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Dating Naked - General Discussion

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Hey Kerri, what was with all the bullshit last week about how Chris wasn't the guy for you then you think he is the right one for you.


All I see between her and Chris is friends.


Chris is too busy getting busy to even want to be with Kerri. He has all sorts wanting to do him and one crazy one that is too busy being Fatal Attraction like to him that he is blinded by the skinny, long hair, I don't know what the hell else he sees in her.


A petite, tight body aka a spinner, and like you said, super long hair.  He's shallow as hell.

I don't think Chris cares about a positive edit. Banging multiple women in this span of time isn't going to work for a good edit no matter who he ends up with. That and he stopped dangling the Kerri carrot weeks ago. He isn't interested.

You should read Twitter and Facebook, it's comment after comment of Poor Chris being fooled by Evil Fallon, and how much of a great guy he is.

Well, she kind of already has.  Last week she pretended to be BFF with Johanna and encouraged her to do shots with her.  Fallon drank water while Johanna proceeded to get drunk and make a fool out of herself.  Then she kind of accidentally let Johanna fall into the pool.


Can't stand Fallon.  Fake as hell.  Comments on every girl's looks when she's not even that attractive herself.  I thought Stephanie was beautiful.  Fallon looks like one step away from zombie, with those bug eyes and gaunt cheeks.  I'm not at all surprised that Chris kept her.  He's completely snowed over by her.  He thinks she is this "real" girl who put her feelings on the line.  What I saw was a jealous psycho who was telling him she was upset that he was talking to other people.  I don't know how he translated that into "she opened herself up to me and I respected that".


Mason is too good for Kerri and it seems like she's decided that she wants Chris and won't choose Mason in the end so therefore just cut him loose now.


Mark... where do they find these douchebags?  Seems like there has been a fair amount of weirdos from New York.  And why so many Italians who are very Italian?  Louie, Mark and Dom.  Did Kerri tell them she prefers Italians?  Because 2 out of 3 that they've had on the show have been complete asswipes.

I'm still a bit puzzled over Mason's age of 21, considering he told Kerri that he had started playing guitar a couple of years ago -- when he was 16.  (I'm slightly paraphrasing this, but my calculations put him at approx. 18 or so yrs. old, not 21.  At least this is what I deduced based on a literal interpretation of what he told Kerri when she asked him how long he had been playing (guitar).  If he really is even younger than the purported 21 y.o., maybe Kerri discovered this little "oversight," and used this as her reason to let him go.  Just a thought...



Fallon is just so bad at playing her "I'm so confident" game. At least to those of us who aren't too busy drooling all over like Chris is. She's like "I'm not even thinking about these girls." Um. Actually, it appears to be the ONLY thing you're thinking about. Still love how the only thing Chris ever says about her is "She's super hot." I know after their talk he was like "she really opened up," but during the actual talk he looked scared and confused! I was hoping she had let the jealousy and anger out of the bag too early and he would pick that other woman, but then that lady gave him her weird ultimatum and my hopes were dashed... Ugh. These people suck. 


Regarding Mason though - he seriously irritates me! I feel like everything he says sounds like lyrics to a cheesy country song. Like, he sat down and memorized the lyrics so that he could dole out overblown versions of them when the time's right. As if he's an actor playing "heartfelt guy named Mason." Glad I don't have to listen to his lines anymore. 


I think the answer might be: They did a casting call in Queens. 


I think in the first couple episodes, there were a lot of people from Houston? They were just way more forgettable than the loud Italian dudes. Y

I just have to throw this out there about Fallon.  Someone in an earlier post mentioned the fact that her skinny little limbs and generally thin body type accentuated her rear end, making it appear larger in comparison.  I do agree with that, but am I the only one who suspects Fallon has had butt implants?  She has been showing that ass off the way a 16-yr. old boy shows off his new set of wheels.  I don't think you'd be peacocking around like that if you were sporting the butt you were born with.   Anyone agree/disagree w/this? 


Yes, I so agree with you about Mason; he so obviously has his cowboy persona honed for the purpose of showcasing himself.  Gag.  I thought he sounded very stiff and rehearsed and, for that matter, wondered about his "drawl," too.  Just seemed so contrived, the whole shtick he was handing us. 


About Johanna, a/k/a "The lady."  I agree with you concerning her special request to Chris prior to "decision time."  To say the least, she was definitely forthright about what she wanted and what she did not want.  With respect to her appearance, I thought she was very, very pretty, but I thought she looked considerably older than most of the girls we've seen thus far on Nudie beach.  She seemed more of a "lady" than a "girl."


