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S09.E12: New Stew on the Block


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I am so glad this season is almost over with!  It seems like it has been going on for YEARS.  I am so tired of Rayna's eyerolling, Fraiser's bitchness, Jake's inability to be a leader, Jake being a basic, disgusting manwhore, Capt. Lee....I'm just over everyone and everything on this ship.

The only bright spot has been Wes (who hardly gets any airtime) and Rachel.  Oh and BTW I would NEVER, EVER want Rayna preparing my food for me!  I'm glad she's found some joy in the galley but good lawd if she can't handle the critiques or compliments from her deck superiors how the A.F. is she going to handle the high stress demand of a chef??  


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2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Rayna's refusal to chip in a lousy $100 to the new stew tells me everything I need to know about her character.

If you read the thread, you’ll see this is debunked.  She did, in fact, chip in $100 along with everyone else.  She simply joked that she liked the new stew until she had to pay her.  It was just a silly kidding/not kidding comment. 

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23 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

We don't know that they didn't ask her if she wanted a doctor or if there was even a doctor visit. Just because it wasn't shown doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

Good point.  I guess I'm just thinking that it's something they routinely showed on many previous occasions so it seemed odd to me that nobody addressed it whatsoever.  From my perspective, it seemed like at breakfast the crew was being told for the first time that she was in bed with a bad ear when they asked them to take breakfast down.  I thought it would have been the polite (and 5 star service) thing to do at that point to ask if she needed a doctor, or when Heather took breakfast down, to ask her directly?  I have no idea why this is even something that bugs me.     

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On 1/17/2022 at 6:44 PM, bencr said:

Jake has a roguish charm, like Rhett Butler maybe.  I'm kind of amused that he behaves inappropriately and, frankly, doesn't give a damn how it's perceived.

The point is that he wants to be perceived.

He's playing for the cameras.

They were walking out of that restaurant and he saw the shallow pool and wanted to jump in but he was wearing someone else's shirt and that person (either Wes or Fraser) pleaded with him not to jump in with his shirt on so he took it off and then jumped in.

Showing off the thong for the cameras, the same thing.


Everyone encouraging Rayna to get into cooking is the same as them discouraging her from continuing with yachting.

In this or a previous episode, they had a wide shot of the yacht at its anchorage.  You could see the port in the background so it appears like they moved only like a kilometer out of port as the crow flies.  Probably a small island but in other seasons of BD and BDM, you never get the sense that they go too far from port.  Maybe just enough to show them moving a bit and then dropping anchor and then returning and docking.

Once, either BD or BDM, they had to travel like 3 or 4 hours to pick up guests.  But that's about it.

When you go to the Mediterranean, you often see these big yachts moored away from the coastline but not that far.  Or they're in port like at Monaco.  Probably the billionaires want to be near all the coastal amenities, including maybe sleeping in a luxury hotel or dining at a famous restaurant.

In fact, they may take their yachts to exotic places like the South of France but it wouldn't be surprising if they just have the crew take the yacht across the water while they will fly in their private jets to meet it.

So in effect, these super yachts are like floating lounges for them, but they don't spend all their time on it, despite the hundreds of millions it cost them.

Maybe these speculations are wrong though, maybe they really dig the water slides and jet skis that much.

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On 1/18/2022 at 6:29 AM, psychoticstate said:

Rayna is the WORST.  She is bringing the morale and everything else down on the boat.  Does she need meds or something because other than the first episode, have we had a single one where she wasn't crying?   Eddie is her supervisor but he's not her therapist.  Neither is Captain Lee.   I hate the word that was used but let's remember that Rayna said it first (and apparently it was perfectly okay when she said it) and Heather repeated it and now somehow Heather is the bad person.  

I thoroughly dislike Rayna and hope never to see her on my tv again after the reunion.  

Fraser can go with her, since he's just as catty and neurotic as Rayna is angry and critical.  

I don't care to see Jake again either.  I don't understand the fascination there is with him.  

Honestly, this season has been a bust.   I've enjoyed seeing Rachel's food and would love to see more of the St. Kitts scenery but Andy & Co. seem to think we want to see Rayna bitch and moan every week about how she's not forgiven Heather.  I don't care.  

