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S02.E04: You Who Cannot See, Think of Those Who Can


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Cal is fucked up but his last scene with his fam was entertaining to watch. Almost seemed like Marsha knew he fucked around and is gay or bi. 

I could not care less about Jules and Elliot. Guess Jules is ok with him doing drugs. Elliot was more entertaining with Rue.

So Rue is just going to do all the drugs and not sell any? What is her plan when she owes $10K to the drug boss? Or is she planning on doing so much drugs she dies. They aren’t gonna kill off Zendaya tho so that’s not gonna happen. Not really enjoying this storyline either.

  • Love 9
13 minutes ago, Marley said:

So Rue is just going to do all the drugs and not sell any? What is her plan when she owes $10K to the drug boss? Or is she planning on doing so much drugs she dies.

I don't think she has a plan. She's an addict making terrible short-term decisions.

This show often doesn't get enough credit for how funny it is, in my opinion. Cassie's story this season has multiple cringe comedy sequences that are just masterful -- the latest being, of course, the hot tub bit here.

Cal's behaviour through much of this episode makes me think he should get a concussion check.

  • Love 10

The last scene made me feel sorry for Nate. Nothing worse than a parent that blames all of their problems on the family. Hey Cal, you could have told Marsha that you didn't want to marry her and you were too young to be a father. Not a fan of abortion, but that was an option and they would have had a line of people wanting to adopt their baby. 

  • Love 10

When Cal was in the bar dancing with the guy and fantasizing about his lost love, he whispered something about his father. My father lost you? or something like that. I rewound it but still couldn't tell exactly what he said. Made me think his father knew about the gay thing, paid off the boyfriend probably forced him to marry Marsha. 

I am sick of this Rue storyline too, she's right back to where she was before rehab and nobody knows she's been high 24/7. And she just keeps this big suitcase of drugs under her bed. Hasn't made any effort to make some money by selling them.

  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, CynicalGirl said:

When Cal was in the bar dancing with the guy and fantasizing about his lost love, he whispered something about his father. My father lost you? or something like that. I rewound it but still couldn't tell exactly what he said. Made me think his father knew about the gay thing, paid off the boyfriend probably forced him to marry Marsha. 

I am pretty sure he said I thought I lost you.

I hope adult Derek shows up at some point.

I don’t understand how Rue hasn’t been caught for being high. Is her mother or sister complete idiots.

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Side note: I liked seeing Bebe and glad Faye hasn't completely sidelined her. She gives a pop to the show.  I would kind of love it if somehow Faye and Bebe crossed paths and a super high Faye tells Bebe that Cal recorded him and Jules and it is Bebe that ends up destroying the Jacobs because she is a huge gossip. 


I know Jules is pretty cool but I am sorta sick of everyone just falling in love with her. I am guessing that Rue, Jules, and the guy were on their way to being a thrupple until the drug revelation.

Feels like she is falling into the Rory/Lorelai trap where everyone is in love with her. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 6

Rue being high isn't the only obvious thing.  Last week she was dancing manically.  This week she's just in a perpetual haze.  Jules seemed really surprised to learn Rue's been taking a lot of hard drugs.

Cassie is pretty transparent too but her sister and mother are perplexed, don't even notice she's anxiety ridden about being found out.

For these kids to get to these states, the parents would have to be intentionally oblivious.

Now turns out Rue misses her father.  Not the only reason she's messed up but getting high apparently takes her to this church, which is like a portal between the living and the dead, in her mind.

Cal busted out of the cloud with a splash, pun intended.  Apparently resented his kids and his wife, shames them for their own secrets, says he doesn't know what Nate's about.  I don't recall but wasn't Nate also involved with Jules somehow?

He hasn't been to that gay bar in 25 years so he'd be 42-43 now.  This can't be the first time he goes crazy with booze and reckless driving can it?  He was taking risks like filming himself screwing underage trans kids.  So maybe he wanted to be found out, so that he could be free.

Ash knocked some sense into him or maybe the opposite, decided "fuck everyone" DGAF no more.

Maybe that's it for Cal's story, to serve as a background for what Nate does next.


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I’m so bored with Rue and her drug state.  It’s just not interesting to me. I guess the show wants a chance to use her drug experiences as a creative psychedelic extravaganza?  It’s just not working for me, though.  They could do it through a dream, not drug sequence.  

