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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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Another thing that really disgusts me about Teresa is the way she just assumes Joe should take all the heat. Like most husbands would, Joe has no problem trying to protect his wife, taking all the blame, trying to keep Tre out of prison, taking the fall for both of them. Tre, on the other hand, would NEVER, not for ONE SECOND, take the fall for Joe. She would never sacrafice herself for him the way he has tried to do for her. For all her talk about how Joe is her life, the love of her life, etc., it seems to me that Joe loves her more than she does him. She'd throw him under the bus in a second to save her own ass. Joe may have been the mastermind behind the schemes but Tre went along happily and profited. Not believing for a second Tre didn't know that money was dirty. In my mind that means Joe should not have to be the one who falls on his sword while she carries on life as usual. I have a bad feeling Tre will not do time, she'll get probation, and Joe will be in the slammer. I hope he spends that time looking back and realizing Tre never offered to take the blame and left him hanging.


I remember during the last reunion, how much respect everyone seemed to have for Joe Giu.  Even Teresa's family (including Joe Go) were giving him a lot of props, when they seemed barely able to tolerate Teresa.  I think they all thought at that time that Joe was going to take all the heat and Teresa was going to live scot free in her marble mansion, even though she had been complicit in most of the schemes.  I think they also all blamed Teresa (fairly or unfairly) for the over the top life style.  I believe they had a plan that Joe would go to jail and Teresa would make millions off the show and various business ventures....then they would just resume the lifestyle when he was let out.  I think they are that simple minded. 


I really don't like poking fun at the looks of children but in this case it's justified. Milania has set the stage and opened up the doors for some full-on personal attacks due to her increasingly spoiled, bratty and demanding demeanor, not to mention the bizarre appearance.


I think Gia might grow up to be pretty, in an exotic type of way, and the two younger ones have the potential to be beauties (thanks to Joe's genes).  I sometimes wonder if Milania acts out not just for the attention, but she feels like the least attractive out of the girls.  I hate to say this but when there is a family of sisters, people are always comparing who is the prettiest,etc.  It can lead to some very unhealthy competition. I hope Teresa is smart enough to put a stop to this type of negativity (somehow, I doubt it).

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I guess I never understood why it's acceptable to comment negatively on children's behavior (i.e. Milania is a shrieking harpy devil spawn*) but not their appearances. 


Isn't that just reinforcing the message to girls that looks are more important than feelings, thoughts, and actions?  If I have a daughter, I will tell her to shrug off/ignore the people who call me "ugly" and to worry much more about her character.


*No nobody said this verbatim, just using it as an example. 

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Can't Teresa's children just be described as her four daughters or four loving daughters?  I think it is the constant four beautiful daughters is what gives rise to comments to the contrary.  I think there are times her children misbehave and I think it is encouraged by production, her parents and like any child if the reward for misbehaving is camera time and an outpouring of "kids say the darndest things" mentality, she will continue to act out.  What was cutish at 3 or 4 is fairly obnoxious to me at 8 or 9. 


I appreciate the fact that Joe is encouraging them to form a bond as sisters and make the bond for life. 

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The article, of course, is primarily about Jac's rumored return and Dina's refusal to film with her. But I put it here because this caught my eye.


"Jacqueline Laurita is returning – briefly – at the end of this season when filming resumes to capture Teresa Giudice‘s sentencing drama. Jacqueline revealed that she’ll actually just be filming to support season extra Kathy Wakile‘s newest dessert launch, but rumor has it the real reason producers pulled Jacqueline in was in the hopes of a showdown with Dina!"


Does Bravo plan on filming again when the Guidices are sentenced, and tacking it on to this season?  It sure reads that way to me.   While I would like to see the Guidice's sentenced as soon as possible, part of me want another delay just to mess with Bravo.   : )

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I feel sorry for the chickens.  Once these two twats go to the slammer ~ those dogs will be having winner winner chicken dinner.


Just in case anyone forgets how I feel about these two - pay the FUCKING IRS.  Then enjoy "college".   I love other websites are counting down to sentencing day.  I'm waking up before noon for that!!!  First of all, because I can, and I'm not charged with any felony counts.  What's wake up time in the pen?  When mystery meat comes?

Edited by Lablover27
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I actually don't find it acceptable to pick children apart, period. Be it their looks or behavior. They are not in control of their situation, the adults in their lives are.

