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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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33 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Derek is on the block WITH her and so how would Azah voting for their other teammate over Britni be a specific betrayal of Britni? I think they're both going to get out of this fine with Britni. The others are the ones that are risking losing Britni's jury vote.

Deref is basically telling her how awful Kyland is for nominating her and parroting everything she is telling him back. 

Britini is definitely going to be a bitter juror lol. 


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33 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Derek is on the block WITH her and so how would Azah voting for their other teammate over Britni be a specific betrayal of Britni? I think they're both going to get out of this fine with Britni. The others are the ones that are risking losing Britni's jury vote.

Briini won’t know the full extent of the betrayal until after the season most likely. Unless, Azah or Derek F (or, anyone from the cookout) tells her in jury. I suspect the show will want to keep that a secret for the jury. Of course, there’s nothing preventing anyone telling in the jury house. Once she realizes the blob alliance of the cookout I don’t think she’ll be that upset. There was nothing she or any non cookout member could do. They were (currently) too dominate. Time will tell though.

4 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Deref is basically telling her how awful Kyland is for nominating her and parroting everything she is telling him back. 

Britini is definitely going to be a bitter juror lol. 


I could see her being a bitter juror, I just don't see it directed at Derek F. or Azah. Now, Kyland or Xavier or Tiffany? Totally different story.

I should say "bitter juror, vote-wise." I think she'll be chill otherwise.

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20 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I could see her being a bitter juror, I just don't see it directed at Derek F. or Azah. Now, Kyland or Xavier or Tiffany? Totally different story.

I should say "bitter juror, vote-wise." I think she'll be chill otherwise.

I think she will betrayed after the show.

But yes I totally see her being a bitter juror vote wise. 

57 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

Briini won’t know the full extent of the betrayal until after the season most likely. Unless, Azah or Derek F (or, anyone from the cookout) tells her in jury. I suspect the show will want to keep that a secret for the jury.

My total guess: Azah would tell her in jury. Other CO members, probably not unless cornered. I expect speculation, at least, from most of the jurors, because they will have to at least consider the fact that all remaining players are black is not mere coincidence. (Assuming the CO holds to the end.) If the CO is successful, I expect Julie to announce it at the finale. But only if it’s successful.

Now we’ll see if my powers of prediction are more like Nostradamus, or Geraldo in the vault.

Edited to add: I think Britini will have a brief flip out in the jury house, but be over it by the time we see her again. Maybe it will inspire a finale rap.

Edited by 30 Helens
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7 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

 I'd say last season. Most house guests were married or had significant others.

I know, that's why I said "aside from last season". I was considering it an outlier because it was all alumni without their partners but yeah, we still ended up with the grossmance of Arbor Day/Random Tennessee Town. Just not in the house THANK GOD.

BB21 was The Summer of the Sex Stool in the Shower
BB20 was The Summer of the Pregnancy Scare
BB19 was The Summer of the Used Condom Drawer
BB18 was the Summer of THIS IS THE ONE YOU LAY WITH?!
BB17 was The Summer of the Fingerbang
BB16 - maybe this one? Derrick probably shut down any potential sex as soon as he shut down any entertaining gameplay. Not for lack of trying on Caleb and Christine's parts, though.

So yeah, probably BB16 was the last regular sex-free season? I like how you can track seasons by their major events, their overall theme, or the weird sex. I mean, nothing will touch the live feed sex tape of BB10 but I'm kinda scarred for life from that shit so I don't know if I want anything to top that. Also BB9. *shudders*

Edited by Callaphera
coffee kicking in
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1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

I turned on the live feeds for the first time in forever and now I remember why I dont bother with them. They go out every 2 mins.....over nothing. Why dont they want us to see Brittni/Kys full discussion? 

OMG! Me too. I have turned it on about three times today with the blue screen of We’ll Be Right Back. There is no F’ing HOH or Veto. WTF are they showing me this stupid message. I’m going to cancel tomorrow. It is totally ridiculous. The point of the Live Feeds is to see shit you can’t see on the broadcast show. It’s such a rip off. Rant over.