It’s difficult to believe that was her best orgasm routine.  The show should be careful of making viewers disinterested in the star of the show.

What’s the deal with Cassie?  She’s way too dramatic.  Did they revisit from the previous week her sitting in the toilet?  What happened with that? Is that why she was vomiting? Her arguing with Nate was redundant. Enough with Nate…..🥱

I like Jules and Elliot ok. Compared to the rest of the group they seem to have some actual thoughts about things. Except, stealing the beer was unwise.  So, they thought Rue would just sit in the car and not drink? She’s a drug addict.  

It seemed that the gay bar bouncers were familiar with Cal, because when they kicked him out they said we’ve warned you before no wrestling…..like he comes in in that state regularly.  He’s an ass of course for blaming his unhappy life on his family.  He made his choices.  Classic narcissist.   And so is Nate.  It troubles me that the show portrays Maddie and Cassie giving so called true love to a psycho like Nate.  




  • Love 3
12 hours ago, SeanC said:

This show often doesn't get enough credit for how funny it is, in my opinion. Cassie's story this season has multiple cringe comedy sequences that are just masterful -- the latest being, of course, the hot tub bit here.

Yes, I laughed too hard when Cassie threw up in the hot tub. This is Sydney Sweeney's season. Eric Dane in close second. 

The "why'd you say no like that?" fight in the hot tub leading up to the vomit was funny, too. 

I'm also bored with Rue getting high. I'm waiting for the drug lady to hit Rue up for her money. That's when this storyline will get legs. 

I was confused with the Fezco scene. Who was that guy and who's the baby mama asking questions? 

Kat should put Ethan out of his misery. I liked Ethan last season. Of course he's "boring" compared to the rest of these hot mess teens.

  • Love 7

Zendaya blew me away...again.  Her utter despair at the end brought actual tears to my eyes.  I know how that feels when you're way too high and though I was never an addict or suicidal  I did a  lot of drugs when I was much younger  and I was a serious abuser.  As far as her plan to pay back the money for the drugs?  She doesn't have one.  She wants to get high, period.  That's how it is - and you hate yourself so you think it would be better if someone did kill you or you OD'd or whatever.  You just don't care.  Her sadness and anger and pain took me back to the edge of some places I hadn't thought about in a LONG time.  Thank God Cal's crazy was the next scene because I was considering blowing off work and just getting back into bed lol.  This show is "fucking amazing." And because no one else will say it, I will.  Regarding the opening montage...Rue, you in danger girl!



Who was that guy and who's the baby mama asking questions? 

Thats the guy who Ash hit in the face with the hammer after he killed Mouse.  He's the guy who went with them to the drug dealer teacher's house where they were made to strip.  He was telling Fez that Mouse's baby mama was coming around asking a bunch of questions.


  • Love 8
10 hours ago, aghst said:

For these kids to get to these states, the parents would have to be intentionally oblivious.


Yeah, especially Rue's mom. She's already seen her go through this once, doesn't she notice Rue's drugged out behavior again? And that's what I thought about the suitcase under the bed. She basically has these drugs out in the open, doesn't her mother ever go into her room? I mean, it's great to respect your kids' privacy, but if I had a kid who was just out of rehab I think I might be doing a little snooping.

That final scene with Cal was awful, but I also had to laugh. Who knows if he'll ride off into the sunset with his family photo (with the mystery kid we haven't heard about yet) or he'll sober up and act like nothing happened. Maybe he needs to be checked for a head injury. Of course, nothing he said was a surprise to Nate, who already knows about those extra-curriculars of his dad's. Probably the first time I felt sorry for Nate, though. His dad seems to hate him. Maybe he sees too much of himself in Nate. I want to know what happened to Cal's true love.

And Cassie. OMG get it together girl. And that bathing suit--not flattering. I knew she was gonna end up puking, every time they showed her she was drinking something different, anything she could get her hands on. Of course she was gonna get sick. It's funny no one suspects her angst is about Nate. 

  • Love 4

They should show this episode in those anti drinking assemblies they make teenagers go to, especially the parts with Maddy. It certainly did a lot to make drinking look deeply unpleasant! 

Impressively, they actually made me feel sorry for Nate in that ending scene. Cal might be a mess but its not alright to blame his family for everything wrong in his life, if he was that miserable he could have made different choices. He really seems to loath Nate, and while Nate is a terrifyingly messed up person, it seems like Nate got a lot of his anger from Cal's boiling bitterness at the way his life has turned out, even if it was mostly subconscious. 