Then their parents (the ones in control) shouldn't put them on tv. Once they do, they're fair game. That's reality tv. If you choose to participate in it and benefit from it (financially and otherwise), then it can come at a price. I might cut some slack for people new to reality tv, or one-timers, who might not have considered just how weird or brutal it can be. But Teresa and Joe? They're veterans. They know what they're doing.

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Malania should sign a contract as soon as she turns 18.  For the Bad Girls Club.  Ah heck, I'll catch her on Reality Star Marriage Bootcamp when she kicks her husband in the nuts and we see how she talks to her own kids.


Wonder what they think the IRS stands for?  Wonder what their parents told them.  Irrational Repulsive Stupids.


Stupid parents should not put their kids on a reality TV show.  I'm talking to you Tori and Tre.


With that, just being snarky.  I really do hope they are going to be okay.  They don't have to pay taxes, yet.  I really also hope they learn this lesson.  From someone, anyone.  Even Miss Andy.  Does Godmother Dina pay taxes?  Maybe she can help.  Very messy. 


I don't think for a second Tre will downsize.  She may give up a blow dry on Monday, but I can't see it. 

Edited by Lablover27

Ha, ha! What a dope. Business owners get hammered on taxes! I guess he thinks business owners don't have to pay their bills either since Richie was in trouble for not paying his gas suppliers.

Amen sister!  THIS is what pisses me off.  Stupid Mr. Lablover pays the taxes. 


The IRS must have a lien on their home.  Cheaper to keep her? 

Here we are five weeks out from sentencing and no word on Joe's state case. 

Article about Teresa not wanting Bravo cameras at sentencing:  http://allthingsrh.com/teresa-giudice-doesnt-want-bravo-cameras-sentencing/


I know Teresa is a dimwit but no other outlet would be more sympathetic to her than Bravo.  I say that having no idea what her current status is with Bravo.  She may have become persona non grata.  I am hoping that if she is sentenced to time that we will never see the children again.  I really don't want to see the children's reactions.  Don't care to see the children's reaction to Joe's sentence either.


I am really expecting another delay because it seems to be what the Giudices' legal teams do best.

Don't know how I missed this topic for so long, since I love to pontificate on how I think the Guidice's are going to jail. Bad Jen - see our common hand basket to Hell (and liking Juicy). But only a laymen in law, but read and on a bad day negotiate contracts (see previous unfortunate commercial real estate expertise).

So I understood the indictment since it's mostly real estate related, but not the sentencing implications to the degree above. Though I was pretty sure from the start they should plea. Reaffirmed by my DOJ ADA good friend. In the 15 minute conversation (Yay margaritas - and I was harassed by the spouses), the first thing she said was "take a plea people, for god's sake take a plea".

Thanks for explaining for a bunch of the above in terms of sentencing (I did know about the fed guidelines - but it turns out we have a pretty knowledgable bunch). My initial feeling was that Teresa would not get less than a year. I think I'm still sticking with that, but I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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There could be another reason for delay.  Teresa and Joe (Joe) could be cooperating.  Who knows what Joe might know.  Cooperators get downward departures from Guideline sentences.  They may be waiting for the outcome of that and a letter from the US Atty recommending a downward departure for a lower sentence (maybe a recommendation that Joe not be deported).  I find it hard to believe that Joe would be a rat, but even on Mob Wives they rat.  Everyone's a rat today in the Fed. system it seems.  


Some poster here posted that in one of the court papers that Teresa's atty said that they have paid back their creditors - and the poster said it was in the court papers linked on Radar on Line.  I haven't read the court papers.  But is that true?  Did her atty say that?  I know when the Bankruptcy proceeding was withdrawn, all of the debts were still outstanding, but she has been making money all this time off the show and off her products and her endorsements.  IF the banks sold off their rental properties to pay off those mortgages, could Teresa really have paid off all of those fraudulent mortgages and her credit card bills?


Since the Giudices pled guilty, the only thing left to this case is the sentencing hearing. All evidence has already been presented. Joe and Teresa will address the Court and probably ask for leniency in a carefully worded statement, as will their lawyers, but otherwise, the judge is likely going into the hearing with the sentences in hand.



Question - Other than preparing what they may want to say at the sentencing, and getting letters, etc, would anything else be going on during this time leading up to the sentencing?  Specifically, could the Guidice lawyers and prosectutors be discussing recommended sentencing?


I don't know why, I have this feeling that Teresa will do no time, and Joe might not get that huge a sentence.   Could there be any "deals" being made in the time leading up to the sentencing (even though they both pled guilty)? 


I don't know how these things work.

