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I don't know any parents though who don't ever take their kids on vacation because they could be annoying, especially when you've got enough money to hire a small army to keep said child busy and off your hands. Lorelai could be a pain but it's not like she was completely incapable of behaving. I'd assume she was a relatively normal, if bubbly and perhaps slightly rebellious already 10yo. Did we ever get confirmation that Lorelai was an exceptionally difficult child? I thought she only rebelled against her upbringing in her teens. She might have been more lively and annoying than her parents wanted her to be before that, but nobody ever said she'd been a pain when she was younger.


They just could have taken a nanny with them to entertain Lorelai or take her somewhere if she had an outburst.

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Random nits:

  • If the insurance was so important that "the girlfriend" couldn't go back behind the counter, what the heck was Rachel doing helping out, even running the diner alone when Luke went to a town meeting?
  • Less than ten days after spending the whole summer in Europe in hostels with pillows that smelled like feet, why was a Yale mattress so disgusting?
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What bathroom did Rory use at her house? I only remember her lying on a bathroom floor after drinking too much...but was that Lorelai's bathroom upstairs? Or, is there a second bathroom? Where?


I want to say that there was a downstairs bathroom.  Honestly, the layout of that house was so odd to me.  I mean, from the outside, the upstairs looks fairly large, but in reality, it only has one bedroom/bathroom and nothing else. 

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Found a floor plan that someone did, which I think is pretty decent. She says that some of it she had to fill in as some things didn't add up... which is to be expected on a TV show set. 

From the comments there is seems like initially on set there was a closet on the ground floor which they ended up changing to a bathroom (I suppose because that makes more sense... where would the guests go?!?!?!)

The only thing I don't agree with in this floor plan is the third bedroom upstairs. But given what we've seen of the outside of the house, it doesn't make sense to have just Lorelai's bedroom and bathroom upstairs.

  • Love 3

In Kiss and Tell, Lorelai tells Dean the 'good bathroom' is upstairs, implying there's a 'bad bathroom' downstairs.

There was also perhaps an alcove upstairs where the sewing machine was kept, but in the rummage sale episode she and Sookie made repairs in her bedroom, not in an alcove.

Luke had the architect verify that there was support enough for the upstairs expansion, but it didn't expand the front outer wall, so either they expanded backwards or to the side or they used existing space. 

Edited by junienmomo
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In Kiss and Tell, Lorelai tells Dean the 'good bathroom' is upstairs, implying there's a 'bad bathroom' downstairs.

There was also perhaps an alcove upstairs where the sewing machine was kept, but in the rummage sale episode she and Sookie made repairs in her bedroom, not in an alcove.

Luke had the architect verify that there was support enough for the upstairs expansion, but it didn't expand the front outer wall, so either they expanded backwards or to the side or they used existing space. 


 Sad but GG was not the first show to not keep a building plan of how things work in the show's building structures. I remember years ago reading on Roseanne they had DJ and the girls' bedrooms mixed up for a few episodes because they switched doors on the set due one falling apart. After that, they had a person actually draw up a full building plot like in real life so things wouldn't get mixed up. Why the basement was used so sparingly in the series except to keep talking about the boat that Dan could never finish. It was like at Emily and Richard's house, outside the main living room and dining room. It seemed the house kept getting more and more rooms than a house could actually have. I also remembering at one point when Kirk talked about his mother's house about how his room was adjacent to it and then later on it was down the hall and then downstairs. That is some amazing house where when his mom wanted him farther away she could just shift her bedroom to where ever she wanted it. 

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  • Less than ten days after spending the whole summer in Europe in hostels with pillows that smelled like feet, why was a Yale mattress so disgusting?



I swear just thinking the phrase "Yale mattress" is enough to raise my blood pressure twenty points.

edited to add: also, realistically if you had an upstairs bedroom and a downstairs bedroom, you'd never put the kid in the downstairs bedroom.  Of course, now I'll probably hear from all the parents who put their children in downstairs bedrooms. lol

Edited by JayInChicago
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edited to add: also, realistically if you had an upstairs bedroom and a downstairs bedroom, you'd never put the kid in the downstairs bedroom.  Of course, now I'll probably hear from all the parents who put their children in downstairs bedrooms. lol


Heh.  I think the upstairs/downstairs bedroom depends a lot on the kid's age and how much you trust the kid.  If Rory was 10 or 11 when they moved in, I think the downstairs bedroom was fine.  Obviously there was no choice here, but overall it seemed okay. 

When Lorelai tells Luke that she slept with Christopher, he gets in his truck, drives to Christopher's and punches him... How does he know Chris' address?