The music on this show really is incredible, I will always love a playlist that features Summertime and This Is How We Do It in the same episode. 

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

What’s the deal with Cassie?  She’s way too dramatic.  Did they revisit from the previous week her sitting in the toilet?  What happened with that? Is that why she was vomiting? Her arguing with Nate was redundant. Enough with Nate…..🥱

It seemed that the gay bar bouncers were familiar with Cal, because when they kicked him out they said we’ve warned you before no wrestling…..like he comes in in that state regularly.  He’s an ass of course for blaming his unhappy life on his family.  He made his choices.  Classic narcissist.   And so is Nate.  It troubles me that the show portrays Maddie and Cassie giving so called true love to a psycho like Nate.  

Unfortunately, it is true to life. Recently a bunch of women swooned when they saw the mugshot of a hot burglar. Not all women are nuts, but men with the "dark triad" do tend to clean up with the ladies. Not only is Nate classical good-looking and an athlete, he is cunning. Those 3 are a dangerous combo. 

10 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

Kat should put Ethan out of his misery. I liked Ethan last season. Of course he's "boring" compared to the rest of these hot mess teens.

Decent guy Ethan is either going to be strung along or dumped. It looks like dumped. Part of me doesn't want to lose the character because he is so normal. I already miss McKay. Maybe he and Kat will decide they are better off friends, and Kat will be able to stand him again. Either he isn't her type at all or she isn't in a place right now for someone like Ethan. I just hope they don't turn him into a jerk.

8 hours ago, Ruby Red said:

How are Lexi and Fez going to fall in love if they have no scenes? Where is the build up? They obviously had a crush on each other, but they are just going to do nothing? Maybe we will get more later. but there has been nothing for two episodes in a row now...

I was fine with that last episode. They don't know each other that well after all, and Lexi was putting on her play and Fez was dealing with the fallout from beating Nate senseless. However, they should have had some sort of interaction with them this episode. Someone on tumblr had the suggestion of Fez and Lexi texting each other, which would be smart. They did exchange numbers and I could see Lexi checking in on Fez about Cal and Fez keeping the convo going, like he tried to do when she visited his job. That way they wouldn't have to be in the same scene, but show their growing connection.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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It seemed Lexi was obviously interested in Fex when she went by his store. It wasn’t in her neighborhood and she asked him about the girl who was sitting there with him.  Of course, she was asking, because they hit it off at that party and he seemed plenty interested in her that night. He’s not an idiot. For them to play it like he’s oblivious to her interest is silly and insulting, imo.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1

I agree that watching Rue's addiction is getting pretty boring. I get it, it's a real thing and the showrunner had addictions as a teen and they're using it as some sort of purgatory/existential dread metaphor, but it just isn't interesting watching her be zoned out every single episode.

Jules' manic pixie dream girl streak continues. It was kind of mean to her to pressure Rue into making out with Elliot. I get that she was trying to get a threesome going, but imo Rue/Elliot have bro chemistry, not sexual chemistry. It's interesting that they've continued to imply Rue is more or less asexual.

Who exactly is clamoring for all of this elaborate Cal backstory? And while cruel and hypocritical, him giving his entire family The Reason You Suck speech was kind of hilarious, if only because his sons are cut from the same douchey cloth. Not sure we needed the prosthetic dick hanging out the entire time, though.

10 hours ago, Sheenieb said:

I'm also bored with Rue getting high. I'm waiting for the drug lady to hit Rue up for her money. That's when this storyline will get legs. 

The drug lady told her that if Rue didn’t bring her the money she’d have Rue kidnapped and sold. I’m thinking it will be Jules or Gia who end up taking the punishment in some way. 

19 hours ago, Ruby Red said:

How are Lexi and Fez going to fall in love if they have no scenes? Where is the build up? They obviously had a crush on each other, but they are just going to do nothing? Maybe we will get more later. but there has been nothing for two episodes in a row now...

This has been bothering me too! Yet we get scene after scene of Kat whining about Ethan. I also don't understand why they gave Lexi her play subplot (although I love her codirector) when her chemistry with Fez is 1000x more interesting, especially when Cassie's entire S2 arc is banging Nate. I could care less about her organizing an entire play to vent about her sister. I had completely forgotten Lexi and Cassie were siblings.

