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Small Talk: Ghostly Chats

Meredith Quill
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From the thread:

22 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Anyhoo, I'm okay with the accents used and not used on the show. I also never notice a British actor's accent bleeding through when they're playing an American--although when Canadian actors say "either" with a long "i" while pretending to be American, I can't help giving the TV a disdainful smirk. 

22 hours ago, Trey said:

Why a "disdainful smirk"?

22 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Just because it gives away that they're Canadians playing Americans, and I'm petty enough to be thinking: Gotcha!

6 hours ago, callie lee 29 said:

That's more an American way of saying that word?? While I occasionally say it both ways, I by far pronounce it with a long "I" sound. And I'm from the southern US (primarily). 

5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I confess that I've never lived in the south, and may not have noticed if that's common.
Plus, whenever I've been especially bugged about the long "I" pronunciation of "either" on a show (when the character repeats the word several times) causing me to look up the actor, it's always turned out to be a Canadian actor. 
Maybe I ignore it when an actor with a Southern accent says it that way because it seems like part of that speech pattern? I'll look out for this in the future. 

3 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I am American and I use both "either(s)" depending on which one sounds better to me. It is the I sound when power stressed at the end of a sentence. The E sound when it flows in a sentence.

That makes sense.
Maybe this is just my age showing, having grown up before there were a lot of Canadian actors using the long i "either" on TV?
(as well as having never lived in the South)
But now I want to watch a bit of OG Star Trek to note how Shatner pronounces it. Heh, if he did say "eye-ther," I probably gave him a pass since he was from the future.

The one Canadian actor playing American that does it that I can recall is Kristin Kreuk. I was a fan of the first seasons of Smallville in the early 2000s, and then I also watched most of Beauty and the Beast, as well as a few episodes of her more recent Burden of Truth series. It's probably just my imagination, but it seems in all of her shows the writers are always including the word "either" in her lines in every episode.
And now I'm imagining the writers kicking back with their feet up, watching the episode with beer or wine, having a drinking game that revolves around taking a drink every time she has to say "EYE-ther," hee.



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You are reminding me of two grammar school rules for spelling and reading:

I before E, except after C, and in words like neighbor and weigh. (ay ther, anyone?)

When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking. (suggests the eeether pronunciation)

My ear doesn’t even notice a difference between the two pronunciations you’ve been discussing.

I should explain: of course I hear the difference in vowel sounds, but it doesn’t interrupt my attention from what the speaker is saying. 

Edited by Daff
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8 hours ago, Daff said:

When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.

Omygosh, were you in first grade with me? But you left off the end of the rule “…and it always talks long” 

And “magical E at the end of the word makes the First. Vowel. Long. “

Anyway, I off-ten hear people say eye-ther  but that wasn’t what Sister Christopher taught us!

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8 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

And “magical E at the end of the word makes the First. Vowel. Long. “

Mine was merely a droll, “silent e” rule. Your Sister C seemed to be imaginative, knowing how to capture the interest of youngsters as they learned their lessons. BTW, differing “often” pronunciations don’t prick my ears either. My attention IS drawn, however, to alternative pronunciations of “insurance” and “ambulance”.

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18 hours ago, Daff said:

When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking. (suggests the eeether pronunciation)

I was in Connecticut at that time, and the reminder was longer and pretty much ruled out the eye-ther pronunciation:

  • “When two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking, and the second one does the walking.”

Does anyone here who attended K-3 grades in the South or Canada or elsewhere recall this saying or a similar (or different) one?

Edited by shapeshifter
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7 hours ago, Arynm said:

I say either with a long "i" and I am from the south.  Not sure why, but that's how we say it.

I wonder if the long “i” pronunciation of “either” is one of the things actors from the South (and Brits) are supposed to change when they’re playing a character from the North or places like LA or San Francisco, but Canadians get a pass on it?

Can anyone here think of an actor from the South who plays a role with Northern inflections/speech patterns?  
My obsession with this pronunciation variation has gone to the next level. 🙃

Edited by shapeshifter
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7 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Can anyone here think of an actor from the South who plays a role with Northern inflections/speech patterns?  
My obsession with this pronunciation variation has gone to the next level. 🙃

Probably every single one who grew up within a family who spoke with that dialect. Some have an ear for it and can adopt the patterns at will. Others hire a dialect coach. When I was in college, we had two exchange students from England. Everyone was enamored with their speech, but after only a few weeks, they were able to parrot ours! We didn’t all speak the same way, either, because we all came from different regions. They could mimic us all, and they found that exceedingly hilarious. 