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jinjer - the Guidice's haven't paid back a single creditor (re the final Trustee filing). They paid a fairly minimal amount early on (pre indictment) to not get their furniture and fixtures auctioned off. God help me for knowing this.

Time will tell, but I guess I'm in the minority thinking Teresa's going to prison (at least it will be Fed). Even before I read the indictment (it's a doozy BTW) with my half-ass legal knowledge I thought she'd be lucky to get off with a year.

Here is a copy of Teresa's Plea Agreement:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/211849920/Teresa-Giudice-Plea-Agreement


Which would not complete without a copy of the Superseding Indictment : http://stoopidhousewives.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/11918343158-21.pdf


Since there are no promises made in regards to sentencing I would say it is up in the air.  Teresa, in spite of her televised statements has not made any restitution to creditors. 


Of interest to me will be what, if anything, the Giudices will have to forfeit.  Both of their homes were purchased from proceeds of the crimes.  The beach house is seriously upside down, the mansion $60,000.00.   


In the traditional meaning of the word "rat" there is no one for Teresa or Joe to rat out.  Their crimes, especially the BK, were simply a series of fraudulent misrepresentations to obtain loans to live a bigger, grander lifestyle. I would love to hear at time of sentencing that Giudices have surrender the mansion and the beach house in order to apply their earnings towards repayment of their debts. 

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I guess the "rat" thing always confused me. Juicy's not in the mob and I don't think his life is in risk from mortgage brokers, underwriters and closers. I also think Teresa would do anything to save her own skin if possible.

Thanks for the reminder about the beach house. It has three mortgages on it (in her name) for the full equity value even before the crash. I don't think that or the monstrosity are in foreclosure, so she's paying a ridiculous amount a month to keep both houses. Don't quote me, but I think the beach house is mortgaged for about $500K, and it's worth about $300K. It was in the BK and other filings. Every time you take out an additional loan on real estate you're diluting the equity, so the interest rate for each consecutive loan is significantly higher. I can figure out pretty close to what she's paying if anybody is interested.

It's called a short sale Teresa - look it up. I obviously don't know her personally, but is she really that delusional (see college fund) or possibly really feels that she needs to keep up appearances for as long as possible? Oh, I know - she's worried about their credit.

Still looking forward to Juicy tonight (just added peonies to my hand basket to Hell).

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Here is a copy of Teresa's Plea Agreement:  http://www.scribd.com/doc/211849920/Teresa-Giudice-Plea-Agreement


Which would not complete without a copy of the Superseding Indictment : http://stoopidhousewives.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/11918343158-21.pdf


Since there are no promises made in regards to sentencing I would say it is up in the air.  Teresa, in spite of her televised statements has not made any restitution to creditors. 


Of interest to me will be what, if anything, the Giudices will have to forfeit.  Both of their homes were purchased from proceeds of the crimes.  The beach house is seriously upside down, the mansion $60,000.00.   


In the traditional meaning of the word "rat" there is no one for Teresa or Joe to rat out.  Their crimes, especially the BK, were simply a series of fraudulent misrepresentations to obtain loans to live a bigger, grander lifestyle. I would love to hear at time of sentencing that Giudices have surrender the mansion and the beach house in order to apply their earnings towards repayment of their debts. 


Great post Zoeysmom.


What Mr. Lablover, Esq. tells me, is this ~ What's going to be the worse, is their testifying under oath in a federal court and lied.  And got caught.  Don't get him started with the IRS and not filing taxes.  They were under oath and lied.  Then pleaded guilty.  So what happens now?   So, I can not file IRS taxes, lie, file a fake BK, lie under oath and I'll get house arrest?  How will I ever tan with that thing on my ankle?  But I could love love love.  Hope she's saving her quarters for her visits with Juicy and sends the girls to the vending machine {Goodfellas}.

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Great post Zoeysmom.


What Mr. Lablover, Esq. tells me, is this ~ What's going to be the worse, is their testifying under oath in a federal court and lied.  And got caught.  Don't get him started with the IRS and not filing taxes.  They were under oath and lied.  Then pleaded guilty.  So what happens now?   So, I can not file IRS taxes, lie, file a fake BK, lie under oath and I'll get house arrest?  How will I ever tan with that thing on my ankle?  But I could love love love.  Hope she's saving her quarters for her visits with Juicy and sends the girls to the vending machine {Goodfellas}.

