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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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4 hours ago, Charas Bangs said:

LOs disband from the HOH.

To Michaels cam talk

The Office Applause GIF

He’s voicing some frustration with Joseph and KKKyle complaining about having to lie to the other side and a convo about their jury management earlier when he feels that him and Monty have taken the most heat for their gameplay/ the LOs. (No lies here).

He’s sick of Jasmine. She manipulative and he’s over it. He’s sick of the CS and the overall nastiness of people. Daniel, Jasmine, Terrence, Alyssa and Indy (he’s says Indy is ok but she still has to go), he’s venting about how people are/ have been treated in the house. He wants to stay loyal to the LOs but final 3 it with Brit and Taylor. His goodbye message to Daniel will be scathing. He’s going to do some damage control with the other side. He grateful for the opportunity and is glad to be able to play the game.

He ends his “Ted talk” with a snack.

ETA: Turner is in the shower chatting with Joseph who is laid up in the bathroom. Taylor joins them. 

Big Brother Twitter has really turned against Michael.  They are going after him for contemplating working with Daniel.  That he stood in silence next to Taylor as Daniel tore into her.  Then there was his part in trying to move forward the KKKyle alliance.  This after feedback had surfaced from someone who had known him when he was younger and said Michael was a bully and terror to deal with.

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4 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

To be honest I don't see any point in them keeping asking questions that will not be answered the way they want them to be ansswered. I think we should rest this case. Nicole apologized, what else should she do so that people are satisfied? Dress up as a clown and jump up and down? 

Oh yes, a thousand times yes!

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Good morning, wakey, wakey, live feed guests!

Everyone is still sacked out. This morning Camera 1 shows the women's atomic bedroom, or the bubble room as someone on the feeds said yesterday. Alyssa, Indy and Joseph are all sleeping away. Indy's a little restless. Camera 2 shows a closeup of Alyssa sleeping on her side.

On to Camera 3. We see the men's bedroom, but a different angle of it than we usually do. It's a full room shot from a camera which is above Terrance, as only a corner of his bed shows. We can't see him, but we can hear him! But he has a milder, gentler snore this morning, one that Kyle is sleeping through. But not Turner. We can see him across the room moving restlessly. Monte's in the far bed, sleeping still. There's shoes and clothing scattered around the floor, especially around Turner's bed. Camera 4 shows a closeup of Terrence. He's restless, too. He actually may be awake for the moment since his snoring stopped.

I do miss Memphis for these early morning posts. He was always up first, wearing his hoodie, and I tried to find a new name for him every day. And for Christmas, too. I was trying for a new Elvis song for Daniel every day but I lost heart on that when he turned out to be such a creep. But maybe I can find a song or two that reflects his personality. Maybe a good-bye song for Thursday.

Well people are up now. Monte, Joseph, Terrance and someone wearing white are in the kitchen, some at the kitchen island. I think the person in white is Turner but he is between two others at the island and the camera angle makes it hard to figure out.

After a brief WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK, the angle changed and the person in white is actually in light gray hoodie with plaid pajama bottoms. (All I can see is his back.) It still could be Turner although it seems more like Kyle's clothing. 

Camera switches to a lively women's atomic/bubble bedroom. On Alyssa's bed is Alyssa and Daniel, on Indy's bed is Joseph and Jasmine, someone is on Joseph's bed but I can't tell who (Michael, I think), Indy is sitting on the dresser and Brittany in the corner right under the camera.

Then we switch back to the kitchen. They are talking about people becoming famous after American Idol.

Back to the bedroom! Michael is on Joseph's bed. Joseph must have been talking about a dream because he said something about being on a date in the Tiki room, then having to work in the Have Not room.

Camera keeps switching back and forth between kitchen and bedroom. Now in the bedroom they're talking about someone's birthday, saying party favors were sprinkled about the room. Then back to the kitchen talking about companies and products being sustainable, etc.

Monte says he cut his knee in the POV competition and production asked him about it four days later. 

I guess Joseph didn't have a dream - they are calling a room in the house the Tiki room. Seems like the Have Not room was redecorated? Or else it could be the pool table nook. Anyway, this room is upstairs.  Monte's wearing his tie dye shirt from that one HOH comp. (Now we are in the men's messy bedroom.) Now we see Taylor (in bed) in her room. I am curious about this Tiki room. We see Kyle riding a bike in the exercise room. Sounded like Monte called him "Shane." OK, the pool table nook is the Tiki room, I guess, as that's where Monte ended up. And there are tiki figures there.

