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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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40 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

I am not biased and I do not want to be dragged or shoe horned into a paradigm because I have grown to dislike Taylor.

I certainly am not trying to shoehorn or drag.  I think my problem is when someone asks a question, I answer the question they ask, which may not have been what they intended to evoke.  As I said upthread, you can like or dislike Taylor or any other HG!  

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4 minutes ago, Eyeland Baby said:


When Jasmine sprained her ankle, Nicole wiped her ass for her. No, we don't know why a sprained ankle meant Jasmine couldn't wipe her own ass and Nicole even said that she offered. It was supposed to be the story of the season until Kyle and his ten second sex happened.

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Is it wrong for me to say Monte has huge sex appeal? OMG he does have a way about him.... and quite honestly Taylor and Monte do have huge chemistry on screen. I like watching them together. They should stay together after this show and pitch something to the networks and  parlay it into a TV show. Already videos have been made for YouTube about them so there is interest there in them as a couple. Maybe even a morning show like Kelly and Ryan? I am not crazy about Taylor but her sarcastic snarky edge might work in the right venue. 

Edited by LoveLeigh
3 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Really, Monte doesn't need Turner as a shield anymore.  He could sweep Taylor and Brittany easily in the final competitions without him being there, which Brittany's going to try to hammer home to him.  Why bother keeping the guy?

I think he sweeps Turner easily, too, and he probably knows that. He has no interest in bringing Brittany because he doesn’t want to give her the 2nd place $. He’d rather see that go to someone he likes and thinks is deserving over someone he doesn’t respect and who has been annoying the crap out of him lately. Same for Turner.

Taylor is the only one who feels she needs to bring Brittany in order to win, and she’s probably right. But I still think she’d rather have one of the other two (preferably Monte) in 2nd place.

2 hours ago, Thalia said:

They've been given white t-shirts and a tye-dye kit.  The four houseguests are in the backyard working on the shirts.   Turner is clearly the most intense.   This present was made for him. 

Oooh… BB crafts! Next up, potholders and macrame key chains!

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3 hours ago, dizzyd said:

She’s bringing out charts and graphs for her pitch presentation to Monte to appeal to his math background. I’m sure he’ll nod and hmm and patiently hear her out but it’s a lost cause. Got to give it to her though, she doesn’t quit. 

Oh my goodness, she’s using the M&Ms!  I immediately flashed back to Vanessa who toward end game was using skittles to make patterns & holy hell, I just remember I couldn’t figure out the patterns & saw it as a ‘Brilliant Mind’ kind of thing like the movie. Man, was so disappointed she couldn’t pull out the final 3 because she was masterful in the game in so many ways, it was astonishing at times the moves she was able to make. She was also a bit frantic & messy & it was just fascinating to watch.  

huh. I think that’s the last season I was invested in (for this, that, other reasons)—-was she brought back for all stars or a returnee season after that? 

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Taylor is a lovely person but in my opinion she showed her true colors near the end. She had said before entering the game she wanted to use her charm and manipulate men into doing her dirty work and looking back, after she entered the LO, that's exactly what she did. And let's not forget that she wanted three men in the house. 3 men in 70 days. Not my liking for a woman.

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11 hours ago, dizzyd said:

😏 She knows what show she signed up for. And honestly the button people have been doing a great job with T/M and A/K.  Now the BB crew has probably seen everything, did she consider that? 

“Probably”???  🤣🤣🤣

How do you think Master Control knows when Monte and Taylor are done, so MC can switch the feed cameras back on in that room?  Dude, they’re the feature attraction on the Big Wall O’ Screens. 😂😂🤡💀

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1 hour ago, pennben said:

Who amongst us??!! 

Not me! I’m pure as the driven snow. And just like Jasmine, a married woman! Who never looked twice at Joseph!

Yeah. Not a fan of slut shaming.

