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S09.E12: Different Ex-pectations

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Mohamed considers a new sponsor; Thais doubles down on keeping the truth from her dad; Bilal's ex pushes Shaeeda about the prenup; Kara and Guillermo reach a compromise; Miona refuses to budge on wedding locations.

First Look: 01/07/22; TLC: 03/07/22; Discovery+: 03/07/22

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Didn't think I could hate anyone more than Bilal this season, but here comes Patrick! 

Patrick and his bullshit "Man Code" apparently left his brain back in whichever prehistoric cave he crawled out of, thinking Thais' dad owns her and will be passing along ownership to Patrick upon marriage - like this is some kind of "bro-to-bro" deal. It's not.

Newsflash, Patrick!

Ever heard of the Woman Code? No?

Allow me to clue you in:

Adult women own themselves.

Adult women decide for themselves if they want to marry, who they want to marry, and when they marry - not their fathers

I'm wondering: if Thais told Patrick her dad said "I don't like Patrick. I don't trust him and I don't want you to marry him" what would Patrick say? "Oh shucks. Well, better pack your bags and go back to Brazil, honey. Dad says 'No'!"

Not a chance. Patrick's all "Man Code" now because he thinks Thais' dad likes him and would give them his blessing...

ETA: I hate John, too. 

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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Tonight's preview:

Patrick, Jawhn, and a friend go to a bar and drink a lot of beers. Patrick goes on about the Vegas trip not being so great and that Thais wanted to drag him to a chapel to get married. He didn't want to. He goes on about some 'man' code. Uh, it's not the olden days any more, Patrick. A woman can choose to marry a man without asking parental permission. Does it seem a bit shady that Thais won't even talk to her father? Maybe. We don't know her father or how he will react. Doubtful that he can fly up on the next plane to beat your sorry butt. Should her family know she's getting married? Not necessarily. Some folks do like to elope and such. The Boston accent was really noticeable.

Yve, Mohamed, and Tharan go to some sort of gym/obstacle course. Tharan likes to do parkour and has fun on the gym obstacle course. Mohamed goes on about his Green Card on the way home. Seems to be his motive for marrying Yve. Don't know how soon he will check out once he gets the card. Don't know how invested he is in Yve's son and being a stepdad. Hope he is looking at various job opportunities or training or certification in something.

Ari, Bini, and Leandro are visiting. It is Leandro's last day in New Jersey. He and Ari are supposed to go wedding gown shopping. Does he have fashion sense that she lacks? Anyhoo, Ari claims to feel nauseous and Leandro wonders if she is possibly preggers and offers to drive Bunion to the drug store or maybe dollar store to get a pregnancy test. Leandro, she could have just eaten some off food the night before. On the drive to and from the pharmacy, Bunion admits to Leandro that he would like 10 kids.  Bunion is living in a fantasyland at this moment. It's doubtful that Ari will be interested in 8 or 9 more kids, both do not have decent jobs to support all these kids, Bunion may need to find a few more wives to do so, and how can they afford them all? Become millionaires first, then start working on the kids or adopting a few. Not like the days 50 or so years ago when people did have kids - they lived on farms and the kids were free help. Of course, Leandro tells this to Ari. We see her going to the bathroom and that's about it.

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Leandro could have just gone to get the test himself because Bini can’t drive.  That was producer shenanigans.  Man both Leandro and Bini are smug in their talking heads.  And they are fighting over a non-prize.

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Are we to believe that Bini and Ari are having unprotected sex yet they have widely different ideas of whether it's time to add to their family? And they've never discussed how many kids they'd like? 2 vs 10 is a huge difference! And Ari doesn't pay any attention to her cycle until Leandro reminds her? 

All producer directed, scripted drama! I predict she is NOT pregnant. 

