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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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8 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

As far as Jasmine being nice this week, of course she’s being nice, she’s on the block!… I think the real reason Brittany wants to give Jasmine a heads up is about Jury management… not about how nice she’s being…. Ugh… quit ruining our blindsides!  🤬

Can't blame Brittany. She's not in this to hand Michael $750k.  She wants to win and Jury Management is part of it.  No brainer that Jasmine will be a Bitter Jury.

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7 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

But to go home during her birthday week….month…whatever.   How could they do that to her?

I heard Jasmine explaining that this was also supposed to be her wedding anniversary week but then COVID happened and the date got changed to another one but still, it could have been her wedding week. I'm assuming that she wanted another week of safety if they were tired of hearing about her birthday but it went over like a lead balloon. I still can't believe people want to get rid of her - that shit is funny.

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1 hour ago, blixie said:

I saw some speculation that the outside group has been so massively disadvantaged not just in luxuries/punishments of being in Dyrefest, but in basics of game play that they would cancel that houses eviction, given that Joe is young hot and oiled and Terrance is old man misogynist I can almost see them fucking Terrance over with a PSYCHE.  My favorite twist to this twist would be a last minute vote switcheroo, that Brochella votes out the Dyrefest noms and Dyrefest people vote out the Brochella noms.

That's been my hope all along with this particular twist.  Though, in reality, it would be of greater benefit to Kyle/Michael if this happened now - they could get two LOs out with no blood on their hands if the Dyrefest noms haven't changed.  Kyle would vote Jasmine out and tell the rest of the LOs that he's remained loyal to them, knowing that Alyssa would vote out Monte and Terrance would break the tie in Jasmine's favor.  If it's still Turner/Joseph on the block on the other side, Michael probably won't care who goes because it's not his fault, either way - though I think if it's Kyle/Joseph, then Kyle is gone because Taylor and Brittany will vote out the showmancer and hope to bring Alyssa into their orbit as the only remaining women.

6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I heard Jasmine explaining that this was also supposed to be her wedding anniversary week but then COVID happened and the date got changed to another one but still, it could have been her wedding week. I'm assuming that she wanted another week of safety if they were tired of hearing about her birthday but it went over like a lead balloon. I still can't believe people want to get rid of her - that shit is funny.

Almost her wedding anniversary?   Then they really can’t vote here out, can they?

But ever since Josh, I’m wary about taking people like Jasmine too far   He only won because he was sitting beside Paul who everyone hated, but he did win   

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

This is just punishment for the feedsters because of the wall yelling.

Not talking in general, but in terms of this specific case/week: why would anybody assume it has a damn thing to do with the feedsters?  It’s not like a prospective Yeller needs feed-specific info to know when HGs are shout-accessible in the BY; Production has personally gone over and above to trumpet to the world the breathless knowledge that half the HGs are occupying the BY 24/7 for the entire week, so we’re not talking limited windows of opportunity here.

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3 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Almost her wedding anniversary?   Then they really can’t vote here out, can they?

But ever since Josh, I’m wary about taking people like Jasmine too far   He only won because he was sitting beside Paul who everyone hated, but he did win   

Everyone always uses Josh, Kaycee and Ian as examples of how you can't "play hard" anymore without a bitter jury, but people are forgetting all the times the jury awarded the money to the harder, more ruthless player:

- X vs DerekF

- Cody vs. Enzo

- Jackson vs. Holly

- Steve vs. Liz

- Derrick vs. Cody

I could go on with more examples.

I don't see this jury being that bitter, actually. I think Jas might be salty, but I couldn't picture the LO's being that salty. Overall they seem pretty chill.

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they could get two LOs out with no blood on their hands if the Dyrefest noms haven't changed. 

Me rooting for this is entirely contingent on the Terrence Veto'd and replaced with Kyle info being accurate which it probably isn't. It could still make things pretty interesting if not, but we'd be in push with LO's: Brit/Michael/Taylor/Joseph v. Terrance/Kyle/Alyssa/Jasmine each group having one person who is comp beast (Michael/Kyle), one group having all three good gamers and the other  having one good gamer: Kyle. That would make this a HUGE HoH week to figure out which new "side' comes out in the pole position.

