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S04.E15 He Wasn’t Breathing

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Myrka showed some maturity and awareness when she expressed that her presence put strain on Ethan’s parents. It might not have directly caused their divorce but it undoubtedly contributed to it. But Myrka’s tears were 90% about herself; she’s worried about her own future without financial support from Ethan’s parents and her own loss of a surrogate family. Unpopular opinion but if you cannot fathom a way to feed and clothe your baby, you should’ve scheduled that abortion. Ethan seems SO childish to me. And slow. How rich are Michelle and Charlie that they’re able to afford college for Myrka as well as their 3 children?! 


Alex is such a stonewaller. I really don’t care about their storyline and it all looked a little fake but I feel sorry for anyone who has to confront a stonewalling partner who will not admit they don’t love you anymore. 

Everyone’s projecting way too many “good dad” comments onto Lawrence. He’s been a parent for like 38 minutes. He’s not a good dad or a bad dad, he’s just a dad at this point. Everyone’s so scared of spooking Lawrence and having him run off like the first baby daddy. He was really being a dick about Aaliyah holding the baby. Of course they should include the older sibling! The way 3 adults were nagging her about the baby is a surefire way to build sibling resentment. But Lawrence wouldn’t know or care about that. He seems completely dismissive and annoyed by Aaliyah.  

  • Love 14

I will say, I was welling up with tears at the birth of baby LJ.  Lily seemed so peaceful with him and got him on her breast right away.  She may be dumb, but she is pretty good with the newborns.  And I even cried at Lawrence and the baby...

...until he decided that he was going to raise his son in his own way with no regard for the other parent or other child in his home.  Lily was right to let Aalyiah hold her baby brother.  She wasn't going to let a three-year hold a newborn on her own.  Slow your roll, Lawrence!    Lily is in for a world of pain trying to parent with that guy.  They may realize they are on the same page, but they have different approaches.  He better learn quickly!

I even felt bad for Ethan's mom telling the kids about the separation.  Yes, Myrka kind of made it about her.  But think she was coming to the realization that her dreams of college or whatever are gone unless she takes care of it herself.  I guess she felt the bottom falling out in more ways than one.  The whole thing just made me sad for Ethan's parents.

When Tyra talks about her relationship with Alex, I want to laugh.  They are both 19 years old and have been a couple for 7 or 8 years?   Since they were 11 or 12?  She talks about it like they have been married for that long.  This is not the same as Ethan's parents.  Does Alex ever talk?  Sheesh, they are sad!

One more thing:  Does anyone find it disconcerting when these baby mamas have braces?  I know you can get braces at any age, but the usual age is in your teens.  And they are pregnant and going to the orthodontist.  It's just shows how young they really are!

  • Love 10
47 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

I will say, I was welling up with tears at the birth of baby LJ.  Lily seemed so peaceful with him and got him on her breast right away.  She may be dumb, but she is pretty good with the newborns.  And I even cried at Lawrence and the baby...

...until he decided that he was going to raise his son in his own way with no regard for the other parent or other child in his home.  Lily was right to let Aalyiah hold her baby brother.  She wasn't going to let a three-year hold a newborn on her own.  Slow your roll, Lawrence!    Lily is in for a world of pain trying to parent with that guy.  They may realize they are on the same page, but they have different approaches.  He better learn quickly!

I even felt bad for Ethan's mom telling the kids about the separation.  Yes, Myrka kind of made it about her.  But think she was coming to the realization that her dreams of college or whatever are gone unless she takes care of it herself.  I guess she felt the bottom falling out in more ways than one.  The whole thing just made me sad for Ethan's parents.

When Tyra talks about her relationship with Alex, I want to laugh.  They are both 19 years old and have been a couple for 7 or 8 years?   Since they were 11 or 12?  She talks about it like they have been married for that long.  This is not the same as Ethan's parents.  Does Alex ever talk?  Sheesh, they are sad!

One more thing:  Does anyone find it disconcerting when these baby mamas have braces?  I know you can get braces at any age, but the usual age is in your teens.  And they are pregnant and going to the orthodontist.  It's just shows how young they really are!