Edited by magemaud
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14 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Bunion is living in a fantasyland at this moment. It's doubtful that Ari will be interested in 8 or 9 more kids,

We all know that Ari is not the mother-type. Bini must realize that he would be doing all the parenting, doesn't he? Ari eventually will want to drop everything without a thought and go on some solo travel adventure, without a care or responsibility in the world, no matter how many kids she has.

I forgot the preview was on and only saw the Bini/Ari part.

Simply: I was sickened by Leandro and Ari. First, Ari having the nerve to invite Leandro on a dress hunt. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Leandro, quite the girl, is apparently up for it. YOU ARE A MAN. ACT LIKE ONE! There is something seriously wrong with this guy's brain if he can't relate to how Bini is feeling being put in this position. He is not interested in making friends with Bini, clearly, and Ari lets him get away with it. She's so insecure that she encourages and welcomes this intruder into this three-way to nourish her own broken ego. Then there is the pregnancy thing with Leandro asking when her last period was and if they want more kids. WHY DOES HE THINK THIS IS HIS BUSINESS?  Leo, back off. Go back to wherever you came from and realize that Ari is using you to get back at Bini. That's apparent by her comments: "My ex knows me better than my future husband." Zing.

Leo: You are not a best girlfriend. Go away, move on, make a life for yourself without including past baggage. If you ever had a connection with the flawed and damaged Ari, that was broken a long time ago. Now go your separate way and stop buying into this manipulative game that Ari has involved you in. 99.9% of men out there wouldn't be so gullible and accept this kind of stuff from an ex. Leandro and Ari are two very damaged people.

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The South African bros did the "Red Flag" scene better than Patrick, John and the random friend in the new city.  They went from their first round of beer to their third in one sentence.  

Egypt Teem is, at best, at brat, and definitely not the prize that he thinks he is.  He makes sure that he's filmed in his wifebeater undershirt  Two weeks ago, on the drive home, he threatened, "It's either me or the bikini."  This week, his front-seat ultimatum was, "If we have to postpone the wedding for a month, maybe we shouldn't get married at all."  Yves' getting so emotional about wanting a wedding seems tragic and desperate.

Even though Ari's sister and mother live in the same apartment complex and are her closest allies, Leandro is the one to go wedding dress shopping with her alone.  And even though Ari's nurse mother and cardiologist father live steps away, Ari buys into the flippant pregnancy diagnosis of Leandro Ph.D..  Janice had to be his travel agent, since his trip itinerary included (1) listening to Ari whine at the coffee shop; (2) crashing the Ethiopian New Year dinner and (3) taking Ari wedding dress shopping.  

When I saw the acoustic guitar in Ari and Bini's living room, I thought, "Please.  Nobody play that or sing," and "I guess you can't store butt bongos."  They cluttered that apartment quickly.  (Also, last week, they showed Bini pouring coffee from a percolator, although Ari had made coffee from a Keurig on their first morning.)

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1 hour ago, Breedom said:

Leo: You are not a best girlfriend. Go away, move on, make a life for yourself without including past baggage.

It appears that much of this Leandro/Ari relationship is still being encouraged by Janice. It's great that they broke up amicably and the family still likes him, but he's NOT family anymore! 

1 hour ago, Grifter Lives said:

(Also, last week, they showed Bini pouring coffee from a percolator, although Ari had made coffee from a Keurig on their first morning.)

I remember Bini hated the Keurig coffee so maybe he's brewing the kind he prefers? 

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

It appears that much of this Leandro/Ari relationship is still being encouraged by Janice. It's great that they broke up amicably and the family still likes him, but he's NOT family anymore! 

I wouldn't be surprised. Leandro has the education and therefore $$ to give this failure of a daughter the life Janice thinks her little princess deserves. Ari's skills: working for some kind of media thing of her friends? Yeah, that'll bring in the big bucks. According to Janice, Ari doesn't deserve to have to get a job and work. Bini's career is questionable; that's probably why the jab about Bini's "lying" came out of Janice's mouth during their dinner together. Lots of manipulative behavior, these two.

