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S02.E07: The Open Road

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Airs December 22, 2020


Lydia confides in Kim about her secret crush. Ethan jets off to Los Angeles to meet up with Olivia for a much-needed vacation away from Cairo, Georgia. Then, Lydia is in for some surprises when she joins Moriah for a girls' night.


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These KIDS. Lort. They really do seem like very sweet and kind young people and it just burns me up that their parents have instilled such fear in them. I admire Olivia for being willing and open to trying new things and I think it will be good for Ethan in the long run. Lydia breaks my heart. Moriah is such a pretty girl. I like that she’s having fun with clothes and makeup. That’s what girls her age DO. Poor Lydia is still too afraid. 

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I had to roll my eyes at Kim talking about her four ex boyfriends coming to her wedding. Everything is about her. I worry about Lydia because if she is fasting and constantly praying about possibly having a crush on a boy, she will end up marrying the first guy who shows interest. Kim should have told her it is normal to have these feelings and she doesn’t need to get married even if she wants to date.

I don’t really like Olivia. She seems to have a lot of derision for her husband and is constantly trying to push him to do things. It’s good to be open minded but people need to decide for the themselves on things like smoking weed, getting tattoos and even getting a massage. She also acts like she is so sophisticated when she grew up much like Ethan did.

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I get what you’re saying Mad - the way I see it is she wants to try new things and she’s trying to convey to Ethan that they can try things together and it will be safe. He’s a brick wall about a lot and I think she has to push if they’re going to branch out and have an interesting life together. 

On another note, the masturbation story disturbed me 😳  on the floor underneath his parents chairs at church and they didn’t notice something funny was going on down there? What?  Of course it’s perfectly natural thing for 13 year-old to do, but in that setting? WTF!

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8 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I get what you’re saying Mad - the way I see it is she wants to try new things and she’s trying to convey to Ethan that they can try things together and it will be safe. He’s a brick wall about a lot and I think she has to push if they’re going to branch out and have an interesting life together. 

On another note, the masturbation story disturbed me 😳  on the floor underneath his parents chairs at church and they didn’t notice something funny was going on down there? What?  Of course it’s perfectly natural thing for 13 year-old to do, but in that setting? WTF!

Yet she seems to be pushing him towards things she know he doesn’t like. My husband would never get a tattoo or smoke weed, those are just personal choices. I could see her pushing him to take classes or explore his interests but it all seems like teenagers daring each other to do something. I also think she has quite the ego. Does a small town wedding photographer really need a portfolio of LA pictures? 

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Okay, so I was watching Ethan and Olivia in California and was watching this video about them. Did Kim and Barry really have to petition for every kids' birth certificate after Hosannah because she didn't register the births with the state (home births)? What? So basically the kids had no record of existence or social security numbers if the video is true. If it is true then Kim is even more disgusting to me. Shelter them all, love them as long as they drink the Koolaid, and dont bother with silly things like birth proof until right before your reality show starts filming. What if the show never happened? How would Moriah or the rest find employment or other necessary things? Oh well not Kim's problem I guess. 

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10 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I had to roll my eyes at Kim talking about her four ex boyfriends coming to her wedding. Everything is about her.

Exactly! What the hell, Kim? What is Lydia supposed to do with that information? Kim is such an ass. There is something seriously wrong with her.

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okay, I almost never go online to look up stuff about the people on these shows, but I just made an exception and spent time that I should spend wrapping Christmas presents looking at Olivia's website.   https://oliviamarieplath.com/

It looks like she wants to do adventure weddings so there probably is a market for a photographer who doesn't mind a more exciting venue than the typical church.   My great-niece got married a few years back on the rocky outcropping of some mountain out west.  The pictures were absolutely stunning--both of the bride and the view.  My nephew who is pushing his mid 50's was able to climb up.  There was only room for him, the bride and groom, the photographer, and the clergyman.  It was a very tall outcropping, and I think many photographers would have declined.

As part of the make-over committee  for Moriah, I think we should work with Lydia as well.  That polka dot dress that Moriah has looks darling on Lydia.  Lydia is not as tiny as her sister so she might not be able to wear all the dresses that for some reason Moriah won't wear.  Lydia makes me sad, but she is young.  I am glad she didn't care for the purple lipstick, so maybe there is hope for her if she ever moves out of the Amish -Little House on the Prairie style.  I also want to style her hair.

I enjoyed the trip to California, and the discussion about chop sticks was hilarious.  I guess Olivia isn't very good with them, or she would have been tutoring and nagging poor Ethan about his method.  And I loved the car ride.  I drove  a 65 Mustang convertible for a number of years, and we had a series of Buick convertibles in the family.   I drove my dad crazy, because I would put the top down and turn on the AC, but we were in Florida and DC many of those years, and both places are hot and humid in the summer.