About the Italian guys.  Yeah, I'd have to agree that there was a rather generous representation of the Italian stallions (well, not really stallions, but I'll be kind).   There was Lou, Frank, Dom, Mark   -- even Chris looks as though he might have some Italian in there.  It's all good, though. 

Thought I'd mention something regarding Mark, the short, bald guy whom Kerri couldn't stand.  He was on another reality show that aired on Logo network. back in 2008. It was called, "TransAmerican Love Story," and starred Calpernia Addams, a transsexual (m to f) who was tasked with selecting, by process of elimination, the perfect date for herself.  Mark was one of the eight potential suiters/contestants, and was listed as being a 34-yr. old professional wrestler from NYC.  As you might have guessed, Calpernia did not pick Mark.   Incidentally, in that show he was cocky, argumentative and opinionated, a real turn off, ultimately, for Calpernia Addams.


I think the producers have told Chris/Kerri at the beginning that they will get a positive edit if they choose each other in the final episode, and that's what I expect will happen.

Oh, no, that thought actually crossed my mind, too, but I sure hope we're both wrong.  Such a match (Kerri and Chris) would cast serious doubts on the authenticity of this show.  There would have to be a whole lot of story taking place between now and the final episode for Chris to suddenly develop romantic feelings for Kerri. No producer could possibly expect viewers to believe such a turnaround actually occurred.  In the final analysis, an outcome that pairs those two would just be too implausible and staged.  If that, indeed, becomes the "final match" (Kerri and Chris), I swear, I will never watch this show again.

I actually like both of them,  but most definitely, I cannot for the life of me see them together, as a couple.  I can actually picture Chris with Fallon more than I can imagine him with Kerri.  Just -- no.  


Yeah, I, too, think Kerri swept the stage clean by discarding the other two potential suiters (Mason and Dom) in order to send the unmistakable signal to Chris that she has eyes for only him.  As if it hasn't been all too obvious from Day One.  This infatuation -- obsession? -  whatever, makes me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed for her.  While she projects the image of a self-contained, confident, mature young woman, this single-mindedness in her pursuit of Chris reflects an immature, willful personality.  At least that's how I view it. 

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
  • Love 3

I'm still a bit puzzled over Mason's age of 21, considering he told Kerri that he had started playing guitar a couple of years ago -- when he was 16.  (I'm slightly paraphrasing this, but my calculations put him at approx. 18 or so yrs. old, not 21.  At least this is what I deduced based on a literal interpretation of what he told Kerri when she asked him how long he had been playing (guitar).  If he really is even younger than the purported 21 y.o., maybe Kerri discovered this little "oversight," and used this as her reason to let him go.  Just a thought...


I think you might be interpreting this too literally.  While many people might interpret "a couple of years ago" to mean "two years ago", I think others could just as easily as easily interpret it as "vaguely sometime around two years, maybe more, maybe less".  And there's always the possibility that he was just nervous and used the wrong word.  Or is just dumb and used the wrong word.  I doubt the show would say he is 21 when he really isn't.


And although I think Mason seems like a genuinely nice guy, I do see how it seems like he purposely says things that he thinks makes him appear deep and intellectual.  Like that garbage that went something like "are you wondering about the man that I might become or is it more important to consider the man I am in the present".  Reminded me of that tool from "Average Joes" who said something like "it is the simplicity of your complexity that is the catalyst of my infatuation".  Of course the girl swooned.  She had no idea what he said or what he meant, but it sounded so.... deep.  Yeah.

  • Love 2

Don't get me wrong, Mason has convinced himself that life is a country song and I wouldn't want to date him, but I liked him more than Chris or Kerri. 


What about Chris's behavior gives Kerri the sense that he's ready to settle down? Unless we're not seeing something (which I have already said I suspect to be the case) why does she think he's interested in her? This is all coming across as Kerri's obsession.

I think you might be interpreting this too literally. While many people might interpret "a couple of years ago" to mean "two years ago", I think others could just as easily as easily interpret it as "vaguely sometime around two years, maybe more, maybe less". And there's always the possibility that he was just nervous and used the wrong word. Or is just dumb and used the wrong word. I doubt the show would say he is 21 when he really isn't.