By the way, Jasmine's back to wearing her boot. But I don't see her cane. Turner is now on Indy's bed and Joseph sitting on the floor between his and Indy's beds.

I guess whatever they are constructing for HOH is really noisy. Taylor guesses a spinning one or the wall. Brittany thinks it is a recreation of one they've done before. Alyssa invites Taylor to workout with her. Brittany says she can bend her injured knee all they way but isn't going to work out.

Switch to Jasmine in the bathroom talking to Kyle. Talking about Kyle talking to each person before tomorrow night. Jasmine says Daniel just goes on and on and he needs to be more positive.


Kyle is doing his first talk with Brittany in the Have Not room. I'm keeping an eye out for the heart but I haven't seen it.  Brittany says if Kyle has something to worry about then she's screwed. Kyle says he has his closest personal relationships in his alliance are with Brittany and Michael. 

Edited by Lamb18
10 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Guess what we have to look forward to next week? Jasmine's birthday? Won't that be a celebration! She turns 30. Earlier today she described "30" as mid-life.

Can Jasmine be a have not next week?   Please let this happen!!!  Also, can she be on the block as well.  Those two things happening would make for really 'good' feeds.  Just sayin'

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Now Kyle is campaigning to Terrance. Terrance has kind of spoiled his outfit by adding a light blue bucket hat. Terrance says if it worked out that Daniel was going to stay, it would have ruffled a lot of feathers. Terrance says he can't move forward in his game with Daniel still in the house. Terrance says he, Kyle and Turner have always locked in, so there's no way he would ever go against Kyle.

Kyle says he wasn't the one behind closed doors organizing the Ameerah vote-out, he was told at the last minute. (Um, wasn't it his idea to vote out Ameerah?)

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Now Kyle is talking with Monte, telling him about his talk with Terrance. Those race car beds are kind of cute. Kyle says everyone says Monte is a huge threat, but he's only won one comp. Kyle says Terrance said Daniel wanted to keep noms the same - Indy and Alyssa - but he got forced to use the veto. (ha ha ha never not funny).

Now he's talking with Indy. Says how much he loves her, etc. Kyle says that before the season started, production asked about what type of people he'd like to have in the house, and he said, "I've dated a Brazilian before so I'd like to see a Brazilian." He's telling a bunch of garbage to Indy, saying how he's at the bottom and feeling left out of decisions, learning things at the last minute etc. 

Monte interrupts (they are in the men's bedroom, HN room too cold for more one on ones).

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Now Kyle and Joseph are talking. Kyle says this dual alliance is going to drive him crazy. Terrance said he was trying to throw the veto comp so they would stay on the block (which doesn't make sense). They are whispering about getting Jasmine out next week on her birthday.

Joseph says he can't believe they [women, Daniel & Terrance] are trying to get into a special alliance Kyle and Joseph. Indy told Kyle that he and Alyssa can't go up in the Have Not room for five hours. They have to be about spying for their alliance! Joseph says Indy wants him to get into a fauxmance with Taylor to get information. Tyler says his trust is with Joseph and Turner. He feels not so much trust with Brittany and Taylor because they are newer into the group. 

Side note about Jasmine: Earlier in the bathroom, Jasmine asks Kyle if this is his shirt, because it it's not, she's going to steal it. Kyle takes it from her saying yes, that's my shirt. Then later he says to Joseph, "Jasmine was going to steal my shirt! I'm running out of clothing!"

9 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Side note about Jasmine: Earlier in the bathroom, Jasmine asks Kyle if this is his shirt, because it it's not, she's going to steal it. Kyle takes it from her saying yes, that's my shirt. Then later he says to Joseph, "Jasmine was going to steal my shirt! I'm running out of clothing!"

The black hoodie Jasmine wears all the time is Kyle's. She didn't bring any sweatshirts. He brought two, and she's using one of them. She borrowed it last week and washed it, it sounded like in anticipation of returning it, but then told him she was still using it. 

Now Kyle is talking to Turner. Turner says, "Bro! Pitch something to me! I was thinking of voting you out." Kyle says he thinks he and Joseph are succeeding in infiltrating the CS alliance. He thinks there's a double eviction coming up and the game will into its second phase. The original Pound alliance is still the core of The Leftovers.

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10 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

I wonder what happened to his plan of F5 with Taylor, Brittany, Indy, and Jasmine?  Now he's going to stay loyal to the alliance that's obviously going to boot him and his planned F3 in seventh through fifth?

