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2 minutes ago, aghst said:

Narcissists feeling compelled to attack back is more related to being easily-triggered.

When someone says "fuck you" that is a verbal attack that many would say warrants a response in kind. "Fuck you" is triggering to a lot of people. That doesn't make them a narcissist.

Harper is being insulted to her face. I would be worried if she wasn't triggered by that.

8 minutes ago, Lassus said:

I still love the show, but it is very very very hard to watch as there is absolutely no one to root for.  Rob, kinda, I guess, who had one line in this entire episode.

I said the same with regard to Rob. He's the only one that has kind of backed away from the shenanigans. Rob seems a little redeemable now relative to previous seasons.

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@aghst, I mean I get all this, and it’s not unfair, and it’s obviously subjective on my part, but there’s a real emotional masochism trend in entertainment that comes and goes throughout the years.  Hell, look at poor Peter Parker, Matt Murdock.  The Bear can be grueling as well.  I don’t want flowers and rainbows, but on occasion, it could rain just a little lighter on a day and it wouldn’t mean the show is now bad.  The Wire, Breaking Bad, hell, if I’m citing BREAKING BAD in a quest for slightly less bleak, you know there’s an issue.  People do like to watch misery, I know.

8 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

I said the same with regard to Rob. He's the only one that has kind of backed away from the shenanigans. Rob seems a little redeemable now relative to previous seasons.

Sure, and the actor who played Gus wanted to go, so good on him for his career, and it’s not his responsibility, but the show is lesser (to me) for that character’s absence. SweatPea and not-Rishi aren’t really cutting it.

Edited by Lassus
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14 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

When someone says "fuck you" that is a verbal attack that many would say warrants a response in kind. "Fuck you" is triggering to a lot of people. That doesn't make them a narcissist.

Harper is being insulted to her face. I would be worried if she wasn't triggered by that.


Pretty sure though that Yas called her a narcissist.  Or was that Eric or maybe both of them did.

They both called her out for using and hurting people.

Which is not altogether different from last season what her own brother said about her.


IIRC, Daria had some choice words about Harper in season 1 as well but Eric backed Harper at the time.

How many of the other characters like Harper?  She's burned a lot of bridges.  Her previous boss was wary of her until Petra decided to use her connections with Pierpoint.

OTOH Daria seems willing to work with her since LeviathanAlpha could bring a lot of money to her employer.

But are they going to be wary, look out for Harper trying to bury a shiv in their backs?

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Harper is definitely an odd duck.  I think they’ve collectively done a good job showing both that she does genuinely care for people, but can’t quite go the whole way about it.

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8 minutes ago, aghst said:

Pretty sure though that Yas called her a narcissist.  Or was that Eric or maybe both of them did.

I don't recall. I'd have to go back and rewatch but I do remember Yas saying "fuck you."

I don't argue that Harper has narcissistic tendencies. I just make the distinction that in that one particular instance with Yasmin, Harper feeling the need to fire back is not a sign of narcissism IMO in that one instance. That's because I think anyone would feel the need to fire back and would be triggered if someone said "fuck you" to your face and insulted you. That's all.

Yasmin was clearly angry and triggered in her own right and confronted Harper in a harsh and triggered way, and to not expect Harper to respond with the same energy that she was given seems unreasonable to me... and to say she's a narcissist because she fired back with the same energy she was given seems unreasonable to me.

This is not me saying Harper is not a narcissist but I don't think that one instance was narcissistic behavior.

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So Harper has the hots for Rob and she resents the heck out of Yasmin because he "prefers" her. 

Eric is a psycho. 

I miss Venetia. I found her interesting going back to her first appearance on the recruiting episode. Plus she was stunningly beautiful. 

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This show makes me miss Billions. If this is what a bank is like then AxeCap dodged a bullet when told they couldn't own one. Although Pierpoint would be better for having a Dr. Wendy calling out everybody's individual BS.

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12 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

This show makes me miss Billions. If this is what a bank is like then AxeCap dodged a bullet when told they couldn't own one. Although Pierpoint would be better for having a Dr. Wendy calling out everybody's individual BS.

On Billions, Axe was buying a commercial bank, not an investment bank. If I recall correctly, they didn’t want Axe risking people’s deposits. Investment banking is a riskier business, and I just imagine Axe smashing through that “Chinese wall” that’s supposed exist between investment banking side and the asset management side. Axe didn’t give a damn about compliance. 😂

Edited by AntFTW
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On 9/16/2024 at 4:57 PM, AntFTW said:

Developing relationships may be more of her speed. Knowing 7 languages allows her to connect with potential clients in a way that her English-only speaking colleagues cannot. The PWM job may have been more in her lane.

