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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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3 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

I have waited to chime in on this, because I wanted to think about it and feel comfortable with the opinion I was going to have (and I’m still not, don’t hate me).  I’m an accountant, y’all, what can I say, I’m left brained.  And to be clear, I am a white woman.  Just saying that up front.  I’ve also watched every season since Season 1 and have had the live feeds since mid-S5.  I’m a hard-core junkie.

I’ve seen several concerns about the formation of the Cookout.  How it’s not fair to the rest of the house. So I had a few thoughts.

In terms of a person in the house seeing it and wanting to maybe break it up at some point?  Sure. I mean, how many chances do 10 people have to get out a 6 person alliance? It’s a question we’ve all had years after years after years of a dude-bro alliance with some women on the side.  How hard is it to go after the obvious?  Kind of hard regardless of the dynamic, apparently. But I do get how it might have an extra component this year.  And OH, WELL.

People make alliances with people they feel most comfortable with.  Which is why we see SO MANY white dude-bro alliances.  They see each other, they know what they’re getting, they can say “yeah, let’s make an alliance.  Cool”. AND scene.  The six CO members have almost nothing in common that I’ve seen except one thing – they know what it is like to NOT be considered for an alliance (hypothetically, of course – again, left brained).  They know what it is like to be one of the 2, maybe 3 people like them in the house.  Maybe if white Dude-bros had to watch 20 plus seasons where there was only 2, possibly 3 of them represented, they would also get a pass for creating an alliance.

CBS actually made an announcement to make their cast diverse.  The cast I don’t think knew it, and if not, how amazing it must have been to the minorities to get into the house, thinking about how their strategy had to incorporate making nice with the white folks, only to see that maybe THIS season, they didn’t have to try so hard. 

And I realize this is SO SIMPLISTIC.  People are people.  It’s not fair to judge anyone who comes on this show.  But I’ve done a lot of thinking about the casts in the past, and who the minorities were who got even close to the end… and it was a hell of a lot harder for them.  And if it’s a little harder for the non-minorities this season?  Season 23?   Oh well.     



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Christian's Plan Z is to tell Tiffany that he overheard Kyland and SB having a discussion about them being Team America (Fuck Yeah!)'s Sweetheart Players and her lying about having a girlfriend named Shelley. I guess Plan Y was to tell Britini that this is his Plan Z because that's what he just did so Britini's Plan A is probably to tell the other Jokers and her Plan B is to tell Tiffany. Also Christian's Plan Before Z But Not Y is still out there, too - that's the future HoH win/bed/basket/music that he's promised Azah/The Jokers.

At this point, we should all just be proud of Christian for being able to identify at least one letter in the alphabet.

ETA: Pressed the post button, came back to Britini floating the idea of trying to flip the vote to get SB out. I dunno.

Edited by Callaphera
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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

ETA: Pressed the post button, came back to Britini floating the idea of trying to flip the vote to get SB out. I dunno.

Nah.  I think based on this Britini/Azah conversation, Britini is still set on voting out Christian but she is trying to find a way to get some sort of concession from SB that, if SB/Ky win HOH next week, they won't go after her. 

My thought, kind of half paying attention to the Britini/Christian and Britini/Azah convos - Britini could very well be a pathological liar.  LOL - she's actually playing this "I blame myself for this week/being scared of what SB will do next week" emotional card with Azah to perfection.  She's absolutely trying to ensure Azah is loyal to her and votes Christian out.

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Back to Azah/Britini - Azah just asked Britini what she wants her to do.  Azah's thing is that she basically doesn't want to be badgered about her vote.  And Britini is telling her about Plan Z which involves bringing the Jokers and Queens (minus Ky) into a room and telling Tiff/Claire that he has the 3 Jokers so if they don't vote to keep him they're voting against the house.  So, Britini tells Azah to avoid Christian and jokingly asks if there's a way they can hide Azah tomorrow.  Hehe.  Yeah, Azah is going to vote whichever way Britini wants and Britini is still firmly set on voting out Christian and being "part of the biggest blindside of the season." 

Uhm, Brit - the only way it's a blindside is if you flat out DO NOT TELL Christian (or Alyssa or X) that you're voting for SB before the live show on Thursday.