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In the opening (the desk, the bookcase), there are objects in the room that represent each one of the ghosts (except the cholera ghosts and..."Crash", is he?). I've figured out all of them, but not Hetty's. I think I've located the one it must be in the photo, but I can't actually tell what the object is. Anyone have any idea?

I have refrained from mentioning any of them because I had fun finding them and thought you might too.

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2 hours ago, basil said:

In the opening (the desk, the bookcase), there are objects in the room that represent each one of the ghosts (except the cholera ghosts and..."Crash", is he?). I've figured out all of them, but not Hetty's. I think I've located the one it must be in the photo, but I can't actually tell what the object is. Anyone have any idea?

I have refrained from mentioning any of them because I had fun finding them and thought you might too.

I guess this is the picture you are talking about:


I guess the flower is for Flower?

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I guess this is the picture you are talking about:


I guess the flower is for Flower?

Yes and yes - but more specifically a daisy for Daisy,

eta: thanks for posting the photo, AnimeMania. I am startlingly inept at such things.

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16 hours ago, basil said:

In the opening (the desk, the bookcase), there are objects in the room that represent each one of the ghosts (except the cholera ghosts and..."Crash", is he?). I've figured out all of them, but not Hetty's. I think I've located the one it must be in the photo, but I can't actually tell what the object is. Anyone have any idea?

The teacup, maybe?

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The teacup, maybe?

I think it must be, The Crazed Spruce. I had originally thought the teacup was Trevor's, because his ghost power is making things move by touching them - but then I identified the object I had thought was Hetty's. I'd thought it was maybe a pill or snuff box. It's a money clip with the letter "T". so of course, that's Trevor's. Can anyone make out what is on the teacup? Looks like faces, maybe? 

I enjoy little Easter eggs like this.

eta: so Hetty is probably the teacup, The $ clip must be Trevor. The daisy for Daisy/Susan (Daisy was Ira's nickname for Flower). I can spill the others or let you figure them out.

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5 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I got all the ones except for Pete, I am not sure what kind of book that is, so it might be that.

It's hard to see, but I think at the bottom right is an adventure scout (or whatever it is that Pete led). So I think the book must be a guidebook/manual or whatever.

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25 minutes ago, redpencil said:

It's hard to see, but I think at the bottom right is an adventure scout (or whatever it is that Pete led). So I think the book must be a guidebook/manual or whatever.

That's what it looked like to me. And the book *did* come up in the show.

I'm not entirely sure what that object is on the shelf below the liquor bottle (which I'm pretty sure is Alberta's moonshine), but it looks Native American, so I'm assuming it's Sass's.

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I'm not entirely sure what that object is on the shelf below the liquor bottle (which I'm pretty sure is Alberta's moonshine), but it looks Native American, so I'm assuming it's Sass's.

The feather is the one Sass' father gives him, which Sass, in turn, gives to Sam - for a second :) - for encouragement in Ghostwriter. Thor's and Isaac's icons are pretty obvious. That is definitely Pete's book.  Each object was at least briefly featured in an episode, except for Hetty's teacup and Trevor's money clip, unless I missed them.

Thanks for indulging me.

Now when is the next episode? ;)

Edited by basil
corrected show title
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Wouldn't Hetty's object be her husband's portrait? It was featured in the show.

You know, you're probably right. That's kind of sad, though, that she's represented by her husband, I wonder if I missed a mention or a visual  of Trevor's money clip.

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11 hours ago, basil said:

I wonder if I missed a mention or a visual  of Trevor's money clip.

It will probably come up in the next episode, Trevor's Pants (or lack thereof...)

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22 hours ago, basil said:

The feather is the one Sass' father gives him, which Sass, in turn, gives to Sam - for a second :) - for encouragement in Ghostwriter. Thor's and Isaac's icons are pretty obvious. That is definitely Pete's book.  Each object was at least briefly featured in an episode, except for Hetty's teacup and Trevor's money clip, unless I missed them.

I thought it looked like a feather, but I thought there might've been more to it, and the feather was just a decoration attached to it.

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Okay, maybe it's obvious to others, but who belongs to the spyglass? And what is the little light above the liquor bottle?  Nor is Thor's "obvious." At least not to me. 🤨  Anybody want to help me out?  



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1 hour ago, cardigirl said:

Okay, maybe it's obvious to others, but who belongs to the spyglass?

The spyglass is Issac's.  He was using it to peep, um, I mean spy, on the British troops.  🙂

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4 minutes ago, chaifan said:

The spyglass is Issac's.  He was using it to peep, um, I mean spy, on the British troops.  🙂

LOL, thanks.  And the light I asked about, on second and third looks, seems to be a helmet, as in a Viking helmet. So Thor's, I guess. 