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If Leandro has a tenure track academic position and is an assistant professor, he will make a modest amount of money. More if he gets research grants. Lots of universities have hiring programs for spouses and she could get a job at a university. Big bucks? Not til he gets to be professor.

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5 hours ago, Breedom said:

Simply: I was sickened by Leandro and Ari. First, Ari having the nerve to invite Leandro on a dress hunt. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Leandro, quite the girl, is apparently up for it. YOU ARE A MAN. ACT LIKE ONE! There is something seriously wrong with this guy's brain if he can't relate to how Bini is feeling being put in this position. He is not interested in making friends with Bini, clearly, and Ari lets him get away with it. She's so insecure that she encourages and welcomes this intruder into this three-way to nourish her own broken ego. Then there is the pregnancy thing with Leandro asking when her last period was and if they want more kids. WHY DOES HE THINK THIS IS HIS BUSINESS?  Leo, back off. Go back to wherever you came from and realize that Ari is using you to get back at Bini. That's apparent by her comments: "My ex knows me better than my future husband." Zing.

👏👏👏👏👏 Bravo!

I'd like to add:

I was appalled at what Ari's mother said in her TH at the Ethiopian New Year's dinner, about Leandro still being a part of their family, and welcome in their home, even though Ari and Leandro are divorced and Ari is engaged to Bini. 

I was thinking about how my parents would have handled it had I been in a similar situation: married to someone for 10 years, then divorced him. Had a baby with another man, and became engaged to him, and wanted to include my ex-husband in family events with my fiancé and child at my parent's home: absolutely not.

I can hear my father's voice saying "Are you out of your mind?"

My mother wouldn't allow that sort of drama in their house either, even if both she and my father had been close to my ex. 

My mother would say my fiancé was trying to find his place in our family, just as my first husband had done before him. And it wasn't fair to my fiancé to have my ex-husband hanging around, when he's trying to develop relationships with them and my siblings. She would ask me how I'd feel if my fiancé wanted to hang out with his ex-wife, or one of his ex-girlfriends. That it was time for me to grow up and decide if I truly wanted to form a family with my fiancé and our child, and if I did, make them my priority, and leave behind the man I'd already rejected years before.

She would not have allowed me to invite my ex-husband to participate in any family events in their home as long as I was engaged to be married to someone else.

That Ari's mother justified Leandro's inclusion in their family celebrations despite Ari divorcing him, being engaged to and having a child with another man, makes me wonder: is she hoping Ari will dump Bini so he'll have to go back to Ethiopia, and that Ari and Leandro will reunite and raise Avi together?

If that's her game plan, she's just as sneaky and slimy as the daughter she raised. 

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1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I was appalled at what Ari's mother said in her TH at the Ethiopian New Year's dinner, about Leandro still being a part of their family, and welcome in their home, even though Ari and Leandro are divorced and Ari is engaged to Bini. 

Not only that, she said the Ethiopian New Year's dinner was "especially significant" for the family because LEANDRO was there to celebrate with them! 

1 hour ago, TwirlyGirly said:

is she hoping Ari will dump Bini so he'll have to go back to Ethiopia, and that Ari and Leandro will reunite and raise Avi together?

That's absolutely possible! 

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I wonder if Ari's despicable mother kept inviting Leandro to things before or after she found out Leandro could come and hang out with her family?    I think Ari's mother thinks her daughter will get sick of Bini, and living in Ethiopia, and dump him for Leandro, and be on someone else's bankroll, and out of her sight in Indiana, or where ever Leandro ends up.         The entire pregnancy test, and wedding dress shopping routine was bizarre, even for this show and Ari.    

I had to laugh when Ari still wanted to go dress shopping with her ex, and he was supposed to be leaving that evening.   There is no way she would buy something in one trip, 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Why is Leandro there for a visit, anyway? Will he be invited to the wedding? Since he's Ari's "best friend," maybe he'll be in the wedding party?

That reminds me, has there been any discussion of their wedding aside from the dress shopping that didn't happen? Those details have been discussed to death by the other couples. 