It sounds to me like the Teresa legal team is first off trying to get her straight up probation.  If that fails they want Joe to do his time before Teresa does hers.  I have real problems with that scenario.  Joe goes away for four years and in the mean time Teresa works at towards getting her sentence modified and the whole thing goes away.  I think it is interesting the Giudice legal team seems to put the blame on the fact that the Giudices filed BK.  If not for that they would have never been found out.  So I predict that will be one of the "series of mistakes" that Teresa made some years ago the filing of BK, not the lying about it.


They are four weeks away from sentencing and as far as I know they still have both homes so I predict if Teresa, if given time, will then request that she be given time to get her affairs in order.  Apparently, the six months between the plea and sentencing weren't enough.  Although unpopular I think Teresa should do two years.  I think her family is more than capable of raising her children in her absence.  I don't think it should ever be an excuse to avoid incarceration that one is a parent or married.  I haven't seen any change in Teresa's behavior other than now she complains about having to pay for legal services.

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I think Teresa's going to do some time just based on the BK fraud. She just didn't lie in the initial filing, but also several instances (under oath) subsequently. I think it's possible if it was just the mortgage stuff she could get away with just probation. The Feds hate being lied to (see Martha Stewart). The Feds say they still never filed correct BK amendments, even after to admitting to some stuff under oath.

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I think Teresa's going to do some time just based on the BK fraud. She just didn't lie in the initial filing, but also several instances (under oath) subsequently. I think it's possible if it was just the mortgage stuff she could get away with just probation. The Feds hate being lied to (see Martha Stewart). The Feds say they still never filed correct BK amendments, even after to admitting to some stuff under oath.



I think Teresa's going to do some time just based on the BK fraud. She just didn't lie in the initial filing, but also several instances (under oath) subsequently. I think it's possible if it was just the mortgage stuff she could get away with just probation. The Feds hate being lied to (see Martha Stewart). The Feds say they still never filed correct BK amendments, even after to admitting to some stuff under oath.


Yes.  As if signing under penalty of perjury that what they stated on their BK filing is true and correct, they lied, under oath, in federal court proceedings ~ live.  And got caught.  Jeezus, I get all sweaty when I'm about to get on the cruise ship and they give you a form "Have you or anyone in your party been sick in the past...."    I don't want no stinking quarantine.  Happy quarantine Tre.

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Did you see in last night's episode, the preview for next week is about when Tre and Joe were making the plea deals? I LOL'd at the part where wanna-be attorney Tiny Jim was explaining to Amber that Tre and Joe had to enter separate pleas and Amber looked so upset and like she was crying or trying not to cry. Give me a break, Ambah, you phony POS.

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Did you see in last night's episode, the preview for next week is about when Tre and Joe were making the plea deals? I LOL'd at the part where wanna-be attorney Tiny Jim was explaining to Amber that Tre and Joe had to enter separate pleas and Amber looked so upset and like she was crying or trying not to cry. Give me a break, Ambah, you phony POS.


I get this feeling Ambah thinks the same thing as I do.  However, I'm not fake crying over it.  Start making that sauce to freeze Tre.   


Did I hear on that preview that her business was hurting because of her legal problems?  Duh.  Pay for a jar of sauce so she can keep getting her hair done, or not.  Hmmmm. 

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Did you see in last night's episode, the preview for next week is about when Tre and Joe were making the plea deals? I LOL'd at the part where wanna-be attorney Tiny Jim was explaining to Amber that Tre and Joe had to enter separate pleas and Amber looked so upset and like she was crying or trying not to cry. Give me a break, Ambah, you phony POS.


Someone tweeted him about that scene - and he replied that "they" (assuming production)  needed "someone to explain the process".


And the walls continue to come tumbling down.

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^ Ha, little Jimmy the fake lawyer thought he was explaining the plea process to his wife and to the producers? Ha ha ha. This moron has a mental disorder.



I think he meant that production wanted someone to explain it to the viewers - who, based on what I've read here and elsewhere, know and understand it better than production and Jimbo combined.

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Yeah, I worded that wrong. I figured the producers wanted him to explain it to his wife for benefit of the viewers. As you said, the viewers know a lot more than this idiot. 


It was nice not seeing him at all in the last episode, and Amber only having a small part. I dread them being in next week's episode, especially if he's playing lawyer. Tiny boy really has issues. 



ETA:  I just learned in the thread for last week's episode that the show isn't on this Sunday. It's going to kill little Jimmy not to be getting so much Twitter attention for a week. I'm sure he will think of some stunt to keep it going. Too bad his mortgage business is clearly very slow at the moment, lol.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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All I have to say is I think Bravo has made a huge mistake trying to incorporate Teresa's indictment and change of plea into the season.  Teresa should be fined for boring storylines!!!


