letting Berg stick his dick in those holes, too?


Nikki is an idiot.  Did anyone else hear her say she was in an accident and that's why she has so much plastic surgery.  What accident led to that ass?  Inquiring minds want to know.


I'm pissed at Apryl and Omarion for almost making me misty while watching this dumb ass show.  Bastards! (although all the labor and birthing scenes, and the pics of the baby afterwards, were super sweet/cute.  I felt my ovaries trying hard to squeeze an egg out.)


LMAO, sympathetic ovary syndrome!

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"Our friendship went out the window….with your purse."  Oh Berge.  You're an idiot, but you can be funny sometimes.  But, the “love pentagon”.  Who hears that shit and still wants to be with him?!?


Masika, I’m sorry girl, but that track was awful.  The faces on the audience were killing me.  But thank god for Hazel, because she started her wack ass rap, all off beat, and distracted the guests from how bad Masika’s song was.  Hazel, honey, you’re not embarrassing anyone except yourself.  Why wear all black?  Just don’t go to the party!  It makes you look like a dumbass.


Mega?  Really?


I understand Apryl’s frustration’s with her mom.  However, she needs to understand that her mom may have her own trauma, and if she’s not ready to discuss, then Apryl can’t force her to.


Morgan stays messy.  She's been causing a lot of drama although she hasn't been onscreen in the last 4-5 episodes.  And who the hell is Floyd?


What the hell was that preview with Princess? It looked like she fell off the side of a building or some shit?

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"Our friendship went out the window….with your purse."  Oh Berge.  You're an idiot, but you can be funny sometimes.  But, the “love pentagon”.  Who hears that shit and still wants to be with him?!?


Masika, I’m sorry girl, but that track was awful.  The faces on the audience were killing me.  But thank god for Hazel, because she started her wack ass rap, all off beat, and distracted the guests from how bad Masika’s song was.  Hazel, honey, you’re not embarrassing anyone except yourself.  Why wear all black?  Just don’t go to the party!  It makes you look like a dumbass.


Mega?  Really?


I understand Apryl’s frustration’s with her mom.  However, she needs to understand that her mom may have her own trauma, and if she’s not ready to discuss, then Apryl can’t force her to.


Morgan stays messy.  She's been causing a lot of drama although she hasn't been onscreen in the last 4-5 episodes.  And who the hell is Floyd?


What the hell was that preview with Princess? It looked like she fell off the side of a building or some shit?

Floyd = Floyd Mayweather.


I think Princess fell into a pool. Which, bwhahahaha

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Berg's birthday outfit...man, I didn't get a good look at it, so thanks for posting the pictures. Why oh why does anyone want to sleep with him? I've tried and tried and I can't find one single thing about him that's even remotely sexy.


Every show I wonder why no one stepped in to help Hazel. She's just sad now. When she started rapping, I couldn't even look at the TV. Whatever she was hoping to accomplish, she totally failed.


Ray J continues to entertain me. I really do hope that he's in on the joke that he has become. I can't remember what scene it was, but he was so over acting at one point, I just knew he was faking it. And he is so messy, getting Hazel to show her ass at the party with that "performance".


I think April's mom was both on drugs and a prostitute. She looks like she had a hard life and April shouldn't be trying to get her to spill it on camera.


Mega...I need Omari to explain it again because rewinding that scene three times didn't help me understand the what/why/how of Mega.

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You guys:






I apologize for the size and quality of these struggle pics, but LOOK AT BERG!  He looks like a jockey!  Seeing him dressed up for his all white extravaganza made my night!

OMG, I was just coming on here to talk about this show, and this was going to be point #3.  I knew he looked like something, but I didn't see it.  I was thinking he was dressed for his second job selling bean pies on the corner.

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This show.....


1. Mega - really?  You just gave birth to a young black man in a tough world and you want to name him Mega so in 18 years he has to put that shit on a college application?  Or in 25 years on a resume?  Damn it, when you name your kid something someone would name a video game character you are not right!  It reminds me of this scene in King of the Hill, when Luane gives birth to a baby, and they are like "well what are you going to name her?" and she is like "we decided to name her after our favorite thing.....Lasagna."  You can't and shouldn't go with your first instinct.  And I say that on behalf of all little girls straddled with stripper names.


2. Nia - so she took a pregnancy test which was positive, but doesn't feel she is pregnant because "she hasn't accepted it."  Is that a medical thing I just haven't heard of?