Other than earache Melissa on the first night (who was an absolute pill), these guests were delightful.  So of course next week we'll have to endure guests that are terrors.  

I loathe Rayna with the heat of 1,000 suns.  She constantly sets a lower bar for herself, demonstrating just how low she can sink.

I truly believe that the only fair resolution to the "N" word circumstance is for BOTH Heather AND Rayna to be called out for having used the word.  It shouldn't be more okay for Rayna to use it than Heather.  It's an offensive, hot button word that no one should utter, and most normal people don't want to hear.  Taking it a step further, musicians who use the word in their songs should be taken to task as well.

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They were walking out of that restaurant and he saw the shallow pool and wanted to jump in but he was wearing someone else's shirt and that person (either Wes or Fraser) pleaded with him not to jump in with his shirt on so he took it off and then jumped in.

And BTW, the pixelation of his junk in that pool wasn't quite sufficient enough.


Everyone encouraging Rayna to get into cooking is the same as them discouraging her from continuing with yachting.

Which is something she should definitely be discouraged from. But I'm hard pressed to think of a job that is suited to her. She doesn't really seem to understand how jobs work.


Taking it a step further, musicians who use the word in their songs should be taken to task as well.

And that's a larger conversation that, unfortunately, Andy Cohen and his ilk are simply not equipped to handle.

Edited by iMonrey
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23 hours ago, iMonrey said:

She immediately ran crying to Wes saying they (Lee and Eddie) were playing with her emotions, criticizing her one minute then praising her the next. That had absolutely nothing to do with Heather using the "n" word. Nada. Zippo. Zilch. And Eddie kept trying to get to the bottom of why she was crying and she didn't want to talk, didn't want to talk, didn't want to talk, and when finally forced to, brought up the Heather thing as an excuse rather than repeat what she told Wes about them playing with her emotions. That's deflection, plain and simple. Which is why I feel she has lost her right to complain about the Heather thing.

On the contrary, Rayna knows exactly what's going on. She went to Eddie about the Heather thing and he completely bungled the response (I mean, it was cringeworthy). Rayna rightfully senses her managers either don't care or are afraid of the topic, and they are using criticism and excessive praise to keep Rayna off balance. She can't really be forthright with Eddie because he's the problem, so she takes the easy way out and declines to discuss it with him further. So her crying to Wes has everything to do with Heather, or, more specifically, Eddie's "management" of the Heather thing. The guys from the "Another Below Deck" podcast discuss this today and they nail it, and they correctly note that Captain Lee is a tough guy who'll tear you a new one if you make an honest mistake, but who is either too chickenshit or doesn't care enough to address what may or may not be a racist comment (at this point, he doesn't know if the comment had a racist context or not because he hasn't felt it necessary to talk to Heather).

Edited by bencr
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On 1/18/2022 at 11:58 AM, Onecattoo said:

I will be so pissed if Andy glosses over the context when and how Heather said it and totally ignores that all she did was REPEAT WHAT RAYNA SAID! If anyone is to be reprimanded for saying it, both of them need to be or the hypocrisy is simply unbearable.  Then they need to address that every time Rayna pulls this out to complain about it, she never acknowledges her part in it…and how this only seemed to be an issue when she was on the carpet for her own failings.  

Andy will completely gloss over this. He doesn't watch Below Deck and he has terrible assistants why help him prepare for the reunions.
He was a horrible reunion host two seasons ago when the Bru Crew were on. He was just beyond awful, he never held their feet to the fire and later defended his performance as host with some crap about his (mostly women) assistants who thought his questions were appropriate. 

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On the contrary, Rayna knows exactly what's going on. She went to Eddie about the Heather thing and he completely bungled the response (I mean, it was cringeworthy). Rayna rightfully senses her managers either don't care or are afraid of the topic, and they are using criticism and excessive praise to keep Rayna off balance. She can't really be forthright with Eddie because he's the problem, so she takes the easy way out and declines to discuss it with him further. So her crying to Wes has everything to do with Heather, or, more specifically, Eddie's "management" of the Heather thing. 

