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S14.E11: Worst. Dinner Party. Ever!

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10 hours ago, kristen111 said:

It really doesn’t matter.  First he went crazy over the cooking and cleaning, now this app thing.  He’s demented.  It will always be something with this guy.  I can’t imagine having children with him, as he will be watching for every little mistake.  The girl will always be a wreck if she stays with him.  He will beat her down.


1 hour ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

He talks a lot about his definition of how a marriage and a wife should be. I have yet to hear his rendition of what a husband is supposed to be. A husband is supposed to be trusting. He should give her the benefit of the doubt. She didn't hesitate to give her phone to him. Unless he knows she has been using the app he should trust his wife.

On the other hand if she is in fact entertaining and communicating with other potential suitors that would be grounds for him to have a showdown and possibly a disconnect.

I haven't seen much hope for this union anyway. O should engage in a mail order bride. Cook, clean, sex and babies.



It feels like Olaj thinks that he is some sort of prize and that a woman must "earn" him as a husband.

It is great to be confident and know your worth but he will continue to make Katina jump through hoops to prove that she is "good enough" for him.

Katina has an amazing body. I know some have commented on her lack of cleavage but I am glad she has the confidence not to wear a push-up bra.

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5 minutes ago, qtpye said:


It feels like Olaj thinks that he is some sort of prize and that a woman must "earn" him as a husband.

It is great to be confident and know your worth but he will continue to make Katina jump through hoops to prove that she is "good enough" for him.

Katina has an amazing body. I know some have commented on her lack of cleavage but I am glad she has the confidence not to wear a push-up bra.

Katina is a perfect model.  Her boobs seem just right.  Beautiful legs too.

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When I say that Lindsey is more sophisticated than Mark, first of all it's a relative comparison.  It's not hard to be more sophisticated than Mark, so she doesn't have to be very sophisticated to be more sophisticated than him.  I don't think it's a stretch to say that he's pretty basic and that she seems more worldly wise next to him.  Secondly, saying one is more or less sophisticated than the other doesn't contain a value judgment.  It doesn't mean I think one is better than the other because of it.  Thirdly, to call someone that says nothing about their character or how "nice" they are.  Some of the most sophisticated people I've ever known or known about have been monsters.  Meanwhile, some of the simplest souls I've known have been truly wonderful people.  Calling someone sophisticated is not necessarily meant as a compliment, just a point about them.  And lastly, I don't think being sophisticated necessarily implies having more emotional intelligence than other people and an ability to deal with them in a positive and effective way.  I think that's another dimension entirely.  I'm sorry but I'm sticking with the dictionary definition of the term as I understand it.

That said, I think both Lindsey and Mark are yucky people, both distasteful to me in their own ways.  I'm just not all on team Mark just because Lindsey is vile.  He has enough of his own negative characteristics and I don't even think he's that nice either.  He seems like someone that does things that look nice, but they're done mostly to make people like him.  In the end I think he is mostly out for himself and will throw someone under a bus if he's that threatened by them.  And I'm not blind to that.  Meanwhile, Lindsey actually does things with a similar motive.  She will "ride or die" for someone but she will expect that in return from them OR ELSE.  And so she's not being nice out of the goodness of her heart either, but with the expectation that the person will be good to her back.  And if they're not (and she's keeping score), there's hell to pay.  Neither one of them is what I would call "nice".

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12 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Him enjoying his snacks and not eating taco mean nothing. It hilarious to me how much people are judge by what they eat or have tried. We all have our routines. Some people are picky eaters.

Beyond that we don't know much about him to call him less worldy than anyone else. You can not have a adventurous pallette and also travel or learn different things.

Maybe his family were simple people.  Maybe they couldn’t afford to send him to college.  Maybe he doesn’t know about art, music and fancy food.  Maybe it’s not his fault.   Not everyone has the opportunity to learn these things.  Look at Oj.  Went to college and is an abusive asshole, and treats his wife like shit.  I don’t think Mark is the type to treat his wife badly.  Lots of sophisticated people are snobs, rude, and let you know it.  I’ve seen it at work years ago at parties where the higher ups brought their sophisticated wives who were horrors.


Edited by kristen111
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I would've been skeptical about Mark's promises about their outing considering what he did on the romantic dinner he promised on the honeymoon. Luckily, he did much better this time. 😅😂

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5 hours ago, kirklandia said:

So I giggled at the ganja-lier's quick comment to Olajuwon that a ganja-la is not related to ganja.