I wonder if the braces are a function of qualifying for Medicaid once they're pregnant?

  • Useful 1
1 hour ago, alotmorestupider said:

Unpopular opinion but if you cannot fathom a way to feed and clothe your baby, you should’ve scheduled that abortion. 

Ummmm...didn't BOTH of Ethan's parents step in and PROMISE-PROMISE-PROMISE? Everything we saw over several episodes led all of us to believe they were financially able, willing, and happy to help raise BOTH Myrka and their grandchild.  Was their  nice home trickery?  Nice cars too.  Remember the extravagant baby shower?  Something DRASTIC has happened to the family's finances.  Does Ethan's father have a girlfriend...or maybe a baby mama?  Does Ethan's mother have marketable skills ... enough to afford their recent lifestyle?  

Why terminate a pregnancy when she was promised all the love and financial support one (three) would seem to need?

  • Love 5

When Myrka said that he promised if she had the baby I had my aha moment...

something like this...I’m pregnant, my mother says I cannot stay at home if I have the baby and she wants to take me for an abortion...

Ethan’s parents are either anti-choice or pro-no-abortions-for-our-blood kind of folks so they promised her a life, a future and security if she went against her Mom’s advice.  Myrka doesn’t feel love or approval on the regular from her distant and hard working mom.... so wow...a baby, an instant loving family, college taken care of when mom could never do it anyway.....win for Myrka, win for her child, and Myrka never gave a thought to what would happen if this didn’t work out because she’s too young to think about it that way...young and naive. 

Lawrence is a fool. He was so sweet when his boy was born but if he thinks for one minute that he knows an iota about what it’s like to parent......good luck....those two are really in for it...and IMO Aaliyah does need more discipline and structure and to learn what no means, but she cannot be micromanaged with her brother or she will despise him.  They should have talked about this before the new baby arrived. They should be on the same page even if he is a step parent. It’s not a he’s mine and she’s yours scenario

Tyra needs to get away from Alex  she lives with her head in the clouds but he is a real jerk......a real true jerk    I don’t for a minute see how someone who cannot tell the truth, who cannot say boo when it’s appropriate could ever raise a child  he needs help and she needs self esteem and a job  school online and help with child care....his grandma will be there for the little one.  She sees it for what it is!!  

I was hoping to see little Luca this time...he is a cute baby   

Tell all looks very interesting from the previews!!



  • Love 5
4 hours ago, alotmorestupider said:

Unpopular opinion but if you cannot fathom a way to feed and clothe your baby, you should’ve scheduled that abortion

Or made the decision to put the baby up for adoption.

Brought over to the correct episode:

Things are making a little more sense to me wrt Myrka. Sounds like Ethan’s father promised her the moon, sun and stars if she didn’t get an abortion. She said “he said if I kept the baby......” Myrka, you needed to get it in writing, dear. Say what you will about Liliana, but she saw the handwriting on the wall from the jump. She was well-acquainted with Mike Tyson’s line: Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.

Myrka: Ethan, I know your parents’ breakup must be upsetting, but what about me? (Whine, moan, sob). 

Me: Yes, Myrka, who gives a shit about Ethan’s siblings, including an 18 month old baby?


Tyra: Alex, why are you being like this? 

Me: Because he’s 19 years old, you idiot! He has a history of cheating, yet you decided it was a good idea to have a baby with him. You aren’t blameless, Tyra. 


Lawrence: No one can touch My Precious. And Aliyah, you are now relegated to the back of the bus. Hope you enjoy being a second class citizen.


  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Why terminate a pregnancy when she was promised all the love and financial support one (three) would seem to need?

Because of exactly what happened to Myrka. Attalie is her and Ethan’s responsibility and NO ONE else’s, no matter what they promise. Charlie and Michelle owe her nothing and sure, they’d be dirtbags to go back on their word but they certainly could. That’s why I say if YOU and your partner cannot imagine a way to feed and clothe and house your own child, you should not be having children. 