I'd be more than happy to take that at face value but Rayna has forfeited any claim to be a victim in this situation. Not once has she told anyone the context in which Heather used the offending word, which strongly suggests she understands it won't be seen in the same light if she did. You simply can't go around complaining about what someone else said when they were only repeating what you said, and she knows it. She has been using this as an excuse to mope and rationalize her poor working performance from the start. She moped, lazed and rolled her eyes from day 1, long before the Heather thing happened. She has just latched onto this as her get-out-of jail free card.

It does seem puzzling that neither Eddie nor Lee have talked to Heather about this. Which leads me to believe they have, and that they know how it actually went down, which is why they have not acted any further on it. Heather has already apologized, twice, and Rayna has accepted that apology, twice. What - exactly - are Eddie and Lee supposed to do further? Fire Heather?

Edited by iMonrey
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On 1/18/2022 at 6:14 PM, aqusdealer said:

I'll have to cut Captain Lee and Eddie some slack here because neither of them has the full story, so it's unfair to judge them on whether they should or shouldn't have acted in a certain manner regarding Rayna and Heather. As some have mentioned, it was something that occured in a restaurant after a lot of drinking and not on the ship. I do however have some thoughts on the incident. Although I'm not really crazy about Heather, I've never had the impression that she's racist at all. From what I have learned over the years, if you are white and growing up in Hawaii, then you are the minority. Rayna OTOH is deliberately putting Heather in a bad light to help herself appear to be a victim. It's not a very nice thing to do to a coworker who has sincerely apologized twice for repeating the line to that song. Yes it's a vile and derogatory word, but if it's so offensive to Rayna, then she shouldn't use it either. Rayna actually seems more racist to me.

Didn't Rayna say something racist to Wes (maybe even more things than just this one that I'm recalling) along the lines of being light-skinned?  This lying, back stabbing, C U next Tuesday beyotch is a sneaky, snaky, manipulative, nasty, duplicitous, phony, unpleasant, rude, disrespectful a--hole.  I could come up with 100s more negative qualities about here, but you all get the picture of my opinion of her with just this small handful of personal observations about her. 

She was so full of shite when she was on that crap show "Watch What Happens Live", a trash program I refuse to watch because of that other brown-nosing immature, two-faced a--hole, Andy Cohen, who had his nose so far up her her ass it was coming out through her mouth.  I saw an excerpted portion of her appearance on the show in a YouTube clip, and my mouth was hanging open the entire time out of amazement for the globs of bullshit the two of these losers were spouting.

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On 1/18/2022 at 7:16 PM, Tanukisan said:

Maybe you wanted them… Maybe you didn’t… Maybe you couldn’t care less… but nonetheless… here are my Episode Thoughts…

Rayna quote: “I feel like I’m alone.”  Yeah, you are.  Because you comport yourself in a way no one wants to be around you.  You take no responsibility for your actions, blame others for our own problems, and wonder why people dislike you.  Welcome to Earth.  Eddie actually makes an effort to talk to her about her feelings, and after an effort to sympathise he says “Do you want to talk about it?”  And from Rayna?  Nothing.  Which is exactly how much attention we should pay to her.

Sourpuss now needs bedside service? 

Guest expects to take Rachel by surprise, addressing her in Japanese.  Rachel responds in perfect Japanese.  I LOVE RACHEL!  She has completely surpassed all my expectations this season in comparison to previous appearances.  I mean, I always knew she was a brilliant chef, but the fact that she’s kept it together this season with no major meltdowns is extraordinary.  She’s one of the few people on the programme that I’d consider hiring.

Is Wes the only sane deck hand?  He keeps his head down, does his job, doesn’t get drunk naked, etc.

Fraser is such a weasel.  His anxiety and pettiness as the new stew is transported on site would be amusing if it weren’t so pathetic.  We know who and what you are, Fraser.  We know.

Hey, Captain Lee – couples wanting to renew their vows on a luxury yacht during what is quite possibly the holiday of their lifetime and you’re pissy about it?  Yeah, maybe you SHOULD have joined the Navy.

