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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

She still wants to tell Claire the truth. (DO IT.)

She must be going kind of nuts over how obvious the call is to just tell Claire the truth instead of coming up with some elaborate lie that Claire's going to obviously see right through.

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I hope Claire doesn't vote for Tiff (or Hannah) now tbh. Claire has thrown away so many opportunities to help herself just to help Tiff and Tiff can't even have the decency to tell her the truth. That really sucks. I know it's a game but it's ridiculous. Hannah thinking the jury won't have figured out the CO and being convinced there's a battle back has fried her and Tiff's brains. It honestly makes no sense. Telling Claire will probably help them in jury. She can go in there and advocate for them. And if there was a bb (there's isn't lol), lying to her would be even dumber. Needlessly lying to her could make her bitter, which would be understandable. In the end, Claire is still 100% gonna vote for Tiff so I guess it doesn't really ultimately matter but damn.

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Yeah, for sure. Britini, DX, and SB pretty much figured it out independently (well with the help of Ky's GB messages lol). There's no way Claire and Alyssa haven't either on some level, although I suppose both are still in denial wrt to Tiff and X. To have Tiff be the one to backdoor her with a super lame excuse will not only make Claire feel betrayed but insulted that Tiff could think she's so stupid. The smart and decent move is to tell her the truth.

9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I am disgusted lol.

I just learned about that on reddit but didn't see the clip. So .. thanks? Lol 

Ew, ew, ew. 🤮  Explains why Tiff hated SB so much though.

Edited by kassandra8286
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18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope Claire doesn't vote for Tiff (or Hannah) now tbh. Claire has thrown away so many opportunities to help herself just to help Tiff and Tiff can't even have the decency to tell her the truth. That really sucks. I know it's a game but it's ridiculous. Hannah thinking the jury won't have figured out the CO and being convinced there's a battle back has fried her and Tiff's brains. It honestly makes no sense. Telling Claire will probably help them in jury. She can go in there and advocate for them. And if there was a bb (there's isn't lol), lying to her would be even dumber. Needlessly lying to her could make her bitter, which would be understandable. In the end, Claire is still 100% gonna vote for Tiff so I guess it doesn't really ultimately matter but damn.

If she takes even, like, five minutes to think this through, she'll hopefully realize how absurd it all is, but WILL she take those five minutes?

"I can't tell her about the Cookout, what if she comes back in a battleback?" WHAT IN THE WHAT? You mean blindsiding your closest ally for no reason would be PREFERABLE in your mind if she were to return in a battleback?! Just THINK, Tiffany, this really isn't as hard as it sounds in your head right now. You just tell your friend that you've been in a secret alliance since Day 1 (or 2 or whatever) and you're sorry, but you're sticking with that alliance (sure, throw in stuff about the cause and all that good stuff, but the main thing, just tell the truth). 

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I always thought Tiffany had a crush on Kyland they were super close in the first couple weeks so this doesn't surprise me. 

Hannah might be playing worse for the jury between all the times she told Derex not to play in roulette and now helping blindside Claire. Tiffany should just tell her.

It will be funny when SB is the least bitter juror because she is just happy the whole house didn't hate her. 

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Wow!  I've been checked out for a few days and finally caught up.  Thanks to all you feedsters for doing what you do.  I appreciate it very much.  I was never on the Tiff train, but she seems to be messing this up really badly.  And so it goes.......😎

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And for the "beauty" discussion, Azah gives me Iman vibes.  Alyssa is the snotty pretty girl still in HS.  Claire has a very natural beauty,  Very comfortable in her own skin.  SB is cute like my baby sister.  Hannah is lovely.

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About their Zings from Zingbot, from what I have read.  Claire’s was about being Bigfoot🙄. Tiffany was something about being old 😡.  DF’s was something about the only mark he’s left was a mark on the toilet😂.  Kyland was told to  STFU😂.  Hannah was something about being irrelevant🤷🏻‍♀️.  Alyssa’s was something about being dumb or clueless.  X’s I think was being arrogant or full of himself and Azah’s was something to the effect of liking X who doesn’t like her back.😢. Azah’s zing really hurt her and sent X into a tizzy, trying to convince her that he’s never said anything about not liking her.  
Maybe just me but I kind of feel that Azah’s zing was producer interference.  What happens if Azah decides to get X out at some point because of that Zing.


