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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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BUBBLES as I enter the house. If it was kittens and puppies I'd say it was the ceremony.

OK feeds.are.comimg back. On Camera 1 Britini sitting is in bed with a cup of coffee. Alyssa's on camera 4, not sure which room. Britini will definitely vote for Christian. She says she will support Derex as he will support her because she was his pawn. I think she's giving a monologue to the camera. She lists who she's comfortable with winning HOH; Big D, herself, Claire, Chaddah, and because they're saving her, Sarah Beth.

Derek X is snoozing in the bathroom, attired in his Lord of the Latrine garb. Britini says Wednesday's episode is going to be insane.

Actually Britini is sitting outside. Nicer place for a monologue.

Edited by Lamb18
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Derek X came out to join her. Britini is encouraging him. She said she and Alyssa were in the final round of the POV comp, and it was a cheering match between Christian for Alyssa and Big D for Britini. Brit says of Christian is put up, one person will be mad (Alyssa) and one will be thankful it's not him (X). Sarah Beth will be relieved Christian's next to her and Kyland will jump into Derek's arms out of gratitude. Derek wants to tell Alyssa and X before POV ceremony. Britini asks why. Derek wants to keep a little trust with them and still maybe work with them. But he only will if it's OK with Brit. Brit says she is concerned about ramifications for her because Alyssa and X will think she knew about the plan ahead of time. She says if Derek tells ahead of time, Alyssa and X will tell Christian and he will rush up to HOH to persuade Derek to change his mind. I hope he does not tell.

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Brit says Derek can tell Alyssa and X afterwards that he kept his promise to keep them safe and Christian was his only option. Derek still wants to tell them. Britini says then say you are considering putting Christian up. Derek says I can't tell people for sure anyway.


Britini says give them advance notice just beforehand the ceremony and keep talking to them until the ceremony starts.

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2 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Tiff has officially lost her damn mind with her hatred of SB, and I fully expect her to still attempt to flip the vote.  Hopefully Hannah/Claire can talk her down. 

Is that "real" talk, or just when she's talking with Alyssa and Christian? I don't have the feeds, wondering from the posts if that is a line she is feeding the 2 of them so she can keep Alyssa on her side once Christian goes.

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Christian just joined the conversation.  He has ZERO idea who Derex is thinking about as a replacement nom.  Derex just asked to talk to SB privately.  She's telling him he has to take the shot and tells him that Chrisalys are going for him whenever the double elimination happens.

Derex is firm on taking the shot at Xtian.

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Tiff is on board with the Xtian nom and tells him it's too late to back down now.  Alyssa is back to talk to Derex privately again.  I think he flat out lied to her and told her that SB agreed with Alyssa's claim that she is safer sitting next to Big D on eviction night than against Xtian. 

This is going to be some hardcore fallout once feeds are back after the POV ceremony.

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Derek X is telling Alyssa in the weight room. Too soon! Too soon!  She is being persuasive. 


Oh oh here is Xavier to join them. Alyssa says Derek X is not at the bottom of the totem pole. She leaves and now Derek is explaining his reasoning to Xavier. 40 minutes before POV Ceremony, way too soon! 


They are whispering so it's hard to hear. 

Someone rescue Derek and need to use the bathroom!!! Now Alyssa is back with them to put pressure on Derek.

I need someone to pass through the room. He should have planned with Brit to rescue / rescue him after 15 minutes. On the other hand if he keeps Alyssa talking she will run and tell Christian. Now why is he telling Sarah Beth!

Now he is talking about Big D as an option.???

Sarah Beth tells Derek, "You have to do what's best for your game", thinking "anyone but me." 

Shut up Alyssa!


Now Christian is there! It's hard a to hear with the shower going.

All except Derek and Sarah Beth leave. She says they told her they are coming after Derek whether or not he puts up Christian. Yay, Sarah is the support Derek needs! Tiffani walks in, but leaves.

I think Derek will stick to his plan.