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50 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I think we can officially say that SpoilerGirl's source (if she ever had one, it all could have been lucky guesses) has dried up because they're claiming that Alyssa is considering voting out Kyle and we all know that she's in love with her ten second man and wants to have his painfully bland and blond children so. Another one bites the dust.

Oh, I can easily believe she would ‘consider’ it. In the DR they probably ‘consider’ everything.

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Not talking in general, but in terms of this specific case/week: why would anybody assume it has a damn thing to do with the feedsters?  It’s not like a prospective Yeller needs feed-specific info to know when HGs are shout-accessible in the BY; Production has personally gone over and above to trumpet to the world the breathless knowledge that half the HGs are occupying the BY 24/7 for the entire week, so we’re not talking limited windows of opportunity here.

I mean, it's feedsters who were claiming the yelling (or terminally online Twitter stans who may or may not actually watch the feeds but definitely follow along so it's easier to just roll them into "feedsters") and it's feedsters who are suffering. The yell was apparently some variation of "Kyle is a liar! Save Joseph!" and came after Kyle spilled about the Leftovers to Terrance and pointed the target at Joseph and away from himself. It makes sense.

17 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I don't see this jury being that bitter, actually. I think Jas might be salty, but I couldn't picture the LO's being that salty. Overall they seem pretty chill.

The only potentially likely Bitter Betties I’m seeing in this prospective Jury pool would be:

  1. Jasmine, assuredly: Assmine is not going to be happy with anybody in the F2 chairs who isn’t her.
  2. Indy, possibly: Indy’s moods have occasionally tended towards the mercurial this season, so for her it might simply come down to whether she gets her coffee:cream ratio correct on the morning of Finale Night.
  3. Terrance, maybe: in truth I expect Terrance to be pretty chill unless (a) someone makes him feel he was evicted for personal reasons, and (b) that someone lands in an F2 chair.
  4. Monte, possibly: Monte has a pretty substantial ego going over there - so he might feel a little abrasive towards a Finalist if Monte thinks they did something to make him look foolish or gullible, especially if that ‘something’ directly contributed to his eviction.
  5. Alyssa/Kyle - towards each other specifically, if they sense a significant betrayal on the other’s part.

Otherwise, I think the rest of the prospective Jurors would be pretty even-keel.

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I don't see this jury being that bitter, actually. I think Jas might be salty, but I couldn't picture the LO's being that salty. Overall they seem pretty chill.

Not even against Kyle?  He has too much blood on his hands.  All it takes is 1 vote to swing it in either direction.

B23 jury pretty chill, but Derek X revealed there was an anti-Kyland alliance in the jury house.  Whereas there was a lot of support for Azah.

Game wise, Kyland was the better competitor.  But Azah played a better social game.  X knew that Azah was going to be harder to beat.

Edited by thestorm
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23 minutes ago, thestorm said:

Not even against Kyle?  He has too much blood on his hands.  All it takes is 1 vote to swing it in either direction.

Potential Finalists are (IMHO) still too all-over-the-map for me to even attempt running prospective F2 scenarios - too many people still in the House - so I was focusing on the personal attitudes/issues of individual likely Jurors, rather than their views towards specific F2 chair occupants.

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3 hours ago, Slider said:

I do find it strange that it's always a "cousin" that works for production, or knows someone, or has first hand knowledge.  It's never a brother or sister.  Always a cousin.  The average person only has a few cousins.  But then there's me.  42 on one side, 23 on the other.  (Yes, we're Catholic.)

Five cousins on one side but 21 on the other, not counting my three siblings and me. Protestant but fertile.

2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

But to go home during her birthday week….month…whatever.   How could they do that to her?

"Sorry, Jazzy, but the only birthdays that are officially recognized in the BB house are Keesha's and Rockstar's Daughter's. I vote to evict."

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37 minutes ago, Nashville said:

The only potentially likely Bitter Betties I’m seeing in this prospective Jury pool would be:

  1. Jasmine, assuredly: Assmine is not going to be happy with anybody in the F2 chairs who isn’t her.
  2. Indy, possibly: Indy’s moods have occasionally tended towards the mercurial this season, so for her it might simply come down to whether she gets her coffee:cream ratio correct on the morning of Finale Night.
  3. Terrance, maybe: in truth I expect Terrance to be pretty chill unless (a) someone makes him feel he was evicted for personal reasons, and (b) that someone lands in an F2 chair.
  4. Monte, possibly: Monte has a pretty substantial ego going over there - so he might feel a little abrasive towards a Finalist if Monte thinks they did something to make him look foolish or gullible, especially if that ‘something’ directly contributed to his eviction.
  5. Alyssa/Kyle - towards each other specifically, if they sense a significant betrayal on the other’s part.

