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All Episodes Talk: TRMS 2021 Season

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Rachel is wrong that no one is shouting from the rooftops about how to access the monoclonal antibody treatment.  Dr. Vin Gupta has been on several MSNBC news shows talking about this for over a month, and he also provides the website for finding the treatment near you:  https://combatcovid.hhs.gov/ 

I was waiting for her to announce this website, which is the real key to getting the treatment.  

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22 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

The show really freaked me out tonight. I can't believe it's legal to pass a bill like what GA just did. I can't believe that state legislator was arrested. Is this 1964? What is happening? 

That is why it is necessary to pass the voting rights bill.....Manchin is making me furious.

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Time will tell whether SCOTUS rules against the suppression bills-- I'm certain they will be challenged. But I agree it's super-distressing how bad things are that they're even passing them in the first place. Chris Hayes was asking on his show what would stop the GOP from winning back Congress and the WH in the future and reversing any federal bills (like HR1 and HR4) even if the current administration passes them. So... we have a really big problem.

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5 hours ago, possibilities said:

Time will tell whether SCOTUS rules against the suppression bills-- I'm certain they will be challenged. But I agree it's super-distressing how bad things are that they're even passing them in the first place. Chris Hayes was asking on his show what would stop the GOP from winning back Congress and the WH in the future and reversing any federal bills (like HR1 and HR4) even if the current administration passes them. So... we have a really big problem.

That is why it is necessary to pass these bills now!

Edited by Robert Lynch
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Ugh, Rach, a half hour on that disgusting Matt Gaetz story?  Really?  Yuck!  Oh sure, he’s an awful lowlife creep & it’s no surprise he’s proved himself to be a lowlife creep, but this went on too long.  I’m nauseous & need a shower to wipe off the stink of this story.  Still, it is nice to hear about him deservedly going down . . .

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11 hours ago, Robert Lynch said:

I almost vomit when I heard that Matt Gaetz story broke out. Interesting that the party is very silent about it, though. Why am I not shocked about that?

Yeah, I give it to Repubs — they’re great at staying silent, looking the other way or saying they haven’t heard about it, when scandals break about their own.  Er, as opposed to Dems, who instantly  turn on everyone & want them to resign before any supposed scandal is investigated.

As far as Rach goes?  I’m still kinda in shock that she spent so much time on this, given the lowball & sleazy tawdriness of it.  Seriously, when she had to read some quote that mentioned the word “sex”, she kinda whispered it cuz she seemed so flustered by the mere mention of it.

Seemed like she spent way more time talking about that sleazy Greenberg character & yeah, his criminal behavior is likely to have led to what will surely be Gaetz’s downfall (YAY!), but ultimately who cares about Greenberg?  Still, it was fun watching Rach rip him to shreds.

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Rachel's interview with AOC made my mom hold her breath whenever she speaks. I am use to her speaking her mind, but my mom has issues whenever she does speak what is on her mind. Such as a bigger $10 trillion infrastructure bill she proposed and adding her own list of problems that should be addressed, etc. I love AOC's passion and all, but she can't win too much with my mom. My mom is more of a Pelosi/Schumer fan, but she can only take AOC in small doses. Again her opinion only. All my other Puerto Rican relatives love her, but Mom is pretty neutral when it comes to her. She doesn't hate or love AOC. Rather, she is pretty meh on her whenever she is on TV. Again, her own opinion.

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Another nite of way too much time spent discussing that gross Greenberg character & Matt Gaetz?  Idk, Rach, I’m hearing there is way sleazier & even more disgusting details to what Gaetz has done.  Do ya really wanna go down this road, Rach, especially when you can barely say the word “sex” w/o blushing & looking embarrassed?  Move on from this icky Matt Gaetz crap, Rach — please?

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I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks Gaetz and adjacent scandals are getting too much coverage. It's not like Rachel to spend so much time on a salacious story like this, while hardly even mentioning a lot of other things that are happening in the world right now, all of which have major public impact and policy implications. She almost seems to be gleefully enjoying how lurid it is. Stop it! I watch your show for substance, not excitement. 

I was glad to see AOC back up why she thought the infrastructure bill was too small. That is going to be a hard fight to win, but having a reason, concrete numbers, and tangible projects to talk about is better than just going in hot with broad declarations, which is frankly all too common with politicians. I wish her and anyone else with her opinion about the bill the best of luck and I will tell my Rep to vote for a bigger bill if they propose one. But I'm not optimistic it will pass. Though, back in the day, infrastructure projects were the exact kind of "pork" that was used to incentivize Reps to vote for a bill, so... maybe that's what will happen. 