Rayna couldn’t even stop chewing long enough to welcome the New Stew.  Class much?

Fraser wanting to keep Kaylee “in the laundry and cabins” is not surprising.  He’s threatened.  And rightly so.

How many more time are we going to have to hear about Rayna and her “feelings” and apologizing for it?  For goodness sake, this has been done to death.  The racist card has been played so many times it’s lost all meaning and effectiveness.  We get it, Bravo.  Racism is bad.  Even when there isn’t any.  Eddie: “Can you trust me?”  Rayna:  “We shall see.”  Yeah, we’ll see until we have to see it all over again.  For the remainder of this episode, I have the over/under on Rayna complaining at 3.

“Jake wants to blow something!”  No comment.

Sourpuss tries to ruin things for everyone, but thankfully, they’re not buying.

The vow renewal ceremony was very nice – good job, Captain Lee.

…And we’re back to the Rayna Whine Show…  1

Well the guests are away and now we’re off to the crew night out.  And is Jake wearing a woman’s thong?

Fraser stepping up and admitting he was petty and insecure?  Whoa, wait.  Let’s see what happens in the next episode – methinks he doth weaseleth too little…

And we end the episode with a bidet – a kind of toilet that doesn’t flush.  Which, when you think about it, is much like this season, actually.




Rayna has ZERO class.  She is one of the most disgusting eaters I've ever seen.  Every time she's been filmed with food in her mouth, it's wide open while she's grossly chomping away chewing her cud.  I would be mortified to have her as a guest in a fine dining restaurant, or even in my home, because she would disgust all the other patrons/guests also in attendance.

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4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Heather has already apologized, twice, and Rayna has accepted that apology, twice. What - exactly - are Eddie and Lee supposed to do further? Fire Heather?

The interesting thing is when Rayna tells someone that Heather said the "N" word she never really follows up with how Heather has given her two heartfelt apologies in which Rayna told her it's all good and she still loves her.  Funny how that is never part of her narrative.

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Rayna, just stop, stop trying to deflect from your awful work ethic. You should have called out Heather immediately versus forgiving her multiple times. You’re full of BS. You also contradict yourself. “I love black love. It’s honestly something people my age need to see.” yet she can’t stop chasing her engaged boss. 

salvador dali mustache GIF

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6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It does seem puzzling that neither Eddie nor Lee have talked to Heather about this. Which leads me to believe they have, and that they know how it actually went down, which is why they have not acted any further on it. 

There is no evidence that they've talked to Heather. But I can understand why you think they did because it's so obvious that they should have.


6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Heather has already apologized, twice, and Rayna has accepted that apology, twice. What - exactly - are Eddie and Lee supposed to do further? Fire Heather?

Like any manager, Captain Lee should learn the context of what Heather said by speaking to both Rayna and Heather and manage the situation based on what they say. If he had done so, my guess is he would not have fired Heather, but he would slap her on the wrist tell her (and maybe Rayna too) to not use that word again.

I understand people don't like Rayna, but I don't get why it's so hard to understand that a Captain's job is to manage conflict. If Eddie had gone to Captain Lee right away and if Captain Lee had managed the situation this would be long forgotten by now. Instead the issue lives on (which is terribly unfair to Heather) and both Eddie and especially Captain Lee come across as two white guys who either don't care about a possible incidence of racism on their boat or who are too chickenshit to deal with it.

7 minutes ago, bencr said:

There is no evidence that they've talked to Heather. But I can understand why you think they did because it's so obvious that they should have.


Like any manager, Captain Lee should learn the context of what Heather said by speaking to both Rayna and Heather and manage the situation based on what they say. If he had done so, my guess is he would not have fired Heather, but he would slap her on the wrist tell her (and maybe Rayna too) to not use that word again.

I understand people don't like Rayna, but I don't get why it's so hard to understand that part of management's job is to manage conflict. If Eddie had gone to Captain Lee right away and if Captain Lee had managed the situation this would be long forgotten by now. Instead the issue lives on (which is terribly unfair to Heather) and both Eddie and especially Captain Lee come across as two white guys who either don't care about a possible incidence of racism on their boat or who are too chickenshit to deal with it.