PWM was a great fit for her until she slept with Celeste and ruined everything. I know she left because she didn't like the clientele, but she's in for a rude awakening if she thinks men like her father don't make up the bulk of Pierpoint's clients. She could've used her foreign language and relationship-building skills better in that department. Yas is not cut out for whatever Eric's desk does.

On 9/17/2024 at 4:02 AM, BigDfromLA said:

So Harper has the hots for Rob and she resents the heck out of Yasmin because he "prefers" her. 

I was surprised that Harper didn't have a rebuttal about that because that's not how I read that exchange at all. When Harper told Yas that she (Yas) treated Rob horribly and he still chose her, Harper was right. She was calling Yas out on her selfishness. I didn't detect jealousy. 

Although I enjoyed the Rishi episode, this is the strongest one of the series, so far. This season, we're seeing the obvious ways Eric and Harper mirror each other. Not only are they two minorities in the very white world of banking, but they're both frauds. Harper faked her college transcripts, and in s3ep1, we learned that Eric's real name is Alvin America Tao. 

Eric got Harper fired because he recognized that she'll stop at nothing to achieve her goals, and he's the same way. However, he's trying to course-correct this season with Yas and Rob, but it isn't working out. He was a shark on the desk when Harper was his mentee, but he de-fanged himself being around Yas and Rob. They're soft, and because he wants to be a gentler version of himself, and take on their personalities, he's getting outsmarted. He's off his game. 

Harper overplayed her hand in her attempt to "connect" with Petra, and Eric did the same thing with Yas at the restaurant. They were both shut down. They don't connect with anyone on human levels, it's leverage that they're searching for. We saw what happened to Kenny when he saw Eric at his lowest point. Eric fired him.

He called out Harper for screwing over Yas, but he did the same thing to Rob last week. He seemed to bond with Rob during COP, only to use him as a scapegoat for the Lumi hearings. 

They're the same person. 

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15 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

Eric got Harper fired because he recognized that she'll stop at nothing to achieve her goals, and he's the same way.

Absolutely! He’s just like her. In addition to that, I think Eric felt a little threatened by Harper. Eric is completely okay with Harper’s tactics as long as it’s not being used against him.

18 minutes ago, Sheenieb said:

Eric did the same thing with Yas at the restaurant.

I’m curious. What does everyone think of Eric taking Yas out to lunch? I don’t think he intended to be inappropriate but it was borderline inappropriate. What was the intent of that lunch?

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16 minutes ago, AntFTW said:


I’m curious. What does everyone think of Eric taking Yas out to lunch? I don’t think he intended to be inappropriate but it was borderline inappropriate. What was the intent of that lunch?

I'm not sure what Eric's intention was.

But the writers' intention may have been to have yet another masturbation scene.

I think every cast member is contractually obligated to simulate it on the show.🤭

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On 9/16/2024 at 7:02 AM, NeenerNeener said:

He was told that everything in the presentation had to be in a certain font (and/or not be in another certain font) so the guy who was going to use the presentation wouldn't go ballistic. Hari screwed up and selected the wrong font for one page, and didn't notice it until all the copies had been printed and it was too late to fix it. It's probably not something a viewer would catch unless you've done a few Word docs for corporate meetings.

Wow, all that over a font. I used Word a lot at work, but I still didn't catch it. At one of my previous companies, there was a certain font we had to use for all communications. Poor Hari. I guess they were trying to depict what a stressful environment everyone is in at this firm. 

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On 9/18/2024 at 4:56 PM, aghst said:

I'm not sure what Eric's intention was.

But the writers' intention may have been to have yet another masturbation scene.

I think every cast member is contractually obligated to simulate it on the show.🤭

LOLL agreed.  But it wasn't at all clear to me that Eric was hitting on Yas.  He was trying to connect with her in a vaguely paternal way, which for Yas is of course always sexually fraught.  I think it was left ambiguous.

I also think that Eric, Harper, Yas, and her dad are all narcissists in different ways to different degrees.  And what narcissists do is project.  I was broken up with by a narcissist and everything they said to me was an accurate description of themselves and their behavior--it was very unsettling.  So this whole episode was like a big narcissistic/damaged hall of mirrors, with Harper's echoing of Charles's words to Yas as the cherry on the cake (and I don't think that was deliberate on Harper's part, as I have seen others argue).


