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S04.E10: Happy

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I knew when Gaetano started being the voice of reason, he wasn't long for this world. Very Fargo way for him to go.

I don't quite get the rules for Roach. I thought he just appeared to members of the Roulette family. Now he's real to everybody in the vicinity? Ah well, at least he saved Ethelrida.

And Satchel Cannon died on a lonely road in Kansas. Long live Mike Milligan.

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Honestly, Jotso and Gaetano being on the same page was the most I ever liked either one of those characters.  Makes me think that my main issue before was that the "rival brothers" plot is just so played out, and them teaming up is way more fun.  Of course, it was short-lived thanks to Gaetano dying in typical Fargo fashion: by shooting himself after he tripped on a log or something.

I guess it's nice that Odis found peace at the end and Jack Huston did great work as always, but I found his exit underwhelming.  I felt like I barely knew the character outside of his interactions with Deafy (R.I.P.)

Mayflower is finally arrested, but I'm sure her story is far from over.

Ethelrida stepping up massively and even impressing Loy.  Nice!

Leon (and Happy)'s attempt to overthrow Loy is so going to backfire on him, right?

I wonder if we'll actually see Satchel's official transformation into Mike.

Have to imagine Zelmare will still come back into play as well.

Actually enjoyed this episode: might have even been my favorite of the season (despite the lack of Rabbi, Deafy, or Doctor Senator.)  I just wish it got to this point sooner for me.

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Gaetano's death was as clownish as he was. Highlight of the series so far! Have we met Groucho or Adelina yet? The only person I remember with an eye injury or patch of any kind is Omie.

Josto seemed to be really short in this episode. I wonder if it was to show his decreasing power.

I mention this only bc in the Fargo universe, things mean things: Satchel held the gun left-handed, but I rewatched the scene in S2 when Mike killed the undertaker, and he shot him right-handed. I've been scanning S4 but can't find a scene where Satchel is doing homework/writing or something to check his handedness. I still think Satchel is Mike, so maybe it was as simple as setting-up the camera angle, but when has Fargo ever been lazy like that? (I'm left-handed. We notice.)

Loved how the camera imitated Oraetta's walk as it went up the stairs!

The ring got connected finally! We knew Ethelrida had to get it in the hands of the Faddas somehow, but I would've never guessed Loy as the conduit. I'm guessing Loy and Josto use it to save face and stop the war without anyone winning. 

And something just occurred to me: I've been wondering why Owney gave Rabbi up twice and am now thinking Rabbi was too old for Owney to molest (or he only liked very young children) which is why he kept the younger son.

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1 hour ago, Blakeston said:

I guess Gaetano's fall on the ice earlier in the season foreshadowed his eventual death. Farewell to the worst actor the series has ever seen, by a large margin.

I can't really fault his acting.  The character was just so broadly-drawn and cartoonish, and he was having fun with it.    I did do a half-gag half-laugh when the top of his head fell off in a neat little circle. 

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14 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

I wonder if we'll actually see Satchel's official transformation into Mike.

I thought we did see Satchel Cannon transform into Mike Milligan when he gave those wannabe easy-rider killers a run for their cojones.



7 hours ago, Kiddvideo said:

I mention this only bc in the Fargo universe, things mean things: Satchel held the gun left-handed, but I rewatched the scene in S2 when Mike killed the undertaker, and he shot him right-handed. I've been scanning S4 but can't find a scene where Satchel is doing homework/writing or something to check his handedness. I still think Satchel is Mike, so maybe it was as simple as setting-up the camera angle, but when has Fargo ever been lazy like that? (I'm left-handed. We notice.)

I'm left handed but also ambidextrous and do a few things right handed. Maybe Mike Milligan is the same.  

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53 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I'm left handed but also ambidextrous and do a few things right handed.

Pretty sure that not every left-handed hitting baseball player throws with their left hand...

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Gaetano, after everything he has done and how many people have tried to kill him, killing himself accidently by tripping and blowing his brains out like a dunce was classic Fargo, especially given the foreshadowing from back when he killed those bar employees after one of them chuckled at him falling on the ice outside the bar. Being a big dumb gun totting thug got him eventually, even if it probably wasn't in the way he expected. Its almost too bad, I actually found him much more interesting getting along with his brother than their stupid dick measuring contest. Despite most of the characters I actually like being killed off, this was actually a pretty good episode, it felt much more classic Fargo than a lot of this season has felt. 

Not too surprising that the big New York people want all of this handled, all of these headlines are probably bad for business, and its hard to make money when your busy killing each other. Presumably that's also why Happy, also apparently a bigger gun, being a major backer of the Cannons, is looking to do business with the Italians to get all of this settled and back to making money. 

