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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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I agree, but I think the millions that they owe are towards their creditors, including millions to banks, and I don't know if they'll ever be forced to re-pay those debts. Honestly, that's always been a mystery to me, and this part of the story isn't reported on much. (If anyone can shed light on this, please do). The amount they owe the government is relatively manageable, so my understanding is they're put on a sort of long-term payment plan, which I think is fairly standard.

From what I gathered, please correct me if I am wrong, they either missed payments or made no payments and that is why the Feds are now taking property. As for the banks, I think the foreclosure has been started on both the mcmansion and the beach house (the beach house is either up for sheriffs sale or has already been sold off by SS). It was reported that Joe has not made a mortgage payment since Teresa went to prison and I believe the beach house was taken due to back taxes. I don't think they have paid the taxes on the big house either. So far, only Joes ex partner and the IVF Dr have filed liens against Teresa/Joe for non-payment. The statue of limitations may have run out for the rest, you only have a certain number of years, it varies state to state, to go after someone for payment owed you. Sadly, there are a number of businesses that went belly up before the Giudice BK was finished and never got to file a claim against T/J. They stole millions and I hope they loose everything and have to live on the third floor of a 3 story walk up with 3 bedrooms, 1 tiny bathroom, small eat in kitchen/living room combo and no laundry on site. LOL

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I think that the creditors include a number of big banks, credit card companies, and department stores, so if the debts are substantial, then I imagine they'd go after them, if they haven't already (although I'm not sure). Plus, I think they owe millions to the banks for the fraudulent schemes, which is separate from what they owe in mortgage payments for Chateau Juicy.

I read the same as you re: their two houses - they're both in foreclosure. The public auction on the Jersey Shore house was postponed until July for some reason. I'm not sure what's going on with the mansion. That's what everybody wants to know - how can they keep living there, esp. now that we know they haven't been keeping up with the mortgage payments. I hear the foreclosure process can drag on for a long time, so who knows...

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I think that the creditors include a number of big banks, credit card companies, and department stores, so if the debts are substantial, then I imagine they'd go after them, if they haven't already (although I'm not sure). Plus, I think they owe millions to the banks for the fraudulent schemes, which is separate from what they owe in mortgage payments for Chateau Juicy.

I read the same as you re: their two houses - they're both in foreclosure. The public auction on the Jersey Shore house was postponed until July for some reason. I'm not sure what's going on with the mansion. That's what everybody wants to know - how can they keep living there, esp. now that we know they haven't been keeping up with the mortgage payments. I hear the foreclosure process can drag on for a long time, so who knows...

Even the banks/credit card companies face the same time limit to collect and I think most have written off that debt and passed it on to the rest of us.


Someone here posted, long ago, that foreclosures in NJ can take 2 - 4 years in some cases. Now failure to pay taxes will cause them to loose the big house faster, just like the beach house and I do believe they owe back/unpaid property/school tax on their main house. In that case, you usually have less than a year to pay it.

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Todays New York Daily News reported:


"Now parked in a prison cell, Teresa Giudice must surrender her 2005 Maserati Quattroporte to help satisfy a six-figure judgment tied to her federal fraud conviction."


The article also says the feds will take 25% of her Bravo salary if she should return to RHONJ.


Here's the link:   Daily News Giudice Maserati

Edited by AnnA

Todays New York Daily News reported:

"Now parked in a prison cell, Teresa Giudice must surrender her 2005 Maserati Quattroporte to help satisfy a six-figure judgment tied to her federal fraud conviction."

The article also says the feds will take 25% of her Bravo salary if she should return to RHONJ.

Here's the link: Daily News Giudice Maserati

Out of curiosity, I looked this up on Blue Book. I was surprised to see it's only worth $20,00 tops. She has a way to go...

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The article also says the feds will take 25% of her Bravo salary if she should return to RHONJ.


As they should.  I suppose there is some sort of formula for working that out, but 25% seems low to me.  Assuming Teresa makes about $600,000 annually (and that's a guess on my part) , 25% leaves her with a nice income, nicer than most of us.  She could and should live on less.  