8 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

This has been bothering me too! Yet we get scene after scene of Kat whining about Ethan. I also don't understand why they gave Lexi her play subplot (although I love her codirector) when her chemistry with Fez is 1000x more interesting, especially when Cassie's entire S2 arc is banging Nate. I could care less about her organizing an entire play to vent about her sister. I had completely forgotten Lexi and Cassie were siblings.

I will forgive the play arc if Gia Bennett is cast in the role of Rue's stand in. The play isn't the problem, especially with her stage manager. It is as you say, it is way too much Cassie's Nate obsession, third episode in the a row. Sydney is doing well showing the toxic side of the pick me girl, but ugh. I could have waited a couple of episodes on the scene between Nate and Cassie, where Cassie showed Nate her crazy side in favor of snippets of Fez and Lexi texting each other. 

Why the hell wasn't Jules at Maddy's birthday? They are friends now and are hanging out. I would have cut out some of her solo Elliot scenes as well and have him show up to the party after Nate showed up, in order to pick up Jules since she rightfully dislikes him. It would be fun. Elliot could charm all the girls: he finds out that Kat was an internet dominatrix and comments how she probably made a ton of money because she's hot, offers to lend Lexie some music for her play and apologizes to Maddy that he didn't have a guitar to play her music but she deserved an original song. Nate if tries emasculate him by bring up him being chased by those jocks in 2x03, Elliot says he managed to outrun them and how embarrassing it would be to have a beatdown in public to put Nate in his place (Nate was in the dare scene when Elliot asked the jock about scat play). Bonus if Maddy comments that Elliot had a sexy voice after he and Jules left in order to make Nate jealous.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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2 hours ago, CynicalGirl said:

Re Lexi and Fez...let's see, their first scene together had him beating the snot out of Nate, and the second had Ash beating the hell out of Cal with the butt of a shotgun. Yet people still keep shipping them? I hope Lexi is smarter. Run girl.

Lexi and Fez first scenes together had Fez asking questions to Lexi and listening to what she had to say, even pointing out that she often puts herself down when he said that talking with her was one of the best times of his year and she didn't believe him  and asking for her number. The second scene had Fez repeating her entire name (which he didn't remember in their very first scene), offering to help her find a drink and apologizing that he didn't say goodbye on New Years, even though he did and then reading her body language when Cal came. Lexi wasn't there when Ash beat him with the gun, and Cal was parked outside their home. 

Angus Cloud's and Maude Apatow's chem is really good. Fez generally treats everyone else that is decent to him with kindness and respect. We watched him give a sponge bath to his invalid grandma in season one, and he checked on her room first when he heard a noise in the house 2x02. 

Nate did kind of deserved it from Fez. He snitched on Fez when Fez told him to stop messing with Jules and Rue (because of his brotherly affection toward Rue), which caused Fez to dump thousands of dollars of drugs. Fez robbed a doctor to make up the money, which lead to Ash killing Mouse when Mouse came over questioning about the raid. The night Fez beat up Nate, he was forced to participate in a humiliating strip search in order to make a new drug alliance. If Nate had left it at just the insult when Fez threatened Nate over Jules, Fez wouldn't have retaliated like that.

As for Ash beating Cal, Fez did tell him to go easy on Cal and calmed Ash enough to let Cal leave, even though Ash had other ideas. 

Considering the ass kicking Cassie is going to receive from Maddie because of her relationship with Nate, Lexi will probably be even less sympathetic after it comes to light. She already knows that Nate catfished Jules, but doesn't know the extent of it. 

Also, she is a teenage girl. Maybe more leveled headed than Cassie, but with her own daddy issues. Fez is the first guy that took a genuine in her. In 2x02, Rue even narrated that the feelings for Fez were confusing. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 5

Cassie and Lexie must be 1 year apart in age or maybe twins to be going to the same school?

I don't know how many seasons they plan to do but you'd think Nate and some other cast members would be gone next season if each season represents a year?

Or maybe they're pretending that each season will be a few months or weeks apart.

I've been watching Elite season 5.  That's a show about some private high school in Spain.  Some of the characters are written off the show, like they go to college.

But I saw a notice that they introduced season 6 cast and several of the cast members have been there all 6 season.  These aren't suppose to be kids having to repeat the 10th grade more than once or something like that.