Edited by bencr
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I understand people don't like Rayna, but I don't get why it's so hard to understand that a Captain's job is to manage conflict. If Eddie had gone to Captain Lee right away and if Captain Lee had managed the situation this would be long forgotten by now.

Based on her season-long behavior I don't believe for one minute Rayna would let go of this even if Lee and Eddie acted as you suggest. She's like a dog with a bone about this. If she hasn't let it go by now, after two apologies from Heather - and Eddie - she's never going to. Clearly. She's been a malcontent since Day 1 and this has become her symbol of martyrdom. 

And I don't believe for one second this incident calls for a sit down with Lee or even Eddie. Heather repeated something Rayna said, while off-duty. Which nobody else heard. Rayna rightfully told Heather, after the fact, that it wasn't cool, then proceeded to tell her they were all good. This has nothing to do with racism. She's dodging criticism by acting like it is, and that's disingenuous, at best. Her discontent may have escalated because Eddie didn't give her a free pass when she first brought it up as an excuse for her poor performance on deck, but she's just exacerbating a problem she herself created by pretending that was a viable excuse. And it wasn't. The more she clings to this, the worse she looks.

I just really think the show and/or network are so concerned about accusations of racism they are trying carefully manage the way Rayna comes across, given the glad-handling she got on WWHL, and the way this episode bent over backwards to give her a sympathetic edit. Which she does not merit, IMO. 

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Based on her season-long behavior I don't believe for one minute Rayna would let go of this even if Lee and Eddie acted as you suggest. She's like a dog with a bone about this. If she hasn't let it go by now, after two apologies from Heather - and Eddie - she's never going to. Clearly. She's been a malcontent since Day 1 and this has become her symbol of martyrdom. 

We'll never know how she would respond because Eddie and Captain Lee didn't do their job.

And I don't believe for one second this incident calls for a sit down with Lee or even Eddie. Heather repeated something Rayna said, while off-duty. Which nobody else heard. Rayna rightfully told Heather, after the fact, that it wasn't cool, then proceeded to tell her they were all good. This has nothing to do with racism. 

This whole comment is based on information you and I know as viewers but Captain Lee does not know. For all Captain Lee knows it is totally about racism since he never deigned to look into it.

I just really think the show and/or network are so concerned about accusations of racism ...

Then they should have edited it out in the first place.

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On 1/18/2022 at 1:31 PM, tvfanatic13 said:

We don't know that they didn't ask her if she wanted a doctor or if there was even a doctor visit. Just because it wasn't shown doesn't mean that it didn't happen.

Anyway, just me or does anyone else think that Kaylee resembles Hannah a little bit? 

Has the reunion been filmed yet? I can see Rayna not showing up for it. 

YES!! I thought the same thing about Kaylee. It’s in the facial expressions? The mouth maybe? But for some reason I saw it too.. I thought to myself, she reminds me of Hannah 🤷🏻‍♀️

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On 1/18/2022 at 2:58 PM, Onecattoo said:

I will be so pissed if Andy glosses over the context when and how Heather said it and totally ignores that all she did was REPEAT WHAT RAYNA SAID! If anyone is to be reprimanded for saying it, both of them need to be or the hypocrisy is simply unbearable.  Then they need to address that every time Rayna pulls this out to complain about it, she never acknowledges her part in it…and how this only seemed to be an issue when she was on the carpet for her own failings.  

Andy gave Reyna a tongue bath on WWHL, so I doubt he'll hold her accountable for her part. 😕

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On the same level of Rayna being subjected to the N word we have Jake who has exposed himself to everyone on the crew, it is a form of harassment, Capt. Lee could easily get HR involved with that too but the difference is Jake is blatantly doing a "look at me, I have penis," Rayna is subjecting everyone to her whining about something that should have been resolved because she did accept two apologies from Heather but keeps droning on about it.