  • Love 3

From what I gathered, please correct me if I am wrong, they either missed payments or made no payments and that is why the Feds are now taking property. As for the banks, I think the foreclosure has been started on both the mcmansion and the beach house (the beach house is either up for sheriffs sale or has already been sold off by SS). It was reported that Joe has not made a mortgage payment since Teresa went to prison and I believe the beach house was taken due to back taxes. I don't think they have paid the taxes on the big house either. So far, only Joes ex partner and the IVF Dr have filed liens against Teresa/Joe for non-payment. The statue of limitations may have run out for the rest, you only have a certain number of years, it varies state to state, to go after someone for payment owed you. Sadly, there are a number of businesses that went belly up before the Giudice BK was finished and never got to file a claim against T/J. They stole millions and I hope they loose everything and have to live on the third floor of a 3 story walk up with 3 bedrooms, 1 tiny bathroom, small eat in kitchen/living room combo and no laundry on site. LOL

I'm with you. I hope they lose everything they ever had. I hope they lose both houses, all of their cars, I hope she loses all of those ugly clothes and shoes she spent other people's money on.

I want them to lose every damn thing. I want them to have a home because they have kids but I want Theresa to live in a dumpy apartment that's not "cleansie".

  • Love 11

BREAKING NEWS! (unless somebody else has already posted it!)


Accoring to E! news, Joe Giudice has just signed a contract with Bravo for a reality show without Teresa.  The show will feature Joe and the four girls and will deal with their activities together.


After a number of tries, the link would not post, so either go to Page 1 of AOL or Google the story.  Sorry that I couldn't provide it.  :(


According to E, filming has already started.   It's apparently a one episode special with the possibility of more episodes to follow.


I'm sure Joe needs/wants the $$$$ - and for Bravo ratings will be high.  If they do turn it into some kind of series, it paves the way for Teresa's return when she's out of prison, which is something Bravo would love to film.  Teresa and Joe have never stood in the way of the cameras capturing private moments before, if the money is right, I can see the family reunion taking place right in front of the Bravo cameras

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 2

I'm ashamed to say I'm a little excited. (I've been on tv withdrawal, there's really not much on for me these days) I am genuinely curious about how Juicy is stepping up to be essentially a single dad, and how he's dealing with the stress of his own jail time coming up, followed by deportation. (Is he definitely being deported? I'm not sure). They obviously need the money. What could he even be doing these days?

  • Love 7


I'm ashamed to say I'm a little excited. (I've been on tv withdrawal, there's really not much on for me these days) I am genuinely curious about how Juicy is stepping up to be essentially a single dad, and how he's dealing with the stress of his own jail time coming up, followed by deportation. (Is he definitely being deported? I'm not sure). They obviously need the money. What could he even be doing these days?


I'll watch with you : ) - you're not alone - I imagine there will be at least one Juicy/Rosie scene and those were always fun.  I don't know that I would watch a series, but I would watch the special.  And felonies aside - I always had a soft spot for Joe Guidice.  I don't know why.    (Please note everyone, I said "felonies aside").

  • Love 8

I'll watch with you : ) - you're not alone - I imagine there will be at least one Juicy/Rosie scene and those were always fun. I don't know that I would watch a series, but I would watch the special. And felonies aside - I always had a soft spot for Joe Guidice. I don't know why. (Please note everyone, I said "felonies aside").

I like the idea of a special, a series would be a bit much. But if we're going to be real, I would watch it. I'm also looking forward to some Juicy and Rosie fun. Clearly Juicy and Tre have screwed up and they need to accept the consequences of their actions. But I can't pretend after watching them for however long that I'm no longer curious about how they're getting along. They have a lot of debt and no real income that I know of, and filming is a semi honest way to make money.

  • Love 5

http://allthingsrh.com/teresa-giudice-offered-2-million-to-return-to-rhonj/Just barf. They could pick her up for $200,000.00.

Barf is right.

If it's true (which I doubt) it would be wrong on so many levels. The 'source" is Radar Online and they're famous for reporting bad information and "tips" they got from Brandi or Teresa's people.

Edited by AnnA

I would watch it. New Jersey is the one Housewife franchise that I have watched every season from the beginning others I have missed a season or two. I do fast forward through those wives and their families that I don't like. I hate what Joe and Theresa have done but I have enjoyed watching them and am curious enough to want to see how they are doing what they are doing to pay us back. I don't mind the money coming out of Bravo's deep pockets either.

Edited by Giselle

Saw something about this pre-holiday and forgot to post. But apparently Andy Cohen was asked a bunch of questions re RH and Juicy's "reality" TV special with Bravo was one he answered. Basically, couldn't confirm as he said if it was true it had nothing to do with him. OK. Are the Giudice's taping something (even with Siren) hoping it will get picked up?