Nice to see Ethelrida finally getting involved in the story and taking some initiative, maybe that's another reason that this episode worked better for me, our "normal" person character was actually getting involved in the plot as a foil for the more ruthless or stupid crooks that we follow around. Glad that they are getting back to Oraetta killing the head of the Fadda family, it will be interesting to see what Loy does with that information. 

So Ethelrida's family has a ghost that follows them around as a part of a family curse? I wonder if that will also tie into Rabbi's father curing him "and his offspring" as he died? Maybe that will pass onto Satchel?

Sad to see Odis go, but at least he died holding onto a happy memory and looking at peace. He wasn't a good guy and did some very nasty things, but I found him quite interesting and I did feel bad for him, with his crushingly depressing bad story. 

I think that Satchel pulling his gun at the two creeps in the truck was the official start of his transformation into Mike Milligan. 

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56 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Gaetano, after everything he has done and how many people have tried to kill him, killing himself accidently by tripping and blowing his brains out like a dunce was classic Fargo, especially given the foreshadowing from back when he killed those bar employees after one of them chuckled at him falling on the ice outside the bar. Being a big dumb gun totting thug got him eventually, even if it probably wasn't in the way he expected. Its almost too bad, I actually found him much more interesting getting along with his brother than their stupid dick measuring contest.

Kudos to the show for offsetting Satchel's badassery with a gun by showing why playing with guns is not a good idea in Gaetano's self-demise. 
Plus, Satchel didn't actually use it/waste bullets.

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I laughed out loud when Gaetano tripped and blew out his brains.  And then kinda laughed/ewwed when the top of his head popped off.

I think this was the best episode so far.  Everything seems to be coming together.  

How, tho, is the ring going to win the war?  It's not like Ethelrida knows that Josto hinted to Nurse Crazypants to kill his dad.

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1 hour ago, madmax said:

I laughed out loud when Gaetano tripped and blew out his brains.  And then kinda laughed/ewwed when the top of his head popped off.

I think this was the best episode so far.  Everything seems to be coming together.  

How, tho, is the ring going to win the war?  It's not like Ethelrida knows that Josto hinted to Nurse Crazypants to kill his dad.

I’m not so sure Josto wanted her to kill him. 🤨

I shouted “F**k!” (sorry, neighbors) when the top of Geatano’s head came off, then rewound it and watched it again! 😆 Did Josto’s guys disable Odis’s car? I was wondering why he didn’t drive off. Interesting that Jack Huston is from British aristocracy on his mother’s side and American film royalty on his father’s.

Happy (conviction: cattle rustling 😆)consulting the ancestors’ pictures was funny. 

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2 hours ago, paigow said:

Odis definitely forgot his keys.

Wouldn't have mattered. Odis would probably flood his engine by OCD-starting and re-starting six times. Can't believe he just sat there waiting to be killed. What was the purpose of his character anyway?

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1 hour ago, Bluesky said:

I don’t understand this.  Who is Mike Milligan?

The (unconfirmed) theory is that Satchel changed his name, and became Mike Milligan in S2 in tribute to Rabbi Milligan.

Joe Bulo, the tall Italian guy from New York, was also in S2, which is set in 1979 and takes place mostly in Fargo and Sioux Falls, SD, so we know they survive S4. Season 2 is about the KC mob wanting to take over the Fargo territory. It's worth the watch if you have Hulu!

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Most every character is a caricature of a typical human.  So, of course a ring will have the power to lead them to rationality and end the war, which Josto was on the verge of winning bigly.  Happy will not be happy.

Roach/Snowman makes for an interesting mysticism.   The very great problem is that Hawley (or any writer for that matter) can create any reality they so choose by using the fantastical.  Did Roach conjure the tornado?  I did have a huge problem with Oral-etta losing her mind when she had a vision and/or a whiff of the phantasma.  Have we often seen such a cold-blooded and single-minded character as she?  And a ghostie stops her from an easy peasy injection?  One she had done any number of times before?  Riiiight.

The other big issue I had was the significant passage of time from the last ep, which was in late Winter, well before any planting.  This was Spring, post-planting, many weeks later.  Happy's two weeks would have been long past.  No mention whatsoever about what resulted.  Why would Satchel still have been walking aimlessly on that road?  Or was the greening of the earth and the blooming garden around the Smutny porch just supposed to be some silly visual clue about a new day dawning in the epic?  

Then, we had the two minions dictating to Josto what New York wanted.  When, and how the heck, was that communicated to them and why wasn't Josto on pins and needles to learn of it?  He is not that big a fool.  Instead, we get them just sitting around and nobody makes this crucial messaging a priority.  Hawley insanity.  

I loved the Mike character and would be fine to know that he was Satchel.  I most want some reference to a certain future dentist in the finale.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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