Ha!  I know a guy in Telluride who always calls the gondola that goes to the other side of the ski area the "ganjala" and it is definitely related to ganja.

I didn't recognize the river in Providence until @Mercolleen identified it, but that's probably because I've seen it only once and it was on fire.  But the best thing to see in Providence?  The campus police cars for the Rhode Island School of Design--they say "Defenders of the arts" on them. 


Mark's work situation is strange.  He said, "Work has advised me to come back when filming's over."  Why?  We do know that they filmed at a Planet Fitness, which I assume is where he works, and maybe they didn't like it?  But doesn't the show have to get permission to film anywhere they are, and get releases and all that?  PF could just say, "No."  But instead they fire him for a month?

And you know how everybody, especially on reality TV, is incapable of getting the "me" or "I" thing right--they say something like "it's not for you or I to judge" and you want to scream, "To see if it's 'I' or 'me,' take out the 'you or' before it."  Apparently even that doesn't work any more.  Lindsey said, "Is this a combination of things for you and for I?"  Aack.

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Okay. O likes to make himself dissatisfied & upset. He's very problematic. It's another case of the reaction to the "mistake" making them the bad person in the situation. PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES!!! They're STRANGER SPOUSES! Give some grace! Assume the best! People should learn very quickly thinking negative is detrimental. How is being upset & yelling helping? He was way out of line yelling at her & her response should've been to tell him not to yell. He was all wrong. He ended the conversation when she said he was yelling & she started yelling. He was messy bringing it up at the dinner & he offered to say it in front of everyone. So inappropriate! These people really need to look in the mirror. He pulled that when asking her if her friend was married & had an app or if he had an app, how would that look? He wouldn't let her explain or see for himself if she was even using it. How would he like if she pulled that crap at the group dinner? How would he like her yelling at him & not listening to his explanation? WHAT WAS HIS ENDGAME?!!! People really need to think about that. It looked like he wanted to berate her & end the marriage since nothing she said would be acceptable. Had this happened between two mature adults, O would've held it together at dinner & brought it up at home & if he couldn't fake it at dinner, he should've told her he wasn't feeling well & wanted to discuss it when they got home. He would've asked her about the app, listened to her explanation, verified it, asked her to delete it & explain what would be a problem & moved on. To have a problem with it being there, unused, is stupid. He's making it worse than it is & for what? Seems like sabotage. Is it intentional? 🤔

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It was nice to see Mark & Lindsey talking in a calm manner. I was listening to theirs vows to hear which ones they broke. 😅 Michael's idea for more honest vows was good. All couples should do that & examine which vows they broke & how they'll do better to honor their vows. I never thought about it before, but is there a point where it's permanently friendzoned? It seems like it's too late for M & J & they're just "friends."

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On 3/17/2022 at 12:00 AM, mythoughtis said:

Having the app on your phone from before you were married, but not using it is not the same as Ryan and Brett.  Katrina said she didn’t even have a profile.  Why didn’t he give her a chance to show him?   I wonder if he realizes just how he comes across on tv?  He’s not anyone I would want around anyone I know. 

I agree. I have so many apps on my phone that should be deleted. Including dating apps I haven’t opened or used in literal years. I’m just lazy about deleting things on my phone. O needs to calm the F down. 

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It's good that Michael finally decided to stop doing what didn't work: what he considered "effort." It's just a shame it took so long. You do what the other person wants, not what you want or what would want them to do for you. "Treat others how you want to be treated,"  is partially to blame. It's,  "treat others how they want to be treated." I say this every season: there should be a MAFS manual. These people should really prepare for this experiment. 

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49 minutes ago, Lindz said:

It's good that Michael finally decided to stop doing what didn't work: what he considered "effort."

I was wondering what the heck was up with that. So far all we've ever seen is sourpuss Jasmina talking at, not to, Michael, and now he talks about how he wasn't trying like he thought he was. There is soooo much we don't see.

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7 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And you know how everybody, especially on reality TV, is incapable of getting the "me" or "I" thing right--they say something like "it's not for you or I to judge" and you want to scream, "To see if it's 'I' or 'me,' take out the 'you or' before it."  Apparently even that doesn't work any more.  Lindsey said, "Is this a combination of things for you and for I?"  Aack.