Euphoria characters go to the same school but it really isn't centered around their school activities.



14 hours ago, CynicalGirl said:

Re Lexi and Fez...let's see, their first scene together had him beating the snot out of Nate, and the second had Ash beating the hell out of Cal with the butt of a shotgun. Yet people still keep shipping them? I hope Lexi is smarter. Run girl.

Preach!  I don't care how nice he is.  He is a freaking drug dealer.  Lexi isn't going to come in and turn him into Mike Brady,  He lives a dangerous life that will most likely end in one of two ways:  death or prison.

Those closest to him will likely have their lives end in one of those ways too.  Lexi is like the one normal one.  Why would people want to mix her up with a criminal?

Maybe she can date Ethan when Kat finally gets bored enough.  I think it's an interesting take with Kat.  It shows those kids reading all that smut online get a deranged sense of how relationships work.  She wasn't excited until the dude "killed" Ethan and forced himself on her.  Makes you think...

  • Love 8

^ lol yes, the drug dealer with the heart of gold is still a drug dealer. And I do stand corrected, Lexi's first "scene" with him was their conversation and I'm sure she was thinking "wow, somebody finally loves me for my mind!" but Fez is just surrounded by too much violence. So I still say, Run girl.

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50 minutes ago, kj4ever said:

Preach!  I don't care how nice he is.  He is a freaking drug dealer.  Lexi isn't going to come in and turn him into Mike Brady,  He lives a dangerous life that will most likely end in one of two ways:  death or prison.

Those closest to him will likely have their lives end in one of those ways too.  Lexi is like the one normal one.  Why would people want to mix her up with a criminal?

Maybe she can date Ethan when Kat finally gets bored enough.  I think it's an interesting take with Kat.  It shows those kids reading all that smut online get a deranged sense of how relationships work.  She wasn't excited until the dude "killed" Ethan and forced himself on her.  Makes you think...

If this was real life, no one would want her with him. Most people, no matter how well Angus and Maude click, think the relationship would have to end as Fez is pretty much trapped in criminal life and Lexi is more than likely college bond. However there is something interesting if they did date for a while, that Fez seriously entertains trying to stop dealing in illicit drugs. It is the whole opposite attract, forbidden love thing.

Even the Gilmore Girls had Rory leave her dependable boyfriend Dean for "bad boy" Jess because of their shared intellects, despite him being an awful boyfriend when he finally got her.

Gun to peoples heads: Do you watch this show because the characters make sensible choices, or because every single character follows their bliss one way or another, even when it leaves them worse off than before? I think Cal enjoys the facade of the perfect family because it gives him status, even if he and his family would be better off if he divorced Marsha and lived a more honest life. His relationship with all of them could improve if he was out of the closet, but I think he enjoys the secrecy of his double life. 

I find it sad that Kat is already tired of Ethan since they just started dating, despite the actors own chemistry (Kat has an edge to her that Lexi doesn't) . At least she isn't blaming Ethan for her dislike of him. And it is really sad to see the effects of what an over sexualized culture does to kids. Even 10 years ago, a girl like Kat would be really happy with someone like Ethan, now it is not enough.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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First of all I feel like all these characters are meant to be shown the bad side of themselves. And so far we've seen it all. Nobody is innocent, everyone has their demons, and everyone definitely has their moments. I'm really upset with the way Jules is acting. She knows that Rue is an addict but then decided to go buy drinks with Elliot & Rue?????? I mean how hasn't anyone noticed that Rue has relapsed? They've all seen what she's like on drugs, it just baffles me. Rue is being very selfish, to be doing this not only to herself but to her family. But then again she's addict and being an addict is a disease. And it's something that takes time, but I don't think has the right people in her life to get sober other than Ali & her family. As much as everyone loves Jules & Rules together they are not good for each other. They continously hurt one another. I feel like Lexi is so wrong for making a play about everyone's life. It's really not something to put display, I think everyone is gonna end up hating her for it, especially Cassie. I feel like Cassie likes to believe that she is the victim, but then she realizes what she's doing but then takes 2 steps back. She definitely looks for validation, & maybe that's because of her father being an addict & leaving her family. Or her mother low-key being an alcoholic. She definitely gets easily attached, but I feel like she needs to get some kind of help because she will continue to hurt the people she loves the most, for example Maddie. Nate is just Nate, we don't really know much as to why he lashes out the way he does. You would think it's because he knows about his father, but if you think about it, he had just recently found out. And it seems like he's been like this for a long time. So I definitely thinks there's more as to why he acts the way he does. But hopefully we eventually find out. Also, there's not much to Kat. Or Maddie, the main focus is really on Jules, Rue, Elliot, Nate, Cassie, & Nate's dad. I hope we find out what happens with Kat's little secret. And if Maddie will find out about Cassie & Nate.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

