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Season 01

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lol I only know the lead actor from Pretty Little Liars.

Scott Forrester can be such a jerk to his team.  Maybe I'm just too soft, but he is consistently cutting Raines off.  It was really egregious in an earlier episode, when Forrester treated Raines the same rude way Voight would treat Sheldon Jin on Chicago PD, like "Shut up, I don't want to hear how you got there, just tell me what you found."  Forrester did it again here, too.  Is this a leadership trait that the Dick Wolf universe really likes?  And it annoyed me even more in this episode because Forrester cut off Raines when they were in Vestal's apartment, but then let Vo explain everything she did to identify the location of Vestal's live video.

Not sure if this was meaningless, but they showed two shots from behind where Raines and Katrin were walking together - early in the episode when they were leaving the police station, I think Katrin had her hand on Raines' back, and at the end of the episode, Raines had his hand on Katrin's back.  Maybe the actors are just friendly and that comes out in peripheral scenes vs. it meaning anything.  Not that Katrin would be as unprofessional with workplaces romances as Forrester and Kellett, anyway.

Adler from the German police is self-declared in "warning" as blunt, but he was a real pleasure to watch.  And I thought his temperament is way better than Forrester's.  I absolutely prefer him.

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On 2/25/2022 at 12:13 PM, sweetandsour said:

 It was really egregious in an earlier episode, when Forrester treated Raines the same rude way Voight would treat Sheldon Jin on Chicago PD, like "Shut up, I don't want to hear how you got there, just tell me what you found."  Forrester did it again here, too.  Is this a leadership trait that the Dick Wolf universe really likes?

Maybe it's the tone in which Forrester did it that was rude, but this is usually done in a comical way on pretty much every procedural I watch, where there's some techie person who goes into great detail about how they figured something out, and it's way over everyone's head, so they tell the person to just get to the point.



Really kind of lost my respect for Scott as that episode with the NYPD and sure he is an FBI agent but the NYPD was an Inspector and despite the latter shouldn't be interfering, still Scott was so rude. That inspector was not subordinate to him.

Really do not know how Katrin puts up with Scott. She is the only one that can outtalk him. As really Scott with Katrina, he shuts up when she says he crosses a huge line.

Mediocre episode - I don’t care at all about the Forrester/Kellett relationship drama, and I just can’t connect with these characters the way I do the characters on the other FBI’s. I didn’t like how Forrester went soft at the end and didn’t pressure the girl to give up the mom, he was again being unprofessional and letting his personal bias cloud his judgment. I liked seeing Katrin get some action, she’s probably my favorite on this show, along with Tank the dog, who hasn’t had much to do lately. 

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17 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

I didn’t like how Forrester went soft at the end and didn’t pressure the girl to give up the mom, he was again being unprofessional and letting his personal bias cloud his judgment

First, the mom wasn’t going to go where the girl thought she was going- not after she knew the FBI had her husband and kids.  Second  -Forrester didn’t give up his own mom and he is an adult and an FBI agent.  Which was a ridiculous premise anyway. She  - once she walked into the bridge the authorities  could have stopped her even before she walked by Forrester.  They knew what she looked like 


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Interesting episode. My husband recognized the RFTH story right away. We looked it up later too - the people this episode was based on were caught in Montenegro 2 weeks ago. 

I thought for sure when the dad was telling the mom that the kids would be split up in foster care if she didn't turn herself in that she would just say that the girl was 16 and it would only be 2 years separation before she could age out and then go look for her brother and so she should just tough it out. I guess when she didn't show, she effectively said that, as she couldn't have known that the kids wouldn't actually be separated. 

I also thought that at the end, the girl would still tell on her mom because she didn't want this to be hanging over her head forever. I know it's hard to be the one to narc on your parents but if they did something wrong, many kids do turn their parents in. Look how many of the January 6 defendants were turned in by their own families including their kids. Plus, if I were that girl, I'd be afraid my mother would get killed in a shootout if she remained a fugitive. 

I hope they take a good hard look at the Forrester character and the Forrester/Kellett relationship for season 2 and make them both more palatable.  As they are right now, they really detract from the show for me.  I don't watch International as a completionist for the franchise, but I wouldn't have a second thought if it didn't exist anymore.

Highlight of the episode for me was the actor who played Gabriel!  I did kind of enjoy the geography rapport, but I was mostly into the fact that he's the same kid who played the silent (mute? ...) boy Martin whom the Penguin befriended on Gotham.  He spoke slightly more on FBI: International, as he continues his journey as baby Chalamet.