  • Love 7

I feel so sad for Tyra. She seems more like her old likeable self- mature for her age in some ways, and sincerely trying to make things work.  But wow, they've been together since what? Middle school? I'm not surprised Alex is champing (Chomping?) at the bit - that's awfully young to settle down with one person. But still, it sucks. And the way he's handling it - distant and snarky - is unnecessary. That may be his cover for uncomfortable emotions, but it's still not kind.

Edited by JeanJean
  • Love 6
53 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

Alex is champing (Chomping?) at the bit

Oh my God, I am just going to say I love that this question was posed—it is “champing.”  “Champing at the bit” comes from a poem:  “Twelve beauteous steeds, of golden color and with golden mains, champ at the bit.”  “Chomping” is also accepted, but it’s not technically correct.  Nerd rant over.  

So this was the finale?  What a drag.  They didn’t even include Jenna, my favorite (by default), unless I was seriously not paying attention, which is a major possibility.  😊  The break broke the show, and once it came back on Monday nights, I couldn’t be bothered.  

I flipped my opinion when she gave birth and I wish Jenna the best, but that weird lockjawed construction working boyfriend (how does he work construction but only weigh about 115 lbs) can kick rocks, and her dad probably needs to grow up more than she does, freaking her out about her own pregnancy more than she was already freaked out, instead of swallowing his fear and putting on a brave face, which is what every good dad has done since the dawn of time.  

I am not a fan of reunions, or tell-alls. It allows a lot of weakness for the regular episodes.  If there was no tell-all at the end of the season, they would have to give us a lot more over the course of 15 episodes to get us to tune in again.  This season was the worst—so boring and not enough function to round out the dysfunction.  This season would have done better as a five-part limited series, but then where would all the TLC advertising revenue come from?

I’ll start with my second-least hated couple—Ethan and Myrka:  I think what happened to them is not an argument in favor of abortion, but an argument in favor of abstaining from sex or, failing that, using double protection correctly.  If I was making an argument for abortion, I would have to say that I am advocating for two underage, unskilled teenagers to have unprotected sex, get pregnant, then get unpregnant through surgery and antibiotics and a whole slew of other meds (and this is without getting into complications) so that she doesn’t wind up wondering who is going to pay for her college tuition.  Why not just...abstain?  And then you can go to college without wonder or worry.  Wouldn’t that be so much more logical?  To me, it’s like saying that the Donner Party Should have chosen cannibalism instead of saying that they should have avoided crossing the Sierra Nevadas at that time of year, only, with the Donner Party, it is much more complicated.  Two teenagers sticking to making out and heavy petting is just not a tall order, unless they’re multi-millionaires who can make any choice with regard to their offspring they need to.  They were pretty clear when they came on the show that they had unprotected sex as a habit.  So uncool.  I don’t feel sorry for them, especially Myrka; she’ll love you and leave you, and I think she’s more bewildered than anything else that someone (Ethan’s parents) got there first.  

Lilliana (who I think would have been ok with adoption, though I don’t have good evidence to back up that assertion) was proven right.  The people I feel most sorry for are Ethan’s siblings, especially the baby.  And I don’t believe the mom that Myrka moving in and then bringing in another whole-ass baby had “nothing” to do with them splitting up.  Though that was definitely mixed signals the genius parents were sending:  we are so happy you are having a baby while you’re in high school, that not only are we going to throw you a big-ass “gender reveal,” complete with fake mustaches you can hold up to your face in the photo station on (I mean, what “gender reveal” would be complete without that?), but we are going to spend hours decking our SUV out to the nines in pink bows and silly string and confetti in order to pick you up from the hospital.  Every fucking one of those people in that house (except the little kids) is sorely confused and confusing and it’s depressing as hell.  

