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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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4 minutes ago, Gobi said:

Cremebrulee is leaving. Does that mean the season is ending?

I could sense the yearning in your post. Alas, there is no end in sight. 

3 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Did you forget Trish’s delicious Thanksgiving dinner with Mike and Natalie? 

I still have nightmares about that massive bowl of coleslaw. 

Just now, Frozendiva said:

Having a regular Thursday meal. If the weather is good, what about a barbecue?

We are all about a non traditional celebration. One year we went to an Indian restaurant and we had a ball. 

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It's just me and my daughter.  I'm making an oven suffer roaster (chicken).  Sweet potatoes, green beans, stuffing and biscuits.  NO dessert.   We are both watching our weight and the dinner is way more than enough.  (My daughter lost 20 lbs, so that's that).

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36 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

These two! "My goal in life is to be happy and at peace"?? But you perpetually stir shit and cause drama everywhere you go! What difference does it make if your sister tells you first if she's pregnant? Get a goddamn hobby and concentrate on your own life! 

Dear lord my fucking blood pressure. 

You crack me up. 

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I'm going to the BIG CITY!!! Leaving the pine curtain! Going to Houston to sister-in-law's - she's doing the turkey & dressing.  I'm bringing broccoli casserole, cranberries, rolls & a pie.

Then I'll be helping Yara to single handedly rescue the entire Ukrainian population that are in Germany and the Czech Republic.  She's SUCH a freaky little girl.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!  

Edited by goofygirl
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17 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

No, definitely Becky. Jenn’s face is more boring…

Jenn looks more ostrich like to me 

edited to add: Okay, they BOTH have birdlike features! Libby kind of does, too. 


Edited by magemaud
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Man, I've been drinking lots of delicious cocktails and had a yummy grilled cheese (with bacon and hot honey) at my favorite bar and now I want a cookie wicked bad. I'm off in search of something sweet. 

Good night, dear snarkers! See you tomorrow night for some more slow torture with these idiots. I love you all, MWAH! 

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Well, all good things and shitty reality shows come to an end. To those of you who stuck it out, congratulations and now take a well-deserved rest. Happy Thanksgiving 🍁🦃🥧🥔🥗 to all who will be celebrating and have a wonderful week to all. Adios till next time.

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Hey! Incidentally, we did not get any Turkey and Sumeeeeeeeee this week. How come? Anyway, this was a long, boring trudge of a show and I am glad it is all over. The Kimbaaaly scene made me have hope for a few slivers of a minute, but I sense a big hiatus coming at Christmastime and they drag the season out even more after that. Let’s hope we get announcements of a new season pretty soon! 🤞 

Anyway, I hope to see you all tomorrow around the forums and for The Single Life shitshow. For now, have a great week! Bock Bock. 🦃 Peace out. ✌️ 

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6 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Yara hasn't seen her mother in what, two years? Why does Jovi begrudge Yara spending some time with her? 

And plus, her mother escaped a war.  Maybe just this once, Jovi could put his pride aside and "let" Yara not sit in that apartment and wait for him and hang out with her family instead.

In the next episode, we find out that someone else saw Angela's cooch over the phone.

Edited by Eldemarge
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9 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

It’s just me and my daughter.  I'm making an oven suffer roaster (chicken). 

We’re having that, too! Everyone here prefers it to turkey. But we won’t get together with my daughter and son-in-law until Friday because they will spend Thursday with his family. I was worried my daughter would be stuck cooking for them but she told me today that his grandmother ordered a Thanksgiving dinner for 8 people with turkey, ham, sides and desserts from QVC! I’m curious to hear how it is 

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28 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And now he's straight up lying. "I've always wanted more children". Lying sack of shit. I see you, Bilal. You are lower than an earthworm. 

Exactly!! He said the exact opposite. And we have proof! Bilal, you're on TV, remember? 

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

We’re having that, too! Everyone here prefers it to turkey. But we won’t get together with my daughter and son-in-law until Friday because they will spend Thursday with his family. I was worried my daughter would be stuck cooking for them but she told me today that his grandmother ordered a Thanksgiving dinner for 8 people with turkey, ham, sides and desserts from QVC! I’m curious to hear how it is 

Last year I ordered a dinner for four from one of my favorite local restaurants and it was wonderful. If it wasn't too late to pre-order I'd do it again. I'm just going to play it by ear. 

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32 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

We're falling apart.   Angry Moldolvan hasn't been here for a few weeks, lots of others have bailed too.   I hope the show gets better, miss the old days/nights.   Love you guys.  Have a great week!

Come back @Angry Moldovan!! 

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7 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Last year I ordered a dinner for four from one of my favorite local restaurants and it was wonderful. If it wasn't too late to pre-order I'd do it again. I'm just going to play it by ear. 