Now on feeds: Monte and Turner are playing pool and rehashing the season. They still don’t know what to make of Kyle. One thing they can agree on is they never knew him at all. They think Michael had a great shot at AFP, but public opinion has probably turned against him. (According to Monte, Taylor thinks people have forgiven him, and his great LGBTQ story of coming out and overcoming lack of acceptance within his family will overshadow all the Kyle stuff.) They both think Taylor is a leading contender for AFP.

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Now they’re talking about movies. Turner tells Monte the plot of this awesome movie he saw recently, Gran Torino: Racist old man lives next door to an Asian family, and gradually comes to care about them. Then when they get attacked the old man steps in to protect them, and he gets shot.

Monte: “Hmm.”

What, Monte’s not a fan of the white savior trope? Shocking!

Also, the “old man” is Clint Eastwood, Turner. Come on. Also, maybe Kyle should move next door to an Asian family so he can someday fulfill his potential.

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15 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Now they’re talking about movies. Turner tells Monte the plot of this awesome movie he saw recently, Gran Torino: Racist old man lives next door to an Asian family, and gradually comes to care about them. Then when they get attacked the old man steps in to protect them, and he gets shot.

Monte: “Hmm.”

What, Monte’s not a fan of the white savior trope? Shocking!

Also, the “old man” is Clint Eastwood, Turner. Come on.

Remember, Turner is part of the same generation who, a few years ago, was amazed at the “incredible new talent” Post Malone had run across.  
You remember - Ozzy Osborne?  🤡

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Taylor is trying her best to teach a very reluctant Monte about skin care. He doesn’t like sunscreen, but she insists he has to or those freckles on his face will turn into moles.
Taylor (pointing to individual freckles): Cancer, cancer. Cancer. Cancer. 
Monte: Freckles turn into moles?
Taylor: Yes. And moles can turn into cancer.
Monte: Wait. Black people don’t get skin cancer. Black people get skin cancer?
Taylor: YES!!

Exasperated, Taylor rails for a few moments about the myth of melanin and sun exposure, then asks Monte and Turner what they use for face wash and lotion. Turner doesn’t wash his face. He washes the rest of his body, but not his face. And he doesn’t put lotion on his body, because it makes him feel wet all day.

Taylor puts her head down on the counter. She just can’t.

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2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Turner doesn’t wash his face. He washes the rest of his body, but not his face.

I call bullshit. Neither the body nor the face saw water for a long time when the game started.

Maybe it was like some psychological game he was playing? Trying to get people to DOR because of his funk? Maybe that's the real reason Paloma left.

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6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Taylor is trying her best to teach a very reluctant Monte about skin care. He doesn’t like sunscreen, but she insists he has to or those freckles on his face will turn into moles.
Taylor (pointing to individual freckles): Cancer, cancer. Cancer. Cancer. 
Monte: Freckles turn into moles?
Taylor: Yes. And moles can turn into cancer.
Monte: Wait. Black people don’t get skin cancer. Black people get skin cancer?
Taylor: YES!!

Exasperated, Taylor rails for a few moments about the myth of melanin and sun exposure, then asks Monte and Turner what they use for face wash and lotion. Turner doesn’t wash his face. He washes the rest of his body, but not his face. And he doesn’t put lotion on his body, because it makes him feel wet all day.

Taylor puts her head down on the counter. She just can’t.

Omg. I am about to explode reading this because I know several cases of black people being shocked when they got skin cancer. All of them seemed to believe that it wasn't possible because of the melanin. Horrible myth that needs to go away asap.

9 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

And let's not forget that she wanted three men in the house. 3 men in 70 days. Not my liking for a woman.

Who are the three men? She only hooked up with Monte. She flirted a bit with Joseph but nothing happened. Trying to rack my brain about the third.

Also, why does it matter that she's a woman? Women have needs as well.

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56 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Who are the three men? She only hooked up with Monte. She flirted a bit with Joseph but nothing happened. Trying to rack my brain about the third.

Taylor hit on Daniel early on in the game when she was drunk. Poochie also claimed that Taylor tried to get a kiss from him that night. And then it seemed like Taylor was going to hit on Alyssa. It was a fun night.

I mean, shame. Shame. What a sloot. The children.