Perhaps he wasn't as good of a player as I'd thought that he was. . . .

not if he can boot him first. The way the LOs are playing is so entertaining to watch, I hope they all stay loyal to the alliance and we can get a real game of BB that we havent had in a while. The LOs are great game players IMO and their final 7 is going to be entertaining as hell once they have to start turning on each other.

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Now Kyle is going to talk to Alyssa. He's concerned because a little bit earlier, she and Daniel came out of the atomic bedroom and it looked like she was crying. Kyle just asked her if she was crying and she said no.

13 minutes ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

The black hoodie Jasmine wears all the time is Kyle's. She didn't bring any sweatshirts. He brought two, and she's using one of them. She borrowed it last week and washed it, it sounded like in anticipation of returning it, but then told him she was still using it. 

Turner's strategy of no showers, no washing clothes is making sense now - Jasmine won't steal his clothing!

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20 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

Daniel to Terrence:  "These people suck at this game."  Why??? Because they aren't letting you win?     

Daniel is apparently suffering from a moderately well-developed case of the Zuckerman Zeitgeist Corollary wherein “these people suck at this game” roughly translates to “this doesn’t make any sense….”

5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

I was trying for a new Elvis song for Daniel every day but I lost heart on that when he turned out to be such a creep.

Dunno about Daniel, but I could easily have seen Assmine singing “Love Me Tender” to Nicole on… certain occasions….

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The storage room looks so empty! Where did everything go?

And why is the camera following Daniel as he lurks around the house? Do they want us to have a few last memories of him? Watching him go through his closet is enthralling. "Peace out, Big Brother," Daniel says. 

Terrence is talking about his soap, he says there's Bible verses and stuff all over it. I recognize it - it's Dr. Brunner's, I believe, or else a brand very similar in its labelling. Terrance gave one to Monte. Daniel asks Terrance if he wants his green sweater back? Terrance says it's OK. Daniel says he'll wear the sweater when Terrance wins HOH. Then Daniel laughs at Kyle moping around the house.

Terrance just jinxed himself. He said he has his stuff together so well that he could pack up in 20 minutes. Watch - he'll go in the Double Elimination.

24 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

The storage room looks so empty! Where did everything go?

The house guests are noticing this, too. Indy said they restocked only about a quarter of what they usually do.

Jasmine is listing what she wants production to provide for her birthday: an ice cream cake or a chocolate strawberry cake with sprinkles on it - not those skinny ones, but those big fat ones, and balloons, and popsicles. She wants to do a balloon launch for her father?? It has to be when they can be outside.

6 hours ago, thestorm said:

Big Brother Twitter has really turned against Michael.  They are going after him for contemplating working with Daniel.  That he stood in silence next to Taylor as Daniel tore into her.  Then there was his part in trying to move forward the KKKyle alliance.  This after feedback had surfaced from someone who had known him when he was younger and said Michael was a bully and terror to deal with.

The entire house stood in silence while Taylor was tormented and harassed for 3 weeks. There where multiple people in the bathroom that stood by while Daniel unleased on her, not just Michael. They all stood in silence. They all said nothing. I personally dislike them all equally because of this. 

This is my issue with the KKKyle style of bigots. They hide behind the good guy facade and speak in the shadows of their biases/ racist beliefs. They seek out allies in the shadows because they KNOW THEY ARE RACIST POSs. They know. KKKyle specifically sought out Michael because he KNEW Michael would afford him a certain level of discretion if he shared his racist a s s views. He did not approach Turner or Daniel or Alyssa because he likely assumed they would not have afforded him the same discretion (for whatever their reasons) that Michael would/did/has. Michael isn't wrong for treading lightly with what KKKYLE said. There is no way to predict how sharing this info with the people in the house would be preceived. I personally have no empathy for a coward racist. They are the worst. I perfer people who can speak about their biases openly (are these convos easy? No. But they have been in my experience way more productive then trying to talk to the fake a s s "good guy" types. The KKKyle types only yes you to death and agree with everything you say because they are uncomfortable with and have no real need or motivation to change their biases. He's literally going back home to his mama. To his safe space in Utah. He openly said his family was a "little bit racist" in the beginning of the show. 

To Big brother Twitter: I cannot share my views of the mob mental following caucuses of twitter without likely getting banned from this forum, so I won't. I'll never care about the mobs of emotionally distressed humans and bots that roam in hash tags cliques and .... see nevermind. 