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11 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I live in an apartment in a 300 year old house. When I watch this show, I always imagine ghosts from this house are watching also.

So, like this?

14 hours ago, edhopper said:

I may have miss-rembered the "literally ", anybody still have it on their DVR?

4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Probably a ghost👻 in your home, who was watching the show with you, repeated the line with “literally” added. 😊


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7 hours ago, possibilities said:

I live in an apartment in a 300 year old house. When I watch this show, I always imagine ghosts from this house are watching also.

When I was a kid, I used to imagine how much fun it would be to move into a centuries old home, where I could poke around and find cool artifacts and whatnot that might be left behind. And since I was fascinated by the concept of haunted houses, I'd always wondered what it'd be like to live in a haunted home, too :p. 

Obviously I know now that the upkeep on a house that old would be a lot of work, and as for living with ghosts...it'd depend on what kind were lurking about, LOL. But I still fantasize about the idea sometimes anyway :D. 

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On 4/21/2022 at 8:21 PM, Phebemarie said:

Asher Goodman liked my comment on his Instagram post about the season finale.   I’m fan-girling here with people who will understand.  

He and Devan are good about "liking" comments on Twitter, too. I DO understand!

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Brought over from The finale of Season 2, The Heir. There was a discussion about the WGA writer's strike underway right now, and some confusion regarding what the strike is about. 

It is about losing jobs to Artificial Intelligence. It's pretty scary.

Here's Justine Bateman's take on this

From the linked article:



“The streamers are the most profitable. They’re some of the biggest companies in the world, not in entertainment, in the world. For them to not restrict AI and to not give a share of the billions and billions of dollars they’re making off of the work of the writers, the crew, the directors, the actors is obscene,” she exclaimed.

Right now, some actors and voice actors are being asked to “sign away the rights to future use of their image and voice,” Bateman said. With that being said, some actors are voluntarily doing it so an agent can book them more for voiceover gigs.

The writers’ strike has entered its third week with no sign of ending soon.

When it comes down to it, Bateman explained that AI is just being used for “human greed.”



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This whole AI thing is terrifying to me. Sure, it's great, get AI to do all the jobs. But then, who exactly is going to have any money to buy all the things these AIs are creating? because if we're all being replaced by AI no one is going to have jobs that earn money to pay for anything. 

We are regressing back to feudal times, where there will be a handful of overlords and the rest of us peasants. 

It's scary enough in my line of work, where bots are replacing mundane routine processing work but now they've got bots replacing creative work and that is scary because that was the one thing that set humans apart from machines. 

I'm just not sure how well a strike is going to work in this case, since the evil overlords are trying to replace the human writers with AI, and the AI won't care about breaking the picket line. If the AI can write the scripts, there is no need for the evil overlords to negotiate with the people they replaced. That said, I don't know anything about union negotiations, so that's just my knee jerk reaction to all this. I hope the union wins, I hope they keep writing, art, acting to humans, I just don't get how not doing what they don't want you to anymore anyway because they want to replace you is going to make them want you to do it again. 

I also hope that anything done by AI has to be clearly stated, because I, for one, will refuse to watch. If everyone did that, it would send a message, sadly, I don't think most people care. They just want to be entertained. We are in a Brave New World after all. 

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New to primetimer and also new to this show. I hope this is the right place to ask this question!  I've only seen 2 episodes but loved them both.  I am wondering if it matters if I just watch as they show up or if it is better to try and see this show from the start of the series?  I know with some shows it really does matter if you see them in sequence.

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1 hour ago, Laura Holt said:

New to primetimer and also new to this show. I hope this is the right place to ask this question!  I've only seen 2 episodes but loved them both.  I am wondering if it matters if I just watch as they show up or if it is better to try and see this show from the start of the series?  I know with some shows it really does matter if you see them in sequence.

Some episodes it won't matter, but in other cases you'll definitely be out of the loop. I'm also just someone who never ever jumps in to a show midseries (unless it's a reality show). So I also may not be the best judge!

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On 6/3/2023 at 3:54 PM, Laura Holt said:

New to primetimer and also new to this show. I hope this is the right place to ask this question!  I've only seen 2 episodes but loved them both.  I am wondering if it matters if I just watch as they show up or if it is better to try and see this show from the start of the series?  I know with some shows it really does matter if you see them in sequence.

I would agree with the other responses.  If you have access to the whole series (paramount plus, cbs.com with a cable login, dvds from the library…) I would go with that option. But if all you can get is what’s aired week to week over the summer, just go with that and catch up with the old episodes when/if you can. 

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