3. Berg's outfit - already been said.


4. Masika's outfit - unfortunate.  She needed a dress that allowed for a bra.


5. Masika - I don't know, I've liked her up until now.  But her clowning Hazel is like kicking a puppy when its down.  Damn bitch, you already won, apparently you got the lawn jockey she loves, and you got the song she wanted.  There is no need to get excited over getting to her.  And for everyone acting like Berg is such a prize look at how he treats Masika later.....


6. Hazel - girl....just why.....why.  I was so embarrassed for her when she started to rap in the middle of the song.  And in her TH, she seems so proud of herself....oh girl...just no.


7.  Tierra's hair - her hair is looking really really bad.  That scene with her and Ray-J's mom looked particularly bad.  If I were her, I would have tried to work out a deal with a local salon/hair shop and said that if they did my hair/installed my hair that I would make sure they get a few frames on the show.  It shouldn't have been too hard to work out, they always have their scenes someplace, so why not have one of her scenes at the hair salon.  The salon gets free publicity on a national TV show, for the price of a wig/weave.  A good wig or weave hair shouldn't cost more than $500, the install should be about another $300-$400.  Thats $800 for publicity on a national TV show, which is peanuts.  Hell, if she just did a review on YouTube she could probably get the damn wig for free!  


8. Ray-J - is he going to get arrested again next week?  I guess those anger management classes aren't really working.  I was LMAO when he started talking about how he never rents a car and then they show a shot of him zooming away in what I know is a leased Lamborghini.


9. Apryl's mother - Maybe I've seen too many movies, but I'm seeing a potential prostitute/pimp relationship between Can Chee and Apryl's dad.  It would explain why she isn't very close if the birth of her children was part of some fucked up relationship.  And it would certainly explain why she is so very reluctant to talk to Apryl about it.  I definitely think drugs were in the mix, because that poor woman looks like she is well into her 70's.  Some asian families have problems with mixed children, especially when black is in the mix, so she may not have been able to bring Apryl with her when she was getting cleaned up.  But she probably shouldn't have taken the children away from their paternal grandmother, although, who knows, maybe the woman was getting on in years and didn't want to take care of small children anymore.


10. Nia - I know this is insensitive, but does anyone else think she may have just had some sort of abortion after she spoke with Solja?

Edited by RealityGal
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Berg's birthday outfit...man, I didn't get a good look at it, so thanks for posting the pictures. Why oh why does anyone want to sleep with him? I've tried and tried and I can't find one single thing about him that's even remotely sexy.


Every show I wonder why no one stepped in to help Hazel. She's just sad now. When she started rapping, I couldn't even look at the TV. Whatever she was hoping to accomplish, she totally failed.


Ray J continues to entertain me. I really do hope that he's in on the joke that he has become. I can't remember what scene it was, but he was so over acting at one point, I just knew he was faking it. And he is so messy, getting Hazel to show her ass at the party with that "performance".


I think April's mom was both on drugs and a prostitute. She looks like she had a hard life and April shouldn't be trying to get her to spill it on camera.


Mega...I need Omari to explain it again because rewinding that scene three times didn't help me understand the what/why/how of Mega.


Well girl duh?  The boy is a Big. Deal.  LMAO!!!    Somebody upthread pointed out (about the Moneice-Amanda fight and why mandy didn't see it coming) that if you aren't comprised of any parts bird, ratchet, garden variety messiness, recognizing it may be a challenge.  We're just all gonna have to agree that this child's name is one of those things not meant for us to look at too tough.  lol!



I rewinded while asking my TV "Did that bitch fall in the pool? Watched 3 times already, next week is going to be a time... 


Sparkle, your kin southern?   This made me smile.  My college roommate was from Hilton Head, S.C. and this is fresh outta her mouth.  Thanks for that lol!


Apryl:  "being a mother is challenging"   <-- ya'll can populate my thoughts about this right here without my having to type the words right?

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Well girl duh?  The boy is a Big. Deal.  LMAO!!!

I guess, lol. Will any subsequent children also be big deals? What will their names be? The possibilities are endless. Almost makes Pharell's son seem like he lucked out with a name like Rocket Man. Thank goodness Pharell is rich though. Poor Mega will hopefully be smart or a great singer/actor/entertainer. Omari ain't got Pharell type money now and likely won't have it later when he'll need it to help his son overcome that dumb ass name.