If this was real life, no one would want her with him. Most people, no matter how well Angus and Maude click, think the relationship would have to end as Fez is pretty much trapped in criminal life and Lexi is more than likely college bond. However there is something interesting if they did date for a while, that Fez seriously entertains trying to stop dealing in illicit drugs. It is the whole opposite attract, forbidden love thing.

Even the Gilmore Girls had Rory leave her dependable boyfriend Dean for "bad boy" Jess because of their shared intellects, despite him being an awful boyfriend when he finally got her.

Gun to peoples heads: Do you watch this show because the characters make sensible choices, or because every single character follows their bliss one way or another, even when it leaves them worse off than before? I think Cal enjoys the facade of the perfect family because it gives him status, even if he and his family would be better off if he divorced Marsha and lived a more honest life. His relationship with all of them could improve if he was out of the closet, but I think he enjoys the secrecy of his double life. 

I find it sad that Kat is already tired of Ethan since they just started dating, despite the actors own chemistry (Kat has an edge to her that Lexi doesn't) . At least she isn't blaming Ethan for her dislike of him. And it is really sad to see the effects of what an over sexualized culture does to kids. Even 10 years ago, a girl like Kat would be really happy with someone like Ethan, now it is not enough.

A gun to my head? That's a bit extreme, I think. Yes, of course I understand this is a tv show and not real life. And I also understand that for the sake of drama, they probably will pair up Lexi with Fez and it will be a disaster. He's the first guy who's paid any real attention to her and seems interested in her intelligence, quite a turn on for Lexi I'm sure, especially with a sister like Cassie, who only seems to attract guys with sex. I also think it's ok for me to say, Run girl, this will end badly.  Just like in my head I'm saying to Rue, you dumbass, you're breaking the first rule of drug dealers, don't dip into your stash, this is nothing to play with, and you will pay. Yes, I know neither of them are listening to me. It's a tv show.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, CynicalGirl said:

A gun to my head? That's a bit extreme, I think. Yes, of course I understand this is a tv show and not real life. And I also understand that for the sake of drama, they probably will pair up Lexi with Fez and it will be a disaster. He's the first guy who's paid any real attention to her and seems interested in her intelligence, quite a turn on for Lexi I'm sure, especially with a sister like Cassie, who only seems to attract guys with sex. I also think it's ok for me to say, Run girl, this will end badly.  Just like in my head I'm saying to Rue, you dumbass, you're breaking the first rule of drug dealers, don't dip into your stash, this is nothing to play with, and you will pay. Yes, I know neither of them are listening to me. It's a tv show.

You asked why other people kept shipping them bc the first scene of them was Fez beating Nate nearly to death, but it was him and Lexi having a long conversation that drew people.  And for the most part Fez is a likable (but deeply unrealistic) character, so some of the audience is going to want a pairing between the two underdog characters. 

It would be nice if the sensible girl avoids the "bad boys," no matter how nice they are, and date the sensible guy like Ethan, but that doesn't always happen in tv or reality.  It is one of the reasons why arranged marriages are still a thing in some countries; to stop daughters and sons from falling for the "wrong person" A close female relative of mine: Honor role high school student, theater nerd and math teacher, is a sensible as they come. Did she miss the nice pre-med student that was her first boyfriend in college. No, she compares most of the guys she dated in her twenties and earlier thirties to the asshole she lost her virginity to that ended up cheating on her, twice, in their bed because he could be really sweet to her when they were together.  Fez the dealer with the heart of gold, not so true to life, but Lexi falling for Fez would be, sadly. It taps into that danger that a lot of people crave and the "Lady and the Trump" dynamic. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
On 1/31/2022 at 9:00 PM, SnarkEnthusiast said:


Who exactly is clamoring for all of this elaborate Cal backstory? And while cruel and hypocritical, him giving his entire family The Reason You Suck speech was kind of hilarious, if only because his sons are cut from the same douchey cloth. Not sure we needed the prosthetic dick hanging out the entire time, though.