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Oh boy. This is Britini's Best Day Ever. Not only did Christian put his arm around her (OMGIGGLE) and hold her hand (SQUEEHAIRFLIP) but he just made her his campaign manager and charged her with getting Azah's vote, then taking it to Claire and Tiffany to get their votes, and then he has the numbers to stay! Just like Frenchie Brent uh...

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Azah has been coaching the HGs on how to do a West African accent in the living room. The sound is bleeding through into the hall room where Claire is addressing the camera by herself.

Claire, interrupting herself talking about numbers, alliances, and pairing to talk about the living room crew: "I'm way too white to be over there." IF SHE ONLY KNEW.

Edited by Callaphera
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In my opinion Frenchie saved this season. If Christian had won that first HoH (and he was very close, his team dropped the cards) I could easily see a Bro alliance forming with Alyssa and Whitney as the hot girls who always enter a bro alliance.

Does anyone know how Frenchie and Brent reacted when they found out how people perceived them in the real world? I don't have social media so I'd like to know.

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9 minutes ago, himela said:

In my opinion Frenchie saved this season. If Christian had won that first HoH (and he was very close, his team dropped the cards) I could easily see a Bro alliance forming with Alyssa and Whitney as the hot girls who always enter a bro alliance.

Does anyone know how Frenchie and Brent reacted when they found out how people perceived them in the real world? I don't have social media so I'd like to know.

The Cookout still formed, though, and since Christian is so easily influenced by Xavier, he wouldn't have gotten out a member of the Cookout, so I don't think it would have greatly affected things. I mean, I guess Britni goes out Week 1, maybe?

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Christian, in a moment of stupidity,

Christian to Alyssa: "It's annoying! I have the votes to stay but they're not going to use them because - I don't know what they're scared of!"

If they're not going to vote for you, do you really have the votes? That might be a little advanced for him, we might need to start with basic shapes and colours and work our way up to counting seven on our fingers.

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Christian keeps saying that this is the first week he hasn't been able to compete so that proves that he can't win every week. So why are they so worried? Why do they keep talking about how they're worried about him winning every week? It's not hair flipping fair!

I mean, he's right. Jackson couldn't win every week, either. That's why he and Holly were so dangerous to keep as a pair. The problem is, I don't really see Alyssa comping out - she did well on the wall comp but that's usually a good comp for women of her size and fitness level. She's a little too princess-y and whiny when she loses which makes me think that she only wins when people let her win and she throws shit fits until that happens. So maybe Christian could comp out but I doubt they could as a pair.

Using a technicality due to a game rule is pretty weak, though. He might want to work on that argument before making it Plan... wait, what comes after Z?

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Using a technicality due to a game rule is pretty weak, though. He might want to work on that argument before making it Plan... wait, what comes after Z?

Well, in my nice, orderly, Excel-spreadsheet loving world, AA comes after Z.  But, I'm not sure Christian would know if an Excel spreadsheet came up and bit him in the ass the way these incessant plans of his are going to before Thursday.

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Derex, Hannah, Kyland, and SB were kinda roasting Alyssa and Christian and how they were saying they put distance between themselves to make themselves look like less of a pair (meanwhile they're all over each other every day). And then I heard Derex say "But I do think they're platonic." And then everyone agreeing and I'm just what? Please tell me they're all lying to each other. Or that they don't know the meaning of the word "platonic". I mean. What? THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING.

Edited by Callaphera
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Christian: "And then bam! Plan Z."
Alyssa: "And you came up with that all on your own."
Christian, proudly: "I did!"
Alyssa: "And you'll do it on your own."
Christian, still proud: "Yeah!"

It's the Shelli/Clay dynamic again. She's the mom, he's the dumb ass child that can't tie his own shoes, I'm highly entertained. It helps that Christian talks in this kinda babyish voice which is a little weird coming from him but whatever. Clay's still the dumbest, though. He'll never lose that title. No one can ever be dumber than him (Corey came close).


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So while Christian and Alyssa make giggles, hair flips, and kissy faces in the upstairs lounge, I guess Tiffany met with the Jokers so that Britini could tell her all about the pressure and stress she's feeling about lying to Christian and now being his campaign manager and whatever. It ended with Tiffany basically saying that their games are their games, her game is her game, she will say what she wants, they can say what they want, we're good. But it was in that sharp totally over it tone that Tiffany gets whenever she talks to Britini for a long period of time. That did not go over well.

