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S13.E12: Tania Speaks; TA3 Swimwear; HiccAway; Tristen Ikaika Fork & Spoon Jewelry


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Sharks are Kevin, Lori, Barbara, Daymond, and Mark.

1. Tanja Speaks- She's 19 years-old, has a skin care and brow gel line, she's so impressive.    Every Shark goes out, then Mark makes her a great offer, with two conditions.   The entrepreneur has to meet with his two daughters.       The Sharks are right, give her two years, and she's going to be a Shark.   I think another reason she got a deal was it was the eyebrow stuff, skin care, and beard stuff, so it was more than just the eyebrow gel.   My guess is Mark will stop the claims of hair growth, unless there's actual proof.       Mark makes the deal.

2. TA3-Swimwear that adjusts to be more flattering.   They're standard v-neck suits, and you pull the strings that cinch in the waist, and tie them, and it's very thick, spandex, so it will cinch everything in too.    I can't imagine the suits are very comfortable, and do the strings stay tied?    Her voice is so irritating.    Price point is way over what I would pay for swimwear.  No deal.

3. Hicc Away-a device to cure hiccups.    Very impressive, great margins, Mark makes the deal.

4. TI-jewelry, sells out instantly.   Great margins.    Tristan's jewelry is fantastic.   Picks Kevin over Barbara. 


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I can't believe Mark made an offer on the hiccup company. He usually hates things that claim to cure a disease/problem.  I didn't catch what their price point was, but when I have hiccups I just bite down on a pencil and drink water. I'm guess it does something similar to their straw thing because it works every time.

I did like Mark coming back in on the skin product person because he was disappointed no one else gave her a deal. He has invested in similar products before (Simple Sugars comes to mind), so he seems like a good fit for her.

I didn't get why the jewelry guy really needed a Shark or how he plans to grow, but he seemed likable enough. I would have picked Kevin over Barbara in that case too.

Bathing suits....eh. Barbara was right that it is probably a terrible business to be in and that you can't make anyone happy. I mean, the bathing suits look flattering on those models, but I doubt they look great on everyone.

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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I can't believe Mark made an offer on the hiccup company. He usually hates things that claim to cure a disease/problem.  

Which is why I didn’t understand his offer to the eyebrow girl, either. It just tames bushy brows, but if you keep it on a little longer, it makes your thin brows thicker? If it can actually do this, wouldn’t it also make those thick brows thicker, just not as much? The claims made no sense, and there was no science behind them. If this were pitched by a 50-year-old man, Mark would have been screaming “snake oil!”.

But I guess if it’s pitched by a pretty 19-year-old who reminds him of his daughters, it’s all good.

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The thing with the eyebrow gel founder….she didn’t say she plucked her eyebrows and it made them grow back.  She trimmed them with scissors and this encouraged them to grow back….I used to trim my eyebrows too.   They geprow jus5 like the rest of the hair on your body and I didn’t need a special gel to let them grow back during lock down.  But I was impressed by her.  And I was happy Mark did the deal.  

Liked the ring guy.   He can grow his business by adding other products such as earrings and can have a year round collection (s) and his special drops.   

I didn’t care for swimsuit lady and I’m sceptical about the hiccup product.   But it has decent reviews on Amazon with about 9% giving it 1 star and 80% giving it 5 stars. 

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To me it sounded like eye brow woman just mixed other products together to make hers (she specifically stated that she bought various products to try), so I am unclear about if she created a new formula/product or hers is a hybrid product.  Like another poster, I agree that she needs to have a clinical test before making her claims (she said she was the test). 

I would be over my hiccups before finding the hiccup thing in a drawer.  But, for those who have horrific hiccups this would be great.

I would be the customer for the swimwear except I hate lots of straps when getting in/out of a bathing suit so would never buy that suit for that reason alone.  And the price point?  Waaaay out of my budget.  I disagree with the presenter in that she will never be the Ring of bathing suits...

Jewelry guy?  I have never thought any of the jewelry investments made on this show would be good over time so am unsure how this will go.  Kevin was right about getting life insurance on him even though the other Sharks gave him a hard time over that.