It is almost noon and instead of starting lunch, I am off to research the Joshua tree resort that they went to.  If we ever can travel again, I might like to go. 

Edited by Twopper
lots of typos
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4 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

Yet she seems to be pushing him towards things she know he doesn’t like. My husband would never get a tattoo or smoke weed, those are just personal choices. I could see her pushing him to take classes or explore his interests but it all seems like teenagers daring each other to do something. I also think she has quite the ego. Does a small town wedding photographer really need a portfolio of LA pictures? 

Ok, so I just got off the Joshua Tree retreat page.  https://jtrcc.org/

It is about 10 miles from the Joshua Tree National Park which I hope they visit.   It also is probably more out of his comfort zone than the tattoo parlor.  I bet she brought some weed with her.  A couples massage sounds rather mainstream to me,  but I can't see him walking the labyrinth.

as to the portfolio,  her website has a picture that looks like maybe it was taken on the rocky part of the California coastline. 

I am not sure he has developed many interests yet outside of cars, but we have several car people in the family and it really sucks up time and  money.  After all, a few years ago, all he saw in his future was being a farmer.

12 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

On another note, the masturbation story disturbed me 😳  on the floor underneath his parents chairs at church and they didn’t notice something funny was going on down there? What?  Of course it’s perfectly natural thing for 13 year-old to do, but in that setting? WTF!

Th;at story was tmi for me, and I am sure it was only done to shock his parents when they see it.  And I bet their relatives and friends are really loving his story ( said in my Thelma Harper voice).  So I guess the parents will be censoring parts or most of this episode---got to protect Isaac from hearing this story. 

I was hoping I could merge this with my prior post, but I guess not

Edited by Twopper
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Moriah looked so pretty with her hair straight and much lighter lipstick. Then we see the off the shoulder lime green skin tight satin half top again and it's all ruined.

Micha showing Lydia his modeling photo's. She was sooooo embarrassed. Micah really has no shyness at all, does he? He enjoys showing that body. And a fine body it is. 

It seems to me that Olivia doesn't just want Ethan to try new things. She wants a bad boy. Ethan will never be that. He's a good guy with the wrong girl.  

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21 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

On another note, the masturbation story disturbed me 😳  on the floor underneath his parents chairs at church and they didn’t notice something funny was going on down there? What?  Of course it’s perfectly natural thing for 13 year-old to do, but in that setting? WTF!

But he didn't know what he was doing!

Remember, he said his parents never talked to him about bodies, puberty, or sex until the night before his marriage.

It would be one thing if he knew that touching oneself is pleasurable, but something that should only be done in private - but he didn't. That entire incident came as a complete surprise to him, and made him feel uncomfortable. 

It didn't have to happen. It shouldn't have happened. That it did happen is entirely the fault of his parents.

Growing up, every time I asked my (not fundamentalist) mother any questions about sex, my mother said "We'll talk about that when you're older."

One day, when I was 11 years old, my mother handed me a small, pink book and then hurried out of the room 

The book was about puberty, menstruation, and the basics of reproduction. After reading it, I had lots of questions.

But the way my mother had given me the book, with no explanation, and then quickly extricated herself made it clear to me this was not a topic she felt comfortable discussing at all. 

But I'm stubborn. When I want to know something, I'll always find a way to get answers. 

Coincidentally, the year I turned 11 was the same year "Everything You've Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask) was published. So, I shoplifted a copy from our local bookstore. (Yes, that was the only time in my life I've ever stolen something. I felt horrible guilt about it afterwards, and still do).

That book filled in all the blanks for me, and because of it, I became a sex expert among my peers. 

Because of that experience, I vowed if I ever had children of my own, I would be frank with them about sex.

I was put to the test when my daughter was born on my 38th birthday. From day one, I always used accurate names for all of her body parts and bodily functions; no euphemisms. And whenever she began asking me questions relating to sex, I answered them using age-appropriate language. 

Thus, she never had to rely on what may have been misinformation from her peers, or trying to find a reliable website to answer her questions (the internet wasn't an option when I was a tween or teenager; if it had been, I wouldn't have resorted to criminal activity).

What Barry and Kim have done with their kids regarding not giving them basic information about bodies and sex is child abuse, IMO, because it has made all their children vunerable to sexual predators. 

12 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

 Did Kim and Barry really have to petition for every kids' birth certificate after Hosannah because she didn't register the births with the state (home births)? What? So basically the kids had no record of existence or social security numbers if the video is true. If it is true then Kim is even more disgusting to me.

This is definitely not the first time I've heard this. I've read stories of other children from Christian fundamentalist families who grew up and suddenly discovered they have none of the standard documents - birth certificates, social security, etc. - necessary to prove their identity to do many of the things the rest of us take for granted; get a driver's license, register to vote, enroll in college, get a passport, etc.. 