I found myself saying "Yay, Tank!" when I spotted him in this episode -- but I spent most of the episode trying to figure out how an Albanian woman was named "Fiona." (Did the shields say "Polska" or "Polizia"? -- I thought it was some cognate of "Police" but my eye may have skipped over it.)

Wasn't sure why Raines was the one to have the most trouble with the lengths to which Forrester was going in manipulating the kids. It seemed to me more like a reaction that someone newer to the team, such as Vo, might have -- haven't Raines and Forrester worked together longer? Sometimes the show's plot seems to hinge on conflicts that a team that hasn't been formed for very long might have.

Edited to add: Don't get me wrong; I'm glad Raines called Forrester on his awful plan.

Edited by Sandman

I didn’t care for this episode - too much political stuff, I didn’t like the AG character at all and I was hoping her or someone on her staff would turn out to be a villain, and the douchebag agent working with Vo got on my nerves, and of course they predictably are going to go out together because I guess Vo finds that douche charming. The whistleblower was the good guy IMO, and I was hoping the episode would end with him free. Also I just can’t connect with any of the characters very much, Katrin is my favorite, along with Tank the dog, who I missed tonight. But this is by far my least favorite of the FBI’s. 

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I'm a bit behind and just watched the Germany episode. It's the second episode where I thought I wish they'd do better research. I can't remember what the first episode was/why I thought that but social media's a lot more restricted in Germany than it is in the US (the regulations were tightened a few years ago) and free speech laws are also very different especially when it comes to threatening and insulting authorities. It's possible the guy's videos would have to have been removed under regulations and what he said would have fallen under defamation/insulting law enforcement officers, so it would have been a crime under German law.

Consequently, he might have gotten a small minority to care but the large majority probably would have shrugged and moved on and not given a damn.

I'd also like to know why they didn't explain their authority when they were confronted over it. They must have some authority, otherwise, it makes no sense to station them in Europe.


I got confused at the beginning of the next episode. I thought it was a flashback to Forester's childhood and only realized that it wasn't when the team started working the case. 😅


So what was the point of the man/ car that followed Vo and the temp agent when they left the office at the end? 

Why is this team so shady/ ethically compromised compared to FBI/ FBI Most Wanted?  Also Jubal and Rina didn’t seem to care who knew about their relationship on FBI- and Jubal reported to Rina just like Kellen reports to Forrester. Well, not just like because Rina was two levels above him. It’s not right in either case, but show some  consistency 


Edited by mythoughtis
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Dull episode to me despite the fact that it was supposed to be intense and high stakes - I just didn’t care about Raines’ sister and didn’t think her case was very suspenseful, and I didn’t care about Forrester/Kellett and the IA guy, I just can’t connect with these characters and find them somewhat shady, especially compared to the characters on the other 2 FBI’s. I liked Jaeger demanding Raines’ release at the end and I laughed at Tank barking at the IA dude, other than that I found this episode to be a dud.

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1 hour ago, Xeliou66 said:

Dull episode to me despite the fact that it was supposed to be intense and high stakes - I just didn’t care about Raines’ sister and didn’t think her case was very suspenseful, and I didn’t care about Forrester/Kellett and the IA guy, I just can’t connect with these characters and find them somewhat shady, especially compared to the characters on the other 2 FBI’s. I liked Jaeger demanding Raines’ release at the end and I laughed at Tank barking at the IA dude, other than that I found this episode to be a dud.

It's usually a dud when they base an entire episode on personal stuff. The IA arc was boring but for me ended with a smirk.

Tank continues as a star and should get an episode based on his talents, not his physical well being as we've already seen.

Does every person in these FBI foreign venues speak almost perfect English? There's never a language barrier.

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This was a better episode than most, mainly because I never saw the twist coming that Nick was a bad guy and was playing Vo and the FBI, that was a good twist, I figured it would everything would end up with him being cleared and being a good guy, good twist.

I do get sick of all of the personal stuff on this show, how come almost every case has to be personal for one of the team? It isn’t that way on the other 2 FBI’s.

I missed Tank the dog tonight.

This was one of the show’s better episodes overall, good case with good twists.

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It’s definitely a writers’ room issue. I haven’t particularly noticed if the production staff includes any former FBI agents as consultants because some of the storylines are short on credibility. But then, FBI International is the second most watched new series, whose ratings are just a crumb behind NCIS:Hawai’i and that has already been renewed by CBS/Paramount. It’s an issue that could be fixed for next season.

