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S04.E21: Double the Moms, Double the Trouble

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Abby has her winning Select Team compete against her original Elite Team in Wheeling, W.V.; Abby rewards Mackenzie for her pop song success by giving her a solo against Sarah; the original mothers are angry that Abby is favoring her new team.


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Now I must confess that I was doing homework, and only looked up occasionally...

Lifetime really raised the bar on this one, a knockdown drag out fight with no consequences...awesome. I did think abbys face was funny, all she needed was a bucket of chicken and she would have quite the show. But I will say original recipe moms were right... If it were anyone else they would be out... I'm guessing she couldn't lose the younger girls because it would raise the average age.

I also enjoyed Christi's name tutorial.

CHRISTy is really giving Christians a bad name, I'm not the best or most religious person, but I'm fairly confidant God says not to judge (ie telling them they won't experience the rapture). I really hope she's acting for the sake of the show because if she's really like this then she needs a reality check.

Off topic, rhondinella, I'm so glad you are on this thread, one more chance for me to earn a rhondi... This episode didn't really lend much to me saying anything funny, but I'm working on it!

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I hate myself for watching this but I can't stop so I might as well talk about it.


These moms are all so ridiculous.  Abby is weird too with her "I know how to find talent."  How is putting together a team of good dancers trained by other people any reflection on her at all.


I was thrilled to see Chloe featured in the dance even though they weren't going to win.  She did great.

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Yeah, Abby really stacked the deck against the original girls.

Also, why does Abby consider Mackenzie "The Next Big Thing." Compared to Asia she sucks and for me she doesn't even really stand out amongst the other girls her age on the new team.

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Well, I am officially done! That fight was worse than the one where Abby felt the need to make a police report in my opinion. Abby as you like to say " everyone is replaceable" and you have just been replaced!

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I've never been so disgusted and bored at the same time. The new girls aren't that interesting to me and when their moms talk my brain seems to translate what I'm sure are actual words into the sound of angry hornets buzzing about. When the original moms seems like perfectly reasonable, rational people then I think it's clear there's an issue.


That fight was ridiculous. The children can handle themselves better than the mothers can. Chirsty refusing to apologize until the other mother did first was just stupid, grow up and either apologize or tell Abby that she can be replaced and take your child out of that horrible place! I had to laugh at Abby. So as long as the fight doesn't involve her or one of her original mothers then it doesn't matter? I'll bet anything that if it involved Christy and Christi (because that's not confusing) Chloe would have been taken off the team but Sarah would still be dancing.


The new team's group dance reminded me of something that Abby would have her original team do back when Paige and Brooke danced with them. I could really see all the original girls doing that perfectly. I bet Chloe would have been the one left behind because it's Chloe. The original girls dance looked like something they'd do at the beginning of season two. It was just below their abilities. No one should be surprised that the new team won. Abby is just horrible. I'd love to know what would happen if she gave the girls dances that were equal in terms of skill and choreography. Of course she never will, that will get in the way of her trying to show that...what is she trying to show? The message I'm getting is that she's a horrible teacher and needs to find/steal better trained students in order to win. Not the best way to advertise her studio.


I have no idea if I'm watching next week or not. This show has become a mixture of boring and depressing for me.

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Her new team is there because Lifetime didn't pick up a new season of AUDC.  They had to put the girls somewhere.  

Sick of this show, sick of Abby's shit.

Don't the contracts end at the end of this season?

Kelly and the girls are still in the credits because of the contract.  

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Wow... Abby totally set the old team up to fail....it's just a double standard all with the fight- if that would of been Christi and Jill or Melissa, both of their kids wouldn't be allowed to dance and any solos etc that Abby gave them would be gone, but yet with the new religious big mouth, nothing happens... As I was watching this show, all I could do was shake my head cause Abby is ridiculous...Abby should of stayed gone after her mom died...and how in the heck does Mackenzie get top on the charts with her song? Unless there was a lot of improvement, it would not and have not bought that track on iTunes...

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I hate myself for watching this but I can't stop so I might as well talk about it.




Heh.  This would be the official subtitle of this forum.  If we had those.


It was listed as a continuation of season four for some reason.



Alan Sepinwall has addressed this issue on his podcast.  Often this is done for contractual reasons.  The actors/personalities are committed for a certain number of "seasons," not a particular number of episodes.  And while there is a time limit on that commitment, it can span more than one calendar year.  So some shows instead of doing two shorter seasons and calling them different seasons will make two slightly shorter seasons and split them in two and call them two halves of the same season.  That way they have the "talent" locked in longer and they then don't have the option to renegotiate between seasons because they aren't really "between seasons."  It's one of the reasons (along with the desire for an extra year of Emmy nominations), that Breaking Bad and Mad Men both did their last seasons in two parts airing a year apart from each other.