 I never understood how he knew either. While many of us wished someone had done that to Chris years ago (and Straube). I never got how he could get there and so quickly and the fact that Chris was stupid enough to open the door. He knew who it was and Chris had to have a very good idea why Luke was at his doorstep. 

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One possible way Luke might have known Chris' address would date from that one-sided "no secrets" pact  between Luke and Lorelai.

She was clearly keeping him apprised of her activities and it was around that time that the now filthy rich Chris had swanned back into the lives of the Stars Hollow Gilmores. If Lorelai  and Rory were meeting with Chris to finalize various financial arrangements, it is not unreasonable to think they might have done so at his home. Lorelai would have provided Luke the address, perhaps even offering a landline if she could not be reached through her cell.

The landline number could prove useful to trace a new address if Chris moved in the interim.

One thing I've noticed is that when Lorelei and Rory are at the diner eating breakfast or drinking coffee in the morning before Rory has school, it's always absurdly bright outside (and of course, there's always tons of people milling around!). If Rory's school is like a half hour away (and she takes the bus), it cannot be that bright out that early in the morning when they are at the diner.

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One thing I've noticed is that when Lorelei and Rory are at the diner eating breakfast or drinking coffee in the morning before Rory has school, it's always absurdly bright outside (and of course, there's always tons of people milling around!). If Rory's school is like a half hour away (and she takes the bus), it cannot be that bright out that early in the morning when they are at the diner.


How about the time when Rory and Dean broke up for the first time and Rory insisted Lorelei wake up at 6 am and run errands with her? It's super bright out then. Even in the winter, it shouldn't feel fully bright that early. I've actually noticed that on several occasions and it's a bit annoying. 

  • Love 3
How about the time when Rory and Dean broke up for the first time and Rory insisted Lorelei wake up at 6 am and run errands with her? It's super bright out then. Even in the winter, it shouldn't feel fully bright that early. I've actually noticed that on several occasions and it's a bit annoying.


Heh.  This is the same show where we are told it is "winter," in Connecticut, but 90% of the trees in the shot are covered with green leaves.   

  • Love 3

That artificial light has seriously always bothered me on TV shows in general, mostly because it makes the morning look so inviting and like it's so easy and lovely to be a productive morning person; I remember especially when I was back in high school thinking what a load of bull that was and how dark it was when I would blearily stumble around and get dressed in the morning. Even as someone who likes to get up early, it can be really tough to get going if I want to go out to breakfast early on a weekend and it's super dark outside.

  • Love 8

That artificial light has seriously always bothered me on TV shows in general, mostly because it makes the morning look so inviting and like it's so easy and lovely to be a productive morning person; I remember especially when I was back in high school thinking what a load of bull that was and how dark it was when I would blearily stumble around and get dressed in the morning. Even as someone who likes to get up early, it can be really tough to get going if I want to go out to breakfast early on a weekend and it's super dark outside.



 I know, shows have been doing it forever and you just roll your eyes and go: "I want to live there too." Like when they talk about mowing the lawns in November when you can tell there is no green grass out or anything. Yet, it has to fill the plot.

I am rewatching season 1 and there is a bathroom downstairs as one of the episodes had Rory in there using it--it clearly mentioned her going there, and showed her opening that door to go in and out.  And I also remember the comment about the good bathroom being upstairs in another episode.  That said, I will have to re-look at how many doors are in that hallway, as in the episode I just saw it clearly showed the closet.  I will look in the next episode to see if there is only one door or two...if there is only one, it is sometimes a closet, and sometimes a bathroom :-)

Plus, what did Emily ever do with the check? It was never confirmed she deposited it or anything. Emily didn't even want it and couldn't confess that she wanted the dinners to continue because they had finally started coming together as a family again. It was just a horrible way to get the dinners and Richard even admitted he wouldn't consider it a loan, especially if Rory went for a Masters right afterwards.

  Jeeze, Lorelai could have used the 75K for the Dragonfly


Ok made it through 14 pages! Maybe I've missed something, but this has been bugging me - Lorelai paid back her parents with the $75k, although I guess they never really say how MUCH of that went toward Chilton.


But then at graduation, when Rory makes her own deal for Emily & Richard to pay for Yale, suddenly this frees up money for Lorelai to use as a down payment for the Dragonfly.


Was this same 75k used for both Chilton AND the Dragonfly?


Speaking of money and suspending reality, I wonder how much Lorelai spent on rating all the take out the first night at Yale, and to make another run to pick up the things she forgot to get Rory? Seems like an unlimited supply of money, except as others have pointed out, when they NEED it.


