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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

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I didn’t watch the live broadcast because my son wanted to watch Walking Dead with me. Quality time. Get it when you can. But I’m here for the feeds. Imagine my surprise to see Derex down already. 

Edited by Pixiebomb
Damn auto correct
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Just now, LADreamr said:

I missed why Alyssa was the one to beat.  I knew Deref would be the first off.  He just expects to be carried all the time.

Because she and Claire are the only non-Cookout members left, and Claire is required to throw this comp.

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So the drama this week will be - Claire or Alyssa.  While I'm sorry for the folks who hoped someone would break up the CO, I continue to look forward to the CO making it to the final 6.  While having a passive-aggressive battle over who should stay this week. 

Edited by Katesus7
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1 minute ago, leocadia said:

I was excited to hear Kyland's shoutout to THE Tara Kelly (sans MUSIC).

That's Ky's friend, Tara Kelly Music. Did you know he has this friend, Tara Kelly Music? And he's never kissed her, they're just good friends. In fact, his relationship with Tara Kelly Music and Sarah Beth is, like, identical! That's M-U-S-I-C, just in case.

That name is going to haunt me. I'm never listening to Tara Kelly Music because I am that petty bitch. I'm going to be on my death bed, surrounded by my loved one (no, not plural - I plan to be that crotchety old bag that lives on the corner and yells at the neighbourhood kids that lives to be 100 but with a husband) and I'm going to gesture him to come closer so I can say my final goodbye. And when he leans in and cranks up the volume on his hearing aid, I'll use my final breath to say "Tara Kelly Music." And then he'll yell back "THE TEAPOT WHAT?" and I'll expire rolling my eyes and wondering why I married him.

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That sucks for Claire (and potentially Alyssa) having to be a have not and a likely nominee.

Ky's a sneaky sneaky snake...isn't it true that the CO have an agreement to not talk about the CO in goodbye messages?  Maybe he thinks it will be okay because he hasn't named names, but still...

Edited by leocadia
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I think Tiff doesn't trust Ky.  Ky is....well, Ky.  But mostly, I think everyone there watching doesn't want Ky to win HOH again to "gather information" in the form of hours long 1 on 1s.  I really hoped Azah could have pulled this out, but it's kind of interesting that Ky and Tiff have NO intention of even pretending to make any kind of deal right now.

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7 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Oh! And I’m excited we get two double eviction weeks in a row. We may actually get to see the Cookout enjoy reaching final six.

Yes! I'm very pleased about that. But I have to ask - why did everyone think next week was a triple? Did production just change the schedule? 

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1 minute ago, Melina22 said:

Yes! I'm very pleased about that. But I have to ask - why did everyone think next week was a triple? Did production just change the schedule? 

I think since they did it last year, they figured production couldn't come up with a different idea, LOL.  

This HOH won't last much longer, but it would be hilarious if it is Tiff vs. Ky for several hours, and became an epic showdown/battle of wits..

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2 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Yes! I'm very pleased about that. But I have to ask - why did everyone think next week was a triple? Did production just change the schedule? 

There’s a two-hour Thursday episode scheduled so people were assuming that would be triple eviction night.

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3 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Yes! I'm very pleased about that. But I have to ask - why did everyone think next week was a triple? Did production just change the schedule? 

Double evictions are generally done in a one hour time slot – but they have September 16 scheduled for a two hour.

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1 minute ago, Melina22 said:

Yes! I'm very pleased about that. But I have to ask - why did everyone think next week was a triple? Did production just change the schedule? 

There was only a single two hour episode coming up ahead and since the show has never done two jury double evictions but did do a triple eviction last season, it made sense with the numbers left in the house compared to the finale date. Also this show tends to repeat the things Production thinks is clever, like the triple eviction or fan favourite Battle of the Block.

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This is the problem with such a successful, dominant alliance.  Once Alyssa and Claire were down, no one felt the need to fight for it.  Its great for their game, but bad for feeds watchers.  What's the opposite of feeds gold?  Feeds pyrite?

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1 minute ago, Pixiebomb said:

KY just asked everyone to give them a minute to talk in private and we got Bubbles. Probably so BB could tell them Nope. 

No one believes that Ky could talk to anyone for just a minute.


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Here's the thing.  Tiff (I assume) wants Claire to be the last one standing, Ky probably wants Alyssa.  They both know their alliance is safe, this is all about who is the last non-CO member standing.  Claire helps Tiff and Alyssa.....I don't even know.  What is Ky battling for here?  

Edited: of course, he's battling for that 3rd HOH for his resume.  And Tiff wants that 2nd.  Good on them, battle this the fuck out!

Edited by Katesus7
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Just now, Katesus7 said:

Here's the thing.  Tiff (I assume) wants Claire to be the last one standing, Ky probably wants Alyssa.  They both know their alliance is safe, this is all about who is the last non-CO member standing.  Claire helps Tiff and Alyssa.....I don't even know.  What is Ky battling for here?

I would be battling hard, if I were either of them, knowing that if I'm HOH at F7 then I can't go for the F6 HOH and try to knock the other one out there.  I suspect both of them want the other gone at F6, so yeah, F8 is better for them to win than F7.

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17 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

That's Ky's friend, Tara Kelly Music. Did you know he has this friend, Tara Kelly Music? And he's never kissed her, they're just good friends. In fact, his relationship with Tara Kelly Music and Sarah Beth is, like, identical! That's M-U-S-I-C, just in case.

That name is going to haunt me. I'm never listening to Tara Kelly Music because I am that petty bitch. I'm going to be on my death bed, surrounded by my loved one (no, not plural - I plan to be that crotchety old bag that lives on the corner and yells at the neighbourhood kids that lives to be 100 but with a husband) and I'm going to gesture him to come closer so I can say my final goodbye. And when he leans in and cranks up the volume on his hearing aid, I'll use my final breath to say "Tara Kelly Music." And then he'll yell back "THE TEAPOT WHAT?" and I'll expire rolling my eyes and wondering why I married him.

You are the best!  I had all I could to not fall out of my chair.  Thank you Mrs. Vancouver (one of the coolest places I've ever been).  My dad survived the Tenerife crash in 1977.

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So, Alyssa and X as the noms to break up the last obvious "duo" that's left apart from Tiff/Claire?  In that case, I'm going to be rooting hard for X to win veto and then we can see Tiff try to explain to Claire why she isn't targeting Ky (the other obvious strong, male player left) this week.

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