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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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They need to get Michael out before the Final 4, so he isn't anywhere close to the Final 3 HOH.

With the Pound, no one is way ahead in comps.  It's going to come down to who can be beat in the Final 2 and who has the less blood on their hands.

Turner is a playing a very strong game - no one sees him as a threat.  He ran a very strong HOH.  He also has a good read on the house.

Edited by thestorm
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18 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

I can see either a Michael/Turner or Michael/Joseph F2.

I can’t. Turner/Joseph and Michael have no relationship at all. Michael’s only connections are with Brittany, Kyle, and Taylor, but he’s throwing that last one away. He would never want to be in a F2 with Turner/Joseph and I don’t really see a scenario where either of them would want to take him. 

Here’s the tweet someone posted earlier that was deleted:


Since it was deleted I’m assuming it was fake, but I could see them having a structure like that in the yard for the outside group to sleep in.

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2 hours ago, mertensia said:
2 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Or Canada??

It's probably in Russia. She can look for him there. Or maybe North Korea.

Oh please, we all know he is in Newark because it's where Denmark is located...

Edited by seacliffsal
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Lights are on! Camera 4 shows us Indy lying in bed with her sunglasses on, then switches to show the whole room. Alyssa's out of her bed, can't see the other bed. Let's see what's going on in other parts of the house.

Camera 1 shows Indy in the kitchen pouring herself something, maybe oat or almond milk. She's saying her back feels better this morning. Monte and Terrance are in the kitchen, too. There's a wicker bowl of apples on the kitchen island and a grapefruit. Indy walks across the kitchen on the way to the bathroom.

Michael is outside in the hammock whispering to himself. Muttering about Monte, Kyle, Joseph, Turner - the Leftovers. Keeps switching back and forth between WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK and the house. Alyssa goes outside to join him. Alyssa would join Michael in the hammock but she doesn't think she can get out again. She had to get up in the middle of the night to the diary room and was cranky. I guess there's going to be a Jasmine birthday celebration tonight. (But tomorrow's her birthday!)

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I just don’t see who Jasmine is benefiting. If we were all in the house with her, she’d be gone week 1 and none of us in that time would have slaved in any way for her. She’s said “My Birthday” more times in just this week than I would say in ten 100 year lifetimes. I hope someone just slams the cake in her face at least. 

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Monte went into Alyssa, Indy and Michael's room this morning to dance. Alyssa said he was spinning around. She has a veto outfit she has to wear, too. Terrance is in the kitchen. He's certainly getting tatted up. He's having a lot of fun with this punishment. But I still wonder how they will get 182 tattoos on Terrance.  He's having all these grapefruit sections for breakfast. Looks good but he's eating them kind of noisily, so time to mute, or rejoin Michael and Alyssa. Monte's joined the outdoor group and is riding the stationary bike.

I have a feeling Jasmine's birthday is going to be a featured segment in an upcoming episode where we will have the opportunity to say, "How cute! Jasmine is such a sweetheart! Isn't she precious?" or the opportunity to gag.

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Monte thinks Rihanna may invite all the house guests to stay in one of her homes when the show is over.

Which would be a better place to stay - Rihanna's or Todrick's??

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1 hour ago, Michichick said:

I don’t understand people who make such a big deal out of their own birthday. I don’t even tell people when my birthday is because I don’t want the forced attention. If you demand people do things for your birthday, then you guarantee they’re not acting sincerely.

Mine is the second week of January so it was always a good excuse for some post-holiday partying, but I never made a big deal about it.  Nobody had any money anyway, so nothing fancy and no presents, except from Mom and Dad of course.

I have known people who go nuts about theirs, like Jasmine et. al.  So tiresome.

She has to be a finalist for the "Most Spoiled Brat on BB" award.

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6 hours ago, mertensia said:

I really want to know what Jasmine's husband is like.  Also whether he's taken this opportunity to flee mindlessly into the wilds of Alaska. Or maybe Nunavut.

Do they have kids? 😱

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The feeds were turned off and I guess Alyssa had to do something. Michael made a reference to her rocking out.

Let's see what Jasmine is spouting about in camera 3. It looked like some call outs. OOPS, this was Indy, not Jasmine. (Sorry Indy). Looks like there was a big game of Chinese checkers last night.