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^^ Rocket Man?  So I thi...REALLY???? Rocket Man though?   Thankfully there's a legal solution to weed-names.  A procedural fee, a little paperwork, visit to the county clerk's office and you're all set.  Although part of me thinks it would be kind of cool to have to write that on a form somewhere.  Until or unless, you have to, you know, get a job.   I see you though Miss Jackson!!


Reality, I don't believe (and don't really want to) that Nia had an abortion.   I'm naive that way though. 


Masika is absolutely young and fit enough to get away with whatever that dress was trying to do but, what was the problem there?  Was it a two piece, was it not pulled up far enough, was it for a girl less buxom?  I didn't think she had titties that looked like mine but there was no concealing it there.  Is it that all the other times I've seen her she's just got a really really good bra on?  Do implants deflate like that?  I need to knowwwwww


Something must be done about Hazel, but what?


Has Tierra never had a normal, non confrontational discussion in her life?  That seems statistically impossible and yet, every time she's on screen, out come the hands.


Thankful not to have to lay eyes on Nikki.

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I don't think Nia had an abortion, but I do question if she was ever really pregnant.

Oh Masika, why are you proud right now? So a toddler gave you a song, big whoop. You don't have to bang him just because he gave you some beats. Just give the boy some apple juice in a sippy cup and his favorite toy, and send him off for his nap.

Hazel…NOPE, got no words for her.

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^^ Rocket Man?  So I thi...REALLY???? Rocket Man though?   Thankfully there's a legal solution to weed-names.  A procedural fee, a little paperwork, visit to the county clerk's office and you're all set.  Although part of me thinks it would be kind of cool to have to write that on a form somewhere.  Until or unless, you have to, you know, get a job.   I see you though Miss Jackson!!


Reality, I don't believe (and don't really want to) that Nia had an abortion.   I'm naive that way though. 


Masika is absolutely young and fit enough to get away with whatever that dress was trying to do but, what was the problem there?  Was it a two piece, was it not pulled up far enough, was it for a girl less buxom?  I didn't think she had titties that looked like mine but there was no concealing it there.  Is it that all the other times I've seen her she's just got a really really good bra on?  Do implants deflate like that?  I need to knowwwwww


Something must be done about Hazel, but what?


Has Tierra never had a normal, non confrontational discussion in her life?  That seems statistically impossible and yet, every time she's on screen, out come the hands.


Thankful not to have to lay eyes on Nikki.

Weed-names!  LMAO


As for Nikki, she will be back next week....on a date with Fizz.......I wonder how Moniece will feel about that?  


My only focus now when Tierra is on screen is that awful hair.  It should get its own place in the opening credits, it can replace Morgan.



I don't think Nia had an abortion, but I do question if she was ever really pregnant.

Oh Masika, why are you proud right now? So a toddler gave you a song, big whoop. You don't have to bang him just because he gave you some beats. Just give the boy some apple juice in a sippy cup and his favorite toy, and send him off for his nap.

Hazel…NOPE, got no words for her.


He was really giving some toddler realness in that outfit he had on


But seriously, these girls are all fighting over a song that doesn't even sound good.  

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 We're just all gonna have to agree that this child's name is one of those things not meant for us to look at too tough.  lol!

I thought Omari said Mecca until I read here that he named his son Mega. Did he name him Mega as in he won Mega Millions? I'll just spare myself and take ZaldamoWilder's advice.

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I was getting an Amish Hipster Chic kind of vibe!

Girl! At first I was wondering why he had on his Daddy's suit shirt and how did he get Boy George to loan him his hat?

But then I was distracted, because I was texting my son to find out just WHEN he met Berg, and WHY he let that boy borrow those old sneakers that he wears when he cuts the lawn.

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Apryl, I understand your frustrations with your mother, but that conversation needs to happen in a therapist's office, not on some soundstage for a reality show on vH1. Mama was clearly not budging, and probably for good reason.

Wait so this kid is named Mega Grandberry? It sounds like something off a game of Mad Libs. Or a nasty flavor of Starburst.

That pic of Berg had me rolling.

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I thought Omari said Mecca until I read here that he named his son Mega. Did he name him Mega as in he won Mega Millions? I'll just spare myself and take ZaldamoWilder's advice.