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I actually felt bad for Yas. I hate the threat of lawsuits, especially when they are empty threats. Yas is damn-near penniless. Suing Yas personally (and winning that lawsuit) will gain them nothing because Yas has no assets. There is nothing to take from her, and they know this and still make the threat to waste money on expensive attorneys to sue a penniless person.

They're offering Yas money to be the scapegoat. It better a heck of a lot of money. It better be fuck-you money.

I feel like they made an effort to show the room service guy that Harper's screwing.

Good for Rob, yelling Yas about herself with the games!

Wow! They made Adler the scapegoat! 😂

Eric made a power move! I respect it! I would do it if the opening presented itself.

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Interesting the rivalries and scheming in the executive suite.

Harper made the move against Pierpoint and Eric, her former mentor, takes out his mentor when he sees the chance.  So cool and understated with the statement that Adler seemed “out of sorts” as he plunged the shiv.

Yas is fighting back but she’s going to rope in the women her father took advantage of.  Why not, everyone else in this world is sharpening their claws.

Robert is trying to escape it but not sure medical grade hallucinogen is benign.

Petra really can’t be shocked that Harper skirts the law, possibly could get them in trouble. 

But English Old Money is like the mob, makes Harper get in a car to see the boss?


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1 hour ago, MCMLXXVII said:

This is surprising now that I’m watching 3:8, it’s definitely written like a series finale. Also, it wasn’t even  hyped as a season finale, HBO usually tells us “now, the season finale of ____”

This definitely had series finale vibes. There were no cliffhangers and all of the plots were completed.

It's like they really wanted to go out with a bang with Rishi's walls being painted with his wife's brains... and then Alondra's confession about Charles.

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I was excited that the show was renewed, but yes, this episode felt like a wrap-up of the stories they've told over the past three seasons. 

I didn't like that they killed Rishi's wife.  I wish they had opted to keep it out of the show. 

After having watched soaps, I knew the minute she asked Rob to go explore with her and then had sex with him, I knew she'd end up with Henry.  I'm not at all mad about it either as this is who the character is.  They did a lot of little things in the episode to point towards her decision from the publisher telling her she doesn't have a family to the whole scene at the gas station. 

I wonder if there's a role for Eric in the next season. 

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Harper's storyline had a whole different vibe on Suits. I underestimated Yas' self-awareness.

Is it me or was Eric's storyline an ode to people longing for a yesterday that only existed for cis men? 

Fantastic season! So glad it will be back for another season.


Edited by Drumpf1737
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7 hours ago, AntFTW said:

What a mindfuck for Rob.

And yet, I wasn't surprised by what Yasmin did to/with him because I saw that among some of my friend group when we were in our 20s. She was taking care of "unfinished business" while she was still officially "single". 

I'm still undecided about whether Charles molested Yas and/or pimped her out to his friends when she was a child, but I'm leaning towards, "Yes, he did both". She seemed so adamant that it didn't happen, but her reaction to Alondra's story was too extreme.

Edited by NeenerNeener
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I dont understand why Henry's uncle seemed to be pushing Yas into marrying Henry. She's a tabloid queen with a bad backstop with a criminal dead dad. Why would an aristocratic family want to be associated with that? You would think they'd be pushing Henry into someone less tainted. 

Rob will be just fine. In the US they dont care as much about who your parents are or what school you went to.  Hes got his money to launch himself. 


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1 hour ago, lemoncake said:

I dont understand why Henry's uncle seemed to be pushing Yas into marrying Henry.

My guess is because he went to school with her father, and as much as he didn't like her father, that tie makes him think of her as "family".  And he believes in protecting his family. But that's just based on the conversation he had with her that morning before she boinked Rob.

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1 hour ago, lemoncake said:

I dont understand why Henry's uncle seemed to be pushing Yas into marrying Henry. She's a tabloid queen with a bad backstop with a criminal dead dad. Why would an aristocratic family want to be associated with that? You would think they'd be pushing Henry into someone less tainted. 

Rob will be just fine. In the US they dont care as much about who your parents are or what school you went to.  Hes got his money to launch himself. 


Only thing I could think of is that he knows that Henry is unhappy, that he's behaving recklessly and feeling empty despite all the wealth.

So pair him up with Yaz who has her own issues?  She might clean up nice and look great in Town & Country magazine layouts but she's clearly screwed up too.

Yeah the characters can all part and go separate ways but if there are to be additional seasons, there will be some way to bring at least some of them back together.

Or maybe they bring back some of the characters who were missing this season, like Gus.

Harper making all kinds of promises that she can't possibly keep, like having all this insider info.  What's she going to do, break into the loos at all these different companies she wants to target?  Does Otto really depend on shady trading to maintain or grow his wealth?  People who've attained that kind of wealth don't really have to take big risks.