I hear you, I want to tattoo this to every Millennial's forehead.  How is it that no one under a certain age knows this anymore?  Another one that gets me going is when they say, "So and so and I's relationship".  Oy vey.  🙄

Although, to Michael's credit, I think he is the only spouse in several seasons that has actually gotten the me and I thing right at least once.  I don't remember if he's been consistent with it, but I did notice it once and it impressed me.

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Lindsey's interpretation of what Mark said about him working seemed correct. However, she was wrong to tell him what to do or what she thought he should do. Who wants to hear that? I always say my suggestion box is CLOSED! All she should've said is she's understanding of his situation & believes in him & would like to discuss his plans when he's ready. I don't think they're operating as a team so she won't have a say. That's tough. But how do married people figure that out? 🤔

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I keep waiting for a twist and find out that Steve is actually a gazillionaire and he's just making sure Noi likes him for him.  I watch too much reality tv.

O is a horrible human being with huge red flags flying.  I would chew off my arm to get away from Lindsey.

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Grammar is important, but was not a part of this episode. Several posts have been moved to small talk. Once again, PLEASE keep this thread's discussion to this episode. If you want to talk about the Afterparty, please post in the Afterparty thread. If you want to talk about general topics, please take it to small talk. This reminder has been posted on other episode threads; further off-topic discussion will result in warnings. 


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I want to know what Olaj was doing with his face in Katina's phone to begin with. Was he scrolling through it? Where was she when he was doing this or did he just grab it on his own? I didn't watch the shuttle ride segment so maybe it's more clear but all I know is nobody I have only know for a few weeks is going to touch my phone. I don't even have anything to hide it's just a matter of having respect for others personal space and belongings. 

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On 3/17/2022 at 10:02 AM, Yeah No said:

His limited experience with food is only one example of his lack of sophistication.  He doesn't have to like it but to never have even tried a taco?  Keeping a case of Goldfish in his trunk and having to eat them before he goes to bed?  That says more about him than just being a picky eater.  I know picky eaters that are very intelligent and sophisticated, even close friends.  We all form an opinion about people based on what we see.  It's not just me - He is being called a "Joe punch clock" and "Barney Rubble" on other forums, so I'm not the only one to see him as unsophisticated.  He also appears to have a few quirks.  In fact in some ways he makes Lindsey look positively normal by comparison.  If she wasn't so vile he would be the one looking bad in this relationship.  He, Katina and Olajuwon can ride into the sunset in their "gondula" along with a case of Goldfish.

I believe the term for Mark is basic. WYSIWYG.........but I would say that I would take that over the controlling asshole Olajuwon any day. And being able to navigate social situations (unlike his wife) makes him the winner here in my eyes, taco and sushi or no.....

I think it's really a shame with Mark because he wants to be married so badly and was prepared to work for it, but they matched him with this unhinged woman, who may be more worldly and sophisticated, but is mean, crude and has no social graces. If they had maybe picked a more basic woman he could have been one half of a MAFS success. I feel the same about Chris. Two decent guys ready to be married wasted on stupid MAFS drama.

I have been out of town all week and haven't watched this episode. I might just FF to the dinner and skip the rest based on all of the comments here - will that work?

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52 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

What did Olajuwon think he would find?

He was probably specifically looking for dating apps.

34 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

I might just FF to the dinner and skip the rest based on all of the comments here - will that work?

My opinion for what it's worth? Yes. The rest of the episode was fairly dull.

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I didn't think the animal print shirt? and dog-wear were very romantic anniversary gifts.  He said that he looked in her closet and she didn't have any animal prints so he thought she would like them.  That sure didn't make sense to me.  If she didn't have them in her closet, then she probably doesn't like them I would think.

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I was extremely irritated by how repeatedly Lindsey made it clear that she would say no on Decision Day unless Mark was "consistent," as in kissing her ass from this way to Sunday until this experiment ended.  In her mind she is perfect, has given him everything, and now he has to prove himself.  Marriage takes two.  What did SHE do for HIM on their monthaversary?  I had the same question about Jasmina and Michael.  Shouldn't she have shown HIM some love??