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As much as I dislike rayna I can get on board with the logic that captain Lee and Eddie sorta dropped the ball. Rayna HAS been vague about the details and HAS shared minimal information so with the little bit of info Eddie and Lee DO have the next step should reflect a sense of urgency and an energy of “this is serious”. I hate to say it but the laziness in Eddie and Lees attitude over the incident is not a good look and does give a bit of credibility to raynas side. And dare I say it is a bit offensive. I mean come on. Eddie and Lee are really floating around it and quite honestly it’s coming across as just brushing it under the rug. Not cool. 

 Now keep in mind I’m looking at it through a pretty average lens and if Eddie and Lee really wanted to handle it professionally it would have been a matter of fact, no nonsense delving into the matter and getting down to the bottom of things. Instead it’s two white guys waxing  poetic on how unacceptable it is to use the word and how appalled they are at the usage to EACH OTHER and in their CONFESSIONALS but then apparently choose NOT to take it up with  blonde white  chief stew. 

Crap!! I’m not one to make things about race and what we as viewers see already spells a lot out on how Raynas playing this hand but dammit it does not negate that it does boil down to the fact that Eddie and Lee just DID NOT DO ENOUGH and, I can’t believe I’m saying this, that does give a bit of explanation to raynas mood. She is milking it for all it’s worth HOWEVER there IS a bit of substance to her grievance.  Sometimes I think she kinda did it as a test and as corny as that is Lee and Eddie failed miserably. They only have themselves to blame for that. 

Ughhh! sorry. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Edited by Yours Truly
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Oh and ummmmm rayna running around asking coworkers about sexual shit…. That doesn’t fly with me either. That too should be something frowned upon and an HR issue. I get that these seasons have sex and hook ups on the menu but it’s the rayna just random brings up sexual personal questions that really jolts. It’s not done in a fun, having drinks after charter way. It’s done while swabbing the deck, surprise, invasive way. That’s not cool either Miss I’m so offended at the N word… ummmm sexual harassment is a thing too you know. Ugggggh!!! 🙄

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On 1/19/2022 at 1:54 AM, Bossa Nova said:

My armchair nursing degree suspects she had a tooth issue., thus resulting in an earache and jaw pain.

An infection in a molar and probably needed a root canal.



I had a earache about a week and it ended up being a canine tooth. Tooth cracked and I had to have it pulled.

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On 1/18/2022 at 9:16 PM, Tanukisan said:

Hey, Captain Lee – couples wanting to renew their vows on a luxury yacht during what is quite possibly the holiday of their lifetime and you’re pissy about it?  Yeah, maybe you SHOULD have joined the Navy.

He was pissy because the whole thing was Heather's idea--she suggested it to the men (who liked the idea) and was ultra proud of herself and voluntold Lee before checking with him.  He wasn't mad at the guests.

For all who are keeping track of tip reveal glitch--I have Comcast/Xfiniti and had the glitch too.  So weird!


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We'll never know how she would respond because Eddie and Captain Lee didn't do their job.

I maintain it is not their job to police what a crew person says when they are off duty.


Rayna HAS been vague about the details and HAS shared minimal information so with the little bit of info Eddie and Lee DO have the next step should reflect a sense of urgency and an energy of “this is serious”. 

Imagine that Eddie and/or Lee has a formal sit-down with both Rayna and Heather, and learn the whole story: that Heather merely repeated something Rayna said first, and then later Rayna called her out, and then Heather apologized, twice. And Rayna accepted both apologies. Imagine how bad Rayna would look if that happened. It would totally expose her hypocrisy.

And I think that's exactly what happened - or at the very least, Eddie and Lee learned the whole story through some channel, and we aren't being shown that because of how much worse it would make Rayna look. And the show/network is really worried about that and trying to scrub her behavior as much as possible.

Rayna got upset when Jake said he was engaged, and she was upset when Jake was promoted to lead deck hand. That's really the root of her problem. And she either doesn't want to say that or is just in denial of that, so when Eddie tries to nail down what her problem is she uses this Heather thing as an excuse. It's lame, and I don't buy it for a second. But it seems to be the story the show wants to tell out of fear of accusations of racism. 

This may be a reaction to Lexi/Miss Bahamas from BDM - the network doesn't want to be perceived as purposely hiring unbalanced women of color just for the sake of drama so they're trying very hard to soft pedal Rayna's behavior.