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Hannah and Azah, whisperplotting in the bathroom. Azah expressing her concerns that all non CO people catching on about the CO, but especially Baby D, and that they/he might put up two CO's. Hannah interestingly tells her that no not really he isn't on to them, but she knows he suggested two CO's if he wins HoH. Hannah and Tiff are really hedging bets, and I'm so glad, but I just think they will never follow through and X/Ky is gonna win. Taran mentioned Hannah's mouth tick and now its all I see and I just want to alleviate her anxiety but like my girl this game is 24-7 anxiety.

They are playing out High Roller scenarios and because it's too complicated I'm lost, but essentially they are trying to avoid having CO members spend bucks before week three, because of the takeover. POTENTIAL takeover. 

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According to Claire, Britini will be doing one-on-ones tomorrow. Wonder if she’ll have q-tip and skittle props? 

Deref will not be campaigning. Tiff says that’s probably for the best, because talking is not his strong suit.

Meanwhile, Brit is huddled in bed with Azah, moaning about how she doesn’t care anymore. This is why I don’t think Britini will be a bitter juror. She’s all bluster and riot threats at the beginning, but there’s no follow through.

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Deref is monologuing in the hammock. He gives shout outs to his friends and mom, hopes everyone is proud of him, yadda yadda. He wants to win for his mom, to help her out, and also so he can establish a charity for single mothers. Maybe he isn’t meant to win HoH or comps, but to win the whole game instead.

He says hi to the fans and hopes to meet all of them one day. And by the way, please vote for him to win the next $100. (No, he doesn’t actually say that, but… single mom charities? Shoot me, I’m cynical.)

  • LOL 4
22 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Deref is monologuing in the hammock. He gives shout outs to his friends and mom, hopes everyone is proud of him, yadda yadda. He wants to win for his mom, to help her out, and also so he can establish a charity for single mothers. Maybe he isn’t meant to win HoH or comps, but to win the whole game instead.

He says hi to the fans and hopes to meet all of them one day. And by the way, please vote for him to win the next $100. (No, he doesn’t actually say that, but… single mom charities? Shoot me, I’m cynical.)

I will say he must have a huge following to land in the Top 3. It didn’t even occur to me that he would get the $100. He hasn’t done a thing and was lucky to be in a blob alliance. Of course, within every blob alliance there is one or two are carried along. This season it’s him and Azah. Has anyone in the Cookout said they want to bring him to the end because they know (or think) they can beat him? I know Tiffany has mentioned Hannah (and, non cookout member, Claire) but I have no idea who X or Ky would like to bring to the end. 

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45 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Meanwhile, Brit is huddled in bed with Azah, moaning about how she doesn’t care anymore. This is why I don’t think Britini will be a bitter juror. She’s all bluster and riot threats at the beginning, but there’s no follow through.

I agree that she won't make a scene or whatever, but I think she might still VOTE like a bitter juror. But yeah, there ain't going to be any fireworks on finale night from Britni. 

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Tiff gave Derex a haircut. He loves it! She says she will accept BB bucks for payment.

Derex says Ky= Frenchie + Brent. Claire thinks Ky will be the house target next week. Britini has told them all Ky made a deal with her, and they believe her. So that raises more doubts about Ky.

Britini’s one-on-ones have started. Current victim campaignee, Hannah. Brit thinks she deserves to stay because she is loyal, a good shield, and can help others stay off the block. She’s willing to be a pawn every week if that’s what it takes!

Hannah listens while chewing the inside of her mouth raw, and will someone please give this girl a stress ball or fidget spinner or something, because between the mouth chewing and the face picking, there will be nothing left of her by the end of the season.

Claire joins them, and Brit tells them both she know she can’t win, but she can help them go further. If they save her, that will be her goal. And unlike liar Ky, she will not go back on her word. Hannah praises her campaign skills, but excuses herself to go change her tampon. She should have used that excuse when Ky had her corned for 45 minutes! I guarantee it would have shut him up, and fast.