Last year we did turkey, Peruvian style. The year before we rubbed it in Pasilla chiles. 🤤 

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15 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Man, I've been drinking lots of delicious cocktails and had a yummy grilled cheese (with bacon and hot honey) at my favorite bar and now I want a cookie wicked bad. I'm off in search of something sweet. 

Good night, dear snarkers! See you tomorrow night for some more slow torture with these idiots. I love you all, MWAH! 

That sandwich sounds very yummy!

15 hours ago, Doublemint said:

We're falling apart.   Angry Moldolvan hasn't been here for a few weeks, lots of others have bailed too.   I hope the show gets better, miss the old days/nights.   Love you guys.  Have a great week!

I am still here for the snark, I do not have live tv anymore.  And I watch it when it drops and do not want to spoil.  It was a so so episode, plus if you follow 90 day on Reddit you can save a lot of time!!!  I ff through Ed and Liz, although it is funny not funny to see her cry, explaining how she is so happy yet is crying and sad.   I ff through Angela and Michael, if it is real that is no way to live.  FOR YEARS.

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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Why does Usman have to marry anyone to have a child, plenty of children have been born out of wedlock and if all he really wants is a child then do it out of wedlock.

Actually, that would even work to Kim's benefit since she doesn't want him to have any kind of attachment to a baby's mother beyond birthing it. 

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On 11/20/2022 at 8:03 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Man, I've been drinking lots of delicious cocktails and had a yummy grilled cheese (with bacon and hot honey) at my favorite bar

YUM!  Please describe how they use the honey.   Also, what kind of bread?  Maybe I'll do THAT for Thanksgiving.    (Not really: my adult sons and I do a Progressive Sky Harbor Thanksgiving Dinner.  We take lightrail 7mi. to the SkyTrain (airport trans) stop.  Hop on SkyTrain and get off at Terminal Four to take their "moving walkway" into the terminal, choosing different restaurants for: drinks/appetizers ~ main dish ~ desserts.  Then we tour the fabulous shops and galleries.) 

Sky Harbor is Phoenix's beautiful/large airport.  The owner gave it that name in 1928!!  Prior to that everyone called it "The Farm."  (Frozen turkey at my son's for next get-together)

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19 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

YUM!  Please describe how they use the honey.   Also, what kind of bread?  Maybe I'll do THAT for Thanksgiving.    (Not really: my adult sons and I do a Progressive Sky Harbor Thanksgiving Dinner.  We take lightrail 7mi. to the SkyTrain (airport trans) stop.  Hop on SkyTrain and get off at Terminal Four to take their "moving walkway" into the terminal, choosing different restaurants for: drinks/appetizers ~ main dish ~ desserts.  Then we tour the fabulous shops and galleries.) 

Its sourdough bread made by a local bakery. Hot honey is a thing, you can get it at Target! I have some at home and its a good little gift for foodie friends. https://mikeshothoney.com

Cheeses used are cheddar and fontina. Thick cut applewood smoked bacon. And the sandwiches are positively SLATHERED in butter. Its a yummy, decadent treat. We washed them down with several Seabreeze Coolers: Vodka, apricot brandy, lemon, grenadine and soda. Yum. 

Edited by Pepper Mostly
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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Cheeses used are cheddar and fontina. Thick cut applewood smoked bacon. And the sandwiches are positively SLATHERED in butter. Its a yummy, decadent treat. We washed them down with several Seabreeze Coolers: Vodka, apricot brandy, lemon, grenadine and soda. Yum. 

I don't drink alcohol, but THIS one is tempting!  I've always said that if "all these fancy drinks" were available when I was introduced to alcohol, things would be different--mighty different.  My kids would probably have to visit me in assisted living ALCOHOL ward!  Thanks Pepper Mostly!  (I'm "pepper rarely")

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4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Its sourdough bread made by a local bakery. Hot honey is a thing, you can get it at Target! I have some at home and its a good little gift for foodie friends. https://mikeshothoney.com

Cheeses used are cheddar and fontina. Thick cut applewood smoked bacon. And the sandwiches are positively SLATHERED in butter. Its a yummy, decadent treat. We washed them down with several Seabreeze Coolers: Vodka, apricot brandy, lemon, grenadine and soda. Yum. 

Salivating already. 🤤

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9 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

I don't drink alcohol, but THIS one is tempting!  I've always said that if "all these fancy drinks" were available when I was introduced to alcohol, things would be different--mighty different.  My kids would probably have to visit me in assisted living ALCOHOL ward!  Thanks Pepper Mostly!  (I'm "pepper rarely")

Hahahaha, they also have a large selection of mocktails! You'd get by!

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