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Fox News Channel: They're Crazy Like a.....(Vaulted)

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Apparently there were actually two debates with different hosts? What craziness is this? It would have been so much more fun to let every candidate try and get through all their talking points in 2 minutes.

Yup. The main debate featured the top 10 candidates (by poll numbers) and the first one (which had maybe two or three dozen people in the audience) featured the remaining seven major candidates (Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina, Lindsay Graham, Jim Gilmore, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal and George Pataki). They should have flipped the two and featured seven in the main debate. As it was, Ted Cruz went so long without answering a question that I forgot he was even there.

Fox doesn't even need the debate to show what a sewer they are. Even their casual reporting sucks.


For example, Fox reported last week on "America's most influential BBQ pitmasters and personalities".  The list doesn't include even a SINGLE African-American (even though the reality of BBQ culture is that there is at least one black pitmaster, Ed Mitchell, who 100% undeniably belongs at the top of the whole list, and at least a few other black pitmasters or owners who are at least in the running).


Web version of the story: America's most influential BBQ pitmasters and personalities


People are not pleased:


Grub Street: Barbecue Experts Blast Fox News’ ‘Racist’ List of Influential Pitmasters

Firstwefeast.com: BBQ Community Responds to Fox list

Edited by Kromm
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I read the transcripts instead of watching the debates. Much less infuriating and much easier to actually parse what was being said. I now have my categories of somewhat viable candidates... fairly unknown quantities... and complete lunatics. I wish they'd narrow things down sooner rather than later so I could actually find out what the viable candidates stand for. Right now if they so choose everyone can get away with a lot of vagueness on what their plans, policies, and ideologies are because there isn't enough time to cover every candidate in depth.

I need someone to restore my faith in humanity. Please tell me that in a few months, everyone's going to admit they were just trolling us... like when there used to be campaigns to vote for Taylor Hicks and Sanjaya. I still refuse to believe anyone actually liked Taylor Hicks. 


Enough with Trump already. I want to know what the other candidates think. I still think this is an elaborate screening device so we don't actually go deep criticizing the more legitimate candidates. 


Also... why do Trump supporters ignore his flip-flopping on immigration? Blame Obama. *eye roll*

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What I really dislike about the FOX News Channel is that they treat their opinion shows as if they were the same as regular newscasts/news reporting; what I mean is that if they had a disclaimer screen saying something to the effect of "This is an opinion production of the FOX News Channel" or thereabouts, I still wouldn't watch, but I'd give them credit for at least being honest about something. But as they do not do that, that ever the more damages them in my eyes (I have never liked them from when they started, anyway). 

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What I really dislike about the FOX News Channel is that they treat their opinion shows as if they were the same as regular newscasts/news reporting; what I mean is that if they had a disclaimer screen saying something to the effect of "This is an opinion production of the FOX News Channel" or thereabouts, I still wouldn't watch, but I'd give them credit for at least being honest about something. But as they do not do that, that ever the more damages them in my eyes (I have never liked them from when they started, anyway). 

But in a way they ARE all the same. Biased. 

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Fair and Balanced my butt.  Remember the horrible Hannity & Colmes show?  Poor ol' Alan Colmes, a very mild, quiet, guy personally selected by Hannity to be the representative of the left so Sean could present his program as balanced.  Sure.  AC could barely get a word in as SH babbled on and on every night.  Wish I had a video of the night Sean featured the country singer Sara Evans, the wife (at that time) of a Republican politician, performing with her band. Alan's head hung low, he looked so embarrassed to be on the set. I didn't watch the show much but would tune in every once in a while to check up on Alan, see if he had a pulse.

Edited by annzeepark914
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Remember the horrible Hannity & Colmes show?

At least back then they kept up the pretense. With a Democrat in the White House they've gone full crazy. Do they think so little of their viewers to assume they won't realize that the old conservative guests have been recycled as new liberal guests because there are almost no real liberal or just different viewpoints on the network anymore unless it's to make fun of them or yell at them and cut them off as soon as they start making too many salient points?

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Fair and Balanced my butt.  

My thoughts exactly! That slogan of theirs is an obvious fabrication, because FOX News is as biased to the right as the "liberal media" is supposedly biased to the left. But of course, Rush and all those right-wing talkers judge the "liberal media" for being biased to the left, while not realizing that they have the same finger of judgment pointing at them from the other side for being biased to the right (all the while, Rush et al. are claiming that there is no conservative bias, only "liberal bias").

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My thoughts exactly! That slogan of theirs is an obvious fabrication, because FOX News is as biased to the right as the "liberal media" is supposedly biased to the left. But of course, Rush and all those right-wing talkers judge the "liberal media" for being biased to the left, while not realizing that they have the same finger of judgment pointing at them from the other side for being biased to the right (all the while, Rush et al. are claiming that there is no conservative bias, only "liberal bias").

What makes you think they don't realize it?  What they don't do is ADMIT it.

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Nearly 20 years in the newspaper business has taught me that the media is only as liberal as their conservative corporate owners allow them to be.



As someone with 15 years experience in the TV news business, you've got that backward.  The media is only as conservative as their progressive corporate owners allow them to be.

"Being reasonable and being smart is not necessarily what you want to do in this campaign" -Bernie Goldberg


For real. How is this not a problem with more people? I watched a bit of the debate. If they had a minute to answer, most people spent 30-45 seconds on rhetoric until you almost forgot what the question was and then 15 seconds maybe answering the question or maybe continuing to talk about something completely different.