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6 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Hannah praises her campaign skills, but excuses herself to go change her tampon. She should have used that excuse when Ky had her corned for 45 minutes! I guarantee it would have shut him up, and fast.

But would it?  Unlike "the girls have an alliance, I just know it!" Deref, Ky doesn't seem misogynistic enough to be put off by a woman needing to change her tampon.  I'm pretty sure he'd just decide to use the rest in the box as a prop when he runs out of Q-Tips.

1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

But would it?  Unlike "the girls have an alliance, I just know it!" Deref, Ky doesn't seem misogynistic enough to be put off by a woman needing to change her tampon.  I'm pretty sure he'd just decide to use the rest in the box as a prop when he runs out of Q-Tips.

I don’t know, I’ve never known a guy who didn’t get at least a little uncomfortable  with such topics, even if it’s for just a couple seconds. Enough time to escape, lol. But I agree, he would definitely see the value of prop tampons! 

6 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

But would it?  Unlike "the girls have an alliance, I just know it!" Deref, Ky doesn't seem misogynistic enough to be put off by a woman needing to change her tampon.  I'm pretty sure he'd just decide to use the rest in the box as a prop when he runs out of Q-Tips.

Ky, probably: "Oh! Speaking of tampons, did I tell you about my friend? Tara Kelly Music? Anyway, I was - and I mean - okay, so I - I don't mean to keep you, I know time is limited. So my friend, she's this girl, Tara Kelly Music? I've never kissed her. My friend, Tara Kelly Music, she was telling me all about her Diva cup and that's T-A-R-A..."

  • LOL 8
6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I could see her being a bitter juror, I just don't see it directed at Derek F. or Azah. Now, Kyland or Xavier or Tiffany? Totally different story.

I should say "bitter juror, vote-wise." I think she'll be chill otherwise.

Initially, I’d guess Britini’s ire will be directed solely at Ky.  
If Britini gets evicted on a unanimous vote, then I expect she’ll be spreading the love around.

Evicted in a mixed vote, though…?  I pity the next few poor schlubs to join Britini in the JH; there will be no rest.

Assuming DerF doesn’t do something stupid and get the vote flipped back on himself, that is….


3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

BB16 - maybe this one? Derrick probably shut down any potential sex as soon as he shut down any entertaining gameplay. Not for lack of trying on Caleb and Christine's parts, though.

So yeah, probably BB16 was the last regular sex-free season? 

How could you not remember Beastmode Bunny Boiler, and his Amazing BananaPickle pursuit of the fair Amber?  Ah, how soon they forget….

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Okay at this point, someone needs to take the scissors away from Tiff. She's giving him a Kate Gosselin style duck tail in the back. His head is going to be the same shape as a slice of pizza from the side. It's bad.

Yup; as a hairstylist, Tiff is one helluva phlebotomist.


10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Caleb never slept with her, though. Amber shut him down completely, didn't she?

Depends; are we talking about in reality, or in Caleb’s mind?

Which is to say - ew.

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8 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Okay at this point, someone needs to take the scissors away from Tiff. She's giving him a Kate Gosselin style duck tail in the back. His head is going to be the same shape as a slice of pizza from the side. It's bad.

Word up, Derex. Larry Blackmon would like his hair royalties now.


Edited by PhoneCop
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X wants to know who encouraged Derex to take out Christian last week. Because he knows that wasn’t Derex’s original intention. Not because he’s mad or wants revenge. He’s just curious. Derex says someone did approach him with the idea, but doesn’t say who.

X says he has no animosity towards Derex, and won’t target him because he’s a good shield. He asks his opinion about various other HGs, like Tiff and Ky, and it’s apparent to me that he’s just gathering intel so he knows which CO members to ditch first when the time comes. Derex looks like a nervous high school sophomore in the principal’s office (it’s the hair) and seems relieved when X leaves.

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Hannah thinks the Cookout reveal should happen right after battle back, to let it sink in before jury deliberations. Her rationale is, jurors will probably come to the finale with their decision made, and revealing the CO strategy then will likely have no impact.