1 minute ago, dizzyd said:

Do they have kids? 😱

I'm pretty sure not. She's not mentioned any and I think I heard her refer to maybe having kids in the future.

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18 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Monte thinks Rihanna may invite all the house guests to stay in one of her homes when the show is over.

Which would be a better place to stay - Rihanna's or Todrick's??

I'm sure Rihanna actually owns her house and isn't squatting the way Todrick was.

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5 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I'm pretty sure not. She's not mentioned any and I think I heard her refer to maybe having kids in the future.

Should I be ashamed for hoping not. And I say this as someone who has had trouble with pregnancy so I don’t mean to offend anyone or sound insensitive. 

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38 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

She’s said “My Birthday” more times in just this week than I would say in ten 100 year lifetimes. I hope someone just slams the cake in her face at least. 

Jasmine is blowing one of my Life Precepts all to Hell.  I used to have friends who got all bent out of shape because non-family members "forgot (sob!) my birthday."  Thalia:  did you tell them your birthday was going to be today and suggest you get together for drinks, dinner, a movie, whatever? 

Thus, Thalia's Rule:  When you're over sixteen, it is up to you to tell people your birthday is tomorrow and if you will cry if no one takes you out, then suggest they take you out.  

But Jasmine.  Damn.  I'd be hard pressed to zip my mouth tomorrow and just refuse to acknowledge her natal day.   What an annoying narcissist.  

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Terrance has 90 tattoos now. They called him at 3 in the morning. Jasmine asked Michael to ask for chicken wings for her birthday. I guess asking on behalf of someone else is a diary room no-no as Brittany reminded Jasmine. Brittany, Alyssa and Jasmine are in the hallway bedroom chatting away, Brittany and Jasmine sort of up. Someone's messing with their microphone because you can hear all this static.

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Jas is bringing something to the feeds. It's funny to watch her make demands, and for the HG's to try to hide their annoyance with varying degrees of success. Even Alyssa (probably the most patient with Jas's various demands) gets sick of her.

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Jasmine said the baked BBQ Lay's are gone. Where could they be???

(HOH room?) Jasmine's on a chip hunt now!  In the distance you can hear her asking if anyone knows where the baked BBQ Lay's are.

Brittany says it's funny the things Jasmine hid are now hidden from her.

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Part of me is wishing that Kyle had won HOH this week after all, because he would have no shame in Jasmine going home her birthday week and everyone in the house would be ever-so-thankful to him for cutting her, lol.  

Alas, she survives another week, possibly more if this split house twist goes in her favor.

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Cameras 1 and 2 show Taylor and Joseph in the HOH bed, talking about which competitions were physical. Joseph says he can do well in physical competitions. 

I guess Terrance remembers everything about this season - he should do well in mental comps. Alyssa is good at mental/memory comps, too.

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7 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

(HOH room?) Jasmine's on a chip hunt now!  In the distance you can hear her asking if anyone knows where the baked BBQ Lay's are.

When Alyssa said she hadn't had any, Jasmine actually came back with "but didn't you say yesterday that you wanted some!"  Then, shining a bright light in Alyssa's eyes, she said, in a German accent, "Ve have ways of making you talk!!!!" while slapping a riding crop across her palm. 

Okay, maybe not that last part.  But if the CIA ever needs a food finding operative, she's their girl. 

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59 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Monte thinks Rihanna may invite all the house guests to stay in one of her homes when the show is over.

Yeah, I'm sure Rihanna is going to want all those people to stay in her house.


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Jasmine is the kind of HG, that if they don't get rid of, she can end up floating, even though she a not big threat and is basically clueless in the game.

It's the BB trap of "each week, there are bigger targets" - and then all of a sudden, she ends up in the Final 4.

Edited by thestorm
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1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

So Jasmine hid Lays from Taylor's HoH snack pack and is now pissed she can't find them.

That sounds right on brand. But can you imagine her reaction if someone hid something from her HOH basket?

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4 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Turner is a bit like Enzo, who got to the end both times he played bc he was a chill dude ppl liked having around AND he wasn't a threat to actually win.