We did!  

Do we know it’s prosthetic?  Asking for a friend..

  • Love 3
On 2/2/2022 at 5:08 PM, Ambrosefolly said:

You asked why other people kept shipping them bc the first scene of them was Fez beating Nate nearly to death, but it was him and Lexi having a long conversation that drew people.  And for the most part Fez is a likable (but deeply unrealistic) character, so some of the audience is going to want a pairing between the two underdog characters. 

It would be nice if the sensible girl avoids the "bad boys," no matter how nice they are, and date the sensible guy like Ethan, but that doesn't always happen in tv or reality.  It is one of the reasons why arranged marriages are still a thing in some countries; to stop daughters and sons from falling for the "wrong person" A close female relative of mine: Honor role high school student, theater nerd and math teacher, is a sensible as they come. Did she miss the nice pre-med student that was her first boyfriend in college. No, she compares most of the guys she dated in her twenties and earlier thirties to the asshole she lost her virginity to that ended up cheating on her, twice, in their bed because he could be really sweet to her when they were together.  Fez the dealer with the heart of gold, not so true to life, but Lexi falling for Fez would be, sadly. It taps into that danger that a lot of people crave and the "Lady and the Trump" dynamic. 

Maybe it's just me, but I think you're taking this a little too seriously, It's just a tv show, remember.

I already said I stand corrected that it was their first "scene" together, what I meant was their first "episode" together.

I hope they fall in love and live happily ever after, is that better? Lexi, you go girl. 

Lady and the Trump? I hope that was a typo. lol

53 minutes ago, CynicalGirl said:

Maybe it's just me, but I think you're taking this a little too seriously, It's just a tv show, remember.

I already said I stand corrected that it was their first "scene" together, what I meant was their first "episode" together.

I hope they fall in love and live happily ever after, is that better? Lexi, you go girl. 

Lady and the Trump? I hope that was a typo. lol

Yes, Trump was an accident. Trump would be way worse than the Tramp. Fine, you don't like Lexi/Fez and don't understand why other people do. Same with me with Buffy/Spike. I think they would have an interesting dynamic, but never thought they would be anything longer than a few months, if even a year. 

I will also say, a big fear of mine is not the fact that Fez sells drugs (I have a huge anarchist streak), but that he and his 12 year old brother regularly smoke weed. I like that Lexi isn't into drugs and hope it stays that way no matter who she dates. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Okay, so, I finally watched the episode (yes, a little late). 
I hate the Jules cheating and the thing with Elliot. I don't think Rue meant it when she told Jules "I can't stand you.", she was high. And I understand Rue and the darkness of grief and wanting to escape that darkness, I never did drugs or alcohol but I can understand why she would want to do those things that make her think she'll feel better. And seriously, Jules and Elliot leaving Rue on the road... Bad move. And Cassie, I don't really understand what is going on with her and what her motivations are, why she is acting the way she does - I don't think she really loves Nate, but she just wants to be loved and she wants to get that from him but she also realizes that he is a toxic person and that he and Maddy were toxic for each other. Cassie is a mess, I feel like they are ruining her character but maybe she can pick herself up again.

On the topic of Fez and Lexi. Realistically it is not going to work but I can see where they be a good match. They both can read people well and are caretaker types. I think he can be kind, he has empathy and he is smart in the way of being able to read people well and how he is deliberate in his actions and what he says, calculating and strategic but he is perceptive and knows how to deal with people. And I think that those can be things of why Lexi would feel drawn to Fez and how she may see more potential in him and could encourage him and make him think about himself. And Lexi is smart, sensible, she is protective of those she cares about and she looks after people and I think Fez will like that about her and he may be able to inspire more confidence in her and making her feel seen. I think they have so much potential, and even if it is temporary, it can still be beautiful, soft, passionate and heartbreaking. 

I don't want Lexi involved in drugs, but I don't think Fez would want her to and I think he'd try to protect her from the dangers of his life and I think he'd treat her well. It is just his lifestyle that makes it more dangerous to be with him.

Currently there are 257 fanfics of Lexi and Fez on Ao3 and after only two scenes of about 5 minutes of screentime, so many people already have an idea of their relationship and see their potential.

It could be great on the show, but I don't really think I can trust them to handle things well, looking at what they have been doing to Rue/Jules. But we shall see. 