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Mark told Chris Lindsey has said she was done & he wouldn't have been able to say the same. That's sad. That's practically saying she wants a divorce. She fights dirty & bulldozes right over him. At the group dinner, it looked like everyone was so distracted by O's "issue," they missed Lindsey calling Kat a bitch TWICE, including Kat! 😅 Ya. It wasn't said like that, but it's still inappropriate. I'm surprised Lindsey didn't try & pull him aside & try & figure out what was up like with Johnny's exit from the group dinner last season. She might be his bestie cuz they're similar. I can't see anyone else really being friendly with him like that cuz he's too much.

Edited by Lindz
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I want to know what Olaj was doing with his face in Katina's phone to begin with. Was he scrolling through it? Where was she when he was doing this or did he just grab it on his own? I didn't watch the shuttle ride segment so maybe it's more clear but all I know is nobody I have only know for a few weeks is going to touch my phone. I don't even have anything to hide it's just a matter of having respect for others personal space and belongings. 

He said it borrowed it but I don't know why he didn't just use his own phone.

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On 3/17/2022 at 8:50 AM, Racj82 said:

Him enjoying his snacks and not eating taco mean nothing. It hilarious to me how much people are judge by what they eat or have tried. We all have our routines. Some people are picky eaters.

Beyond that we don't know much about him to call him less worldy than anyone else. You can not have a adventurous pallette and also travel or learn different things.

Im going to have to agree with the other people.  Mark seems homely.  He has never had tacos or sushi, and probably not Indian food.  He seems simple minded.  Lindsey sounds educated when she is not wasted. She has eaten all types of food. She has traveled to different countries.  She supposedly speaks Spanish. She lives in a better neighborhood.  She makes more money.  She bangs engineers.  She does it all.  Mark is just basic.  He seems like an ok guy, but very simple. Sometimes, when Lyndsey is not drunk she sounds very perceptive.  But because she knows all of this, she constantly cuts him down and looks down on him. She is mean to him, even if what she is saying is true. She does something really nice for him, but then she kicks him in the balls on national tv. Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold.

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36 minutes ago, Gator Stud said:

Im going to have to agree with the other people.  Mark seems homely.  He has never had tacos or sushi, and probably not Indian food.  He seems simple minded.  Lindsey sounds educated when she is not wasted. She has eaten all types of food. She has traveled to different countries.  She supposedly speaks Spanish. She lives in a better neighborhood.  She makes more money.  She bangs engineers.  She does it all.  Mark is just basic.  He seems like an ok guy, but very simple. Sometimes, when Lyndsey is not drunk she sounds very perceptive.  But because she knows all of this, she constantly cuts him down and looks down on him. She is mean to him, even if what she is saying is true. She does something really nice for him, but then she kicks him in the balls on national tv. Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold.

Lindsey may be all that, but I’ll bet she’s been dumped by every man she’s been with.  She needs a yes man who is desperate for any woman.  She’s hot and cold all the time.  She’ll strip a man’s ego at the drop of a hat with that mouth of hers. I think he can’t wait to be rid of her.  He tried.

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57 minutes ago, Gator Stud said:

Im going to have to agree with the other people.  Mark seems homely.  He has never had tacos or sushi, and probably not Indian food.  He seems simple minded.  Lindsey sounds educated when she is not wasted. She has eaten all types of food. She has traveled to different countries.  She supposedly speaks Spanish. She lives in a better neighborhood.  She makes more money.  She bangs engineers.  She does it all.  Mark is just basic.  He seems like an ok guy, but very simple. Sometimes, when Lyndsey is not drunk she sounds very perceptive.  But because she knows all of this, she constantly cuts him down and looks down on him. She is mean to him, even if what she is saying is true. She does something really nice for him, but then she kicks him in the balls on national tv. Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold.

That's exactly how I see Mark and Lindsey.  I can understand feeling like the guy isn't on her level, but thinking she's superior to him and cutting him down is just nasty and mean.  It's one reason why she's still single, I'm sure.  She manages to cancel out every positive quality she has with her rabid nasty streak.