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I know it’s a VERY unpopular opinion, but I just love Patrick’s brother John, his facial expressions during that meal had me laughing…The guy loves to stir up shit & I’m here to watch this dumpster fire!

Thais’s creepy stare into the camera while saying if Patrick has strippers at his bachelor‘s party, she would kill him & take a plane back home… If Patrick said that crap, he’d be arrested asap.

None of these couples should be married… or procreate. 

Edited by Hellohappylife
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20 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

👏👏👏👏👏 Bravo!

I'd like to add:

I was appalled at what Ari's mother said in her TH at the Ethiopian New Year's dinner, about Leandro still being a part of their family, and welcome in their home, even though Ari and Leandro are divorced and Ari is engaged to Bini. 

I was thinking about how my parents would have handled it had I been in a similar situation: married to someone for 10 years, then divorced him. Had a baby with another man, and became engaged to him, and wanted to include my ex-husband in family events with my fiancé and child at my parent's home: absolutely not.

I can hear my father's voice saying "Are you out of your mind?"

My mother wouldn't allow that sort of drama in their house either, even if both she and my father had been close to my ex. 

My mother would say my fiancé was trying to find his place in our family, just as my first husband had done before him. And it wasn't fair to my fiancé to have my ex-husband hanging around, when he's trying to develop relationships with them and my siblings. She would ask me how I'd feel if my fiancé wanted to hang out with his ex-wife, or one of his ex-girlfriends. That it was time for me to grow up and decide if I truly wanted to form a family with my fiancé and our child, and if I did, make them my priority, and leave behind the man I'd already rejected years before.

She would not have allowed me to invite my ex-husband to participate in any family events in their home as long as I was engaged to be married to someone else.

That Ari's mother justified Leandro's inclusion in their family celebrations despite Ari divorcing him, being engaged to and having a child with another man, makes me wonder: is she hoping Ari will dump Bini so he'll have to go back to Ethiopia, and that Ari and Leandro will reunite and raise Avi together?

If that's her game plan, she's just as sneaky and slimy as the daughter she raised. 

My father would have said "Finish one relationship before starting another".  Ari is so not finished with Leandro; she's still in love with him!  And I've been wondering all this time about why Janice would even remotely consider having Leandro around (they have no children to tie them together), and now I think you're on to something.

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6 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

I know it’s a VERY unpopular opinion, but I just love Patrick’s brother John, his facial expressions during that meal had me laughing…The guy loves to stir up s

I laughed and winced at the same time when he said, "Well, as long as we're asking questions..." The only one asking questions was him!

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All I can think is that Shaeeda must really want a green card. I admire how she can remain so calm and cool while under constant attack.  It’s as if she is on a job interview, every single day. I guess they didn’t explain how the 90 Day Fiancee visa works to Bilal, because the thought that he might have to actually marry, seems to be making him physically ill.

It appears that every time Ari tells Bini that they might be incompatible, he gets a panic attack.  I don’t believe he is in love with her but wants to stay in America and reconnect with his older son.   

Jibri and Mioni seem to have the same conversation every week and as usual, can’t reach a compromise. 

I can’t believe I am saying this, but with regards to Patrick and Thais getting married without telling the father, I agree with John.  He would lay the blame completely on Patrick. 

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

I can’t believe I am saying this, but with regards to Patrick and Thais getting married without telling the father, I agree with John.  He would lay the blame completely on Patrick. 

Thais’s father probably WILL blame Patrick anyway since he doesn’t like or trust him. Thais doesn’t want to tell her father before they get married because she knows he doesn’t approve and wouldn’t give them his blessing. Once they’re married, her father’s hands are tied. 

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If Leandro is sticking around to give Ari fashion advice,Can he at least advise her first to shower? Her hair is always greasy & dirty looking like it hasn’t been washed for days, you can tell that she never washes her face, just adds more makeup over yesterday’s. 