Ok, I don’t know who I hate more—Alex and Tyra or Lilly and Lawrence—so I’ll just go with Tyra next:

Alex is a fucking psychopath, it’s confirmed.  Tyra is no picnic either.  Clearly, HE CHEATS.  What he got caught doing is talking to other girls, but he cheats.  Sure as Matthew cheated on Hailey, Alex is cheating on Tyra, and the two winners just sit there uncomfortably and dance around it.  I think Tyra is such a selfish bitch for going away to college to cheer, essentially rendering Alex a single father five days a week (it took me a long time to realize how selfish she was being; I thought she was going to a local college and that cheering was paying for it at the beginning of the season).  Now she just expects Alex’s grandmother to watch Layla.  But can we talk about Alex for a second?  He is so shy and awkward and seems physically pained when a question is posed to him.  This episode, it was the tearing at the curls nonstop, but at almost every other point, his MO is to go down.  My husband laughs at my impression of him—it starts with the ducking of the chin into the chest, then the shoulders hunch, and finally the body doubles over.  This is not even a boy, let alone a man!  This is more like an earthworm when poked with a stick.  I don’t care that he never had a father figure growing up (actually I care a lot, but it doesn’t give him total immunity).  Has Alex never watched TV and seen a police officer or a judge or even a self-respecting criminal stand and speak assertively?  He’s going to be a horrible father, because he has no idea how to teach his child how to act out there in order to meet her goals without harming people.  These two need to break up and stay broken up ASAP.  And they both need a serious amount of help growing up.  The dark horses for this season for me?  Alex’s mom (just for gong from totally creepy to partially creepy) and his freaking grandma, who did an about-face and acted mature and kind all season long.  The grandma (great-grandma, I guess) is Layla’s best hope.  And look at the job she did with Alex! 🙇‍♀️

Lilly and Lawrence—I HATE THEM.  They do not offer a single redeeming thing to anyone.  Not even to themselves.  The only one I like in that entire equation is Lawrence’s mom.  She is way too happy about this unplanned pregnancy, but she has been speaking sense since the beginning.  She knows Lawrence has to ingratiate himself with Aaliyah, even though he is not her father or stepfather, and that he has to be something of a dad to her.  Lilly’s mom and Lilly’s mom’s boyfriend are such losers and liars.  First of all, I just have to clear something up—there are no step-parents in this family.  The show erroneously bills Lilly’s mom’s boyfriend as “Lilly’s Stepdad” and it is frequently mentioned that Lawrence is Aaliyah’s stepdad now.  Full-stop—FALSE.  There is a huge difference between “partner” and “family.”  The latter suggests a permanent relationship.  The former connotes only what is going on in the relationship at the moment.  So Lilly’s mom’s boyfriend (I don’t know his name—calling him The Haircut works out for me just fine) can be gone at a moment’s notice.  He is not any kind of father to her, not her stepfather, and I’m not entirely sure why Lawrence asked his permission to marry Lilly, other than the plot called for it.  I also think Lilly’s mom and The Haircut are such fucking liars in that they gave their blessing (with hands on their hearts and weeping eyes IIRC) for Lawrence to marry Lilly, and then immediately in their talking heads they said they think they should wait.  “Wait,” in this instance, means, “we don’t think she should marry him.”  Then man up and say something.  You guys are in your forties and sixties, respectively.  When are you going to start giving your opinions about what is right and what is wrong, especially when it goes on under your roof?  When she is on baby number nine?  (Will that be before or after someone gets off their ass to potty train poor Aaliyah, whose diapers the camera never fails to catch, which means that when she is in school, her peers will be able to make fun of her for wearing a diaper during the day at three.  This is all, of course, her skanky mom’s fault, but the peers won’t see it that way). 

As far as Lawrence and Aaliyah, whooo child, where do I even start?  He came into the picture, aka slid into Lilly’s DM’s, knowing she had a child.  Why he is now taking his kohl-rimmed eyes (the weirdness of which I can’t even get into) and giving Aaliyah the death stare several times is a pathology so deep that it frightens me through my TV screen.  Now that this baby is born, Lawrence views Aaliyah as a threat to the family he wants to have, either with Lilly or another brood mare, so long as he can be completely in control and “famous”.  He said, when they were still in the hospital, that he wants to have “another one.”  He is clearly one of those guys who likes knocking women up because it makes him feel like more of a man.  There was a guy just like this on Growing Up Hip-Hop, but that guy had at least some disposable income.  What does Lawrence do, other than impregnate Y-list former reality TV stars in order to get his 15 seconds of fame?  Nothing.  So, Lawrence, I have a wild fucking idea—now that you have a kid with this ho, and when she had the baby, you were 19 and she was 20, which means y’all are probably closer to 21 and 20 now...why don’t you actually marry her and then take steps to adopt Aaliyah, and then she will not be just your stepchild, she will be your legal child, and you can mold her and lay down the law for her, not even like a dad, but as a dad?  These two are not even teenagers anymore.  They claim to be so in love.  Technically they are engaged.  March down to Suffolk County Clerk, which is right there in Riverhead, and make an honest woman out of Lilly, but more importantly, adopt her child and be the father she never had (I doubt Kennedy, of season one, would mind, given that he doesn’t even pay support) and then Aaliyah won’t feel like the red headed stepchild.  But having an intact nuclear family in one’s twenties is a sure fire ticket off the show, so the chances of Lilly and Lawrence actually doing this are...I’d say “slim to none,” but “slim” sounds wildly optimistic! 😦