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I was hoping the O&K thing in last week's preview wasn't editing shenanigans & it's worse! O was overreacting! It looked like she could've been talking to another man & O acted like she was. He acted all high & mighty, even in his TH he said she shouldn't be on an app...but she's not! There's a difference between having it & actually using it! The self-righteous dramatics are disturbing. Ain't it funny how he started the episode saying he'd changed? Smh

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My TV schedule is showing only a "Season so Far" episode next week, where those people get together again to discuss their predictions for decision day, not a regular episode.  But I could have sworn I saw a preview for a regular episode at the end of this episode.  I think they did this last season too but I don't remember it taking the place of a regular episode.  Unless I'm remembering wrong.  Like they haven't dragged out the season enough.  The last two episodes have been mostly filler with producer shenanigans and now this.  Ugh. 

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Would an episode be complete without Noi bringing up Steve's unemployment??? So they've gotten to the point of needing to figure it out. 😅 What was Steve talking about making an effort to have those conversations? WHY didn't they have them? Or is he talking about how she usually says she wants him to have a job & they move onto something else?

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8 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Lindsey may be all that, but I’ll bet she’s been dumped by every man she’s been with.  She needs a yes man who is desperate for any woman.  She’s hot and cold all the time.  She’ll strip a man’s ego at the drop of a hat with that mouth of hers. I think he can’t wait to be rid of her.  He tried.

Yes that’s what I’m thinking. I haven’t read any spoilers I’m just going by what I see!

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My opinions only, lol.

Mark and Lyndsey: She seems to be so ride or die and he seems so scared. I think if given the chance she could be a great partner. Yes she's brais and has no filter but she has a good heart. Mark I think does too and if he would just truly realize what he could have with her and be more loving towards her they'd stand a good chance. He is so wishy washy and that can drive anyone to flip!

Steve and Noi: I have some mixed feelings about him not having full time work. I personally don't want a man with no job either. He hasn't shown her he can provide, he's only said he can. Well so far he's living off his savings and she's going to work. I think she could be more supportive of his abilities but it would be hard considering she hasn't seen his abilities in action yet. I appreciate that he has taken over 99% of the household duties, which he should since he has no job, but that's not a quality most women find attractive. I think if next week shows anything she doesn't expect to lift a finger if he's not working. Funny thing is out of the two I like Steve best. There's something about Noi I find unsettling. I just haven't put my finger on it yet. 

Michael and Jasmina: They both seem to be the one couple trying their hardest to remain mature and really work on making this work. I was extremely worried about them in the beginning but they have really made strides. I think they could have something really great if the sexual chemistry developed. I like them and didn't at first. I am rooting for them the most.

O and Katina: WTF is wrong with him?? We all seen last season that a dating app is never a good thing but she didn't make it while they were together! She told him it was old. It wasn't active and he still blew a gasket. Dude could have been like hey baby whats this and gave her the chance to explain. Instead he acted like a total jerk. I agree with someone above that said O keeps saying what he perceives a wife to be but hasn't mentioned once what he perceivews a husband to be. He is really showing narcissistic tendencies and it makes me want to holler run Katina, run!! He's demeaning and she doesn't deserve that. I think with work they may can be successful but he really needs to look in a mirror and see he has a lot of short comings too but she doesn't point t them out. 

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10 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

He said it borrowed it but I don't know why he didn't just use his own phone.

She was sitting right by him on the shuttle when he went through her phone. He was thumbing through it in frontbl of her and all the other couples. It never said why he asked for it. She handed it to him with no reserve. She had nothing to hide. 

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1 minute ago, Leschele said:

She was sitting right by him on the shuttle when he went through her phone. He was thumbing through it in frontbl of her and all the other couples. It never said why he asked for it. She handed it to him with no reserve. She had nothing to hide. 

I've said this upthread but I'm calling producer shenanigans on this one.  Almost every season there's a cell phone argument where one spouse finds DMs or dating apps. on their spouse's phone.  IMHO, it's no coincidence.  He was probably told to pick up her phone and look through it to see if she's being "honest" with him.  They know how he is and that if he found something it would get him going. 

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43 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:
9 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Lindsey may be all that, but I’ll bet she’s been dumped by every man she’s been with.  She needs a yes man who is desperate for any woman.  She’s hot and cold all the time.  She’ll strip a man’s ego at the drop of a hat with that mouth of hers. I think he can’t wait to be rid of her.  He tried.

Yes that’s what I’m thinking. I haven’t read any spoilers I’m just going by what I see!

I think they'll say yes on decision day but we all know it won't last.  Mark will say yes even if it's just to have enough time to find a new apartment, lol.