All that being said, LOVE GG :)

Was this same 75k used for both Chilton AND the Dragonfly?


I think so.  Lorelai didn't seem to have access to any other supply of cash to use. 



Speaking of money and suspending reality, I wonder how much Lorelai spent on rating all the take out the first night at Yale, and to make another run to pick up the things she forgot to get Rory? Seems like an unlimited supply of money,


Based on how many places they seemed to be ordering from, and the stuff she suddenly decided Rory needed, I would say she probably went through well over a grand. 

Ha. IIRC correctly, my first day at school my parents bought me a small box fan and we went to Steak and Shake for dinner. :)

Though, I suppose my father would have been a bit uncomfortable rating take out delivery guys hotness with me...


The getting take out from everywhere in town was cute the first couple times I watched the Ls FDAY and now it just makes me feel kinda sick.

  • Love 4

Can I nitpick about the god damn interstitial music on this show? Maybe I find it annoying because I've been watching several episodes a day, but that "la la la la" shit is grating on my nerves.



I KNOW!  The la-la-la shit has been driving me completely insane, too.  I am not a fan of much of the music on this show, to be honest.  The title theme drives me bananas, and since I've just watched all 7 seasons in something like 10 days, it has become this earworm that I'm struggling to kill.


While there were a lot of little nitpicks throughout, many of them the same as ones I've seen here, the biggest one for me is when Richard and Emily are singing "You're the tops" to Rory at her graduation party, and they reference a sorority, as in Rory is a "Phi Beta Kappa - WOW!".  Did I miss the huge chunks of her college career when she pledged, joined and participated in Greek life?  Something that the Rory Gilmore we were always shown would never do?  She accidentally became part of the Puffs at Chilton, but they dumped her when they got busted breaking into the school and found out she never wanted to be part of them in the first place.


Also, I know never showing Lane's dad was a "thing", but it really bothered me big time that he didn't walk her down the aisle at her wedding.  They should have skipped the ceremony scene instead of having him be so grossly absent during the one time it was really important that he be there.


I cried my face off during the finale.  They did a much better job of tying everything up nicely than I expected them to considering how far things had gone off the rails not too long before.  Everyone seemed to be getting a happy "ending" except for Logan, which was sad for me, because I came to really like that kid.  I'm going to miss this show, and I'm glad I got to see it all in one huge marathon.


Oh...it was mentioned upthread that Lorelai wasn't wearing the same necklace that Luke had picked out for her with his sister...I just saw that episode, and she was wearing the right one, but not until the very end.  During the party, she was wearing a different necklace, but when she found out Luke was the one who did all the work pulling the big farewell together and they ended up kissing, they showed us the next morning when she and Rory were having coffee at Luke's, she was wearing the right one.  I recognized it as definitely the same.  I thought it was a nice way to let us know that she and Luke spent a fair amount of time together after the kiss.

  • Love 3

Accidental double post, so I will use it to say that I was just now starting on "Parenthood", but I might have to watch a different show in between because it's too weird to see Lorelai be someone else's mother.  She sounds like the same character in her speech patterns and inflections, and her hair is the same, and in the first few minutes of the pilot my brain got all confused, first from seeing Peter Krause jogging like he did on "Six Feet Under", and then from seeing her physically attack her very unRory "new" daughter.  Guess I need to decompress a little.

Edited by Irritable

Accidental double post, so I will use it to say that I was just now starting on "Parenthood", but I might have to watch a different show in between because it's too weird to see Lorelai be someone else's mother.  She sounds like the same character in her speech patterns and inflections, and her hair is the same, and in the first few minutes of the pilot my brain got all confused, first from seeing Peter Krause jogging like he did on "Six Feet Under", and then from seeing her physically attack her very unRory "new" daughter.  Guess I need to decompress a little.

How funny you mention Parenthood, because that's the next show I'm going to watch! I still have a ways to go with Gilmore Girls yet. I started in the middle of season 4, so I'm going to have to go back and watch the beginning before I move on to Parenthood.

, and they reference a sorority, as in Rory is a "Phi Beta Kappa - WOW!".  Did I miss the huge chunks of her college career when she pledged, joined and participated in Greek life?


Phi Beta Kappa is an honor society, not a sorority. It's actually the oldest of all collegiate honor societies. Admittance is GPA based. I know at UPenn the cutoff is 3.85 for juniors. As another Ivy, Yale is probably the same.


Edit: Phi Beta Kapa admission in Yale is based on the percentage of A's and not GPA. And no more than 10% of a class.