This. I grew up in Pennsylvania and the part I lived in a "couple" (outside of a romantic one) meant anywhere from 2-20. A couple of friends over at the house was typically 6-8. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized a lot of people meant only 2 when they said a couple in relation to anything. I use it when I don't want to be specific about the number: "oh, I had a couple of chocolates."

  • Love 3

Man, Kerri sure isn't getting very good dates, is she?

I just can't with Fallon. She's scary...

At first I didn't want Lerri to send Mason home. But, after thinking about it, I think it was a good decision. I hope she doesn't think Chris is into her. She seems smarter than that.

This show is my guilty pleasure. I think I like it more than my housewives! Lol...

Man, Kerri sure isn't getting very good dates, is she?

I just can't with Fallon. She's scary...

At first I didn't want Lerri to send Mason home. But, after thinking about it, I think it was a good decision. I hope she doesn't think Chris is into her. She seems smarter than that.

This show is my guilty pleasure. I think I like it more than my housewives! Lol...


I, too, think it's ridiculous that Kerri has such a single focus on Chris when he has given her minimal, if any, encouragement.  He strikes me as a people person, just a nice guy, whose affable personality some women might misinterpret as his taking an interest in them romantically.  I do think, as you do, that she is definitely getting the "short list" of dates.  I couldn't really see her with any one of them. Mason was just fake and rehearsed in a very genteel way.   Nothing against him, but he wasn't real, and he was too young and undeveloped for Kerri.


This. I grew up in Pennsylvania and the part I lived in a "couple" (outside of a romantic one) meant anywhere from 2-20. A couple of friends over at the house was typically 6-8. It wasn't until I was an adult that I realized a lot of people meant only 2 when they said a couple in relation to anything. I use it when I don't want to be specific about the number: "oh, I had a couple of chocolates."

I'm in Pa., too, right over the NJ border, and "a couple of..." is used a lot when referring to, well, drinking.  As in, "I had a couple of beers." lol.  I know what you mean, though, in general, regarding the tendency to use the phrase in a non-literal sense.  In that case, I'm probably "off" a few years where Mason is concerned, except that the exact conversation I remember (the one he had with Kerri), he specifically said he was 16 years old at the time he began playing guitar.  Maybe he was in error there, too.  I don't know; but as everyone seems to feel, the producers maybe wouldn't announce his b-day as 21 if it was, in fact, 3 years younger than that.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
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Every episode I say out loud, "they picked such good leads." Out of all the people we've seen so far, I think Chris and Kerri are really the only ones who could have carried the show. They both are very friendly, warm, and inviting. They work to make conversation with their dates, even when they're not interested (although I don't blame Kerri for being super reserved with Mark today... he's the kind of guy that you can only redirect so many times before it's time to stop trying). I also think they both work really hard to be encouraging and kind of championing to their dates when they're doing something new or strange. I appreciated that Chris raved about his date with Mariah a couple episodes back even though he wasn't interested in her. They both have good attitudes towards the dating. I also like that this show let's us see actual conversations, unlike some other dating shows (ahem, Bachelor Nation)... it makes everything seem so normal, despite the blurred bits.

  • Love 1

Chris finally sees the ugly in Fallon. Thank goodness. It really goes to show that there was nothing more to her than her looks. That was the ONLY thing she could use to compare herself to the other women in the house. She needs to realize that the reason why that stuff keeps happening to her is because she's an asshole! I think Fallon knew that she couldn't try to get Amanda drunk. She'd be way too disciplined to fall for that.


I wonder, though, if he chose Amanda because he wanted to see where it's going with her or if it's because Fallon's behavior was so bad that he couldn't justify keeping her around and see her crazy escalate.

  • Love 2

Fallon's disgusting and If I were Kerri I'd be very turned off by Chris that he wanted to keep a sloppy , narcissistic, attention seeking bitch for all these weeks . It shows as much about Chris' character as it does Fallon's . On that note , I'm glad she's finally gone .

I think in the end Kerri and Chris will choose each other . I'm not convinced Chris is into her but given his other suitors , she's the only one with a normal personality so maybe that'll win him over at the end

  • Love 3

   What exactly is there about Fallon that has anyone thinking she is beautiful, hot, sexy?

  She's got a very plain face, long drab hair, skinny body except for her obviously man-made backside.

  Why she thinks she is God's gift is a mystery to me.

  If Chris actually found something appealing about her, I don't think I would want to be involved with him because he can't be very smart. 

  And he'd do well to watch his back.........she seems like a not very normal thinking person with a hot temper.

  • Love 2

What exactly is there about Fallon that has anyone thinking she is beautiful, hot, sexy?