She, Deref and Azah trash talk Ky a little. They think he has too much information that he’s not sharing. Azah thinks Derex and Ky have a preexisting relationship.

Deref thinks they should decide who will win HoH and make plans to throw it to them. Hannah wants the next one so she can put up SB (and Ky, as a pawn). Azah wants it so her side of the house can have a win.

Hannah, in a cam talk: believes that Deref is the best choice out of the Cookout to be HoH next week, is gunning for HoH herself regardless, called Derex a pawn and said she wanted him out in two week, and also asked Derex fans to share the BB Bucks love with her. "I'm planning your favourite HG's eviction, please help support me in that endeavour!" You know, I don't think that pitch would work on me.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Hannah, in a cam talk: believes that Deref is the best choice out of the Cookout to be HoH next week, is gunning for HoH herself regardless, called Derex a pawn and said she wanted him out in two week, and also asked Derex fans to share the BB Bucks love with her. "I'm planning your favourite HG's eviction, please help support me in that endeavour!" You know, I don't think that pitch would work on me.

Well, clearly she doesn't know squat about what the BB Fandom wants because if she did, she'd realize we don't care about SB going nearly as much as we'd like to see the current HOH go, lol.

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16 minutes ago, himela said:

Why do people dislike Kyland now? And I mean the fans, not the houseguests. I must have missed something because I like him a lot.

For me, personally, several reasons.

1) he has a bad case of HOH-itis this 2nd time around

2) he is part of a dominant alliance and by this point in the season, like most other feedster fans, all I really want to see is the dominant alliance not have everything go their way

3) listening to or trying to follow any conversation he is having is difficult because he talks in circles after meandering around whatever it is he's trying to say, and he likes to play word trap games

4) 2 HOH wins paints a target on his back as a potential comp beast and comp beasts must always go

Also, to add onto my comment from a little while ago, it amuses me to no end how, without fail, every season, members of a dominant alliance, around this point in the game, convince themselves that whatever is good for their game and steamrolling their entire alliance to F6/F5 is exactly what America wants.  Riiiiiight.  Except it's not. We usually enjoy the first few weeks of said dominant alliance pulling the wool over the eyes of the other HGs and then decide to root for the underdogs.  There’s a reason why Britini and Derex got $100 from America and it's not because they're part of the CO!

Edited by HighQueenEB
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29 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Azah thinks Derex and Ky have a preexisting relationship.

Azah’s game reads are so bad, she reminds me of a friend I had in college; this friend’s personal relationships were a series of trainwrecks long enough to make Amtrak put on second and third locomotives to pull the load.  One day we had a conversation on the subject:

Her: What am I doing wrong?

Me: Well, how do you end up getting in so deep with these losers anyway?

Her: I dunno - I just follow my heart, and the rest seems to follow.

Me:  Well then, here’s an idea – the next time you heart tries telling you to follow something, do the exact opposite.

Her: Are you for fucking real?

Me: And how well has your heart been leading you lately?

Her: I hate to admit it, but - good point.

She’s now married, with two great kids, and on their 20th anniversary she called me to thank me for that conversation.  I’d all but forgotten about it.  😆


29 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Deref thinks they should decide who will win HoH and make plans to throw it to them. Hannah wants the next one so she can put up SB (and Ky, as a pawn). Azah wants it so her side of the house can have a win.

Uh-huh; why should strategic value be an issue, so long as personal ego is satisfied?  🙄😐

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I DO still like Kyland, but liking him and rooting for him are two different things. I like EVERYONE but Derek F and I mostly don't like him because he talked shit about My Detroit and My Tiffany.  I am rooting against Ky (and X) mostly because as men who are smart/likable/strong they have distinct HEAVY advantage in any F6 with the Cookout, and it's the only aspect of the Cookout that bothers me, because people keep saying everyone is sacrificing their individual game to the group cause and NO, the CO alliance mostly *dovetails* perfectly with X/Ky's games, while Tiff/Hannah/Azah all have better chances individually with allies OUTSIDE the CO, their individual games are in direct conflict with their success past F6. And if we are gonna do this for the culture let's acknowledge intersectional biases in the game, and agree the F4 should be the black women and the gay man. But nah they aren't about to bow out at F6/5, that would be sacrificing their individual games for the cause.