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17 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I can't believe Mark made an offer on the hiccup company. He usually hates things that claim to cure a disease/problem.

He hates things that claim, with no scientific evidence, that they have health benefits or the ability to cure health issues. The creator of this product is a brain surgeon who did a peer-reviewed study proving a 90% effectiveness rate which was published in JAMA. Once that was mentioned, I had a feeling Mark would be in.

Edited by Aimless
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Eh, I bought the hiccup thing. I actually don’t get them that often, but when I do they hurt and they last a long time. For $14, it’s worth it.  I’d pay $14 every time I had to use it, if I had to, just to get rid of the hiccups. I plan on putting it in my medicine cabinet, so super easy to find. Also, at only $14, I won’t really be that upset if it doesn’t work. So, win/win for me. 

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1 hour ago, Whimsy said:

Eh, I bought the hiccup thing. I actually don’t get them that often, but when I do they hurt and they last a long time. For $14, it’s worth it.  I’d pay $14 every time I had to use it, if I had to, just to get rid of the hiccups. I plan on putting it in my medicine cabinet, so super easy to find. Also, at only $14, I won’t really be that upset if it doesn’t work. So, win/win for me. 

My experience with hiccup remedies (my brother is a genius at giving me the hiccups, so I've been through a lot), is it will work the first couple of times that you use it then stop working altogether, and I have to move on to something else. Many of these remedies also work by putting additional pressure on the diaphragm, so the science behind it didn't sell me on it.

I would have liked to see some evidence that your brain didn't acclimate to this thing, too and by my fourth or fifth try it would still be effective. I didn't like that the snarks were totally impressed by it working on someone pretending to have the hiccups. Surely, they're smarter than that!

  • LOL 1

I would never buy one of those bathing suits.  If I am wearing a bathing suit, it is because the weather is hot, The last thing I would want to wear is a combination girdle/corset. And I didn't think they were flattering on the larger models. The one model may have had a hour glass figure from the front, but from the back her back fat was scrunched together, and visible through the laces of the corset. I am not fat shaming, just stating a fact.  Between being pulled and sucked in, and the heavy material, I would feel like I couldn't breathe. The pitcher was pretty funny when she compared her product to Ring. What a ding-a-ling. 

Like others I was confused as to how a brow product could tame thick brows with one application a day and thicken thin brows with two applications. I did like that Mark came back in though. 

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My hiccups remedy is like a cheaper version of the product presented. I get them pretty often when I get out of the shower and use a hair towel. Not sure why. I drink a drink through a straw while holding my ears closed. Equalizes the pressure I suppose. 

None of these products appealed to me today, which is good for my wallet. 

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Spoon rings were popular in my high school in the 1970s.

This episode made me realize I haven't had the hiccups in years, but my go-to remedy was drinking a glass of water upside down.  Bend over and put a glass of water up to your mouth so the roof of your mouth is acting as the bottom of your mouth, and you swallow "up."  I always thought it worked just because it takes such enormous concentration to do it, but now I wonder if bending over does something to the diaphragm.  All I know is it works every time.

On 1/21/2022 at 8:42 PM, KaveDweller said:

I mean, the bathing suits look flattering on those models, but I doubt they look great on everyone.

Oh, I didn't think so.  The tightness on their torsos made the rest of them look out of proportion.  And as @UsernameFatigue pointed out, that one's back fat was scrunched together.  It looked like a butt placed on her back.

13 hours ago, eel21788 said:

My experience with hiccup remedies (my brother is a genius at giving me the hiccups, so I've been through a lot), is it will work the first couple of times that you use it then stop working altogether, and I have to move on to something else. Many of these remedies also work by putting additional pressure on the diaphragm, so the science behind it didn't sell me on it.

When I occasionally get the hiccups, I take a big, deep breath and hold it in. Then I keep taking "sips" of air, continuing to hold my breath as long as I can, thus compressing the diaphragm. It works. I had my boyfriend try it when he had the hiccups a few weeks ago, and it worked for him, too.