Now he's talking to Tiffani. Why is he telling everyone before the ceremony? Now Alyssa is back in the room. Derek says, "She agrees with you," I think meaning Sarah Beth. Alyssa is being persuasive again, but Derek just told Sarah Beth that Alyssa has lied to him over and over again. Sarah is still there.

27 minutes until POV ceremony.


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I don't think Alyssa gets that an alliance of 8 in a house of 12 is WAY too many people.  "We have the numbers" no longer holds up as a great argument.  But expect her and Christian to use that phrase a LOT this week.  

Edited:  Here, we go folks - Animals!!! This is going to be so good.  Poor Derex.

Edited by Katesus7
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Sarah Beth is a good actor. She says she has no power right now. She is in a vulnerable position. She tells Derek to do what's best for his game.

I cannot hear Tiffani whispering to Derek. Alyssa comes schlumping through. Now Derek and Sarah are alone. Derek says Alyssa was mad because Sarah took the cash and not the veto. Sarah what was the point because the veto would have been taken from her anyway. Xavier comes in and Sarah says she needs a few more words with Derek. I hope Sarah keeps Derek in conversation until veto time. Sarah says let's go out there and sit down, and not have anymore conversations. Derek says he's sorry he's doing this on her birthday. She says don't worry, I feel safe sitting next to Christian.


(Now I can get some work done.)

Edited by Lamb18
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I like Christian going up for me personally, but I still don't like that Derek X is clearly doing it for the sake of his "team." I really hate moves like that. Getting Christian out here is not the best move for Derek. It's a good move for a lot of other people in the house, but not for him specifically. I just can't with people who make moves for their team when the guy he's targeting is also nominally on his "team." In other words, if they're fine with you betraying this guy on your "team," why would you think the same ("He's good at comps!") logic wouldn't apply to you as soon as you're not in power? 

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1 hour ago, OldWiseOne said:

Is that "real" talk, or just when she's talking with Alyssa and Christian? I don't have the feeds, wondering from the posts if that is a line she is feeding the 2 of them so she can keep Alyssa on her side once Christian goes.

It's real talk. She's talked shit about SB constantly alone to the cameras. Still pressed that SB took the money, and that she caught her and Kyland hugging. You would have thought Ky and SB made a porn movie in front of her.

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19 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I just can't with people who make moves for their team when the guy he's targeting is also nominally on his "team." In other words, if they're fine with you betraying this guy on your "team," why would you think the same ("He's good at comps!") logic wouldn't apply to you as soon as you're not in power? 

I don’t think Derex considers Christian part of his current team. That would be Tiff, Claire, Ky, and Hannah. Maybe SB too. Alyssa is still talking Royal Flush, but I think that’s because she’s been hiding under the covers with Christian and doesn’t realize everyone else is over it.  (Or at least I get the sense they’ve mostly moved on.) Of course, Tiff, Ky and Hannah are not really aligned with Derex, at least not past “for now”, but he doesn’t know that.

Other, more personal game reasons he has mentioned for eliminating Christian include getting him out of the way so Derex can win more comps (which is a dubious reason but oh well) and most of all, making a big move for his resume. Derex has been very concerned that his week will end with a minor move, like getting rid of Britini, and he will look like a failure.

So it’s not totally a team move. It may not be the best move for him, either; I don’t know. But as you say, it’s a good move for us and that’s mostly what I care about, so go Derex!

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It's quieter than I thought it would be. Derek unlocks the toilet chamber for Christian. Christian is giving Derek a hard time, saying Sarah Beth told lies about Alyssa and Christian wanting Derek out.

Derek blows the horn while Christian talks. Christian says SB is playing both effin sides. Xavier is there while Christian is using the porcelain throne.

4 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Aww I feel bad for Christian. Derex is making this a weird personal vendetta.

How so?  I think Derex genuinely likes every person in the house.  I just think he wanted a King gone, Christian is a big comp threat, and he felt it was the right time (whether or not that's true, time will tell).

Edited by Katesus7
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Christian says to Derek, "keeping me is in my best interests!"