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18 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

I think they'll say yes on decision day but we all know it won't last.  Mark will say yes even if it's just to have enough time to find a new apartment, lol.

Gosh, i hope not.

I think Mark must already be looking for an apartment, maybe via Chris, and will want to get away from her as soon as possible.  Maybe he could even room with Chris until he finds his new place.

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12 minutes ago, cinsays said:

Gosh, i hope not.

I think Mark must already be looking for an apartment, maybe via Chris, and will want to get away from her as soon as possible.  Maybe he could even room with Chris until he finds his new place.

He has to find a new job first.  He has so many things going on right now and between doing the show, having to find a job and dealing with Lindsey he's stressed to the max.  I don't think he'll be up to finding an apartment until after decision day.

Edited by Yeah No
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49 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

He has to find a new job first.  He has so many things going on right now and between doing the show, having to find a job and dealing with Lindsey he's stressed to the max.  I don't think he'll be up to finding an apartment until after decision day.

He’ll probably say no and return to the bed bug apartment. Probably has something going on with the landlord that kept calling him on his honeymoon and changed everything!

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It seemed like some couples weren't happy with their monthiversay. Like, they were saying they made it a month & they're still married, but it doesn't mean it's a happy marriage. More like, they're halfway through the experiment. It seems like they're all still skeptical about being married to their spouse after the experiment. 😅

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14 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

He’ll probably say no and return to the bed bug apartment. Probably has something going on with the landlord that kept calling him on his honeymoon and changed everything!

He can't unless he gives up the cats or the landlady changes her mind about them.

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12 hours ago, Gator Stud said:

Im going to have to agree with the other people.  Mark seems homely.  He has never had tacos or sushi, and probably not Indian food.  He seems simple minded.  Lindsey sounds educated when she is not wasted. She has eaten all types of food. She has traveled to different countries.  She supposedly speaks Spanish. She lives in a better neighborhood.  She makes more money.  She bangs engineers.  She does it all.  Mark is just basic.  He seems like an ok guy, but very simple. Sometimes, when Lyndsey is not drunk she sounds very perceptive.  But because she knows all of this, she constantly cuts him down and looks down on him. She is mean to him, even if what she is saying is true. She does something really nice for him, but then she kicks him in the balls on national tv. Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold, Hot, Cold.

I will continue to laugh at the fact that people keep equating what others choose to eat to so many other things. It's just so silly to me.

Lyndsey can be as worldly and "sophisticated" as yall want to make her out to be. She still in a cramped apartment with her cats. She's still on the show with everyone else. She's obnoxious as fuck half the time. And all these people she banged are not with her. What a prize. She's has traveled and eats different foods. How cool!

1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

He has to find a new job first.  He has so many things going on right now and between doing the show, having to find a job and dealing with Lindsey he's stressed to the max.  I don't think he'll be up to finding an apartment until after decision day.

He doesn't have to find a job. He can go back to his job when filming is done. He wants a job now because he doesn't want to just sit around. Im sure its another thing Lyndsey will throw in his face as well. His living situation is his actual issue. But, I'm sure Chris would let him stay for a bit until he gets things straightened out.

Edited by Racj82
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28 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Lyndsey can be as worldly and "sophisticated" as yall want to make her out to be. She still in a cramped apartment with a bunch of cats. She's still on the show with everyone else. She's obnoxious as fuck half the time. And all these people she banged are not with her. What a prize. She's travel and eats different foods. How cool!

Yes, to all this.  Just because she travels and eats different foods, that doesn't make her "sophisticated."  She's been a loud, rude, obnoxious drunk on many occasions that we've seen her.

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20 hours ago, ByTor said:

He was probably specifically looking for dating apps.

My opinion for what it's worth? Yes. The rest of the episode was fairly dull.

Yes, it’s dull.  They are showing too many sports, working out, playing stupid games, etc.  Too many uninteresting fillers.

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2 hours ago, Lindz said:

It seemed like some couples weren't happy with their monthiversay. Like, they were saying they made it a month & they're still married, but it doesn't mean it's a happy marriage. More like, they're halfway through the experiment. It seems like they're all still skeptical about being married to their spouse after the experiment. 😅

Another filler.  One month.  Who cares.  It puts more pressure on the guys.

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19 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

Another filler.  One month.  Who cares.  It puts more pressure on the guys.