For someone like her that’s not busy rushing out the door every morning for work,she has plenty of time she could use to improve her personal hygiene.

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All these couples have too many people involved in their relationships.

Even more smackable pouty baby Bilal and his ex. If the poor infant was so traumatized by his past relationships, why is he so buddy-buddy with his ex? What business is it of hers to be lecturing Shaheeda about his stupid pre-nup?

Patrick seems to think his relationship should be some type of platonic threesome. His excuse for including John in on discussions which should only involve the two of them is "there are three of us." Run, girl, run.

So Mohamed doesn't want a nice wedding so he can run back home sooner to his mommy who babies him. Not a fan of Yve either, if she thinks wearing a bikini is more important than a relationship.

Bini and Ari have not had the discussion about how many children this far into the relationship? My then boyfriend and I had that discussion in high school because we planned to get married after all our schooling was done.

Leandro needs to butt out, and the whole dress shopping with him idea was preposterous.

Another case of delayed development, Jibri, seems to have more trouble each week understanding what the 90 days is about, thanks to his family and friends bending his ear. He's devolved into thinking this is some type of trial dating relationship and his partner is just a "spoiled millennial" for actually wanting to accomplish what she left everything behind for.

Edited by renatae
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16 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

My father would have said "Finish one relationship before starting another".  Ari is so not finished with Leandro; she's still in love with him!  And I've been wondering all this time about why Janice would even remotely consider having Leandro around (they have no children to tie them together), and now I think you're on to something.

Ari simply adores dangling her "best friend" Leandro in front of her intended husband. Its as if she's saying "See? TWO men want me!". She loves the tension generated and she loves that she is the cause. She is seriously unwell and should be under a doctor's care, not skipping around buying wedding dresses. 

53 minutes ago, renatae said:

All these couples have too many people involved in their relationships.

Even more smackable pouty baby Bilal and his ex. If the poor infant was so traumatized by his past relationships, why is he so buddy-buddy with his ex? What business is it of hers to be lecturing Shaheeda about his stupid pre-nup?

Patrick seems to think his relationship should be some type of platonic threesome. His excuse for including John in on discussions which should only involve the two of them is "there are three of us." Run, girl, run.

So Mohamed doesn't want a nice wedding so he can run back home sooner to his mommy who babies him. Not a fan of Yve either, if she thinks wearing a bikini is more important than a relationship.

Bini and Ari have not had the discussion about how many children this far into the relationship? My then boyfriend and I had that discussion in high school because we planned to get married after all our schooling was done.

Leandro needs to butt out, and the whole dress shopping with him idea was preposterous.

Another case if delayed development, Jibri, seems to have more trouble each week understanding what the 90 days is about, thanks to his family and friends bending his ear. He's devolved into thinking this is some type of trial dating relationship and his partner is just a "spoiled millennial" for actually wanting to accomplish what she left everything behind for.

Bilal and his whole crew of enablers have decided that Shaeeda is after "what he has". Though what that is I still don't know. He doesn't seem to have much. Trinidad is not a desperately poor country! Shaeeda wasn't sitting in a mud hut, keeping the feral dogs away by throwing rocks at them. Per Wikipedia: "Trinidad and Tobago has the third highest GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity (PPP) in the Americas after the United States and Canada.[16] It is recognised by the World Bank as a high-income economy.[17] Unlike most Caribbean nations and territories, which rely heavily on tourism, the economy is primarily industrial with an emphasis on petroleum and petrochemicals;[18] much of the nation's wealth is derived from its large reserves of oil and natural gas" The attitude of Bilal's family is insulting. And Bilal is no prize. He's ugly inside and out. 

Jibri is now calling Miona names. She is a "spoiled millennial" because she expects to get married within 90 days. You know, according to the terms of visa that she and Jibri spent lots of time and money to obtain. I'd kick his ass from here to Serbia if I was her. 