Otherwise, I think the rest of the prospective Jurors would be pretty even-keel.

I think anyone has the potential of being a Bitter Jury, depending on the circumstance behind the eviction, whether there was a big betrayal, who they are closer too.

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People are up now. Taylor's in the kitchen fixing coffee.  That's all there is to see. And I think it was Taylor in the bed next to Monte. She still has a white cloth around her head.

Switch to the bathroom. Monte really likes that blue swirly T-shirt. I forgot which comp it was from. I remember - it was OTEV when they were wearing cockroach costumes. We get to see him shaking something. I'll report back once something interesting happens.

4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

I think we can officially say that SpoilerGirl's source (if she ever had one, it all could have been lucky guesses) has dried up because they're claiming that Alyssa is considering voting out Kyle and we all know that she's in love with her ten second man and wants to have his painfully bland and blond children so. Another one bites the dust.

Not only is Alyssa itching to raise a slew of Aryan tots, she also wished for the game to pause long enough for her and Prince Charmless to tie the knot. Maybe BB decided to go ahead and let those krazy kids have their top-secret Mormon dream wedding, and that’s why we can’t see the backyard. 

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4 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Not only is Alyssa itching to raise a slew of Aryan tots, she also wished for the game to pause long enough for her and Prince Charmless to tie the knot. Maybe BB decided to go ahead and let those krazy kids have their top-secret Mormon dream wedding, and that’s why we can’t see the backyard. 

Quickest Mormon conversion in history!  Well, excepting the families that convert their non-Mormon family members post-death so they can spend eternity in heaven...  🤣

And, Kyle's mom would have a social media meltdown, I'm sure, if he married anywhere but the nearest Mormon temple with only the Mormon family members present.

I know way too much about Mormon marriage rules.  I blame my mother who told me she'd never forgive me if I married a Mormon boy because she wouldn't be able to attend the wedding.

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I wouldn't celebrate two morons marrying and breeding, but it almost might be worth it to see Jasmine's head explode from her birthday/anniversary/unbirthday being permanently upstaged like that. 

"Remember BB24? With Jasmine's birthday?"
"Was that the season with 10-Second Kyle and Newark Alyssa's backyard wedding?"
"There was a Jasmine?"

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Spoilergirl has been saying there's a huge reason the feeds are off in the back yard.  Apparently, it's not because of the wall yellers since people (including Spoilergirl) have been discussing that for days.  Someone guessed that someone self-evicted, and she responded no, that's not it, but that she can't say the reason. 

She has also not backed down from saying the veto was used on Turner.  

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9 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Spoilergirl has been saying there's a huge reason the feeds are off in the back yard.  Apparently, it's not because of the wall yellers since people (including Spoilergirl) have been discussing that for days.  Someone guessed that someone self-evicted, and she responded no, that's not it, but that she can't say the reason. 

She has also not backed down from saying the veto was used on Turner.  

Well, if it wasn't a self-eviction then it was a forced eviction.  I can't think of a sexual assault situation with the Dyrefest 5, but is it possible there was some sort of physical assault?  That doesn't really make sense, since even if Turner was taken off the block in place of Kyle, that would still leave Kyle feeling pretty comfortable in the belief that the target is still Joseph.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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5 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

Spoilergirl has been saying there's a huge reason the feeds are off in the back yard.  Apparently, it's not because of the wall yellers since people (including Spoilergirl) have been discussing that for days.  Someone guessed that someone self-evicted, and she responded no, that's not it, but that she can't say the reason. 

She has also not backed down from saying the veto was used on Turner.  

Interesting... Could it be a fight? Or are they just trying to cover with the music they can't play on air and it's them trying to justify the feeds being down? 

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Feeds are back up after being down for a good part of the afternoon. All are chilling in the HOH room. Monte learned today that Mississippi does have a coastline. He thought Louisiana was right under Mississippi instead of next door.

