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In track and field and swimming, if one athlete on a relay is found to fail a drug test, then everyone on the team is disqualified and loses the medal. In gymnastics, when one Chinese gymnast was determined to be underage at the 2000 Olympics, the entire team lost the bronze medal (which was then awarded to the U.S.). If one of the Russians failed a drug test, then the entire team will likely be disqualified from the event and lose the medal.

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3 minutes ago, ombelico said:

In track and field and swimming, if one athlete on a relay is found to fail a drug test, then everyone on the team is disqualified and loses the medal. In gymnastics, when one Chinese gymnast was determined to be underage at the 2000 Olympics, the entire team lost the bronze medal (which was then awarded to the U.S.). If one of the Russians failed a drug test, then the entire team will likely be disqualified from the event and lose the medal.

Exactly. If one of the Russian skaters failed the drug test they all should be disqualified based on the IOC's own actions from previous Games. On the other hand there is a reason that Skating While Russian is a thing so I wouldn't be surprised if one of the skaters tests positive and they change the rules so the team still gets bronze. If that happens then I want Canada to throw a huge fit and go after them.

If there is a failed test and it turns out to be weed I will roll my eyes. I don't think weed should be on the banned list as, to quote Robin Williams "the only way it's a performance enhancing drug is if there's a big fucking Hershey bar at the end of the run", but it's there, the athletes know this and should wait until the competition is over to smoke or eat the brownie. 

Actually, I hope there is a failed test and it turns out to be weed. If the Russians lose a skating gold medal because of weed maybe they'll be the ones to convince the IOC to remove it from the list. 

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8 minutes ago, ombelico said:

In track and field and swimming, if one athlete on a relay is found to fail a drug test, then everyone on the team is disqualified and loses the medal. In gymnastics, when one Chinese gymnast was determined to be underage at the 2000 Olympics, the entire team lost the bronze medal (which was then awarded to the U.S.). If one of the Russians failed a drug test, then the entire team will likely be disqualified from the event and lose the medal.

The most likely case is that they'll strip the whole team of the medal, what makes this situation unique, is that Russia could still have more points than the 4th place team, even if you DQ'd one of their skaters and stripped them of the points they earned, and the Team Event allowed countries to compete with only 3 entries. Even in the case of China, if you only dropped the scores from the DQ'd athlete, they'd no longer have the points to keep their bronze. With a team race though, yes, it's impossible to extract the DQ'd athlete, so of course the whole team is DQ'd.

I feel bad for the clean athletes, but at the same time, I think the whole team should be DQ'd because it's BS that the ROC gets to sponsor these type of team events in the first place.

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52 minutes ago, ombelico said:

In track and field and swimming, if one athlete on a relay is found to fail a drug test, then everyone on the team is disqualified and loses the medal. In gymnastics, when one Chinese gymnast was determined to be underage at the 2000 Olympics, the entire team lost the bronze medal (which was then awarded to the U.S.). If one of the Russians failed a drug test, then the entire team will likely be disqualified from the event and lose the medal.

I’m sure this is the legal issue that is in question as there isn’t anything in the rule book to address disqualification. There is a rule allowing only three entries though and the ice skating events are separate unlike track or even gymnastics. 

You can imagine that Canada is lobbying hard for total disqualification and Japan is hoping for point reallocation. 

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I’m already stressed thinking about the men’s free skate tonight, and now I have to worry about how the points will be allocated if Russia gets disqualified. Will it be the US? Will it be Japan? I love the Olympics, but this is too much drama!

And whoever smoked weed is an idiot. It shouldn’t be a banned substance, but it is. The rules are the rules, even if the rules are stupid. Imagine costing yourself and your team a gold medal because of weed!

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20 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

Yes. It kept Sha'Carrie Richardson out of the Summer Games. 


Which was no great loss considering how she got smoked at the follow up competitions but that’s another conversation for another day. 

Who knows what the athlete tested positive for, but if it’s a banned substance it’s a banned substance, no matter what is thought about how ridiculous the rule is. On this day it is banned. Follow the rules now. Fight to change the rules later. 