These and the episode before the decision are always the worst. They are basically clip shows. Which is funny because it seems like we are basically getting a clip show next week. Mr. Fantastic doesn't stretch as much as Lifetime does with this show. I wish one of these spin offs would have taken off so that Lifetime would feel better about doing 1 hour episodes and less filler.

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2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

I will continue to laugh at the fact that people keep equating what others choose to eat to so many other things. It's just so silly to me.

Tell that to food psychologists, they do it all the time.  What and how people eat or their food preferences can reveal a lot about their personalities, lifestyles and psychological issues.  There is even some scientific evidence to correlate certain taste perceptions with certain personality traits.  I am not a food psychologist but I have a master's in psychology so I find absolutely nothing silly about it. 

2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

He doesn't have to find a job. He can go back to his job when filming is done. He wants a job now because he doesn't want to just sit around. Im sure its another thing Lyndsey will throw in his face as well. His living situation is his actual issue. But, I'm sure Chris would let him stay for a bit until he gets things straightened out.

Mark's got too much on his mind right now.  He's spinning his wheels with too many balls in the air and likely won't be ready to deal with all that he wants to accomplish until the crazy circus of filming this show and dealing with Lindsey is over.  He has to get out from under HER too.  That's a lot for anyone to handle.  Plus there are other things he's dealing with that have only been hinted at by Lindsey so I just don't see him being ready to achieve much of anything until filming is over. 

Why he wants to work right now is beyond me.  Maybe he's trying to run away from the stress and the issues he's knee deep in right now but I think he needs to deal with them and not run away.  He only has a month or less to go before decision day so how he's going to find a job so fast and then go back to the other one after filming is over is beyond me.  Personally I think his boss must have told him he's got too much going on and that's why they don't want him back before decision day.  It was probably affecting his work.  Anyone that stressed out is no good on the job.  But no, bonehead Mark still wants to work because he can't face his problems.  He's an idiot, IMHO.

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5 hours ago, Leschele said:

Mark and Lyndsey: She seems to be so ride or die and he seems so scared. I think if given the chance she could be a great partner. Yes she's brais and has no filter but she has a good heart. Mark I think does too and if he would just truly realize what he could have with her and be more loving towards her they'd stand a good chance. He is so wishy washy and that can drive anyone to flip!


She seems to be so ride or die until she's crossed!  When she told him to relax and take his time finding a new job to get one he liked - fine, good enough advice.  He responds that he needs to work; can't stand sitting around all day - fair enough point.  Immediately she gets all pissed off and makes snide comments about "getting to know her".  How does that fill his time if she is at work?  Is he to spend his days reading her diaries?  Rifling her underwear drawer and texting Pepper about what he's found so she can give him clues?  Some people need to be kept busy by outside influences - it's good if he knows that about himself.  She gave him a nice response; he responded to her appropriately and she flew off the handle.  Just like it was nice of her to put on her hazmat suit and brave the bedbugs - but then she's firmly telling him what he may/may not keep right in the moment while he's just trying to gather his things.  I guess the reason I seem to take his side more often than hers is because usually I think he's behaving better.  ("Romantic" dinner on the honeymoon excepted 😂 ). I think he's scared because he likes to go along/get along and never knows what's going to come out of her.  It is a shame because I think they could have been a decent match.

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On 3/17/2022 at 11:44 PM, kristen111 said:

Maybe his family were simple people.  Maybe they couldn’t afford to send him to college.  Maybe he doesn’t know about art, music and fancy food.  Maybe it’s not his fault.   Not everyone has the opportunity to learn these things.  Look at Oj.  Went to college and is an abusive asshole, and treats his wife like shit.  I don’t think Mark is the type to treat his wife badly.  Lots of sophisticated people are snobs, rude, and let you know it.  I’ve seen it at work years ago at parties where the higher ups brought their sophisticated wives who were horrors.


Mark ain't no kid brought up by wolves. Anyone his age has had plenty of both time and opportunities (come on; Boston?! NTM books, Internet, videos, etc.) to learn about "art, music, and fancy food." 

That he is content with no such self-education is up to him. Fine. Not my type. But Mark also should not be granted unasked-for excuses best reserved for the truly bereft. 

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I wonder if any of the couples talked about what O did at the dinner & how no one should do that. 😅 O better regret that nonsense. He had to have known he shouldn't have done that. So stupid.

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