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Ok usually I'm very "hey, you do you" about BB showmances and what not. But I think Tiffany rubbing one out for Ky is inappropriate. For one, her son isn't a little kid. He's 15 -- an age where he's able to go online and watch his mom and understand what's happening. 

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Fuck this bald bitch and I said that shit.

God, please let X accidentally fall into the first HOH on Thursday.  Let him be in the "worst position right now" and deal with the fallout/consequences of sending Alyssa home.  🙄

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I just don’t get people freaking out on X.  I get that he’s not your favorite and he might be speaking badly about your favorite but what is he supposed to do?  This game is meant for people to put targets on other people.  Especially people who you think might target you.

I thought it was good game play when Hannah tried to create a wedge between X and Ky by bashing Ky to X and I guess I see this the same way.

This post is more about BB Twitter than this board. 

Edited by Coco88
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25 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Once again, the women laying down their games for men who absolutely aren’t doing the same for them. I’m tired!

I don't think there's anything wrong with them agreeing to throw to Azah, but when that didn't happen due to Azah's comp-incompetence, the idea that she was "betraying them" by not following the drop order when they were dropping for Azah was so silly. X practically acknowledged that what he was most angry about was that Tiffany thought of it while he did not. 

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13 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I don't think there's anything wrong with them agreeing to throw to Azah, but when that didn't happen due to Azah's comp-incompetence, the idea that she was "betraying them" by not following the drop order when they were dropping for Azah was so silly. X practically acknowledged that what he was most angry about was that Tiffany thought of it while he did not. 

But he wasn't mad at Ky for doing the exact same thing?  Because once Azah was DQed, it left all three of them in the same position and shouldn't he be mad at Ky, also, for not dropping?  Way to be almost as misogynistic as Deref there, X.

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11 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I don't think there's anything wrong with them agreeing to throw to Azah, but when that didn't happen due to Azah's comp-incompetence, the idea that she was "betraying them" by not following the drop order when they were dropping for Azah was so silly. X practically acknowledged that what he was most angry about was that Tiffany thought of it while he did not. 

Sure.  And I totally think that’s what he thinks but I don’t think it benefits him to say that.  It benefits him to portray Tiffany as untrustworthy and selfish so he can make it further than her in the game.


2 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:
17 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:


But he wasn't mad at Ky for doing the exact same thing?  Because once Azah was DQed, it left all three of them in the same position and shouldn't he be mad at Ky, also, for not dropping? 

I think X has bashed Ky for not dropping but he’s not going to bash him to his face.

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What a clusterfuck of a week. Tiff? This is why you had no business winning HOH!!! Now you’ve just killed whatever remaining game you had by backdooring your closest partner in the house. And X??? STFU about being on the block for three weeks. The first time NO ONE nominated you and the second time you chose your own damn self. It’s amazing how people lose their damn minds by being on the block. 

But damn, Derek F is now my new BEC. You have done NOTHING in this house but lay on your damn couch bitching about the women. You are more worthless than furniture. 

At this point I’m rooting for Hannah and Azah. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

See? I told you I’d get back to snarking on these dumbasses!

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22 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

Truthfully imo opinion in terms of gameplay in the CO, not by who I like, I think Ky and Hannah are playing the best game.

Yeah, I've been mulling things over in my mind this morning and I can't disagree. 

Ky is employing the Josh strategy in his goodbye messages and the rest of the CO are too honorable to even consider for one moment that anyone, but especially Ky, would break their pact of not revealing it to the HGs until jury (if then, I'm not sure what their plan post-F6 was with regard to revealing the CO to the non-CO jury members).  I'll be interested to see how the rest of the CO feel about this when they learn that he broke this pact.  

Hannah - it's not wrong of her to push Tiff toward this Claire BD/the rest of the house flipped on Tiff idea.  Anything she can do to sow seeds of doubt in Claire's head about Tiff's loyalty and friendship is a good thing for the rest of the CO because it might put Claire's vote in play should Tiff reach F2.  I'll be interested to see if she clues Claire in before Thursday that Tiff is aware a vote flip is happening, all while letting Tiff feign shock and dismay when the evictee is announced by Julie.  If not, it wouldn't surprise me if she reveals this info to Claire in her GB message.  