She's got a very plain face, long drab hair, skinny body except for her obviously man-made backside.

Why she thinks she is God's gift is a mystery to me.

If Chris actually found something appealing about her, I don't think I would want to be involved with him because he can't be very smart.

And he'd do well to watch his back.........she seems like a not very normal thinking person with a hot temper.


Fallon thinks she's the hottest thing ever , but long hair , a skinny body, and a big (yet flabby, and not the most shapely ass ever) do not a hottie make.

Fallon is "at first-glance" hot. The hair/petite body/butt are all things that are often associated with being attractive; however, when you look closer and for longer, the true picture comes out. She isn't ugly, but she has a very plain, almost manly, pinched face. She's skinny and has no muscle tone, her hair is too long and scraggly, her eyebrows are jacked up and make her look permanently surprised, etc. (I could go on but won't )

Would I feel so strongly about her looks if she wasn't such a narcississtic, manipulative, princessy-woman-child, drama queen? Probably not.

The reason she keeps getting her heart broken is because she's too focused on trashing other women , and because she thinks the way to get and keep a man is too just be "hot" .

As soon as she starting mouthing off about being the hottest woman on the platform, I had a feeling Chris was about to dump her; I thought I was being too hopeful, so I was pleasantly shocked when he actually did dump her. I laughed out loud and scared the dog , haha.

Edited by Scorpiosunshine
  • Love 5

Every episode I say out loud, "they picked such good leads." Out of all the people we've seen so far, I think Chris and Kerri are really the only ones who could have carried the show. They both are very friendly, warm, and inviting. They work to make conversation with their dates, even when they're not interested (although I don't blame Kerri for being super reserved with Mark today... he's the kind of guy that you can only redirect so many times before it's time to stop trying). I also think they both work really hard to be encouraging and kind of championing to their dates when they're doing something new or strange. I appreciated that Chris raved about his date with Mariah a couple episodes back even though he wasn't interested in her. They both have good attitudes towards the dating. I also like that this show let's us see actual conversations, unlike some other dating shows (ahem, Bachelor Nation)... it makes everything seem so normal, despite the blurred bits.

Totally agree.

This show is surprisingly good!

I think the Fallon hate is over the top. Was she arrogant trying to hide her insecurities? Of course. But she developed what in her mind were real feelings for Chris and then had to see him parade with two different girls every week. Yes, that was what she signed up for (or did she based on what last season was like?), but I think jealousy is normal. And the producers almost certainly encouraged her to sabotage the later contestants because they needed a villain so I don't blame her for that much for trying to preserve a relationship with "her man" by any means necessary.


Particularly since I'm 90% sure there's a side deal between the producers and Chris/Kerri. Chris gets the "villain." Kerri gets a bunch of duds. They "miraculously" find love with each other.

  • Love 1

I greatly disliked Fallon and I don't think my hate for her is over the top.  I agree that it must be tough to see the person you have feelings for go on dates with others and spend time with them.  But that's what she signed up for.  She didn't sign up for "Chris and Fallon's All Expenses Paid 10 Week Naked Island Vacation".  She signed up to be a contestant on a show in which she knew she'd be competing with many other girls.  Each week, she has shown herself to be unrealistically possessive and completely and unnecessarily nasty to anyone she perceives to be competition.  Each week, she makes thoroughly disparaging comments about the other girls' looks.  This is at least the second week in which she felt threatened by someone, so her tactic is to get them drunk and hope they embarrass themselves.  Well, karma finally bit her in her considerable rear.


I also disagree that the producers encouraged her to sabotage.  I think she and Pinot Grigio ("so good" as she said) and her jealousy were enough to do that without any interference from the producers.


I think Chris picked Amanda because he found her to be very genuine and real.  However, it seemed like he had a great connection with Lauren and that the only reason he didn't pick her is because he didn't like that she "tattled" on Fallon.  If anything, he should have been appreciative that she helped show him who Fallon really is.  If it weren't for Lauren, he probably would have chosen Fallon again.


Kerri did finally get two dates that were both great.  It did seem like she was better matched with Justin.  Justin seemed completely comfortable and a good match for her.  Not sure why he felt the need to comment on his presumably small penis.  Kerri didn't say anything and I don't think she would have.  Now all of America knows, but he obviously doesn't care, so good for him I suppose.