And does he hear himself? One second is "She has this drive, she knows what she wants and has tenacity" then its "Wah, she's so pushy! She's forcing my hand!" Dude. Also hilarious? "She speaks four languages!". How many do you speak, Jibri? Being multilingual is a marketable skill. So she could get a day job and keep the lights on while you pursue your, ahem, "art". God he is just such a detestable manbaby.

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I also forgot that Jibri's family wants to co-opt the wedding plans and have the wedding at grandma's ranch - in the winter. I was reminded of that when she said she didn't want a wedding amidst "snow and buffaloes." Who could blame her? Why can't his family venture outside their comfort space for the wedding? Why is she the only one whose voice doesn't count?

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7 minutes ago, renatae said:

I also forgot that Jibri's family wants to co-opt the wedding plans and have the wedding at grandma's ranch - in the winter. I was reminded of that when she said she didn't want a wedding amidst "snow and buffaloes." Who could blame her? Why can't his family venture outside their comfort space for the wedding? Why is she the only one whose voice doesn't count?

Exactly! The whole crew is simply appalled that Miona DARE to have an opinion about her own wedding! Never mind that they're all acting like she's some sort of scheming, crafty jezebel who lured their poor innocent Jibri into her web of intrigue. (Though why, I can't possibly hazard a guess. Green card? Please. She's better off in Europe.)

A small beach wedding with a JP and a few guests, followed by lunch or brunch with the family, shouldn't cost a lot. And is a flight from Rapid City to LA that costly? She doesn't want them to fly to St. Croix for the week. Sheesh. 

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11 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

The father’s blessing is nice to have. However, Thais is 25 years old and an adult who can make her own choices and does not need her father’s permission.

I agree, but she comes from a different culture and she’s the one that’s pushing for the “don’t tell Daddy until it’s too late” scenario. The adult women I know would just announce “I’m 25 years old and I’m marrying him whether you approve or not” and they would say that BEFORE they moved to another country and just pretended it was a visit. 

Edited by magemaud
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I think Yve wants to delay Mohammed's green card as she wants him to provide free child care for her son.  She knows that once Mohammed gets his green card he will look for other employment/opportunities (whether or not he'll find them is a different issue).  Yve, you're 50 so the fairy tale princess wedding while wearing white ship has sailed.  And, I think she purposefully started this conversation in the car with Theon hoping it would limit the discussion.  

I really, really don't like Leandro.  And, people can comment all day that it is all producer manipulation (with which I agree), but it doesn't change the fact that Leandro not only agreed to go to New Jersey, but he also agreed to portray himself in such a negative light.  I just wanted to tell him to shut-up during his entire sequence.  It's none of your business how many children they have (and he looked excited to tell Ari that Bini wanted 10 children).  Ari, her family, and her ex-husband all have an inexplicable desire to humiliate Bini (hey, Ari chose to have unprotected sex with him), while patting themselves on their backs for their perceived superiority and entitlement over others. 

Bilal and his ex-wife are horrible IMO.  I know that the ex-wife is looking out for her children, but that conversation and concern needs to be communicated with Bilal and Bilal only.  Don't bring the fiance into the conversation.  

So, I'm at the point that I think Patrick and Thais deserve each other.

I could hardly stop laughing when Jibri went on and on about his need to be creative.  I have news for you Jibri, wearing matching outfits with Miona is not really that creative...

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

Bilal and his ex-wife are horrible IMO.  I know that the ex-wife is looking out for her children, but that conversation and concern needs to be communicated with Bilal and Bilal only.  Don't bring the fiance into the conversation.  

Now, I'm not a big deal real-estate mogul like Bilal, but couldn't he put aside money in a trust or money market account or some such thing strictly for the kids education and whatever?

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33 minutes ago, torontomeridith said:

Now, I'm not a big deal real-estate mogul like Bilal, but couldn't he put aside money in a trust or money market account or some such thing strictly for the kids education and whatever?