Girl don't pay me no mind, ignorance is my favorite coping mechanism.  We just gone love him through the chaos.  Bless his heart.


Apryl, I understand your frustrations with your mother, but that conversation needs to happen in a therapist's office, not on some soundstage for a reality show on vH1. Mama was clearly not budging, and probably for good reason.

Wait so this kid is named Mega Grandberry? It sounds like something off a game of Mad Libs. Or a nasty flavor of Starburst.

That pic of Berg had me rolling.


Grandberry?  Omari's last name is Grandberry?  LMAO!!!   Mega Grandberry.   Apryl must have post partum or something because I can't see having no violent objections to that.   Andplusalso I'm officially not mad at North West's parents anymore.

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well, it now makes sense that they all play basketball together.  I didn't realize Omarion was so short.  

Speaking of basketball and rappers....I just stumbled upon this gem (I can't find the official music video).  This seemed like the most appropriate place to put it and I feel like some of you will appreciate the vocal stylings of one Kobe Bryant featuring vocal powerhouse Tyra Banks



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Grandberry? Omari's last name is Grandberry? LMAO!!! Mega Grandberry. Apryl must have post partum or something because I can't see having no violent objections to that.

Mega Grandberry sounds like a high-potency antioxidant to me.

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How tall is baby Berg anyway?


According to one of his mugshots he is 5'5" and 136lbs. Someone upthread mentioned Rocket Man, which inspired me to dub Berg "Pocket Man."


I'm ready to see Princess 'poof' and disappear like some magic trick. I no longer have DVR but I was fascinated by that clip of her and Ray J.

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I rewound that push into the pool like 5 times. And laughed my but off every time. I feel bad because I don't condone violence against women and I don't think I should have laughed, but it was funny. Princess started all of that when she threw her drink and food in his face and then tried to push him into the pool first. Don't get pissed off because you ended up in there instead. Did she even deny that she said all of that stuff to Morgan? Was her defense that he shouldn't have brought Morgan into her life? Okay girl. 


Moniece (is that Fizz's ex?) no matter how you try to spin you situation with your son, it all just sounded like excuses. You ain't bit more worried about Cameron than I am. There is no singing career in your future, unless you possibly join the church choir. There won't be any dildo line either. It's really time for you to wake the hell up and go and get you a real job or something. I don't blame Fizz at all for not wanting your son at your apartment with this "platonic" roommate that you don't get along with. Bad enough he has you for a mom, there's no telling what kind of stuff he was going to see over there. You buy a fancy car so you can get around to see you son, but you have no place to live. I am pretty sure that Fizz (what the hell is his real name?) would have been more than happy to drop him off to you if you had chosen a roof over your head instead of the car. And why exactly couldn't he have stayed with you at your parents? There are so many questions I have.


What kind of PR person was Hazel? I wouldn't have wanted her representing me. She can't even represent her damn self. Would she have let one of her clients carry on the way she is on this show? Does she not have any self-awareness? Is her PR person working for the same firm she was because if so, she needs to leave immediately.

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Fizz's name is Dreux Pierre Frederic.  As you can guess, he's from Louisiana.


I've been on the Ray J disgust train for many a year, but Princess had it coming with that pool.  You threw wine and food on the man.  Then when he tried to get you to stop, you tried to push him into the pool.  But he wasn't standing in front of the pool, but instead the brick encased hot tub.  I hope I'm not being dramatic, but she could have seriously injured him if he would have hit his head on that brick.  And then her nasty self didn't have any panties on.  Who's still doing reality shows without draws on?

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Tiearra may be annoying at times but she was speaking a lot of truth in that conversation with Hazel and still, Hazel didn't get it. Because for her to ask Tiearra not to do the song is CLEAR she still doesn't get it. I loved that Tiearra laid it out flat that Hazel is getting into all this drama with all these women for a guy who isn't and has never been her man. Just so sad...


Meanwhile Moniece is truly certifiable and I wonder if next week is Fizz just deciding that it may be easier to just be with her crazy ass because trying to reason with her and co-parent with her will never work because she's a nut. The situation actually reminds me a little of the movie/book Gone Girl. It's like Fizz is trapped because he is forever tied to Moniece's crazy ass. Girl is just certifiable and so deluded that it's pointless trying to reason with her. 