Turner acts like just a chill dude, but he’s much more savvy than Enzo. I see him taking as much of a leadership role in LO meetings as anyone else. I’d say Joseph is the most vocal, followed by Turner and Kyle, then maybe Taylor. Monte doesn’t say a lot, and Michael and Brittany mostly sit and listen.

1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Thing is, Jas IS capable when she puts her mind to something. The other day she declared the bathroom disgusting, and she and Terrance did a bang up job cleaning out the shower and toilet. 

IIRC, this happened the day after Taylor went all Dorm Mother on everyone after becoming HoH, and demanded that everyone do more cleaning. I think Jasmine’s motivation there was more “better do something so she doesn’t nominate me” than actual community spirit.

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1 hour ago, Thalia said:

Jasmine is blowing one of my Life Precepts all to Hell.  I used to have friends who got all bent out of shape because non-family members "forgot (sob!) my birthday."  Thalia:  did you tell them your birthday was going to be today and suggest you get together for drinks, dinner, a movie, whatever? 

Thus, Thalia's Rule:  When you're over sixteen, it is up to you to tell people your birthday is tomorrow and if you will cry if no one takes you out, then suggest they take you out.  

I have this rule too--but there's a zone a mile wide between "expect people to read my mind" and "tell me what you would write to me in a bday card if you were going to write me a bday card."  

EG my sister (52 on Thursday) asked for 2 possible expeditions, to be done when convenient to all and when weather is appropriate (no beach day in a thunderstorm!).  We do wish lists but also pick out things we think the other would like.  We don't order people around!  

Turner v. Enzo--all I hope is that if, like Enzo, Turner gets a follower obsessed with his feet, we never, ever hear about it, like we did about Enzo's foot fan in All Stars or Returning Whoevers or whatever that one was called.

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4 hours ago, vb68 said:

Personally I always found Enzo tiresome and overrated. One of my favorite memories of his first season is the other guys telling him on Finale Night that he had AFP in the bag, and then BOOM. The person who was actually hilarious without all the effort and sweat won(Britney). That had to sting.   

I remember Enzo (and Lane) being amused in rather a cruel way when the bomb was dropped on Brittany. He actually chuckled over her devastation. Was it a nervous chuckle? I doubt it. It just seemed extremely misogynistic with an attitude of “Well, honey, you got got. By us guys.” So when she won AFP over Enzo it was my turn to have a smug look on my face.

Edited by TimWil
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1 hour ago, thestorm said:

Jasmine is the kind of HG, that if they don't get rid of, she can end up floating, even though she a not big threat and is basically clueless in the game.

It's the BB trap of "each week, there are bigger targets" - and then all of a sudden, she ends up in the Final 4.

And then she’ll win like Josh did. I remember saying the same thing about him when he’d walk around cymballing pots and pans to circus music and annoying the fuck out of everyone and then he ended up winning because he was seated next to a bigger evil. 

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10 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I remember Enzo (and Lane) being amused in rather a cruel way when the bomb was dropped on Brittany. He actually chuckled over her devastation. Was it a nervous chuckle? I doubt it. It just seemed extremely misogynistic with an attitude of “Well, honey, you got got. By us guys.” So when she won AFP over Enzo it was my turn to have a smug look on my face.

I loved Britney but she sort of deserved being cut in bb12. She spent the entire summer playing for Hayden and Lane. She backdoored her friend Matt on her HoH. She would have been the first to say how bad of a player she was her first season.

Bb14 she was playing very well but just got got by the best (Dan).

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8 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

And then she’ll win like Josh did. I remember saying the same thing about him when he’d walk around cymballing pots and pans to circus music and annoying the fuck out of everyone and then he ended up winning because he was seated next to a bigger evil. 

But who is a bigger evil than Jasmine now that Nicole and Daniel are gone?

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Kyle was once again throwing Brittany and Michael utb to Taylor/Joseph. It's hilarious. It's too bad Taylor doesn't wanna see it.

1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

But who is a bigger evil than Jasmine now that Nicole and Daniel are gone?

For Michael, Monte. For Kyle, any BIPOC lol.

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4 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I remember Enzo being amused in rather a cruel way when the bomb was dropped on Brittany. Very misogynistic with an attitude of “Well, honey, you got got.” So when she won AFP over Enzo it was my turn to have a smug look on my face.

Is this particular Bro-team a little more tolerable just because they don't seem to be quite so arrogant in their interactions?