There is nothing interesting about watching Teresa-live up to responsibilities to the justice system.  I guess she thinks the judge will be watching and will fall for this dog and pony show.  To date, I have not seen a compelling reason for her to get probation.

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I, for one, disagree. I'm enjoying the "law and order" aspect of the Guidices. It's high time. But I am also enjoying seeing Tre hustle trying to make bank in order to satisfy the BK or the legal fees. She's a crook but I like seeing her work if that makes any sense.

I'd really enjoy seeing them sell their properties to satisfy some of the monies they owe. I want them in that wee apt over the pizza joint while Tre and Juicy are incarcerated.

I'll show myself out.






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She has to surrender any property or properties that were purchased with monies thatshereceived thru the fraudulent loans. She has to enter into a payment plan to pay it all back. Including substitute assets whatever that means. This is all in her plea agreement on page 5. She will have to give up everything .

Edited by gretchenfetchen
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They are basing their report on one made by ROL which was/is WRONG!  The truth was reported in the local NJ papers in April! Here is that link.  http://www.nj.com/entertainment/celebrities/index.ssf/2014/04/teresa_giudice_real_housewives_bankruptcy_joe_giudice.html


Teresa/Joe STILL OWE $13.4 MILLION!!!

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Thanks for the help. I was hyperventilating for a minute. I remember the article from April which was so erroneous and that the facts were made clear by a more reputable source later on, and hoped that was the case here.

ETA: So Radar is completely off the mark in a different article below. It says their $13MM debt has been wiped clean. How can they get things so wrong, if this isn't the case?

LOL that I am asking why Radar continues to get things so wrong.


Edited by motorcitymom65

Thanks for the help. I was hyperventilating for a minute. I remember the article from April which was so erroneous and that the facts were made clear by a more reputable source later on, and hoped that was the case here.

ETA: So Radar is completely off the mark in a different article below. It says their $13MM debt has been wiped clean. How can they get things so wrong, if this isn't the case?

LOL that I am asking why Radar continues to get things so wrong.


TMZ had the initial article/rumor in April that they got away with it but that was proven wrong. ROL is just re-reporting/recycling the same bad reporting. Teresa/Joe WITHDREW their BK petition, which means there was/is NO BK decision/settlement to make by the courts! They still owe all $13.4 MILLION, every last cent!

I wonder if and when Joe and Teresa's attorneys will be filing for a continuance of the sentencing hearing?  It seems to be their go to move.


I am curious if there is any indication Teresa and Joe are "downsizing" or "right sizing".  Regardless if Teresa gets probation or not I think the market has dictated that the "Teresa Brand" is as tainted as week old oysters.  It would seem prudent to give the house back to the bank and get out from under the mega payments.  Then again if Teresa gets time I am sure her attorneys will ask for time for her to put her affairs in order.

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I'll be furious if Teresa doesn't get time. But I'll also be furious if Bravo keeps her on board. She's an admitted criminal who stole millions of dollars to live a life of luxury and flaunt an extravagant lifestyle on tv. She parlayed her fake image to get even more money from outside businesses and endorsements. If Bravo brings her back for more seasons, they are enabling and participating in this farce because of the huge salary and fame the show provides.

I know, I know, I'm jumping too far ahead! Where's that sentencing clock?!

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Yes - Tik Tok three weeks to go. I fully admit to disappointment with the continuance (HBtoH). But I don't think it'll be like Juicy's interminable DMV case.

Again - I'd be shocked if she didn't get some jail time. Too much work went into it and I can't remember anyone in relatively "high" profile (you're still D-List Teresa) case like this getting off with a slap on the wrist (ie, probation). Well, I guess unless you actually murder someone.

I'm most curious about the forfeiture. I did read the plea agreement for the first time (thanks for link), assets obtained through the fraud or the like in-place. Will there be a handbag auction? She's generally not my taste, but I could probably pick up a $3K retail one fairly cheap. And I'd be helping the taxpayers too.

What I would really like to see is their true asset statement. How much does Teresa make off her RH salary and over saturated product's? I've never believed the $650K salary number. Most of these "ladies" would probably pay to be on the show.

Due to the US Attorney's heavy investment in the case against the Giudices, I'd be shocked - as other posters have mentioned - if Teresa escapes sentencing without jail time. She'll be traveling down to the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility in Clinton (which is surely not "cleansy") in no time. What Martha Stewart was to Bedford Hills in New York, Teresa Giudice can be for Clinton (only without an ability to articulate final consonants and bushier eyebrows.)