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The premise was explained in the episode, quite clearly, in fact. The partnership agreement provided that if either couple quit the winery, the other couple would take sole control, with all the accumulated value staying with the couple that remained, the other couple would be entitled to get back only their original investment. The motive was crated when the value of the winery had already increased ten-fold, IIRC. At least this episode they moved away from a workplace romance, But Tank should have been there to greet them on their return from France.

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1 hour ago, theschnauzers said:

The partnership agreement provided that if either couple quit the winery, the other couple would take sole control, with all the accumulated value staying with the couple that remained, the other couple would be entitled to get back only their original investment.

Thank you, I missed this detail, often multitask during episodes!

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4 hours ago, Sandman said:

I'm sure there's lots of personal drama on the way, judging by the secret death glare that Sara the Seemingly Random Teacher of Hungarian sent Forrester's way at the very end there. (Start bringing Tank to your Hungarian lessons, Forrester, yikes!)

That was really scary and sinister. I thought the episode was going to end with him being attacked or kidnapped.  I hope nothing happens to him. You would think that Forrester would verify the identity of the teacher before spending time with her. 

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This might’ve been my favorite episode of the show - a good case with good suspense and investigation, a nice role for everyone, and minimal personal crap - just a compelling drug murder case. Nice to see Tank back in action discovering the drugs. I would’ve liked to have known more about the shooters beyond just seeing their arrest on tv, but it was a good case and investigation. Don’t care about Scott’s ongoing trust issues. 

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8 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Don’t care about Scott’s ongoing trust issues. 

Scott (Forrester?) has some serious boundary issues.  He is having an on/off affair with his subordinate,  then he is on the verge of starting an affair with his language tutor.  
The tutor made the right call to put an end to his drama (tho the writers made her as suspicious as possible, so his reaction was not completely out of line). 
I don't understand why the showrunners think these things are making Scott interesting or sympathetic. 
It is not ... and revisiting his mama drama isn't going to make things any better.

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On 4/22/2022 at 6:38 PM, JPPT1974 said:

Does anybody know if the FBI shows are being renewed there!? As really CBS would be not so bright not to renew them.

As really someone on another site thinks that the woman teaching Scott Hungarian may be suspicious. Though I have had a love-hate relationship with Scott!

CBS only renewed Blue Bloods yesterday, but the press release said more renewal announcements are forthcoming. Drip, drip, drip.

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So Scott then runs to his ex because option number 1 dumped him?   bad play 

as for option number 1 - Scott should have handed off the  investigation of her to someone else and stayed out of it in the first place.  He had an obvious conflict of interest.  She did need to be investigated in terms of this case. 



Edited by mythoughtis
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An average episode - the terrorism plots usually bore me, they’ve been done so many times, and the perp’s identity was discovered quickly. I didn’t see it coming that the scientist’s assistant was in on it. The more interesting stuff was with Jaeger and her boss, I wonder what will happen now that he’s apparently getting her fired, Jaeger is my favorite character, I hope she isn’t leaving. I was hoping Forrester would slug her douchebag boss. 

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Two Dick Wolf shows dealing with oxy cases in one week.  Important story for sure, but the repetition was noticeable to me (same with his 2 con woman Inventing Anna episodes in one week).  This was just sad to watch.  Definitely figured out the bad guy pretty early on.  But a good episode. And I liked the ending with the douchey guy getting fired and Katrin stays on.  

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Good episode - the case was a bit dull in parts but the satisfying ending made up for it, I loved seeing Katrin get her job back while her douche of a boss was fired, and the case wrapped up in a satisfying way as well - I knew the security head would be a bad guy but it was still a good case. This show has improved as it has gone on I think, I wasn’t so high on it at first but I’m enjoying it now.

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12 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

Good episode - the case was a bit dull in parts but the satisfying ending made up for it, I loved seeing Katrin get her job back while her douche of a boss was fired, and the case wrapped up in a satisfying way as well - I knew the security head would be a bad guy but it was still a good case. This show has improved as it has gone on I think, I wasn’t so high on it at first but I’m enjoying it now.

Ditto here.  I just couldn’t get into FBI:International for quite awhile - something about it seemed low-energy and a little boring.  I’ve enjoyed the last few episodes much more.

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Glad Jaeger kept her job. She is the only one that Scott and the team seem to respect and in the interagency cooperation there. That can outtalk the team as well as bring calm to the FBI Fly Team! As she firmly but yet motherly calls out Scott at times, on his arrogance. She is like the mother figure there.

But anyway can't wait for next week the finale. A Scott centered episode.

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