Rishi didn't have a breakthrough in that episode after all.  He may not have gotten a job at LeviathanAlpha but he's got a track record as a trader so he should be able to land another trading job?  They brought him out of the background, from that annoying voice on the trading room floor, to this desperate, broken guy with a gambling addiction.  Now they're going to have to give him a more prominent role next season?

Eric is getting $5 million a year for the next 4 years, probably could ride off into the sunset but he's one of the best characters on the show so it would be unbelievable that they wouldn't bring him back.

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25 minutes ago, aghst said:

Only thing I could think of is that he knows that Henry is unhappy, that he's behaving recklessly and feeling empty despite all the wealth.

That was my take on it. He was trying to give his nephew some start of happiness and family responsibility. He knew the flaws of Yas and it might be one of those better the devil you know than…  

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1 hour ago, aghst said:

Only thing I could think of is that he knows that Henry is unhappy, that he's behaving recklessly and feeling empty despite all the wealth.

33 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

That was my take on it. He was trying to give his nephew some start of happiness and family responsibility. He knew the flaws of Yas and it might be one of those better the devil you know than…  

I think it's simply because he had leverage over Yasmin. Obviously, Yasmin and Henry had a brief "thing" and Lord Uncle Moneybags (forgot the character's name) knew that, and maybe there is still some feelings there. Lord Uncle Moneybags owns a seemingly significant media business, and he can make Yas's bad publicity and her money problems disappear. Also, I assume that Yas's family name still has some goodwill to it that Lord Uncle could use. All or most of Yas's problems, he could fix so he gives her an offer that's hard for her to refuse simply because he can.

6 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

And yet, I wasn't surprised by what Yasmin did to/with him because I saw that among some of my friend group when we were in our 20s. She was taking care of "unfinished business" while she was still officially "single". 

Agreed. I'm not surprised either. It was purely self-preservation for Yas.

6 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

'm still undecided about whether Charles molested Yas and/or pimped her out to his friends when she was a child, but I'm leaning towards, "Yes, he did both". She seemed so adamant that it didn't happen, but her reaction to Alondra's story was too extreme.

Well, Alondra's story was extreme. I don't think Charles molested Yas, but I think whatever redeeming quality that Yas thought Charles had (as small as that may have been) was ripped out from under her. I feel like it was a disillusionment. I think Yas feels guilty about her father, and I think she will have that guilt for a very long time. Yas knew her father was a low man, but not that low.

Secondly to that, I think that info was a threat to everything Yas just traded away. Yas is marrying for self-preservation and security, and that info is a threat to that.

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I’ve never liked Yas & Rob as a couple they are lame as hell together so I’m glad the show didn’t go that stupid route. The show tried pushing them so hard. It never landed for me. Rob is kind of pathetic around her.

Rishi’s wife being killed was not what I expected. It seems like an unnecessary plot too that I don’t really care about that much.

I kind of was confused who that woman was with Yasmin at the end. I guess she was on the boat with the gross dad. So Yas was clearly abused then correct?

This prob should’ve been the series finale. Not sure where the show can go from here. I weirdly liked Yas & Harper making up.

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4 hours ago, Marley said:

I kind of was confused who that woman was with Yasmin at the end. I guess she was on the boat with the gross dad. So Yas was clearly abused then correct?

This prob should’ve been the series finale. Not sure where the show can go from here. I weirdly liked Yas & Harper making up.

I thought that was the hotel clerk cleaned up nice at first, but then realized it must have been the yacht stewardess Charles had in Yas’s room.
If Charles preferred 12 and up, I’d think that’s a bit old for Yasmin to have totally blocked it out, but I definitely see him as super inappropriate “cool dad” hitting on her friends, letting them drink and drug, and having a general lack of boundaries. 
Also, there’s something to be said for “I knew your dad was predator since college”…but yet Lord Mack is still associating with him? 😬Sadly true how other rich powerful people don’t feel the need to weed out predators in their midst. 


Not that pee is that uncommon of a fetish, but I guess now Henry doesn’t have to convince another woman to do it with his cringey “I am not a pervert” speech.😂

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On rewatch, I just found myself skipping all of Yas's parts, and it seems like they spend at least half of the episode on Yas.

Edited by AntFTW
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Also, Harper asks Rishi when did him and Eric decided to screw over Harper. Harper was about to do the same to Rishi. They had to reduce the head count and Harper proposed axing Rishi, which Eric seemingly agreed to until he changed his mind.

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