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Gina Liano...the barrister

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I should probably know this already, but I do not. Is a barrister the Aussie equivalent of a judge? That is what I assumed from her mini wig and robe while heading in a building labeled Supreme Court.

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Gina Liano:




Gina Liano
Gina is a Barrister and a single mom of two boys and her Poodle, Ninja. She is the glue that keeps her family together even though she has personally gone through the struggles of a divorce and beat cancer. Often found in the courtroom representing the underdog, Gina has been in the legal field for 14 years and has represented some of Australia’s highest profile clients. Passionate about fashion, Gina loves to shop, and it’s ‘Versace’ living all the way. As far as she is concerned with her home interiors, she can have nothing less than glamorous. Gina takes great pride in her appearance - she gets a spray tan every week and her hair and nails are always professionally maintained. With a unique and bold style, Gina cannot be judged by her appearance alone as it would only be a glimpse of the complete picture.

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When I first read her bio I though that she worked at a coffeeshop.


Like a barista? Hee!


If it wasn't for her I would've never bothered to learn what a barrister is. I like her, flaws and all. It doesn't surprise me that she and Lisa V have hit it off. They have similar senses of humor.

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Shouldn't it be Gino?  And with all that shit on her face, she should NEVER think she can outwit anybody.  The first thing I'd tell her is, "I can't take you seriously woman; you look like the MAC makeup counter exploded all over your face."  


And if she didn't believe Jackie's psychic ability, why did she run to Florida to see her "partner?"  Answer, because she sort of believed Jackie.  

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Yeah, actually I didn't understand the whole exchange (literally & figuratively) First she asks for reading. So Jackie gives the reading. Then Gina says she doesn't believe in such things. Then she runs off to Florida (now THAT is a loooong distance relationship) then meets with Jackie to tell her she's reading demons.

HUH? I'm not following any of this. But the Aussie accent is not helping either.

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I know, either Gina believed Jackie or she didn't.  I can't with Gina, with all that shit on her face.  I mean how many hours does it take to put that paint on?  How many hours to take it off?  How can Gina have a serious career if she spends so much time on her hair and make up?  Is she purposely trying to look like Lawyer Barbie?


I got it.  Maybe she can Star Jones can become BFF's because both of them are lawyers you know, and they deal in FACTS.  

Edited by Neurochick
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Ok this show finally made me create an account! I cannot get enough of Gina's hair and makeup. Does anyone else remember the movie Strictly Ballroom? It's like she's one of the characters come to life. I had no idea that the movie (and Muriel's Wedding) were kind of true to life!

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I got it.  Maybe she can Star Jones can become BFF's because both of them are lawyers you know, and they deal in FACTS.



FACTS is the reason she gives for not believing in psychic abilities, yet she believes Janet is talking to a demon.  Alrighty then.

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Just watched an episode for the 1st time today. 


Gina looks like the 1980s had a head on fatal collision with the MAC counter and the worst makeup guru to ever post a video on youtube because the application is just beyond the worst. The jaws of life were employed but yet still there were no survivors. She was wearing an electric blue leather jacket and matching skirt and her eye liner actually matched her blue outfit. To use the much overused HW rhetorical question: Who does that? Gina that is who.


That being said, I can't look away from her. I like her the best out of all the Melbourne HWs. She is just fascinating to me. She could be the younger sister of Jackie or Joan Collins. 


She must have been feeling some kind of way about Jackie's predictions because otherwise she wouldn't have hopped on a plane and flew 30 hours to meet up and then break up with her man. Still on her side on this 'battle' though.

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She was wearing an electric blue leather jacket and matching skirt and her eye liner actually matched her blue outfit. To use the much overused HW rhetorical question: Who does that? Gina that is who.



Not only that, her earrings & necklace set, purse AND shoes also matched the blue outfit.  Heidi Klum would undoubtedly blurt "Too matchy matchy"

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Here is Gina's profile from the Victorian Bar Association, which gives a bit more insight into the type of law she practices.




Also, as a law student in the same Jurisdiction I cannot believe that she gets away with wearing that much makeup for court appearances. The Victorian legal system is spectacularly conservative, especially when it comes to the appearance of women. People have been reprimanded and even been asked to remove themselves from the court room for far less.