That fight was worse than the one where Abby felt the need to make a police report in my opinion.


Oh but the fights where she's called the police have always been "assaults" (verbal or otherwise) on HER.  She's perfectly content to watch everyone else beat the crap out of each other.  She was filming the fight ON HER PHONE while it was happening.  I agree with @leighroda , all she needed was some popcorn and a glass of wine and she would have been set for the night.


Loved Abby's reference to her (very) failed other show "Abby's Studio Rescue."  She may have filmed 8 weeks' worth of episodes, but only 2 have aired so far, and it's looking unlikely they will show anymore because it was such a dud.  Kinda surprised Lifetime didn't edit that part out.


Oh, super.  As an actual thinking, rational practicing Christian, the thing I most want to see on TV is yet another unthinking, unfeeling buffoon giving all Christians a bad name.  We're not really all like that people!  I promise! Some of us aren't afraid to use our brains and aren't intimidated by different ideas.  Not that you'd ever know that from watching TV.  Or the news.


Could Abby's threat to cut Sarah from the team be any less convincing?  No way the producers are getting rid of the trainwreck Christ-y one second sooner than they have to.


Christ-i could clearly not be more over this show.  I think I'm beginning to believe her contention in interviews that she and Chloe want off the show but are bound by a multi-year contract.  So instead she's just rolling her eyes a lot and being as passive-aggressive as possible. Which frankly is exactly what I'd do too in that situation.

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Yeah. I think Abby pretty much set her "original" team to fail by giving them that non dancing dance against the cleaner, prettier one



Sure.  I just don't know why any of the moms is surprised at this point.  It happens all. the. time.

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I think the new moms are being auditioned in case the original moms don't re-sign.

Don't you mean "in case more than Kelly and Christy don't re-sign"?  I'm not sure what I think Jill or Holly will do.  Melissa would re-sign in a heartbeat.  I tend to think that Jill would also.  Holly I could see going either way.

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Melissa and Jill definitely would.  Kelly and Christi, I'm pretty sure would not.  Not sure about Holly but I've never understood her or her motivations here.


My that's why Christ-y is giving such a fabulous audition as a crazy person; she wants to take any future vacant "Christi/y" spot?  Cause, man is girl laying it on thick.  She makes Abby look like the most reasonable person in any conversation, which I honestly didn't think was possible. 


Could also explain why other mom who was in the fight with Christ-y (haven't bothered to learn anyone else's name yet) was so eager to get into it.  They all realize the possibility for open spots on the show in the future (if it continues) and know the way to make it is to be the most dramatic.


Now that I say that, this could be rather fun to watch.

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Why were Kelly, Brooke and Paige still in the opening credits?

Lifetime is too stingy to make another. They kept the original one for 3 long seasons, even when Vivi left halfway through the first...



Sad to see Kalani go, I really enjoyed watching her dance out of all of them on the show.

I also enjoyed watching her dance, but let's be honest, she was too talented for this mess. Good she got out when she did. 



I thought the original team's dance was ridiculous. Way below their abilities, ugly and outdated choreo and lame costumes. I do believe they were set up to fail. It would be interesting if they did the same dance or swapped dances after they had been choreographed. At least it would be a more even playing field.


Did anyone see at the end Holly was saying "Maddie, stop crying!". I would she was saying it because she thought Maddie didn't need to cry, but her voice sounded really irritated, and it's unusual to see a mum talk to the children like that. Chloe was crying as well. 


IMO no way would Christi sign again (I think most would agree on that...). Melissa would definitely. Jill and Holly could go either way, but I would lean to Jill signing and Holly not.

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From what little I can find out, Kalani was originally only signed through early 2014.  She did not return due to "contract issues."  One side apparently didn't want to sign or they couldn't reach a compensation agreement. 

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The mom (I think Tea's) who got into it with Crazy CHRIST-y was really aggressive. She pulled that new blond mom's hair hard! Her extension or bump-it almost came out. Then after the burly guy grabbed them, she threw a couple of real punches. Even when she knocked the display off the wall behind her, she didn't stop. I venture a guess that she has seen the middle of a few brawls!

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Mackenzie is "THE #1 pop star"... in multiple countries???? Really?  Admittedly I do not listen to the radio 24/7 nor do I read Billboard to see who's on top of the charts, but I do live in a house with 2 tweens who are pretty pop savvy.  I asked both my girls if they ever heard of Mac Z or her song and they had no idea who or what I was talking about.  When I told them Mac was the cute little girl from Dance Moms, my 10 yr old said "I guess if she's got a video on YouTube she can be called a singer."


That Christy woman is really pathetic. But I'd have to say all those moms (old team & new) are pretty awful people for putting their kids through this horror show.