Somehow this has devolved into Britini crying to Tiffany and Claire, Tiffany furious about the other HGs not just falling in line with her plan, Claire "mmhmm"ing, Deref ranting about how Britini owes Christian nothing before storming off camera, and Azah giving us a camera talk about how there's been tension growing between her and Tiffany. She says she doesn't talk game much to Tiffany anymore because when she does, Tiffany blabs to the other HGs and then it gets back to Azah. But she's just sitting there, drinking her tea.

And now we get Big D ranting to a backyard camera about Tiffany and how she says she's so tough but she can't tell Christian that she won't vote for him? What the fuck is with that? She's from Detroit, Michigan which is a "weak-ass city" according to Deref. She can't manipulate him! Don't manipulate his team! He says he's trying really hard to hold onto The Cookout but don't play him.

Deref: "America, I'm trying my best to keep my word to this Cookout for our people. I'm trying to make it as far as we can. But I don't know if I can take everybody, 'cause I don't know if everyone will take me. And that's the one person I'm worried about."

And scene.

Edited by Callaphera
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Deref to Azah: "So my mindset right now? Is that I'm gonna go around to each member of this alliance [The Cookout] and tell them that I don't want to be a part of it anymore."
Azah: "Please don't say that. Please don't say that."
(on C1/2, Tiffany suddenly gets up and out of bed like a Bat signal went off. Heh)
(all four cameras suddenly turn to Tiffany getting back into bed, this is fucking shady, Production)
(all four cameras turn to the HoH room where Derex, Hannah, SB, and Eeyore are awkwardly hanging out)

Well, when they finally show us the backyard, Deref is talking about making Tiffany a pawn if he wins HoH, just to show her not to play with him. So that was a big fat nothingburger. Bah.

Edited by Callaphera
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3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Well, when they finally show us the backyard, Deref is talking about making Tiffany a pawn if he wins HoH, just to show her not to play with him. So that was a big fat nothingburger. Bah.

You know, Deref is THIS close to recognizing that he and Azah are at the bottom of the CO alliance, with Hannah worming her way ahead of them but behind the triumvirate of X, Ky, and Tiff.  If he was smarter, he would recognize that one of those three needs to go sooner rather than later and either take the shot should he, by some miracle, win HOH.  Or, better yet, get someone like Britini, SB or Alyssa to take that shot. I don't think it would take much to convince Brit or Alyssa to target Ky and Tiff with SB/Claire as replacement noms if necessary.  And it certainly wouldn't be hard to convince SB to go after X and Tiff with Alyssa/Claire as replacement noms. I wouldn't take a shot at Hannah/Derex right now. There are other people who will go after Derex and Hannah is still only #4, at best, in the CO alliance.  He should want Tiff out.  She's not good for his game longterm because she's not going to take him to F2 over Hannah or Azah.  And I think, deep down, he knows this, but he isn't willing to say it out loud yet because of the CO.

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Good morning, everyone!

For a change, Cameras 1 and 2 are on the bathroom as Kyland, in full jackass costume, needs to go. 

Camera 3 is on the wave room, or hallway bedroom, as I've heard house guests call it. Tiffani likes to sleep in this room because she usually has to get up in the night and then she doesn't have to walk through the other bedrooms.

Camera shows an unidentifiable person sleeping with a sliver of light showing on him or her. I think it's Claire because the sliver of light is actually the sleeves of her costume reflecting the light. She might be in the wave room, it's hard to tell.

Cams 1 and 2 are now showing the kitchen where it looks like Kyland - well, now the cameras and Kyland are back in the bathroom. He is whispering about Azah when both Britini and Azah join him.

These guys are up early! Kyland said he was cleaning. Azah says tells Britini she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to do. Just tell Christian whatever she feels like saying.

Britini is telling Azah she is going to tell Christian No or I don't know. Azah said she will tell Christian No. She tells Britini she doesn't have to stress herself out about this. No one gave Britini explanations when she was on the block so Christian isn't entitled to an explanation. What Azah doesn't like is when people try to force others to do something because they feel guilty about their own actions. She feels she doesn't owe Christian shiitake mushrooms. She tells Brit not to play other peoples' games for them. Azah is moving up my favorites list. She is also mad at Derek F for disclosing his alliance with Azah and Britini.