I can't agree that winning this week's HOH was a bad thing for Tiff.  She took a gamble that Alyssa would continue her losing streak and it didn't pay off.  If that hadn't happened then she'd be just fine with the rest of the CO.  As it is, I really hope she stops dry humping Ky for long enough to think through what she says to Claire with regard to why she's going up on the block and where Tiff's loyalties lie as well as the existence of the CO.  I daresay if she, or the rest of the CO, knew what Ky was saying in his GB messages, there wouldn't be any of this manufactured "vote flip" drama happening.

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1 hour ago, Katesus7 said:


But damn, Derek F is now my new BEC. You have done NOTHING in this house but lay on your damn couch bitching about the women. You are more worthless than furniture. 

Speaking of DerekF and furniture...I think Zingbot should have zinged him about the indentation he's leaving on the couch/bed, not whatever it said about the toilet.

Ugh! I hate bathroom humor.

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3 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Ok usually I'm very "hey, you do you" about BB showmances and what not. But I think Tiffany rubbing one out for Ky is inappropriate. For one, her son isn't a little kid. He's 15 -- an age where he's able to go online and watch his mom and understand what's happening. 

Rant incoming. Sorry, @Lady Whistleup, not directed to you, just in general because this is all I've seen on all my Big Brother places today but your post caught my eye:

Ah, yes. Now comes the string of "Tiffany is a bad mom and should feel bad!" Big Brother fans love to talk shit about the parents in the game. How about we don't? This shaming shit is gross. This is the reason why no one wants to go on this show and play like they used to - anything they do is a fucking outrage or an insult. Which is rich from the same fan base that also freaked out when the HGs talked shit about BB19 Cody's parenting skills. Which: aren't parents still people? Don't they get to have lives independent of the parent label?

If it isn't "How could you leave your child, you monster?!?!?", it's "How could you do that knowing your child could see it?!?!?" Meanwhile I'll just be over here remembering how we used to get actual porn on the feeds without anyone pulling a Helen Lovejoy. Life was so much simpler before everyone tried to get Shelly fired for not rolling over for Jeff and Jordan. Fuck Big Jeff, it's all his fault.

This fandom: "We want old Big Brother! When it was nasty and fun!"

P.S. Also just because I'm already here: Kyland was an equal participant and both are single. So really it's not different from Christian/Alyssa, only this a little more age difference but since Kyland is so old and wise at the tender age of 30, I think it's a fair match.

Edited by Callaphera
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18 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

X is having a huge pity party for himself for reasons that confuse me

It's like he was the rock that held the CO together for weeks, talking down members who were losing it or about to jump ship. And now that they're SO CLOSE to the goal, he's going bonkers. Wrangling the CO members has proved too much for his sanity. 

In other news, I'm excited BB has added more hours to the lineup. For weeks I've seen stuff here, on YouTube and on other sites where the HGs were being so funny and entertaining, and virtually none of it has made it to the episodes. My thought is that this is what the extra time will be for. I hope so. I want everyone to see more sides to the hamsters, especially ones like Azah who get no time because they're not super strategic but still have lots to offer, entertainment wise. 

Edited by Melina22
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9 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

It's like he was the rock that held the CO together for weeks, talking down members who were losing it or about to jump ship. And now that they're SO CLOSE to the goal, he's going bonkers. Wrangling the CO members has proved too much for his sanity. 

He's currently taking his pity party to Azah, who is doing that Azah thing of lying in bed and not saying much at all.

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Azah just said: "I just want a black person to win." I know this has been discussed before but since she just said it to Xavier I want to ask: what if a white person said: I just want a white person to win. 

Because of the history of racism, it is now acceptable to say that? It gets a pass? OK. 

Actually this is the first season EVER, I actually like all the remaining HGs so whoever wins I am happy with. It will be the first finale night in a long time that I do not sit angry. 

This has been the most normal and kindest cast ever. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

X is having a huge pity party for himself for reasons that confuse me. It's not like his ass is going home.

Because he's a little bitch. I can't stand this bald asshole. 

I think Hannah's game is OK but way overhyped. Like it's fine but she's not a BB genius lol. Plus, she does a lot of really dumb shit.

Ky, Tiff, and Hannah have 100% put in the most work in the game, to varying degrees of success. Deref has done absolutely nothing, Azah is oddly playing a good social game, and X has done practically nothing while somehow being seen as a good player.

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42 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

In other news, I'm excited BB has added more hours to the lineup.

Do you mean the 2 hour episode that's just a DE? Or are they adding even more needless episodes lol?