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Monte was talking to Taylor in the HoH and going over the last vote again. He was saying that Brittany had to be the one to vote to evict Taylor because it just makes the most sense. Turner joins them and they talk about it also. For me at this point, that vote doesn't matter. What matters now is jury and who can you win against. Monte and Turner seem to want Brittany out right now because they're hurt and offended by Brittany's actions. It's hard to read Taylor, she doesn't join in the bashing as much. She just said "interesting" several times, and stays silent while they talk. I know they do need something to talk about though.

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50 minutes ago, LeDucDiableBleu said:

Monte was talking to Taylor in the HoH and going over the last vote again. He was saying that Brittany had to be the one to vote to evict Taylor because it just makes the most sense. Turner joins them and they talk about it also. For me at this point, that vote doesn't matter. What matters now is jury and who can you win against. Monte and Turner seem to want Brittany out right now because they're hurt and offended by Brittany's actions. It's hard to read Taylor, she doesn't join in the bashing as much. She just said "interesting" several times, and stays silent while they talk. I know they do need something to talk about though.

Taylor knows she can beat Brittany, but I think on a personal level is annoyed at Brittany which I think is fair. Since Brittany has gaslit her so many times this season.

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14 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Taylor knows she can beat Brittany, but I think on a personal level is annoyed at Brittany which I think is fair. Since Brittany has gaslit her so many times this season.

I think she actively dislikes her right now (but will be ready to forgive her post-game), but yes, she knows Brit going is MUCH worse for her than Turner going. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I think I've reached the point where I'm exhausted and ready for this season to be finished. I've enjoyed it overall, but yeah, it's time. Good thing it's actually close to the end, which is a pleasant change of pace from when I normally get to dunzo.

Having 7 EMPTY days at F4 is INSANELY bad planning. The veto was won early Friday. Until Thursday afternoon, there is NOTHING else going on. They HAVE to have a pretaped "live" eviction, otherwise how will they have time to tape the reflection, the jury roundtable, the first 2 parts of the F3 HOH, and get everything ready for the finale? 

I never thought I would appreciate feeds cutting for a few days, but this is a drag! At least if it cuts early, we have the anticipation and pretend spoilers to gab about!

Also, I really with it was Joseph, Turner, and Taylor at F3 because they were entertaining as a trio. This group has no real chemistry together.

Edited by Sketcher
F2 is different than F4!
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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The last week of BB has sucked for, like, 24 seasons. 

Well, except for the Finale. That's sometimes cool. 

Big Brother altogether is bad planning lol. It's why we almost never see blindsides. The week is usually done by Monday. 

I do miss being able to see the final 2 react to the jury questioning as well. 

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Yeah, and this is the point of the season I rant about the change in jury questioning. Now, we didn’t get to see the hours of questioning, but we did get to see the aftermath where the finalists spun out of control obsessing over the questions/their answers. It was the jury’s last chance to get petty and awful and I loved it! These live bland questions are boring as fuck. 

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Yeah, and this is the point of the season I rant about the change in jury questioning. Now, we didn’t get to see the hours of questioning, but we did get to see the aftermath where the finalists spun out of control obsessing over the questions/their answers. It was the jury’s last chance to get petty and awful and I loved it! These live bland questions are boring as fuck. 

One Hundred Percent. It's possibly the dumbest change that the Grod has made to the show, and she's made a number of dumb changes.

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3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I mean, it’s kind of a cute name lol.

I don’t think they were serious. Someone suggested it as their F3 name since they were eating breakfast burritos at the time. Then they laughed and laughed at how dumb it was. It wasn’t that funny, but they had also been drinking wine, so.

2 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Damn. Taylor getting pissy at Monte talking to Brittany. Chill out lady.

As Peach noted, this was a joke. But it was probably also Taylor getting tired of Brittany’s incessant rambling. Brittany actually spent some social time with everyone last night, playing Spades, and they were all nice to her, but I don’t think anyone was unhappy when she excused herself and went to bed. She talks so. much.