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Marco Rubio on Greta (paraphrasing): Every single scientist in the world hasn't come to a consensus presenting us with a single simple solution for fixing climate change, therefore we should do nothing.


Brilliant. Also, seriously? Are we for real still talking about revoking marriage equality rulings? I CAN'T.

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Every single scientist in the world hasn't come to a consensus presenting us with a single simple solution for fixing climate change,



Science isn't about consensus - it's about provable facts.  It was a consensus which established the world was flat, or that the sun revolved around the Earth.


When did Ailes and Murdoch become progressives?


They always were.  I find it interesting how Trump seems to have the network by the shorthairs.  The minute anyone at FNC turns on him in their coverage, they get splatted.  I remember Trump was actively boycotting the network after they turned on him.  Considering the attention (and ratings) he brought to F&F (phoners every Monday) and other various interviews with other FNC figures,  it didn't take long for Ailes and/or Murdoch to make nice with him rather quickly. 

Listening to O'Reilly talk about Trump tonight is fascinating. It's just "theatre" playing on people's "emotions." "He's going to say whatever it takes to put him over the top to win." "He's getting people whipped up so they will like him because their emotion and his emotion coincide." He's so good at "tapping into the fear and anger of Republican adherents."


It doesn't matter if it actually makes any sense. Hmn... why does this sound so familiar?

Edited by aradia22
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Oh, boy. Another debate when they spend 75% of their time talking about something irrelevant and 25% possibly talking around the question. Trump doubling down on racism with a heavy dose of misogyny. It is appalling that anyone takes him seriously. Carson still gives nonsense answers like he didn't study hard enough for this exam. Everyone insults Hillary and Obama to get the audience to applaud. Cruz is making a strong showing. He's on the defensive but he knew that going in and he seems prepared. I still don't like him but he's doing a good job in the context of this ridiculousness.

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Fox News Target Audience: Uneducated white people/Senior Citizens without college degrees from Hicktown USA.


Methodology: Convince said audience that they are victims of reverse discrimination, that the government takes money out of their pockets to give to black/brown people, that they are "losing their country", that Obama wants to take away their guns, AND (most importantly) brainwash them with the delusion that they will ONE DAY become the super rich deserving all the deregulation and corporate welfare that they can blood-suck out of our economy/government.


Collaborators: Right wing AM talk radio hacks/Limbaugh sound-alikes.


What a disgrace. Stupid white people are a bigger threat to the well-being and future of our country that any other group.

In the words of the anti-gambling Catholics - BINGO!

Listening to O'Reilly talk about Trump tonight is fascinating. It's just "theatre" playing on people's "emotions." "He's going to say whatever it takes to put him over the top to win." "He's getting people whipped up so they will like him because their emotion and his emotion coincide." He's so good at "tapping into the fear and anger of Republican adherents."


It doesn't matter if it actually makes any sense. Hmn... why does this sound so familiar?

Maybe In Germany around 1929?... Hmmmm

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Fox News Target Audience: Uneducated white people/Senior Citizens without college degrees from Hicktown USA.


Methodology: Convince said audience that they are victims of reverse discrimination, that the government takes money out of their pockets to give to black/brown people, that they are "losing their country", that Obama wants to take away their guns, AND (most importantly) brainwash them with the delusion that they will ONE DAY become the super rich deserving all the deregulation and corporate welfare that they can blood-suck out of our economy/government.


Collaborators: Right wing AM talk radio hacks/Limbaugh sound-alikes.


What a disgrace. Stupid white people are a bigger threat to the well-being and future of our country that any other group.

Bullseye for sure!

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I just crawled out of my spaceship - Is it true that Eisenhower and Lincoln were repubilcans?

Lincoln was the first republican president (first republican presidential candidate as well I believe), but the republican party that he helped build is completely different from today.  Ditto with the Democratic party. 

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Lincoln was the first republican president (first republican presidential candidate as well I believe), but the republican party that he helped build is completely different from today.  Ditto with the Democratic party. 

I am channeling my Ed McMahon "You are correct sir".  Both sides are fighting for the Benjamins and not for the good of joe average or the country.  You know as I remember the 70's and 80's (and before ; remember fallout shelters?) this country HAD a real enemy - The Russian Bear and now we are going the way they did just before the Czars got axed.


Soviets must be laughing every day and every hour

Nice work, Fox!  This morning, when showing the latest CNN presidential poll complete with photos of all Repug candidates, not once - but THREE times - they used two photos of Ben Carson with one labeled as "Kasich".  Was there any acknowledgment?  Was there any comment? Was there any correction?  NO.  I was actually embarrassed for them.  So much for proofing of content, but then again, it is Fox.

Edited by Tunia
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Well, he's Catholic, and we're not considered "real" Christians...

Which is funny, because every Catholic knows that the Roman Catholic Church is the One True Church; anyone else is a heretic or schismatic.

They don't like the pope because he doesn't blame the poor for being poor or judge homosexuals (although he's still against gay marriage).

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Well, he's Catholic, and we're not considered "real" Christians...

Aren't O'Reilly and Hannity Catholics? I know why they don't like him. They make their points quite clearly... and loudly. It's just interesting when their firmly held religious beliefs bump up against their firmly held political beliefs and they just breeze past it.

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