It makes it easier for the parents to maintain control over their children's lives, and helps the parents continue to evade the authorities...

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On 12/23/2020 at 8:13 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

I was put to the test when my daughter was born on my 38th birthday. From day one, I always used accurate names for all of her body parts and bodily functions; no euphemisms. And whenever she began asking me questions relating to sex, I answered them using age-appropriate language. 

This reminds me of a funny (great!) story I hadn't thought about in years.  I was listening to a local evening talk show in 1972 and the host asked how and when people should start talking to their children about sex.  Because my 4yr old was nearby, I called and told the man (Michael Dixon, Phoenix) that I've always used the correct names for body parts and spoke generally about sex.  I mentioned that my son could tell him how babies are made if he'd like to hear it.  He wanted to.  Jason told him that the man puts his penis in the lady's vagina and when the baby is ready it comes out.  So...that's "sorta" what I told him.

Because I wasn't raised hearing/knowing much of anything, it was important to raise my sons differently.

On 12/23/2020 at 8:13 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

I've read stories of other children from Christian fundamentalist families who grew up and suddenly discovered they have none of the standard documents - birth certificates, social security, etc. - necessary to prove their identity to do many of the things the rest of us take for granted; get a driver's license, register to vote, enroll in college, get a passport, etc.. 

In my 40s (recycled) a guy I dated took me to meet his cousin, wife, and new baby.  They had a home birth and didn't intend to register the births of any children...or do any of the above because they "fear our government."  That was the 80s.  The guy moved away, so I don't know if anything changed--or got better or worse.  Apache Junction, Arizona.

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On 12/23/2020 at 11:16 AM, toomuchtv said:

13 seems plenty old enough to sit on your chair at church and listen without crawling under chairs .

These children were not age-appropriate at any age ... nor were they taught how to live in "common" society.  They knew only the rules of their home.  Apparently no one at the service thought he was doing anything odd.  At least he has a "unique" memory.

Ethan is the most stunted of all the children (so far). Apparently Kim thinks she and her husband were SO BAD as young people that she must protect her children from everything outside--because it's ALL EVIL.  Did she not have any friends/acquaintances  who behaved?  Who didn't sneak/drink/slut around?  She has many mental problems, and her husband is a scared WUSS, smiling (creepily) at everything she directs.

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So Micah (or whichever one of them is the "model") wants/expects to have a normal modeling career, and what he is posting online is the way to get there?  I'm flabbergasted.  The first thing that comes to my mind is trying to recall if I've *ever* seen a high-fashion model with such over-developed musculature.  Does this kid never look at Vogue, or whatever high-fashion magazine he's aiming for?  I guess there's money in body-building contests and exhibitions, but I get the impression that's not what his ultimate goal is--he seems to want to be "discovered" by a designer or modeling agent, or am I reading this entirely wrong?

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On 12/22/2020 at 10:10 PM, RedDelicious said:

 Of course it’s perfectly natural thing for 13 year-old to do, but in that setting? WTF!

Because he had NO IDEA what it was...what was happening (instantly? enjoyable!) to him.  And...he's still so innocent he's willing to tell the story on national television--not realizing the ridicule he's in for. Guess I'm too old (80) to consider it shocking, TMI, or disturbing.  Perhaps the only "disturbing" part is that the poor kid had no idea what was happening, no information whatsoever!  His parents had told him nothing--he had no friends--and he's the eldest boy.  It's almost criminal.

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4 minutes ago, Mothra said:

The first thing that comes to my mind is trying to recall if I've *ever* seen a high-fashion model with such over-developed musculature.  Does this kid never look at Vogue, or whatever high-fashion magazine he's aiming for? 

So often we've seen well dressed men: models, stars, actors, wannabes, Bachelorette contestants...beautiful in their (tailored) suits.  Then we see them shirtless and ... va-va-VOOM!  Surely there's more work/longevity for top-tier male models than "high fashion."  

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On 12/22/2020 at 9:09 PM, RedDelicious said:

Lydia breaks my heart.

Lydia reminds me of my Catholic school classmates (late 1950s) who went to the convent.  Three girls went--different levels of popularity and devotion.  None stayed ... although one was there for over ten years.  Just innocent girls who REALLY loved their God.  Heavy on the innocent.  Too bad there's no convent for Lydia...to believe, study and learn from others.

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I hope they explored beautiful Joshua Tree. As far as Kim explaining LA to him how would she know? I just hate those blanket opinions on this area. 

Their eating was disgusting. He totally could have asked for a fork. 

But I cringed at them and how they wore their masks. Or didn’t wearthem and how the masseuses did not wear them.

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On 12/23/2020 at 12:16 PM, toomuchtv said:

13 seems plenty old enough to sit on your chair at church and listen without crawling under chairs . How long is church anyways? 