Princess was completely out of line throwing wine and food at Ray J (and I loved how all the production people came running out to restrain her totally revealing the so called intimate/private mood is bullshit with all the camera guys and producers around) but I have to say, I do think she had a good point in saying that she was under the impression she could trust Morgan because Ray J was the one who led her to believe that Morgan was practically family.


So I can believe her not thinking it's a big deal to share things with Morgan who supposedly cares about Ray and is practically family. That being said, how could she not know that Morgan had been fired and she and Ray were having drama.  Also on a more important, so Ray J wasn't paying Morgan. Then what was the point and how exactly was she taking care of herself? And why would she be doing all this for free? I still think there's  more to the Ray J and Morgan story.


Nia needs to walk away from Soulja Boy. Not only does dude look 15, he has the emotional maturity of a child and on top of that clearly cares about his middling career than he does her and all but said that he will always put that above her. Girl, love yourself and realize you can do better.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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13:30 in and a few observations


1. Nia - sweetheart, I'm going to need for you to listen to yourself and then listen to me.  You have been with him for 8 or 9 years and he hasn't changed, but you think the way to resolve the problem is to take a few days off.  8 or 9 YEARS.  He is NOT INTERESTED IN CHANGING if he hasn't changed in 8 or 9 years.   You had a miscarriage and because you were upset and he blocked you on Twitter and Instagram!  This is your man!  And you don't have access to the same Twitter and Instagram that any 20 year old girl can access! At this point, I don't blame Soulja Boy for acting up, I blame you for putting up with that shit.  You really wanted to have a child with a man who can't have a serious conversation?  Who isn't willing to change?  How did you think that was going to work out?  


2. Moniece's crazy train pt. 1 - Okay, if you really want to spend more time with your son and you want to get out of a bad situation, you need to spend your free time looking for a job.  And a job isn't something that involves random "investors" and "designers", a job is something that is actually going to pay your bills and give you a weekly check so you can get your own place.


3. Moniece's crazy train pt. 2 - And I'm really going to need you to realize that you aren't that gifted a singer.  You don't need to focus on that as anything more than a hobby.  Get a job bitch!


4. Moniece's crazy train pt. 3 - Do you really think she has a "male roommate" and its "just platonic?"  She basically has no income and lives with a "male roommate"  What man do you think is letting a woman stay with him for free?  Chances are, its not a man that just wants Monique around for her scintillating conversation.  Get a job bitch!


5. Moniece's crazy train pt. 4 - How is Fizz setting the bar "super high?"  Bitch, he doesn't want his kid in a house where you are fighting with a grown ass man!  How is that bar "super high?"  Get a job bitch!


6. Moniece's crazy train pt. 5 - Oh, so lets see what happened with Monique's "sex toy business"  The "designer" and the "investor" were not getting along, so now the story is that she got rid of the investor.  Last week she was crying about how her investor had abandoned the business, but suddenly it was her decision?  Girl, bye.  I still maintain that the "investor" is probably some rich guy that tricked her into sleeping with him by promising he would "invest" in her business.  He likely had no intention of ever giving her a dime. Get a job bitch!


7. Moniece's crazy train pt. 5b - And speaking of the ridiculousness of Monique's sex toy business.  Why exactly does anyone need her to sell sex toys?  There is a designer, and there is an investor with money.  Why wouldn't the investor go directly to the designer and simply cut her out?  Why is she necessary?  She is on a reality show about ratchet hangers on in the entertainment industry.  She has some name recognition but not enough to carry a brand.  If she was a porn star, maybe.  If the show had been on for like 5 years and she had a following, maybe.  If she had her own money to invest the way Kandi Burress does, makes sense.  But if the designer of the sex toy has something new and innovative to bring to the market, they won't need a spokesperson, and if they need a spokesperson it surely wouldn't be her. Get a job bitch!

Edited by RealityGal
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8. You know, at first, I wasn't excited at the prospect of Nikki getting with Fizz, but then I realized, for all her many, many faults, Nikki is not Amanda.  Nikki will not take any shit from Moneice, so I can't wait to see how that goes down.


9. Nikki - awww, sweetheart, that billboard with Masika is really burning you isn't it!  Fizz is a jerk for lying to you


10. Moneice - so....basically, you lied in order to feel better about being a terrible mother.  Okay, sweetheart, lying is not really defending yourself, its just lying.  I totally believe Fizz, and she ought to be ashamed.  I know that Moneice has to be the most flaky person ever for the court to grant a father full custody.


