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S06.E11: Mxy In The Middle


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Lena's mother being a witch(!!) seems SUPER random; as if she didn't already have enough issues with her Luthor side. So obviously, she's going to develop powers, right?

Mxy was fun! I hope they can rescue him. Despite Nyxly rejecting Kara's offer, it feels like they want to redeem her eventually. ... We'll see how that goes.

Seems like there should be more consequences for unleashing Nyxly into the world, but Nia is forgiven pretty quickly -- but that's how it goes in the Arrowverse.

I had a "has it really come to this?" moment with the Superfriends fighting a giant magic cat; but I did laugh out loud when Supergirl distracted it with her heat vision lasers! So maybe I'll call that even.

So the totem set(?) sounded like they were the same as Paragons in Crisis; will those characters actually come into play here? (Probably not.)

Yay, for a promo for the next episode!

Edited by Trini
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Was all of the guest actresses (including the always welcomed Emmanuelle Vaugier!)' accents suppose to be Irish?  Couldn't really make heads or tails of it, but it sounded like that's what they were going for, which kind of amused me since I kept picturing Katie McGrath a.k.a. an actual Irish actress just being all "Wow, is that how y'all really think we sound?!" throughout all of that. 

Anyway, so Lena is apparently part witch thanks to her mother, which is admittedly not the weirdest thing to ever happen in the Arrowverse, yet still feels kind of... random, I guess?  Especially for the final season, because this really feels like something that is going to need way more time than what will likely be used for it.  I just hope her powers are cool, I guess.  They'll probably go down the cliched fireball route, but I'm pulling for her to be able to shoot electricity out of her hands Emperor Palpatine style!  Of course, I really want them to just go full-blown fanservice here and have her eventual super-outfit look like the ones she wore as Morgana on Merlin!

Thomas Lennon shined once again as Mxy and I was able to buy him basically sacrificing himself to protect Kara and the Superfriends.  At least he was able to get that dampening bracelet on Nxy.  Of course, it looks like the gang actually had the drop on Nxy several times but naturally Kara wanted to try and talk things out instead.  Love you, Kara, but I swear you and Barry seem to always be in a never ending contest to see how many times you can try to give a villain a chance, only for it to blow up in your face and leave you standing there with your best "Surprised Pikachu" face.

Nia's guilt makes sense, but it was unnecessary because of course Kara was going to forgive her with ease.  Granted, she is right that pretty much everyone on this show (and other Arrowverse ones) have made blunders like Nia has, so it's really more of a "Welcome to the club!" ceremony at this point.

Ah, so it looks like we're going down the popular "Heroes and villains race against time and each other to collect special items that will destroy the world, doom the universe, blah blah, etc." road for the endgame.  Yay?

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Hey, watching this episode didn't feel like a chore for the most part, so...yay?

I did virtually facepalm when the show explicitly talked about overthrowing the patriarchy and a life of "magical privilege." It is like the writers are determined to invoke every stereotype of woke Hollywood.

The Lena is magic plot is, to borrow the term from Lena herself, "absurd." I don't like that it foreshadows that she is either going to play some role in stopping Nxy using her neophyte magic or that she is going to pit her neophyte magic against Supergirl or some other Kryptonian. I imagine that Katie McGrath was having Merlin flashbacks. 

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Did I understand correctly that Nyxly and her brother worked together to overthrow their father and while her brother was praised for it, Nyx got banished because she was a woman? That does seem rather unfair but it doesn’t excuse her hurting others to get back at her family, though it does seem the show is leaning to her side in order to forgive her

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The show recasting Mxy with Thomas Lennon is one of the best choices they've ever made, so a Mxy-centric episode is one that I can't complain about. He's just so much fun and also has way more layers than the first actor who played Mxy. I will say, this Mxy/Nyxly family plot works decently well for me. Kara understanding why Nyxly is doing what she's doing and trying to give her a chance to sway back to the side of good was noble, and at least Kara admitted that she probably should have given up a lot earlier than she did. I hope Mxy is still alive in that crystal because his sacrifice was a huge turning point for the character and I'd love to see him make one more final appearance this season. This can't be the end of him, I hope!