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Britini and Azah are back in bed.

Camera 3 is showing the Cross bedroom while Camera 4 is showing a young man's back. It might be Kyland. It must be because Derek X is in HOH, Derek F uses the coffin bed, this guy has hair and Xavier is bald, and Christian is in the HN room. Camera 1 is showing the Jokers bedroom and Camera 2 shows Derek F on his back in the coffin bed. (When I type "coffin", the first prompt on my phone is "bed.")

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15 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

She is also mad at Derek F for disclosing his alliance with Azah and Britini.

And this was a secret to who, exactly? C’mon, Azah. 

But I feel the same about her. She started out really high on my list, moved down several pegs when she got so overly emotional about Frenchie and Britini’s nominations that she lost sight of the game, but lately has been playing a very rational, thoughtful, yet still compassionate game. I’m thisclose to trading in my Team Tiffany tshirt for one that says Team Azah.

As for Tiff, it’s going to be interesting to see how much of the CO really have her back once the numbers start to dwindle. She’s playing with the arrogance of someone who thinks her spot is guaranteed, and maybe it is, or maybe she sparks anger one too many times and they decide they can do it without her.

Along the same lines, I kind of feel for Deref. He’s in a tough spot— he knows he’s at the bottom of the CO, but if he tries to move ahead by building something outside of the CO, it will look very bad for him. But his position in the CO is really his own fault.  If he had ever actually done anything except coast and coffin-snooze, I might feel worse.

As for Christian… good on him for finally waking up and playing, I guess? Too bad he didn’t concoct some of his double-naught spy strategies earlier in the game— we could have squeezed a lot more entertainment out of him.

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7 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

The Cookout still formed, though, and since Christian is so easily influenced by Xavier, he wouldn't have gotten out a member of the Cookout, so I don't think it would have greatly affected things. I mean, I guess Britni goes out Week 1, maybe?

Or maybe Tiffany goes out week 1 as the oldest person there.

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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Christian's a moron, but at least he's trying to stay. It's more than...well, EVERY OTHER EVICTED HOUSEGUEST THIS SEASON has tried.

This is one of the biggest reasons why this is the best week so far.

28 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Along the same lines, I kind of feel for Deref. He’s in a tough spot— he knows he’s at the bottom of the CO ...

I really don't think he is. He has a F3 with X and Ky and I do believe X and Ky would much rather go to the end with Deref, who sucks at the game and comps, over Hannah and Tiff who are playing the game much, much better than Deref.

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The Cookout is the best thing that could have ever happened to Derek in this game. He's pretty useless and if he didn't have the Cookout, no other alliance would keep him even THIS safe. He'd be a safe pre-Jury boot and not even a likely goat. And I think he gets that, hence his big anti-Cookout move boiling down to, "I'm going to have Tiffany be a pawn one week."

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58 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Tiffany's age has been irrelevant. 

Hmm I don't agree with that so much. Tiffany was just lucky that Frenchie was after meatheads, then the house went after Frenchie and Brent, so she had 3 weeks to work her magic and create the alliances she wanted. She is in a good spot at the moment but her relationships with people are not based on friendship in my opinion. I think that people just take her advise and they are afraid of her. Taran said yesterday that Claire is the social person between her and Tiffany. As soon as the people become less and less her inability to have friendships with people will become obvious and this is mainly due to their age difference I think. I mean I'm her age and I know that I could never become close friends with a person who is in their twenties because the way we look at life and our lives in general are so different.

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Tiffany does prefer to have relationships in the house where she is the one in control. Claire just becomes a yes man with her because she knows that once you let Tiffany see that she’s not in control of you, she gets agitated. She likes to take people under her wing and that’s why she’s so close to Derex, Hannah, and Xtian. Azah snaps back at her and that’s what caused their rift. She wants SB gone because she thinks she took over her role as advisor with Ky.

She is a super interesting and entertaining character for me. And I’m interested to see how her and Claire’s relationship goes now that I’m assuming Claire might start actually going for HOH and making moves.