11. Why does everyone feel like someone is putting poison in their drink?  I guess I'm not the only one watching Investigation Discovery channel

Edited by RealityGal
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I rewound that push into the pool like 5 times. And laughed my but off every time. I feel bad because I don't condone violence against women and I don't think I should have laughed, but it was funny.

I just need to thank RayJ for the best laugh I've had in weeks!  I also rewound it several times because that shit was funny as hell, especially after she threw the red wine on herself, lol!  What a dumbass.  And she fell in the deep end!  It was greatness.


That was the best Hazel has ever looked in that white outfit meeting with Tierra.

I thought the same thing.  She looked lovely, and I was shocked.  I think it's the lipstick.  She always has on some awful nude or glaring pastel color; in that scene it was a soft rosy, natural looking color and her face looked less horse-ish.


Tiearra may be annoying at times but she was speaking a lot of truth in that conversation with Hazel and still, Hazel didn't get it. Because for her to ask Tiearra not to do the song is CLEAR she still doesn't get it. I loved that Tiearra laid it out flat that Hazel is getting into all this drama with all these women for a guy who isn't and has never been her man. Just so sad...
She lost me at "give up your song with Berg and we can be friends again". Girl, bye.

Yes.  Teairra might be crazy and violent, but the girl is always dropping some truth bombs.  I almost thought for a second that Hazel had come to her damn senses, but when she slipped in that little bit about Teairra not doing the Berg song, in between her fucking sniffling and her peaking up to see Teairra's reaction, I personally felt hoodwinked.  Girl needs to get a fucking grip and come back to this dimension.  And she's choosing to go back in on Masika again over Berg.  Who cares!  If he's such a piece of shit [which we all know is the case], just be happy that his attentions will be on someone else and you can get back to your life and your awful raps.


Nia needs to walk away from Soulja Boy. Not only does dude look 15, he has the emotional maturity of a child and on top of that clearly cares about his middling career than he does her and all but said that he will always put that above her. Girl, love yourself and realize you can do better.

I don't know why she wants to be with, much less procreate, with that troll.  He blocks her twitter and instagram after she expresses that she's upset about a miscarriage?!?!  He needs to punched in the balls. 


Moniece's crazy train pt. 2 - And I'm really going to need you to realize that you aren't that gifted a singer.  You don't need to focus on that as anything more than a hobby.  Get a job bitch!

Thank you!  She keeps saying she's doing this and that for Cameron.  If she really wanted to be a fucking mother, she would be and she would do what it takes to make that happen, not all this other shit.  But it's Fizz's fault that she can't see her son.  He didn't take your son away; the courts did because your ass is unhinged.  And the way that she didn't deny that she lied about the stuff in the article/blog was scary.  Classic example of why these "stars" need to wear protection when they're fucking around.  Now Fizz is tied to that psycho for life. 

Edited by luckyroll3
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I just need to thank RayJ for the best laugh I've had in weeks!  I also rewound it several times because that shit was funny as hell, especially after she threw the red wine on herself, lol!  What a dumbass.  And she fell in the deep end!  It was greatness.


Yes.  Teairra might be crazy and violent, but the girl is always dropping some truth bombs.  I almost thought for a second that Hazel had come to her damn senses, but when she slipped in that little bit about Teairra not doing the Berg song, in between her fucking sniffling and her peaking up to see Teairra's reaction, I personally felt hoodwinked.  Girl needs to get a fucking grip and come back to this dimension.  And she's choosing to go back in on Masika again over Berg.  Who cares!  If he's such a piece of shit [which we all know is the case], just be happy that his attentions will be on someone else and you can get back to your life and your awful raps.



But, let this be a note to all the other girls, Princess's hair stayed looking okay even when she was in that pool.  Tierra Maries look like it might float away on a mildly windy day.  


Hazel still can't stop talking about Berg like they had something.  Goodness.  Just stop.  And please Hazel. Please. stop. rapping.  I want to laugh at you, this is true, but your raps make me feel like I'm laughing at the kid on the short bus.  I feel bad about myself for laughing at you, but damn you make it so easy!

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So Mona Scott Young was just hanging out in the house watching their romantic dinner? I know the show is scripted but I'm still surprised to find out what a production it is. She's probably watching on a monitor like a movie director. It's crazy.