Xavier corrects Christian: " you mean in Derek's best interests."

Christian: "OH yeah, your best interest."

Suddenly Tiffani appears after Christian and Xavier leave. She gives Derek a big hug.

Here comes Derek F to use the porcelain throne. Big D forgot to take his mike off before going. 

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Apparently Christian's plan to fight to stay in the house involves cuddling in bed with Alyssa while whining about how he should have got Derex out last week.  Alyssa wants to get Britini to help rally the other Jokers to Christian's side.  She thinks he should convince the Jokers that the Queens are out to get them and he will protect them.  X told Christian he had his vote. Earlier, X and SB were talking and he said that he didn't want this week to create a division for whichever King ends up staying.  SB said she would be campaigning to stay, and expected Christian to do the same.

Alyssa wants Christian to blow up the Royal Flush by going to Hannah and telling her that Derex was in an alliance without her.  Great idea, except Tiff already did that and Hannah seemed to take it in stride.

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Alyssa has some great ideas, except all the information she wants to "explode" on the house is info that has already come out while she and Christian were off doing whatever by themselves.  She wants to convince Hannah and the Jokers to join with the Kings (minus SB).  I'm sure they'll totally believe she/Christian have their best interest at heart.

Alyssa to Christian:  You being on the block is blowing up MY spot in the game.

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43 minutes ago, leocadia said:

Not sure why Christian is going so hard right now trying to convince Derex to keep him in the house.  At the conclusion of the veto meeting, Derex has no power left.  Even if there is some "do what the HOH wants" going on, Christian should be concerned with convincing the rest of the house to keep him, not Derex.

EDITED TO AMEND: I think he thinks that certain people are only voting him out because Derek is asking them to.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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Christian asks Claire if she feels safe with the Royal Flesh. He says he needs to stay 3 to 4 more weeks to go after people. He's petulantly mangling the talking points Alyssa went over with him earlier. Claire says she doesn't know (who to vote for). Christian said he's the bigger physical threat that will protect her.

Edited by Lamb18
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Christian does not know what he's doing, lol.  He is talking to Claire.  He asks her if she feels "safe" within the Royal Flush.  He told her that aside from himself, she and Tiff are at the bottom of the Royal Flush totem pole.   (If you include Alyssa at this supposed "bottom", that means the "top" is only X, Ky and Derex, which makes no sense.)  He then talks about how she should feel safer with "The 5", stops himself and says "Well, that's not a thing yet" but she should totally feel safe because he's going for Big D, Ky and Sara Beth.

He is not good at this at all.  He should keep his mouth shut and let Alyssa talk for him.

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13 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Christian is so salty about the backdoor. “He didn’t even give me a chance to play. I would have beat him.” Yeah that’s how a backdoor works, Christian.

That is sooo funny & sooo true. He’s just learning this game. If he had been a fan he would understand it better. He’s a comp beast but he didn’t know the game. If he didn’t have a Alyssa he would have been truly lost. 

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He's also telling Claire that she needs him there to get Derex out because he's such a huge comp threat.  He adds that Alyssa is the strongest woman in the house (to Claire) and X is really good at winning comps too.  I think he's trying to convince her that she would have all the comp beasts on her side, but to me it would make more sense to GET RID of the one comp beast she has a shot at while she can.  She's just agreeing with him but not really committing to anything.  She also said that if Derex gives the green light, he should be ok.

Biggest LOL moment:  (Speaking of Ky and SB I assume) He tells her "Get rid of the Duo!", Nonchalantly she replies that people might say that about him and Alyssa.

Edited by leocadia
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2 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Alyssa is a bit too aggressive and bitchy to be good at this campaigning thing.  And her talking points about how SB is the biggest lying liar who lies to.....Deref??? All righty.

Deref:   "She's working like a good housewife to get these hoes off her man".  Yeah, successful meeting there, Alyssa.

Yeah, they're quite a pairing. Christian is just dumb while Alyssa is grating as heck. How can she think she is being convincing when she is going at people like this?

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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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