Regarding whether to disqualify or not, I think the whole team should be disqualified. Yes. It’s unfair to the other individuals who were clean and competed but this is ridiculous. I mean isn’t Russia already “banned” due to doping? That’s why they’re competing under the ROC flag?

Also, I’m guessing whomever tested positive will be disqualified from competing in their respective skating discipline too? If so, we should learn who failed the drug test soon enough. 

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Oh wow. If it’s Kamila. Things just got real interesting. That’s a shame for her considering this will likely be her first and last Olympics. 

Edited by Enero
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From the article: 

“The exact nature of Valieva’s problem is unclear but the situation is complicated because, under the rules of the World Anti-Doping Code, she is a "Protected Person".

That means as "an athlete who at the time of the anti-doping rule violation: has not reached the age of sixteen" Valieva cannot officially be identified if she is guilty of an anti-doping violation.

insidethegames understands that several legal teams are currently involved working on the complex case which is expected to stretch into tomorrow before a conclusion is reached.

If Valieva is sanctioned then any penalties are likely to be much less severe than if she was over the age of 16 and the role her entourage played will come under scrutiny.”

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If it’s Kamila and not weed my guess is unauthorized ADHD medication. We know that athletes can take ADHD meds but they need to disclose and meet the requirements in order to compete but unauthorized meds would be against the rules. 

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You broke my heart, Kamila! You broke it!

Although I will get over it and be ridiculously happy for the US skaters if they get gold!

I also hope all this turmoil does not emotionally affect the men skating tonight. It is a huge distraction right before the most important skates of their lives.

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5 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

I also hope all this turmoil does not emotionally affect the men skating tonight. It is a huge distraction right before the most important skates of their lives.

First they had to deal with Vincent's COVID test right before the short, and now this!

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I know Simone went through a ton of crap to get her ADHD meds approved prior to the Olympics. I'm assuming the rules on those and how to get approval are out there. Then again, maybe Eteri thinks her people don't have to follow the rules.

I'm sure Russia is pushing to have the competition "redone" with one of their other female skaters should Kamila's scores be dropped.

I'm of the opinion that the team competes as one, and therefore one positive test puts them all out, but I haven't read the rules.

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10 minutes ago, healthnut said:

That means as "an athlete who at the time of the anti-doping rule violation: has not reached the age of sixteen" Valieva cannot officially be identified if she is guilty of an anti-doping violation.

Anyone know what this means? Does her age prevent disqualification or could it mean her coaches get DQed as well?

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1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

Anyone know what this means? Does her age prevent disqualification or could it mean her coaches get DQed as well?

I think she'll still be DQ'd, but they won't actually name her as the person who was DQ'd or list what substance was identified. It'll be a process of elimination accusation.

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2 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

Then again, maybe Eteri thinks her people don't have to follow the rules.

I stress that this is just speculation on my part. I would guess that she and the other coaches keep them under fed to stay tiny and then give them stimulants to maintain energy. Again I stress that I don’t know and am speculating.

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1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

I stress that this is just speculation on my part. I would guess that she and the other coaches keep them under fed to stay tiny and then give them stimulants to maintain energy. Again I stress that I don’t know and am speculating.

Valieva is 5'3" and weighs just over 95lbs. She probably subsists on carrots and kale juice. Yes, I could absolutely see Eteri feeding her athletes stimulants because they aren't getting energy from caloric intake. It's reasonable speculation.

Then again, it could be an ingredient in a cold medicine. 

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19 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

I also hope all this turmoil does not emotionally affect the men skating tonight. It is a huge distraction right before the most important skates of their lives.


I think the only ones who’ll be affected by this are the Russian men. This will be a huge distraction for them and could impact their mental game for the competition.  Everyone else I believe will be okay. 

Edited by Enero
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Just now, BlackberryJam said:

Then again, it could be an ingredient in a cold medicine. 

Maybe they’ll do like the 2000 womens all-around and DQ Kamila but remove the drug from the banned list for future Games. Raducan was allowed to compete in the event finals so maybe Kamila will just be DQed from Team and allowed to skate in Ladies.