I am watching the Chauvin trial and I think the most significant testimony is not being recapped, in favor of just showing the most emotional moments. It makes me angry. I think this is an important trial and the nightly coverage is exploiting it without actually explaining the case. I really think Rachel ought to do better. It's why she's got the best ratings-- she usually cuts through the sensationalism and gets to the actual details. I'm not happy with how she's handling things this week. 


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9 hours ago, possibilities said:

I am watching the Chauvin trial and I think the most significant testimony is not being recapped, in favor of just showing the most emotional moments. It makes me angry. I think this is an important trial and the nightly coverage is exploiting it without actually explaining the case. I really think Rachel ought to do better. It's why she's got the best ratings-- she usually cuts through the sensationalism and gets to the actual details. I'm not happy with how she's handling things this week. 

MSNBC & CNN has turned this trial into the latest thing to cover all day & nite -- like they do with a hurricane or a shooting or Tiger Woods' one-car crash.  ALL their coverage & discussion of this trial has been so repetitive & mostly tedious.  No doubt this is an exceptionally important trial.  But I fear this over-coverage will lead the public to grow tired of it & apathetic about it.  LOD's trial coverage was surprisingly dull.  So yeah, I am still hoping Rachel will do a better job than anyone else at succinctly summing up the daily happenings of the trial without going overboard.

And this is the third nite she's going nuts over the Gaetz story.  Seriously, Rach, get a grip cuz you're starting to head into Fox News territory in your handling of this.  It's a lurid story, that's only gonna get sleazier.  We really don't need to hear about it every nite.

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9 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

MSNBC & CNN has turned this trial into the latest thing to cover all day & nite -- like they do with a hurricane or a shooting or Tiger Woods' one-car crash.  ALL their coverage & discussion of this trial has been so repetitive & mostly tedious.  No doubt this is an exceptionally important trial.  But I fear this over-coverage will lead the public to grow tired of it & apathetic about it.  LOD's trial coverage was surprisingly dull.  So yeah, I am still hoping Rachel will do a better job than anyone else at succinctly summing up the daily happenings of the trial without going overboard.

And this is the third nite she's going nuts over the Gaetz story.  Seriously, Rach, get a grip cuz you're starting to head into Fox News territory in your handling of this.  It's a lurid story, that's only gonna get sleazier.  We really don't need to hear about it every nite.

Hi ScoobieDoobs...
Consider the challenge that Rachel faces:  she is in the media business, which demands attracting viewers. 
We may not agree, may not like it, but...well, it's a business.
Remember the old rubric?  "If it bleeds, it leads"?
Gaetz, Chauvin trial...riots, fires, car crashes...these will draw viewers.
Outrage, anger...more viewers. 
Sad, disappointing, but, well, it is a business and these are the proven money makers.  <<<SIGH>>>

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1 hour ago, grommit2 said:

Hi ScoobieDoobs...
Consider the challenge that Rachel faces:  she is in the media business, which demands attracting viewers. 
We may not agree, may not like it, but...well, it's a business.
Remember the old rubric?  "If it bleeds, it leads"?
Gaetz, Chauvin trial...riots, fires, car crashes...these will draw viewers.
Outrage, anger...more viewers. 
Sad, disappointing, but, well, it is a business and these are the proven money makers.  <<<SIGH>>>

Am I wrong to expect more of Rachel than all the rest on MSNBC & CNN?  After all, remember that she was the one & ONLY holdout NOT to endlessly play those awful Trump clips.  Ya know, all the rest of ‘em (including Melber, Hayes, Williams, LOD & Joy Reid) still play those damn horrible Trump clips — and for absolutely no reason!  It’s so freakin’ bizarre!  But Rachel isn’t doing it.

Look, the Gaetz crap is not gonna stop.  It’s only gonna get sleazier & uglier.  Rachel & her producers need to make a purposeful choice immediately, to take a step back & not spend a half hour on it every nite — otherwise, her show is gonna turn into something resembling TMZ or Fox News.  Ugh!

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Ali really is a pro.  The guy subbing for Hayes is pretty awful -- he speaks too loudly & constantly talks over his guests.  I thought that kinda crap was over when Matthews was given the boot.  That guy is just plain unwatchable. 

I'm at a point that when the Gaetz stuff comes on, I tune out cuz now it's mostly repetitive.  Wake me up when something interesting happens, like he resigns or they kick him out of Congress or something really juicy breaks.