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On 1/17/2022 at 10:57 PM, Koalagirl said:

My tv froze as well (actually the screen momentarily went black with no picture or sound). I have Verizon Fios and it’s been happening every so often - I think its only when I have Bravo on.

I have Comcast and mine froze as well.  Judging by posts about different providers, it has to be a Bravo thing.  I was pissed when my tv froze.  It does also happen to me only when viewing Bravo.  WTF is going on? 

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2 hours ago, OFDgal said:

I have Comcast and mine froze as well.  Judging by posts about different providers, it has to be a Bravo thing.  I was pissed when my tv froze.  It does also happen to me only when viewing Bravo.  WTF is going on? 


I was watching for this on my recording and everything was normal, I have AT&T u-verse. I used to have a problem with A&E for ages when the talking on anything would be way behind the actual lip movement, happened randomly but would last for hours. Haven't watched much A&E since they cancelled Live PD `just to be seen to be doing something.

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I think Captain Lee and Eddie need some diversity training because they’ve bungled this situation.

I admit when the storyline first started I thought it was quickly resolved. Rayna informed an embarrassed Heather the word was not cool and Rayna loved Heather and had her back. Heather did not take the exchange well, it brought down the mood considerably. I just realized that Heather and Jake had been singing together and maybe Rayna first brought it up out of jealousy in the moment?
Anyway, as a storyline, this is the song that never ends, it goes on and on my friend. Because nobody is dealing with it! Eddie tried to hide and ignore it, Lee put it off on Eddie, Rayna whispers her discontent to crew mates (but not Heather) creating drama and division and makes no moves to resolve it.

Heather is the only one to take the bull by the horns and address the issue head on. She took responsibility and apologized. She’s under the impression it’s been addressed and dealt with and we’re all moving forward.
I would love it if if we could address, deal, and move on.

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On 1/18/2022 at 8:04 AM, Lassus said:

I kind of agree with this, except I'd substitute "corporate HR" - they exist somewhere, if not on the boat.  I do think Eddie made an honest - if kind of weak - effort to deal with it.  Rayna's been a bit hard to follow on this issue.

Jake is the skeeviest motherfucker I've run across in awhile on this show.  And 2nd stew seems about six more months of unexamined self away from a complete breakdown. 


I do, and I honestly just figured I had zoned out or something.  Something seems odd though that it was across multiple services.


New stew is quite pretty.  


Next week already looks a bit staged.  There's no way on the planet that large of a group sits together for that long and doesn't wonder who's on duty for the guests.

All.of.this! Who cares about eye rolls when someone is throwing out the N word causally? If a non-Black person uses the word in a laid back manner in your face that's a sign that they use it all the time. 

Also....there is zero. Zero. Justification or context for a non-Black person to use that word. Zero, zilch. It doesn't matter if a Black person uses it. It doesn't matter if your favorite (Black) celebrity or rapper uses it. If you are not Black you are not allowed to use that word. Period.

Black Americans have pretty much decided that each one of us can determine how we feel about the word and our own usage but non-Black people are not allowed to gauge how we use it. Each Black American has to come to terms with their emotional and cultural connection to the word and how they chose to use it in their lives. None of that should be monitored by non-Black people. Don't whine that you can't say it and don't whine about context. It doesn't exist for anyone else. 

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My guess is the producers wanted them to have a convo about it, first with Rayna and then with Heather.

Lee probably wanted nothing to do with it, because it would be phony, for the cameras discussion.

So Eddie got roped into it but this is a TV show, he doesn't really care if Rayna and Heather get along for the week or less that they have remaining of the season.  So he's only going to push so far.

Rayna doesn't want to be part of the circus either but looks like previews show Heather trying to be melodramatic, making Rayna accept her apology.

Didn't Rayna already tell her they were good but then in her own TH, said she'd never forget or forgive Heather?  Unless they showed Heather that TH and she takes it upon herself to confront heather, it's probably again another producer-driven showdown they're going to have in the finale.

Why would either of them bother, they're probably never going to see each other in person again?  But they're going to be forced to go through with the charade.

Edited by aghst

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