  • Love 9
27 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Oh my God, I am just going to say I love that this question was posed—it is “champing.”  “Champing at the bit” comes from a poem:  “Twelve beauteous steeds, of golden color and with golden mains, champ at the bit.”  “Chomping” is also accepted, but it’s not technically correct.  Nerd rant over.  


Thank you!!!!

  • Love 2

@LibertarianSlut, you fucking nailed it. I agree with just about every point and I will be re-reading your insightful comments because each paragraph was wonderfully dense and needs to be slowly digested, but in the mean time:

1000% likes

Thunderous applause

Standing ovation

Alex = earthworm. There’s got to be a meme for that.

  • Love 4
On 5/4/2021 at 6:34 PM, jacksgirl said:

Haven't watched yet, but are we sure Ethan's parents made all of those promises? Unconditional support, college tuition? I usually doze off watching. Circumstances change. Sure the kids won't be out on the street, but Myrka and her mom were naive to think nothing could go wrong with the plan. 

I am wondering too..can. some one recap for us ? I had a list of questions ..were any of these couples  lovey-dovey before the pregnancy?

The dad who works at Walmart..I mean he cares less than a damm..and the teen mom moved in with granny being the sitter..girl-you need to wake up..or stay there until you are able to provide on you own.

Edited by sATL
5 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I thought mom and haircut were married????

At first read.. I was going to say be more specific...

If its the Wal-Mart teen father maybe he can get one of his side-ladies to part it and twist it...Or braid it..

I've never seen a guy twist his natural hair that much and accomplish nothing...there is a salon in most Wal-Mart

Edited by sATL
  • LOL 3
On 5/4/2021 at 2:14 PM, Shelbie said:

Lawrence’s decrees about how his son will be raised when the child isn’t even a week old were  worrying. He has no concept of what it is like to live with an infant but of course is positive he knows better than anyone. I predict much fighting in that home as Lilly and her parents refuse to kowtow to him.

Eh, I don't think he'll be around that long.


On 5/4/2021 at 1:27 PM, Marisagf said:

I even felt bad for Ethan's mom telling the kids about the separation.  Yes, Myrka kind of made it about her.  But think she was coming to the realization that her dreams of college or whatever are gone unless she takes care of it herself.  I guess she felt the bottom falling out in more ways than one.  The whole thing just made me sad for Ethan's parents.

Not me.  They knew Myrka's mother felt very strongly about what having a baby would do to Myrka's life, and did everything she could to prevent that outcome, including what must have been a horrible experience telling Myrka she would have to move out if she insisted on having the baby, and following through on it

But Ethan's parents completely disregarded that and offered a very attractive alternative to a desperate teenager who was no doubt thinking she just needed to buy some time until the baby was born and her mother changed her mind.  While I'm sure Ethan's parents were embracing the idea of the grandbaby, I think their primary motivation was preventing an abortion no matter what it took, and like so many, they consider their work done once the baby is born. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 9

I would just really like to see a show that actually follows couples AFTER they try to parent as teens. I liked this show better than the TM franchise, and 16&P used to kind of serve this purpose, but as others have said, Unexpected was done well yet dragged on in terms of the births. And it's all kind of confusing. Tyra has had her child for a while, but we didn't get to see daily parenting. Then we have the girls who just popped. I get that people are more into the drama than a teen version of "bringing home baby'" but I believe the day-to-day content would serve a better purpose and not just create more D list reality characters. 