The ex was talking about generational wealth so apparently she is thinking more about the kids inheriting his home and business if one exists.  But that would be addressed in a will not a prenup.  And in my state the widow is entitled to half of an estate.  He can’t just leave everything to his kids.

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Apparently Missouri is NOT a community property state but is an equitable distribution state, meaning if the property must be divided, it is split equitably between the spouses.

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22 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

The ex was talking about generational wealth so apparently she is thinking more about the kids inheriting his home and business if one exists.  But that would be addressed in a will not a prenup.  And in my state the widow is entitled to half of an estate.  He can’t just leave everything to his kids.

I am still confused as to why they are treating the pre nup as if it was a will, those are two different documents, the pre nup has nothing to do with his kids or ex wife. Bilal can state in the pre nup that any wealth, property, family heirlooms prior to the marriage are not on the table as far as a settlement in a divorce, any wealth, property, etc...accrued during the marriage is up for grabs.  If she has a child then he would have to pay child support if she were awarded primary custody, that is a non negotiable and the state decides how much based on his income, (and that is suspect as far as we have seen).  So that said, why would the ex wife interject herself in that discussion, it has nothing to do with her or the kids!

Bilal says he won't marry Shaeeda unless she signs the pre nup, she can also discuss a post nup just to mess with him.  Why isn't she worried about a pre or post nup for her assets if she says she was so established back home?

I truly hate that I am diving this deep in this mess but it is just driving me crazy!

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Bilal frames the need for a pre-nup as a way to keep Shaeeda from "taking everything I have". He doesn't trust her and he seems to think that she wants to get her paws on his enormous assets. He thinks she's going to steal food from his children's mouths, apparently. I would never marry a man who thought that of me. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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I would not marry any of these folks. Or have a very crowded relationship. It is not up to the committee to run the relaionship. Time to learn boundaries.

Guillermo and Kara: The rodeo looked like a small town rodeo. It probably was a fun way to spend an afternoon, complete with carnival junk food. I don't remember much else.

Bilal and Shaeeda: She gave up her life in Trinidad.... for him? He is treating the pre-nup as a will. None of his ex-wife's beeswax. Doubt anyone enjoyed the yoga class. The ex wife seems to be on a power trip. I would demand to be treated with respect or otherwise walk away. Rather be single. Most of this is probably producer driven drama for a storyline.

Jibri and Miona: Miona expects to get married and not deal with Jiblet's family drama. Jibby was attracted to her 'brand'? Guess that is what she is and not a person. No mention of kindness, compassion, a good heart. Just tenacity. Form a business partnership. It is nice he has Grandma, but Miona will not go for a winter wedding. Again, the clock is ticking.

Bini and Ari: Too much information. Leandro, a producer storyline, should have left home. Fake possible pregnancy, lack of communication about having kids - surely Bini would have mentioned 10. Unaffordable in the US and he may need to find a few extra wives. Ari's pancake house outfit was unfortunate. Bini would have been dumped if Avi was not in the picture.

Mohamed and Yve: He is acting like her second child. I want my Green Card so I can go home to visit Mom - on your dime. No idea what he brings to the relationship besides babysitting and Yve's plaything. Not marriage material. Looking at the guy at the mosque to be a sponsor? Go home to Mommy.

Patrick and Thais: And John. Maybe he has her number. She won't tell her family that she is getting married. Her dad thinks that her boyfriend, who he does not like, is funding an extended vacation? Her cooking was interesting - ugh to a chicken dish with ketchup and mustard and missing half the ingredients. Like Jibby, Patrick cares about a hot wife who looks good on his arm. Not a life partner. Good luck.

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The good: We were spared from Lizard tongue and her civil engineer/international underwear model baby daddy at least until next week.

The rest: producer shenanigans and/or fabricated bullshit. The only thing that was entirely believable was how much John was drinking.