  • Love 4

Although I'm glad Fallon is gone, I'll bet Chris has continued to see her post show.  Most good looking men I know will overlook the beautiful face with 10 extra pounds and a great personality, and go straight for the plain jane or kind of blah face with a skinny, petite, tight, hot bod.  I've heard it's a spinner deal, where they can spin and lift them every which way during sex.  Please.


So, when we watched this with two of my husband's friends, they both thought Fallon was extremely HOT, and couldn't believe he picked "the chunky bald chick", even after seeing how Fallon behaved. Once again, please.


As for Kerri and Chris ending up together, I can see that happening on the show, but it won't last. Chris just doesn't  seem all that interested in Kerri, even from the get go, and although she's down to earth and seems nice, there's something wishy-washy about her.  Am I the only one seeing this?  I almost feel bad typing it!

  • Love 3

I agree that I wouldn't be at all surprised if Chris has continued to see Fallon post-show.  Although I don't think they seem to have anything in common.  If I recall correctly, he's an accountant?  And she's a fashion runway model or something like that?  What do they talk about?  He has to be halfway intelligent if he's an accountant.  She seems brainless.  He had much more in common with Lauren, she likes sports and is competitive.


I think Kerri appears wishy washy because she has decided that Chris is the one for her.  She's comparing every new guy to Chris, and has to find some things to say about them that are usually nice.  She tries to find the good in people, except for when they are completely offensive like Louie and the 41 year old from last week.  I think that's why we get comments from her that seem wishy washy like when she said the one guy (nervous guy who said he doesn't shower at the gym) was too shy but then in the same episode said that she really loved that the blond model was shy.

  • Love 1

What exactly is there about Fallon that has anyone thinking she is beautiful, hot, sexy?

She's got a very plain face, long drab hair, skinny body except for her obviously man-made backside.

Oh man, she did herself no favors by writhing around on that pool table. It became clear in that moment that, that ass was made by Fix a Flat. Real, voluptuous asses are not square. They don't have 90 degree angles, Fallon. And most women with natural big asses, don't have skinny little chicken legs to support them. Check the current Wimbledon champ for reference. Edited by charmed1
  • Love 4

The thing that amuses me with this show is the dates where they have to wear "clothes" - IMO once your underpants come off you must be naked or your look is gross!!  When these guys meet up naked and then their date involves wearing golf shoes, life vests, etc. I just giggle and think the show is trying to make them look silly but this ep was the best - socks, sneakers and headbands/wristbands!  Hahahahaha!
As for Chris, I think he's looking for TV exposure and action, so he saw the chance here to dump overly-possessive/turning into a PITA Fallon for a gal who makes him look sensitive and deep.  

  • Love 1

I will say again, I am struck by how good these two are as leads. Regardless of whether Chris is there for the "right reasons," I really appreciated how he did not roll his eyes at Amanda and his approach of having fun on all dates led to him truly enjoying himself, admiring her, and potentially even having some chemistry. He looked at her with attraction (to my eyes) and that's because of how open he has been. Can you imagine if she'd been on any of the Bachelor seasons? Would any of those leads have given her a remote chance? Who knows, but I've watched every season and I don't think they would have.


As for Kerri's dates, I would have chosen the comedian but both were fine choices. I just prefered the way the comedian looked... I prefer more faces with some interest and the guy she did choose was a little too round and soft in all his contours for me.

  • Love 2

Let's get Chris and Kerri together and be done with it! Lol

I think even the people on social media are beginning to see through the show.


I don't get one ounce of genuineness from either Chris or Kerri. My favorite part of this week's show was the panicked expression on Chris's face as Amanda was speaking at the end. You could see him worrying about whether the producers lied to him about a positive edit.

  • Love 1

I admit, it made me chuckle to see Chris thinking Monay (Monet? Monae?) was not interested in him. He's used to everyone in the house falling at his feet, and she didn't want to kiss him. But it was clear that he wasn't really interested in either of the other two, so he chose her despite her failure to throw herself at him.


Kerri finding everyone they match her with to be juvenile at best is kind of not her fault at this point. It seems like the main thing she and Chris have in common is that neither of them wants any drama. Whoever acts out the most, gets the boot (except Amanda). I thought Michael jeering when Kerri kissed someone else would disqualify him, but the other guys were worse and she probably flet like she couldn't send everyone home two times in a row.


I am confused about how much time passes in these episodes. It looks like just one day to introduce the new people, and then the elimination on Day 2 or 3. But they keep talking about "this week" and "having a good week." Is that a TV contrivance, or do they really get a few days with their "keeper" before the next new people arrive?