Talk shifted to college and college roommates. Jasmine's roommate accused her of eating her Ramen. Jasmine denied it and finally made a video of the roommate getting up at night and fixing Ramen. The roommate was so embarrassed. 

Jasmine asks if anyone's every had a honeybun burger. You get two honeybuns and put the hamburger in between. It will change your life! says Jasmine. Then misses Girl Scout cookies. They probably have their stand up next to Walmart, or Target, she laments.

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31 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

I wouldn't celebrate two morons marrying and breeding, but it almost might be worth it to see Jasmine's head explode from her birthday/anniversary/unbirthday being permanently upstaged like that. 

"Remember BB24? With Jasmine's birthday?"
"Was that the season with 10-Second Kyle and Newark Alyssa's backyard wedding?"
"There was a Jasmine?"

"Yeah, Jasmine. She was the one who sprained her ankle so someone had to wipe her ass for her. Remember?"

This was supposed to be the season of the ass wiping. Now it's the season of the ten second sex. We've been so blessed this year.

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34 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

I read somewhere that sources are saying Kyle wants to self evict because he thinks America hates him. Have you heard anything like that?

I know he has said to the cameras that he is worried, because he knows there is going to be a lot hate because of what he has said and done in the house.  He said that he had scrubbed his social media going back to 2012.

Edited by thestorm
8 minutes ago, thestorm said:

I know he has said to the cameras that he is worried, because he knows there is going to be a lot hate because of what he has said and done in the house.  He said that he had scrubbed his social media going back to 2012.

Well I can tell you that Kyle definitely missed a few likes and maybe a comment or two. He didn't do a very good job of it - but then maybe he didn't think he had to sanitize what was found.

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Coming up this evening at Brochella: Burgers and Brew supper, then Me-ditation, which I think is like a spa day.

Gee, Monte's talking about a way to have Greek yogurt, with garlic salt and cumin, that Nicole told him about - then suddenly WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK.

I didn't know Greek yogurt was a national BB security item.

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1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

Jasmine's roommate accused her of eating her Ramen. Jasmine denied it and finally made a video of the roommate getting up at night and fixing Ramen. The roommate was so embarrassed. 

So there’s precedent to muffingate. She probably asked the DR for footage to prove the culprit seeing as she’s done this before and considers herself an expert in such matters.

One thing the last few days has done for me is better sleep and a more productive life. That being said I’d prefer the feeds lol. What does that say about my priorities 🤦🏻‍♀️

Edited by dizzyd
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The group in Brochella are getting along like best pals and in the meantime, how is the outside crew doing? I'm picturing them with each person standing in a different corner of the yard sulking, only Alyssa and Kyle talking to each other. Maybe she'll get so sick of him she'll vote him out (if the rumors are true about Kyle being on the block).

Terrance is on the hammock. Kyle and Alyssa are lying on floaties in the pool, Kyle complaining about being on the block, what his strategy should be, and whining in general. Joseph is sitting dejectedly on the bench press, a tear running down his cheek every couple of minutes. "My BB dreams are dashed!" he mourns. Turner cynically cleans out the refrigerator and throws all the good stuff away, slamming stuff into the waste basket and slamming the refrigerator door. "Heh! heh!" he thinks. "If I have to be wretched everyone will be wretched!"

Kyle is frustrated because he has to wait more than ten seconds for his ten seconds.

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The only person I see self evicting in the backyard crew is Joseph. He has seemed mentally checked out since Thursday and seemed depressed in his DRs we saw on Sunday.

I agree it's too soon to talk about bitter juries since we have no idea how people have been voted out. Kyland was a dick to people in his goodbye messages last year "Don't feel stupid". Talk about being arrogant.

Granted I can see Jasmine not voting for someone  because they didn't smile to her when they answered her question, but I would be surprised if she had any sway over anyone. Terrence, Indy and Alyssa all seemed annoyed with her. 

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Jasmine is showing two possible finale outfits to Taylor and Monte. Taylor says wear the fuschia one. I think the orange one is cooler. Now she is asking Taylor which nails she should use?

I think she'll wear the orange outfit for Thursday. Taylor says Jasmine should wear the bombest outfit on Thursday. Then - 


Jasmine's wardrobe is another state secret.

Edited by Lamb18
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