I did chuckle over the reports Teresa will get $2M from Bravo for taping the next RHNJ season. IMO - it's her wonderfully cheesy lawyer trying to drum up interest. You go girl - you need the money.

This is my question I've wondered for awhile - who pays the RHNJ cast Bravo or Siren?


Saw something about this pre-holiday and forgot to post. But apparently Andy Cohen was asked a bunch of questions re RH and Juicy's "reality" TV special with Bravo was one he answered. Basically, couldn't confirm as he said if it was true it had nothing to do with him. OK. Are the Giudice's taping something (even with Siren) hoping it will get picked up?

I did chuckle over the reports Teresa will get $2M from Bravo for taping the next RHNJ season. IMO - it's her wonderfully cheesy lawyer trying to drum up interest. You go girl - you need the money.

This is my question I've wondered for awhile - who pays the RHNJ cast Bravo or Siren?

As to your last Q - I think Bravo.

I saw the "Ask Andy" segment, too, and it was puzzling. I've said all along that Bravo won't rehire this band of criminals, and Andy saying if it is happening, he has nothing to do with it seems in keeping with this theory. But why would he answer it that way? Is it because Bravo is indeed filming a special, but Andy is against it (and no longer a network exec. with power), so he's trying to distance himself from it? Your theory sounds plausible, too - the Giudices are filming stuff themselves, hoping Bravo will pick it up. That sounds like them. But then why is Andy e-mailing Teresa? Strange.

Edited by LotusFlower

Hey Lotus Flower! Long time no see - our board has gotten pretty slow. Am I wrong thinking Andy is still an executive producer of RH (it was his kinda creation?) even though he's trying to move on? I'm only thinking this cause my husband is a huge (original) Howard Stern fan (love his wife and the cat rescue - see her Instagram). Howard apparently has Andy on ocaasionally, and from what SO tells me Andy talks mostly about his desire to be a talk show host ala Howard.

Hey Lotus Flower! Long time no see - our board has gotten pretty slow. Am I wrong thinking Andy is still an executive producer of RH (it was his kinda creation?) even though he's trying to move on? I'm only thinking this cause my husband is a huge (original) Howard Stern fan (love his wife and the cat rescue - see her Instagram). Howard apparently has Andy on ocaasionally, and from what SO tells me Andy talks mostly about his desire to be a talk show host ala Howard.

I know - it's gotten so slow with Teresa in the slammer and the show on what might be a permanent hiatus!

And no, you're right about Andy - he's still a producer on all the Housewife shows. But since he's no longer an exec. at Bravo, I was thinking they might have greenlit the Joe and the girls special as a separate show and didn't need him on board. But your theory makes so much more sense - Joe hiring a film crew to film stuff, and then hoping they can sell it to Bravo. Maybe Andy heard about it through the grapevine ("I can't confirm or deny"), but wants to make it clear he's not on board ("I have nothing to do with it.").

And yea, I think Andy is still heavily invested in the Housewives, but definitely loves his talk show duties and celeb status.

  • Love 1

I know - it's gotten so slow with Teresa in the slammer and the show on what might be a permanent hiatus!

And no, you're right about Andy - he's still a producer on all the Housewife shows. But since he's no longer an exec. at Bravo, I was thinking they might have greenlit the Joe and the girls special as a separate show and didn't need him on board. But your theory makes so much more sense - Joe hiring a film crew to film stuff, and then hoping they can sell it to Bravo. Maybe Andy heard about it through the grapevine ("I can't confirm or deny"), but wants to make it clear he's not on board ("I have nothing to do with it.").

And yea, I think Andy is still heavily invested in the Housewives, but definitely loves his talk show duties and celeb status.

I think Teresa fans are making stuff up.

Bravo blew it by not having a show ready to go after RHOA they are losing their foothold on Sunday nights. It didn't work putting NY on a long hiatus won't work for NJ.

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http://allthingsrh.com/teresa-giudice-offered-2-million-to-return-to-rhonj/Just barf.  They could pick her up for $200,000.00.


Barf is right.  I know she'll be back and continue to profit. After she's out, she can do what she wants - she's only limited by who will, or won't, buy whatever she's selling.  Bravo and E! know there's a market for Teresa.  If they bring her back to RHONJ, her tagline will be something like, "Better, stronger, juicier than ever."  Blech.