Spoon rings have been around since the dawn of spoons. There was nothing special or proprietary about what that dude was doing. Selling cheaply produced (he ain't handmaking all those rings) rings at a premium isn't new, and I feel sorry for the people duped by him.

Edited by bilgistic
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12 hours ago, Vermicious Knid said:

My never fail cure for hiccups is sugar, or sugar substitute, granules tossed on the back of the tongue. My eyebrows have weirdly thinned out on the ends as I got older. I've just been using an eyebrow pencil. 'Tis much cheaper.

Years ago I read about a teaspoon of sugar to cure hiccups. I tried it and it worked for me. No idea why.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

So how do you give someone the hiccups?  I think this would be a really fun skill to have.

I'm not sure I should make it public because I consider it to be cruel.


You get the person laughing to the point that he is having abdominal muscle spasms. That includes the diaphragm. 

Yes, I have tried every one of the remedies mentioned above (and more). It will work a maximum of three times then I have to move on to something else.

5 hours ago, khyber said:

Years ago I read about a teaspoon of sugar to cure hiccups. I tried it and it worked for me. No idea why.

It forces you to alter your breathing pattern while at the same time gives you something to distract yourself from thinking about the hiccups.

Some version of this is the basis of all hiccup remedies. However, as I've already said, your brain acclimates to it very quickly, so how long it will remain useful is very limited.

The Hiccaway people need to come up with some sort of disposable cover so that schools can have one in the office - then that one kid with hiccups doesn't distract the whole class.  

Ring guy was likable, but I think he was milking his sob story - My dad almost died, then my mom had cancer, and I decided right then and there that I would take care of them for the rest of their lives so I stole my sister's camera and traveled around the world.  Then again, maybe taking pictures while you are thousands of miles away from your parents is how you take care of them.  


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On 1/22/2022 at 11:34 PM, Vermicious Knid said:

My never fail cure for hiccups is sugar, or sugar substitute, granules tossed on the back of the tongue. My eyebrows have weirdly thinned out on the ends as I got older. I've just been using an eyebrow pencil. 'Tis much cheaper.

I get terrible hiccups. If I get them once, I get them again the rest of the day, usually 3 to 4 times in 1 day. And they hurt, hurt, hurt so badly. Several times I have woken up the next day in pain from them. I get them a few times a year. Just by breathing. Sugar is the only thing that helps me, almost always. But I can't have a spoonful of sugar right before bed (or a few time in a day, esp because I already have bad teeth). $14 was worth the investment for me. If it even stops them once, its worth it! 

3 hours ago, jcbrown said:

Right? This is not a new idea. I didn't like them then; I don't like them now.

I loved mine.  It had a squared off end with some flowers embossed on there.  I didn't care for the ones that had pointy ends--they looked too much like the ends of spoons.

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I'm enjoying reading everyone's hiccup cure.  I have one too.  Probably close to twenty-five years ago, I heard or read this trick (and I Googled just now, but couldn't find anything).  It works every time, within a minute or maybe two in some cases.  When I tell somebody the trick they look at me like I'm insane, and then have to backtrack and thank me.  It does sound insane, but it always works!

You just press this area on your ear (towards your head) while keeping your breathing neutral - not actively breathing or holding your breath.  The hiccups are usually gone within a minute.  So no fancy gizmo for me.



I agree with everything already said about those bathing suits.  And I am DONE with wrangling a wet one-piece no matter how good it looks.  Only tankinis for me these days.

I'm also confused about how the brow gel thins, but thickens brows at the same time.  But she was doing well - good for her.

Some of the rings were quite nice, I was surprised that Kevin didn't talk about his wedding portfolio - the guy could start making wedding/engagement rings as part of his core collection.

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My never-fail hiccup cure is very similar to @bilgistic’s. Take a deep breath, hold it for a count of ten, then take five rapid deep breaths. Repeat. I’ve never had to do more than two repetitions.

As someone else said, it’s all about controlling your breathing and disrupting the spasms. I’m sure there are many ways to get there, but I don’t think any of them require a device.

(edited to add: The ear thing looks pretty interesting, though! I’ll give that a try next time.)

Edited by 30 Helens

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