ETA: I just looked at the schedule and there seems to be 2 more eps than needed on top of the 2 hour DE ep and a 2 hour finale. Fucking hell!

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Well, how can it be a Big Brother season without that super awful one hour episode full of never-before-seen clips that aren't funny, a surprise!engagement between two former HGs, an aging pop star doing a backyard concert, and part one of the three part final HoH comp starting in the last three minutes of the episode. Is there a television equivalent of a Razzie? Because that episode could win Worst Episode, Reality Competition every year.


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3 hours ago, Coco88 said:

I think X has bashed Ky for not dropping but he’s not going to bash him to his face.

X has complained about Ky and said he doesn’t trust him, just not to his face. X has complained about Tiff and said he doesn’t trust her, just not to her face. He’s an equal opportunity distruster.

1 hour ago, LoveLeigh said:

Because of the history of racism, it is now acceptable to say that?

Yes, and yes.

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3 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

But he wasn't mad at Ky for doing the exact same thing?  Because once Azah was DQed, it left all three of them in the same position and shouldn't he be mad at Ky, also, for not dropping?  Way to be almost as misogynistic as Deref there, X.

Because according to their previously agreed-upon drop order, Ky was going to drop last. X thinks that in the event of Azah being incompetent at the comp, then the drop order should still have been followed, so Ky should have won. 

Clearly, they did not put in any thought into Azah being so bad at the comp that she would lose before they could throw it to her. It's like if Christmas had DQed when they tried to throw the foot race to her. :)

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14 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Claire is hysterical. Poor Claire :(

Oh no. I was so sure she knew, or at least suspected. That's upsetting. 

Thank goodness Tiff is telling her. Claire deserves better than a lie or a blindside. 

Edited by Melina22
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Tiff is doing that thing where she runs right up to the face of the right thing and then veers dramatically at the last minute. 

This is NOT a good conversation. She is handling this awfully.

"I'm going to tell you the truth" - AWESOME IDEA, TIFFANY!

Proceeds to not tell her the truth. - NOT GOOD, TIFFANY!

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2 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Claire for AFP? I'm voting for her.

Yes, now I'm thinking she has a really good shot at it. Sorry Derex. But Claire is beating you right now in the likeable underdog department. 

Edited by Melina22
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"Go fight for votes that are 100% not there for you to get!" What in he fuck, Tiffany? How do you think Claire is going to be HAPPIER about this than just the fucking TRUTH?

How are they all so goddamn scared of fucking ALYSSA?

Guess what, numbnuts, A. She would have to be dumber than she is to not be trying to win the next HOH and B. If she WERE to win, one of you would be going home no matter what, so there is NO POINT in worrying about Alyssa! 

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The fact that Claire's reaction is to just cry and take it is disappointing. Like, I don't expect her to start shouting and slamming doors but something? Anything? Bueller? Bueller?


Edited by Callaphera
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10 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

What? No! What did she say? 

Basically her aforementioned, "Sorry, I have to put you up because of the others" plan, without actually spilling the Cookout. 

Just now, Callaphera said:

The fact that Claire's reaction is to just cry and take it is disappointing. Like, I don't expect her to start shouting and slamming doors but something? Anything? Bueller? Bueller?

And she isn't even giving her stuff about the "cause" that could theoretically make Claire take it better! Instead, it's "I have to put you up because of the others and I'm probably following you next week." WHY WOULD SHE LIKE TO HEAR THAT, TIFFANY?

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18 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

No one is EVER on point with that stuff, so I don't begrudge him much for that. I think Nicole A. was the only time that the HGs knew she was going to win ahead of time.

The one time they were astute about anything. Well, that and catching on to America voting for Jackson, Christie and Analyse for that Camp BB thing because we hated them.

4 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Azah's comp-incompetence,

You missed a perfect chance to be puntacular and use in-COMP-etence!

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Fuck Big Jeff, it's all his fault.


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"No one else has my back in this game like you do. I know that they don't."

“If I only have one friend after this game, I want it to be you” 

What in the fuck are you doing, Tiffany? Why are you doing this? How can you be so dumb here? 

1 minute ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

You missed a perfect chance to be puntacular and use in-COMP-etence!

Ha! I truly wanted to, but it was JUST too close to calling her incompetent and I wanted to specify that I was only knocking he comp game. 

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