Anyway people are tiring of Kyalnd because he's riding in on the back of the other four in the cookout, and the rest of his game has been damaged the last few weeks, but it's because he chose to duo up with SB, not effectively throw HoH to either Azah OR Tiff, then act like imperious HR exec during this HoH, and generally be an exhausting game talker. 

Edited by blixie
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Now they're discussing avatars.they assigned each other. These avatars are on a show. Travis is someone who dies early in the show. Christian is a random air nomad. OK, this is from a movie from 2008, maybe Avatar.

Later, they're saying it's a TV show and BB chat says it's a Paramount show.

Edited by Lamb18
4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Uh-huh; why should strategic value be an issue, so long as personal ego is satisfied?  🙄😐

Yeah, and I also thought it was weird that Azah is still talking “sides” of the house even though teams are over. Isn’t her “side” the Cookout? It’s too far into the game to have competing loyalties unless you have another plan that can take you farther, and she doesn’t.

2 hours ago, blixie said:

the CO alliance mostly *dovetails* perfectly with X/Ky's games, while Tiff/Hannah/Azah all have better chances individually with allies OUTSIDE the CO, their individual games are in direct conflict with their success past F6.

I agree X and Ky have the advantage in this alliance, partially due to comp strength (which X has been holding back on, but you know it’s there.) But I’m not so sure the women would do better outside the alliance. Tiff maybe, although she can annoy people as easily as she can bond with them, so it’s hard to say if she would have managed to stay off the block. But she does have two strong allies in Claire and Derex, and she’s a good strategist, so I think she could do well on her own.

Azah, on the other hand, has only one true ally in Britini, has been carried by the CO and doesn’t seem to have a clue of how to advance without them. (Nice woman, I think she’d make a great friend, she’s just not a game player.) Without the CO, I see her as either an easy pawn or an early boot.

Hannah is playing such a low key game, it’s hard to tell. I think she’s smart enough to do well on her own, but she’s also the type of player that other players mistrust because she’s hard to get a read on, so without CO support she could have been eliminated already.

I would have no problem with X winning, because I think he’s been playing a thoughtful, very strategic game. Of all the CO members, he seems to have done the most work in keeping the alliance together by helping to smooth over differences and repair cracks. So in some respects, he most deserves it.

Still, I would prefer for the women to hold it together and end up on top, with Tiff victorious. They might need Claire as a number to do this, though. That would mean losing a CO member before the final 6– which should be Deref, but I’d also be fine with Ky. But as long as the final 6 remains majority CO, I think Tiff could orchestrate this without experiencing backlash. 

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Yeah, I think X would be a great winner. He's putting WORK in. He and Tiffany both are. 

I think Kyland and Hannah are doing more of a generic dominant alliance game. Like a BB17 Steve game. Which isn't BAD, but it isn't as impressive as X or Tiffany, who are WORKING. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
He, not him
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Tiffany and Hannah have decided that Claire has to go next. Tiffany already told Ky they need to change the next target from Derex to Claire. We'll see if X and Ky go for this.

I really need Claire or Derex to win this next HOH and nom CO members. Although with the roulette High Rollers thing in place, one of the CO would end up safe and the random nom would just be Derex/Claire lol.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Tiffany and Hannah have decided that Claire has to go next. Tiffany already told Ky they need to change the next target from Derex to Claire. We'll see if X and Ky go for this.

I really need Claire or Derex to win this next HOH and nom CO members. Although with the roulette High Rollers thing in place, one of them would end up safe and the random nom would just be Derex/Claire lol.

Yeah, honestly, we're getting to that point of the season where, if you or one of your closest allies is not winning HoH, then you SHOULD be in trouble. 

Claire needs to get off her ass and WIN something.

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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