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On 2/2/2022 at 9:02 PM, heatherchandler said:

We did!  

Do we know it’s prosthetic?  Asking for a friend..

He was wearing a stunt wienie from the (numerous) articles I read (for a friend as well, perhaps the same one ;-)) https://www.justjared.com/2022/01/31/eric-dane-reveals-if-he-wore-a-prosthetic-or-not-in-euphorias-latest-episode-spoilers/

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Rue doesn't have a father, Jules doesn't have a mother, doesn't seem like Lexi and Cassie have fathers either.

Kat has both parents I believe?

Fez and Ash had a grandmother, no parents.

Nate has both but his father is a mess and mother seems checked out, doing her own thing.

Forget Maddy's story exactly but wasn't her mother depicted similarly, as a queen bee type?

Anyone else?

Rue can blame her behavior on missing her father but Gia seems fine.

Same with Cassie, Lexi isn't a mess like her.


6 hours ago, sunbum51 said:

He was wearing a stunt wienie from the (numerous) articles I read (for a friend as well, perhaps the same one ;-)) https://www.justjared.com/2022/01/31/eric-dane-reveals-if-he-wore-a-prosthetic-or-not-in-euphorias-latest-episode-spoilers/

As someone who saw that leaked video with him and Rebecca Gayheart and Kari Ann Peniche, I knew right away it was a prosthetic.  I am pretty sure almost all of the male nudity is prosthetics or CGI in this show.

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On 1/30/2022 at 8:24 PM, Marley said:

I could not care less about Jules and Elliot. Guess Jules is ok with him doing drugs. Elliot was more entertaining with Rue.

I think that's because he's a recreational user, not an addict.

On 1/30/2022 at 10:01 PM, qtpye said:

I am guessing that Rue, Jules, and the guy were on their way to being a thrupple until the drug revelation.

I don't think Rue is attracted to Elliott like that. Jules is the one who is attracted to him--he reminds her of a less fucked up Rue, and he's more emotionally available than Rue. Jules wanted some sort of open threesome so she could have them both and not have to hurt anyone, but if it had actually gone that way, I think Rue only would have done it to make Jules happy and wouldn't have been happy about it herself.

On 1/31/2022 at 6:14 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

It troubles me that the show portrays Maddie and Cassie giving so called true love to a psycho like Nate.

I definitely think it's supposed to trouble you! I got the feeling that Maddy put some things together about Nate and Cassie in the hot tub, and part of her fucking with Nate like that was just revenge. She also said some things that made it obvious that she knows he's manipulative and emotionally abusive, and she said them in front of everyone. I almost think the show will go with her being surprisingly not awful to Cassie about hooking up with Nate, but we'll have to see...


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On 2/2/2022 at 5:30 PM, CynicalGirl said:

A gun to my head? That's a bit extreme, I think. Yes, of course I understand this is a tv show and not real life. And I also understand that for the sake of drama, they probably will pair up Lexi with Fez and it will be a disaster. He's the first guy who's paid any real attention to her and seems interested in her intelligence, quite a turn on for Lexi I'm sure, especially with a sister like Cassie, who only seems to attract guys with sex. I also think it's ok for me to say, Run girl, this will end badly.  Just like in my head I'm saying to Rue, you dumbass, you're breaking the first rule of drug dealers, don't dip into your stash, this is nothing to play with, and you will pay. Yes, I know neither of them are listening to me. It's a tv show.

That is so crazy because Lexi is both intelligent and gorgeous.  Her mother and her sister seem to think anyone who is interested in anything other than being "sexy" will never get a man.

Even if that is true...who cares?

I would rather be alone than be with someone like Nate or Cal.

Edited by qtpye
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On 2/1/2022 at 6:51 PM, CynicalGirl said:

Re Lexi and Fez...let's see, their first scene together had him beating the snot out of Nate, and the second had Ash beating the hell out of Cal with the butt of a shotgun. Yet people still keep shipping them? I hope Lexi is smarter. Run girl.

I want to say I am not arguing that everyone should be a fan of the couple because Fez does lead a very violent life. "Run girl" is a reasonable projection to give to Lexi. I am more turned off by Fez and Ash being weed users than the drug dealing, because I don't want drugs to f*ck Lexi's life. It is I am put off when other posters judge what I am a fan off.  Though I have blind spots to other fandoms myself I guess. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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