And I'm sure there's a thread for it and I didn't (won't) watch it, but how did Asia get a show?  I found her and her mother very OTT and super annoying when they were on DM.  She may be a talented dancer but I couldn't get passed her annoying little chipmunk face and "oh Snap!" gesticulating every 2 minutes.

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Mac Z sounds like a rapper or DJ name. Why did they decide to make her go by a stage name? If you just told me the name, I would never guess it was a little girl.


And I'm starting to doubt the iTunes charts...there seems to be a LOT of people that claim to be "Number one on iTunes!" that are pretty unheard of. Do they update weekly? Hourly? Maybe she got a ton of downloads by little girls the first day and she was at the top for a few hours so she can claim #1? I have no idea how that works. Does Billboard still do a list? Call me when she hits that one.


I saw the preview for Asia's show. There have been exactly two shows in recent history that have so completely turned me off that I can't even watch the previews. This was one of them (the other is Honey Boo Boo - I barely got through her Toddlers and Tiaras episode).

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Maybe she got a ton of downloads by little girls the first day and she was at the top for a few hours so she can claim #1?

I think that is exactly what happened. She also wasn't top for overall itunes, just her catergory (Kids or pop, whatever/)

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Good Lord, I just decided to check out Mackenzie's video since it was discussed in the episode and here. That was...interesting... Can she actually sing? Because the vocals sounded very robotic. I think she would do very well being a Disney channel kid. Disney kids are typically pretty mediocre actors and singers, but it's their personalities that really draw people in, Mackenzie would fit in perfectly.


Also, I thought during the episode when they filmed her video there was a big deal made about Maddie not being chosen for it. I saw her plenty of times, further proof of just how fake this show has become.

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That video was an auto tune special.  :)  Mackenzie has personality when she wants to use it, but as you say she definitely is not a singer and not outstanding as a dancer in my view. 


Abby and production really shouldn't make such obvious distinctions between the teams if they want anyone to believe the competitions aren't rigged.  Given how the mothers talked about it, I'm not sure what the point was unless it was to try to create fake drama. 

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I guffawed at Abby's line to Holly, "You're wasting my time and I'm not paid to stand here and argue with you!"


Uh, isn't that the whole premise of the show and the only reason they all get a paycheck?! Please, Abby.


Watching the group dances, I actually really preferred the original team's number. It was darker than Abby normally does, the music was better (probably because I wasn't distracted trying to figure out what famous pop song they'd "redone" to avoid music rights), the moves were different, and I thought the girls were more in sync. The new team's costumes were better for sure. But one of the youngins in the back was consistently off by a beat whenever the whole group was doing the same choreo. I'm not 100% sure, because the fascinators blocked half their faces, but I'm pretty sure it was Sarah who was off, not Tea.


Oh, and CHRISTy is batshit. She legitimately worries me in a when-will-she-murder-everyone kind of way.

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Oh but the fights where she's called the police have always been "assaults" (verbal or otherwise) on HER.  She's perfectly content to watch everyone else beat the crap out of each other. 


Was it last year that Christy and Peyton's mom got into that fight in New Orleans and Abby kicked both girls out of the competition?  She talked about them being an embarrassment or something.  If she was being consistent she would have kicked the two daughters off in the last episode too.


Maybe she got a ton of downloads by little girls the first day and she was at the top for a few hours so she can claim #1?


Something like that.  It's like when TV shows claim to be #1 when it is really just #1 in people of a certain age group or in a certain genre or something.  Mackenzie is not even close to having an overall #1 song.  I hope they aren't messing with her head by making her believe that.


If these new moms are going to be a replacement team for next season, I will certainly not be watching.

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I rewatched this the other day, and it just occurred to me. I thought it was odd that Abby put maddie back with the original team, especially given that she generally sets maddie up to win, so when she put maddie with the original recipe girls, and set them up to lose I thought it was weird. Then there was that fight that would have gotten any other original recipe mom kicked off the team and in lawsuit-land and the speculation that Abby kept the girls because it would have bumped them to the teen group. when it occurred to me that she may have had to move maddie because with maddie being 11-12 (I'm not sure of her exact age) she may have bumped the average back up to the teen category for the new kids.

Just a theory I guess.

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So I've never watched this show before, but I have insomnia and I got curious (mostly because of the Sia video and my friend' explanation of who Maddie was).  I love dance shows, but I correctly surmised that this is not really that, or at least not enough of it for me. I know this show is basically about psychotically aggressive stage-moms and a megalomaniac dance teacher, but is the CHRISTY bitch the norm?  I got the impression from the above that you guys thought she was terrible too, but she's special terrible right?

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I meant CHRIST-y the nasty backstabbing, pushy, religious hypocrite.  She seemed a full standard deviation bitchier and more horrible than the other moms (who were pretty immature and bitchy themselves).  I was just wondering if she was actually worse than the norm or if she just took spotlight for an episode or two.

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