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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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24 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

SMS access. They don’t have the same infrastructure western countries have.

When she was pumping the water, there was a sign behind her saying something about illegal wifi. 

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How old are Violet's kids?   If they're not minors I don't think Riley will be able to bring them too, or is she going to dump her kids too?   

If they're under 18, then they can come with her much easier than waiting for an adult visa.  A friend who was from the Philippines, took many years to get her adult siblings to the U.S., and she sponsored all of them.     I can't believe the time from Vietnam is much less. 

Sheila (from the Philippines if I got her name wrong) with the little son, can bring him with her I think.   I hope she makes it.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Just now, GrammyPammy said:

I’m back. Storm moved through very quickly with giant hail! 
I basically just sat through 2 hours of commercials and alerts from the Emergency Broadcast System, LOL. 

Glad you're OK Grammy!   Stay safe.

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18 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I was thinking the exact same thing. I think since hubby died the kids have been sleeping with her. (No shade, I'm all for co-sleeping.) But her son is shook. Poor little guy.

He probably overheard his mom talking about sleeping with the guy? 

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1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

How old are Violet's kids?   If they're not minors I don't think Riley will be able to bring them too, or is she going to dump her kids too?  

My family that moved here from other places invariably came over alone, got a job or nailed a sugar daddy, established a home and then sent for the kids. Meanwhile, the kids stayed with family and the parents called/wrote/sent gifts home religiously. 

It's a different mindset. The kids get it. The family gets it. Everybody does it. 

2 minutes ago, GrammyPammy said:

Anyone remember H’ai Karate aftershave? I loved their commercials!

Be careful how you use it!

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This episode did breeze by, maybe because most of the participants this season are new, and quirky. Fun to discuss.

Alright, have a good night all, and hopefully, a great week. Seen you soon! ❤️✌️

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