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12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Sarah Beth's special birthday pie, the conclusion:

I mean, I guess they tried?

ETA: Just a reminder, it took them 3 days (!!!) to make this pie. It's watery. It's gross looking. Sarah Beth said "I actually don't mind it!" which is such a nice way of saying it's garbage.

I did not know it was possibly to have a chunky-looking custard pie. Raven's impact!

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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

She is a super interesting and entertaining character for me. And I’m interested to see how her and Claire’s relationship goes now that I’m assuming Claire might start actually going for HOH and making moves.

Me too.  Tiffany is definitely a thinker and a strategizer and a mama-bear.  She's also very used to getting her way, which is something I think she needs to back off on.  She needs to let go of the little things.  Right now, it does appear she's controlling the game, but that may be because for the moment she and Xavier have a common strategy, and Xavier is content to let her push because she's pushing in the direction that works for him.  The point where this is going to become interesting is when their games diverge.  If that happens before final 4 or 5, when the house is still full, watching Xavier work the house and Tiffany work the house will be fascinating.

Where I think Tiffany is going to get into a rough spot is that she doesn't seem to be very flexible, and she needs to be.  It seems she gets it fixed in her mind that Person A leaves the house, then Person B when it really doesn't matter who goes in what order.  If it happens out of order, or in a way she doesn't like, she's going to get upset, and that's when her social game is going to bite her.

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Interesting insights into Tiff's game play and, specifically, her social game.  Is it to the point where, if the CO is the final 6, she is first out because she's sort of alienating herself?  Or do X and Ky try to take each other out first, then Hannah, and aim to get her out at F4?  At this point, I can't see Azah voting to keep her over any of the guys.

Edited by HighQueenEB

This how Christian takes his medication or supplements:

He turns on the water from the kitchen sink, lowers his head below the faucet, pops the pill into his mouth, and drinks straight from the faucet to get the pill down.

Sarah is going to do her one and ones today in the Coral room. Claire we orders if Christian will do one and ones today. His whole day is a massive one and one.

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Christian suddenly went up on his knees (from lying on the bed) and yells "Buck! Buck!" Why is he making chicken noises? Then I realize he was yelling the F word. He's a bit of a mumble mouth. Now he's sitting disconsolately on the side of his bed, hoodie up, staring at the floor. Alyssa and Xavier enter to console him. Christian is mad! Everyone is morons! And cowards! (I typed "custards" at first.) Doggone Christian is angry! How come no one sees it's to everyone's benefit to keep him in the house! Poor petulant Christian! Alyssa snuggles up to him, saying this is going to be a boring ass season. Christian says everyone is a pussy!! And has no balls!

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Clearly Christian didn’t feel his pitch to Azah went well, because he’s rolling around the bed, hitting his head against the wall, and yelling “fuck!” over and over. 

Alyssa and X come in to comfort him, but he is inconsolable. “These people are morons! They don’t know what’s going on!”

Alyssa: “I know. America is going to have one boring season.”

X: (silently, to himself): This season is awesome.

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Christian and Alyssa are king and queen of the Have Not room and Xavier is the loyal royal advisor (yet secretly planning his escape route). Sarah Beth has moved on to another kingdom, that foul and treacherous traitor! 

2 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

What are one and ones?

They are meetings between two people, usually a term for a meeting between a boss and employee. I have one and ones with my boss every other week to discuss what I've accomplished the previous two weeks.

Edited by Lamb18
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15 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I just watched an episode of the Big Blue Couch on youtube after reading about it here so often. It was from before Whitney left and it was HILARIOUS! And some legitimately great voices! Why on earth aren't they showing this on the episode? 

They are probably keeping it to do one focus segment in an episode later in the season.

2 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

What are one and ones?

Meetings with other houseguests, one at a time, to beg for votes.

Christian needs someone to say "Mommy will kiss your booboo and make you feel better."

Christian says IT'S NOT FAIR!!!  He doesn't get to play in more competitions and the comps he wanted to; he doesn't get to play Zingbot or Otev; he's going to miss out on the fun times. And he will miss hanging out with Alyssa. And he's not leaving a thing behind, a thing that will make an impression on the house and make him memorable. 

Alyssa says Frenchie is the new Devon.

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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