Oh look, I get it, Rach & her producers wanna dig the knife in & gloat over the downfall of yet another Trumper.  I'm all for that, but there's nothing new to report, and the story is just so sleazy & ugly.  Ick.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Oh, thanks -- I had seen a sub and assumed that Rachel was off today, so never came back.  But I did watch the repeat, and yes, RIchard was absolutely terrible at reading the words on the monitor.  I mean, several sentences were not even grammatical.  I know it's hard to step in on no notice, but I expect a news professional to be able to read a prepared script off a screen.  Ali did great, and I liked the little chyron telling us to hang in there:  


33 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Ali really is a pro.  The guy subbing for Hayes is pretty awful --


50 minutes ago, possibilities said:

Yes, Ali came on a few minutes in. I don't know exactly how many. I'm actually still watching on delay. He says Rachel is listening in and will be back as soon as they fix some technical problem or other. 


Edited by freddi
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That was some impressive stunt work Ali did. Mighty impressive. I was wondering the same as others here, was he reading Rachel's script or was that cooked up on the fly? Either way, impressive.

I can totally understand those who are sick of the Gaetz story, but I don't mind Rachel talking about it. The schadenfreude is just too delicious to resist!

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, DXD526 said:

That was some impressive stunt work Ali did. Mighty impressive. I was wondering the same as others here, was he reading Rachel's script or was that cooked up on the fly? Either way, impressive.

I can totally understand those who are sick of the Gaetz story, but I don't mind Rachel talking about it. The schadenfreude is just too delicious to resist!

I know, but I wished Rachel would do a slow burn to the two defenders that believe Gaetz is innocent. What a missed opportunity, though.

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8 hours ago, DXD526 said:

That was some impressive stunt work Ali did. Mighty impressive. I was wondering the same as others here, was he reading Rachel's script or was that cooked up on the fly? Either way, impressive.

I can totally understand those who are sick of the Gaetz story, but I don't mind Rachel talking about it. The schadenfreude is just too delicious to resist!

I'm glad I'm not the only one soaking in schadenfreude after all this time with the Gaetz nastiness. However, I would like to see an indictment, then stop covering. By then I'm hoping some other investigations will bring more pertinent truths to be covered. 

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Schadenfreude?  I really didn't think that was Rachel's style at all, to overly report on a story just to dig the knife in to Repubs.  If that is what's going on, I'm deeply disappointed.  Sure, the Gaetz story is an important one cuz he is a current member of Congress, serving on several important Congressional committees.  I'm not saying Rach shouldn't discuss it -- she absolutely should, but a half-hour every nite?  That's going overboard, particularly when there's yet another Trump scandal breaking . . . 

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So wait, did Rach mention Gaetz even once tonite?  And no flashing of his skeevy, creepy, smirky mug?  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just think she shoulda led with the Trump "donor duping" story.  How awful & horrible & yet soooo unsurprising is that story?  And yet the stuff the started with -- that she was "geeking out" over & going so nuts about?  I'm very, very skeptical any of that is gonna go anywhere.

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2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

So wait, did Rach mention Gaetz even once tonite?  And no flashing of his skeevy, creepy, smirky mug?  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just think she shoulda led with the Trump "donor duping" story.  How awful & horrible & yet soooo unsurprising is that story?  And yet the stuff the started with -- that she was "geeking out" over & going so nuts about?  I'm very, very skeptical any of that is gonna go anywhere.

Well, I just don't really understand what there is to be so much more excited about, because a lot of the really important stuff they need to do can't even go in reconciliation, like that reporter was saying. Not voting rights, immigration reform, gun control, the minimum wage. Yeah, they're doing infrastructure and health care, but weren't they always going to do those with their second reconciliation bill anyway? So what does this really change? That it can be broken up and passed at different times instead of all at once?

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5 hours ago, ruby24 said:

Well, I just don't really understand what there is to be so much more excited about, because a lot of the really important stuff they need to do can't even go in reconciliation, like that reporter was saying. Not voting rights, immigration reform, gun control, the minimum wage. Yeah, they're doing infrastructure and health care, but weren't they always going to do those with their second reconciliation bill anyway? So what does this really change? That it can be broken up and passed at different times instead of all at once?

I pray voting rights is on the top table. Or get rid of the filibuster. That's the true option....all these Repubs in nearly every US states passing voting reforms is just too much. I hope there is a way. 