OTOH, if Kyle wasn't so freaking racist and misogynistic, I would totally be rooting for him to tear apart the male alliance before it gets to end game. It's frustrating that I can't do that.

My worst nightmare is that Kyle ends up HOH of an all LO group this week and he is able to execute part one of his end game with no backlash because he had no other option. Or some other configuration that gives him plausible deniability. If Monte or Joseph goes, I have no doubt that Kyle uses the remaining LO to take out everyone else but Alyssa then uses the other 2 pound puppies and Alyssa to take out everyone else leaving Kyle. While that would be Michael's worst nightmare because he WANTS open warfare, it would almost guarantee a Kyle victory. As much as Michael disgusts me, he will have to get even worse for me to hope for a Kyle win.

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1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

But who is a bigger evil than Jasmine now that Nicole and Daniel are gone?

All it takes is for one of them to antagonize the majority to become the bigger evil. They did that to Taylor for weeks when she did absolutely nothing. I want her out next week. 🤞She can provide plenty of entertainment in the jury house. 

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Kyle was once again throwing Brittany and Michael utb to Taylor/Joseph. It's hilarious. It's too bad Taylor doesn't wanna see it.

I HOPE that Michael comes up with the plan to mention to Taylor that Kyle keeps telling him about a Final 4 between the boys, then has Taylor ask them, innocently, about it in a smaller meeting with Joseph and Turner. I don't know...anything to get them to realize that Kyle is not rolling to F4 as a helpless Pound Puppy.

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3 hours ago, dizzyd said:

I just don’t see who Jasmine is benefiting. If we were all in the house with her, she’d be gone week 1 and none of us in that time would have slaved in any way for her. She’s said “My Birthday” more times in just this week than I would say in ten 100 year lifetimes. I hope someone just slams the cake in her face at least. 


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Anyone else feel like today has been a really boring feed day so far? Is this the calm before the storm? My picks for next week:

Outside: Jasmine Turner Brittany Kyle Joseph  

Inside: Michael Alyssa Terrance Taylor Monte 

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BB Chat is saying that Jasmine and Alyssa had a big fight. Something to do with Alyssa's bare feet. Anyhow all four cameras are on the back yard with Monte, Brittany, Terrance and Turner sitting around the table having a deep philosophical conversation on life.

No Jasmine, Alyssa or Indy around. My guess Taylor and Joseph are in the HOH. They are pretty limited in where they can go and what they can do in those costumes. Kyle's not around either. I'm missing a person and I can't think who it is - oh, Michael. Probably being a chameleon and observing what's going on.

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4 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Mine is the second week of January so it was always a good excuse for some post-holiday partying, but I never made a big deal about it.  Nobody had any money anyway, so nothing fancy and no presents, except from Mom and Dad of course.

I have known people who go nuts about theirs, like Jasmine et. al.  So tiresome.

She has to be a finalist for the "Most Spoiled Brat on BB" award.

Me too!  And then they went and made it a holiday(MLK). Even better!

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Taylor and Joseph are in the living room on the sofa. I can hear voices in the background in the kitchen, clatter of dishes and silverware. I think Alyssa's talking while Taylor and Joseph are whispering.

Taylor looks so cute in her blond wig! Joseph is pursuing his British accent, trying to make it work. 

Jasmine's on the other sofa opposite Taylor and Joseph. Joseph says he feels like he's a Have Not. Jasmine was in the diary room for quite a while.

If there was a fight no one's talking about it right now.

Oh oh Joseph says he has to use the loo. Taylor says, "Again?" I need to see how this works.

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We return outside to see Indy on a floaty in the pool, then


Meaning production probably called her to do a performance. I'd really like to see her do one on the feeds. We get to see Terrance put on his tattoos.

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Feeds back - there was a "musical" interlude, they showed the drum set as feeds came back up.

Joseph is in the loo. I guess he can be unchained but Taylor has to stay right there. Her English accent isn't that great.

In the background you can hear the announcer guy telling Terrance to get inked.

2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Hardly lol. Jasmine was grossed out by Alyssa walking around the bathroom barefoot after showering and Alyssa was being kinda snarky about it.

I suppose that would be gross but nothing for Jasmine to make a big deal out of.

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