I also would be shocked - in fact, I'd bet money on it - if Teresa's conviction doesn't spell the end of RHONJ. Bravo has been beating a dead horse for a few seasons with RHONJ; It's the weakest link in an overextended and struggling franchise. This season's failure made its basic structural problems clear. Unlike the other Housewives franchises, there isn't a variety of entertaining trainwrecks to alternately empathize and gawk at, with a complex dynamic of shifting alliances between them. Since Danielle departed at the end of Season 2, RHONJ gradually became the "everyone vs. Teresa" show. Ironically, against her enemies' worst intentions, this only made Teresa more likeable, in spite of her abhorrent crimes. The drama on the show became rooted not in the cast members' personal lives, but in their petty, competitive squabbles around a.) the show's production and b.) their striving for D-List celebrity status and successful franchises. This is a problem with all the Real Housewives shows that Bravo, if Radar is to be believed, has tried to address; they want both characters who viewers can empathize with and storylines that don't meta-originate from the cast members' reality TV stardom, as evinced by Tamra Barney's recent discharge from service on RHOC.


The RHONJ cast members are some of the worst culprits of any show in the franchise. Many storylines seem to be ways to avoid discussing the real dirt (and real drama) of their personal lives. For example, Caroline's virtually non-existent marriage to Al, Dina's "open marriage" to Tommy (and her violating its terms, leading to a divorce), the conflicts between Caroline, Jacqueline, and Dina, and Teresa and Jacqueline's gargantuan legal problems have all stayed (relatively) swept under the rug. I think the Manzo/Laurita dirty laundry, in particular, has remained unaired both because a.) Caroline is an Andy favorite (he allowed her to quit voluntarily last season, so she wasn't served her walking papers) and because b.) they don't "need" the show financially or want the fame as badly as the Gorga/Giudice family, or the Aprea/Napolitano/Marchese conglomeration of Colts' Neck. Andy & Co. know Teresa absolutely will not quit, and so they've been unafraid to exercise their legal right to show clips like Juicy calling her a "cunt" on TV. Similarly, production has set up dramatic reveals of Melissa's purported extramarital affairs and former life as a stripper in the past few seasons, and this season staged confrontations between Nicole/TereSSa and Amber and enlisted Victoria Gotti to blab on Rino's mother-shtupping.


Unfortunately, none of this really matters for the show's future, since none of the characters introduced after Danielle's departure have really taken off with the audience, except as objects of ridicule. Dina is a snooze, because she keeps her lips tightly sealed about her own dirt, and so her reintroduction meant little. If Radar is to be believed, the high salary Bravo paid Teresa to keep the show afloat (and Teresa dependent on Bravo) has backfired; she no longer will take their manipulation, and Bravo will no longer take Teresa's ego and self-importance. She's refusing to play ball by filming extra scenes over the summer, and Radar claims she didn't take the cast trip to Miami. In order to salvage the series, Bravo would have to entirely re-cast it. As the country's fascination with nouveau riche, tacky, uneducated white-collar criminals living in North Jersey McMansions who give Italian-Americans a bad name passed a few years ago, I assume Bravo will decide it's not worth the effort.

  • Love 7

For example, Caroline's virtually non-existent marriage to Al, Dina's "open marriage" to Tommy (and her violating its terms, leading to a divorce), the conflicts between Caroline, Jacqueline, and Dina, and Teresa and Jacqueline's gargantuan legal problems have all stayed (relatively) swept under the rug. I think the Manzo/Laurita dirty laundry, in particular, has remained unaired both because a.) 


Caroline and Al being distant was something I suspected, but didn't know was confirmed. What's this about Dina's open marriage? How did she violate the terms? She is so boring this season, who knew she was hiding anything interesting?

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I'm not sure where to put this but here goes. From Blind Gossip:

He Wants To Be A Mobster

[All About The Tea] This reality TV dad is a wannabe mobster.[All About The Tea] This reality TV dad is a wannabe mobster.

He idolizes the mob “lifestyle,” so much so, he’s dabbled in mob related activities using his legit business as a meeting point.

He’s inspired by cult flicks like The Godfather but just like the movie, he’s fake!

The fugazi wiseguy is enamored with legendary mafia bosses and their family members.

This wannabe Don Corleone should keep off the turnpike and deal with his own family drama. We hear it’s a motherf*cker!

Got to be Rino and his restaurant!

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