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Just now, Mellowyellow said:

Several outlets are reporting that it's performance enhancing and that it is Kamila.

My heart is broken. I can't believe I was so naive.........

I feel bad for Kamila. No way is she taking whatever substance voluntarily. It’s entirely possible that she’d be able to do what we saw the other night with a lifetime of proper training and nutrition but her coaches don’t give a shit about her or her teammates and only care about gold medals. No wonder she was so upset about that fall in her team free skate.

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1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

I feel bad for Kamila. No way is she taking whatever substance voluntarily. It’s entirely possible that she’d be able to do what we saw the other night with a lifetime of proper training and nutrition but her coaches don’t give a shit about her or her teammates and only care about gold medals. No wonder she was so upset about that fall in her team free skate.

And if that's the case, I doubt the other 2 Russian girls are clean either. 

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4 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Several outlets are reporting that it's performance enhancing and that it is Kamila.

My heart is broken. I can't believe I was so naive.........

Can you link those articles? Because everything I’ve read either states that the drug is unknown. Guardian is the only one reporting that they’re hearing the drug is NOT performance enhancing and that the debate is over whether it was taken in or out of competition. 

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1 minute ago, absnow54 said:

And if that's the case, I doubt the other 2 Russian girls are clean either. 

Yup. I am (was?) huge fans of them but there is no way I can think they're clean if this is true.

1 minute ago, Enero said:

Can you link those articles? Because everything I’ve read either states that the drug is unknown. Guardian is the only one reporting that they’re hearing the drug is NOT performance enhancing and that the debate is over whether it was taken in or out of competition. 


Go to the end pages. I know the site is nuts but there's too much stuff to link so I figure you can look it all up and decide yourself.

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1 minute ago, scarynikki12 said:

I don’t know the sources but they tend to use Performance Enhancing as a general term for all the banned substances, including weed, so I wouldn’t assume anything by the use.

It is highly suspicious though because this stuff doesn't happen to say......Bradie or Rika iykwim.

I ADORED Kamila and was a huge fan of the Russian girls.

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This is from Reuters about drug use..


The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), as part of a policy change last year, reduced its bans for recreational drugs so that athletes who test positive out of competition would be banned for one to three months instead of two years.

According to WADA, for a substance to be on its prohibited list it must meet any two of the following criteria: performance enhancement, danger to an athlete’s health, and a violation of the spirit of sport.


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25 minutes ago, P2C2E said:

She isn't.

She doesn't let them eat.

Pills don't have calories, right? 

She's a 15 year old kid. Someone either dropped the ball in getting her ADHD meds approved (if she was legally prescribed them), or that heinous bitch is giving her skaters drugs. There are reasons that students who get caught with their ADHD meds in their lockers are suspended. They can sell them. If you don't need ADHD meds, it acts as an upper, and an APPETITE SUPPRESSANT.

I had actual an ADULT ask if they could buy my son's Concerta when the doctors changed his dosage and I had a full bottle of the old. They keep you alert and make you feel full for HOURS. I tried one. It worked. So I flushed them before my former eating disorder could pop in and voice its opinion.

If it's weed, that's just plain STUPID. 


Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Well this has turned into a mess of speculation and conflicting information. SMH. It is likely not weed, but some other drug. 

If she tested positive for a banned substance before the Games why was she allowed to go to Beijing in the first place? Sigh 

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Is the Witch going to receive any fall out from this?

If it's true and it's PEDs I doubt Kamila is sourcing them and dosing herself. Or are they going to hang her out spectacularly and the Witch will continue on with all her riches?



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While I'm sad for Kamila (if all of this is true; I can't believe a 15 year old kid would be sourcing and taking drugs knowingly, I put the blame on her coaches and the Russian committee), this is the figure skating DRAMA I live for. Wild accusations, illegal drugs, evil coaches, beautiful skaters who are cold as steel, insanity behind the scenes. The Olympics just. got. interesting. LOL.

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