Edited by JacquelineLHope
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It's all well and good to liken her to a drag queen (as she herself states), but there's no need to make a trans comparison. 

And just for the record, the word "tranny" is most definitely not allowed here. It's disparaging to the trans community, and something we consider hate-speech. 

Consider this the only warning on the topic. Any posts using it will be deleted and the poster will be handled by the mods. 

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I'm surprised to like Gina as much as I do. I was put off by her appearance, initially, and assumed that there was no "there" there, but she's pretty down to earth. She has a nice figure and nice features...if only someone gave her a makeunder!

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Yeah, I'm shocked at how much I like her too. She's sharp, and a little self depreciating, but she carries herself well (despite the 15 extra lbs of makeup and hairspray).

There's just something inherently likable about her. I can't quite put my finger on it.

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I can't take her seriously because of all that shit on her face.  I keep wondering what happened to her that made her believe that an ugly spray tan, fifteen pounds of make up and hair that looks like it's been sprayed to death, is attractive.  I mean, does the woman own a mirror?  What does she see when she looks?  I mean I see a clown and not a funny one.

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I keep picturing how pretty Gina would look if someone gave her a major make-under.   It's sad someone drowns themselves in make-up and gaudy outfits that makes people say, "You're a barrister?  I never would have thought..."

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I keep picturing how pretty Gina would look if someone gave her a major make-under. It's sad someone drowns themselves in make-up and gaudy outfits that makes people say, "You're a barrister? I never would have thought..."

I admit her appearance is somewhat off-putting, but she grows on you.

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I admit her appearance is somewhat off-putting, but she grows on you.


She seems to be the most likable of all of them so far (only one episode 1).  Can't.stand.Jackie.  Who told this woman she was some beauty?  

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Gina is a strong women and has stood up for herself good on her.

She's had a lot of flak handed to her through Jackie as you can totally see that Jackie instigates a hate vendetta against Gina.

You rock Gina.

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So the Logie Awards (the Australian equivalent of the Emmys and the People's Choice awards crammed in to one mind-numbingly long ceremony) are tonight and Gina has elected to wear this:




I literally have no words for how bad this is.

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So the Logie Awards (the Australian equivalent of the Emmys and the People's Choice awards crammed in to one mind-numbingly long ceremony) are tonight and Gina has elected to wear this:


That dress is awful.

Just in the last episode, Gina was making fun of Jackie and saying she looked pregnant because her dress had a peplum. She also mocked Pettifleur's white ruffle hat for looking like toilet paper. This dress combines both!

I don't understand why Gina thinks she's such a pillar of "fashion." She is always going on about it.

I literally have no words for how bad this is.

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So the Logie Awards (the Australian equivalent of the Emmys and the People's Choice awards crammed in to one mind-numbingly long ceremony) are tonight and Gina has elected to wear this:


I literally have no words for how bad this is.

What the fuck is that shit?!?!!!! It's like two tacky as fuck dresses fighting to the death for tacky supremacy. The loser is...everyone with eyes.

Edited by HunterHunted
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So the Logie Awards (the Australian equivalent of the Emmys and the People's Choice awards crammed in to one mind-numbingly long ceremony) are tonight and Gina has elected to wear this:




I literally have no words for how bad this is.

I have one word: fugly.

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What the fuck is that shit?!?!!!! It's like two tacky as fuck dresses fighting to the death for tacky supremacy. The loser is...everyone with eyes.


LOL. Apt description. I honestly expect nothing less when it comes to her style and that's what makes her a standout. She and Pettifleur are two sides of the same coin in a number of ways.

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So the Logie Awards (the Australian equivalent of the Emmys and the People's Choice awards crammed in to one mind-numbingly long ceremony) are tonight and Gina has elected to wear this:




I literally have no words for how bad this is.

Yes, it is a bad choice of a dress for sure especially if she claims to have fashion sense and has put out a line of clothing in the past, I could only imagine more dresses like this, yuk.  I guess her clothing line is on par with her shoe line.

And in other news, Gamble (seen in the background) had elected to wear a dress that looked like she skinned Kermit the Frog.

Chyka looks great, mostly always does.

I wonder what crazy rhinestone hair thing and costume Pettifleur opted to wear that night?

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