People always seem to pop up on the interent with opinions of people when its convenient for them and likely to afford their 15 minutes of fame.

I think I'm a good person, i attain to be anyway, could someone, somewhere in my past when I was younger tell someone else that I was a terror. Hell yes. I am not the same person I was when I was younger and like to afford others the same assumption. Until they KKKyle the space and show me/tell me who they truly are/ how they really feel.

Its funny how BB twitter is making Michael the bad guy, when KKKyle is the one who said and doubled down on this mess. So yeah, BB twitter can %$^%$#%$#%$@@$#%^&&^%$%# a big ole pile of @$#%^&*^% with all of the @$#%^&% and *&$%^&*)( that their @$#%^&**^%$ can..... see, nevermind.. 

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I really think people need to read and learn a lot more about the KKK and the history of racism in this country.  There was nothing secret about any of them or their actions and how they felt about black people.  Kyle is not a KKK-type racist and labeling him as such only dilutes the meaning of the phrase.  And Michael hasn't demonstrated that he's a racist in any way.  What he has demonstrated is that he's quiet and introspective and somewhat non-confrontational.  I think we all know people who are like that and it isn't a character trait that is limited to white people.  One of my younger niece's dearest friends, a wonderful young black woman, is the same way.  But, maybe she's racist too if she doesn't speak up and challenge people immediately.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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8 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

I really think people need to read and learn a lot more about the KKK and the history of racism in this country.  There was nothing secret about any of them or their actions and how they felt about black people.  Kyle is not a KKK-type racist and labeling him as such only dilutes the meaning of the phrase.  And Michael hasn't demonstrated that he's a racist in any way.  What he has demonstrated is that he's quite and introspective and somewhat non-confrontational.  I think we all know people who are like that and it isn't a character trait that is limited to white people.  One of my younger niece's dearest friends, a wonderful young black woman, is the same way.  But, maybe she's racist too if she doesn't speak up and challenge people immediately.

I wish I could like this 1000 times. Kyle is racist in a sort of clueless, sheltered way. KKK were aggressive and violent. Aaryn and GM were more "KKK racist" types -- they would probably have screamed at black kids going to integrated schools in the 1960s. The malicious, aggressive racists don't change -- if anything, they take pride in being racist. It's an offshoot of their sadistic personality. They just see race as another reason to hurt someone. If you need proof, go look at Aaryn's SM. She's the same bigoted, angry person she was 9 years ago.

Kyle is clueless. 30 years old, no job, no life experiences, still lives with his parents in lily-white Utah. I don't see him as irredeemable. He has a lot of learning to do, that's all.

Edited by Lady Whistleup
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18 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Kyle is clueless. 30 years old, no job, no life experiences, still lives with his parents in lily-white Utah. I don't see him as irredeemable. He has a lot of learning to do, that's all.

While I agree that Kyle is not yet a KKK joining racist, I won't grant him the grace of assuming that he will outgrow his 30 year old instincts of grouping people into "white" and "other". Sure he may not have had the opportunity to interact with POC until now, but it can't be overlooked that, given the opportunity in THIS house, right now, he tried to form a "not-diverse" group to take on the "diverse" group. This despite the fact that the people he was suspicious of had already voted out several members of Team Diversity. 

  Kyle is suspicious enough of the Other that he felt expressing this to Michael was reasonable. By his own words, he couldn't find common cause with non-white people and assumed that other white people felt the same way. I have no evidence to believe that Kyle will naturally grow less racist as he ages. If anything, I suspect he will continue to insulate himself from opportunities to interact and grow and will simply have his implicit biases become more explicit.

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Until a complete black history curriculum is developed and taught in the schools ignorance will fester. I am shocked at how few people know who Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, Bobby Hutton, Elaine Brown, and Ericka Huggins even are. They do not know what sundown towns were. They are clueless about the murder of Carol Jenkins. They don't know who Dorothy Counts is. William Godley in Pierce City and the Tulsa devastation are almost unknown. Emmett Till's murder was almost unknown until recently. And the murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner are forgotten. You see, integrating a show like BB with a proper proportion of races does not indicate there is no racism. Only through proper education can we begin to move toward a greater equality and eradicate racism. Then the balance is introduced by celebrating the accomplishments of a race. 

Kyle is just a vacuous probably uneducated guy. If he was educated he would have a job. He is sort of like Dumb and Dumber but good looking. I mean really... Big Brother does not cast based on an IQ test. 