Edited by Robert Lynch
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When the reporter mentioned Tom Selleck's relationship with the NRA, I was not surprised. If you want proof of Tom's stance, there is a very heated debate between Rosie O'Donnell on her old 90s talk show. She was definitely arguing at that point and I think it was his last guest spot from 1999! I remembered him saying over and over, "That's ridiculous!" So when that news included him among the celebrities that gave money to the NRA, I was not shocked. 

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Last night was the first time in over five months that I watched Rachel.  I tuned in because it was advertised during All In that Rachel was interviewing Beto O'Rourke. 

The segment was outstanding.  Rachel started out with history of the Republicans 2006 push to pass an extension to the Voting Rights Act that had been signed into law by LBJ in 1965 but was going to expire. To try to get African Americans to vote for them in the upcoming midterms the Voting Rights Act was pushed by Republicans with the help of large corporations, starting with Walmart. Sadly only about five years later the Supreme Court gutted it.

The interview with Beto didn't disappoint.  Although I always want to throw money into the voting rights efforts of Beto, Stacy Abrams,  etc, I don't know if it's money well spent for me because I don't live in their states.

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Okay, so- according to Rachel, now they have unlimited budget reconciliation bills they can use, and apparently there's some immigration reforms that can go in there?

I'm starting to wonder if this is all just kind of a game. Can they actually do anything they want with budget reconciliation if they try hard enough? Because it kind of seems like it. And if so, I'm sure they can figure out a way to get voting rights legislation in there too if they really wanted it. I'm starting to side eye the whole process.

15 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Ah, so the Gaetz floodgates are starting to burst open.  OK, Rach, you already devoted too much of the show to it — BUT you def provided great background.  Please, I beg you, Rach, control yourself & don’t spend the whole show (or even a half hour) discussing this nauseating character, please???

Maybe she will discuss Manchin? He just wrote an op-ed on the Washington Post....I was shocked she was not there yesterday. Usually, she has a few good antidotes here and there. 

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33 minutes ago, Robert Lynch said:

Maybe she will discuss Manchin? He just wrote an op-ed on the Washington Post....I was shocked she was not there yesterday. Usually, she has a few good antidotes here and there. 

Yes!  He just did such an idiotic interview on CNN, I had to turn it off, he said such stupid shit.  She’d really be doing much more good if she’d ramp up the pressure on Manchin, rather going on endlessly about Gaetz!

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36 minutes ago, gatopretoNYC said:

I loved Rachel talking about getting the vaccine. Now we know why she was off last night. ❤❤

Yes, I assumed the same thing.  Because she had seen up close how terrible the effects of this virus can be, and had been so terrified, I am sure that a lot of this flooded back in that half-hour she had to wait after the shot.  I like that she did this as a solitary activity -- I suspect that without any distraction of conversation, it became a very layered set of reactions (not vaccine reactions!).  I am glad that parts of this year turned out well (election), because sometimes, like with this opening, we can see the weight of concerns that she carries with her.  

  • Love 8

I didn’t need Rachel to repeatedly apologize for the swearing. Does she have to cut away because her network can’t air curse words? Sure. But people are understandably upset that a kid got killed. If viewers can watch video footage of people getting killed, they can deal with some well earned swear words on a late hour news show.

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5 hours ago, ahisma said:

I didn’t need Rachel to repeatedly apologize for the swearing. Does she have to cut away because her network can’t air curse words? Sure. But people are understandably upset that a kid got killed. If viewers can watch video footage of people getting killed, they can deal with some well earned swear words on a late hour news show.

I would guess she was being told to do that by producers, in order to appease the FCC gods.

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Man, I may be alone here, but I was completely lost watching Rachel last nite.  She was covering so much, so fast!  In the beginning of the show, she flashed a headline from a month ago & was going on & on & on about something & I suppose she heading somewhere to make a point.  But I got so bored cuz she taking so freakin‘ long to make whatever point she was trying to make, that I momentarily switched to Cuomo (forgive me please).

Oh Rach, how about making a point first — instead of taking 20 minutes or a half hour to get to it? Well, I’m just glad she’s not spending half her show on Gaetz anymore.  Maybe she finally realized he’s too nauseating a character to discuss & in the end nobody gives a fuck about him.

7 hours ago, meowmommy said:

AFAIK, cable is not subject to the FCC gods. 

I definitely have heard apologies for that same word on other cable news programs.  I assumed Rachel had to do that, or at the least, was covering all bases.  (Most hilarious example ever was the 2004 national Dem convention with the balloon drop and an open mike on CNN.  Anyone who heard it, remembers it 😂 -- many apologies followed.)  

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