  • Love 6

@LibertarianSlut Your description of Alex reminded me of a phenomenon my family acts out from First 48 where suspects shrink into their clothing like turtles. We've counted almost 20 people who stuff their arms into Tshirts or hide in their hoods. And granted, most of those people SHOULD be ashamed of themselves, but the immaturity is still so irritating. 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 2

I really can’t stand Tyra. She is such a Karen-in-Training. Everything is about her.  Alex is mo picnic true enough, but he’s the domiciliary parent who’s actually raising Layla while she’s off playing cheerleader two hours away.  It’s great that she wanted to go to school but her cheerleader days ended the moment she got pregnant, for the second time might I add, and kept the baby. She should have enrolled in an online program, or gone to a school with married student/family housing and taken her baby with her.  You want a traditional freshman  college experience then don’t have a kid in high school. It’s rally not that hard. 

She barely comes home, and when she does, she seems to take every opportunity to spend time everywhere except at home with Layla. Even after she and Alex split, she couldn’t be bothered to take her daughter with her to her mother’s house? She had to stay with a friend and leave Layla with Grandma? And she somehow thinks this qualifies her to have a say about who loves into Grandma’s house.  Bitch please. 

Let’s not even get started on her fake ass, on the job training to be a Karen tears about Alex talking to other girls.  I don’t think he was right but how is that any different from her flirting with that lame ass football player on the beach in Miami? So it’s okay for her to be out getting attention while Alex is home with the baby? That shit wouldn’t fly if it was the other way around.  Say what you want about Alex, but his reaction to the entire birthday party shenanigans shows me his a far more involved parent and Trya is all about what she can put on Instagram to say she spent some time with her daughter.  

I also specifically remember Tyra being a complete bitch to Alex when they went to the go kart track. She wants him to be waiting for her when she wants to be bothered and that is not how life works.  Had she not been so self-absorbed she would have noticed he checked out long ago.  

As for Myrka and Ethan...way to make it all about you too.  And I actually believe Ethan’s mom when she said the break up had nothing to do with Myrka and Ethan.  That marriage probably was in trouble for a while.  Maybe they’re baby, River?, put a strain on their marriage. Maybe the last baby was a band aid baby to fix the marriage.  Maybe all the fancy parties and overly generous gestures to Myrka were to distract from what was really going on. I’m sure we’ll never know and that’s cool.  It’s their business.  I am going to need for Ethan to not act like the world is going to end though.  Yeah he may be blindsided, but dude, your like what, 17, 18 with a kid of your own. Grow up.

ETA: Lilly is a numb skull. Lawrence is a complete dick and she’d better get his mind right real quick.  Any man that will speak to you that way about your child that soon after birth should be avoided at all costs.  He speaks of the baby as though he’s his personal possession, not a living human. Yes, Aaliyah misbehaves, but even a well behaved child would have adjustment issues with a new baby.  They should have allowed her to take big sister classes to get ready for the baby.  She was so excited to meet her little brother and hold him, and dickhead Lawrence just crushed that. I hate him!

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

I really can’t stand Tyra. She is such a Karen-in-Training. Everything is about her.  Alex is mo picnic true enough, but he’s the domiciliary parent who’s actually raising Layla while she’s off playing cheerleader two hours away.  It’s great that she wanted to go to school but her cheerleader days ended the moment she got pregnant, for the second time might I add, and kept the baby. She should have enrolled in an online program, or gone to a school with married student/family housing and taken her baby with her.  You want a traditional freshman  college experience then don’t have a kid in high school. It’s rally not that hard. 

She barely comes home, and when she does, she seems to take every opportunity to spend time everywhere except at home with Layla. Even after she and Alex split, she couldn’t be bothered to take her daughter with her to her mother’s house? She had to stay with a friend and leave Layla with Grandma? And she somehow thinks this qualifies her to have a say about who loves into Grandma’s house.  Bitch please. 