That actually bothered me more than what he was doing under the chair.  Um, yes, 13 is way too young to be doing that.  In preschool we would still sometimes let our kids lie down on the pew during Mass, but not once they started kindergarten!  Time to sit (or stand) up and at least look like you're paying attention.  Yes, sometimes church is boring.  Deal!

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On 12/23/2020 at 5:06 PM, emmawoodhouse said:

Fundie services can last a few hours. 

True.  A Catholic Mass is usually about an hour.  Still, 13 is way to young to be crawling under the chairs.

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Ethan's masturbation story was disturbing and seriously one he should have told Olivia in private. Yikes!

I wish that Olivia and Ethan could have chosen their Joshua Tree resort together so there were things both of them could enjoy. I get that Olivia wants to try new things and experience what's out there but she continuously crosses boundaries with Ethan and he is trying his hardest to establish healthy boundaries after years of never having them. If he isn't into tattoos, weed, massages, "new age stuff" and whatever else than that's fine! 

Aside from that random girl that Olivia was video chatting, does she have any girlfriends that she hangs with regularly? Some of the shit she wants to try and learn about could be done with close friends rather than constantly pushing Ethan's comfort zone. 

Poor Lydia. My heart just breaks for her. 16 years old and resorting to praying and fasting over a boy she actually hasn't talked to in awhile and has no connection to? Oh sweetie. What Kim should have said is she is young and there will be plenty of opportunities to meet MANY young men who will be interested in her. And she gets to chose who she wants to get to know and who is best for her! I worry about her. She hasn't had much chance to define who she is at all.

I wish Micah would cool it a bit with the flexing and body obsession. He is very attractive but shoving photos of yourself in a speedo in the face of your incredibly repressed sister is a bit much! I also got second hand embarrassment watching Lydia try on Moriah's ugly ass clothes, she was so uncomfortable. 


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That is my issue with Olivia too. She should find some girlfriends to have spa days and have some adventures with. Ethan likes the outdoors, he would probably enjoy hiking in Joshua Tree rather than massages. I think it’s fine to encourage someone to pursue their own interests and dreams, but just daring them to do things like smoke weed or get a tattoo just seems childish.

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15 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

 I think it’s fine to encourage someone to pursue their own interests and dreams, but just daring them to do things like smoke weed or get a tattoo just seems childish.

I agree. Olivia seems to encourage Ethan to try things she wants to do but doesn’t seem to encourage him in anything that involves something he actually wants. The problem is that Olivia and Ethan, who were sheltered for so long, are like two teenage kids in a relationship with their sex sanctioned because they are married. By 22, most people are focused on their future and aren’t trying to convince their partner to try weed or get a matching tattoo. They are already years past that. This is some high school level crap from Olivia. A part of me thinks Olivia will never leave Ethan because she seems to enjoy having the upper hand as the worldly one. I think she would be intimidated by any man who wanted an equal partner and didn’t need or want her to train him in her image.

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On 12/23/2020 at 8:51 AM, Twopper said:

okay, I almost never go online to look up stuff about the people on these shows, but I just made an exception and spent time that I should spend wrapping Christmas presents looking at Olivia's website.   https://oliviamarieplath.com/

It looks like she wants to do adventure weddings so there probably is a market for a photographer who doesn't mind a more exciting venue than the typical church.

There is absolutely such a market. Here are a couple of my friends, who almost exclusively do elopements and are generally booked up years in advance: https://thehearnes.com/#intro

These guys have been travel photographers for years, and they're only in their mid-20s. Olivia has a long way to go and a lot to learn to get to this level, but if she's good at photography (hard to tell, her stuff looks pretty basic and generic to my untrained eye), and adventurous (also hard to tell at this point), she could have a nice long career at it.

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On 12/27/2020 at 9:48 PM, MakingBacon said:

The problem is that Olivia and Ethan, who were sheltered for so long, are like two teenage kids in a relationship with their sex sanctioned because they are married. By 22, most people are focused on their future and aren’t trying to convince their partner to try weed or get a matching tattoo. They are already years past that. This is some high school level crap from Olivia. A part of me thinks Olivia will never leave Ethan because she seems to enjoy having the upper hand as the worldly one. I think she would be intimidated by any man who wanted an equal partner and didn’t need or want her to train him in her image.

 I was coming here to say exactly this. Now that I've seen Olivia more this season, she's really fucked up emotionally, even more so than Ethan is. At least Ethan tries to make things better, and you can see the little hamster wheel spinning when he does something that Olivia doesn't like. But she just lords it over him that he's a country bumpkin and she's his key to LIFE! She's just acting out like a 14 year old girl in a strict family. I've yet to hear her ask Ethan, "Hey hon, why don't you plan something YOU want to explore, anything new, and I'll support it, or I'll go hang out with my friends while you do that." Nothing.

Edited by gingerella
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