  • Love 2

Kerri continues to get an exceedingly high share of losers.  Casey was a complete bust.  I think Michael is bad too.  He's not awful like many of the others, he just has zero connection with Kerri.  The only reason why he got picked is because Justin went a little crazy.


Seemed like Chris chose Monae by default.  He wasn't physically into Amanda.  He thought Carrie was fake and crazy.  So therefore, gotta pick someone.  It really is looking like in the end, it will be Chris and Kerri together.


Amy said she would see them at the end of the week.  But then Kerri was telling Justin that they don't have "much time".  She has said things like "I have one night to figure it out". She met Casey and said she had to figure it all out in one night.  This made it seem like the decision day was the next day.  Which makes it seem like the dates don't really happen over a week.  If they were over a week, let's just say Saturday is decision day since Amy said "at the end of the week".  Perhaps one new date then on Monday and another new date on Thursday.  


This totally doesn't jibe with what we have seen.  There was one time when Kerri brought someone back to the house at night after her date, and then said in an interview that she has to go on another date tomorrow.  Maybe the keepers get to be in the house alone from Sunday to Wednesday.  One date on Thursday.  One date on Friday?  If this is the case it seems like there is an awful lot of sitting around with nothing to do.

  • Love 1

This totally doesn't jibe with what we have seen.  There was one time when Kerri brought someone back to the house at night after her date, and then said in an interview that she has to go on another date tomorrow.  Maybe the keepers get to be in the house alone from Sunday to Wednesday.  One date on Thursday.  One date on Friday?  If this is the case it seems like there is an awful lot of sitting around with nothing to do.


When Chris was saying good night to "Unicorn Girl", it looked as if he were leaving her in some kind of dormitory, a row of beds with mosquito nets.  


It seems improbable that keepers would spend 5 nights alone there waiting for the Cast to have dates on days 6 & 7.  Then two of each gender get cast off on day 8.  The Philippines is a long, long way from America, and these people don't seem jet lagged indicating they have been there a day or two.  Maybe when the say 'every week' they mean for us the viewer, since it is a weekly show.


Imagine telling your boss, "I don't know when I'll be back, depends on if she keeps me or not.  Could be 8 days and travel time, or 6 weeks and travel time."  There are 10 episodes, so possibly 7 or 8 groups of 4 brought in every "week".

  • Love 2

The beds are all in the house.  Chris and Kerri have their own rooms.  Then the two keepers each get their own rooms.  The "new" guests sleep in a non-private area on the second floor somewhere, the row of beds with the mosquito nets.  Looks like an open loft. 


There are at least some common bathrooms.  Fallon said she needed to take a shower and Chris said that she could just use his.  Louie chased Fallon to a bathroom or shower one time and kept trying to get her to take a shower with him.  We saw scenes of Chris and Fallon in the shower, not sure if that was his or the common one.

  • Love 2


I am confused about how much time passes in these episodes. It looks like just one day to introduce the new people, and then the elimination on Day 2 or 3. But they keep talking about "this week" and "having a good week." Is that a TV contrivance, or do they really get a few days with their "keeper" before the next new people arrive?

Nah I think they just say that for purposes of the show. The producers have them call it a "week," when its actually only been 2 or 3 days. They probably filmed the whole thing in a few weeks. They do it on Bachelor shows too. Bachelor in Paradise people are all like "this week blahblahh," but they actually filmed the whole season in 3 weeks, for I think 7 or 8 weeks of shows.

  • Love 2

I have no problem with the two leads ending up "together" (whatever that means outside of the show), but it makes the whole thing much less entertaining. It seems clear the Kerri is holding out for Chris, and this results in her not really giving anyone else a legitimate shot. (Granted, she's been given quite a few losers.) I wish all the rejected daters were corralled into a Redemption Island and just left to mingle naked. It's like that point in Big Brother when I look forward to the jury footage more than the actual house.

  • Love 4

I have no problem with the two leads ending up "together" (whatever that means outside of the show), but it makes the whole thing much less entertaining. It seems clear the Kerri is holding out for Chris, and this results in her not really giving anyone else a legitimate shot. (Granted, she's been given quite a few losers.) I wish all the rejected daters were corralled into a Redemption Island and just left to mingle naked. It's like that point in Big Brother when I look forward to the jury footage more than the actual house.


That is a brilliant idea!  Who knows? Maybe this idea will become a reality --- or whatever the networks define as "reality" these days.

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