Let’s not even get started on her fake ass, on the job training to be a Karen tears about Alex talking to other girls.  I don’t think he was right but how is that any different from her flirting with that lame ass football player on the beach in Miami? So it’s okay for her to be out getting attention while Alex is home with the baby? That shit wouldn’t fly if it was the other way around.  Say what you want about Alex, but his reaction to the entire birthday party shenanigans shows me his a far more involved parent and Trya is all about what she can put on Instagram to say she spent some time with her daughter.  

I also specifically remember Tyra being a complete bitch to Alex when they went to the go kart track. She wants him to be waiting for her when she wants to be bothered and that is not how life works.  Had she not been so self-absorbed she would have noticed he checked out long ago.  

As for Myrka and Ethan...way to make it all about you too.  And I actually believe Ethan’s mom when she said the break up had nothing to do with Myrka and Ethan.  That marriage probably was in trouble for a while.  Maybe they’re baby, River?, put a strain on their marriage. Maybe the last baby was a band aid baby to fix the marriage.  Maybe all the fancy parties and overly generous gestures to Myrka were to distract from what was really going on. I’m sure we’ll never know and that’s cool.  It’s their business.  I am going to need for Ethan to not act like the world is going to end though.  Yeah he may be blindsided, but dude, your like what, 17, 18 with a kid of your own. Grow up.

ETA: Lilly is a numb skull. Lawrence is a complete dick and she’d better get his mind right real quick.  Any man that will speak to you that way about your child that soon after birth should be avoided at all costs.  He speaks of the baby as though he’s his personal possession, not a living human. Yes, Aaliyah misbehaves, but even a well behaved child would have adjustment issues with a new baby.  They should have allowed her to take big sister classes to get ready for the baby.  She was so excited to meet her little brother and hold him, and dickhead Lawrence just crushed that. I hate him!

Tyra's been pregnant twice?

19 hours ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

On her first episode, she stated she got pregnant then had a miscarriage. I believe she got pregnant with Layla shortly after that. I don’t know if the first baby was for Alex.

Well since they've been together we since middle school I would certainly hope it was. She doesn't seem like a cheater. 


Yes, she had a previous pregnancy with Alex but had a miscarriage. Then she got pregnant with Layla awfully close to when her sister and cousin got pregnant with theirs. Layla was clearly a planned baby, but the other two might well have been, too.

OF COURSE adding 2+ hours of distance to a fragile teenage parenting relationship was going to break them up. OF COURSE. Tyra’s BS about how her going away to college to cheer was all about what’s best for Layla is revealed as the idiocy it was from minute one. Her unwillingness to give up on college cheer is even more foolish in light of the planned pregnancy. Now Layla lost any chance of growing up in an intact family. Oh well, Tyra got to go to Miami with her sad cheer team, so it was all worth it. 

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I am team Alex. I get the earthworm reference and think he's profoundly non-communicative but Tyra has always come across as a shrew. Going away to college and cheering was a despicable thing to do when you have a toddler, and then when she comes home, she's not happy to see Alex. She doesn't jump into his arms. She says she wants to spend time with Layla and ignores Alex. What does she expect him to do? She also has a terrible habit of saying "my child" about Layla even in front of Alex. I can see why he is finding entertainment elsewhere. Tyra's tears are laughable. If she watches the show, she'll see that she treats him like shit.

I do think he's a ticking time bomb and does everything in his power not to react because if he does it will be explosive. There's only so many times you can do that though. I can Tyra's conversation with him about going away to college as her telling him that she's going and that's the end of the talk. Alex knew there was no changing her mind so he was like whatever. Grandma, seeing their relationship in tatters, is fearful that if Tyra and Alex don't work it out, Tyra will take the kid and Grandma will be destroyed because it was she that is essentially raising Layla. Alex should have told Tyra that if she was leaving town to go to school, he was filing for full custody of Layla and she can file for visitation when she is done playing carefree college girl.

Did not know this was the finale. Have not watched it yet, but it sounds like a doozy. I hate tell alls as well and agree that they enable the producers to mail it in and leave us wondering about so many things as the weeks pass knowing they can provide all kinds of drama at the tell all. 

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