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RealityGal. I love your recaps. I just peed myself. Need to run to the ladies room and come back and re-read. Keep it up. You should definitely be a recapper for this site, not just on the messageboards.



This!  I'd sign a PTV petition.

Awwww shucks you guys, how very sweet.  First smile of the day :)  Thank you!

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Moniece (is that Fizz's ex?) no matter how you try to spin you situation with your son, it all just sounded like excuses.


She can try to spin it all she wants, but at the end of the day, she sounds like a deadbeat.  Why couldn't she go get a regular job during the day and work on Hot Dicks at night?


That was the best Hazel has ever looked in that white outfit meeting with Tierra. She lost me at "give up your song with Berg and we can be friends again". Girl, bye.


She looked cute!  And if I’m not mistaken, she was wearing a normal non-midriff, non-booty cheek showing outfit.  I was proud of her until she asked TT to give up the song.  Why is she making so hard to root for her?


9. Nikki - awww, sweetheart, that billboard with Masika is really burning you isn't it!  Fizz is a jerk for lying to you


It’s killing her!  And every time she says something about a billboard on “her” club, I yell back at the TV “it’s not your club!”


But, let this be a note to all the other girls, Princess's hair stayed looking okay even when she was in that pool.  Tierra Maries look like it might float away on a mildly windy day.


But why does it always look so bad?? It’s like she bent over to tie her shoes and forgot to fix her hair when she got back up.  Or like she had a really violent sneeze.

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Does anyone know what the story was with Nia's car accident? 


Was Morgan ever in the opening credits? 


Would any of you trust Soulja Boy to keep an eye on your child while you slept?

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Does anyone know what the story was with Nia's car accident? 


Was Morgan ever in the opening credits? 


Would any of you trust Soulja Boy to keep an eye on your child while you slept?

1) no


2) I thought she was, but apparently she wasn't, I even checked the first episode's opening credits


3) I would not trust any of these people to watch the stray cats on my street in the middle of the day.

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1) no


2) I thought she was, but apparently she wasn't, I even checked the first episode's opening credits


3) I would not trust any of these people to watch the stray cats on my street in the middle of the day.

Thanks RealityGal! LMAO at #3!

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To answer RealityGal:

1. No. But if must have given her brain damage if she went and got that fools name tattooed on her neck. At least he was smart enough to get her name some where that can easily be covered.

2. I guess not. And what the hell happened to Moneice's wrap up talking head? I wanted to hear her delusional plans for the future and how else she can keep herself busy to avoid seeing her kid.

3. I wouldn't trust Soulja boy not to roll around in his own poop. He just always looks so dirty. I just imagine him acting like my dog, always trying to run away from a bath even when he stinks like holy hell.

Hazel, Hazel, Hazel. Girl, it is the end of the season; you just need to let it go. All of it...Berg, the rap career, your dignity. She really needs a mentor and some therapy.

Surprisingly, Teairra sounded really good. That's what rehearsal time will do for you. Not sure how I feel about her and RayJ's true love forever, but more power to them.

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Does anyone know what the story was with Nia's car accident? 


Was Morgan ever in the opening credits? 


Would any of you trust Soulja Boy to keep an eye on your child while you slept?


1.  Weird part is she yadda yadda yadda'ed all the way through it.   I mean I know I can't be counted on to give these people my undivided attention but she said:  I was leaving my girlfriend's house and we passed a light and next thing you know, I remember hitting 2 parked cars and we flipped twice.   I hate to F. Lee Bailey my way through nonsense but:   If she collided with parked cars she was in local/street traffic.  Do you know how fast you need to be driving for a stationary object to turn a one ton machine into a projectile?   She emerged from the hospital and this wreck, believing that it was transformative to her relationship?   The guy who last week did not give a damn that you were carrying, let alone, had lost, his child?   ::looksatTeddyRiley::   dude, you did this.


2.  Unlike ya'll suspiciousnistas I don't think there was anything between Morgan and RayJ but I do wonder why she was ever even here, especially given Princess' claim that she doesn't get paid.   That would sort of be the first the thing out of my mouth when he went to wiling out about worthless hat giveaways and carrying on.


3.  She has stood that bundle of sweetness up on the kitchen counter (in her baby shoes) before.   We're not talking about a woman with impeccable judgement.  



Hazel, Hazel, Hazel. Girl, it is the end of the season; you just need to let it go. All of it...Berg, the rap career, your dignity. She really needs a mentor and some therapy.