Mxy struggling to not use his magic all episode was an interesting arc for the character, but Thomas Lennon did a fantastic job with adding various layers of feelings. You could tell Mxy was struggling to find himself without using magic. 

Nyxly is actually a really solid villain. They've given her a believable reason to turn evil but also gives hope that she can come back from it. The actress is doing a phenomenal job and I really wish they would not ever bring Lex Luthor back and just have Nyxly as the final villain of the series. She's terrific, truly. 

So, Lena has magic. That's so stupid. What a ridiculous last final arc for Lena Luthor. It's just...they really can't have one normal human on this show for the endgame, can they? They all need to be out there, fighting crime. I'm not a fan of the Magical Lena Luthor storyline. I really wish this wasn't a thing. 

Nia/Kara get to talk about Nia's mistake, which is good. Nia's arc this season has been phenomenal as well. I love that Brainy knew Nia was lying IMMEDIATELY and confronted her. 

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9 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

So Lena's a witch.......what a tragic turn for the character. They really needed to find a way to get everyone on this show to be on the battlefield didnt they?


4 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

The Lena is magic plot is, to borrow the term from Lena herself, "absurd." I don't like that it foreshadows that she is either going to play some role in stopping Nxy using her neophyte magic or that she is going to pit her neophyte magic against Supergirl or some other Kryptonian. I imagine that Katie McGrath was having Merlin flashbacks. 


22 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, Lena has magic. That's so stupid. What a ridiculous last final arc for Lena Luthor. It's just...they really can't have one normal human on this show for the endgame, can they? They all need to be out there, fighting crime. I'm not a fan of the Magical Lena Luthor storyline. I really wish this wasn't a thing.


"Only magic can beat magic", so yeah, this is happening. ::SIGH::

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58 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The show recasting Mxy with Thomas Lennon is one of the best choices they've ever made, so a Mxy-centric episode is one that I can't complain about. He's just so much fun and also has way more layers than the first actor who played Mxy.

I know, right? His musical interlude explaining Nyxly’s complex family dynamics was a highlight and had me grinning through it. And yes, Peta Sergeant is killing it as Nyxly

It continues to crack me up when cast members have to say the full names of both characters. Definite mouthfuls

Edited by DanaK
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So tired of the heroes talking down the villains.

So tired of the technobabble. How many times are these characters going to talk about "reverse engineering" something? I swear it's like I hear that phrase every other episode.

I was here for the adorable giant kitten and the dragon. Also, searching for the totems is equivalent to searching for the Paragons.

Lena's plot held my attention. I know it's random but I didn't hate it at all. Let's defeat the big bads with the power of magic for once. Enough with the power of love and compassion and the power of "science".

I can't help but smile every time Barry and Kara try to look imposing and intimidating. It's not their fault they look like adorable puppies.

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This episode really makes me so glad that they recast Mxy with Thomas Lennon, he is just so much fun every time he's on screen, he really helped to make this episode such a good one. This episode was a huge improvement over the last few episodes, it mainly to one major plot that I liked with lots of cool action scenes and character development, not a bunch of useless subplots or an Issue of the Week. I half expected the cool magic fights to suddenly stop to switch to Kelly teaching us a valuable lesson about funding for homeless shelters. I loved having Mxy around, I have been hoping for him to pop up since Nyxly hitched a ride to Earth, and this was a great episode for him. He's still fun and madcap, but he showed a lot of layers with his frustration over not being able to help and some real character growth when he sacrificed himself to save everyone. Hopefully they get him out of the crystal soon, he's way too good a character to end the show like that.