Barf is right.  I know she'll be back and continue to profit. After she's out, she can do what she wants - she's only limited by who will, or won't, buy whatever she's selling.  Bravo and E! know there's a market for Teresa.  If they bring her back to RHONJ, her tagline will be something like, "Better, stronger, juicier than ever."  Blech.

Why is there a market for Teresa as far as being a RH?  She sunk the franchise last season the show was on.  What will she have that makes her relevant?  I got out of prison agreed to do a show so I could keep my mansion?  Great show Bravo

  • Love 4

Why is there a market for Teresa as far as being a RH?  She sunk the franchise last season the show was on.  What will she have that makes her relevant?  I got out of prison agreed to do a show so I could keep my mansion?  Great show Bravo


Her fans would watch a comeback.  Her detractors might watch just to see if she learned anything.  Or if she got fat. Or if her English or marriage improved. Who knows. Teresa could decide to further pimp out the kids. Many have said they'd watch a show featuring Milania.  There may be people like me who haven't paid much attention to NJ for years that don't know she's responsible for sinking the franchise. (The Manzos are why I quit watching.) I might just tune in to see if, since spending time in prison, she talks like Heather. ;-)


The only thing that would interest me is if she and Juicy did a reverse George and Weezie Jefferson.  Instead of moving to a dee-luxe apartment in the sky, they move from the Marble Mausoleum to a walk-up in Patterson.  And eat ravioli from a can.

  • Love 5

Her fans would watch a comeback.  Her detractors might watch just to see if she learned anything.  Or if she got fat. Or if her English or marriage improved. Who knows. Teresa could decide to further pimp out the kids. Many have said they'd watch a show featuring Milania.  There may be people like me who haven't paid much attention to NJ for years that don't know she's responsible for sinking the franchise. (The Manzos are why I quit watching.) I might just tune in to see if, since spending time in prison, she talks like Heather. ;-)


The only thing that would interest me is if she and Juicy did a reverse George and Weezie Jefferson.  Instead of moving to a dee-luxe apartment in the sky, they move from the Marble Mausoleum to a walk-up in Patterson.  And eat ravioli from a can.

Hah! Couldn't have said it better myself. Too funny reference re the Jefferson's. I'm nominating this comment to the Hall of Reality TV Board's Fame.

I fully admit to at least DVR'ing the first episode.

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Why is there a market for Teresa as far as being a RH?  She sunk the franchise last season the show was on.  What will she have that makes her relevant?  I got out of prison agreed to do a show so I could keep my mansion?  Great show Bravo

I'm with you, ZM. I think Bravo has cut ties with the Giudices. Every time there's a fake (or planted) story about Teresa or Joe, including rumors of them getting a show, the comments are universally negative, all along the lines of "Way to reward criminals," and "I'll never watch Bravo again." They can't be tone deaf to this. It's also interesting to me that Andy separated himself from the story about Joe filming a special. I think that's a significant tell. Not sure why he's e-mailing Teresa, though. That tidbit worries me.

The only thing that would interest me is if she and Juicy did a reverse George and Weezie Jefferson.  Instead of moving to a dee-luxe apartment in the sky, they move from the Marble Mausoleum to a walk-up in Patterson.  And eat ravioli from a can.

But don't forget Joe's going into the slammer just as soon as Teresa is released. But a reverse Jeffersons would certainly be funny. Maybe in one of the apt's where Joe was a slum lord. Or above a pizza shop. Talk about schadenfreude. Even Miss Bravo Boycott (that would be me) would have to watch a scene or two.

Any comments are noticed. It doesn't matter if they are positive or negative. It's the volume that counts. If nobody cares to comment, it looks like a dud of an idea and won't happen. Thousands of negative comments with a few positive? Or vice versa? That shows potential viewer interest. It doesn't matter if we watch because we enjoy it or watch because we are appalled by it. All that matters is we watch. That's money.

Any comments are noticed. It doesn't matter if they are positive or negative. It's the volume that counts. If nobody cares to comment, it looks like a dud of an idea and won't happen. Thousands of negative comments with a few positive? Or vice versa? That shows potential viewer interest. It doesn't matter if we watch because we enjoy it or watch because we are appalled by it. All that matters is we watch. That's money.

I think the decision to fire Brandi and Kim Richards disproves this.

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