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7 hours ago, renatae said:

I also forgot that Jibri's family wants to co-opt the wedding plans and have the wedding at grandma's ranch - in the winter. I was reminded of that when she said she didn't want a wedding amidst "snow and buffaloes." Who could blame her? Why can't his family venture outside their comfort space for the wedding? Why is she the only one whose voice doesn't count?

Agree, why can't she have a voice for her own wedding? And what's this about Mimosa not compromising when she clearly said that she would be okay to just have a wedding in California? Give her that. What is the big deal? I'm so tired of their storyline which is so depressing. These two aren't in love, there are no smiles, no fun, just deep concerning talks every week. How terribly, terribly, boring. If Jibri wasn't so over-involved with this supposed music career, he could built his relationship with Mimosa, introduce her to people that she could be friends with so that she has someone to talk to. I'm sure Rapid City has things to offer. Maybe she could go to the local salon and meet a kindred spirit. This woman must be bored out of her head. How about the mom and grandma take her out for the day, show her around; maybe all three could go to the salon.

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44 minutes ago, Breedom said:

maybe all three could go to the salon.

I just can't see Miona, Mahala and Grandma at the same salon! Maybe all going for massages, though. 

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If Miona wants a career in makeup, why doesn’t she spend some time with future mom and grandma and help them learn about new technologies in makeup and skin care? A girls night with makeup and maybe manicures and pedicures, etc.?

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21 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Jibri and Mioni seem to have the same conversation every week and as usual, can’t reach a compromise. 

Speaking of these two, I love those identical sweater coats they both had on in the coffee shop.  They were like all colors western Indian print.  I wonder if they just sell them in South Dakota.   I wonder how she looks without that paint on her face.

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28 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Speaking of these two, I love those identical sweater coats they both had on in the coffee shop.  They were like all colors western Indian print.  I wonder if they just sell them in South Dakota.   I wonder how she looks without that paint on her face.

Yeah for someone who wants to have a makeup line is she aiming at the vampire demographic?  It’s not a healthy look at all.

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I feel bad for Bini. He's totally stuck. I can't believe that in all this time the topic of future kids was never brought up. Ari, mentioning this too, like she doesn't have a mouth. Bini want's lots of kids with someone who clearly doesn't (and probably never) really wanted them. So what are Bini's choices? (1)  Leave Ari and the baby and go back to Ethiopia, find and marry the real woman of his dreams and settle down with her and have lots of children, or (2) Stay, marry Ari and make a life in the US with Ari and the the baby. Try and connect with son #1.

Very, very, difficult situation. If I were him I would stay in the US and choose option 2. If he were to leave, I don't think he could ever get over the loss of his first two boys, especially since he has such a strong bond with Avi. Sure, he could visit when time and finances allow it, but how feasible is that really? He'd always regret leaving his sons. Plus, Ari alone could not raise a well-adjusted, happy child. She's not mother material and she knows it. Not judging, but she's made that quite clear.

7 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I really, really don't like Leandro.

I really, really HATE Leandro! Appalling that Ari suggested Bini try to make friends with this guy. Tell her sure thing, and I want you to make friends with my colleague at the gym. Ridiculous.

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What kind of Spanish is Thais speaking?  When she speaks, it sounds like Chinese.  (No offense).  I’ve never heard any Spanish sound like that.  Anyhow, I can’t stand her.  I love the way John speaks to her as he has her number.

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1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

If Miona wants a career in makeup, why doesn’t she spend some time with future mom and grandma and help them learn about new technologies in makeup and skin care?

Grandma strikes me as pretty low maintenance

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20 minutes ago, sauce62 said:

It's Portuguese and I thought the same thing!

to me, Portuguese always sounds like Juicy Spanish. I also wonder just how good Patrick's Portuguese is. Maybe his communications with Thais aren't as understandable as he thinks. 

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6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

to me, Portuguese always sounds like Juicy Spanish. I also wonder just how good Patrick's Portuguese is. Maybe his communications with Thais aren't as understandable as he thinks. 

Ha.  All she has to hear from him is NO !   She’s one big pain in the ass.

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