Oh Lena, you "don't believe magic is real"? I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you live in a comic book universe, everything is real. Its surprising Kara has never mentioned her many encounters with magic before, although if we have learned anything about the Arrowverse heroes, communication is obviously not their strong suite. I didn't really hate the Lena plot, even though it was a weird combination of predictable (I knew the second that lady said the witches killed her dad that he was abusive) and random, like Lena now being a witch all of the sudden. This might have been an interesting development awhile ago, but it seems so pointless so close to the end of the show, and the whole subplot felt really unneeded in what was otherwise a tight story. I guess its so that Lena can defeat Nyxly fighting magic with magic and because everyone has to be in the freaking battlefront now, no matter how little sense it makes? Also, Lena was in Newfoundland right? I have never been to Newfoundland so I cant sure, but I am pretty sure Newfoundland isn't off the coast of Galway, being in Canada and all. Why does every sound Irish, is that normal for the area? It must have been extra surreal for the actually Irish Katie McGrath, who's doing an American accent. 

I appreciate that Kara wants to give people a second chance, but it does start to get old when the Arrowverse heroes just keep giving the same "you don't have to blow up that orphanage! Its not the way" speech to every villain they come across, then act all shocked when they proceed to blow up the orphanage, which the heroes could have stopped if they just tried to fight the bad guy instead of giving them a power point presentation or a hug. At least Kara admitted that she messed up and should have tried harder to stop her. I did get a bit of a giggle at the shocked look on Kara's speech when her big speech was totally ignored and Nyxly just went back to her evil plan, I don't know why Kara is so surprised, she seems pretty damn committed. I do think that they might try for a last minute redemption for Nyxly though, because we all know who the real enemy is...the patriarchy! Damn you fifth dimensional sexism! I really do love Nyxly as a villain, she's pretty different than the bad guys Kara has fought before, her having magic really changes things up, and Peta Sergeant is seriously killing it. She's fun, but never too over the top that she stops feeling threatening and competent, with a lot of dimensions to her personality. Her fights have also been really cool, loved the dragon and the giant kitty, and Kara distracting the giant cat with her laser eyes was the most I've laughed at a joke on this show in awhile. Also, did Kara say that Nyxly has never killed anyone? Did she zone out when Nyxly was bragging about setting an entire army on fire? 

Of course everyone forgave Nia instantly for her big screw up, people on this show are very forgiving (unless your a Luther) of just about anything, including unleashing a deranged magical being onto the world to deal with your quarter life crisis. At least Nia eventually owned up to it, and it lead to a lot of really good scenes with her and Brainy and how he knows when she's hiding something and relating her screw up to his own. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

Also, Lena was in Newfoundland right? I have never been to Newfoundland so I cant sure, but I am pretty sure Newfoundland isn't off the coast of Galway. Why does every sound Irish, is that normal for the area? It must have been extra surreal for the actually Irish Katie McGrath, who's doing an American accent.

Yes this, Newfoundland is a province of Canada! Weird that they would use a name that’s geographically real as a place in Ireland. And poor Katie, the one time she could let loose with her accent and instead has to listen to fake accents around her lol.

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On 9/15/2021 at 3:56 AM, thuganomics85 said:

Was all of the guest actresses (including the always welcomed Emmanuelle Vaugier!)' accents suppose to be Irish?  Couldn't really make heads or tails of it, but it sounded like that's what they were going for, which kind of amused me since I kept picturing Katie McGrath a.k.a. an actual Irish actress just being all "Wow, is that how y'all really think we sound?!" throughout all of that. 

They were in Newfoundland. Newfoundland has its own dialect that sounds like Irish as it is indeed influenced by Irish.

Wow, Lena is such a splitting image of her mother, her mother even has the same mole on the neck at the exact same spot.

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Totems? Oy. And this is the final stretch run? I don't think a giant Beebo saving the day would be the best way to end the series.

"Oh, and Lena's gonna become a witch." Really? I mean . . . really?!? This late? Forget the whole "Lena is a skeptic" angle . . . what?!?

Plus side: Imp Fight! Giant kitty distracted by Kara's laser-like heat vision! A small Canadian town turning on Lena when she mentions her mother! Also I thought the accents were supposed to be Scottish. Shows what I know.

How many episodes are left? I just need to know how long I should wait for Lena to open a mysterious parcel turning out to be John Constantine's coat.

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