32 minutes ago, Sketcher said:

They HAVE to have a pretaped "live" eviction, otherwise how will they have time to tape the reflection, the jury roundtable, the first 2 parts of the F3 HOH, and get everything ready for the finale? 

If they do an actual live eviction, they can tape the first 2 rounds of HoH right after. Then let the F3 get a few hours sleep and wake them up around 9-10 for the reflection. The clips for that will be already chosen and assembled, and their remarks will be largely pre-scripted, so it shouldn’t take much longer to tape than an diary room. Producers will be feeding them their comments, and they just have to spit them out somewhat coherently. Then it shouldn’t take any time for the editors to drop those comments in the right slots and have the episode ready to air that night.

Jury roundtable can be done any time Friday or Saturday, and that since that doesn’t involve the F3, it won’t affect their schedule. Then, the editors will just trim that segment to a pre-determined length and have it ready to drop in to the Sunday show. At the same time, they or other editors will be preparing the pre-taped HoH stuff for Sunday’s show.

It would mean a busy few days for production, but certainly doable. 

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

I don’t think they were serious. Someone suggested it as their F3 name since they were eating breakfast burritos at the time. Then they laughed and laughed at how dumb it was. It wasn’t that funny, but they had also been drinking wine, so.

As Peach noted, this was a joke. But it was probably also Taylor getting tired of Brittany’s incessant rambling. Brittany actually spent some social time with everyone last night, playing Spades, and they were all nice to her, but I don’t think anyone was unhappy when she excused herself and went to bed. She talks so. much.

If they do an actual live eviction, they can tape the first 2 rounds of HoH right after. Then let the F3 get a few hours sleep and wake them up around 9-10 for the reflection. The clips for that will be already chosen and assembled, and their remarks will be largely pre-scripted, so it shouldn’t take much longer to tape than an diary room. Producers will be feeding them their comments, and they just have to spit them out somewhat coherently. Then it shouldn’t take any time for the editors to drop those comments in the right slots and have the episode ready to air that night.

Jury roundtable can be done any time Friday or Saturday, and that since that doesn’t involve the F3, it won’t affect their schedule. Then, the editors will just trim that segment to a pre-determined length and have it ready to drop in to the Sunday show. At the same time, they or other editors will be preparing the pre-taped HoH stuff for Sunday’s show.

It would mean a busy few days for production, but certainly doable. 

It's doable but what a waste! They are going to have to pay a lot of overtime to cover all of these activities and to the editors when they aren't working at all for the first 4 days of the week!

I guess maybe comp builders can build off site to have both comps ready for Thursday night/Friday, but that's still some crazy poor planning!

4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I thought they couldn't keep it a secret, but I didn't think it would be because Monte desperately wanted to bitch about Taylor!

I don't get how a woman presenting different sides of herself in public vs private is an issue, especially this woman in this house where everyone, including Monte, has been very quick to make judgements about her.

Ugh...I already had him on my list but this is just gross.

And to add...Monte has repeatedly bonded with other men by talking shit about Taylor. That is also disgusting. 

Edited by Sketcher
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Most people have sides of themselves they won't show unless in private/with people they feel comfortable enough with. I don't know of a single person who lets everything about who they are out in the open from the jump, to anyone, at any time or any place.

Besides, if anything, Monte is the one who has different sides that we've seen, and they tie back to Taylor. So, whatever.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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9 hours ago, twilightzone said:

There was a rumor that Terrance is a no longer a juror.  Spoiler Girl has said that is NOT the case.  There was a big blow up with him and Michael.  So Terrance could have left the house to cool off.  But it doesn't mean he left the jury.  She also noted that Turner has support with the jury.

I won’t be shocked if it turns out Terrance unleashed a big old scoop of homophobia when he was confronting Michael in the Jury House. I suspect he’s managed to keep it under control in the BB house but couldn’t help himself in the Jury House where there aren’t cameras 24/7. Didn’t he already confront Michael about keeping Kyle’s “paranoia” to himself for weeks? Yes. And that’s why I think Terrance’s “true colors” once more revealed themselves. He’s a piece of s**t.

Edited by TimWil
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