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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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1 minute ago, Gobi said:

If Jasmine really had sex with her ex a month ago and filmed it, how much bigger of a red flag does Gino need?

Maybe he gets off on it if his humilation kink is true.

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Till next time.

By the way, if any of you have had a feeling you're being watched, it might be because I hired a private eye to investigate whether you are worthy of snarking with.

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I'm just glad he's standing up to her, finally. I had a parent much like her. It was a nightmare, and the parent might become violent when crossed.

She walked out--fine, pack your stuff, Gino, and get to a hotel until you can fly out (if the staff can't move that up). Let her ex pay her rent or have  her move in with him. Do not give out your hotel info. Leave her a note that it is over, and there will be no more payments. Block her, and consider yourself to have finally dodged a bullet. 

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Alright, so glad we all made it through this episode with our hats on.

I see from the preview Sheila learns enough ASL to ask David what he's doing as he gets ready to propose! Good for her! Maybe she'll sign yes. Have a good week  and see some of you tomorrow. Until then! 👋🏿☮️❤️

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27 minutes ago, Gobi said:

If Jasmine really had sex with her ex a month ago and filmed it, how much bigger of a red flag does Gino need?

Ew. No one needs to watch that. 

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Oh, demerit on me!  I had to work, then pick up a friend at the airport.  I decided to watch the tape when I got home...oh boy, lots to say in the other thread for the episode.

As for the question running through the thread tonight-no judgement from me, either.  I faced a similar question once.  I've learned there's almost no "all good" and "all bad", but shades of gray.  I will say, evaluate all possible fallout and consequences either way and make what feels like the right choice with the information you have now.  

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4 hours ago, kacesq said:

Is Amanda changing her mind? Ridiculous.

She didn't want him until he shut her down. She was staring daggers at him and now she wants to be all conciliatory. Douchess.

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8 hours ago, renatae said:

She didn't want him until he shut her down. She was staring daggers at him and now she wants to be all conciliatory. Douchess.

Kissing his hand and nuzzling his neck while he just sat there impassively. I loved seeing the tables turn. 

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3 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m sending out some scouts to find out where everyone is convening.

Did anyone invest $40K in cryptocurrency this week? Does anyone even know what crypto is?

It's a cryptic way to lose money, or make money,

Just now, Doublemint said:

invested $40,000 in Krytonite, is that a brand of crypto - asking for a friend.

Actually, I think so...

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Mary reminds me of that woman who faked having a heart attack on My 600 Pound Life so she wouldn't have to face the music in Dr. Now's office. Or this girl I went to high school with who'd always ask to go to the nurse if she was called on. 

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4 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’m sending out some scouts to find out where everyone is convening.

Did anyone invest $40K in cryptocurrency this week? Does anyone even know what crypto is?

Hi everyone.

I have blatantly stolen this from somewhere but I am waiting for a children’s book about crypto so I can understand it.


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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Mary reminds me of that woman who faked having a heart attack on My 600 Pound Life so she wouldn't have to face the music in Dr. Now's office. Or this girl I went to high school with who'd always ask to go to the nurse if she was called on. 

The one that resembled a blobfish?

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Just now, Suzywriter said:

The one that resembled a blobfish?

Oh, don't they all? 

Mary is suddenly able to breathe again and is sitting there with her usual pleasant expression. You know, face like a fist. I hope the PA he was talking to was a guy or there'll be hell to pay. 

And now he's apologizing to her. I give up. 

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