And oh ETA: I am getting sick of the expression "diverse" group. It is lip service. It's meaningless. Come to the table with  knowledge about diversity. A superficial "face" to a show without a deep knowledge of the struggle which provides understanding is hot air and fake as fuck. 

Edited by LoveLeigh
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I watched some LF last night. Daniel knows he's a dead man walking. I watched him talk 1:1 first with Indy, then Terrance, and not ONCE did he discuss game. He did mention multiple times how bored he is. His entire demeanor was that of someone who's waiting for Thursday night so he can go home.

Kinda pathetic to spend ten years of your life trying to join something, then be in a hurry to leave because you screwed it up so badly.

I hope Julie confronts him both about his bullying AND his use of the Veto power that directly got his BFF Nicole sent home.

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I’m not going to guess how racist Kyle really is, or whether he can be redeemed. The amount of racism he has exhibited so far is enough to make me not like him. After he shows some growth or remorse or whatever, I will be happy to reevaluate. (And I can’t get worked up about whether using KKK in conjunction with his name is appropriate. It only happened because his name starts with a K.)

3 hours ago, dizzyd said:

How much more entitled and insufferable will she get? How many HGs will she break? Maybe that’s just the impetus they need to evict her, final straw. 🤞 

I wonder who Jasmine will elect to blow out her birthday candles. (I know, they don’t get candles, but you know she would’t expend that much energy herself.) I also can’t wait to see her complain because the cake does not have precisely the right kind of sprinkles, or the cake-to-frosting ratio is subpar.

2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Turner says his favorite players from the past are Tyler Crispin, Brett and Paul. He's in a rock band?

Turner likes Paul? Whyyyy, Turner? Why are you trying to make me dislike you again?

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2 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

I really think people need to read and learn a lot more about the KKK and the history of racism in this country.  There was nothing secret about any of them or their actions and how they felt about black people.  Kyle is not a KKK-type racist and labeling him as such only dilutes the meaning of the phrase.  And Michael hasn't demonstrated that he's a racist in any way.  What he has demonstrated is that he's quiet and introspective and somewhat non-confrontational.  I think we all know people who are like that and it isn't a character trait that is limited to white people.  One of my younger niece's dearest friends, a wonderful young black woman, is the same way.  But, maybe she's racist too if she doesn't speak up and challenge people immediately.

I think that this exact thinking is apart of a even bigger problem. To think that ALL KKK were out and proud is ignorant and dangerous and creates a narrative that does not align with some of the true ugly history of this country. ALOT of the klan literally hid behind white hoods, like LITERALLY. They where cowards. They were seemingly decent people in their daily lives, and cowards behind a hood at night. Of course there were a vocal and proud memebers of those groups but the MAJORITY hid their identies. I know elders (still living today) whom grew up in the Jim Crow south, and the alot of the history that is told and shared was written by the racist bigots. Sorry, but alot of the cowards hid and continue to hide their past and current bigotry, just like KKKyle. He's trending accurately IMO.


The fact that their are people in 2022 STILL trying and succeeding in making these excuses is the ultimate joke, no punchline needed, no need to relearn history when people didn’t learn it in the first place. They learned and taught the stories/ versions that THEY were comfortable telling. The bigots literally wrote the history books, from behind their hoods.

Edited by Charas Bangs
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4 minutes ago, Charas Bangs said:

I think that this exact thinking is apart of a even bigger problem. To think that ALL KKK were out and proud is ignorant and dangerous and creates a narrative that does not align with some of the true ugly history of this country. ALOT of the klan literally hid behind white hoods, like LITERALLY. They where cowards. They were seemingly decent people in their daily lives, and cowards behind a hood. Of course there were a vocal and proud memebers of those groups but the MAJORITY hid their identies. I know elders (still living today) whom grew up in the Jim Crow south, and the alot of the history that is told and shared was written by the racist bigots. Sorry, but alot of the cowards hid and continue to hide their past and current bigotry, just like KKKyle. He's trending accurately IMO.

And creating a diverse "face" in an alliance does not prove that the members are not racists. In order to eradicate racism, education has to be broad and deep. A superficial "look" in an alliance to me is meaningless. 

On Michael, I think a bit of a downfall/hiccup in his own position in the game is that he still considers himself an ‘underdog’.  he’s won 5 competitions and squarely aligned himself in dominate alliance. He needs to rethink & reevaluate his new position in house based on these facts!  I also think he’s a bit of an introvert & expects others to always open to him instead of sometimes opening himself to others to initiate. It’s a bit of a fascinating conundrum he’s put himself in.  

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