Edited by solotrek
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in the opener for Jews and Chinese food, Paris says that Lorelei would be a great "lead off antidote" for her project on women and loneliness. shouldn't that be "anecdote?". maybe it's just Liza's pronunciation, but i've seen the episode literally thousands of times and she is definitely not saying anecdote.

I watched this episode today! And I heard antidote, too!

  • Love 1

I watched this episode today! And I heard antidote, too!

i'm glad i'm not alone!


and i'm not sure if this is so much a nitpick as a gripe, but does anyone else think Lorelei is really insensitive at the end of "A Messenger, Nothing More"? Rory has just gotten screamed at in the street for being a homewrecker, and Lorelei goes off about the renfair girl hitting on Luke and being a "little slut". i'm not condoning or agreeing with what Rory did, but i just think if your kid is in that headspace and you're obviously choosing to support her, you'd be a little more selective in your choice of words.

  • Love 5
  • Luke lived in the town his entire life, his father owned the Hardware store and died there, yet nobody in the town knew the date his dad died? Luke's "dark day" is acted like a mystery to everyone not knowing why November 30th was symbolic to him. 


  • Christopher's parents acted like they were in this high social class higher to the Gilmores, from their first meeting with Rory and never reaching out to her. But when Rory went over to their house after Christopher's dad died it looked like a regular middle class subdivision. The house didn't look that much bigger than Lorelai's. All the houses on the street were close together, not like the Gilmore's estate.
  • What happened to all the money, houses, trust funds when Trix died? 



I think so.  Lorelai didn't seem to have access to any other supply of cash to use.

She did get 30K from Luke too, was it ever said how much Sookie put in?

Edited by Artsda
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Phi Beta Kappa is an honor society, not a sorority. It's actually the oldest of all collegiate honor societies. Admittance is GPA based. I know at UPenn the cutoff is 3.85 for juniors. As another Ivy, Yale is probably the same.


Edit: Phi Beta Kapa admission in Yale is based on the percentage of A's and not GPA. And no more than 10% of a class.


I appreciate this clarification because I too (not being American or used to their system) thought it was a sorority. 


However, can somebody PLEASE tell me where this party was held? Because when Lorelai goes outside to meet Christopher, the garden didn't look like anything we had seen at Emily and Richard's house. It actually looked like Yale. But I can't see how they would be able to have a private party of that magnitude on campus just in the honour of Rory Gilmore...

Edited by timimouse


  • Luke lived in the town his entire life, his father owned the Hardware store and died there, yet nobody in the town knew the date his dad died? Luke's "dark day" is acted like a mystery to everyone not knowing why November 30th was symbolic to him. 


  • Christopher's parents acted like they were in this high social class higher to the Gilmores, from their first meeting with Rory and never reaching out to her. But when Rory went over to their house after Christopher's dad died it looked like a regular middle class subdivision. The house didn't look that much bigger than Lorelai's. All the houses on the street were close together, not like the Gilmore's estate.
  • What happened to all the money, houses, trust funds when Trix died? 


She did get 30K from Luke too, was it ever said how much Sookie put in?



 Exactly! I mean, you really think the town had their memories erased about the death of Luke's dad. His mom was never mentioned and TJ was well aware of their father's death and what he meant to them. Yes, I really would like to know where Straube and Francine came off better than Emily and Richard because they by no means looked or were told they were better than them in any respect except Straube was a major ass. As for Sookie, I think somewhere around 25K was put in and couldn't do more do to their baby at the time. Michele never added since he was working at the other hotel to cover his living costs before he was made manager at the Dragonfly. 


One of my favorite nitpicks was when Trix revealed that Richard borrowed money once and he paid her back in a month. I know he yelled at his mother about how that was even an example of poor money management if he gave it back to her in exactly a month. The only thing I can think of was that there was a big expense in a repair or something and Richard and Emily needed it done ASAP. Then he paid her back with either a bonus or tax return. Otherwise, that was very out of place.

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In addition to excellent grades and related academic qualifications, another requirement for admission to Phi Beta Kappa is good moral character. How someone convicted of a felony less than two years earlier could or would be considered for such an honour continues to be puzzling.


As to the townies not knowing the date that Luke's father died, I never thought it was surprising. Do people generally recall the anniversaries of the deaths of people outside their immediate circle of family and close friends? And not meaning to be cold, but why would they remember? It wasn't a shocking event and  he had been ill for some time. Did the family even have a funeral (with all the attendant town rituals) or was he just quietly buried beside his wife?

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