Surprisingly, Teairra sounded really good. That's what rehearsal time will do for you. Not sure how I feel about her and RayJ's true love forever, but more power to them.


Hazel and Cynthia really need to get together and work on their robot reads.  It should be much simpler than this.   She watched Masika walk in, turn around and sit down.  Bish you got thighs like mine and up in here in a damn shortsuit?  I mean, draw other people into the read, it's always more fun.   Waiter, if you would be so kind as to please bring us some cantaloupe to go with her cottage cheese, I'd appreciate it.  Honestly this too much in her own head to properly deliver nonsense has got to stop.


I swear that I had looked the other way at Ray and TT's dressing room scene.  Like I toddler covered my face, it made me sick to see them kiss and I don't even know why.  I just want less of it.  


Moneice at the beach - I giggled.  Cam's too young to know the polite thing to do is be moved if you haven't seen your mom in a while.   Shit, I missed her more than he did lol!

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She watched Masika walk in, turn around and sit down.  Bish you got thighs like mine and up in here in a damn shortsuit?  I mean, draw other people into the read, it's always more fun.   Waiter, if you would be so kind as to please bring us some cantaloupe to go with her cottage cheese, I'd appreciate it.  Honestly this too much in her own head to properly deliver nonsense has got to stop.

Lol!  Yeah, that outfit was all kinds of wrong.


I did do some internet research to find this "scripted series" Masika was in (http://youtu.be/GhEd2jnqNjs - they don't really show much of anything, but probably still NSFW).  She shows up at about 34 sec.  In the first episode clip she's right at the beginning.  From what I've read, the sex is simulated, like on Skinimax, but apparently some acts were not. 


I swear that I had looked the other way at Ray and TT's dressing room scene.  Like I toddler covered my face, it made me sick to see them kiss and I don't even know why.  I just want less of it.

It really did look like she was kissing him, but he wasn't kissing really kissing her back.  I did love Ray J using his anger management therapy as the reason why he pushed ole girl in the pool.  And that scene will never not be funny!

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I can't believe this was the season finale!!!! I'm gonna miss you guys so much!!!!


1. Nia's accident - very suspicious, I suspect speed was a factor as Zaldamo so sagely pointed out.  My question is, how does she have pictures of everything.  I mean, I understand snapping a few shots in a minor car crash for the insurance company, but your car rolled over twice and hit two other parked vehicles, you had your child in the car and you were in the hospital for more than an overnight.   And you had the presence of mind to snap a few pictures?  The only way an accident that serious happens is maybe if your vehicle is rear ended when you're stopped and the other car is going at a high rate of speed, or your vehicle is t-boned in an intersection.  Unless you were going at fast n' furious speeds a lane change shouldn't cause that sort of mayhem.


2. Soulja Boy - wow, that accident really changed him.  I mean, he got a tattoo and everything.  Oh wait, whats that you say, he has about a billion tattoos already so one more is probably means the same to him as it means to you when you pick up another OPI nail color?  Huh, I hadn't thought about that....good point!  Thats right Nia, don't push for a wedding ring, the way a man shows he really loves you AFTER DATING YOU FOR 8 OR 9 YEARS is to get a tattoo of your name to add to the 20 other tattoos he has.  Ridiculous.


3. Moniece - Umm, yeah sweetheart, I already call you crazy.  Cosign with the poster above who can't wait to hear all the excuses she comes up with to not parent her child next season.  Scary how she is inviting herself to Christmas dinner.  Nutty broad, get a clue, Fizz doesn't want your crazy ass around!


4. Masika - yeah boo, we all know how your relationship with Berg turns out.  Hazel is a dummy, but she didn't get her ass dragged all across the street.  How the hell is anyone ever with him?


5. Ray-J's gift - I hope he put a new wig in that bag!  


6. Masika p2 - That outfit was unfortunate, she was dressed like she was about to do part 2 of her porno.  And yes, you can dress it up as much as you like, but "Playboy's first full time feature length movie" still sounds more like a porn to me.  If they spent more of the budget on body oil than they did on a writer or director you were in a porn.


7. Hazel - oh boy, I want to root for her because she is so delusional, but can't she find some other business to get into?  Get back to promoting, stop rapping.  Her reads are unfortunate.  "I have a jewish nose!"  huh?

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